The Basics of Mindfulness meditation

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If we don’t know each other — I’m 35 years old, a coach and psychology coach — I’ve been studying independently since I was 15 and writing books since I was 20.

Even as a child, I wondered: why does a person live in this world? And what happens after he ends his life? Is that all? Darkness and nothing more?

Since then, I’ve started looking for answers to these questions. Literature at that time was scarce and I had to collect information bit by bit and ask friends, acquaintances, and students with whom I studied. But I didn’t find the answers I was looking for. I have lived by observing the world and my surroundings, making some conclusions, and writing notes since I was a child.

My parents instilled in me a love of travel. My father took us to the sea every year, and we often went hiking in the mountains. It was then that I fell in love with traveling and exploring new places, people, and cultures. Meeting and communicating with different people gave me food for thought, and my horizons became wider and wider.

While I was studying at the university, the Internet appeared, and I started persistently searching for like-minded people who were also looking for answers to philosophical questions about life. Then I came across a series of books called «Agni Yoga» and read them all. At first, I didn’t understand anything, but it was very interesting to read them, and little by little something changed, happened in my head.

These books hooked me. I began to think outside the box and the answers to the questions I was looking for appeared inside me.

I started visiting other countries and aimed specifically at places where there were no tourists. Now we call them «places of power». I started finding anomalous objects, unidentified artifacts, and elements of forbidden history.

If you ask me why I traveled, I will say that I found a relationship between the expansion of consciousness and a person’s acquaintance with other cultures, races, and civilizations. Being at home all the time, the person’s consciousness will be limited to the room, apartment, and city in which he lives, and the horizon will be very narrow. However, if a person can travel to at least a few cities, his brain will already be different, his thinking will begin to expand, covering new areas and his head will start working in completely different directions.

In my travels, I was looking for just such things that literally «blow up the brain». Then consciousness searches for answers to questions, and in this search, something is born that we call «superconsciousness» or connection with the higher self. It was these processes that I began to study through meditation.

Why did I need such an experience? The fact is that each person, as an element of the universe, develops and expands. We’re not talking about building muscle right now («faster, stronger, further») — it’s all about developing the body. This is also good, but we are talking about the development of consciousness, about spiritual development.

A human is not just a biorobot or a set of muscles and bones. He is a «cosmic» being. A person is on the planet and thinks only about their everyday affairs — this is the reason for the limited consciousness.

When we use meditation and energy practices to study various objects outside of our planet, we get a spiritual experience, as if our spirit is flying somewhere out there in space and learns something unknown. This is comparable to how we travel and expand our consciousness.

Through meditation, we also travel and expand our consciousness, but in a spiritual way.

Meditation is the door to immense power. Meditation is the door to superconsciousness.

Sun Light «Energy of Thought»

That’s what I traveled for and still do. I build my way in meditation practices and train people so that they can also expand their consciousness.

For more than 12 years, I have been conducting seminars and training on the following topics: psychology, personal growth, and traveling to places of power. A separate topic is spiritual practices. More than 5,000 people have already completed my training programs around the world. I share my own invaluable experience for self-development, as well as advanced knowledge that I have received from my teachers in different countries.

I have visited more than 40 countries with my expeditions in the last 12 years. He is familiar with famous shamans of Peru, Mexico, Bolivia, Guatemala, the USA, Mayan, Waitaho, Maori, Hopi elders, leading historians and scientists of India, Israel, Russia, and many other famous representatives of their cultures.

Here are some of my achievements:

— certified teacher in several practices: Merkaba, Sacred Geometry, Healing Mandalas, Dan-Hak;

— author of several techniques for unlocking human potential;

— master of Reiki;

— a practitioner of ashtanga, Iyengar, Hatha yoga, the Korean San Tao system, and body-oriented psychotherapy. Practical experience since 2000;

— teaching experience since 2004. More than 200 offline classes were held in more than 30 cities of the world: seminars, training, field practices;

— author of articles in scientific journals both Russian and foreign;

— I speak at conferences and on TV in thematic programs and interviews.

I have conducted seminars in more than 20 countries, and many of them have an active community that keeps in touch with me. That’s where people meet and practice what they’ve learned. Personal growth, finding yourself, expanding your vision and consciousness — these are popular topics for today, when the ecology, social and geopolitical situation leaves much to be desired. Even without advertising, people found me and invited me to study and conduct seminars and master classes in their cities.

In 2015, my partners and I created the International Center for Personal Development «EVO» — a unique training project. Its goal is to reach the Russian-speaking audience all over the world and through educational content help people find a source of strength and inspiration within themselves, find inner peace and harmony, give people the opportunity to develop their consciousness and acquire new skills, develop and show creativity, freely travel around the world and do what they love.


Talking to people about meditation, I have concluded that many of them are looking for an opportunity to relax, to take a break from everyday worries, not only physically, but also spiritually. They don’t need psychotherapy or spiritual enlightenment. All they strive for is to learn how to switch between work and home, sleep well at night, harmonize their family relationships, and get rid of depressive thoughts.

That is why they are turning to the study of meditation, which I have been doing for 15 years. Based on my experience, I would like to explain in more detail what meditation is and why it is needed in everyday life.

There is an opinion that this is a simple exercise to control your attention. And this statement is true, but only partially. In meditation, there is a specific section where you will do such exercises. But this is only a part, a fragment of the full picture. It helps us focus and focus our attention on work, family, and relationships.

The second, very common belief is that this is some ancient method of ascension to the higher worlds — «Samatha», as it is called in India. Yes, this practice has been known since ancient times and not only in India, but also in Russia, and even among Native Americans. Nevertheless, such things are unusual and completely unnecessary for beginners.

First of all, meditation is a way to relax and relieve tension, improve your health, harmonize relationships, and break your «traffic jams»: energy, psychological, and mental. And all to improve your life.


Practicing meditation can rejuvenate the body. Yes, it’s true. After many years of practicing with my students, and there are more than 10 thousand of them around the world, I found that this process affects not only the cells of the body (and, as we know, our cells live and have consciousness) but also the overall level of positive energy.

If the cell is positive, that means, it is happy, then the body is already in good shape and is in a healthy state. This aspect has a positive effect on our health, we improve, our skin is smoothed, and our muscle tone is strengthened.

Meditation also changes a person’s environment. People, like a radio receiver or radio transmission, can attract the corresponding energies, people, and events to themselves.

Meditation is a source of inspiration. It unloads and clears our mental «blockages» that are in the head. These are depression, stress, fears, pain, and anxiety. Experiencing such feelings, a person will not draw pictures or write poetry. When we clear these» blockages" with the help of meditation, then, as a result, we have the desire to live, and we begin to enjoy life and create works of art. Any normal person in good health will not sit still, he will do something. Because nature created man to create something, to bring beauty.

But there is one «but» — meditation, by definition, can not replace physical exercise. This is only part of what we do to improve our lives.

Our life is divided into certain parts:

— 1/3 is mental work and spiritual practices;

— the remaining 2/3 is the physical body and body exercises.

The vessel may be filled with a beautiful liquid — «amrita», but if this vessel is broken and full of holes, then all the» amrita" will flow out.

The best way to learn is to experience all the benefits of meditation firsthand. As Great Teachers (Drunvalo Melchizedek, Gregg Braden, Doreen Verbe, Lee Creole, etc.) say: «Only 20% of information is received through the verbal and visual channels, and 80% is received energetically at the level of intuition and insight. So don’t get hung up on information, but focus on your feelings, thoughts, and emotions.» Your feelings in meditation are the most important thing, and no one can teach you exactly 100% until you feel it yourself.

You will not find any obscure spiritual terms in this book. It will be understood by anyone interested in this topic.

I wrote the book based on my 15 years of experience with meditation, spiritual awareness, and learning from 30 different teachers. It is written as a preface to the practical course «Fundamentals of Mindfulness Meditation» and is a preparatory basic material for performing exercises from the audio course. The educational program is designed for 4 weeks. The exercises that you will be doing are simple and do not require any special preparation.

In this book and the manual for the practical course, I will try to present the material in such a way that there is «a minimum of waste and a maximum of the essence».

In this course, I will introduce you to technologies and knowledge that will help you change your mind in any situation and transform pains and blocks into positive energy. I will cover some useful practices and tips in this book — this is the motivation to read it to the end!

To get all the benefits of meditation, it is advisable to practice it daily. Our book is designed to help you with this process.


There are three bodies in our life: emotional, mental, and physical. It is in these directions that a person sets his goals concerning all the spheres of his life.

Through meditation, you can program your goals for health, relationships, material goods, resources, and finances. And in my experience, people achieve everything they want. But it is important to be able to program this desire correctly.

I will share with you the main secret — if a person does not have goals that they want to achieve or they simply do not have them, then the chances of success are zero. But for the one who has planned and registered all the goals, the chance is already 50%. Therefore, to get something in your life, you first need to set this point and realize it, embracing it with your consciousness.

I’ll tell you a story from my experience. As a child, I was allergic to many things. Back then, it didn’t count as an illness. Well, a person sneezes, snuffles on dust, birch trees, cats, and dogs — no one pays much attention to this. I drank Chloropyramine and 3 days went by without allergies.

Much later, when I started studying meditation and realized that energy practices affect people, I immediately applied this to my allergies. It took me longer than I had planned, but in six months I practically got rid of it. Now I don’t have to eat handfuls of Claritin when the birches are blooming or when I’m petting a cat.

Just with the help of meditation and knowledge about the human energy system, allergies, as a hypertrophied reaction of the body’s defense, went away. And you can also use these approaches for your mental and emotional health, as I did.

When doing the practices in this book, be sure to set yourself the goals you want to achieve by applying them.


Choose the right time for meditation:

I recommend you to set aside some time to devote 10—15 minutes to yourself.

There are different types of meditations with different sets of exercises. For example, in the morning you need to do an «energizing meditation» to recharge yourself for the whole day.

During the day, you can do meditation to manage and balance your emotions. If you had a difficult day at work and there is a lot of stress, then such practices will help you wind down.

And in the evening, I advise you to do meditations to calm down and clear away negativity.

Choose a location:

The most important thing is that you meditate where no one will bother you.

Of course, you can meditate in the middle of a crowd, but only if you can completely disconnect your attention from the external environment. If you can’t do that yet, then find a place for yourself where no one will interrupt you. I also recommend turning off your devices for full concentration.

The ideal place, from my point of view — is somewhere in nature. Even if it’s snowing or raining outside, you can sit under a canopy or a roof, breathe in the fresh air, and connect with nature. This helps a lot, especially for beginners. Meditating in a stuffy concrete apartment is often more difficult, but if there are no other options, then you can do so.

Your position:

There are several basic positions in which you can meditate. Each of them also has its purpose. You can experiment with all of them as part of our practices in this book.

The most common position is sitting in a chair, as we usually sit at the computer in the workplace. In this position, you can easily and quickly switch to meditation, you do not need to go anywhere and prepare something special.

Pose №1 Sitting in a chair.

Sit down. Don’t lean on your back because you might fall asleep or relax too much. Your back should be straight. Do the following movement: open your chest, lower and relax your arms. That’s it, you don’t need anything else. Palms facing the sky, lie on your knees, lining up with your feet. Your feet are planted on the ground firmly. There should be no clips anywhere. Free, calm, with a straight back. The head is not pinched, not thrown over, it is in your normal position as if you are looking forward, only with your eyes closed.

Pose №2 Sitting on the floor.

You can do the full lotus or half lotus pose. Anyone can do it. One leg is on the knee, and the other under the knee is a half-lotus. You can sit cross-legged if you prefer it that way. But it will be more difficult to keep your back. It is better to sit on a pillow, but I prefer to stick to the floor directly. We bring the legs to the desired position, it should be comfortable because if the legs get numb or hurt, it’s better not to sit like this. Get in a comfortable position. Turkish style or other poses that are convenient for you. Grab your knees, arch your chest, open it, relax, and exhale. You need to put your hands in such a way that the back sides of your wrists lie on your knees, and the palms hang in the air. Hands and fingers are loose. We haven’t been through mudras yet. The back is straight and relaxed.

Pose №3 Standing.

This position of meditation is not so common, but I practice it and also teach it. This is a standing meditation. Usually, people meditate sitting down, but if you study the «prana tube» and energy channels, then it is important for you not to get confused and do everything right. The standing position conveys the state of the body at most, its straightness. Keep your feet firmly on the ground, preferably barefoot if the floor is warm, or on a mat. Barefoot is perfect. Keep your hands in the air so that your palms are facing the sky. Relax completely. Open the chest and keep your hands loose but do not rest them on your body. The fingers are relaxed and disconnected.

Pose №4 Lying down.

The main thing here is not to fall asleep. Since we do special practices — we need to go through this state to get an experience that will be recorded in our heads later. If a person falls asleep in meditation, there will be a wrong pattern in his mind. It’s like going to yoga and falling asleep in the middle of the exercise. Therefore, I also recommend that you try lying down, the main thing is not to do it on a full stomach, because you can immediately fall asleep.

How long should you meditate?

As for the time of meditation, it may vary. For example, I can meditate for 30 seconds or 30 minutes. It all depends on the purpose. The practices that you will find in this book will take 5—10 minutes of your time.

What do we meditate on?

Follow the link below to download the basic meditation «Infinity Sign». It’s free. By doing it, a person will begin to get acquainted with their energy, will be able to provide first aid to diseased organs, and will begin to develop the extrasensory perception of the body.

How to meditate to achieve results?

Every meditation should have a purpose. For example, you want to calm down, relax, program reality, pump up your body, improve your health, or work out a resource channel that we call «financial flow».

You can choose 1 selected affirmation for yourself. For example, «I am the light» or «I am healthy» It all depends on your goal. Right now, while reading this book, complete the first task — write down your goals in three areas: health, relationships, and finances.

Where attention goes, the energy goes!

If our attention is scattered, we return it.

All this practice can take you as little as 10 minutes:

— close your eyes.

— adjust your breathing, it should be even, breathe through your nose;

— visualize it on the infinity sign.

— repeat affirmations.

Take a comfortable position right now: sitting, lying down, or whatever is convenient for you. Relax your body completely and learn to travel with your focus of attention, starting from the tips of your toes, scanning the entire body, up and ending at the top of your head.


Many people think that meditation is sitting and imagining the rhythmic lapping of waves on the beach. It sounds tempting, but it’s just a way to calm your mind, not meditation per se. Meditation requires attention and sufficient mental energy. Yes, you relax, but not so much that your mind floats lazily and slowly. Because of this misconception, many beginners fall asleep during meditation — they completely relax, and their mind gradually falls asleep.

Some people believe that this is a hobby that you can do once a week. If you plan time for meditation, it will help you form and develop a habit, but meditation is not a one-time activity, it is a way to achieve goals.

Although this process requires concentration and attention, you can meditate wherever you are, and it is not necessary to sit in the lotus position. Meditation can be anything: a walk, housework, a car ride, or even a meal!

Some beginners believe that meditation solves problems in life as some kind of magical technique. That’s not so. It penetrates life gradually and does not make changes overnight. Practice, attention, and concentration will help you achieve the desired effect. Meditation doesn’t solve problems, but it allows you to find a solution or turn events around in a way that helps you.

And don’t confuse meditation and positive thinking. Positive thoughts are another tool for our successful development.

You can read reviews of our training and courses here:Free Meditation by Nikita Emelianov (evo-class.com)


The fact that you have come across this book and are reading this text means that you are one of the few people who are interested in spiritual development.

Meditation as a way of life gives you great opportunities. To achieve this, you need to understand why people are interested in it and how it can improve reality.

When I asked students and their families what they want to achieve through meditation and why are they interested in this topic, I got different answers:

«My soul hurts!»

«I want to reboot!»

«I want to find the answer, why is this happening to me? Not with an astrologer, a 6th‐degree magician, or a midwife, but on my own!»

If you feel that your life is stagnant and depressed, and you don’t know how to get out of it, then it is meditation that will help you. It will be an impetus to restore harmony in your life, and then to make a breakthrough.

Meditation will not only help you take a break from your thoughts and return to your sense of self, but it will also free you from resentment and fear.

I often hear from clients that they want to get rid of bad habits: alcohol, smoking, and excessive weight, but the usual methods do not help them. They don’t know how to solve the problems in their head that interfere with their life.

Meditation is one of the ways to receive spiritual help, and not fall for the bait of the «mind game». When you do it, your subconscious mind responds and you hear the inner voice of your heart. You improve your emotional background and, as a result, conflicts at work and in personal relationships are gradually resolved. Yes, indeed, meditation can help solve such problems in your life.

You may find answers to those questions that concern you personally among these lines. Everyone has their path and we go through it in different ways.

Over 12 years of traveling, studying, and practicing, I have accumulated a wealth of spiritual experience. As my spiritual mentors say: «Knowledge should be shared» and shared for the benefit of people. That’s why I wrote this book to pass on my skills and abilities, as I take great pleasure in helping people and seeing their results!

I hope that you will find something useful in this book, and will be able to apply the tools that you learn in your life.

Nevertheless, this book, like any other, does not guarantee that it will make your life better because it only carries information! To achieve the prime effect, you need to do exercises, and to do it, you need to know «how»! That means you need to acquire certain skills.

This book is primarily about how high a standard of living can be achieved. This is just theory. And our course (in the future «workshop») is a kind of practice. It clearly shows how to transform negativity, remove pain, restore health, build a positive picture of the world, and improve relationships with family, friends, and colleagues.

And I will guide you along this path by teaching you through meditation practices, visualization skills, and tools related to the subconscious mind, intuition (superconsciousness), and Ego.

Before diving into a deeper study of meditation and understanding the nuances, I would like to briefly explain the most basic terms. Without them, it is impossible to fully understand the very essence.



We are engaged in meditative practices, working not with wood, not with the earth, not with numbers, but with energy, working with what we have inside our heads: this is attention, focus, intention and this is not metaphysics, not esotericism, this is already Einstein’s physics, the physics of wave nature. Where attention goes, there is energy. We do different meditations and practices. If you let go of your attention inside your body, for example, in the left lung, the energy went there. If you passed attention to your desired object, for example: «I want a car», and you focused your attention on it, this energy went into the car, that means, into the event series, into the space-time continuum, and somewhere, sometime, this car will manifest to you, because at some point in time, you focused this attention there like a laser. Do not neglect this. We understand that we are the creators of our reality. Where we look with our inner vision, where there is consciousness — there will be energy. Where there is energy, there will be movement. In this way, we act on the material world which consists of energies.


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