Science, Culture and Youth: Сборник трудов по материалам VIII Международной студенческой научно-практической конференции

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(23 марта 2023 г.)

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Секция 1. Актуальные проблемы современности

Каплан А. М.
Extracurricular activities of students: pros and cons

Kaplan A.M., 1st year student {Management}

Scientific adviser: Ershova O.V., PhD {Pedagogy}, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Foreign Languages №1

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia

The article is devoted to the analysis of the impact of extracurricular activities of university students on the process of getting education. The author also analyzes the opinions of scholars on this issue, which makes it possible to determine the value of extracurricular activities and their connection with the acquisition of professional skills.

Keywords: students, extracurricular activities, scholars’ opinion.

Higher school years are the sweetest ones, it is a time of freedom, carelessness and self-discovery. Everyone who has ever studied at university shares this opinion. It seems that it has always been so, because two centuries ago L.N. Tolstoy wrote in his diaries, «As a student, I plunged into the abyss of the cheerful Kazan high-society life.» And A.P. Chekhov in his story «The Student» showed such a range of feelings that every student of the university experiences from time to time, «… and an unspeakably sweet expectation of happiness, of unknown, mysterious happiness, possessed him little by little, and life seemed to him delightful, miraculous, and full of high meaning.» The words one of the greatest classics prove that students’ days are an unforgettable time, the memories of which are carefully stored in the hearts of people of all generations and ages. Some students associate this period with noisy parties, others equate them with sleepless nights of preparation for the exams, and for someone these years of study are productive cooperation with professors, contributing to successful employment.

Of course, initially students come to universities for knowledge that allows them to master the chosen specialty and become a professional in their field, but in the process of learning, some young people realize that they want to self-actualize in other areas, often not related to the profession they are receiving. In most cases, this building capacity comes to them in the process of extracurricular students’ activities.

I began to study this issue by reading scientific articles in the specialty «Science of education», the points of view of the authors of which turned out to be similar, but I noticed that each of them focused on different aspects of this topic. For example, T.G. Yamskova notes that extracurricular activities contribute to the development of the personality of students and the formation of future specialists in the professional field. [4]. Whereas E.K. Gismatullina emphasizes that the main task of productive students’ life is to create conditions for the activities of students in civil self-government. Besides, she believes that the development of extracurricular activities contributes to increasing the competitiveness of the university [2]. In turn, A.S. Vartanyan pays attention to the improvementt of relations of students, the creation of the basic values of student associations, which occurs in the process of extracurricular activities [1]. According to the above-mentioned scientists, the activity of students helps them broaden the horizons and positively affects the formation of their personality.

However, it is worth mentioning that there are such students who devote more time to extracurricular activities than to getting education, which fades into the background. And the fact that students have the opportunity to prove themselves in countless extracurricular areas of development leads to the fact that young people begin to show overactivity. Therefore, what seems to be a blessing can lead to unpleasant consequences. Excessive attraction of university students to extracurricular activities can be detrimental to the quality of education and the professional skills of future experts. It is undeniable that increasing the scale of students’ immersion in extracurricular activities can become a serious problem in the future. After all, if the main goal of students will be realization in areas not related to the profession being obtained, there may be a shortage of qualified personnel and a violation of the economic situation in the country.

I am at the beginning of my higher education journey. Undoubtedly, I want to get solid knowledge, but at the same time I wish to take pleasure in students’ time. That is why I decided to discuss this question with lecturers to get their advice how to spend the time to make the learning process effective and interesting at the same time. I was going to make a research to explore this issue in more detail. Fortunately, I was lucky — the first three respondents I interviewed expressed completely different points of view. The information I received was enough to form my own opinion and develop a strategy for allocating time to participate in educational and extracurricular activities.

At my request, the professors took a survey, the results of which I will provide below. As mentioned earlier, respondents are engaged in teaching at universities of various specializations. Respondent 1 is a teacher of the Department of Pedagogy and Management in Education of the RSU named after S. A. Yesenin, 2 years of experience. Respondent 2 — Associate Professor of the Department of IBMT, Candidate of Technical Sciences of the RSRTU named after V.F. Utkin, experience of 19 years. Respondent 3 — Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics with 25 years of experience Ershova Olga Vladimirovna, whom I consider my mentor, in other words she is a person who shares her knowledge and experience, contributes to realization of my talents and helps to acquire valuable life skills.

Is an active student a teacher’s dream? Is it always good to be active? The answer received from Respondent 1 was the most similar to mine: «An active student is someone who asks questions, participates in the discussion, wants to take the maximum from classes.» From my perspective, this coincidence is due to the fact that both my experience of studying at the university and the experience of Respondent 1 in teaching at the university is relatively small, so our understanding of the initiative of students is not so deep and lies on the surface. Respondent 2 as a specialist in the technical sphere has a more specific opinion: «An active student seeks to master the basics of his future profession.» Respondent 3 associates students’ activity not only with classroom activities, but also with extracurricular ones. It should be mentioned that her understanding of the sides of the issue under discussion is closest to the above-mentioned problem, while as the first two respondents perceive the activity of students only in the field of education.

«… Noisy meetings in the club room, or fun Saturday evenings…", this is how the 20th century writer Y. Trifonov described the student events in the novel «Students». Despite the fact that a hundred years have passed since the writing of his work, student activity is still the same: bright, incendiary, saturated. I believe that every lecturer has encountered the fact that a student asks to be released from class to participate in an event that is not related to the educational process. It can be a CCR festival, a student’s promenade, a vocal competition and others. What kind of reaction do such requests cause? According to the respondents’ answers, there is a high probability that the scholar will satisfy the student’s request, but each of them explains their views in different ways. Respondent 1 believes that the student’s mandatory task is to assimilate the material, and if the absence at the lecture does not prevent this the student can safely skip it. Respondent 2 is sure that participation in events should not interfere with the educational process, so he releases students only occasionally, in exceptional cases. Respondent 3 teaches students to prepare for adulthood and become independent. She believes that the absence of a student in class is his own choice, for which he is obliged to bear responsibility.

Self-realization is the goal of most modern students. But which one? It is often difficult for students to understand how they will be able to realize themselves in the professional sphere, since this requires a sufficient knowledge base and work experience, which usually appear after graduation. And how to satisfy this need faster? — Choose another sphere. As students do. It can be sports, art, social activities. Many young people succeed in these areas during the students’ period. It is obvious that teachers assess this direction of youth development in different ways. Respondent 1 has a positive attitude to the extracurricular achievements of students, because, in her opinion, future teachers should be versatile personalities. Respondent 3 also supports the extracurricular success of students, because the main task of the university, to her mind, is to ensure that in the learning process young people find themselves, realize what they want to do in life. In addition, she believes that students who have found their purpose in another field, unrelated to the profession received, are also a proof that the task of the university has been successfully completed, because society has received a conscious and fully developed personality. However, Respondent 2 has a different, more categorical opinion. His approach is that extracurricular activities: sports, dance, music, should not have superiority over obtaining knowledge in the chosen profile, but if a student wants to realize himself in these «non-professional» industries, then he should enter another university and become an expert in his field. Respondent 2 coincides with the point of view of the modern American writer Tom Wolfe, who is reflected in his novel «I am Charlotte Simmons», written in 2004, «It was clear to any teacher that a student-athlete is not able to coherently put on paper even simple thoughts, and even more so to write a term paper.»

Thus, students’ life is diverse, everyone finds something different in it, perceives its essence and purpose in its own way. It is no great surprise that teachers have various attitude to it. It turned out that these radically various approaches to understanding students’ life helped me to define what opinion I hold and how to build my students’ life. Bringing extracurricular activities to the forefront can really become a problem of our time. However, I do not believe that studing and professional activity should be in the first place. To my mind, the most important thing in the modern world is balance. Nowadays it is necessary neither only to be a specialist in a certain field, to have hard skills, nor also to be able to work in a team, perform in front of an audience, i.e. have well-developed soft skills, which are formed in the process of students’ life.

After analyzing the points of view of the surveyed professors, I realized that the closest one for me is the opinion of Respondent 3. My mentor believes that the most important task of modern universities should be «Upbringing for Life Management for students of Russian higher school», i.e. the ability to manage their life, control it and dispose of it in accordance with their goals and principles [3]. Indeed, when carrying out educational work with students, lecturers should strive to convey to the younger generation how important it is to absorb the atmosphere of students’ years, find their purposes, lay the foundation for a future successful life.


1. Вартанян А. С. Аспекты формирования корпоративной культуры студенческого коллектива через самоорганизацию внеучебной жизни // Вестник Майкопского государственного технологического университета. Т. 13 №2 С. 48—54 — Текст: электронный // Cyberleninka: [сайт]. — URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/aspekty-formirovaniya-korporativnoy-kultury-studencheskogo-kollektiva-cherez-samoorganizatsiyu-vneuchebnoy-zhizni (дата обращения: 28.02.2023)

2. Гисматуллина Э. К. Конкурентоспособность внеучебной деятельности студентов ВУЗа // Мир экономики и управления. Вестник НГУ. Серия: Социально-экономические науки. Т. 12. №1. 2012. С. 127—138 — Текст: электронный // Cyberleninka: [сайт]. — URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/konkurentosposobnost-vneuchebnoy-deyatelnosti-studentov-vuza (дата обращения: 01.03.2023)

3. Ершова О. В. Воспитание управленческих качеств личности: «воспитание менеджмента жизни» // Педагогика. Т. 86. №10. 2022. С. 101—109.

4. Ямскова Т. Г. Система воспитания студентов во внеучебной деятельности // Промышленность: экономика, управление, технологии. ВЕСТНИК. 2006. №14 (3) С. 243—245 — Текст: электронный // Cyberleninka: [сайт]. — URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/sistema-vospitaniya-studentov-vo-vneuchebnoy-deyatelnosti (дата обращения: 02.03.2023)

Гарибов Э. М., Баринов А. В., Борисов Е. В. 
Influence of information technologies on the sphere of education

Garibov E.M., Barinov A.V., 1st year students {Applied Informatics}

Borisov E.V., 1st year student {Information Systems and Technologies}

Scientific adviser: Atrokhin A.M., PhD {Philology}, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

This article presents an analysis of the problem of introducing information technologies in the educational sphere: the concept, the problem and the possibility of using it. The structure of the modern educational digital environment in Russian schools and universities is given. The degree of influence of information innovations in the IT sphere is determined, as well as the ability to apply them during the preparation and implementation of modern educational programs, considering the characteristics of students in schools, colleges and universities and other educational institutions.

Keywords: infocommunication systems and technologies, Russian education, information environment, modern education.

Modern information technologies are developing at an inexorable speed, spreading their influence in most areas of human life. General globalization has also affected the education sector through the introduction and dissemination of numerous infocommunication technologies at all levels of education. So, among the current threads in the labor market, the most sought-after professions are those that are somehow related to the IT sphere. Because of this, the question arose of the need to educate highly qualified specialists as soon as possible, who in the future will be able to become professional system administrators, programmers, website designers, etc. Currently, one can observe the process of transition of the educational system from the classical style, when a person gave knowledge in various fields of science, to a more narrowly focused one, when some area of science is given more attention in the learning process, while paying less attention to the rest. Despite all attempts to adjust educational standards and the educational process itself to modern realities, it is problematic to do this, since educational organizations are still able to overcome the traditional problems of the industrial paradigm. The transition to a new educational model is possible when and only when the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation carries out a global reform of the old system, and at the same time finds a way to fully integrate the digital environment into the new curriculum [3, p. 127].

The colossal changes affecting the modern education system of the 21st century in the Russian Federation include the following: improving the methods and approaches for delivering information and developing content, transforming the nature of interaction between a teacher and a student (student), adjusting educational material. Over the past few years, the educational process has undergone significant changes, moving from the outdated to the new, from the simple use of computers for printing to the replacement of teachers by robots, the introduction of the latest infocommunication technologies and the adaptation of information content in general.

Information technology is defined as the process of accumulation, processing, presentation and use of information using electronic means [1]. In the educational field of IT, innovations are studied in the context of the term «information and infocommunication technologies», since the teacher transmits information through communication (most often through computer means) with a student or student. The concept of «IP» in the context of the rapid development of technology is much more popular than the concept of «computer technology», since the PC is not the only means of using information: modern students use a variety of devices (phones, tablets, etc.), including special electronic devices, which can also be implemented learning.

The main reason for the use of «IT» in the field of education is to improve the quality of taught disciplines, to create motivation among schoolchildren and students to learn the educational process. With the help of information technologies, a teacher can clearly present educational information, create conditions for independent search and receipt of information, determine the level of knowledge using electronic testing — the potential of such technologies is unlimited, depending on the teacher himself [1]. The use of infocommunication technologies contributes to greater variability, individualization of the learning process, improves the process of perceiving information and obtaining new skills, develops the intellectual and creative abilities of the student. In addition, computer technologies have become an everyday attribute of the life of modern people, and therefore their use by schoolchildren and students does not require long adaptation.

The use of modern infocommunication technologies in the field of education will improve the role of the teacher and the student in the learning process. Schoolchild or student becomes more active participant in the educational process, he himself becomes a teacher to some extent, sets tasks for himself, learns to manage a variety of information, carry out various operations with it, gets the opportunity to learn information processes. The position of the teacher becomes not so much a guide as an accompanying one [3]. Together, the use of information systems in the field of education makes the learning process more interesting and informative.

In the new realities, technologies are widely used in the following areas of educational activity [4]:

1. Development of methodological documentation for teachers.

2. Application of information technologies in the field of professional communication, emergency response to changes in regulations, communication.

3. The use of ready-made intellectual technologies in the process of education and the creation of their own multimedia lecture materials for students [3].

The listed lists can be supplemented with augmented reality technology, special sites and services for distance learning, which have recently gained popularity [4, p. 116]. Modern realities, in view of the spread of coronavirus infection, have shown the importance of mastering the ability to use information technology. It makes no sense to compare face-to-face and distance learning, since each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages, but the full-time process is becoming the most modern form of education.

The structure of the modern information environment of education consists of the following components: Web applications and sites; phone applications; big data; Learning Management System; IP; VR technologies and others. Consider the possibilities of introducing infocommunication technologies in the design and implementation of them in the education process:

— Blended learning. Depending on the degree of integration of IT tools into the learning process, 6 models are distinguished: face-to-face driver, rotation, flex, online lab, self-blend, online driver (All models are used in Russian education);

— project training. Provides complete immersion of students in the educational process when performing the task using a PC and information technology (Defined Learning);

— mental maps: VR technology designed to present a large amount of information in the form of diagrams, drawings, keywords. The following software is usually used to produce things: XMind, Freemind, BubblUs, WiseMapping;

Thus, the integration of IT technologies into the educational process contributes to the formation of a new form of information education, the basis of which is self-analysis of the educational activities of students. That is, infocommunication technologies make the learning process continuous — schoolchildren and students’ study not only in an educational organization, but they also look for information, analyze it, and learn about the world.

At this stage of the development of society and education in general computer technology is not a secondary tool for coordinating the educational process, but an integral part of education with unlimited potential. The potential of IT technologies in teaching can be revealed when the relevant competencies are formed among the participants in the educational process, helping the teacher to make the learning process more interesting, and, accordingly, apply a creative, atypical approach to its organization.

Informatization and digitalization of the education system is a necessary process and an inevitable trend in the development of education, and therefore the teacher must take the path of acceptance, mastering computer technologies, and not opposition. At the present stage of development of education, modern technologies are one of the basic teaching methods with great educational and educational potential.


1. Plotnikov D.M. Trendy razvitiya skvoznyh tekhnologij v obrazovanii v kontekste realizacii cifrovoj ekonomiki v Rossii [Trends in the development of end-to-end technologies in education in the context of the implementation of the digital economy in Russia] / D.M. Plotnikov // Sovremennoe pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie [Modern teacher education]. — 2021. — №3. — P. 13—17. [in Russian]

2. Rasporyazhenie Minprosveshcheniya Rossii ot 18.05.2020 № R-44 «Ob utverzhdenii metodicheskih rekomendacij dlya vnedreniya v osnovnye obshcheobrazovatel’nye programmy sovremennyh cifrovyh tekhnologij» [About the approval of methodological recommendations for the introduction of modern digital technologies in the main general education programs] [Electronic resource]. — URL: https://legalacts.ru/doc/rasporjazhenie-minprosveshchenija-rossii-ot-18052020-n-r-44-ob-utverzhdenii/ (accessed: 15.02.2023). [in Russian]

3. Medvedev P.N. Gotovnost’ prepodavatelej vuza k ispol’zovaniyu sovremennyh sredstv IKT v usloviyah distancionnogo obucheniya [Preparedness of university teachers to use modern ICT tools in the context of distance learning] / P.N. Medvedev, D.V. Malij // Perspektivy nauki [Prospects of science]. — 2020. — №10 (133). — P. 126—131. [in Russian]

4. Ceryul’nik A. YU. Ispol’zovanie distancionnogo formata obucheniya studentov v obrazovatel’nom processe [Using the distance learning format of students in the educational process] / A. Yu. Ceryul’nik // Mezhdunarodnyj nauchno-issledovatel’skij zhurnal [International Research Journal]. — 2020. — №6—3 (96). — P. 92—95. [in Russian]

5. Krutikov M. A. Formirovanie cifrovoj kompetentnosti budushchih uchitelej v processe professional’noj podgotovki [Formation of digital competence of future teachers in the process of professional training] / M. A. Krutikov // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya [Modern problems of science and education]. — 2020. — №6. [Electronic resource]. — URL: https://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=30414 (accessed: 15.02.2023). [in Russian]

Гибелева М. И. 
Education in the Seychelles

Gibeleva M.I., 1st year student {Applied mathematics and informatics}

Scientific adviser: Ozhereleva V.S., Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

The article consists total analysis of education in the Seychelles. The research covers the history of education, development and the modern education system. The features of pre-school, school and post-school education identify. The table represents data about number of school-age population by education level. Also, there is an information about inclusive education. As a conclusion the main prospects for the development of adult education are outlined.

Keywords: Seychelles, education system, development.

Until the middle of 1800s, population in the Seychelles lacked formal education. The Roman Catholic and the Anglican churches opened mission schools only in 1851. These schools were controlled by missions, and the teachers were monks and nunnery — even after the government became responsible for schools in 1944. The Seychelles College, originally an all-boys’ school, and the Regina Mundi girls’ school opened in 1947 and 1957 and are seen as the foundation of modern education on the island nation. When a technical college was opened in 1970, supply of locally trained teachers became available, and many new schools were established. Since 1981 a system of free education has been in effect requiring attendance by all children in grades one to nine, beginning at the age of five.

There are 23 kindergartens in the Seychelles, 25 primary and 13 secondary schools on Mahe, Praslin, La Digue and Siluete Island nowadays. Three private schools: French, International and Independent — are available and located on Mahe, however, the International School has a branch on Praslin. Also, there are seven technical schools in the Seychelles — Polytechnic, Technological, Maritime, Agricultural, Horticultural, Health and Social Studies.

Education is free and compulsory from the ages of 6 to 15. Before the age of five, children can attend creches — schools provided preprimary education. All creches have organized early childhood development and funded by the government. Creches have their own curriculum and teachers specializing in early childhood education. The creches operate under the schools section of the Ministry of Education, and each is attached to the closest primary school.

The academic year in the Seychelles begins in January and ends in December. The primary school cycle lasts 6 years, lower secondary lasts 3 years, and upper secondary lasts 4 years. The Seychelles has a total about of 16,000 pupils enrolled in primary and secondary education. And about half of them are enrolled in primary education.

Education in secondary school lasts 5 years, but only 4 years are compulsory. At the end of the 5th year, students pass an external examination required to the Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) which will eventually replace the GCE O-Leel. Students also pass another national attainment test to determine admission to post-secondary programs.

School-age population by education level

According to the tablet before, the most part of population enrolled in secondary education (34%) and primary education (33%). [2]

The Seychelles Polytechnic is on the largest island of Seychelles — Mahe. It opened its doors to students in January 1983. With a mandate to offer post-secondary education and training, it incorporated 11 schools offering courses such as Health Studies, Media Studies, Business Studies, Maritime Studies, Teacher Training, Art and Design, Construction, Engineering, Agriculture, Adult Education and Advanced Levels. In 2000, there was the restructuring of the Seychelles Polytechnic, whereby the schools were renamed Program Areas. Today the Seychelles Polytechnic comprises of three main program areas: Business & Secretarial Studies Program Area, Visual Arts Program Area (formerly known as College of the Arts) and the Manchester Twinning Program.

The University of Seychelles (UniSey), as the Seychelles Polytechnic, is located on the Mahe. It opened in September 2009 followed by its official inauguration in November 2010. The UniSey include Diplomas, Undergraduates, Masters and Postgraduates ranges of courses. The organization structure contains 2 faculties (arts and social development, business and sustainable development) and 4 research institutes (Blue Economy, Creole Language and Culture, Education and Socio-Economic, The James R. Mancham Peace and Diplomacy). [1]

National Policy for Open and Distance Learning of 2015 year defines inclusive education as an «approach to teaching and learning based on a philosophy and pedagogical practices that allow each learner to feel respected, confident and safe so as to better promote the development of his or her full potential. The Inclusive Education Policy states that the practice of «mainstreaming’ learners with disabilities must be an integral part of national plans for achieving education for all. Learners should be placed in special schools only in «exceptional cases’ and «their education need not be entirely segregated’.

Examples of special education schools include:

— The School for the Exceptional Child, designed for children with special needs including autism, Down syndrome, visual impairment and physical disabilities

— Au Cap Centre on Mahé for children with hearing impairments

— Baie Ste. Anne Centre on Praslin for children with disabilities. [3]

The Seychelles geographical position and its reputation as one of the best resorts in the world largely determines the leading directions for the training of skilled personnel. We can confidently talk about the further development of such areas as ecology, marine sciences, business administration and social work. At the same time, the Seychelles promote various education and inclusive education programs and provide an opportunity to be realized in new spheres of activities without leaving the natal island.


1. https://unisey.ac.sc/

2. https://uis.unesco.org/en/country/sc

3. https://education-profiles.org/sub-saharan-africa/seychelles/~inclusion

Жилин О. А. 
Minimalism in information technology as a social movement and software development direction

Zhilin O.A., 1st year student {Applied Informatics}

Scientific adviser: Atrokhin A.M., PhD {Philology}, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

This article addresses the topic of minimalistic open source software, community revolving around it, positive effects and issues of minimalistic software, and global world problems it helps to solve.

Keywords: Minimalism, IT, Software development, Open Source Software.

Modern world technology is an extremely wonderful thing. Controlling all of your house without lifting a finger, pressing a single virtual button to enable music automatically adjusted to your personal preferences, using any software from a website without downloading and while barely using your actual hardware with it’s limitations, everything above a is possibility now.

But using modern technological advancements to the full extent comes with it’s own issues. Commercial products use these innovations for financial gain of owners of rights to them in any means possible, even if they are extremely unethical and bring harm to people who use technology. The other issue is that better and more powerful hardware entices software developers to not waste their time on software optimization or use more abstraction layers as most of users will not notice this issue, bit this makes a lot of software extremely inefficient in terms of resource usage.

These reasons, and presumably some more, left a lot technically experienced users very unsatisfied by commercial software development trends. But because this kind of computer users was minor in quantity and they was not able to make a difference in general opinion about commercial software, so unsatisfied users were forced to search for alternatives.

On the other hand, non-commercial software, with free licensed and open source software in lead, was a lot more suited for the purpose of fixing the issues of modern software development, as non-commercial products have less reasons to gather user data, and open source software could be updated and developed an infinite amount of time to be optimized and natively (using code that compiles into raw binary data that gets directly run by operating system) ported to any hardware and operating system without using additional abstraction layers, as long as there is need in such updates and ports.

Free licensed and open source software that follows the principles of giving users freedom of using, sharing, and modifying the software to full extent without limiting that freedom or violating his human rights using legal and technological limitations is often called Free (Free as in Freedom) Software.

Free software Communities and their principles

Driving force that makes non-commercial software possible is the community which consists of developer and non-developer users, both using and contributing to the software by contributing code and documentation and contributing non code assets error reports respectively. But despite Free Software community as whole being united in the same core principles of freely sharing source code, not adding opt-out data collection mechanisms nor digital rights management mechanisms, and letting the community contribute to the software, there is a several big divides in this community, and not all of sub-communities are following software minimalism ideas. This article will not talk about irrelevant sub-communities in detail.

What determines ideological aspect of Free Software sub-communities, which is important to understand, is core principles they follow. There is several principles that are minimalist in their nature, including:

— KISS («Keep It Simple, Stupid!» also often renamed as «Keep It Sweet and Simple» or «Keep It Simple and Stupid») is a design principle stating that systems work better when they are simple, and since that, simplicity is a goal of (any kind of) design.

— «Worse Is Better» is a principle that states that in software development less functionality per software («worse») works better than more because it avoids over-complication of the system.

— UNIX philosophy is a set of software development principles which, for example, state that «software should do one thing and do it right». This philosophy is not only makes software minimal, but also modular.

Which of the above principles community follows, how it interprets them and if it’s willing to compromise on them — are main diving points of minimalist Free Software sub-communities.

One of the most well known minimalist sub-communities is "Suckless.org», which is founded in 2006 by Anselm R. Garbe. As the name implies, this community is connected to website with the same domain name, it’s idea is to be «less bad» than other software, and it’s philosophy (so called Suckless philosophy) states that programmer’s performance should not be measured in amount of code programmer writes, and also includes all of the three above principles to their full extent, without compromising minimalism for other ideas.

Suckless community are the developers of a lot of software tools that are popular in Free Software community, including «dmenu», application launcher, «dwm», dynamic window manager, «dwii», tiling window manager, «surf», minimalist web browser, etc. This community set an example of pure minimalist community and is often used to measure deviations from the three principles stated above in other sub-communities.

Positive side of minimalistic software

There are a lot of positive effects that minimalism principles can do to software. For the sake of this article, Suckless philosophy and it’s effects are going to be used as an example.

«Suckless» software is lightweight, which means that because of it’s simplicity it uses less memory in both storage drives and RAM, makes less load on CPU and other computer components. It is modular and customization ready, which allows users to combine any of small «Suckless» software into the most efficient workflow for their use case and set up the environment they prefer themselves. This makes this software very «Power User» -friendly («Power User» being an experienced and knowledgeable computer user that prefers to use software features to full extent by customizing, modifying and combining it with other software, as well as learning or customizing keybindings and advanced features).

Also, with Suckless software, it is simple to understand and maintain code, which allows people to easily update and modify it, which would be nearly impossible with a bigger codebase.

And in the end, this software can be called timeless, it does not use design choices specific just to modern software, and as such, it will not «age» to the point of being completely obsolete by design, though it does not help the technological aging when software it relies on changes (which just means it is meant to be updated or rewritten based on new technologies)

All of the above effects allow us to conclude that not only this kind of software solves modern software issues, but it contributes to progress of solving the global issues of the modern world, which includes the fact that lightweightness and efficiency of this software, as well as a possibility to efficiently update it during a very long time, makes it a good contribution to solving of environmental issues, because it works on an older hardware and does not force users to upgrade their computers and throw the old hardware in a bin, because it makes less heat emission and power consumption and because it allows to reuse the same software keeping it updated for a longer period of time than it’s possible for non-minimal software.

Other modern global problems that minimal software helps solving include:

— Software Monopolies, because all of Free Software is not patented and gives freedom to modify and distribute, which allows it to be one of the safest and nearly impossible to suppress rivals on the IT market.

— Information control, because Free Software and minimalistic information-related tools like RSS feeds does not include any data-driven algorithms, it helps users to control information flow on their own, which helps with avoiding political and other propaganda

— Reliance on third parties in IT, because Free Software does not rely on completely centralised and proprietary online services, it makes possible to have a limited autonomy, because software you use cannot be remotely disabled in any way and even in full isolation there is a possibility to update it yourself.

Negative side of minimalistic software

But minimal software is not perfect in it’s own way. Because Suckless minimalism is centered towards minimal code and lightweightness, it has some issues that makes this philosophy become mainstream. Most of these issues revolve around one fact that minimalist software developers assume that their end users is a developers or a «power users» themselves.

Because of that, for example, Suckless software is not user-friendly, it requires at least general knowledge about internal structure of systems they use, it may require some customization, which is done by manually editing configuration files and even creating scripts that link different software to make one job, to have a comfortable experience using the software.

This is a minor issues for people who have a free time to learn to become power users and even more free time to set their ideal workflow up using minimalistic software, but for a lot of people, this issues are enough to search for an alternative, which compromises minimalism to include a lot more sensible default behavior for the software.

Such alternatives include projects like KDE, that deviate from UNIX philosophy and other minimalist principles so much that the cannot be stated as minimalistic anymore, but they still have a lot of positive things originated from minimal software, which is a compromise that a lot of people are willing to make for a more user-friendly experience.


To sum up all of the information stated above, minimalism in IT revolves around minimalistic, non-commercial, Free as in Freedom Software, that allows community to contribute and modify it. There are three main principles that made minimalistic software possible: «Worse is Better», «Keep it simple» and «Make one thing and make it right».

Thanks to these principles, minimal software is lightweight, modular, simple to maintain and timeless, that makes it a good contribution to progress of solving global issues such as Global Warming, Polluting, Inefficient Resource Usage, Monopolies, Propagandist tendencies in Information Control and IT Autonomy. But completely minimalistic software has it’s own issues, so sometimes compromise is a more sensible solution.


1. Adam Drake Use of command-line tools for effective data processing / Adam Drake [Электронный ресурс] // adamdrake.com: [сайт]. — URL: https://adamdrake.com/command-line-tools-can-be-235x-faster-than-your-hadoop-cluster.html (дата обращения: 05.03.2023).

2. Markus Schnalke Why the Unix Philosophy still matters / Markus Schnalke [Электронный ресурс] // marmaro.de: [сайт]. — URL: http://marmaro.de/docs/studium/unix-phil/unix-phil.pdf (дата обращения: 05.03.2023).

3. Philosophy / [Электронный ресурс] // Suckless.org: [сайт]. — URL: https://suckless.org/philosophy/ (дата обращения: 05.03.2023).

4. Selling Exceptions to the GNU GPL (2017) / [Электронный ресурс] // GNU Project: [сайт]. — URL: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/selling-exceptions.html (дата обращения: 05.03.2023).

5. What is GNU? / [Электронный ресурс] // GNU Project: [сайт]. — URL: https://www.gnu.org/ (дата обращения: 05.03.2023).

6. When free software depends on nonfree (2016) / [Электронный ресурс] // GNU Project: [сайт]. — URL: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/when-free-depends-on-nonfree.html (дата обращения: 05.03.2023).

7. Why Open Source Misses the Point of Free Software (2021) / [Электронный ресурс] // GNU Project: [сайт]. — URL: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html (дата обращения: 05.03.2023).

8. Жилин О. A., Теодорович Н. Н. Особенности лицензирования в сфере информационных технологий // Материалы XXII Международной научно-практической конференции «Математические методы и модели анализа и прогнозирования развития социально-экономических процессов черноморского побережья Болгарии» (6 декабря 2022 г., Бургас, Болгария) Выпуск No 4 (38), c 183—189

Заблоцкая А. А. 
The impact of fake news on business

Zablotskaya A.A., 2nd year student {Business Informatics}

Scientific adviser: Atrokhin A.M., PhD {Philology}, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

Currently, due to the extensive use of the Internet, as well as the rooting of the information society, it is impossible to imagine the effective functioning of subjects of economic relations outside the digital space. However, the use of modern information tools does not always have a favorable impact on business. Sometimes digital technologies in the hands of an unscrupulous subject of economic relations can provoke harmful consequences affecting both one company and the entire market as a whole.

Keywords: Fake news, problems of modernity, information technology, business, hype demand.

The problem associated with the widespread spread of fake news has been gaining momentum lately. This information tool closely related to social psychology and innovation is increasingly being used by society in the economic sector to generate hype demand, as well as to discredit competitors. According to VTSIOM the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public opinion 45.5 million people faced unreliable news in various information sources in 2019.Russians, which was 31% in percentage terms. RIA Novosti the state news agency reports that the number of fakes on the Internet in 2022 compared to 2021 increased by 7.5 million pcs. It is determined that not every false news is related to the economic sector but the scale of dissemination of this kind of information is getting wider every year [10].

Nevertheless the state does not ignore this issue. The Government of the Russian Federation has taken legislative measures to regulate this problem: Federal Law No. 32-FZ of March 4, 2022 «On Amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Articles 31 and 151 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. [1] These regulatory measures almost immediately bore fruit. In the first half of 2022 more than 80 criminal and 3,500 administrative cases were initiated under this regulatory act. [4] However the issue of creating a special information system for analyzing this kind of news remains open.

Speaking about the interaction of fake news with the economy sector it is worth saying that most entrepreneurs use this information tool in particular to dramatically increase profits.

A striking example of such use of unreliable news is the Sunlight jewelry store chain. In August 2019 the news about the closure and liquidation of the assortment «with discounts up to 80%" appeared on the company’s social media pages. A year earlier, reports of similar closures appeared on the pages of regional communities about discounts and promotions.

Also on the official website of the company in 2017, a similar message was posted with the inscription: «Sorry, we are closing stores in (the name of the city may change). We sell the last one up to -80%.»

However, the information broadcast by this company was false, because there are points in the list of liquidated stores that continue to operate to this day, and the total number of Sunlight stores has grown significantly in recent years: at the moment this network is among the top five companies in terms of the number of jewelry stores under its own brand in Russia. It is worth saying that the company’s revenue in 2019 compared to 2018 increased by as much as 3733% [9].

This marketing move namely the creation of fake news to create hype demand and obtain super profits, gave a good result, but it also entailed adverse consequences. By the end of 2019 the regional branch of the Federal Antimonopoly Service carried out an inspection of the jewelry chain. During the proceedings the FAS appointed Sunlight an administrative fine of 400 thousand rubles [9].

Also fake news in the hands of unscrupulous subjects of economic relations can cause discrediting of competitors. In mid-2019 a fabricated video with Mark Zuckerberg appeared on the Internet, in which he allegedly sincerely outlined the deplorable state of affairs with people’s personal data. In the pseudo speech it was mentioned about the possible leakage of personal data of Facebook users, which significantly affected the statistics of this application: it sharply reduced the demand for it. And the company’s shares fell significantly that day. The attacker was caught and sentenced to administrative responsibility [6].

Another example of the use of fake-news in the economic sector to discredit competitors was a fake press release on the resignation of the financial director of the French construction company Vinci. Also in the news it was said about the erroneous reporting of the company’s valuation. The reaction to this news was amazing. The company’s shares fell by 20%, which in value terms amounted to €7 billion [6].

The attackers were caught and also sentenced to administrative responsibility, and the company was subsequently able to resume stable functioning on the market.

Thus, speaking about fake news created with the aim of damaging competitors, it is important to understand that any action is monitored and punished by law, and the consequences of unfair discrediting of a competitor can entail not only administrative, but also criminal liability. Summing up it is worth saying that it is important for each subject of economic relations to correctly recognize the reliability of news that is being formed in the information space, for this it is worth using certain rules:

— Checking the source of information.

— Determining the reliability of the information source.

— Checking the availability of information about the event in other sources.

— Recognition of the emotional coloring of the news.

— Links to documents, audio, photo, and video resources confirming the information.

All of the above rules can help not only to avoid making a false decisio but also to promptly make decisions on discrediting false information.

Today, there are many ways to refute fake-news, related to both standard lawsuits and the use of special information tools for the analysis and control of Internet news.

However one way or another this topic still remains relevant because the modern media space functioning in enhanced high-speed conditions of information and communication processes. The use of fake news in business has both positive and negative sides but for the most part this tool leads to harmful consequences.

Therefore the use of false information in the economic sector should be carefully considered by companies and regulated by the authorities because despite the existence of legislative regulation of this issue the boundaries of punishment are quite blurred, and automated control methods of publications are only under development.


1. Федеральный закон от 4 марта 2022 года №32-ФЗ [Электронный ресурс].URL: http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/0001202203040007 (дата обращения: 03.03.2023).

2. ДавыдовВ. В., Гавриков А. В., Фёдоров М. В.Интернет-маркетинг. Настольная книга digital-маркетолога. / 1-е изд. //Издательство АСТ, 2020.370 с.

3. Бухгалтерская отчетность предприятий // [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www.auditit.ru/buh_otchet/?search=%CB%E8%EA%E0%F2%EE&token=6d2408c774ecb65cc063e3e
29e43edbb (дата обращения: 03.03.2023).

4. ВЦИОМ. Новости: «Фейк-ньюс»: масштаб проблемы // [Электронный ресурс]. URL:https://wciom.ru/analytical-reviews/analiticheskii-obzor/fejk-nyus-masshtab-problemy- (дата обращения: 03.03.2023).

5. Искусственный интеллект успешно заменяет рекламщиков // [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://mmgp.com/threads/iskusstvennyj-intellekt-uspeshno-zamenjaet-reklamschikov (дата обращения: 05.03.2023).

6. Как фейки и боты портят жизнь бизнесу // [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www.vedomosti.ru/technology/articles/2019/06/22/804785-feiki-boti-portyat-biznesu (дата обращения: 03.03.2023).

7. Нейросети: как искусственный интеллект помогает в бизнесе и жизни // [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://habr.com/ru/post/337870/ (дата обращения: 01.03.2023).

8. Социальные сети в России: цифры и тренды, осень 2019 // [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://br-analytics.ru/blog/social-media-russia-2019/ (дата обращения: 05.03.2022).

9. ФАС В СМИ: «SUNLIGHT» ОШТРАФОВАН ВОЛГОГРАДСКИМ УФАС НА 400 ТЫСЯЧ РУБЛЕЙ ЗА ФЕЙКОВОЕ ЗАКРЫТИЕ // [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://fas.gov.ru/publications/21835 (дата обращения: 05.03.2023).

10. Удельный вес организаций, использовавших цифровые технологии, по Российской Федерации // [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://docs.yandex.ru/docs/view?url=yabrowser%3A%2F%2F4DT1uXEPRrJRXlUFoewruL0vuk1526KyJVg
WsVZjVfm47oU_lH98fOjaQJIhENYmtyS6w%3D&name=Ikt_org (1).xlsx&nosw=1 (дата обращения: 05.03.2023).

Куклина К. С. 
Эволюция идеала женской красоты от СССР до наших дней

Куклина К. С., студентка 2 курса направления подготовки «Бизнес-информатика»

Научный руководитель: Серова Т. О., кандидат филологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры иностранных языков

ТУ им. А. А. Леонова, Королёв, Россия

В статье рассматриваются женские образы со времён СССР до наших дней. Искусство советского периода было подчиненно жёстким требованиям идеологии, которая поспособствовала появлению нового образа женщины. Определяются основные ролевые модели, которые сложились в искусстве. Особое внимание уделяется внешнему виду женщин, их роли в обществе. Анализируется идеал женской красоты в рассматриваемые периоды. Материалом для работы послужили картины и плакаты советских и российских художников.

Ключевые слова: искусство, изобразительное искусство, искусство СССР, образ женщины, идеал красоты.

Красота — это вещь неоднозначная и субъективная. Это что-то неуловимое, витающее в воздухе. С самых древних времён образ женщины интересовал художников. Во все времена она выступала как в качестве источника вдохновения, так и в роли объекта изобразительного искусства. В разные эпохи художники изображали представительниц прекрасного пола по-разному. В данной статье будет рассмотрена эпоха СССР, а также затронут современный образ «красивой» девушки.

В конце 19 — начале 20 века меняется представление о мире. Это век социальных катаклизмов, изменивший представление о женской красоте и распределении ролей между мужчиной и женщиной. Формируется образ женщин с сильным характером, которые покоряют мужчин. Стоит отметить, что эти образы были востребованы и в более ранние эпохи, однако на первом плане был идеал Мадонны. Искусство времён СССР характеризуется сильным влиянием идеологии. Правительство терпимо относилось к разнообразным тенденциям в изобразительном искусстве, но только при условии, что эти картины не были откровенно враждебны к социалистическому строю.

Творчество Кузьмы Сергеевича Петрова-Водкина своеобразно, как и его образ женщины на полотнах. В предреволюционные годы Петров-Водкин уделял особое внимание теме материнства, которая будет проходить через всю его жизнь. На картинах «Мать» (1913), «Утро» (1917), «Матери» (1925) художник показывает нам величие и чистоту русской женщины-матери. Женщина с картин «Мать» 1913 и 1915 годов в 1918 году превращается в «Петроградскую мадонну». Стоит подчеркнуть, что все женщины Петрова-Водкина на картинах на одно лицо, однако они написаны по иконописным изображениям женского лика. Женщины-мадонны Петрова-Водкина наделены всеми женскими свойствами, но одновременно с этим они неподвижны, торжественны и монументальны, как Богоматери — «Девушка в сарафане» (1928), «Мать и дитя» (1927), «Девушка в красном платке (Работница)» (1925), «Девушка у окна» (1928). Его мадонны — это возврат к иконе с новым советским содержанием. Впрочем, персонажи художника — это не ожившие иконописные изображения или иконы. Картины «Девушки на волге» (1915) и «Утро. Купальщицы» (1917) являются ярким примером того, что женщины — наследницы иконных прототипов, живущие в деревнях. Петров-Водкин не ищет идеал красоты и совершенства, он даёт своё понимание национального типажа женщины. Образы не фольклорные и не стилизованные. Художник вводит в свои произведения христианскую символику цвета, но это не превращает его творчество в символизм.

С приходом большевиков к власти началась эпоха, где женщине был предложен новый сценарий жизни. Произошло большое изменение гендерной идеологии и политики. Появились воинствующие революционерки, работницы, женщины-участницы Гражданской и Первой мировой войн, а затем и Великой Отечественной войны. Смена гендерной идеологии позволила включить женщин в различные области публичной сферы — в политику, здравоохранение, образование и культуру, к которым их раньше не допускали. В довоенный период (1918–1939) плакатное искусство становится одним из ключевых. Художники того времени старались отказаться от прежнего изображения мужчины и женщины в качестве двух оппозиционных начал. Образы на плакатах должны были представлять равных членов общества с одинаковыми стремлениями и убеждениями. Героиня на плакатах — это в первую очередь революционерка, крестьянка и работница, которая начинает жить по новым правилам. Женщины учатся грамоте, получают политические и социальные права, активно поддерживают советскую власть и трудятся на производстве. Материнство, межличностные отношения и интимная жизнь отходят на второй план.

В это время сложилось 3 образа: образ сознательной и политически грамотной гражданки, образ трудовой женщины, образ героини-революционерки.

Примеры образа сознательной и грамотной гражданки можно наблюдать на таких плакатах как «Ты помогаешь ликвидировать неграмотность» (1920), «Каждая кухарка должна научиться управлять государством» (1920), «Ты не думай, милый мой, что я так рисуюся, — я движением рабочим очень интересуюся» (1923), «Лучшие работницы и крестьянки — в Ленинскую партию!» (1924). Чёрный и красный цвет на плакатах акцентирует наше внимание на главной мысли — разгром прежних порядков и устоев. Упорство и решительность женского образа можно увидеть через поданную вперёд грудь и грубую мимику лица. Высоко поднятая рука — знак могущества, подобный жест присущ политическим лидерам.

Яркими примерами образа трудовой женщины становятся работы Аршинова Александра Николаевича «Женщина-работница, кооперация освобождает тебя из-под власти кухни и печного горшка» (1923), Курагиной Валентины Никифоровны «Работницы-ударницы, крепите ударные бригады, овладевайте техникой, увеличивайте кадры пролетарских специалистов» (1931), Мытниковой-Кобылиной «8 Марта боевой праздник трудящихся женщин всего мира» (1932). Женщины одеты в рабочую форму, волосы собраны, присутствуют защитные рабочие приспособления, отсутствует макияж — ничего, что могло бы отвлечь от работы. Художники акцентируют внимание на той деятельности, которой занимаются женщины, тем самым транслируя идею, что труд облагораживает человека.

На плакатах Адольфа Иосифовича Страхова-Браславского «Раскрепощенная женщина — строй социализм!» (1926), «Освобождение женщин Востока» (1920–1924), Александра Николаевича Самохвалова «Да здравствует комсомол! К седьмой годовщине Октябрьской революции» (1924) — несексуализированный образ революционерки с развитым телосложением. Женщина одета в легкое ситцевое платье или юбку с рубахой. Выражение лица и позы имеют резкое и грубое звучание, что говорит о решительных революционных намерениях.

«У войны не женское лицо…», однако патриотические настроения военного времени реализовались в образе женщины-Родины. Как только СССР вступил в войну, Ираклием Тоидзе был создан легендарный плакат — «Родина-мать зовёт!» (1941). Образ женщины-Родины также можно увидеть на плакатах Нины Николаевны Ватолиной «Фашизм — злейший враг женщин. Все на борьбу с фашизмом!» (1941), Антонова Фёдора Васильевича «Сын мой! Ты видишь долю мою…» (1942), Шмаринова Дементия Алексеевича «Воин, ответь Родине победой!» (1942). Образ женщины-Родины напоминала советским мужчинам о бабушках, матерях, сёстрах, жёнах, дочерях, которых они могли потерять.

Другим важным образом стал образ женщины-труженицы тыла, которые заменили в различных сферах профессиональной деятельности ушедших на фронт мужчин. Виктор Борисович Корецкий «Прицел у нас один — Берлин» (1945), Владимир Александрович Серов «Заменим!» (1941), Эрнст Кречман «Товарищи» (1941) — на плакатах изображены уверенные в себе женщины в комбинезоне и пёстром платке на голове. Среди изображений тружениц во время войны преобладает образ женщин, трудящихся на заводах и фабриках.

Особое место занимает образ женщины-соратницы или боевой подруги. Фронту было необходимо подкрепление, поэтому женщины на плакатах представлены в образе равноправных бойцов или спасительниц. Вадим Иванович Корецкий «Дружинницы красного креста! Не оставляйте на поле боя ни раненого, ни его оружие!» (1942), «Вставай в ряды фронтовых подруг…«» (1941), Г. Зайцев «Слава боевым подругам» (1941).

Послевоенные годы прошли под знаком прошедшей войны. Женское население той страшной эпохи смогло сделать самое главное — выжить и выстоять, однако голод и разруха сделали их худыми и изможденными. С восстановлением производства и сельского хозяйства к концу 50-х — 60-х в стране в моду снова вошёл культ крепкого рабочего крестьянского женского тела. Галицкий Ростислав Николаевич «Трактористки» (1958), Воронков Николай «На стройке» (1960), Павел Григорьевич Григорьев-Савушкин «Няня детского сада. Нина.» (1964), «Крановщица» (1955).

В 70-х художники всё больше экспериментировали, в результате чего появились более сложные и тонко критические работы. Стало возможным сконцентрироваться на изображении повседневной жизни, а не иллюстрации построения социализма. Произошел возврат к общечеловеческим ценностям. Одна из главных черт 70–80-х годов — отсутствие единого стиля и жестких канонов. Художники перестают изображать женщину как идеальный образ строительницы коммунизма. Теперь образ обретает индивидуальность и психологизм. Андрей Орлов «Вёсла-крылья» (1971), Александр Гремитских «Обнажённая» (1979), Андрей Плотнов «Молодая актриса» (1970).

После распада СССР с художников были сняты все формальные запреты. Изменились экономические условия, вследствие которых художники перестали выполнять государственные заказы и сделали упор на коммерческую составляющую. Постсоветских период характеризуется разнообразным смешением стилей. Живопись выходит за стандартные рамки. Появляется концептуальное искусство, а также развивается уличная графика.

Современные художники и художницы своеобразно показывают нам красоту, которая не должна быть строго регламентирована. Главная задача современного искусства — показать нам, что каждая девушка красивая, что нет чётких идеалов и нужно любить себя такими, какие мы есть. В нашем обществе люди любуются даже тем, что недавно считалось недостатком. Современный образ красивой женщины — это женщина независимая и свободная. Она сама делает свой выбор, определяет свой путь, а самое главное — уважает себя.

Список литературы:

1. Девушка с плаката: как пропаганда использовала женские образы во время войн в XX веке // [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www.forbes.ru/forbes-woman/475321-devuska-s-plakata-kak-propaganda-ispol-zovala-zenckie-obrazy-vo-vrema-vojn-v-xx-veke (дата обращения: 01.03.2023).

2. Днепровская А. А. Образ советской труженицы в первое послевоенное десятилетие (по материалам специальных женских изданий) // Вестник ОмГУ. 2011. №1. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/obraz-sovetskoy-truzhenitsy-v-pervoe-poslevoennoe-desyatiletie-po-materialam-spetsialnyh-zhenskih-izdaniy (дата обращения: 01.03.2023).

3. Женские образы на картинах Петрова-Водкина Кузьмы Сергеевича (1878—1939) // [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/truskovalent/post393903058/ (дата обращения: 01.03.2023).

4. Калабухова Е. В. Женский образ в изобразительном искусстве как отражение советской исторической эпохи // Система ценностей современного общества. 2015. №43. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/zhenskiy-obraz-v-izobrazitelnom-iskusstve-kak-otrazhenie-sovetskoy-istoricheskoy-epohi (дата обращения: 01.03.2023).

5. Образ женщины в искусстве // [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://artlife.study/blog/obraz-zhenshchiny-v-iskusstve.html (дата обращения: 01.03.2023).

6. Плакаты СССР // [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://gallerix.ru/storeroom/1973977528/ (дата обращения: 01.03.2023).

Куцан Е. П., Османова Н. Ш., Гаврилова И. И. 
Social media — benefit or harm

Kutsan E.P., Osmanova N.Sh., Gavrilova I.I., 3rd year students {Customs}

Scientific adviser: Krasikova T.I., PhD {Philology}, professor, Head of the Department of foreign languages

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

The article deals with the problem of the influence of social networks on the life of modern society. In order to assess the real situation in modern conditions, to study and identify the advantages and disadvantages of using social networks, a survey is conducted among their users. Recommendations are given to eliminate the shortcomings, an analysis of all the data obtained is carried out and conclusions are drawn based on them.

Keywords: Social networks, influence, society, harm, benefit.

Introduction. In today’s information society, a large number of people, almost daily, visit social networks. They are dominated by young people, in particular teenagers, whose personality, beliefs and attitudes are just beginning to take shape. Users of social networks often spend most of their time visiting Internet sites. Internet users, absorbed in social networks, interact with people and various social groups in the «virtual world», preferring the real world to it. More than 80% of companies around the world use social networks in their work. About 78% of people trust information from social networks. Social networks have become the center of the modern Internet. Based on this information, we conducted a study, the problem of which was the impact of social networks on the life of modern society.

The process of development and formation of social networks is associated with the United States, falls on the end of the 20th century, and social networks began to appear in the post-Soviet space since 2006. The first major social networks were Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte.

The Odnoklassniki project was launched on March 4, 2006. The main task of the social network was to search for classmates, former graduates, friends, acquaintances, as well as relatives with whom contact was lost after the collapse of the Soviet Union and mass migration of the population. As of 2022, the number of active accounts on the Odnoklassniki social network has exceeded 40 million. This is stated in the statistical report distributed by the administration of the resource.

The most famous and popular social network in the CIS, Vkontakte, was launched on October 10, 2006 and positioned itself as a social network for university graduates. Currently, more than 228 million users visit the site daily, thus the site is the most popular and most visited in the arena of CIS resources [1].

Modern social networks perform a number of tasks related not only to communication. They help to communicate, share news with friends, blog, publish various materials, listen to music, order food or a taxi, join communities of interest and create your own, attracting an audience to them through advertising, play games, broadcast live and monitor your health — all this is only the main part of the opportunities provided to the user. Social networks are actively used by entrepreneurs to promote their goods and services, politicians to communicate with the public, the media to publish news, public figures to broadcast their opinions to a wide audience. Finally, the 2020 US Presidential Election showed that social media can be used as an effective political tool with which political rivals can fight for the voter [2].

Methods. Our research was carried out by theoretical and empirical methods.

The theoretical method consisted in studying literature, electronic resources, statistical data, collecting and analyzing the pros and cons of social networks.

As for the empirical method, a survey was conducted among respondents using social networks. On its basis, the relevance of social networks was assessed, their pros and cons were considered. In total, we were able to interview 93 students. Students of the Technological University were chosen as the object of the study.

The questionnaire was compiled using the easiest form to organize Google surveys. We have selected a number of questions that most accurately reflect the essence of the topic of our research. The questionnaire contained both closed and open questions. We also used questions reflecting the attitude of respondents to social networks, the main advantages and disadvantages, and, finally, the question about the ideal conditions for using social networks in the opinion of each respondent.

So, here’s what we managed to find out.

Results. According to the answers to the first question, all respondents use social networks on a regular basis. All respondents also have a positive attitude towards social networks.

To the question «For what purpose do you use social networks?» we received various answers, the most popular of them can be seen in Figure 1. So, in the figure, the answers of the respondents are in descending order. Based on the data, it can be said that the main purpose of using social networks for the respondents is to communicate with friends and family.

Figure 1. Purposes of using social networks

Also, the questionnaire contained the question: «What is the ideal social network for you?» Popular answers can be found in Figure 2. After analyzing the popular answers, we found out that the ideal social network is a network that includes all the services in which you can communicate with your friends and family, it is free of ads and paid subscriptions. Using such a social network, you will definitely be sure that the confidentiality of your data is ensured, that you will never meet negativity in your direction. Such a platform is multifunctional and as easy to use as possible. You can develop your business there and earn money.

Figure 2. The «ideal» social network

The questionnaire also contained an open question, where it was necessary to list the main advantages of social networks, the result is shown in Figure 3. So, in the figure, the answers of the respondents are in descending order.

Based on the data, we can say that the main advantage for the respondents is the ability to communicate with family and friends at a distance, and indeed, using social networks, you can be in different parts of the country, the world and at the same time always be in touch with family and friends when it is not possible to communicate with them offline.

Figure 3. Benefits of using social media

As noted by the respondents, social networks are a powerful source of useful information. Young people under 30—35 years old hardly watch TV today, and even more so news programs on TV. Now such social networks are replacing these television programs for young people. Social networks for the majority of young people are the main information source of news and events in the world [3].

Social networks are used as a tool for self-development, learning foreign languages, reading interesting books, listening to music. In this regard, the potential of such sites is endless. For example, when watching a video in a community or a blogger on social networks, people get motivated to learn languages if they watch a travel blogger or traveler who publishes posts from different parts of the world and this undoubtedly causes a desire to develop themselves and improve their standard of living and comfort, as well as to conquer uncharted places. Or, consider another example, for example, someone posted a review or a review of a book, according to the review, you liked this book and you bought the book, that is, you are already on the way to development. So, we can safely say that social networks are a powerful and active platform as a tool for self-development.

With the help of social networks, you can promote and develop your business, for example, create your own online store. Today, many entrepreneurs are required to create pages for their business, as this is an effective way to attract potential buyers. By publishing photos and videos of their product on their page, reviews on them, the seller inspires a sense of trust among buyers and increases sales.

Thus, we see that the benefits of social networks are quite impressive and greatly simplify and improve life.

Let’s move on to the next question, namely the disadvantages of social networks. Looking at figure 4, we see that the main disadvantage of social networks is the dependence on them. According to their idea, social networks should help users, however, when transferring all vital activity to the online world, they can have a detrimental effect.

Negativity is also a very striking disadvantage of social networks, because when you share your opinion or some personal news and receive negative statements in response, you start to think that something is wrong with you or you think wrong.

One of the main drawbacks is procrastination. Scrolling through the feed on a social network, people stay there for 2—3 hours, or even half a day, postponing all their affairs to the last moment, this is a manifestation of procrastination.

Figure 4. Disadvantages of social networks

Spam, useless information and distorted information. Of course, with the emergence and development of social networks, scammers also use them, who publish incorrect, false, distorted information, thereby misleading people. Also, social networks have contributed to the development of infogypsyism, which is expressed in the sale of courses that contain the most common well-known information, but people spend money on it unconsciously, as infogypsies pretend to be mentors, coaches and experts.

Having considered the shortcomings of social networks, we can conclude that a lot of work is required to eliminate them. Working not so much with the program as with the people who use them. In the fight against addiction, it is important to form a responsible attitude towards the use of social networks, this will help much more than completely giving up on them.

Conclusion. The research allowed us to identify the main pros and cons of social networks. As a result of the study, we found that the number of pluses and minuses is proportional to each other. It follows from this that Internet communication should complement life, and not be the basis of all our activities. Social media can bring many benefits. But the abuse of social networks can lead to addiction, loss of attention and waste of time. Social networks are both good and bad. It is in our power to take from them only the good and weed out the bad. In order for social networks not to harm health and psyche, each person must regulate his pastime in the virtual space.


1. Анализ влияния социальных сетей на жизнь современного общества // [Электронный ресурс]. — URL: https://applied-research.ru/ru/article/view?id=7369 (Дата обращения: 03.03.2023).

2. Влияние социальных сетей на современное общество // [Электронный ресурс]. — URL: http://timix.nios.ru/vliyanie-socialnyh-setey-na-sovremennoe-obshchestvo (Дата обращения: 03.03.2023).

3. Социальные сети: преимущества и опасности// [Электронный ресурс]. — URL: https://internetpolicy.kg/literacymodule/course_1/module1/glava1_2.
html (Дата обращения: 03.03.2023).

Никитина А. В. 
Oghamic writing of druids: alphabet or magic runes?

Nikitina A.V., 3rd year student {Сustoms}

Scientifc adviser: Romanov P.S., Doctor on Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

The article examines the question of the mysterious structure of the Celtic language — the Oghamic alphabet. Its origin history, purpose, and form are being studied. Much attention is paid to the symbolism of Oghamic writing and its place in Celtic culture.

Keywords: Ogham, Celts, language, culture.

The Celts were a numerous people. In the first millennium BC, it was located on the territory from modern Czech Republic to Ireland. Such large and ancient cities as Turin, Budapest and Paris (at that time Lutetia) were founded by the Celts. At least their technical and economic level far exceeded the development of their northern neighbors — the Germanic tribes who occupied the swampy right bank of the Rhine and partially inhabited the south of Scandinavia. Elizabeth Knoll, a historian of ancient European history, appreciates the achievements of the Celts: «They did not know writing, did not know an all-encompassing state organization, but nevertheless they were already on the threshold of high culture» [1].

Fig.1. The appearance of the Celts according to scientists

Fig.2. Approximate area of settlement of the Celts in Europe

There are only a very limited number of pre-Christian records written in Celtic languages. First of all, these are writings in Roman, and sometimes Greek. The Ogham script was mainly used in early Christian times in Ireland and Scotland (to a lesser extent in Wales and England) and was used only for ritual purposes, such as tombstone inscriptions. The surviving evidence points to a powerful oral tradition similar to that preserved by the Bards in Ireland and eventually recorded by scribes in Christian monasteries. The oldest recorded rhymed poetry in the world is of Irish origin and is a transcription of a much older epic poem, leading some scholars to claim that the Celts were the inventors of rhyme [6].

Such an affiliation of the Celts to the oral, rather than the written word, became fatal at the moment when Latin was brought to Europe by Roman conquerors and administrators and accelerated the process of Romanization. Also, Romanization itself served as an impetus for the formation of a new language of communication, and Roman control over education, civil administration and trade played an important role in this. By the time of the fall of Rome, Celtic as a living language on the mainland of Europe was practically lost and was preserved only in Ireland and the Isle of Man or among isolated Celts in Brittany, Scotland, Wales and Cornwall [4].

According to Celtic legend, the Oghamic alphabet was created by Oghma, a god from the Tuatha de Danaan clan, sons of the goddess Danu. There is a popular opinion that Oghma was distinguished only by great physical strength and agility. However, in addition, this god was the patron saint of literature and oratory [2].

It is generally believed that the Celtic alphabet Ogham dates back to the period of the pre-Christian Roman invasion of Great Britain, approximately between about 50 BC and the fifth century AD. We know quite a lot about the Roman invaders and settlers of this period, but we have very little information about the indigenous Celtic people.

The symbols could forever remain a mystical mystery, but fortunately for modern scholars, these manuscripts of treatises, which originally date back to the seventh century, are based on our modern understanding of the Ogham script:

— Leabhar Bhaile an Mhóta (the Book of Ballymote);

— Leabhar Buidhe Leacáin (the Yellow Book of Lecan);

— Lebor Laignech (the Book of Leinster);

— In Lebor Ogaim (the Ogham Tract);

Auraicept na n-Éces (the Scholar’s Primer). It is believed that this alphabet comes from Latin or Greek roots and that it was used to transmit and record information in primitive and Old Irish, as well as in Pictish, Old Welsh and probably Latin. Despite the mystery surrounding the alphabet, translations of the Ogham script seem to reveal prosaic information. First of all, the names of people suggesting that the stones may have been graves, or records of land ownership or population

Ogham’s writings were probably written on both wood and stone, but wooden samples have not survived to the present day over time. About four hundred reliable samples of stones have been found with the Ogham inscriptions engraved on them, most of which are now located on the territory of the Republic of Ireland, some of them in rural areas, and some in museums or churches. Ogham stones can be found at St Flannan’s Cathedral, Killaloe, County Clare; Ballycorvaine Bay, County Cork; and St Declan’s Cathedral, Ardmore, County Waterford. The National Museum in Dublin also has copies. Stones have been found in Pembrokeshire, Wales; Cornwall and even one in Silchester, Berkshire, at the site of a major Roman settlement [7].

The ancient Ogham is based on the symbolic meaning of trees. The study of this knowledge is really endless. This path of knowledge is so rich and bizarre that one could devote a whole life to this subject. Indeed, the ancient druids devoted decades of their lives to the spiritual contemplation of cosmic manifestations in trees.

The ancient Celtic people were very similar to the first people of North America in that they were highly developed spiritually. This progress is the fruit of a deep unity with nature and subsequently helped this people to reach the cosmic level of energy. We have evidence of this convergence in Ogham, and this system will serve as the basis for much of the information about the Celtic meaning of symbolic trees.

In its simplest form, ogham is an ancient Celtic alphabet consisting of twenty characters. These symbols were simple and easily drawn with strokes down and up. From the point of view of scientists, these symbols could also be transmitted as hand signals (very similar to sign language at a simplified level) [5].

There are 20 letters in total in Ogham. Four fives, or groups (they are also called families), each of them contains five letters. Each five is named after the letter that opens it. In addition to the connection with a certain tree, each letter has its own specific place on the circle of the year.

Fig.3. The Ogham Stone

Fig.4. The Oghamic alphabet and an example of an inscription

The structure of the ogham has a strict rhythm, a little harsh, devoid of unnecessary decorations. There are four rhythmic movements:

— Forward — clockwise — translational force — Beth five.

— Backward — counterclockwise — limiting, braking force — Huath five.

— Diagonally — vibrational motion motion — spiral force — Muin five.

— Stability — crosshair — center strength — Ailm five.

Ogham can be considered as an energy distributor, more precisely a motion pointer, which gives energy a strictly defined direction.

Oghamic writing lives, located along the «core line», which is called «druim». It could be either horizontal or vertical. In ancient inscriptions, instead of a vertical line, a sharp edge of stone was often used.

We are dealing with a nonlinear scheme — the Ogham structure is voluminous. And this volume is clearly fixed: four times five. Each of the four energy components undergoes changes five times. It can be imagined as if there are pointing stones on five different roads, changing direction each time.

The majesty of Ogham is mesmerizing. It’s like he was created to use it to write spells. And at the very moment of writing, rhythm, music, energy are born — living energy for transmitting information directly, bypassing facts that can confuse or deform the picture [3].


1. Александровский Г. Кельты — загадочный народ, потомки которого и сегодня живут в Европе [Electronic resource] URL: https://www.nkj.ru/archive/articles/10396/ (accessed: 01.03.2023)

2. Антонова Л. Огамическое письмо [Electronic resource] URL: https://history.wikireading.ru/86139 (accessed: 01.03.2023).

3. Лестница Огама. Рунический алфавит [Electronic resource] URL: https://www.livemaster.ru/topic/3171605-lestnitsa-ogama-runicheskij-alfavit-druidov (accessed: 01.03.2023).

4. Celtic Culture: Characteristics of Visual Art, Language, Religion [Electronic resource] URL: http://www.visual-arts-cork.com/cultural-history-of-ireland/celtic-culture.htm#language (accessed: 01.03.2023).

5. Celtic Meaning of Symbolic Trees and Ancient Druid Ogham Meanings [Electronic resource] URL: https://www.whats-your-sign.com/celtic-meaning-of-symbolic-trees.html (accessed: 01.03.2023).

6. Celtic Ogham Stones and Ogham Script [Electronic resource] URL: https://www.theirishplace.com/heritage/megalithic-monuments/celtic-ogham-stones-ogham-script/ (accessed: 01.03.2023).

7. Matthew A. McIntosh The History, Culture, and Religion of the Celts [Electronic resource] URL: https://brewminate.com/the-history-culture-and-religion-of-the-celts/ (accessed: 01.03.2023).

Николаева Е. Р. 
Ökologische Probleme. Umweltschutz

Nikolaeva E.R., Informationssicherheit, erster Kurs

Wissenschaftlicher Leiter: Bondarenko T.N., Kandidat der philologischen Wissenschaften, außerordentlicher Professor am Lehrstuhl für Fremdsprachen

Technische Universität, benannt nach dem zweimaligen Helden der Sowjetunion, dem Kosmonauten A. A. Leonov, Korolev, Russian Federation

Der Artikel gibt einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Umweltprobleme unserer Zeit, mit denen die Welt des 21. Jahrhunderts konfrontiert ist. Die Gründe, aus denen Umweltprobleme entstehen, werden analysiert. Mögliche Methoden, diesen Problemen zu begegnen, werden angegeben. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf die Möglichkeit gelegt, Müll zu sortieren und zu recyceln, was in Russland jetzt sehr wichtig ist.

Schlüsselworte: der Umweltschutz, die Umweltkatastrophe, das Recycling, der Plastikmüll.

Unsere Umwelt hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten stark verändert. Die Zerstörung der Umwelt hat sich in fast allen Ländern der Welt verstärkt. Die Menschheit ist von einer Umweltkatastrophe bedroht.

Ökologische Probleme sind sehr unterschiedlich und betreffen fast alle Bereiche des gesellschaftlichen Lebens. Das sind:

— Klimawandel;

— Luftverschmutzung;

— Artensterben;

— Plastikmüll in der Umwelt und Wasserverschmutzung usw.

Wir leben in einem Ökosystem. Die verschiedenen Folgen aller Aktivitäten aller Menschen sind gefährlich für die Umwelt. Um eine gefährliche Umweltkatastrophe zu vermeiden, müssen sich die Menschen um die Umwelt kümmern.

Autos stoßen eine Vielzahl von Gasen in die Luft aus. Das Gas macht den Regen sauer. Jeder saure Regen ist auch für den Menschen sehr gefährlich.

Fabriken setzen eine Vielzahl schädlicher Gase in die Luft frei. Darüber hinaus führt eine schnelle Zunahme der Anzahl von Fahrzeugen zu einer erhöhten Luftverschmutzung.

Wasser bedeckt mehr als drei Viertel der Erde. Aber es ist mit Abfällen, Giftstoffen und anderen Getränken verschmutzt.

Viele Tiere und Pflanzen sterben schnell aus, weil Menschen ihren Lebensraum zerstören und ihn besonders verschmutzen.

Einige Städte haben nicht genug Platz, um Deponien zu bauen. Daher wird der Müll verbrannt. Es verschmutzt die Atmosphäre. Müll Die Menschen müssen sortieren, um die Luft zu reinigen.

Wir müssen unseren Planeten schützen und beschützen, weil es unser Hause ist. Wenn die Menschen sich nicht um die Umwelt kümmern, wird diese Gleichgültigkeit und Verantwortungslosigkeit früher oder später zu deprimierenden Folgen führen.

Und was kann man tun, um unserem Planeten irgendwie zu helfen?

Erstens ist eine der einfachsten, aber nicht weniger effektiven Möglichkeiten, die Umwelt zu schützen, das Sortieren und Recyceln von Müll. Es ist nicht schwer und jeder kann seinen Beitrag zum Umweltschutz leisten. Es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten, den Müll richtig zu entsorgen. Man kann zum Beispiel Müll sortieren. Müssen gesammelt und recycelt werden:

— Verpackungsglas;

— einige Arten von Kunststoff;

— Altpapier;

— Haushaltsschrott.

Praktisch überall in Russland finden Sie Sammelstellen für Wertstoffe. Der einzige Nachteil ist, dass die Sammelstellen oft nicht dauerhaft funktionieren. Und es ist sehr unangenehm. Man kann mehr über die Aufnahme jeder Art von Wertstoffen erfahren.

Eines der beliebtesten Verpackungsmaterialien ist Plastik. Preiswert und bequem, es ist schwierig, sich das Fehlen von Kunststoff im täglichen Leben vorzustellen. Dieses Material hat jedoch einen sehr großen Nachteil. Plastik zersetzt sich sehr lange — ab 100 Jahren. Plastikmüll kann jahrhundertelang auf einer Deponie verrotten, die Umwelt verschmutzen und für die menschliche Gesundheit viele Probleme verursachen. Die Sortierung ist schwierig, da es viele Arten von Kunststoff gibt und sie unter verschiedenen Bedingungen verarbeitet werden. Um die Trennung zu erleichtern, wird auf der Verpackung ein spezielles Zeichen angegeben — ein Code, der die Art des Materials charakterisiert. Folgendes gilt für Plastik beim Trennen von Müll:





Polymerverpackung und -behälter.

Insgesamt gibt es 7 Arten von Kunststoff, die recycelt werden können. Bei der Abgabe von Wertstoffen muss jedoch sorgfältig darauf geachtet werden, dass alles korrekt sortiert ist.

Punkte für den Empfang von Glas gibt es in Russland seit langem. In der UdSSR gab es sehr wenige Arten von Flaschen und sie wurden in allen Städten des Landes akzeptiert. Heute werden Glasflaschen und Fläschchen bei getrennter Müllsammlung in Glasbehältern gesammelt. Die Verpackungsarten sind größer geworden, daher ist es vorzuziehen, das Glas zum Schmelzen zu schicken. Bei der Verarbeitung verliert das Material seine Eigenschaften nicht und die Sekundärprodukte werden nicht schlechter als die zum ersten Mal hergestellten erhalten.

Die Entsorgung von Papier und die Aufnahme von Sonderpunkten haben in Russland eine lange Tradition. Schon in der Sowjetzeit wurde regelmäßig Altpapier gesammelt und es gab sogar Wettbewerbe unter Schulkindern. Und Erwachsene erhielten wertvolle und seltene Bücher, um eine bestimmte Menge Papier abzugeben. Die Übergabe von Altpapier ist heutzutage keine Hommage an die Tradition der sowjetischen Vergangenheit, sondern eine echte Möglichkeit, Geld zu verdienen und gleichzeitig zur Erhaltung der Ökologie beizutragen.

Es besteht auch die Notwendigkeit, Schrott zu entsorgen: Die natürlichen Ressourcen sind nicht unendlich. Die Entsorgung von gebrauchten Metallgegenständen reduziert die Kosten für die Herstellung von Metall und daraus resultierenden Produkten und ist für das Ökosystem nicht so schädlich.

Im Allgemeinen kann man daraus schließen, dass das Sortieren und Recycling von Müll heutzutage eine Notwendigkeit ist. Und das Müllsortieren scheint nur etwas sehr Kompliziertes zu sein.


1. Umwelt. http:/web-Globus.de

2. Umwelt. de. m.

3. Umweltprobleme.de.statista.com

4. Umweltschutz-Definition, Geschichte und Maßnahmen. — umweltmission.de

Овчинников П. А. 
The problem of messenger’s users’ data leaks

Ovchinnikov P. A., 2nd year student {Applied Informatics}

Scientific adviser: Massalskaya Yu. V., PhD {Philology}, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

The article considers the problem of user data getting into the wrong hands, the possibility of its occurrence and solution for this problem. The subject matter being: looking into the problem and conducting research to give greater publicity to the current shortcomings in terms of information protection and privacy of messenger users.

Keywords: privacy, messengers, data leak, encryption.

Messengers are applications for instant messaging between users. The names of such giants of this sphere as «Telegram» or «WhatsApp» have not caused puzzled looks for a long time, even from a not very young audience of users. As a result of a survey in 2020, in which 1,600 people took part in, it turned out that «WhatsApp» was installed on smartphones in 88% of cases.

Due to the jump in the transition of users from social networks to messengers, the market has adopted appropriate changes. According to the data of the foreign commercial media platform for advertising — Criteo — 53% of users will prefer to place an order with a company that can be contacted via a messenger. When a more convenient way of communication appears, such statistics could be expected.

The issue of privacy in messaging services, according to the companies who make said apps, is one of the main ones. In fact, based on the experience of trading users’ personal data among corporations, it is possible to refute the above statements. At the moment, among the most downloaded messengers («WhatsApp», «Viber», «Telegram», «Skype») there is not a single application without a history of transferring users’ personal data into the hands of the authorities, the police, and even scammers, with further problems developing on this basis.

The article considers the problem of user data getting into the wrong hands, the possibility of its occurrence and solution for this problem. The subject matter being: looking into the problem and conducting research to give greater publicity to the current shortcomings in terms of information protection and privacy of messenger users.

The initial purpose of the messenger application program is instant messaging between two users who maintain communication through Internet access. Modern messengers allow users to share media files — videos, photos, audio, any text documents. The ability to send large files and other files with complex extensions depends only on the messenger capabilities described by the developers.

To ensure security, every user message is encrypted.

The issue of confidentiality and inviolability of messenger users’ data should be provided at the initial level by message encryption. At the moment, the most common type of encryption is end-to-end encryption.

The end-to-end data encryption method is used by the following applications: «What’s App», «Viber», «Facebook Messenger», «Signal». The basic principle of this type of encryption is secure communication between the recipients of messages participating in the dialogue, by creating a unique key that allows you to decode all the messages of the dialogue, which only these users have access to. Using end-to-end encryption, detractors who have gained access to messages through the main server receive only a list of encrypted strings, without the ability to find out the original meaning of the message.

The official documentation from the WhatsApp messenger website states the use of end-to-end encryption. According to the arguments given by the company, user data is inviolable, and all information is protected from falling into the «wrong hands». The statement does not correspond to reality, which will be demonstrated below.

On November 16, 2022, a user of a well-known online hacker community forum posted an announcement of selling a 2022 database containing 487 million WhatsApp phone numbers. According to the user, the data set contains information about users from 84 countries, among which there were 10 million Russian users. The subject of the threat set the cost of data for the US at $7,000, the UK at $2,500 and Germany at $2,000 [1].

Information about phone numbers is mainly used by people for various types of attacks, so users should beware of any calls from unknown numbers, unwanted calls and messages in the near future.

The reason for the leak was nothing more than a flaw in the source code of the WhatsApp service, which allows you to find information about users in a certain zone using a simple query in the Google search service.

Not so long ago, Meta introduced a new function into its messenger — «Click to chat,» which allowed you to create a link to your own profile and send it to users with whom you need to establish contact. The function is really useful for people who do not have essential computer skills, because it allows you to reduce the process of exchanging contact information to creating a simple wa.me type link. But the very structure of the link may already arouse some suspicions. It’s structure is: first comes the name of the service itself — wa.me next, the "/" character is used to write the phone number of the user to whom the link points. That is why using «Google Dorks» queries like "site:wa.me "+ Phone country code»» it was possible to get a whole list from the sites of the WhatsApp service containing information about users — their phone numbers, names, surnames. The only results of such a search at the moment can be only a few pages of buisnesses that have provided their link to communicate with the clientele, thus the main problem can be considered as fixed for now. But the damage has already been done, the hackers who used the breach in the system began to sell information about hundreds of millions of users, and the company’s reputation was forever tarnished.

Signal, an open-source messenger that initially does not collect user data, uses end — to — end encryption and is used by Edward Snowden himself, is an example of the correct philosophy regarding user privacy, as can be seen from the example below.

On October 5, 2021, a Grand jury subpoena was sent to Signal from the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the Central District of California for Signal user data. Since all information in Signal is encrypted by default using «end-to-end», a wide range of personal information that is usually easy to obtain in other applications simply does not exist on Signal servers. The subpoena requested a wide range of information that Signal does not have, including user name, address, correspondence, contacts, groups, calls [2].

As it turned out, the Signal team could not provide anything from this list. Their statement being: «Firstly, it is impossible to transfer data to which we have never had access to in the first place. Signal does not have access to your messages; your chat list; your groups; your contacts; your stickers; your profile name or avatar; or even to the GIF files you are looking for. [2]» As a result, the response to the subpoena will look like a set of «Account and Subscriber Information» that Signal can provide: Unix timestamps for the moment each account was created and the date of the last connection of each account to the Signal service.

It is also worth noting that Signal, unlike WhatsApp, does not have a history of deliberate and «accidental» data leakage and the presence of critical gaps in the system, which makes it head and shoulders above its competitors in terms of privacy.

Summarizing, we can say that «messenger» is an established concept in the modern world, they are convenient, easy to use and work fast. With the help of messengers, the process of communicating with loved ones, business partners, colleagues and friends has become much easier than it was during the prosperity of social networks.

In any developing field of information technology, to do without problems is an insurmountable task. For messengers, one of these tasks was the problem of protecting user data from intruders. Solutions to the problem in the form of different types of data encryption allow you to fix it, but not eradicate it. Every year, attackers become more sophisticated, companies and corporations become more dubious, and in the eternal race for digital security, it becomes clear that the most confidential way of communication is a conversation with the direct physical presence of its participants.


1. Borncity news article: https://borncity.com/win/2022/11/25/whatsapp-leak-nearly-500-million-user-data-offered-in-underground-forum-nov-2022/

2. Signals statement about data: https://signal.org/bigbrother/cd-california-grand-jury/

Списак С. А. 
The Metaverse as a new economic trend

Spisak S.A., 3rd year student {Economic Security}

Scientific adviser: Kyuregyan M.P., PhD {Sociology}, Associate Professor of the Department of foreign languages

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

The article discusses a new trend in the world of the economic and social sphere called the «metaverse», which originated 30 years ago in literature, and in 2021 was already announced by M.E. Zuckerberg as the «Meta» universe. It is the result of an improved interaction between humans and digitalization technologies, including a virtual space that is closely connected with the real world. The study suggests that the metaverse as a global trend of the economy will turn into a system of future interaction, will become a platform for economic entities and a successful strategic project.

Keywords: metaverse, digital, virtual reality, avatar.


Over the past 30 years, information technologies have been determining the vector of development of the main spheres of society’s life: economic, political, spiritual and social. The formation of the digital economy is one of the priorities for many countries and economic leaders, including the US, China, Japan, Germany, Russia and the whole economic unions. The digital economy is currently progressing every day, and many new products are being introduced. The next stage of transformation of the digital economy should be the stage of creation and integration of a single metaverse. However, society does not have time to make and create innovative solutions in the field of active development of information and digital technologies. In consequence of this, the issue of the rapid development of the metaverse comes to the forefront of the economic agenda of many companies around the world.

The emergence of the metaverse and its reflection in culture

The first mention of the term «metaverse» dates back to 1992, when the American science fiction writer Neil Stevenson released the novel «Snow crash», where he first considered the existence of a certain matrix in the form of an alter universe as the top of technological progress. It was based on a computer-generated universe that the machine draws in a specific way and lets through headphones. The people in it are programs called «avatars», and the choice of whom they can be is unlimited. In general, his idea of the metaverse is laid down as a common space in the virtual world, built in the likeness of the real one, but further improved by imagining the desired physical elements. By the way, it was after the release of the novel «Snow crash» that the already familiar term «avatar» became very popular among all of us.

Today, the world of the metaverse created in the genre of literature began to be reflected, of course, in the cinematic industry, in such films as «The Matrix», «Ready Player One» and «Free guy». The essence of these films is simple: the character, with the help of special devices, plunges into virtual reality, where he interacts with other people connected to this world, performs almost the entire set of actions that are available in real life and the rest of the privileged range of possibilities. However, the use of the metaverse is also actively promoted in the gaming industry based on the use of VR/AR gamification technologies. The gaming industry can become one of the elements of the embodiment of its unified world. One example of the positioning of the game developers as a metaverse with a focus on social functions is the game «Fortnite» by the American company Epic Games. Epic Games Company conducts time-limited events in the virtual space of the «Fortnite» game, tied to those held in real time. So, for example, in April 2020, the famous hip-hop singer Travis Scott organized a 10-minute concert right in the game, which was watched at the same time by more than 12.3 million players. A minute of the concert was then estimated at $ 2 million. Thanks to this, the revenue of Epic Games in 2020 amounted to 5.1 billion US dollars, which is 21% higher than in 2019.

The concept and structure of the metaverse

Now it is possible to give a very clear explanation of this term. The metaverse is the interconnection of a single mechanism of physical, augmented, virtual and digital reality in a common online space. That is, the real and virtual worlds are intertwined: events in one can affect what happens in the other. The modern concept of the metaverse echoes VR, but it’s not the same thing. The metaverse is specifically a virtual reality space that complements it, which:

• operates on a permanent basis and never turns off;

• uses the latest technologies that immerse us in the digital world as realistically as possible;

• creates within itself separate laws and economy, in fact a single free state.

The metaverse is called the next platform for people to interact with each other. The last time we observed such a global change was with the advent of a smartphone and it was not possible for anyone to believe in its existence. Just like no one thought 30 years ago that the Internet would become a platform for online trading and the economy as a whole would move to the Internet. The World Wide Web has turned into a kind of environment, with a new economy, where you can come for information, work and relax. To create a metaverse, a new future infrastructure of the 6G media space is needed, thanks to which the idea of embodying the metaverse will become a reality, and subsequently the most advanced digital environment. 6G opens the way for the following technologies:

— ultra-smart city technologies — full automation of transport, urban infrastructure and services;

— multidimensional augmented reality as the basis of all business and household applications;

— «Internet of feelings» — transmission of a complex spectrum of human feelings;

— holographic communication;

— ultra-smart telemedicine based on tactile communication (reconstruction of brain signals and their representation in 3D using a neuro interface).

In 2021, Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of the famous social network Facebook (activity on the territory of the Russian Federation is prohibited), announced the creation of a global Meta project, which will create the very parallel digital reality using 6G space. And it will be possible to exist in it as fully as in the films and books mentioned in the article. Multimillion-dollar corporations supported this idea and began to direct their investments into its development, as well as cooperate with participants to promote their products.

We will have tools for immersion in our possession: VR glasses, sensitive biosensors, a special headset and other gaming tools. One day in the future, on a «virtual morning» in the metaverse, there will be an opportunity to go to work, where at a meeting it will be possible to discuss the creation of a new collection of clothes from the designer. Avatars of colleagues will be nearby, but physically you will be in Moscow, the designer will be in Perm, the PR manager will be in neighboring Kazakhstan, and the owner of the company will be in Thailand at all. However, there will be interaction between all people and in one virtual room and the distribution of their responsibilities, which can be implemented directly in the digital world. To ensure digital life, the metaverse space is filled with locations for various purposes, including gaming and entertainment locations. But still, the main direction of virtual zones is training, development and communication. According to the experts of the IT competence center, in the next 10 years it can be expected that VR tools will begin to be massively implemented in Russian universities and schools for training within the metaverse. Thus, the game mechanics in the metaverse are designed so that visitors have the opportunity to have fun, communicate and develop at the same time, as well as work, promote and sell their products.

Economics and building in the metaverse

The metaverse is actually a new economy, which is difficult for everyone to clearly imagine today. According to some reports, the average cost of a small plot of land in the two largest metaverses, such as Decentraland and Sandbox, increased from $6,000 in June 2021 to $12,000 in December that year. The metaverse may well bring in large revenues. One of the ways is advertising: events are held inside Decentraland, combined with what is happening in the real world. That is, advertisers can get a virtual world created specifically for them, and creativity can be limitless to create different images. There is also an opportunity to earn income by being the creator or landlord of virtual real estate, which in the future will be necessary for people to commit certain mass events.

Now the world is on the verge of building a metaverse, that is, laying the first streets and buildings, housing the first residents. Also, the Russian project «Metaverse of Financial Literacy» is actively working on the development of its digital world. According to the project manager, it is planned to develop several virtual quarters with different zones: children’s, educational, business, exhibition and even a quarter of the subjects of Russia. The next stage of development will be the integration of blockchain technologies both to create a virtual economy within the metaverse, and to protect the rights of content creators and stay safely inside the digital world.


Taking everything into consideration, there is practically no doubt that the metaverse in the future has great prospects for full functioning and the creation of new niches to work with it. Although almost no one in the world is ready for a global transition to the metaverse yet. The infrastructure of the World Wide Web and digital technologies is not yet enough to fully transfer users to digital platforms. However, it is only a matter of time, and the challenge will be to create all the technologies needed at scale in the long term.


1. Alabina T.А., Dzangieva H.S., Yushkovskaya A.A. METAVERSE AS A GLOBAL TREND OF ECONOMICS // Economics Profession Business. — Kemerovo, — 2022. No. 1. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/metavselennaya-kak-globalnyy-trend-ekonomiki (accessed: 12.03.2023).

2. Asiya Konyukova, Metaverse — what is it in simple words // Online resource: SOVCOMBLOG — 2022. — No.10. URL: https://sovcombank.ru/blog/biznesu/metavselennaya--chto-eto-takoe-prostimi-slovami?utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fyandex.ru%2F (accessed: 10.03.2023).

3. Alexander Kim, Metaverses are changing the modern economy / Alexander Kim // Online resource: VedomostiRU — Moscow, — 2022. URL: https://www.vedomosti.ru/opinion/columns/2022/09/07/939558-metavselennie-menyayut-ekonomiku (accessed: 10.03.2023).

4. Kuchinskaya E.V. METAVERSE AS A NEW ECONOMY // Humanitarian scientific journal. — Dimitrovgrad, — 2022. — No. 2. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/metavselennaya-kak-novaya-ekonomika (accessed: 14.03.2023).

Тарадин Б. С. 
Evolution of art and painting implements

Taradin B.S, 2nd year student {Applied mathematics and computer science}

Scientific adviser: Ozhereleva V.S., senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

This article is a discussion on the development, change of art over time, with main topic as «Actual problems of our time». The author discusses the individual moments of the development of art and most memorable moments of history in art. There will be discussions about how creative mind have come to the point when visualization of people thoughts and feelings became possible and when its became one of the most common ways of self-expression. About appearance of first dishes and figures in bronze age, growth of architecture, sculpture, and illustration in ancient Egypt, great unlike any other before ancient Greece sculptures, development of new art styles in Roman Empire, the dark and war related architecture of Medieval with and their religious icons, the most memorable age of art when was made most known masterpiece and lived most well known painters and sculptures «The Renaissance», the rise of science in the age of Enlightenment. After memorizing main parts in development of art there will be mention of the main point of this article — discussion on the topic of actual problems in field of art that people can relate to.

Keywords: art, painting implements.


The art had its way in our heads since the birth of creative mind, the humanity could not have its way in Modern times without making something by themselves, like tools, weapons, shelters, dishes, clothes and many more, but for this topic will more value the art itself in more common look.

Stone age

The period lasted for roughly 3.4 million years, and ended between 4,000 BC and 2,000 BC. Long time ago people have found the ways to draw on the ground they were standing on and in the walls of where they lived, mostly they could use a chunk of charcoal to make a mess on the rock floor or walls until they had that one idea to draw what they seen in their life (pic. 1), I’m curious how had those works lived until this day but for now let’s talk about something else.

The reason why our ancestors found themselves in front of hilarious mass of lines and curves is because the raise of life quality, when they found more ways to get themselves something to eat and wear and a shelter for their whole family, they get more time for some side activities which along with the growth of their intellectual capabilities had led to the point when unrecognizable mass of their hand work have turned into a pretty similar to their everyday life images of little stickmans and their pray (pic. 2).

Picture 1. Drawings of animals on the wall of cave

Picture 2. Drawing of people hunt on animals

This was not the birth of creative mind but it’s another method of usage.

To make the drawings you didn’t really needed any creative implements, mostly it was a plate of colorful liquid to be used with your own hands or a piece of charcoal or maybe a burnt roots.

Bronze age

Historic period, lasting approximately from 3300 BC to 1200 BC. After a while, people came up with the idea of visualizing their thoughts in three dimensions by using clay, and started from something less recognizable like idols (pic. 4), most of which was used to pray on for a rainy day or good hunt.

Picture 3. Ancient dishes

Picture 4 — Ancient figure of idol

This was not used only for the common art but at the same time to provide more comfort with dishes (pic. 3), and this was the first appearances of vases, cups, plates and other household attributes. After a vile this has become the most essential thing to have a whole set of dishes.

The Ancient Rome

Refers to Roman civilization from the founding of the Italian city of Rome in the 8th century BC to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century AD.

At those times the institution of art had a lot of faces. While in Africa people ether didn’t get any further from a stone age or if we are talking about Egypt they suited themselves with more accurate and tidy images of their gods on the tomb walls (pic. 5) or even turning words in something that is more closer to a symbols (pic. 6) while were capable on constructing giant pyramids and a sculpture of a human faced cat (pic. 7).

Picture 5. Images of Egyptian gods

To be fair their idea of gods looks with animal faces and clothes design is really original and still have its own followers nowadays. Some appearance of paintbrushes could be seen even in Paleolithic era but ancient Egypt was one of the first nations to use them everywhere. Egyptian paintbrushes were mostly made of split palm leaves and was rare to find one with animal hair. for drawing they were using limestone, soot, iron ore and copper ore.

Picture 6. Egyptian symbols

Egyptians made one of the first writing papers which is called papyrus as well as the plant it was made of (pic. 8).

Picture 7. Ancient pyramid and Sphinx

Picture 8. Egyptian papyrus

On the north things was not so primitive, some people started to create their own religion, some is already had one, and some had just use others people religion to keep their pace with time.

First is to look at Greeks, who had growth in science, philosophy, art, religion, architecture and sports. In all cases they probably was first at the time but not in warpower, which is why Rome Empire took it from Macedonians lands and took most of their religion by just renaming every god, by which names soon will be named most of solar system objects. Greeks had an unspeakable amount of achievements which is why here not all of their works will be mentioned.

Everybody saw those painted vases (pic. 9) and god statues (pic. 10) of Greeks, their drawings had some accuracy in details and perspective but there was not anything surprising in them, while their sculptures was more of a miracle then just art, with just the hammer, chisel and emery stone they had made the art that humanity can only learn from about how the actual art is made.

Picture 9. Vase in Greece art style

Picture 10. Statues of Greece gods

Mostly the architecture of Greeks was just plain columns (pic. 11) and sculptures but for the whole world it was a new basis and example of architecture. They used wooden boards cowered with wax or walls for drawing with colorful minerals mixed with egg white and animal clay or tempera which was water based paints, after it was dry they used melted wax. Parchment out of animal skin was the best they could write on by using feathers dipped in wet sulfur, but using animal skin was very expensive and mostly was replaced by stone or wooden plaques with written or engraved inscriptions. The same way it was in Roman empire.

Picture 11. Architecture of Greece

Roman art was more about realism then beauty. They had become famous for their busts of roman speakers, generals and rulers (pic. 12) that can give an idea of their characters. They made many wall sculptures of different events (pic. 13), and their paintings had realistic perspective by putting shadows and forms in a way that it makes a great visualization of events they was about. Busts was mostly made by using a cast of a face out of wax. Architecture was not so different from the one of Greek’s but they had one particular building called «coliseum» (pic. 14).

Picture 12. Busts of famous roman people

Picture 13. Roman wall sculpture

Picture 14. Coliseum in Rome

The Medieval

Period lasted approximately from the late 5th to the late 15th centuries. A period of time particular for Europe and nearest east that had three stages — «Early Medieval», «Classic Medieval» and «Late Medieval». This time started from collapse of the Roman Empire and was filled with ungodly amount of wars and blood filled intrigues.

Picture 15. Medieval fortress in Serbia

Picture 16. Icon of «Holy Trinity»

Medieval architecture was mostly war related fortresses and barracks (pic. 15), which is reasonable for their situation when any time someone could start a siege of your domains. Medieval art style was primitive and had religious style, which as well is reasonable for those days when for your wellbeing you can only pray to a god in front of church icons (pic. 16). Medieval sculpture was religious as well, it was mostly statues of angels and demons (pic. 17). For drawing, they were still using tempera but sometimes they had use of white lead because of colors it could offer. In XV century Netherland painter Jan van Eyck introduced oil paints that became best option after.

Picture 17. Smiling angel in Italia

The Renaissance

Is a period in European history marking the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity and covering the 15th and 16th centuries. Period of time called the Renaissance have started in Italy from man named Lorenzo Medici (pic. 18), who was banker from Sicilia. He was the one started the new age of art in Italia by investing and making contracts with sculptures and painters, who after became well known as famous artists. Even before Lorenzo as well as his family had many connections with people of high status through the bank systems, thanks to that Lorenzo after starting and winning the conflict with church had made his own establishment in Florence.

Picture 18. Portrait of Lorenzo Medici

For example we can take a sculpture known as Michelangelo di Buonarroti who after made a statue of Lorenzo called «Lorenzo de’ Medici duca di Urbino» (pic. 19) or «Lorenzo II Medici», the one who ordered this statue was Pope Clement VII who was one of the Medici family members. Lorenzo helped Michelangelo with recommendation letters that he sent when Michelangelo was about to went to Rome. Lorenzo usually bought some artworks of artists that he supported.

Picture 19. Sculpture «Lorenzo de’ Medici duca di Urbino»

In this period has been made not only most known painting «Monna Liza» (pic. 20) and other individual works of art but also many works in the field of science among which is researches of Nicolai Copernic about Scholar system. Paintings those days were mostly made with oil paints on wooden planks. New style of architecture that has been used then now is called the same way as the period «Renaissance». Sculptures of this period wasn’t very different from the ones in Greece. The art style of Renaissance is known for its details and perspective. In this age people started to use canvas for quality drawings.

Picture 20. «Monna Liza» by Leonardo da Vinci

The age of Enlightenment

Was an intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. One of the key eras in history of European culture, period of time when significant growth of philosophy and science have happened. This period of time is well known as time when spread of religious sects and cults have started, however, there was great success in field of medicine and education.

Picture 21. «Modern» architecture

In terms of architecture there was many of new styles, like — «Modern» (pic. 21), «Barocco», «Ampir», «Classicism», «Romancism» and «Rococo». Sculptures have mostly been seen as decorative statues and monuments, for those who could afford it. With the development of production, it became possible to print books everywhere and use paper for paintings, but canvas still was the more quality option. Painting started to be more common way of spending free time, but in terms of different styles there was mostly same names as with architecture — «Barocco» (pic. 22) and «Rococo». There was just too much painters to choose one to tell about, but at least I must mention the one that I remember myself, and this is Michael Lomonosov, who as well was one of the great scientists in the field of Physics and Chemistry.

Picture 22. «Corrado Giaquinto» in «Barocco» style by Nicola Poussin

The Modern times

This period can be dated since 19th century to the present day. In modern times the definition of art have became blurry. Since XIX century after industrial revolution were made metal cased pen, pencil with lead, automated printing presses and many of different innovations like film production.

With use of engineering and computer sciences, the old technologies have been moved to the background. This is where we starting to talk about the main topic of this article — «Actual problems of our time». When handwork can be replaced with new drawing technologies of creating different shapes and curves without need to use any normal tools and paints, now everything can be done in the virtual space, when an hours of work can be replaced with just e few moves of computer manipulators. Things is getting even worse in terms of creative mind if your work can be replaced with amateurs or even neural systems.

Someone can see it as a problem and other one as a solution. There is need in high quality materials to make a good traditional drawing or sculpture, and there is no guarantee that the work will go well, and final product will meet its expectations. This can be fixed by use of modern technologies, that can reduce the cost of producing the product. People can use press related soft to create blank of future newspaper, or books pages that can be further corrected with ease before printing. Use graphic editor to make a sketch of future drawing or design and 3D editors to form a sketch of future sculpture. There is way to easily create sculpture as well, for this people use 3D printers that can print layer by layer a figure from plastic, minerals or even metal. Neural systems is capable to make illustrations similar to the work of art.


Artworks and sculptures that is made by hands have to be more valuable then those that came out of virtual space. For now neural systems is not capable to make illustrations with good quality but everything that they make have to be treated only as illustrations and not as actual art.


1. Modernism as a style in architecture. Milestones of development / Melnikova I.B., Popov A.V. — DIA publishing house, 2020.

2. Development of computer technologies book art / Solodovicheno L.N. — LLC «Publishing House Academy of Natural Sciences», 2011.

3. Roman sculptural portrait / Britova N. N., Loseva N. M., Sidorova N. A. — Theory & Practice, 1975.

Агапитова В. О., Андреева А. А., Земскова М. С. 
Social inequality in modern society

Agapitova V.O., Andreeva A.A., Zemskova M.S., 3rd year students {Business Informatics}

Scientific adviser: Atrokhin A.M., PhD {Philology}, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

This article reveals the problem of social inequality in modern society and also suggests ways to overcome social inequality. In addition, the consequences of social inequality in modern society are given.

Keywords: social inequality, stratification, socio-economic environment.

The problem of social inequality in modern society is of particular relevance because many people find themselves in an environment where it is impossible to change their place in the economic structure of society. The problem of social inequality has existed throughout human existence. Many scientists have reflected on the problem of social injustice. Each person is different from the other in many factors: age, gender, height, temperament, intellectual level, even skin colour. One is naturally beautiful, one is strong, one is intelligent, and one is destined to be a person of limited means. Signs of social inequality are characteristic of all periods of human development without exception. While in the primitive community, stratification was minimal, only the heads had some preferences, later, the process began to deepen. The emergence of slavery, class or caste divisions of society was characteristic of most countries, and in India the caste system continues to the present day.

When considering the problem of social inequality, it is justified to proceed from the theory of social and economic heterogeneity of labour. In performing qualitatively unequal types of labour and satisfying social needs to a different extent, people sometimes find themselves engaged in economically heterogeneous labour, because such types of labour have different evaluation of their social usefulness. It is socio-economic heterogeneity of labour that is not only a consequence, but also the cause of the appropriation of power, property, prestige by some people and the absence of all these signs of advancement in social hierarchy by others. [5] Each group develops its values and norms and relies on them, if they are placed according to hierarchical principle, then they are social strata.

In social stratification, positions tend to be inherited. The principle of position inheritance means that not all able and educated individuals have an equal chance of occupying positions of power, principle and pay. Two mechanisms of selection are at work here: unequal access to genuine quality education; and unequal opportunities for equally prepared individuals to obtain positions. Social stratification has a traditional character. While the form is historically fluid, its essence, that is, the unequal position of different groups of people, has been preserved throughout the history of civilization. Even in primitive societies, age and gender, combined with physical strength, were important criteria of stratification. Given the dissatisfaction of members of society with the existing system of distribution of power, property and conditions of individual development, one must nevertheless keep in mind the universality of human inequality.

Stratification, like any other science, has its forms. So far we have spoken of inequality without considering its form, meanwhile the intensity of stratification also depends on the form. [3] The theoretical possibilities here range from the extreme where any status is ascribed the same amount of both and third. Extreme forms of stratification have not been found in any historical object.

Let us compare the situation when a society has numerous social strata, the social distance between them is small, the level of mobility is high, the lower strata constitute a minority of society members, rapid technological growth constantly raises the «bar» of meaningful labour at the lower tiers of production positions, the social security of the weak, among other things, guarantees the strong and advanced calm and the realisation of potentialities. It is hard to deny that such a society, such inter-layered interaction is more of an ideal model in its own way than an everyday reality.

Most modern societies are far from this model. They are characterized by the concentration of power and resources of a numerically small elite. The elite’s concentration of such status attributes as power, property and education hinders social interaction between the elite and other strata, leads to excessive social distance between it and the majority, and this means that the middle class is few and the top is deprived of connection with other groups. It is obvious that such a social order contributes to destructive conflicts.

Given the historical period during which social inequality exists and is being investigated as a phenomenon, we can say with almost complete confidence that overcoming this phenomenon is impossible.

It can only be prevented in certain areas. For example, in the socio-economic environment, where the aim is not to overcome but rather to find an optimal level of social inequality, but we can suggest several ways of overcoming social inequality:

— Singling out a progressive tax scale and introducing it at all levels of production; [2]

— Raising the minimum wage;

— Changing the structure of public expenditures.

By dealing with an economic problem, we have a chance to regulate social processes because they are evaluated through the economy. [1] Sociologists point out that a decrease in the motivation for activity (including labour), holding rallies and strikes by dissatisfied people lead to a halt or a dramatic slowdown of production processes. This, in turn, causes a slowdown in economic development.

Since it is the level of income that determines a person’s position in the social hierarchy, and the value of money is particularly high these days, we will analyze the consequences of inequality in this area.

So, let us list the following consequences of income inequality:

— Unequal distribution of property — someone with a high income will get more and someone with a lower income will get less, respectively; [4]

— Differences in mental, physical and entrepreneurial ability — not only income inequality plays an important role here, but also the personal characteristics of the person who engages in economic activity. Often, these are illiterate individuals who do not know the basics of economic concepts, but continue to do so in the hope of gaining status and recognition;

— Differences in the level of education. The level of education allows a person to receive intellectual rent;

— Differences in occupational profitability — each person chooses his own occupation and studies for it. But sometimes he falls under the influence of fashionable trends, and his profession may be popular, but completely unclaimed, hence the low level of income;

— Differences in the socio-economic conditions of the region — today, a large part of the population seeks to move from small towns to megacities, as there is a perception that in the capital or a big city the probability of a large income is higher than in a small town or a village.

In the most general terms, inequality means that people live under conditions in which they have unequal access to limited resources of material and spiritual consumption. The concept of «social stratification» is widely used in sociology to describe the system of inequality between groups of people.

When considering the problem of social inequality, it is justified to proceed from the theory of social and economic heterogeneity of labour. By performing qualitatively unequal types of labor and satisfying social needs to a different extent, people sometimes find themselves engaged in economically heterogeneous labor, because such types of labor have different evaluation of their social utility.

It is the socio-economic heterogeneity of labour that is not only a consequence, but also the cause of the appropriation of power, property, prestige by some people and the absence of all these marks of advancement in the social hierarchy by others. Each group develops its own values and norms and, based on them, if they are placed hierarchically, they are social strata.


1. Осипова Надежда Геннадьевна СОЦИАЛЬНОЕ НЕРАВЕНСТВО В СОВРЕМЕННОМ МИРЕ // Вестник Московского университета. Серия 18. Социология и политология. 2019. №4. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/sotsialnoe-neravenstvo-v-sovremennom-mire (дата обращения: 10.03.2023).

2. Преодоление социального неравенства в современном мире кратко URL: https://obrazovanie-gid.ru/dokumentaciya/preodolenie-socialnogo-neravenstva-v-sovremennom-mire-kratko.html?ysclid=lf6srkhdhh555373300 (дата обращения: 10.03.2023).

3. Социальное неравенство в российском обществе: объективное и субъективное измерения URL: https://elar.urfu.ru/bitstream/10995/61391/1/978-5-7741-0327-0_056.pdf (дата обращения: 10.03.2023).

4. Социальное неравенство в современной России URL: https://otherreferats.allbest.ru/sociology/00208287_0.html (дата обращения: 10.03.2023).

5. Социальное неравенство: понятие, примеры, причины, критерии URL: https://dnevnik-znaniy.ru/obshestvo/socialnoe-neravenstvo.html (дата обращения: 10.03.2023).

Агиевская В. А. 
The efficiency of special events in PR activities

Agievskaya V.A., 2nd year student {Advertising and Public Relations}

Scientific adviser: Fedotova T.V., Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages.

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

Event is an important tool for solving various issues in PR activities. The specially organized event is used to influence the opinion of the audience, to convey any information to the target audience and to attract new partners, investors and clients. It is a kind of a manipulation tool that has been used for in PR activity for long time. The article highlights actual and effective special events that allow to attract a new audience, to establish trusting relationships with partners, and also promotes loyalty among mass media and partner companies.

Keywords: PR, events, special events.

Events, which are usually called special events, are one of the most important tool in PR activity. Today, the main purpose of organizing special events is to attract public attention to a company, to its goods or services. Therefore, companies do great works together with journalists and representatives of accredited news agencies to announce the event extensively.

There are the following main stages of special events implementation:

1) making a decision on the necessity of organizing the event; 2) organizing the event; 3) analyzing the done work and estimating the efficiency of the event. All these stages depend on each other and are closely related. The mistake made at one stage influences on implementation other stages bringing serious problems and difficulties.

To consider the event effectively, on the first stage, it is necessary to identify the main goal of the event, the objectives of the event, to select the target audience, on which this event will effectively influence. On the second stage, it is necessary to appoint a responsible person for holding the event and conduct it according to the previously written scenario. It also must be pointed out that each special event has its own unique features and characteristics, although the basic «canvas» (general sample) of the event may exist in the company. On the final stage, it is necessary to use the methods of analysis, certain indicators of the effectiveness indicated at the initial stage to calculate the efficiency and to prepare a report on the hold special event.

Also, it is necessary to define two groups of special events into which all types of events are divided:

1. Natural (with a real occasion);

2. Artificial (with an invented occasion).

I.V. Aleshina classifies the following types of special events:

— informative events, the main task of which is to convey certain information through an entertainment program (for example, an Open day, a presentation of a new product, opening a place of sale, etc.);

— educational events, the essence of which is the exchange of information or experience (for example, seminars, master classes, exhibitions, professional conferences, etc.);

— symbolic (staged) events, it is specially created events to increase publicity or attract media attention (for example, tree planting, dedications);

— leisure activities designed to organize free time for both their internal and external audience, and are aimed at entertaining them [1].

In general, according to the main purposes all types of special events can be divided into three groups:

1) presentation and occasion;

2) informational and educational;

3) charity.

The first group includes such special events as: anniversaries, presentations, ceremonies and awards.

The effectiveness signs of these events are the following: event notification; direct contact with society; attracting public attention; opportunity to evoke positive emotions in the target audience.

Informational and educational events allow to discuss key issues in any industry and field of activity, to present the company’s position, to convey the company’s ideas to the society by indirect way. As a rule, such events are dedicated to the issues of mutual interests of the company and society.

Charity events often sponsor of non-profit organizations, foundations, socially important organizations. Donations can be collected at sport marathons, official receptions, festivals and concerts. Both non-profit and commercial organizations are engaged in charitable activities. Charity could be the main activity of non-profit organizations. They develop a PR program aimed at either increasing the popularity of this NPO (non-profit organizations) in the local community and drawing attention to the NPO’s activity, or at seeking financial support for specific purposes.

In Pashentsev opinion, today the most effective special events are: opening ceremonies, receptions, presentations, conferences, exhibitions (or participation in specialized exhibition), press conferences, briefings, press tours, etc. [5]. Let’s briefly consider each of them.

Opening ceremonies usually represent the festive opening of a new company or a place of sale. Entertainments, discounts and branded souvenirs attract new customers, help to establish contact with customers and show the advantages over competitors.

Official receptions are organized by the company for a narrow circle of people (it can be partners, large investors, clients, and employees of the company) with a buffet. Receptions are dedicated on certain occasions, such as: 1) the important date for the company or an official holiday; 2) visiting the important guest or delegation of a partner company; 3) expansion of the company or desire to increase the number of partners. Receptions can be day-time and evening-time, with and without seating places, formal and informal.

Presentation of a new product/service/feature is an event that can be held independently or as a part of another event. For example, it can be a part of a professional conference, a press conference or an Open day. The presentation allows to identify the important points of the company’s activities, shows the functionality and unique characteristics of a new product, service or new project. [4].

A professional conference allows to bring together specialists of the certain industry to solve specific problems or tasks. In the framework of the conference other events, such as round tables, presentations, official receptions may also take place. Conferences can be both internal and external (where individual employees of the company take part in) [2].

Organization of exhibition or participation in specialized exhibitions is one of the most popular events of the company. The great advantage of specialized exhibitions is opportunity to increase the number of partners and volume of sales.

A press conference is a special PR event dedicated to a specific issue or activity, where journalists from different mass media companies attend. The essence of this event is to do a dialogue with the press, to answer the questions which concern the society. Unlike a press conference, a briefing is a quick, short meeting of representatives of the company with the representatives of mass media and state authorities. The briefing has a one-side notification character [3].

Usually, in the framework of a press tour, journalists can visit the enterprise to introduce with production facilities and to film about the activities of the company. Also, a press tour may include an excursion around the city (region) where the enterprise operates.

In my opinion, there should be mentioned such event as an Open Day. Educational organizations use this event very often. But sometimes commercial organizations also use one. This event allows to establish good relationships with the target audience (applicants), to secure positive feedback and positive image of the organization, to show the facilities of the organization, to introduce the target audience with the employees.

In conclusion, I would like to note that special events are the important tool for solving various issues of the company. For example, special events convey certain information about the company to the target audience, help to establish trusting relationships with existing partners, investors, clients, and attract new ones. All special events provide increasing activity in the informational spare. In the article I point out significant and effective special events that attract a new audience, build trusting relationships, and increase locality of mass media and partners to the company.


1. Oganyan L.A. «Event-events as a tool for PR activities» / Oganyan L.A. — Text: direct // Young scientist. — 2022. — No. 24 (419). — S. 511—515.

2. Aleshina I. V. «PR for managers» — M., 2018.

3. Gorkina M.B., Mamontov A.A., «100% PR: how to become a good PR manager» — M., 2018.

4. Kuznetsov M.I. «Practical psychology of PR and journalism» — St.Petersburg, 2019.

5. Pashentsev E.N. «Public relations: from business to politics» — M., 2017.

6. Shomeli J., Wisman D. «Public relations» — St. Petersburg. 2019.

Антанович Д. Ю., Жогальская М. С. 
PMC «Redan»

Antanovich D. Yu., Zhogalskaya M. S. 1st year students {Lawyer with knowledge of economics}

Scientific adviser: Lavrenkova M.D., Senior Lecturer of the Department of Professional Foreign Language Training

Baranovichi State University, Baranovichi, Belarus

The article touches upon the actual problem of modernity, namely the emergence of new movements of anime lovers in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. The movement became known after a conflict between a group of guys and persons of non-Slavic nationality occurred in the Moscow Aviapark shopping center on February 22, 2023. The participants of the movement dye their hair black, wear plaid trousers, as well as sweatshirts with the image of a spider and the number 4, which in Japanese sounds like «death». After that, a new movement of PMCs «Redan» appeared.

Key words: PMCs Redan, subculture, criminal groups.

Redan is a new movement of anime lovers in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. The movement is based on the manga [Japanese comics — Hrodna.life] Hunter x Hunter, which has been published since 1998. There is also an anime series based on the manga. Hunter x Hunter tells about a fantastic world inhabited by magical animals and people who hunt them. One of the characters is the leader of the criminal group «Spiders» Genei Redane. The members of the group beat themselves tattoos in the form of a spider with an ordinal number. In 2020, a manga merch featuring a spider was released in Japan. The movement became known after a conflict between a group of guys and persons of non-Slavic nationality occurred in the Moscow Aviapark shopping center on February 22, 2023. They did not share the chairs and started a fight. Security forces detained 226 teenagers. After that, a new branch of the PMC Redan movement appeared. His followers are planning fights with migrants, as well as representatives of other subcultures: «sporties» (lovers of a healthy lifestyle), skinheads, «offniks» (near-football fans).The participants of the «PMC Redan» dye their hair black, wear plaid trousers, as well as sweatshirts with the image of a spider and the number «4» (in Japanese, this figure is consonant with the word «death»). [1]

Recently, the problem of informal youth associations has become urgent in our country. These are groups of people of youth age that are not recorded anywhere, formed on the basis of common life attitudes, interests and aimed at affirming or asserting themselves, expressing their views outside the group, involving new members in it. Such «informals» include — «emo», «goths», «rockers», «metallers», «acidists» and others.

Many of these groups are violators of public order.

One of such associations of PMCs «Redan», appeared on the basis of imitation of the Japanese anime Hunter x Hunter about the criminal gang «Genei Redan». In Japanese anime, a Redan is a squad of elite fighters who are also called «spiders» because of the symbolism. The «redanovites» themselves consider themselves «combat informals».

The abbreviation PMCs has nothing to do with private military companies — it’s just for pathos, well, it’s quite common now in the news. The external differences of the subculture are the image of a spider with the number 4 on its back (this is the symbolism from the anime), black clothes, long hair. It would seem to be a rather harmless description, especially since such a Gothic image at the age of 14—17 years has been popular with teenagers since the 1990s. However, a significant difference from those young people is the Internet and a passion for video content. For his sake, in fact, everything is being started. Teenagers meet in large groups of several hundred people at large venues — for example, in shopping malls to arrange a brawl. [2]

The movement became known after a conflict between a group of guys and persons of non-Slavic nationality occurred in the Moscow Aviapark shopping center on February 22, 2023. They did not share the chairs and started a fight. Security forces detained 226 teenagers.

After that, a new branch of the PMC Redan movement appeared. His followers are planning fights with migrants, as well as representatives of other subcultures: «sporties» (lovers of a healthy lifestyle), skinheads, «offniks» (near-football fans).

In modern society, the problem of combating such antisocial phenomena is particularly acute. One of the main dangers associated with the spread of these negative trends is that they penetrate primarily into the adolescent and youth environment, affecting the least socially and psychologically protected part of society — children and adolescents. [3]

Unfortunately, due to an unformed life position, minors are influenced by other people and often become participants in illegal actions, illegal activities.

At such events, it is impossible to ensure the physical and psychological safety of children and young people, there is a possibility of becoming a victim of provocations, violence. In most cases, unauthorized mass events are associated with a violation of public order, and participation in them can have a negative consequence.

Recently, youth groups have become widespread, whose leaders provoke spontaneous fights, have external distinctive features: they walk in groups, wear black clothes with inscriptions, use distinctive symbols, etc.

No matter what the name of the group is, the main thing is to understand the fact that mass gatherings can end in riots and mass fights in public places. The consequence of such behavior can be the death of children, and even those who are nearby, watching what is happening from the side, will be victims.

You should be more vigilant so that your children do not become complicit in illegal acts and are not involved in illegal actions by other people. That is why it is so important to monitor the actions of their children, especially in crowded places.

All calls to participate in such events are published through widespread social networks and messengers. Teenagers are the most gullible to the information disseminated on social networks and, without the necessary knowledge, life experience, critical thinking skills, take any propaganda statements at face value and a call to action. Young people are an ideal target for imposing their point of view and for engaging in illegal actions, they are curious, they are not busy caring about how to provide for their family, and such actions give them the feeling that they are «already adults» and worth something.

At the same time, young people do not fully realize that by going to attend an unauthorized gathering, they violate the requirements of the law, and they and their parents may be brought to administrative or criminal responsibility.

It is important to take into account that modern children spend a lot of time on social networks, but they are always able to correctly perceive, «filter» information. Often, manipulators, provocateurs, whose goal is to win over one or another layer of youth, hide behind attractive information.

Often young people do not fully realize that by going to attend an unauthorized event, they violate the requirements of the law, and they and their parents may be brought to administrative or criminal responsibility.

It is the parents who are responsible for the improper upbringing of children (article 67 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Marriage and Family («Improper upbringing and maintenance of children»). It is recognized as such, including if the child is in an environment in which security is not provided for him, there is no supervision of his behavior and lifestyle, or if a minor commits an administrative offense or a crime.

For violation of the established procedure for holding an assembly, rally, street procession, demonstration, picketing, committed by a participant of such events at the age of 16 and older, responsibility comes under Part 1 of Article 24.23 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses (hereinafter — the Administrative Code of the Republic of Belarus) («Violation of the procedure for organizing or holding mass events») in the form of a fine, or community service, or administrative arrest. A citizen will receive a more severe punishment if he participated in such an action for a reward. In accordance with part 5 of art. 24.23 of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Belarus, he will be fined from 30 to 200 basic units, or community service, or administrative arrest.

If, during mass events in violation of the established procedure, the death of people, causing serious bodily injury to one or more persons, or causing damage on a large scale, occurs due to negligence, then in accordance with art. 3693 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus («Public calls for organizing or holding illegal meetings, rallies, street processions, demonstrations or picketing, or involving persons in participation in such mass events») for such acts, persons aged 16 and older may be sentenced to arrest or restriction of liberty for up to 3 years, or imprisonment for the same period.

In addition to administrative and criminal liability, the legislation establishes that anyone who has caused harm to citizens and organizations during mass events is obliged to compensate him.

Thus, for participation in an illegal mass event, public calls for their organization and conduct, the sanction of Part 1 of Article 24.23 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses provides for liability of up to 100 basic units, community service or administrative arrest.

Violation of the procedure for organizing or holding mass events that caused the death of people by negligence, causing serious bodily injury, causing damage on a large scale, entails criminal liability.

The sanction of Article 369—3 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus provides for arrest, restriction of liberty for up to five years or imprisonment for the same period.

Teenagers are brought to criminal responsibility only from the age of 14. If a child under the age of 14 commits some kind of offense, then he will first be registered with the juvenile affairs committee, where preventive conversations will be conducted with him. If this is some kind of administrative offense, then the parents will pay the fine, but the responsibility will still be assigned to the child, and not to the parents.

Parents and persons replacing them may be brought to administrative responsibility under Part 1 of Article 10.3 of the Administrative Code for failure to fulfill the duties of raising children, which entailed the commission of offenses by minors. [4]


1. [Electronic resource] https://www.belarus.kp.ru/daily

2. [Electronic resource] https://iz.ru/

3. [Электронный ресурс] https://paperpaper.ru/

4. [Электронный ресурс] https://kodeksy-by.com/koap_rb.htm

Ануфриева П. И. 
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the development of small and medium enterprises in Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov region in 2020—2021

Anufrieva P.I., 3rd year student {Economics}

Scientific adviser: Sagaydachnaya E. N., Candidate of Philology, lecturer of English

Rostov State University of Economics, Rostov-on-Don, Russia

The article deals with the analysis of the coronavirus pandemic impact on the function of small and medium-sized businesses in Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov region. The main economic indicators of the activities of small and medium-sized businesses in 2019 and 2020 in the Southern Federal Area and the Rostov region are compared. The paper considers the relationship between the decrease in the number of workers and jobs. The article focuses on the current state of SMEs in the Don region. The main trends in the development of startups in Rostov and the Rostov region are also presented in the work.

Keywords: employment, enterprises, pandemic, SMEs.

The economic downturn in the field of small and medium-sized businesses in the Southern Federal Area was observed even before the COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions. 2020 has affected the activity of small and medium enterprises, but not as negatively as expected. In the medium-sized business sector, the pandemic has influenced the work of some organizations, on the contrary, positively. This duality is associated, on the one hand, with state support measures that were provided not to every SME, but only to companies that meet certain criteria, and on the other hand, with the size of enterprises. Microenterprises turned out to be the most susceptible to the consequences of the pandemic, and even state support measures could not help them adapt to the rapidly changing conditions and withstand the crisis. Today, the main task of small and medium-sized businesses is to return to the pre-crisis level of business activity.

How has the coronavirus pandemic effected small businesses — enterprises with 16 to 100 employees and revenues of 120 to 800 million rubles? According to the results of a study conducted by the analytical center «Expert Yug», 2020 encountered a decrease in the number of small businesses: in general, the number of small businesses in the Southern Federal Area reduced by 2.6% and in the Rostov region — by 2.7% (149 enterprises).

However, a more significant reduction in the number of companies belonging to small businesses was noticed in 2019, and in general in the Southern Federal Area it amounted to 8.4% (1746 enterprises) and in the Rostov region — 7.9% (479 enterprises). Perhaps one of the reasons was the decline in real incomes of the population that have been falling over the past few years. Due to the closure of borders, the volume of imports of goods and services has cut down. In the Rostov region, the drop in the turnover of small enterprises amounted to 4.9% compared to 2019 (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Turnover dynamics of small enterprises in the Rostov region, billion rubles
Source: developed by the author based on Rosstat data [3]

This led to a reduction in jobs and, as a result, a decrease in the average number of employees — by 12 thousand people (compared to 2019). In 2020, the number of employees in the Rostov region lessened by 1.7%, in 2019 — by 4.9%.

Based on the data presented above, we can conclude that the rate of the number of small businesses decline exceeds the rate of decline in the number of employees working in the small business field, which is due to the closure of enterprises with the smallest number of employees (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. The ratio of the rate of decline in the number of small enterprises and the number of employees of small enterprises, %
Source: developed by the author based on data from the Unified Register of SMEs [6]

It was micro-enterprises that failed to withstand the impact of the pandemic and its associated restrictions. This trend is easily explained: the share of microenterprises in the total number of SMEs is more than 95%.

Individual entrepreneurs make up more than 70% in the structure of micro-enterprises. In 2020, small and medium-sized businesses in the Rostov region lost 5,354 enterprises, of which 3,970 were individual entrepreneurs. In the context of the coronavirus, the procedure for closing a private entrepreneur was significantly simplified: the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation allowed sending applications to the authorized body to terminate the activity of a private entrepreneur online without an electronic signature.

An analysis of the medium-sized business segment in Rostov and the Rostov region showed that 2020 is characterized by the growth of all the indicators considered. According to the Unified Register of SMEs, the number of medium-sized enterprises increased by 11% (42 units). The number of employees boosted by 15%, up to 5,967 people (Table 1). At the same time, 2019 is characterized by a reduction in the considered indicators [6].

Table 1. Comparative analysis of the number of enterprises and the number of employees employed at these enterprises
Source: developed by the author based on data from the Unified Register of SMEs [6]

According to Seldon.Basis, about a third of small and medium enterprises in the region raised their revenue by 30% or more. They are not representatives of the leading (in terms of economic indicators) areas of the economy, but most of these companies operate in the agricultural, construction, manufacturing and trade fields. Slightly more than a quarter of companies showed revenue growth from 5% to 30%. For 14%, it remained approximately at the same level. About 7% of companies recorded a significant drop in revenue [4].

The COVID-19 pandemic did not bypass the economy of the Rostov region: in 2020, the gross regional product (GRP) reduced and the volume of shipped goods decreased.

A significant drop in economic indicators was demonstrated in the real sector of the region’s economy: industrial production and retail trade. Retail in absolute terms retained its positions at the level of 2019 only due to the growth in online trading volumes.

At the same time, in the construction industry, the volume of all services lessened by only 0.6%. Nevertheless, there has been a raise in the volume of investments from the budget, which were directed to the social sphere to combat the pandemic.

The volume of exports in 2020 was higher than expected, mainly due to the export of food and agricultural raw materials. Supplies of wheat, vegetable oil, meat and other foodstuffs have also enlarged as a result of the embargo on Western goods.

On the other hand, the pandemic opens up a number of opportunities. Firstly, the difficult epidemiological situation creates an incentive for the development of import substitution. The second possibility is the dependence of the regions on the domestic market, which stimulates the formation of ties between enterprises.

Today, the state of SMEs in Rostov and the region is different: it varies from industry to industry. For example, the tourism, hotel and restaurant businesses, the event industry and beauty salons have suffered significantly. Trade in consumer goods, light industry and a number of manufacturing industries are not so susceptible to the devastating impact of the pandemic; pharmaceuticals, medical services, agriculture, online delivery, courier services and taxis have been largely unaffected by the effects of the coronavirus crisis, some businesses have even benefited from the development of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Small businesses recovered most quickly from quarantine restrictions and began to dynamically restore business activity. Small businesses have demonstrated fundamental changes in their activities in the shortest possible time, and the transition to a remote economy has become a coveted way out of this situation for enterprises in this category of entrepreneurship [1].

In 2021, companies continued to actively update the processes started in the previous year:

• entering new markets;

• developing of online trading;

• digitizing of internal and external business processes.

The internal business environment has seriously changed: the remote format of work of employees (at first perceived negatively) turned out to be cost-effective and promising for many industries. The activity of enterprises is recovering, banks are receiving more and more loan applications from businesses for new investment projects, the loan portfolio of the regional bank «Center-Invest» in the SME sector for the first six months of 2021 showed an increase of 15% relative to the beginning of the year [1].

After each wave of the crisis period, the bank is overwhelmed by a wave of innovative business projects (startups). Small business occupies the vacant niches and reacts very sensitively to any changes.

Thus, technological entrepreneurship is a strategically important area for the development of the Rostov region. In the region, as part of the implementation of the national project «Small and Medium Enterprises and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiatives», a powerful infrastructure and start-up support system was created: a network of «My Business» centers and boiling points in several municipalities function, Innovation Agency was created, within which the Regional Competence Center operates. In addition, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to receive grants from the Innovation Promotion Fund.

Also, the Don authorities plan to create a «smart» economy in Rostov based on new technologies and digital products. Hence, together with the city’s universities and development institutions, the city administration will develop technological entrepreneurship. According to forecasts, the share of high-tech production in the city’s economy will grow to 15% (246 billion rubles) [2].

The difference between 2021 and previous periods is a new wave of self-employed. The simplicity and convenience of the new business mechanism was appreciated by young people who are striving for new approaches to work that give greater independence and freedom.

According to the regional department of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, the number of self-employed citizens in the Rostov region has increased by 2.5 times compared to the beginning of the current year (Fig. 3).

Figure 3 — Dynamics of the number of self-employed in the Rostov region from January 1 to November 1, 2021, thousand people
Source: developed by the author based on data from the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Rostov Region [5]

Thus, the COVID-19 pandemic has certainly affected the economy of the Rostov region and the function of small and medium-sized businesses in the region. Most fields and the companies involved in them showed a significant drop in economic activity. However, there is a number of industries for which the pandemic has opened up certain opportunities. Nowadays, SMEs in the Don region are gradually recovering business activity, and the self-employed are showing a similar trend.


1. Business media «Expert Yug»: official website, available at: https://expertsouth.ru/news/kak-malyy-biznes-yuga-rossii-perezhil-2020-god (accessed 21 February 2023)

2. Newspaper «Official Rostov»: official site, available at: https://rostof.ru/articles/aleksey-logvinenko (accessed 22 February 2023)

3. Rosstat: official site, available at: https://rosstat.gov.ru (accessed 21 February 2023)

4. Service for the search and verification of Seldon counterparties: official site, available at: https://seldongroup.ru/system/basis (accessed 22 February 2023)

5. The Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Rostov Region: official site, available at: https://www.nalog.gov.ru/rn61 (accessed 21 February 2023)

6. Unified register of small and medium-sized businesses: official site, available at: https://ofd.nalog.ru (accessed 21 February 2023)

Бабашева Д. Р., Лагутина А. Ф. 
Economic, political and socio-cultural problems in the 21st century

Babasheva D.R., Lagutina A.F., 3rd year students {Economics}

Scientific adviser: Atrokhin A.M., PhD {Philology}, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

The article deals with topical problems that have arisen with the development of the economy, influencing every sector of human life. Such changes can have both positive and negative impact on the further development of the world and society as a whole.

Keywords: globalization, industrial activity, population.

One of the main aspects characterizing the development of the modern economy at the moment has become globalization, which is the strengthening of the mutual influence of various spheres of the world economy. This process has an impact on the transformation of the world economy into a single market for goods, services, capital, labor and knowledge.

Globalization affects the structure of the world economy as an interconnected system. This is manifested in the international division of labor, migration, the movement of capital, the global legal regulation of economic processes and a number of other processes in their interdependence.

International trade has historically become an important factor in people’s lives. The exchange of goods of developing countries and colonies is one of the first forms of internationalization.

At the moment, another trade is taking place, which is based not on one-time commercial transactions, but on long-term production ties based on agreements, alliances, etc. In these types of economic relations, both those countries with economies in transition and developing countries take part.

On the one hand, globalization, or rather its high growth, leads to an excess of the growth rate of international trade over the growth rate of world production and to an outpacing of the growth of capital movements in relation to the movement of goods.

On the other hand, the growing scale of industrial activity negatively affects a person and the world around him as a whole. In developing countries, the need for energy resources, raw materials are increasing, and there is an increase in the amount of waste from enterprises. All this, ultimately, can lead to the depletion of natural resources.

Despite this, in recent years there has been an active increase in the world population. Such a «population explosion» is due to the fact that in countries with an underdeveloped economy and a low level of medicine, high mortality is accompanied by a high birth rate, thereby replenishing the labor force for rural work. In developed countries, mortality is reduced due to modern medicine, routine vaccinations and the fight against epidemics.

The global problem of our world is the poverty of the population majority. As a result, most poor people are illiterate. Thus, according to the Director-General of UNESCO, «More than 770 million adults and 126 million young people in the world cannot read or write simple phrases».

The population of Russia currently has about 145 million inhabitants (ROSSTAT). Population growth has been observed since 1952 with the beginning of economic recovery after the Great Patriotic War. However, after 1995 this indicator became negative. In the 2010s, the situation stabilized thanks to social and material assistance from the state.

Life expectancy in the Russian Federation has gradually increased since 1990 and by 2019 has reached the age of 73.3 years. However, due to the pandemic in 2020, mortality has increased and life expectancy has been drastically reduced.

According to UN forecasts, with a positive option by 2036, the population will increase to 150 million people, life expectancy up to 81 years, and the birth rate will reach 1.7.

The younger generation is most of all faced with the process of globalization, because it is they who are more prone to economic and social crises. Youth in all countries is the main conductor in socio-economic and technological progress. It is she who most quickly strives to master new communication technologies of the future.

In order to minimize the possibility of threats in the socio-cultural sphere, it is necessary to ensure the coordination of the actions of the government and the people, the coordination of all problems and new solutions, and also to ensure national security for all people.

One way or another, an important threat in the socio-cultural sphere is the growth of social inequality within the country and between countries, which in turn reduces communication, restricts the freedom and rights of the individual.

Despite this, has been an active increase in the world population in recent years there. We can say that globalization opens up new opportunities for economic development, interaction between peoples and states. In order to adapt to new conditions and take advantage of chances, it is necessary to adequately respond to globalization processes. Such a response may be the realization of the common interests of all mankind in the face of the threat of global crises. Globalization has a direct impact on the world economy through economic, social and technological changes.


1. Antipina N. L., Moor S. M., Murzina Ye. V. Intellektualizatsiya obshchestva: sotsial’no-ekonomicheskiye problemy //Vestnik Surgutskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. — 2019. — №. 4 (61). — S. 91—98.

2. Golosov A. A., Sherfedinov E. A. Problemy mirovoy ekonomiki: sotsial’no-ekonomicheskiye aspekty ustoychivosti razvitiya //Natsional’nyye ekonomicheskiye sistemy v kontekste formirovaniya global’nogo ekonomicheskogo prostranstva. — 2019. — S. 448—451.

3. Martynenko T. S. K PROBLEME KONTSEPTUALIZATSII SOTSIAL’NOGO NERAVENSTVA V SOTSIOLOGII KONTSA KHKH-NACHALA XXI VEKA //Sotsial’noye neravenstvo sovremennosti: novaya real’nost’ nauchnogo osmysleniya. — 2018.

4. Osipova N. G. Sotsial’noye neravenstvo v sovremennom mire //Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 18. Sotsiologiya i politologiya. — 2019.

5. Polozhentseva I. V. Molodezh’ v epokhu globalizatsii //Vlast’. — 2019. — №. 4. — S. 83—86.

Shakhovskaya L.S. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskiye aspekty formirovaniya global’nogo mirovogo prostranstva v XXI veke — 2018

Белевич Д. А. 
Financial control as a tool for ensuring the organization and state economic security

Belevich D.A., 3rd year student {Economic security}

Scientific adviser: Kyuregyan M.P., PhD {Sociology}, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

The article is devoted to the analysis of financial control in the context of ensuring the organization and the state economic security. The essence of financial control was studied, the role of economic security was identified, and the current financial control measures aimed at ensuring economic security in the Russian Federation were assessed. The regulatory legal acts, articles and official websites of control and supervisory bodies were reviewed, the forms of internal and external financial control were analyzed.

Keywords: economic security, state financial control, internal financial control, independent financial control, Rosfinmonitoring, Bank of Russia.

According to the Russian President Decree of 02.07.2021 №400 «On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation», ensuring economic security is of great importance in the context of the ongoing world economy restructuring. This is based on the fact that it strengthens the economic sovereignty of the country, increases the competitiveness of domestic companies, counters internal and external threats, and creates conditions for strong economic growth. [1] Achieving the goals of ensuring economic security is carried out with a variety of tools, and the financial control is one of them. It is a set of activities aimed at information collecting for the monitoring of economic processes and taking particular measures to ensure the legality and accuracy for the formation, distribution and expenditure of economic entities’ money. In order to reveal the essence of financial control, it should also be noted that it is a mechanism for protecting the financial and economic interests of organizations and the state. It means that financial control prevents and combats negative threats, destabilizing factors and also ensures the sustainable implementation of the represented economic entities’ main commercial interests and objectives of the activity.

Financial control is a very complex and tedious process because of its laboriousness. Consequently, both external and internal financial control take place for the effective supervision system.

State financial control is carried out by special control and supervisory bodies. In this case, the activity regulated by the rules of law to control the targeted and legitimate use of funds, as well as countering corruption and the legalization of illegal income are the most the most important factor of economic security. The Federal Financial Monitoring Service of the Russian Federation (Rosfinmonitoring) is one of the main participants in this system. It is to monitor the organizations’ activity in the sphere of the compliance with laws on countering money laundering and the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) as well as to detect and deal with illegal operations. [7]

The Bank of Russia in turn also contributes to ensuring the economic security of the country by controlling the conduct of currency transactions by credit and non-credit financial organizations. The Department of Financial Monitoring and Currency Control has organized work to support companies supervised by the Bank of Russia, aimed at preventing the risks of money laundering and preventing large involvement of organizations in various suspicious transactions. [8]

Speaking about the work of the authorities in this area in general, it is necessary to note their close interaction and cooperation, which makes it possible to effectively prevent, identify and counteract the legalization of illegal monetary assets. For example, on November 11, 2022, thanks to the efforts of Rosfinmonitoring, the Bank of Russia and the Federal Tax Service, one of the largest shadow platforms offering services for concealing and legalizing income in the field of public catering was identified. It was used not only to launder the money, but also to evade VAT, payroll taxes and fees. [6] Thus, the effective activity of state bodies in the field of financial control consists in reviewing and rapid responding to information that may indicate negative processes for the economic security.

Internal financial control as another kind of financial control is aimed at ensuring the economic security of organizations. [4] Its purpose is to continuously monitor the efficiency of economic activity, identify internal reserves, and eliminate the causes of theft and mismanagement. Internal financial control can be divided into operational and strategic. The former ensures the economic security of the enterprise at the time of financial transactions, preventing possible abuses when receiving and spending funds. The latter is aimed at developing optimal solutions for the use of financial resources and capital investment, ensuring economic efficiency and maximizing profits.

The financial control scheme also distinguishes independent financial control. [3] It is carried out by an external audit system — organizations that are not subordinate to the supervisory authority, acting on their own behalf. It usually has place at the request of the owners and shareholders of the company, as well as in accordance with the law. Thus, an independent audit ensures the economic security of both the organization and the state to some extent.

In the context of an organization, independent financial control is aimed at helping them to identify more effective ways to use resources, analyze financial activities and provide advice on ensuring economic security and stable growth of an economic entity. As for the economic security of the state, a mandatory external audit is also to confirm the reliability and completeness of accounting data and to identify violations of legislation, for example, the facts of the theft of funds or the illegal incomes legalization.

A certain positive trend in the context of ensuring economic security can be traced. For instance, Rosfinmonitoring has presented a report on its activities at the end of 2021, which stated a decrease in the total volume of suspicious financial transactions due to the joint activities of control and supervisory authorities. [5] And in the first half of 2022, the Bank of Russia has provided its own statistics which reflects a potential for economic growth as a result of measures taken in the field of combating money laundering. [2]

Thus, the economic security of the organization and the state occupies an important place in the modern world, since it aims at the sustainable development of economic entities, as well as the formation of mechanisms to counter illegal transactions with money. Financial control serves as a specific instrument for its provision, which occurs by the control and supervisory authorities cooperation, work of specialized organizations and legal entities themselves, and includes a wide range of tools for the prevention, detection and suppression of illegal operations in this area.


1. The Russian President Decree of 02.07.2021 №400 «On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation». — URL: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_389271 (accessed 04.03.2023)

2. Countering money laundering and currency control // Official website of the Bank of Russia. — 2021 — URL: https://cbr.ru/counteraction_m_ter (accessed 04.03.2023)

3. Kaadze A.G. External and internal audit: tasks and features of procedures // Komsomolskaya Pravda news site — 2022 — URL: https://www.kp.ru/guide/vneshnii-i-vnutrennii-audit.html (accessed 05.03.2023)

4. Laishi Y. Internal financial control // Internet resource «Directory» — 2022 — URL: https://spravochnick.ru/finansy/vnutrihozyaystvennyy_finansovyy_ko
ntrol (accessed 05.03.2023)

5. Report on the work of Rosfinmonitoring as of December 21, 2021. // Official website of Rosfinmonitoring. — 2021 — URL: https://www.fedsfm.ru/content/files/documents/2022/%D0%B0nnualr
eport21.pdf (accessed 04.03.2023)

6. Rosfinmonitoring, the Central Bank and the Federal Tax Service have revealed a scheme of tax evasion in the catering sector // Izvestia news site. — 2022 — URL: https://iz.ru/1423959/2022-11-11/rosfinmonitoring-tcb-i-fns-vyiavili-skhemu-ukhoda-ot-nalogov-v-sfere-obshchepita (accessed 04.03.2023)

7. The official website of Rosfinmonitoring. — URL: https://www.fedsfm.ru (accessed 04.03.2023)

8. The official website of the Bank of Russia — URL: https://www.cbr.ru (accessed 05.03.2023)

Бурьян А. В. 
The difficulties of combating smuggling in the modern world

Buryan A. V., 4th year student {Customs Affairs}

Scientific adviser: Hodakova A. A., Senior Lecturer of the Department of Customs Affairs, Faculty of International Relations

Belarusian State University, Minsk, the Republic of Belarus

This article delves into one of the most dangerous crimes of an international character that is called smuggling. The purpose of the article is to determine the nature and main features of the crime, as well as to identify the problems that hinder the process of combating it. Special attention is paid to the practical examples and statistical data confirming the information written. The research results can form the basis for the practical organization of the fight against smuggling.

Keywords: global problem, international security, crime, smuggling.

Nowadays any crimes that jeopardize cross-border movement of goods cause damage not only to the development of international relations, but also to the development of each individual state by undermining its national security and sovereignty. Among such criminal activities smuggling is recognized as the most dangerous crime.

Smuggling is the purposeful movement of goods across a border in violation of applicable laws or other regulations [5, p. 2]. According to the theory of international criminal law, smuggling is considered a crime of an international character, which does not directly threaten the world peace and security, but creates obstacles for cooperation between states in various fields, for example, in political, economic, social and cultural spheres [7, p. 2].

Over the course of time, the threat posed by smuggling does not decrease, but, on the contrary, increases in scale even more. According to the statistics published by the World Customs Organization, only in 2021 the quantity of drugs seized by the customs authorities of different countries reached more than 800 000 kg, and the number of weapons and ammunition seizures amounted to 10 000 [6, p. 75, p. 219]. Undoubtedly, the illegal movement of such dangerous items hinders the progressive development of all the states in the world. But, unfortunately, it is very challenging to organize the proper fight against smuggling.

The complex nature of this crime is obvious by many factors. Firstly, as already noted, smuggling is not a type of crime that is committed only within one country. For example, The United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime lists smuggling of firearms as one of the most dangerous transnational crimes. Therefore, it is impossible to combat it without the cooperation between States, but in reality it is really complicated to organize it properly. Secondly, in order to address the problem of smuggling, it is necessary to know and understand how a large number of national laws, as well as international legal acts, work. Thirdly, smuggling is closely linked to other related crimes such as forgery of documents, drug distribution, etc. Moreover, tax losses, for example, from illegal wildlife movement for the countries of origin are estimated at about 7 to 12 billion US dollars per year, therefore, it indicates a connection with the crime of tax evasion [1, p. 2]. As we can see, by ignoring the prevention of smuggling, all the states additionally may face even more negative consequences from other related crimes. Fourthly, the fact that smuggling is often committed by members of various organized criminal groups makes the issue even more global. Fifthly, it is necessary to be aware of the latency and complexity of detecting contraband. All the offenders usually have top-notch equipment and a high level of awareness of how to illegally transport goods and remain unpunished. Moreover, the range of contraband goods is constantly expanding and their production is constantly increasing with the help of modern technologies. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, in 2021 clearly because of that the opium cultivation in Afghanistan increased by 32% over the year [8, p. 3]. It is also worth noting that it is impossible to predict some changes in the world, but exactly they can significantly undermine anti-smuggling activities. For instance, according to the data from the World Customs Organization, during the unexpected COVID-19 pandemic, law enforcement agencies faced an increase in the use of online trading platforms, which, as a result, has complicated the physical control of goods [6, p. 73]. Currently, postal delivery has become the most common type of transportation of contraband items. The number of postal drug seizures doubled in 2021 [6, p.82]. It proves that offenders, unlike law enforcement agencies, always adapt faster to the changing world circumstances, and this fact significantly complicates the fight against illegal movement of goods.

In addition to the complex nature of this crime, there are many other circumstances and reasons, which make overcoming smuggling so troublesome. In the current context of the active development of integration processes, states are striving to simplify the movement of goods across borders, for instance, by removing some of the trade restrictions. On the one hand, it contributes to the progressive economic development of states, but, on the other hand, it also creates many favorable conditions for the commission of smuggling. Political conflicts, international and national economic crises, extremely high taxes, unemployment and poor quality of life in some countries also have a negative impact that encourages many people to turn to criminal activities like smuggling. Moreover, in the globalized world difficulties in political or socio-economic situations and an increase in the crime rate in one country can negatively affect other countries as well. It also should be understood that the person, who commits any crimes, and especially smuggling, has a large amount of socially unacceptable personal qualities such as indifference to legal norms and mandatory laws, commitment to antisocial views, low level of education and morality, interest in criminal activity, priority of material values and needs. Their motives for committing a crime and getting more profit are more important for them than the damage they may potentially cause to the national and international security.

It is also impossible not to mention the drawbacks of anti-smuggling legislation. As a rule, most of them are connected with the legal gaps and unreasonableness, inconsistency and irrelevance of some legal norms related to smuggling that, consequently, does not allow to effectively combat it. However, it is critical to highlight that despite the international nature of this crime, today, most of the legislative acts on countering smuggling are adopted within the framework of one state and function only at its national level. It can be explained by the fact that usually smuggling poses a different level of danger for each state, therefore, the means of combating it has to be different. In Switzerland the problem of smuggling is not so widespread and relevant, as a result, criminal liability for the commission of this crime is not so tough. For example, any person who illegally imports or exports some narcotic substances is liable to a custodial sentence not exceeding 3 years or to a monetary penalty [4]. But in China, where the problem of smuggling has been especially topical since the 19th century, any person, who illegally transports across the border of China, for instance, 50 g or more of heroin, may be sentenced to death [3].

The fight against smuggling can be also complicated due to some organizational factors. For example, such factors may include the lack of necessary infrastructure and technical equipment, the lack of crime prevention programs, poorly managed customs control, poor quality of the risk management system, difficulties in cooperation between customs administrations of different countries. Also, the lack of legal knowledge among law enforcement officers makes it easier for offenders to circumvent anti-smuggling legislation. Moreover, some of such officers can be corrupted and deliberately counteract the detection of smuggling or hinder the investigation process.

A notorious example of a state in which the fight against smuggling is very difficult, if not impossible, is Guinea-Bissau. It is a small country, which has become a point of distribution of Latin American contraband goods to Asian and European markets. In 2014, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime estimated the cost of drugs transiting through Guinea-Bissau at about 2 billion US dollars, which is actually several times more than its entire national income [2, p. 23]. Nowadays the situation is still stably complicated. Due to all of the mentioned above socio-economic, legal, organizational and negative moral factors, which, by the way, fully characterize this state, the fight against such a tricky and complex crime as smuggling cannot be organized within such a poorly developed country. But, at the same time, the global nature of this crime negatively contributes to the growth of organized crime index not only at the national level, but also at least at the regional level. Today, this index in West Africa is 6 out of 10 points [9, p. 68].

To conclude, it is worth recalling that the first and fundamental step, which should be taken in the fight against any issue in this world, is the direct and precise establishment of a problem. Otherwise, misunderstanding of what problematic aspects should be resolved cannot guarantee effective results. By the end of this study, it has become obvious that the problem of combating smuggling is even deeper than it seems at first glance. Its complex nature and dependence on any changes in law enforcement agencies, legislation, society and just in the world once again prove the fact that the fight against it should be comprehensive. It means that it is necessary to deal not only with the illegal movement of goods, but also with all social, economic and legal problems that provoke people to commit this crime. The features and characteristics of the modern type of smuggling identified during this article, as well as the causes, conditions and circumstances under which it is committed, have not only theoretical significance. Understanding and focusing on all these revealed nuances will help to develop practical measures to improve international security by preventing smuggling all over the world.


1. Briefing Note on How UN/CEFACT Standards Protect Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna / The United Nations Economic and Social Council. — Geneva: 2020. — 4 р.

2. Colonel Stephen K. Van Riper. TACKLING AFRICA’S FIRST NARCO-STATE: GUINEA-BISSAU IN WEST AFRICA // CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014. — 47 p.

3. CRIMINAL LAW OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA [Electronic resource] // Asian Legal Information Institute. — Mode of access: http://www.asianlii.org/cn/legis/cen/laws/clotproc361/ — Date of access: 12.03.2023.

4. Federal Act on Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances of the Swiss Confederation [Electronic resource] // Fedlex. The publication platform for federal law. — Mode of access: https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/1952/241_241_245/en — Date of access: 12.03.2023.

5. Gallien M., Weigand F. The Routledge handbook of smuggling / edited by Max Gallien and Florian // New York, NY: Routledge, 2022. — 485 p.

6. Illicit Trade Report 2021 [Electronic resource] // World Customs Organization. — Mode of access: https://www.wcoomd.org/en/topics/enforcement-and-compliance/resources/publications.aspx — Date of access: 11.03.2023.

7. Investigation of crimes of an international character / C. Sergii, U. Larysa, O. Volodymyr // — 2019. — Vol. 22, No. 5. — P. 1—15.

8. OPIUM CULTIVATION IN AFGHANISTAN / The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.: 2022. — 23 p.

9. The Global Organized Crime Index 2021 [Electronic resource] // GLOBAL INITIATIVE AGAINST TRANSNATIONAL ORGANIZED CRIME. — Mode of access: https://globalinitiative.net/analysis/ocindex-2021/ — Date of access: 12.03.2023.

Бушуева Е. А. 
Disadvantages of hierarchy in management

Bushueva E.A., 3rd year student {State and Municipal Management}

Scientific adviser: Fedotova T.A., senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

The disadvantages of hierarchy in management are a very relevant topic these days. After all, many people face this in their work. Gender inequality, the pressure of the authoritarian hierarchy, difficulties in relationships with colleagues, the disunity of the team, the effectiveness of the orders of managers are the main drawbacks that can be identified.

Keywords: Hierarchy, problems, disadvantages.

Hierarchy is the order of subordination of lower links to higher ones. And in addition, it is the principle of the structural organization of a complex multi–layered system, which is based on the interaction of various layers of the organization in a sequence from the lowest to the highest.

Hierarchy is characterized by such types of social relations as inequality, subordination and dependence.

Its disadvantages include:

1. Gender inequality in the hierarchy.

There is a double hierarchy — for men and for women. This is expressed in the fact that the careers of both sexes develop differently. That is, if both a man and a woman have started working at the same level, the former, due to their masculinity, most often have more authority, therefore they perform more time-consuming and complex work, unlike women, who are usually given simpler tasks. Because of this, men come to the post of the head of the organization in many cases. Gender behavior is less dependent on personal characteristics, and more dependent on expected social norms [1].

2. The pressure of the authoritarian hierarchy.

If a person is in the lower structures of an organization where there is an authoritarian hierarchy, then this hierarchy will have a negative impact on him, hindering the development of potential. Accordingly, employees have a negative reaction to this impact, and as a result, there is low activity and efficiency, disinterest in the work process, a biased or even negative attitude towards higher colleagues, self-criticism and self-doubt, unwillingness to improve themselves and change their lives for the better. And instead, they express their dissatisfaction by covert, moral resistance and joining groups of like-minded people who find themselves in the same situation, with the same opinion in order to find support and understanding.

3. Complexity in the relationship between employees at different levels of the hierarchy.

Those who do not have the opportunity to achieve high results in their careers lose their desire and interest to work for the best achievements. And when employees move to a new career level, they break ties with their past colleagues from the old workplace, as a result of which they have a negative attitude towards this person, self-doubt and self-criticism. But also, if an employee has entered a senior position, but has interrupted all contacts with former colleagues, this may not play into the hands, as it will negatively affect decision-making, employee motivation, and the prevention of problems in the organization.

4. Disunity in the team due to hierarchy.

Hierarchy leads to the remoteness of the collective in the organization from each other. «Hierarchy literally separates us from others and from ourselves, placing power outside of our inner self» [2]. Any relationship between the boss and the subordinate is possible only when the superior person knows what the subordinate needs to do. And subordinates, in turn, must show reciprocal knowledge and actions to the orders of the boss. «Rigid hierarchy of subordination, formalization of organizational processes are incompatible with human nature» [3].

5. Inefficiency of the orders of the head.

Another disadvantage of the hierarchy is that the head, not directly participating in the labor process, gives orders to subordinates, which may be ineffective.

6. Comparing yourself with other employees.

An employee, when he sees favorable and convenient conditions for promotion, begins to compare himself with colleagues in higher positions. And if the conditions are unfavorable or unsuccessful, the employee puts himself in comparison with colleagues of his level, taking care of their support.

Thus, in most modern organizations there are these disadvantages of hierarchy. And it is important for every organization to avoid these problems or try to minimize them.

Examples of how these disadvantages can be eliminated:

In order to eliminate gender inequality in relation to senior positions, it is important to consider women on an equal footing with men, give women the same tasks as men, not rely on the established opinion about the superiority of men in management in senior positions and conduct professional development certification in equal conditions, not relying on primitive foundations in society.

The authoritarian hierarchy harms the whole team, because few people will want to work hard and efficiently if they understand that they will never achieve new heights. It is important to motivate full-time employees to achieve new positions. Therefore, it is worth showing employees that they have all the abilities to achieve their job goals, by encouraging (both moral and financial) their achievements in work, more frequent certification, and you can also send them to advanced training courses.


1. Петров, Дмитрий. Иерархия — что это, а также метод анализа иерархий [Электронный ресурс], 2021. — Режим доступа: https://ktonanovenkogo.ru/voprosy-i-otvety/ierarhiya-chto-ehto-takoe.html (date of application: 25.02.2023)

2. Лекции по социологии [Электронный ресурс], 2014. — Режим доступа: https://perviydoc.ru/v24541/%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D
1%86%D0%B8%D0%B8_%D0%BF%D0%BE_%D1%81%D0%BE%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%B8 (date
of application: 25.02.2023)

3. Макморланд, Джудит. Соответствуете ли Вы своей работе? Соответствует ли Ваша работа Вам? Изучение уровней работы в организациях [Электронный ресурс], 2016. — Режим доступа: https://coachinstitute.ru/mediateka/pro-kouching/sootvetstvuete-li-vy-svoey-rabote-sootvetstvuet-li-vasha-rabota-vam-izuchenie-urovney-raboty-v-organ.html (date of application: 25.02.2023)

Ворощук Д. В. 
Factors affecting the efficiency of the enterprise

Voroshchuk D.V., 2nd year student {Economics}

Scientific adviser: Arutyunyan D.D, PhD {Pedagogy}, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

The problem of efficiency occupies one of the central places among the totality of problems facing society. The article presents an extended classification of factors affecting the efficiency of the enterprise, which helps to structure the work.

Keywords: enterprise efficiency, external and internal factors, classification.

Increasing the efficiency of the enterprise contributes to a high level of competitiveness in a market economy. Its analysis is important for making informed management decisions at all levels of the economy. Efficiency is the result of rational use of the organization’s resources: labor, capital, energy, materials, time. At the same time, goods or services should be produced with minimal costs and a high level of quality.

In relation to the object of research, factors are divided into internal and external. Internal factors directly depend on the organizational process of the enterprise (for example, personnel management, technology application, product range, pricing policy, etc.) External factors are almost not subject to the influence of the company’s activities, demographic changes, the level of supply and demand for labor, the level of prices for raw materials and energy, etc.

The effectiveness and expediency of the company’s work is directly determined by the external environment. These are primarily consumers of products, suppliers of production components, and the state. There are also competitors in the external environment who are ready to take the place of the enterprise in the market at any time.

Environmental factors are divided into factors of direct and indirect impact. Direct factors directly affect the decision-making of an enterprise in the field of economic activity: suppliers, the state, consumers, competitors.

Indirect factors do not have a direct and immediate impact on the organization’s activities: technological progress, international events, the state of the country’s economy, socio-cultural factors, relations with the local population, political factors.

You also need to understand that changes in one of the components will lead to changes in other components of the external environment. Therefore, the analysis and study should be carried out systematically, taking into account how these changes may affect other elements of the macroenvironment.

The external environment largely determines the results of the company’s activities. Therefore, it is important to be able to respond to its changes and influence the internal structures of the enterprise. In order to survive and remain competitive, enterprises need to adapt to this environment.

There are countless different factors. With an adequate assessment, it is impossible to use only the economic performance indicators of the organization. Staff motivation plays an important role in the company’s activities, it encourages employees to work more efficiently. The main goal of the motivation system is the development of the company. Motivated employees work more efficiently, they solve tasks in a timely manner or even before the appointed time and perform tasks efficiently.

The main condition for increasing production efficiency is a change in profit. Profit is the difference between sales revenue and the cost of production. Therefore, it is possible to increase profits if you reduce the cost of production, or if you increase the volume of sales revenue. You can increase revenue by increasing the volume of output or changing the price. The cost of production consists of the sum of variable and fixed costs for the entire volume of production. Variable costs are proportional to the volume of production (for example, energy costs, raw materials, transportation of products, etc.).

Fixed costs do not depend on the volume of production, for example, depreciation, rental of equipment and premises, salaries of employees, advertising. Therefore, a reduction in unit variable costs or a reduction in fixed costs for the entire volume of products can reduce the cost.

The main directions of increasing production efficiency are identified, namely, reducing unit variable costs, reducing the amount of fixed costs, increasing the volume of output, changing the price of products.

The reduction of specific variable costs occurs due to measures to reduce material and labor costs, reduce variable costs for the maintenance and use of equipment. Reduction of fixed costs for the entire output of products can occur due to measures to reduce workshop, management, and commercial costs.

The material resources factor is the basis of the production process. The volume of production and sale of goods depends on timely and high-quality provision of material resources.

Thus, a huge number of factors affect the effective functioning of the enterprise. The classification of factors contributes to the structuring of the company’s work and the identification of its weaknesses. And the measurement and analysis of efficiency are important for making informed management decisions at all levels of the economy.


1. Gazaliev, M.M. Enterprise Economics: textbook, 2015.

2. Staroverova K. O. Management. Management Efficiency: A textbook for Academic Bachelor’s degree, 2019.

3. Economics of the organization (enterprise): textbook / V.D. Gribov, V.P. Gruzinov, V.A. Kuzmenko. — 10th ed., 2016.

4. Enterprise economics: production resources and efficiency of their use / Bely E. M. [et al.], 2014.

Воронкина И. М., Костюкович П. К. 
Cyberattack protection

Voronkina I.M., Kostyukovich P.K., 2nd year students {Informatics}

Scientific advisers: Vidisheva S.K., senior lecturer; Sitnikova T.V., senior lecturer

Belorussian State University, Minsk, Belarus

The article deals with cyberattacks in modern society and the measures that should be undertaken to protect the data. The main causes of data leakage and methods of their elimination are also considered. Most of the problem-solving methods are designed for use in large companies and organizations, but some of them are also applicable for ordinary users.

Keywords: cyberattacks, protection, data, cybersecurity, Internet.

It’s not a secret, that nowadays many people are exposed to be attacked by thieves on the Internet, that are usually called scammers. It’s a huge problem for many people, especially for the elderly, who are not well informed about that and consequently falling into traps made by scammers and are losing their money or private data. Truly speaking, this problem arose long ago and almost everybody is aware of it, but thefts still happen.

Cybersecurity means protecting data, networks, programs and other information from unauthorized or unattended access, destruction or change. In today’s world, cybersecurity is very important because of some security threats and cyber-attacks. For data protection, many companies develop software. This software protects the data. Cybersecurity is important because it helps not only to secure information but also our system from virus attacks.

Cyber threats can be further classified into 2 types. Cybercrime — against individuals, corporates, etc., and Cyberwarfare — against a state.

So, there is a question how to prevent various attacks on the Internet, and now we will tell about some methods of cyberattack protection.

The first method is allocating the resources for data protection. Effective data protection work begins with the realization that such threats exist and that data needs to be protected. The range of risks that companies are exposed to in case of leaks varies from administrative to criminal liability. Financial losses, loss of reputation are the most serious risks that can jeopardize the further existence of the business.

In case of high-profile leaks, regulators can initiate unscheduled compliance checks, which are fraught with fines and, in extreme cases, the suspension of the organization’s activities until the discrepancies are corrected.

If the victim company is small and operates in a highly competitive market, the consequences of attacks can lead to a business stoppage and closure.

The second thing is the analysis of threats and risks. In order to choose effective data protection solutions, it is necessary to analyze the threats that the company may be exposed to.

Increasingly, the causes of leaks are «hybrid» attacks as a result of the collision of external and internal assaults. On the background of the communications development and the mass switching to remote work, it has become easier for hackers to find vulnerabilities in the infrastructure and incite employees of various organizations to crime.

An illustrative example with new challenges is ransomware attacks, which pose great threats to business.

Previously, small and medium-sized businesses with a developed IT service that had backups could relatively quickly restore the infrastructure, but now the victim has additional problems — in case of refusal to pay, the stolen data will be published on the Internet. To do this, cybercriminals create special web platforms where they arrange auctions among themselves to sell stolen data.

Nowadays because the types of attacks are changing rapidly and becoming more complicated, you need to return to the analysis of possible risks and threats regularly.

The third thing is data policy development and delimiting access to information. It’s not a good idea to share all working data and client databases on Google Drive and open the access to all employees.

The next one is implementation of technical solutions for data protection, such as password protection for documents or complex multifunctional professional options.

The most effective method of protecting data from leaks is the depersonalization of information. To do this, you need to change the data analyzing process in such a way that the final array of information is not personal data and is not valuable to an impostor.

Another equally important way of protection is to conduct informational work with employees.

Deliberate leaking of data by employees is a common cause of leaks. But, unfortunately, most companies do not pay enough attention to informational work with staff.

Workers with access to data must understand that they may face intruders and, in case of an attack, must be prepared to meet it appropriately.

So, for example, many people have personally encountered telephone fraud and calls from «representatives» of the bank. The main source of their personal data leakage is insiders in financial institutions.

Today there is a whole underground market for leaked and stolen data. Scammers are actively looking for insiders within their companies of interest.

The data is of interest to hacker groups, competitors, or just ordinary scammers, so it is in demand on the dark web and is well monetized.

And the last, but not the least, is to be prepared for threats and elimination of consequences. It is important not only to equip the company with technical solutions, train employees and be fully prepared for attacks, but also to think through scenarios and possible actions to eliminate the consequences in advance.

Today due to high Internet penetration, cybersecurity is one of the biggest needs of the world as cybersecurity threats are very dangerous to the country’s security. Not only the government but also the citizens should spread awareness among the people to update their system and network security settings all the time, and to use proper anti-virus so that any computer system and network security settings stay virus- and malware-free.

So, we have told only about some methods of protection against cyberattacks. Even though hackers already know about them, and therefore they will find new vulnerabilities and attack with new methods, we should still develop how to prevent not only already known attacks, but also attacks possible in the future.


1. «Cybersecurity: Protecting Your Business from Cyber Attacks» by Eric Greenberg

2. «Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know» by P.W. Singer and Allan Friedman

Гавричков А. А. 
Biofuel use in the past, future and present

Gavrichkov A.A., 1st year student {Biotechnology}

Scientific adviser: Brych V.V., Senior Lecturer

Belarussian State University, Minsk, Belarus

In this article the notion «biofuel» is defined. The issues of its production, profitability and efficiency as an alternative energy source are disclosed. The types of biofuels, their advantages and disadvantages are also considered.

Keywords: Biofuel, Biodisel, Biogasoline, Alternative energy sources.

A variety of energy sources such as mechanics, electricity or oil fuel have been used throughout centuries. Now, due to the fact that mankind has become too dependent on oil, science is studying alternative energy sources, because the production of gasoline from oil greatly pollutes the environment, and oil is also a non-renewable source of energy.

The trend to use biofuels emerged about two hundred thousand years ago. One of the first inventors to use this energy source was Samuel Maury. In 1826, he proposed a model of an engine that ran on alcohol and turpentine. German inventor Nicholas Otto created the world’s first four-stroke internal combustion engine powered by ethanol in 1876.

There are three types of biofuels: solid (for example, firewood), liquid (biogasoline and biodiesel) and gaseous (biohydrogen and biomethane). At the moment, gaseous and liquid biofuels are the mostly used ones.

Gaseous biofuels. Of the gaseous biofuels, biohydrogen is used the most, as when burned, only water is released, that is, its use does not harm the environment. 1 kg of H2 contains the energy of about 120 MJ. But the production of biohydrogen is still a rather complicated process, in which there are two ways: light fermentation and dark fermentation. With the dark one, bacteria are used that do not need light, they decompose organic matter and produce hydrogen as a metabolite, and with the light one, microalgae are used mainly (for example, Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii), they use sunlight as an energy source for synthesis [2].

Liquid biofuel. Liquid biofuels contain biogasoline and biodiesel. Biodiesel is a mixture of vegetable oils. Getting them is quite simple, as while processing various plants, a lot of secondary raw materials often remain and oils unsuitable for food are easily extracted. They are used as biodiesel. But even though this type of fuel is easy to produce, it causes the same environmental damage when burned as petroleum fuel. The pollutant profile of the exhaust gas of a biodiesel engine differs from that of a diesel engine, characterized by higher NOx and aldehyde emissions, but lower CO and CO2 emissions. The use of biodiesel is bad for public health. That is, the only advantage of this type of fuel is its fast and labor-intensive production [1].

Biogasoline, in its turn, is a mixture of alcohols, light hydrocarbons and acids. It is also produced from recycled materials from the processing of plants, but this type of biofuel production requires fermentation. However, it is much cheaper than petroleum fuel. Biogasoline is mainly composed of bioethanol and biobutanol, which have a long history of good energy performance while burned.

Agricultural crops such as sugar cane, corn, millet and poplar are widely used for biofuel production. Though mostly non-edible parts of plants are used in this production, sometimes using the edible parts of plants are used as well.

But biofuels cannot yet replace petroleum fuels, and there are a number of reasons for this, however, before naming them, it is worth understanding the types of biofuels in relation to the raw materials from which they are produced. Biofuels come in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation. First-generation biofuels are produced from agricultural crops, second-generation biofuels from non-agricultural plants (grass, trees, foliage), third-generation biomass from various macro- and microalgae biomass. The fourth generation biofuel is produced by genetically modified cyanobacteria, which, during photosynthesis, can release alkanes into the environment, and still continue to live and multiply, giving even more biofuel (being the most environmentally friendly way currently) [4].

As it was already mentioned above, biofuel cannot currently displace oil fuel from the market. Here’re the reasons why:

a) Now the main production of biofuels is that of the second and the first generations, because these production options give the maximum product at a minimum cost. But these methods increase the cost of food, as using crops in biodiesel production mainly affects poor countries. Moreover, the production of second-generation biofuels destroys natural ecosystems and causes the death of animals, since it requires resources to be taken from somewhere, and second-generation biofuels are produced from wild plants.

b) With current technologies, biofuel production does not produce enough product, so no country can afford an absolute switch to this type of fuel.

c) Reduced carbon dioxide emissions from biofuel combustion can be offset by its emissions during production. As well as the destruction of plants and land cover, which contributes to the fixation of carbon from the atmosphere, means the loss of potentially recycled carbon dioxide. Speaking about another method of bioenergy, we can say that the use of agricultural waste for the production of biofuels involves the release of the carbon contained in them, which under normal conditions could safely go into the soil. Integrated assessments of bioenergy technologies based on the life cycle give a wide range of results depending on whether or not direct and indirect changes in land use, the possibility of obtaining by-products (for example, livestock feed), the greenhouse role of nitrous oxide from fertilizer production and other factors are taken into account. According to Farrell et al. (2006), emissions from biofuels from cereals are 13% lower than conventional gasoline. A US Environmental Protection Agency study shows that over a 30-year time horizon, biodiesel from grain compared to conventional fuels ranges from a 26% reduction to a 34% increase in emissions, depending on the assumptions made.

d) The ability of biofuels to serve as a primary source of energy depends on its energy efficiency, that is, the ratio of useful energy received to spent. The energy balance of grain ethanol is discussed in Farrell et al. (2006). The authors come to the conclusion that the energy extracted from this type of fuel is significantly higher than the energy consumption for its production. On the other hand, Pimentel and Patrek prove that energy costs are 29% greater than recoverable energy. The discrepancy is mainly due to the assessment of the role of by-products, which, according to the optimistic assessment, can be used as livestock feed and reduce the need for soybean production.

However, despite all these shortcomings, by 2050 the US and EU countries have agreed to invest resources in improving the production of biofuels in order to achieve zero emissions. Biofuels will be indispensable for the decarbonization of the transport sector as a whole, and while road transport is likely to remain the largest market for biofuels, it is especially important for applications where electrification does not look like a viable option in the next few years (heavy duty vehicles, aviation, shipping). In these markets, biofuels will play an increasingly important role [3].

Oil is a non-renewable resource, so humanity is looking for new ways to extract energy. And biofuels are the best substitute, because they also work on the principle of combustion, emit generally less emissions into the atmosphere, and most importantly, they are renewable.

Biofuels are not profitable enough at the moment, but the trend shows that with the growth of science, biofuels are becoming more and more attractive as an alternative to petroleum fuels, so in the future it may completely replace oil.


1. Biodiesel fuels: A greener diesel? A review from a health perspective [Electronic resource]: Science of The Total Environment, 2019 — Mode of access: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/
article/abs/pii/S0048969719325550?via%3Dihub — Date of access:

2. Biohydrogen production and purification: Focusing on bioelectrochemical systems [Electronic resource]: Bioresource Technology, 2022 — Mode of access: https://www.sciencedirect.com/
science/article/abs/pii/S0960852422012895?via%3Dihub — Date
of access: 15.03.2023

3. Emerging technologies for biofuel production: A critical review on recent progress, challenges and perspectives [Electronic resource]: Journal of Environmental Management, 2021 — Mode of access: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S030147972100689
7?via%3Dihub — Date of access: 15.03.2023

4. Unravelling Metagenomics Approach for Microbial Biofuel Production [Electronic resource]: Genes, 2022 — Mode of access: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/genes — Date of access: 15.03.2023

Гвищ Е. В. 
Modern issues of society

Gvishch E.V., 2nd year student {Computer Security}

Scientific advisers: Brych O.V., Senior English Instructor; Dvorkina S.A., English instructor.

Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus

The problems of our time are a subject on which we can talk endlessly. Violence, wars, unemployment, oppression of people — all these, unfortunately, are in our society. In this essay will be considered some of the main problems.

Keywords: society, overpopulation, overconsumption, patriarchy.

Humanity has existed for about 200,000 years. And all these years it is constantly evolving. What we have now: the Internet, artificial intelligence, robots — all these things a few decades ago were just a fantasy, and now the ordinary. But at the same time, rapid development entails a lot of problems that are going to be discussed here.

One of the global challenges is rapid demographic growth, or overpopulation. Currently, the world’s population is 8.03 billion. And nowadays most of the children are born in not the richest countries: India, Nigeria. This results in many children living in poverty, hunger and lack of access to adequate health care and education. And in developed countries, on the contrary, there is depopulation. People, afraid that they will not be able to give children everything they need, simply do not have them. Which in turn leads to an ageing population, a higher number of deaths than births and a natural decline in the population.

Also, everyone is affected by contemporary environmental problems, including:

Air pollution caused by emissions from numerous industries, automobile emissions, household and industrial wastes. Harmful gases (carbon dioxide, methane and others), organic and inorganic particles, biological molecules enter the Earth’s atmosphere. All this provokes diseases and allergic reactions in people and animals.

Global warming caused by the release of harmful substances into the planet’s atmosphere. Another reason is the collateral effect of a huge human population. People burn fossil fuels, recycle oil, and so on, so there’s a greenhouse effect — the rise in temperature on the planet’s surface.

Pollution of the oceans. The ocean is the main factor shaping the climate on Earth: the current depends on heat and cool, and the evaporated water is converted into clouds and precipitated. The oceans suffer primarily from industrial emissions, but there are also a number of other negative factors: oil and petroleum products, sewage, chemicals and heavy metals, plastic.

Pollution of land resources. Soil pollution is a type of anthropogenic degradation of soil due to the exceedance of chemical concentrations. Soil erosion, both natural and man-made, should be singled out. This process is caused by rainwater or river water or by strong winds. Human beings adversely affect land soils when forests are cleared and burned, reclaimed and overexploited, both in water bodies and in the subsoil of the earth.

The next global problem that is becoming more common every year is over-consumption. And it is popular in many social networks — for example, TikTok. Influencers proudly show huge piles of cosmetics, clothing and other things. And people, without realizing that it’s mostly just advertising, are influenced and believe that if they don’t have, for example, 10 different jackets, 20 trousers and so on, something is wrong with them. And they buy and buy things they don’t need, without thinking that most of these items are produced by people, including minors, who work for pennies in terrible, almost slave-like conditions.

This raises the problem of overtime work. Inflation and rising prices force people to work more and more to support themselves. Now many people do not work to live, but live to work.

Another problem that cannot be ignored is wars and conflicts. According to historians, more than 15,000 wars have occurred in the history of mankind, in which up to 3.5 billion people were killed. It can be said that mankind has always fought throughout history. Historians have calculated that in the last 5,500 years people have been able to live in the world only a negligible 300 years, that is, in every century civilization lived in peace only a week. Terrifying, isn’t it? Wars also divert all resources and money into weapons, while people become poorer and cannot satisfy basic needs.

It seems that now, in the twenty-first century, when technologies are developing and people are exploring space, there can be no war. But, unfortunately, this is not so. There are still people who believe that the only solution to conflicts is war and the killing of innocent people, not diplomacy and negotiation. It’s scary when people like that run whole states. But whatever the case may be, there is always the hope that one day wars will remain but a terrible relic of the past.

And the last problem I want to discuss is patriarchy, and how it affects not only women, but also men. It is a well-known fact that patriarchy has long and persistently convinced society that women cannot have many basic human rights. For example, one of the first women’s suffrage was introduced by New Zealand (1893). Only 130 years ago! In Saudi Arabia, the law was adopted only in 2015.

Women were also denied education for long periods. Until the middle of the 19th century, higher education was a male prerogative. Women were instructed to take care of the home and children, but not the sciences. Even when women gained the right to education through perseverance and struggle, many were forced to use masculine pseudonyms to publish and quote their research. This has also been seen in literature: Georges Sand, George Elliot, Robert Galbraith and others — all of these people are in fact women who were forced to hide themselves in order to get a confession. And there was a common situation where women’s achievements — the paintings they were painting, the research they were doing, and the discoveries they were discovering without conscience, were being appropriated by their husbands, brothers, male colleagues — and that was normal.

The consequence was that many of the great women of the past were simply forgotten and erased from history. For example, if you ask a passerby how many women scientists they can name, it is unlikely that they will remember more than a couple. And for example, the technology of pseudo-random frequency conversion, which was the basis of the invention of WI-FI — something without which we cannot imagine our life today, was invented by a woman — Hedy Lamarr. Also the first computer algorithm, the first computer language compiler, central heating — all this and not only was invented by women!

You’d think it was a relic of the past, and now we’re equal, but it is not. Even today, women face prejudices on a daily basis: in the workplace, in universities. Especially if they study «male» specialties related to mathematics, programming, engineering and so on. Not only students, but many professors make condescending remarks about female students: «You’re a girl, you don’t understand it», «not a woman’s business» and the like. I believe that these prejudices can and should be combated.

The patriarchate also normalized domestic violence. «What You Did Not To Get Beaten,» «Your Fault,» «Provoked,» is something you’d hear about women who were not afraid to say they were being beaten.

Religion also often comes into play. In an age of intense feminism and equality, women’s rights to education, free abortion, self-expression and even freedom of movement are being denied in some countries under the pretext of religious and traditional values. And that’s in the 21st century!

But how does patriarchy harm men? The first thing that comes to mind is toxic masculinity. For centuries, men have been convinced that showing emotions and experiences is a shame, because «men don’t cry». As a result, generations of men are forced to suppress emotions and turn to unhealthy protective mechanisms such as alcohol abuse (men develop dependency more often than women).

Raising children is traditionally seen as a responsibility of women. As a result, men are reluctant to spend much time with their offspring. Even today, stay-at-home fathers are considered weak if they «allow» wives to be breadwinners. Studies confirm this: men whose wives provide the basic income are more likely to be unhappy with their lives, all due to a culture that views childcare as a woman’s occupation.

Also, many men who are fond of traditional «female hobbies», such as makeup, are subjected to enormous criticism and even harassment.

Another result of the strong gender norms of patriarchal society is the high suicide rate among men. This sad fact is also attributed to the cult of masculinity, which makes it less common for men to seek help from psychotherapists and psychiatrists to resolve their emotional problems.

But it is gratifying that the idea that we are all equal, free to express ourselves and our emotions and to do what we like, regardless of whether it conforms to accepted norms, is now spreading. It is hoped that someday it will become something self-evident and completely normal.

So, now, as in any other century, there are quite a lot of problems, both those that stretch from the past and those that are connected with rapid development and new technologies. Of course, it is impossible to completely get rid of them — it is utopia. It is to be hoped that mankind will unite and minimize the number of problems and their impact, so that at least our descendants will have the opportunity to live in a better world.


1. Modern Problems and Opportunities in our Society Exploratory Essay [electronic resource] URL: https://ivypanda.com/essays/modern-problems-and-opportunities-in-our-society/ Date of access: 15.03.2023

2. The History of Patriarchy [electronic resource] URL: https://medium.com/inside-of-elle-beau/the-history-of-patriarchy-5ed57240a2bb Date of access: 15.03.2023

3. Не зови меня моим именем: женщины-писательницы, которые взяли себе мужские псевдонимы. [electronic resource] URL: https://www.forbes.ru/forbes-woman/480810-ne-zovi-mena-moim-imenem-zensiny-pisatel-nicy-kotorye-vzali-sebe-muzskie-psevdonimy Date of access: 15.03.2023

Глазунова Е. С. 
Traditions of graduation party

Glazunova E.S., 1st year student {Economic security}

Scientific adviser: Kyuregyan M.P., PhD {Sociology}, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

The article discusses the comparison of graduation party in two countries: Russia and the USA. And also shows the main traditions for its holding.

Keywords: Traditions of graduation party, graduation party, organization of graduation.

We all know that each country has it’s own customs and traditions for holding any event. In some countries they are similar, in others they are completely different. One of the most interesting events is the graduation party. In order to compare the traditions of the graduation party, let’s take two countries: Russia and the USA.

In America the graduation party is one of the romantic holiday. However, it requires serious preparation. Young girls are already starting to think about a dress, hairstyle, makeup, bouquets and accessories for a year. For young man, the graduation party is no less troublesome event. At the graduation party, the young man is supposed to arrive in a limousine with a pre-purchased flower, which he will attach to the dress of the girl he plans to accompany on this magical evening. According to American tradition, a young lady cannot go to a ball without a companion. He must pick her up from home by car, give her flowers, escort her to the venue of the celebration and take care of her in every possible way all evening. In case of non-compliance with this law, the graduate faces public censure. If it was not possible to find a couple for the graduation party, the students unite in groups of several people. Also, you can invite not only one of your classmates to the graduation party, but also elementary school students. The most important thing is that the guest himself is a graduate of an educational institution. Preparation for the solemn event also begins in advance. At the beginning of the last academic year, the graduating class selects the members of the organizing committee. They will be responsible for the preparation of the graduation party in the future. Representatives of the committee choose the theme of the evening (for example, «Hollywood», «The Era of the 70s», etc.), decorate the hall and come up with various contests. The traditional end of the graduation party is the choice of the King and Queen of the evening, which often become the most popular and beautiful students. At the end of the holiday at the educational institution, all graduates go to restaurants or hotels, where they continue the celebration until the morning. Two days after graduation, former students receive the coveted certificates.

In Russia, graduation is considered an equally important event in a person’s life. It is customary to divide it into two parts. The first is the last bell, at which the director reads out a solemn speech, the students perform amateur performances on stage, and at the end they turn on a traditional song about finishing school, put a pre–prepared little girl on the shoulder of a high school student, and she rings a bell, telling that childhood is finally in the past. The second part takes place either within the walls of the school, or is organized in some public place where graduates, parents and teachers gather. The organization of graduation at school usually begins with several parent meetings. Enterprising mothers actively discuss the banquet menu, the decoration of the ceremonial hall. Children have been waiting for this event for a whole year, they are also preparing, discussing details, deciding how best to organize everything. Although, of course, most of the organizational issues fall on the shoulders of parents. The graduates themselves are dressed in the best outfits. An undoubted attribute of any graduation party is ribbons tied over dresses and suits. In this way students are proud and happy to remind everyone that 11 years at the desk have already passed. Also at the ceremony, graduates give flowers with sincere gratitude to their teachers for their patience and knowledge. Of course, graduates are aware of their grades and level of knowledge in advance. But nothing will prevent them from walking in a solemn form to pick up the certificate to the noise of applause. The most touching moment is considered to be the graduation waltz, when for several months the students learned the movements and eventually performed with it. And the whole event ends with a campaign of graduates to meet the dawn.

So, we have considered the conduct of graduation in Russia and the USA. We can say that this event in its essence does not differ too much in these two countries, if only in individual details. Graduation from school happens once in a life and it is worth spending it so that it will be remembered for the rest of your life.


1. History and traditions of graduation [Electronic resource] — Access mode: https://xn----dtbyiecefst0g.xn--p1ai/vypusknoj-vecher-istorija-prazdnika-i-tradicii-drugih-stran/?ysclid=lg3clk1ulq80473458

2. School graduation ball [electronic resource] — Access mode: https://www.rastut-goda.ru/teenager/7846-vypusknoj-bal.html?ysclid=lg3cr7dlx7731875

Головко Е. В., Приходько Д. П. 
Переориентация экспортных рынков в условиях санкций Европейского союза в отношении белорусских лесоматериалов

Головко Е. В., Приходько Д. П., студентки 3 курса направления подготовки «Менеджмент (в сфере международного туризма)»

Научный руководитель: Макаревич О. И., м.ю.н, преподаватель

Белорусский государственный университет (БГУ), Минск, Республика Беларусь

В статье рассматривается анализ экспортных потоков лесоматериалов Республики Беларусь до и после введения санкций Европейского союза (далее ЕС). В соответствии с Регламентом Совета ЕС обозначен перечень товаров, в отношении которых установлены ограничения при поставках в ЕС, включая товары лесного сектора. Результатом введения санкций является переориентация экспорта белорусских лесоматериалов. В ходе исследования выявлены альтернативные рынки сбыта, которыми выступают страны Азиатского региона.

Ключевые слова: санкции, лесоматериалы, экспорт, диверсификация.

В структуре экспорта товаров Республики Беларусь значимую долю занимает экспорт лесоматериалов. В 2021 году общий объем экспорта лесоматериалов составил 3 455,3 тыс. м3 . В этот же период за рубеж через ОАО «Белорусская универсальная товарная биржа» было реализовано более 2 млн. м3 лесоматериалов, причем около 90% пришлось на страны ЕС и Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. Вместе с тем, основными рынками сбыта являлись Федеративная Республика Германия, Латвийская Республика и Литовская Республика. Предприятия из этих стран закупили белорусские лесоматериалы на общую сумму 24,4 млн. долл. США . В число крупнейших покупателей белорусских лесоматериалов также вошли Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии, Королевство Нидерланды, Республика Польша, Словацкая Республика и Эстонская Республика. Наибольшим спросом у иностранных участников торгов пользовались деревянные заготовки для экспорта.

Таблица 1. Объем экспорта лесоматериалов в 2022 году, тыс. м3

Исходя из данных Министерства лесного хозяйства Республики Беларусь (далее Минлесхоз) , в январе 2022 года наблюдались активные поставки лесоматериалов на рынки стран ЕС в объеме 50,5 тыс. м3 (таблица 1). При этом организации лесного сектора в целях диверсификации рынка поставляют значительные объемы лесоматериалов в Китайскую Народную Республику (далее КНР). Так, в январе 2022 года общий объем поставок в эту страну составил 13,6 тыс. м3.

В марте 2022 года в соответствии со статьями 1o-1r Регламента Совета ЕС №765/2006 от 18 мая 2006 года об ограничительных мерах в связи с ситуацией в Беларуси и причастностью Беларуси к российской агрессии против Украины (по состоянию на 20 июля 2022 годом) были установлены ограничения для Республики Беларусь на поставку в страны в ЕС всей группы лесоматериалов под кодом ТН ВЭД 44  .

Данные таблицы 1 подтверждают факт прекращения экспорта этой товарной группы в ЕС: в июне 2022 года были полностью приостановлены поставки белорусской лесопродукции. Это оказало негативное влияние на экономику Республики Беларусь. Снижение экспорта лесоматериалов привело к уменьшению доходов государства. Более того, одним из негативных эффектов также выступило снижение спроса на белорусскую лесопродукцию.

Таким образом, после введения европейских санкций в отношении лесопродукции организациям Минлесхоза пришлось искать альтернативные рынки сбыта. По данным Национального статистического комитета Республики Беларусь, в страны ЕС поставлялось до 80% экспортируемых лесоматериалов. Несмотря на сложное экономическое положение лесного сектора, приходящееся на июль 2022 года (39,4 тыс. м3), в сентябре того же года организациям удалось выйти на досанкционный объем реализации экспортной лесопродукции (63,3 тыс. м3)  .

Проанализировав данные таблицы 1 с июня 2022 года по декабрь 2022 года, наблюдается переориентация рынков сбыта в сторону стран Азиатского региона, в частности значительное увеличение экспортных поставок в КНР (на 40,9%). Возросли объемы реализации лесопродукции в Российскую Федерацию, Азербайджанскую Республику, Республику Узбекистан и иные страны. Следовательно, Азербайджанская Республика выступает новым перспективным рынком для Республики Беларусь с целью реализации экспорта лесоматериалов. В июне 2022 года поставки возросли до 12 тыс. м3, затем сократились на 4,3 тыс. м3, однако с июля по ноябрь 2022 года произошло увеличение экспорта в 3 раза.

Рисунок 1. Структура экспорта лесоматериалов в 2022 году, %

В итоге в 2022 году сформировалась новая группа стран-импортеров белорусских лесоматериалов (рис. 1). Общий объем экспортируемой лесоматериалов составил 698,9 тыс. м3 (таблица 1). В сравнении с 2021 г. (3 455,3 тыс. м3) экспорт лесоматериалов снизился на 79,7% . Исходя из данных диаграммы (рис. 1), лирующее место в экспорте лесоматериалов из Республики Беларусь занимает КНР — 326,9 тыс. м3, что составляет 47% от суммарного объема экспорта лесоматериалов. Вслед за ним идут страны ЕС — 186,5 тыс. м3 (27%), однако такой результат стал возможен по причине того, что в первой половине года осуществлялись экспортные поставки в данные страны. Объем экспорта в Азербайджанскую Республику за 2022 год составил 103,8 тыс. м3 (15%), в Российскую Федерацию — 45,2 тыс. м3 (6%), в Республику Узбекистан — 14,6 тыс. м3 (2%), в иные страны — около 20,7 тыс. м3 (3%).

Предприятия лесного сектора Республики Беларусь продолжают работу по поиску новых рынков сбыта лесоматериалов, чтобы сохранить объемы производства, а также рентабельность продаж. На сегодняшний день принимаются активные меры по осуществлению торговли в условиях санкций, введенных со стороны ЕС. Приоритетом выступает дальнейшая диверсификация экспортных потоков по поставке древесины в такие страны, как Исламская Республика Иран, КНР, Республика Армения, Исламская Республика Пакистан, Российская Федерация.

Исламская Республика Иран. Одним из новых партнеров Беларуси с 2022 года является Исламская республика Иран. С целью дальнейшего сотрудничества белорусская делегация во главе с заместителем Министра лесного хозяйства В. И. Кречем посетила XX Международная выставка «Iran WOODEX 2023» . В рамках данного официального визита были проведенных деловые переговоры по вопросам осуществления поставок белорусской лесопродукции.

КНР. КНР и Республика Беларусь — многолетние торговые партнеры. По данным Национального статистического комитета в 2021 году в Китай поставлялись белорусские товары на сумму 867,4 млн. долл. США, включая лесоматериалы . По итогам 2021 года экспорт лесоматериалов в КНР в два раза превысил аналогичный показатель 2020 года . На данный момент китайским партнерам предлагаются не только пиломатериалы высокого качества, но и другие виды продукции деревообработки: окоренная и оцилиндрованная древесины, топливные гранулы.

Исламская Республика Пакистан. Традиционно в Исламской Республике Пакистан сохраняется высокий спрос на лесоматериалы. В мае 2022 года Национальный центр маркетинга совместно с ассоциацией торговцев лесопродукции Исламской Республики Пакистан организовал онлайн-мероприятие, посвященное развитию сотрудничества в сфере деревообработки. После изучения потенциала лесного сектора Республики Беларусь Исламская Республика Пакистан проявила заинтересованность в сотрудничестве.

В итоге в сентябре 2022 года Республику Беларусь посетила пакистанская делегация, в состав которой вошли представители более 20 компаний, которые занимаются закупкой и реализацией лесопродукции, в рамках выставки «Лесдревтех» в фокусе которой был белорусско-пакистанский бизнес-форум, посвященный сотрудничеству двух стран в сфере лесопромышленного комплекса.

Республика Армения. На данный момент в Армении наблюдается рост строительства и реконструкции жилищного фонда. По этой причине Республика Беларусь заинтересована в поставках лесоматериалов в эту страну. Данный факт подтверждается результатом встречи Министра лесного хозяйства А. А. Кулика с Чрезвычайным и Полномочным Послом Республики Армении в Беларуси Р. М. Хумаряном. Обсуждалась подготовка к предстоящему заседанию межправительственной армяно-белорусской комиссии по торгово-экономическому сотрудничеству, в рамках которой будут обсуждаться вопросы о дальнейшем расширении сотрудничества государства, в том числе в сфере лесного хозяйства.

Российская Федерация. Российская Федерация традиционно является основным торговым партнером Республики Беларусь и крупнейшим экспортным рынком для белорусских товаров. На долю Российской Федерации приходится около 41% общего объема экпорта товаров из Беларуси  .

В 2022 году более чем в 7 раз увеличились экспортные поставки белорусских лесоматериалов в Российскую Федерацию, что составило 45,2 тыс. м3. Таких результатов удалось достичь благодаря гибкой ценовой политике. Исходя из хорошо налаженного транспортного сообщения между двумя государствами, данное экспортное направление рассматривается как одно из приоритетных наряду с Азией и Ближним Востоком.

Введение санкций со стороны ЕС в отношении Республики Беларусь оказало негативное влияние на лесной сектор. Возникшие сложности в экспорте данного сегмента товаров подчеркивают важность международного сотрудничества в решении политических и экономических проблем. В период санкций Республика Беларусь была вынуждена искать альтернативные рынки для сбыта своих лесоматериалов. Одним из рынков, на который переориентировались экспортные потоки, стал КНР. Рост экспорта в КНР способствовал компенсации потерь от традиционных рынков. Перспективными направлениями диверсификации экспорта лесоматериалов вляются Исламская Республика Иран, Исламская Республика Пакистан, Республика Армения и Российская Федерация.

Список литературы:

1. БелТА — Новости Беларуси. Экономика [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://belstat.gov.by/economics/ (дата обращения: 04.03.2023).

2. Министерство иностранных дел Республики Беларусь [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://mfa.gov.by (дата обращения: 04.03.2023).

3. Министерство лесного хозяйства Республики Беларусь [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://mlh.by (дата обращения: 04.03.2023).

4. Национальный статистический комитет Республики Беларусь [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://belstat.gov.by/ (дата обращения: 04.03.2023).

5. Национальный центр маркетинга и конъюнктуры цен Республики Беларусь [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://ncmps.by (дата обращения: 04.03.2023).

6. Об ограничительных мерах в связи с ситуацией в Беларуси и причастностью Беларуси к российской агрессии против Украины (по состоянию на 20 июля 2022 г.) [Электронный ресурс]: регламент Совета (ЕС), 18 мая 2006 г., №765/2006 // Посольство Республики Беларусь в Королевстве и Великом Герцогстве Люксембург URL: https://belgium.mfa.gov.by (дата обращения: 04.03.2023).

Гончарик В. В. 
Особенности коммуникативной толерантности у молодежи с интернет-зависимостью

Гончарик В. В., студентка 4 курса направления подготовки «Социальная работа (социально-психологическая деятельность)»

Научный руководитель: Ачинович Т. И., магистр педагогической психологии, старший преподаватель кафедры социальной работы и реабилитологии

Белорусский государственный университет, Минск, Беларусь

В статье рассматривается коммуникативная толерантность и её особенности у молодежи с интернет-зависимостью. По результатам исследования делаются выводы о выраженности следующих показателей коммуникативной терпимости: неприятие индивидуальности, использование себя как эталона, категоричность, консервативность, стремление переделать партнера и т. п. у людей имеющих и не имеющих интернет-зависимость. Как итог приводятся рекомендации по работе с интернет-зависимостью.

Ключевые слова: коммуникация, общение, коммуникативная толерантность, аддикция, интернет-зависимость.

Одной из основных характеристик современного общества является стремительное развитие компьютерных технологий и систем связи. В результате сегодня можно с уверенностью сказать, что интернет перестал быть просто системой хранения и передачи информации, а стал новым пластом повседневной реальности и сферой жизни миллионов людей. В результате у пользователей компьютерных сетей появляется весь спектр интересов, мотивов, целей, потребностей, установок и форм психологической и социальной активности, непосредственно связанных с этим новым пространством [5].

Чрезмерное увлечение использования интернета вызывает изменение состояния сознания — некое состояние «ухода от реальности» — аддикция.

Зависимость (аддикция) — навязчивая потребность, выражающаяся в стремлении уйти от действительности путем изменения состояния сознания посредством постоянной концентрации на том или ином объекте или деятельности, сопровождающейся развитием интенсивных эмоций. Деструктивный характер зависимости проявляется в том, что способы ее реализации меняются от средств к целям [3]. Значительный ущерб наносится межличностным отношениям.

Интернет-зависимости определяется как нехимическая зависимость от использования интернета. Данная поведенческая зависимость проявляется в том, что люди гораздо больше предпочитают свою жизнь в интернете, нежели реальные контакты. Другим определением интернет-зависимости — навязчивое желание выйти в сеть, при некотором времени её неиспользования, и неспособность выйти из интернета, находясь в сети [4].

Кимберли Янг представляет четыре симптома интернет-зависимости: навязчивое желание постоянно проверять мессенджеры; постоянное ожидание очередного выхода в интернет; жалобы окружающих на то, что человек слишком много времени проводит в интернете; жалобы окружающих на чрезмерную трату денег в интернете и т. д. [4].

Как правило, люди, которые становятся интернет-зависимыми, меняют свою личность. Гармоничная личность трансформируется в личность аддиктивную. За признаками интернет-зависимости часто скрываются другие зависимости или психические расстройства. Интернет-зависимость не официальный диагноз, а симптом других серьезных проблем в жизни человека (например: депрессии, трудности в общении и т. д.) [5].

Интернет является наиболее динамично развивающейся средой информационного обмена, и для него характерна разнообразная деятельность посредством общения как психологического явления.

А. А. Бодалев характеризовал общение как сознательное и целесообразное взаимодействие социальных субъектов, направленное на сохранение и воспроизводство себе подобных и действующих в порядке организации общественной жизни [4].

В связи с компьютерным опосредованием все формы интернет-общения имеют несколько особенностей:

1.Анонимность — несмотря на то, что иногда можно получить личную информацию и фото виртуального собеседника, этого недостаточно для реального и более-менее адекватного восприятия человека. В результате этой анонимности и безнаказанности в сети появляются эмоциональная раскрепощенность, ненормативность и безответственность участников коммуникации.

2.Формирование искажённого представления (восприятия) о человеке из-за своеобразного процесса коммуникации не отражающего невербальные проявления — стереотипизация и идентификация, предписание желаемых качеств партнеру по общению.

3.Добровольность и желательность контакта — пользователи интернета могут добровольно как начать, так и оборвать все виды контакта.

4.Трудности в эмоциональной составляющей общения и одновременно сильное стремление к эмоциональному наполнению текстов, выражающиеся в создании специальных систем знаков (эмоджи) для представления эмоций.

5.Стремление к нетипичному и ненормативному поведению — пользователи интернета часто представляют себя в виде, отличном от условий реальных социальных норм, играют нереализуемые в реальной жизни роли [6, с.27].

Изменения в современном обществе, вызванные новейшими коммуникационными технологиями, способствуют росту и усложнению межличностных, межгрупповых и межнациональных отношений, что приводит к противостоянию разных жизненных стратегий и увеличивает вероятность конфликтов, на основе чего формируется коммуникативная толерантность.

В. В. Бойко дает следующее определение понятия: «Коммуникативная толерантность — это характеристика отношения личности к людям, показывающая степень переносимости ею неприятных или неприемлемых, по ее мнению, психических состояний, качеств и поступков партнеров по взаимодействию» [2, с. 140].

По мнению В. В. Бойко, это систематизирующая характеристика, поскольку с ней согласуются и составляют некий психологический ансамбль многие другие качества индивида, прежде всего нравственные, характерологические и интеллектуальные [2]. В качестве механизмов коммуникативной толерантности выделяются, во-первых, способность индивида к торможению, сдерживанию негативных реакций; во-вторых, способность адекватно оценивать значимость ситуации и переоценивать ее с учетом точки зрения партнера, то есть готовность к перестройке неадекватных установок [1]. Механизм возникновения и проявления коммуникативной толерантности связан с психологией эмоционального отражения личных различий.

Для более подробного рассмотрения вопроса было проведено эмпирическое исследование, с использованием следующих методик: Шкала интернет-зависимости Чена, CIAS; Опросник коммуникативной толерантности (В. В. Бойко).

Выборка исследования: 60 человек — юношей и девушек в возрасте от 18 до 25 лет (по шкале интернет зависимости мы отобрали людей имеющих и не имеющих интернет-зависимость, формируя группы по 30 человек).

Для определения особенностей выраженности коммуникативной толерантности у двух независимых выборок мы использовали t-критерий Стьюдента и получили следующие данные (см. Таблица 1):

Таблица 1. Сравнительный анализ двух независимых выборок с применением t-критерия Стьюдента

Данные полученные в ходе статистического анализа свидетельствуют о следующих значимых различиях:

— Значимые различия прослеживаются по общему показателю «Коммуникативной толерантности» (t=4,035; р <0,001), что говорит о том, что у интернет зависимых терпимость к людям меньше. Это связано с уходом от реальности — создание своего мира с его установками и ценностями непроверенных на практике. Соответственно при сокращении времени живого общения не нарабатывается опыт коммуникации с различными партнёрами и отсутствует возможность восприятия существующих различий и особенностей собеседника, которые важны при формировании коммуникативной толерантности.

— Значимые различия прослеживаются по показателю «Использование себя как эталона» (t=3,251; р <0,01), что говорит о том, что у интернет зависимой молодежи во многих случаях в качестве идеала выступают они сами, а индивидуальность и особенности другого человека, которые находятся в рамках нормы, но чем-то отличаются от них самих, не принимается. В интернет-общении можно заметить формирование групп или коалиций одной направленности, в которых сформирована одна единственная точка зрения, при которой отличающееся мнение воспринимается агрессивно. На этой базе у человека формируются привычки, установки и настроения составляющие его личность. Тем самым, под воздействие различных интернет-групп выводится «эталон» который с одной стороны принят большинством, но в интернет пространстве и во многом на ложной или не полностью достоверной информации.

— Значимые различия прослеживаются по показателю «Категоричность, консервативность» (t=4,832; р <0,001), что говорит о том, что интернет зависимые регламентируют проявление индивидуальности партнеров и требуют от них предпочтительного для себя однообразия, которое соответствует внутреннему миру — сложившимся ценностям и вкусам, как и было сказано выше. Это связано с тем, что при формировании зависимости она начинает выступать как безопасная зона, а изменение этой зоны вызывает дискомфорт, для борьбы с которым надо задействовать большое количество внутренних ресурсов, направленных на изменение себя посредством принятия или модификации уже имеющихся у человека установок и ценностей, что для человека погружённого в однообразное и безопасное пространство является трудным.

— Значимые различия прослеживаются по показателю «Неумение прощать ошибки» (t=2,949; р <0,01), что говорит о том, что при интернет-зависимости сознание человека «застревает» на различиях между личностными подструктурами — его и партнера. За счёт чего возникает источник взаимных обид и придаётся особый неприятный смысл поступкам и словам партнёра.

— Значимые различия прослеживаются по показателю «Нетерпимость к дискомфорту» (t=2,451; р <0,05), что говорит о том, что при интернет-зависимости киберпространство становится той безопасной зоной, где человеку комфортно. И данное киберпространство часто однотипно и не предполагает дискомфорта, т.к. фильтруется интернет-пользователем в зависимости от его интересов. Соответственно, чувство дискомфорта для интернет-зависимого человека — это выход за рамки комфортной зоны — сложный и ступенчатый процесс. Так же большую роль играет то, что использование интернета не предполагает групповой работы и ориентация человека сосредоточена на собственной личности.

— Значимые различия прослеживаются по общему показателю «Плохое приспособление» (t=4,639; р <0,001), что говорит о том, что при интернет-зависимости, с учётом выше рассматриваемых шкал, адаптация к самому себе функционально важнее и достигается проще, чем адаптация к партнерам. Большую роль играет упущенное время на формирование опыта межличностного общения в рамках живого времени.

Как можно заметить, коммуникативная толерантность связана с процессами формированием и становлением личности и её особенностей (установок, ценностей и т.п.). Формирование личности у интернет-зависимых юношей и девушек протекает под статичным, уже сформированным мнением в сети интернет групп, в которые включён человек, и при попытке нарушения гомеостаза возникает групповая агрессия, подавляющая индивидуальность.

Что касается следующих шкал коммуникативной толерантности: неприятие индивидуальности, неумение скрывать чувства, стремление переделать партнера, желание сделать партнера удобным — значимых различий не обнаружено, следовательно формирование данных показателей более или менее идентично как у зависимых от сети интернет, так и у лиц, не имеющих такой зависимости.

Любое лечение аддикций начинается с искреннего признания того факта, что проблема существует. Без этого нет смысла действовать, поскольку результатов не будет. Ниже приведен перечень рекомендаций по урегулированию интернет-зависимости:

— Обращение к психотерапевту. Наиболее действенным при интернет-зависимости является метод когнитивно-поведенческой терапии.

— Составление мотивационного списка с перечнем оснований, из-за которых стоит отказаться от чрезмерного использования интернета.

— Контроль времени, потраченного на использование сети интернет.

— Восстановление давно забытых хобби или поиск новых.

— Реализация себя в настоящей жизни (самосовершенствование и образование).

— Регулирование режима питания, сна и отдыха.

Список литературы:

1. Безлюева, Г. В. Толерантность: взгляд, поиск, решение / Г. В. Безлюева, Г. М. Шеламова. — М.: Вербум, 2003. –168 с.

2. Бойко, В. В. Энергия эмоций в общении: взгляд на себя и других / В. В. Бойко. — М.: Филинъ, 1996. — 472 с.

3. Галяутдинова, С. И. К проблеме понимания аддикции и зависимости отечественными и зарубежными исследователями / С. И. Галяутдинова, Е. В. Ахмадеева // Вестник Башкирского университета. — 2013. — Т.18, №1. — С. 232—235.

4. Жичкина, А. Е. Социально-психологические аспекты общения в интернете / А. Е. Жичкина. — М.: Дашков и Ко, 2004. — 117 с.

5. Минаков, A. В. Некоторые психологические свойства и особенности интернет как нового слоя реальности / A. В. Минаков // Флогистон [Электронный ресурс]. — 1999. — Режим доступа: http://flogiston.ru/articles/netpsy/minakov. — Дата доступа: 09.03.2023.

6. Шевякова, Л. П. Основные формы общения в интернете и их особенности / Л. П. Шевякова, под ред. С. И. Дудника // Образование. Коммуникация. Ценности. / (Проблемы, дискуссии, перспективы). По материалам круглого стола «Коммуникативные практики в образовании», 19 ноября 2004 года. — СПб: Санкт-Петербургское философское общество, 2004. — C. 26—29.

Грицев Ф.
Sanctions Policy Risks

Gritsev F., 3rd year student {Economic Theory}

Scientific adviser: Tesliuk N.P., PhD (Philology), Associate Professor

Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus

The article under consideration deals with the sanctions policy as a manifestation of the crisis of the modern global political and economic systems. The research reflects the main economic risks from the imposition of sanctions for both the sanctioning country and the sanctioned one.

Key words: sanctions policy; sanctions risks; economic risks.

In the modern world, economic sanctions have become one of the defining features of the international political landscape. Since the early 1990s, the United States, the European Union, and other first world countries have applied sanctions against other countries more than 500 times in an effort to assert their influence on the world stage without resorting to military intervention. The political objectives behind such sanctions, from the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons to the promotion of basic human rights, are varied and their measures can take many forms. Yet, although sanctions are often intended to serve as a peaceful alternative to military action, their use is not without controversy and risks for both sides [1].

Analysis of the risks of the sanctions policy should include: identification of the real, not the proclaimed goals of the sanctions, their cause-and-effect relationships of risks, the extent of the possible consequences of the application of sanctions, as well as the choice of methods and tools for their compensation, both for the sanctioned country and for the sanctioning country, including risks in various fields — economic, social, political, environmental and others.

Therefore, we can single out the following main risks to which both sides are exposed when sanctions are imposed:

1. Negative economic consequences. Sanctions can lead to economic hardship as they can limit access to foreign markets, restrict imports and exports, and reduce the availability of foreign exchange. This can lead to lower revenues, higher costs and lower profits.

2. Political consequences. Sanctions can also lead to international political instability because they can create tension between countries and lead to retaliatory measures. This could cause further economic turmoil and undermine diplomatic relations.

3. Impact on reputation. Sanctions can damage the reputation of companies in both countries; make it difficult to attract customers or partners in other countries. They could also lead to lower share prices and investor confidence. However, such an impact is difficult to assess, it depends on many factors, such as the characteristics of the country, the severity of sanctions and the reaction of the international community. In general, international sanctions can negatively affect the country’s reputation, as they are seen as a form of punishment or censure for certain actions. In addition, if sanctions are seen as too harsh or unreasonable, they may undermine the reputation of the sanctioning country in the international community.

4. Deterioration of the human rights situation. Sanctions can also have a negative impact on human rights as they can restrict access to vital goods and services such as medicines and food, which can lead to humanitarian crises.

5. Environmental risks: Sanctions that impose restrictions on environmental protection may lead to a deterioration of the environmental situation. The environmental risks caused by sanctions can manifest themselves in various forms. For example, restrictions on environmental protection can lead to deterioration in air, water and soil quality, as well as to an increase in the level of radioactive contamination. Sanctions can also lead to insufficient funding for projects related to environmental protection.

The economic risks associated with sanctions include the possibility of lower economic growth, higher inflation and higher unemployment. Sanctions could also lead to a reduction in foreign direct investment, which could reduce the availability of capital for businesses and individuals. In addition, sanctions can restrict access to foreign markets, limit imports and exports, and reduce the availability of foreign exchange, resulting in lower revenues, higher costs, and lower profits. Thus, sanctions can lead to a decline in trade between countries, reducing the potential for economic growth.

Economic international sanctions can lead to inflation by reducing the availability of goods and services, which can cause prices to rise. Sanctions can also reduce the amount of foreign exchange available, resulting in a decrease in the purchasing power of the national currency. In addition, sanctions may increase the cost of imports, leading to a growth in prices for domestic goods and services. In addition, sanctions lead to a reduction in foreign investment, which diminishes the availability of capital and leads to a rise in the interest rate, which, as a result, leads to an economic recession. However, it also depends on the actions of the central bank and the government of the country, which can stabilize the situation.

International economic sanctions can be dangerous for the sanctioning country, as they can lead to a reduction in trade and investment, resulting in lower economic growth and damaging its economy. In addition, as with a sanctioned country, international economic sanctions can lead to a decrease in foreign exchange reserves, which reduces the purchasing power of the national currency. The application of sanctions can lead to retaliatory measures from other countries, which can further damage the economy of the country that imposed the sanctions. Finally, international economic sanctions may lead to a decrease in public support for the government, as citizens may become unhappy with the economic impact of the sanctions.

There are still liquidity risks for both parties. Liquidity risk is the risk of not being able to access funds when needed. This may be due to a lack of available capital, a lack of investors willing to buy assets, or a lack of buyers or sellers in the market. It can also be caused by a lack of liquidity in the financial system, for example if banks cannot lend money or if there is a shortage of credit. It can also be caused by a lack of liquidity in the real economy, for example if businesses cannot pay their bills or there is a recession.

Sanctions usually restrict trade between the issuing country and the recipient country and thus most resemble protectionist actions in their effect. They generally hurt the export industry, although this obviously depends on the type of sanctions and the extent of pre-existing trade between the two countries. In the US, sanctions reduced exports by $15–19 billion to 26 countries in 1995; this corresponds to the loss of 200,000 to 260,000 jobs in the export sector. Due to the multiplier effect where one change in the economy, such as job losses, has a further impact on the rest of the economy, such as people losing their jobs, resulting in lower wages and lower consumer spending and, thus, there is an even greater loss of jobs. This in turn affects other sectors of the economy. In the export sectors, this problem is particularly acute because export sector workers are paid more than the average worker in the US and Germany. The wage surcharge in Germany in the export sector is more than 12% for highly skilled workers, slightly less for low-skilled workers, averaging 5%. The Peterson Institute for World Economics claims that for the US, wages in export sectors are on average 15% higher than in other sectors. It is also assumed that there are long-term consequences, for example, a country that imposes sanctions can ruin its reputation [2], [3].

Thus, sanctions carry risks for all participants in international trade and political relations; they have a strong impact not only on the sanctioned countries, but also on those that impose them. Usually, the risks for the sanctioning country are not as widely discussed as the risks for the country that is being sanctioned. However, their consequences can be no less severe.

All these risks cannot be eliminated by classical methods, within the framework of the existing global system, which instilled in the sanctions policy. The world has found itself in a situation described by a Chinese proverb «to ride a tiger without being able to get off it.» In such a situation, either the tiger or the rider survives. It remains only to determine what is more important to us.


1. Cashen E. The impact of economic sanctions // World Finance: the Voice of Market. 2017. URL: https://www.worldfinance.com/special-reports/the-impact-of-economic-sanctions (дата обращения: 01.03.2023).

2. Donskikh D. Explaining Sanctions and their Economic Impact // Oxford business review. 2021. URL: https://oxfordbusinessreview.org/explaining-sanctions-and-their-economic-impact/ (дата обращения: 02.03.2023).

3. Hufbauer G.C., Elliott K.A., Cyrus T., Winston E. US Economic Sanctions: Their Impact on Trade, Jobs, and Wages // Peterson institute for international economics: Working Papers SPECIAL. 1997. URL: https://www.piie.com/publications/working-papers/us-economic-sanctions-their-impact-trade-jobs-and-wages (дата обращения: 02.03.2023).

Гуз К. М., Долгая А. В. 
The Development of the Cybercrime Industry

Guz K.M., Dolgaya A.V., 2nd year students {Actuarial Mathematics}

Scientific advisers: Vidisheva S.K., senior lecturer; Sitnikova T.V., senior lecturer

Belorussian State University, Minsk, Belarus

The article deals with cyberattacs in modern society and the measures that should be undertaken to protect the data. Nowadays, it is becoming more dangerous for people to be on the Internet, as various ways of hacking appear. Some cyberattacks caused enormous damage to companies and people. Fortunately, there are ways to protect against such attacks and they are available to everyone.

Keywords: cybercrime, protection, hacking, petya.

What is cybercrime? Cybercrime is a criminal activity whose purpose is the misuse of a computer, computer network or network device. Cybercrime activities are carried out by individuals or organizations.Some cybercriminals unite in organized groups, use advanced methods and have high technical qualifications. Others are novice hackers.

Examples of cybercrime:

malware attacks;

trojan, worms;

classic file viruses;


DDoS attacks;


Attacks Notepet/Expetr. The biggest damage from the actions of hackers, 2016—2017. Purpose: to blackmail businesses around the world. Method: encrypting the files of the Window users. Culprits: unknown. Damage: more than $10 billion.

The cryptographer, known by suspiciously Russian names: Petya, Petya. Ah, Petya. D, Trojan.The ransom.Petya, PetrVrap, Notpetya, expetr. It also spread through the Network and encrypted the data of Windows OS users, and paying a ransom of $ 300 in cryptocurrency did not save the files in any way.

«Petya» was specifically targeted at businesses, so the consequences of the attack turned out to be much greater, although there were fewer infected devices. The attackers managed to seize control of the MeDoc financial software server. From there, they started spreading the virus under the guise of an update.

As a result, the virus affected a variety of companies around the world. For example, chocolate production has stopped in Australia, cash registers have failed in Ukraine, and the work of a tour operator has been disrupted in Russia. The attack could have had more dangerous consequences. So, ExPetr even hit the infrastructure for monitoring the situation in Chernobyl.

The total damage from the hack amounted to more than $ 10 billion. More than from any other cyberattack.

What is the best way to protect your computer and personal data? Follow these tips:

Update your software and operating system regularly.

Constant software and operating system updates ensure that the latest security fixes are used to protect your computer;

Install antivirus software and update it regularl.

Using an antivirus or a comprehensive solution to ensure Internet security. Antivirus software allows you to check, detect and remove threats before they create a problem. It helps protect your computer and your data from cybercriminals. If you use antivirus software, update it regularly to ensure the best level of protection;

Use complex passwords.

Use complex passwords that are difficult to find, and do not write them down anywhere. You can use the service of a reliable password manager, which will make your task easier by offering a strong password generated by him;

Do not open attachments in spam emails.

The classic way to infect computers with malicious attacks and other types of cybercrime is attachments in electronic spam messages. Never open an attachment from an unknown sender;

Do not provide personal information without making sure that the transmission channel is secure.

Never transmit personal data by phone or email unless you are sure that the telephone connection or email is secure. Make sure that you are really talking to the right person for you.

The development of the cybercrime industry is a natural consequence of the digitalization of today’s world. With the increasing digitalization of processes and interactions, the growth rate of cybercrime will increase exponentially.

Reliable means and methods of identification and authentication are turning from important to critically important. In response to this need, new technologies, methods and means of identification and authentication are being born. Of course, they are convenient, mobile and have a number of advantages in comparison with traditional methods. But they also have a number of disadvantages from the point of view of security. At the same time, new technologies play an important role in the development of the information security market and make it possible to build cost-effective information protection processes.


1. 10 самых громких кибератак в истории. 2022. URL: https://firstdetective.am/hy/archives/3775 (date of access: 28.02.2023).

2. Советы по защите от киберпреступников. [Бобруйск] 2022. URL: http://bobruisk.by/news/uvd-news/139071.html (date of access: 28.02.2023).

3. Cybercrime — Wikipedia. 2023. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cybercrime (date of access: 28.02.2023).

4. Top 3 TED Talks About Security That Everyone Should Watch. 2018. URL: https://www.fpainc.com/blog/top-3-ted-talks-about-security-that-everyone-should-listen-to (date of access: 28.02.2023).

Денискина В. Э. 
The Role of Marketing in Improving the Efficiency of Entrepreneurship during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Deniskina V.E., 2nd year student {Economics}

Scientific adviser: Arutyunyan D.D, PhD {Pedagogy}, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

The article provides information about the activities of small and medium-sized businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The use of advertising tools and marketing by domestic businessmen in general in today’s turning points is considered. It was established what corrections existed in business activities in connection with the epidemic situation in the state and how they affected the work of the company. The main advertising errors of today’s firms in business management, the latest methods of selling products and services, as well as acclimatization to the latest reasons and needs of buyers are revised. The main ways to increase the productivity of entrepreneurship through the introduction of advertising technologies and state support methods are highlighted.

Keywords: marketing, entrepreneur, enterprise, business, marketing, pandemic.

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that 2019 is a year of change not only in the life of every person, but also in business. The COVID-19 pandemic has left a big imprint on Russia and the world as a whole. Entrepreneurs were in uncertainty, as a result of which they had to make adjustments to the development of their business and look for new methods to promote goods or services. It was at this moment that marketing came to the aid of entrepreneurs, which like no one else, is able to comprehensively analyze the market situation and consumer demands.

The epidemic period pushed the people to refrain from going outside, traveling abroad and communicating with people in general. At that time, many businesses switched to remote work, which also reduced the percentage of people leaving their homes. Subsequently, business owners discovered new ways to promote goods; they included the opening of online platforms, the emergence of contactless delivery, which ensured the safety of people from the virus. All this supported entrepreneurs and helped to cope with the crisis.

As a result, about 4.5 million small and medium-sized businesses closed during the pandemic in Russia. Not everyone is able to cope with a crisis and not give up in a difficult period. However, not all enterprises took the hit of the same force. This is due to a number of restrictions that people adhered to during the pandemic. Therefore, such enterprises as travel agencies, tourism, catering enterprises suffered the greatest damage.

Let us consider each of them:

Travel agencies have faced many problems that have undermined the reputation of this area. Tourists did not travel to other countries, because of the possibility of contracting a new deadly infection. In addition, countries introduced quarantine for visitors, which also had a negative effect on this area. As a result, by 2020, the flow of tourists to the countries has decreased to the limit values, and somewhere has stopped altogether.

It was also not easy for tourism to survive the pandemic and the restrictions that arose against its background. It has not been in this critical condition since World War II. The pandemic turned out to be a challenge for him to further development. The result was shocking, as tourism losses amounted to 50 billion rubles.

Public catering received the main blow at the beginning of the quarantine, when people did not leave their homes, as they feared the epidemic situation in the country. The situation improved after the introduction of QR codes, which served as passes to justify leaving the house in conditions of self-isolation. In connection with these facts, the attendance of such establishments decreased or was zero. The financial turnover in 2020 at catering enterprises decreased by half compared to 2019. A large number of establishments had to come up with new ways to promote their product or service, but not everyone was able to do it. As a result, many of them have closed.

However, not all industries have been adversely affected by the pandemic. There is an area of enterprises that benefited from it and led to good results. This group includes food production, paper, chemical production, gas production, electric power industry and so on. Their output remained more or less stable. This is due to the fact that the demand for a number of these positions was stable and there was a necessity to meet the needs of people. The pharmaceutical industry and the production of medical instruments and equipment were lucky, as they increased the percentage of output during the coronavirus. They grew at an incredible pace against the backdrop of the epidemic.

Thus, we can conclude that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on both small and medium-sized businesses in Russia. It challenged many industries, made them think about the use of new marketing tools. Therefore, each entrepreneur experienced this period differently.

Nowadays every Russian entrepreneur is trying to achieve effective business development, but for this, it is necessary to look for new ways to promote it. It is necessary to find out ways to sell goods or services, be able to adapt in a timely manner to changing market conditions, and also analyze the actual needs of the consumer in due time.

The above business issues are categorized as marketing issues, so their role in improving business performance during the COVID-19 pandemic needs to be explored.

The development of entrepreneurship and marketing in Russia during the crisis period can be considered from the point of view of a general hypothesis. There are many scientists and researchers who consider various areas for the development of entrepreneurship in Russia, and in a large number of works one can note the high role of marketing influence on business development during the crisis period. The general hypothesis states that «during the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of marketing tools and technologies can reduce the negative impact of the crisis on entrepreneurial activity.»

The purpose of the study is to study the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on small and medium-sized enterprises, to analyze the degree of effective marketing development in these companies, as well as to study the use of marketing tools and technologies that companies used during the pandemic.

Nowadays, every company is familiar with the concept of the modern crisis. Therefore, a carefully considered marketing strategy helped many companies not to close during this period.

To succeed in entrepreneurship, an organization must be able to effectively meet the needs of people. This is the main objective of the marketing activities of the company as a whole. If we compare the Russian and Western marketing markets, we can see that the Russian market is far behind. This is due to the fact that some entrepreneurs see marketing as an effective tool to help achieve high incomes. In addition, some of them, on the contrary, believe that they can achieve good results without the use of marketing tools. Moreover, there are a lot of such people.

A significant proportion of Russian entrepreneurs see the potential of marketing in the market, as well as the positive result of its use on other business platforms. Therefore, they actively invest in the creation of a marketing department in their company. Nevertheless, the presence of a marketer does not always indicate the effectiveness of marketing activities, since not many people understand what goals and objectives they are pursuing. There is even a misconception that marketing is mainly understood as advertising activities and its tools that promote goods or services. «Marketing» and «Advertising» are not synonyms for each other. On this basis, this statement is erroneous.

As to customer satisfaction, we know, that in order to achieve business success, it is important to meet the needs of consumers effectively. Do all entrepreneurs focus on this? Of course, not. Entrepreneurs also study the availability of production opportunities. Starting a business that is not aimed at meeting the needs of customers will lead to difficult business development and even bankruptcy. This is due to the fact that such a strategy is erroneous.

For the development of the enterprise, it is important not only to meet the needs, but also to analyze the target audience. However, not all entrepreneurs consider it necessary to analyze it. By doing this, they open a direct path to high and inefficient promotion costs.

To know your target audience well and understand its needs, you need to conduct market research and have up-to-date information about the market. But do entrepreneurs have enough up-to-date information about the market in general and marketing? Obviously not. Therefore, in order to make managerial decisions, marketing research and large-scale investments from the state budget are necessary.

There exists another question. Is the enterprise able to cope with such a difficult situation alone? The answer is affirmative but not everyone is capable of doing that. Before the COVID-19 coronavirus infection, entrepreneurs almost did not use government subsidies, but the global crisis prompted them to apply for support.

Thus, we can conclude that the pandemic that emerged in 2019 has shaken both small and medium-sized businesses. At that time, the government actively supported a number of various measures to improve their situation. These included wage increases, a moratorium on bankruptcy, tax and insurance premiums, deferral of debt collection and fines, and so on. Each of them had a significant impact on enterprises and at least slightly improved their condition for that period. The most significant measure of state support for them was the right to defer payment of taxes. A large proportion of entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 pandemic took advantage of this measure for their business.

Based on the above, it has become obvious that the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic has caught many entrepreneurs suddenly. It challenged each of them and left no one in the face. There are no other sales agents. Somehow it even benefited, but their number is small. Many businesses were closed due to that fact. The rest came to the aid of marketing. It helped to cope with changing market conditions and understand the range of goods and services that consumers so desperately needed during the pandemic. The cases of the COVID-19 pandemic in small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the severity of marketing development in these companies, were studied. Marketing tools and technologies that were used by the company during the crisis were also considered. We dismantled large volumes of observations at the opening of enterprises. Help from the state is needed during crisis, since not everyone copes with it alone. In this regard, measures were taken to support businesses, which had a positive impact on them and made it possible not to incur large losses.


1. The Economist | World News, Economics, Politics, Business & Finance https://www.economist.com/coronavirus-pandemic

2. News | The Independent | Today’s headlines and latest breaking news https://www.independent.co.uk/

3. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019

4. BBC News https://www.bbc.co.uk/

Дернова А. С., Вахидова В. П. 
Digital technologies in logistics

Dernova A. S., Vakhidova V. P., 2nd year students {Business Informatics}

Scientific adviser: Kyuregyan M.P., PhD {Sociology}, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

Given the high level of logistics influence on the global economy, this industry is critically important, and digitalization makes it possible to increase the efficiency of this industry. In this paper, the author examines the path of digitalization that a logistics organization should follow in order to achieve the greatest efficiency in the future

Keywords: Digital technologies, logistics, Internet of things, big data analysis, digital twins.

The impact of logistics on the economy

In order to start analyzing digital technologies used in logistics, it is necessary to define the very concept of logistics. «So, logistics is the art and science of managing and controlling the flows of goods, energy, information and other resources»[5].

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the importance of this industry for the entire world economy. This is due to the fact that even with a minimum number of logistics operations for the manufacture of any product, it is necessary to deliver raw materials to the enterprise, and after production it is necessary to deliver the final product to the consumer. That is why «the relationship between the volume of logistics costs and the volume of sales is inversely proportional — this is confirmed by the experience of highly developed countries and shows that a decrease in the value of logistics costs by one position leads to a tenfold increase in the company’s sales»[7]. So, it is obvious that «logistics has a serious impact on the national economy»[7]. Sales growth leads to economic growth, as with increasing demand, production capacity increases, competition increases, and this, in turn, creates new jobs and improves the quality of goods and services produced. From this it is obvious that for economic growth it is necessary to reduce logistics costs. According to the author of the work, this goal can be achieved using modern digital technologies. The high efficiency of their use is proved by the fact that «information technologies are becoming key factors of economic activity, their application changes the approaches of organization and management of enterprises»[6].

The main digital technologies used in logistics include: the Internet of things, big data analysis, artificial intelligence, robotics, augmented and virtual reality, unmanned transport, blockchain. Each of the above technologies allows one way or another to reduce the cost of logistics.

Of course, these technologies cannot be applied all at once, so organizations have a question about which ones to implement first. So, according to the author of the work, it is necessary to start with the use of the Internet of Things and big data analysis, since it is possible to create a digital double on the basis of these technologies. This is relevant precisely because each organization is unique and requires an individual approach to digitalization. This approach is much easier to implement thanks to the use of a digital double, since with the help of this technology it is easy to assess the effectiveness of any changes.

Application of the Internet of Things technology in logistics

«The Internet of Things is a concept, the main idea of which is to create an intelligent digital environment using various devices and technologies for data collection, processing and analysis in order to further joint interaction»[8]. It is worth noting that this is the most popular technology in which most logistics companies are actively investing, since the effect of reducing costs when using the Internet of Things is estimated at 542 billion rubles, as shown in Figure 3.

In general, this technology consists in the use of various devices and sensors that interact with each other by exchanging information. In large logistics companies, the use of such technology leads to the generation of huge amounts of information that is difficult to both process and store. «This problem is solved by the first direction of the Internet of Things, which consists in the use of infrastructure for working with big data»[8]. «The Internet of Things also makes it possible to reduce costs by applying the second direction, which consists in the correct organization of information exchange between the sensors themselves»[8]. For example, a temperature sensor can control heat exchangers in a warehouse.

It is worth noting that for maximum efficiency it is necessary to implement both directions of this technology. Also, the author believes that despite the fact that this technology has been used for a long time, it can still be developed. «At the moment there is a tendency to reduce the cost of sensors»[3]. Thus, it is possible to expand the scope of this technology by increasing the number of sensors used, which will allow collecting more information that will increase the accuracy of analytical forecasts and transparency of logistics operations, which will positively affect the loyalty of customers and insurance companies.

Summarizing the above, the author believes that the Internet of Things is a fundamental point for the beginning of digitalization of a logistics enterprise. Without the use of this technology, the cost of implementing any other technology will significantly increase. It is thanks to the Internet of Things that it becomes possible to accumulate data for analytics, ensure the correct interaction of various devices, and reduce the influence of the human factor at all stages. Almost all digital technologies use data provided by various sensors. That is why, at the first stage of digitalization, it is necessary to correctly adjust the operation of these sensors. At the same time, the author of the work notes that the implementation of this technology is not only a preparation for further stages of digitalization, but also leads to a significant reduction in costs.

Application of Big data analysis technology in logistics

The author believes that after the company has implemented the Internet of Things, it is necessary to immediately begin implementing big data analysis technology, since the Internet of Things allows you to collect huge amounts of information that is useless without the ability to analyze it. According to the author, this technology complements the first direction of the Internet of Things, allowing you to achieve the greatest efficiency.

«Big data analysis technology is divided into 4 elements: data storage, data processing, data visualization, data analytics for decision-making»[8].

«The volume of information in all spheres in the modern world is constantly increasing, as shown in Figure 4» [4]. But, despite the universal nature of this graph, it clearly reflects the trend of data growth in the field of logistics, since «most of the data is generated by the Internet of Things, and logistics accounts for about 25% of the tangible assets of this technology»[8]. Obviously, it is quite problematic to store such a large amount of data with the condition that they have constant access in real time. This problem is solved by the use of equipment that allows you to store large amounts of data, which is constantly being improved, and the use of the latest standards of Ethernet technology, which allows you to transfer data at high speed.

The processing problem is solved by using powerful computing devices. It is worth noting that «the issue of storage and processing is often solved with the help of cloud services»[8]. The author of the work believes that this trend is correct, because it avoids problems with the maintenance of complex equipment and the expansion of staff by specialists in debugging this equipment.

Visualization and analytics are less complex in the organization, but they have a huge impact, since it is at this stage that various forecasts and conclusions are formed, on the basis of which decisions are made. «In order to avoid problems at these stages, organizations need to hire highly qualified personnel who will be able to solve the tasks efficiently»[8].

So, the author believes that the use of this technology allows you to achieve the maximum effect from the Internet of Things, having the opportunity to analyze incoming data. Also, data for analysis can be collected not only from various sensors, but also from other sources, for example, from document flow. This technology allows you to identify various patterns that would be invisible without its use. «Thus, it is possible to identify systematic errors that lead to a decrease in profits at all stages: from negotiations with customers to the actual transportation and storage of goods»[2]. According to the author, the solution of such systematic problems can significantly increase profits, since they are systemic in nature and lead to a multiple increase in costs. So, even a small cost in case of its repeated occurrence can lead to serious costs.

After the two above technologies have been implemented, according to the author, work should be organized to create a digital double. Thus, «A digital twin is a digital copy of physical assets, processes, people, places, systems and devices that can be used for various purposes»[8]. As can be seen from the definition, a digital double is a digital copy of the entire enterprise. This, in turn, allows you to use modeling technologies to predict the results of certain changes or to make forecasts for the future. The general principle of operation of the digital double is shown in Figure 5. It is worth noting that the changes can be extensive and it is difficult to assess their potential effectiveness. So, these changes can be modeled on a digital double by uploading known data to the modeling system, and get the results of their application, which will be very close to the real results from making potential changes.

«Digital doubles are a very effective tool and continue to develop»[8]. According to the author, the main advantage of using a digital twin of an organization is the ability to track the effectiveness of any changes, for example, the use of digital technologies.

The high efficiency of digital doubles is achieved by the fact that modeling is always carried out on up-to-date data, unlike standard data collection, which is already outdated at the stage of modeling. At the same time, the organization of a digital double in terms of costs will not exceed the organization of conventional modeling. The fact is that the technologies necessary for its operation independently bring profit to the organization by reducing costs. So, at a lower cost, modeling using a digital double has greater accuracy.


1. Babchinetsky Sergey Gennadievich, Zenin Roman Stanislavovich, Gasta Oleg Vyachislavovich DIGITAL DOUBLE AS A RISK MANAGEMENT TOOL FOR SUPPLY ROUTES // Kronos. 2022. No.6 (68). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/tsifrovoy-dvoynik-kak-instrument-upravleniya-riskami-putey-postavok (date of address: 01.03.2023).

2. Fearless D.V., Erokhina E.V. THE ROLE OF INFORMATION AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN LOGISTICS // StudNet. 2022. No.6. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/rol-informatsionno-tsifrovyh-tehnologiy-v-sfere-logistiki (accessed: 01.03.2023).

3. Negreeva V.V., Zamyatina A. A., Shpakovich D. K., Sharonova A.D. The use of digital technologies in logistics // Economics and Environmental Management. 2020. No. 2. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/ispolzovanie-tsifrovyh-tehnologiy-v-logistike (accessed: 01.03.2023).

4. Pleskach Valentina Leonidovna, Krasnoshchok Viktor Nikolaevich, Krivolapov Yaroslav Vladimirovich, Skachek Lyudmila Nikolaevna DEVELOPMENT TRENDS, RISKS AND PROSPECTS OF BIG DATA DATABASES // Colloquium-journal. 2022. No. 1 (124). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/tendentsii-razvitiya-riski-i-perspektivy-baz-bolshih-dannyh (accessed: 01.03.2023).

5. Semenov Yu. E. TERMINOLOGY OF LOGISTICS // Economics and business: theory and practice. 2020. No.10—2. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/terminologiya-logistiki (accessed: 01.03.2023).

6. Smirnova, P. V. Traditional and new business models in the conditions of digital economic development / P. V. Smirnova // Business development in the conditions of digital economy: Collection of articles of the open interuniversity scientific and practical conference of teachers, graduate students and masters of the Department of Economics, Korolev, June 01, 2018 / Under the general editorship of M.A. Menshikova, L.V. Gorelova. — Korolev: Limited Liability Company «Scientific Consultant», 2018. — pp. 36—46. — EDN XZXPED. (accessed: 01.03.2023).

7. Khodoskina O.A., Anasovich V.D., Khilkevich A.I. THE ROLE OF TRANSPORT LOGISTICS IN THE ACTIVITY OF AN INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE // Science and progress of transport. Bulletin of the Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport. 2019. No.2 (80). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/rol-transportnoy-logistiki-v-deyatelnosti-promyshlennogo-predpriyatiya (accessed: 01.03.2023).

8. Digital technologies in logistics and supply chain management: an analytical review [Text] / V. V. Dybskaya, V. I. Sergeev, N. N. Lychkina, etc.; under total. and scientific ed. by V. I. Sergeev; Nats. research. un-t «Higher School of Economics». — M.: Publishing House of the Higher School of Economics, 2020. — 190, [2] p. — 500 copies. URL: https://gsb.hse.ru/data/2021/03/01/1394647105/Цифровые%20технологии-текст.pdf (accessed: 17.01.2023). — Bibliogr. in the book. — ISBN 978-5- 7598-2348-3 (in the region). — ISBN 978-5-7598-2243-1 (e-book). — the text is electronic. (accessed: 01.03.2023).

Долгова М. С. 
Activity of Rosfinmonitoring in the field of anti-corruption

Dolgova. M.S., 3rd year student {Economic Security}

Scientific adviser: Kyuregyan M.P., PhD {Sociology}, Associate Professor of the Department of foreign languages

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

The article is devoted to the actual problem of counteracting corruption relations for the successful functioning of the state and society. The article reveals the definition of the economic essence of corruption, the activities of Rosfinmonitoring as a body conducting financial monitoring in this field, as well as existing measures to combat corruption. During the work the structure of corruption relations was studied, as well as the analysis of corruption relations in Russia was conducted. In the result of the study ways of improving financial monitoring in this field were proposed.

Keywords: Rosfinmonitoring, monitoring, corruption, anticorruption, financial control.

Corruption relations with their long evolutionary development have experienced several forms and manifestations. They can be described as the abuse of authority and rights, including misuse of official status, opportunities and connections for personal enrichment, which contraries to the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as moral attitudes.

In the Russian Federation, as well as throughout the world, countering this socio-economic phenomenon is one of the crucial tasks, since its negative impact affects all spheres of human social life, for example politics, economics and international relations. This is because to the fact that the income received as a result of illegal actions tends to become a part of a pure market economy, thereby creating inflationary fluctuations, increased criminalization and the inability to engage in legal commercial activities. [5]

Activity of Rosfinmonitoring in the field of anti-corruption is carried out by federal bodies of the governments, subjects of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, the institute of civil society, as well as organizations and individuals within its powers. The main activities in the implementation of anti-corruption are:

— Prevention of corruption, which consists in uncovering and explaining the causes of corruption, as well as their subsequent elimination;

— Fight against corruption, which consists in the prevention, suppression, disclosure and investigation of corruption offenses;

— Minimization and elimination of corruption offenses consequences.

The following is the structure of corruption crimes for 2022, and then the measures taken during this period of time for each function:

Figure 1. The structure of corruption crimes for 2022. [2]

In 2022, 35140 corruption cases were registered, which is 1.8% of the total number of criminal cases. The central place in the general structure of corruption crimes is occupied by acts related to graft — 19490. Moreover, during the period from December to July, only 13252 cases were detected.

In 2022, the preliminary investigation bodies identified 18194 people who committed corruption-related crimes. Of these, the obvious majority (12,157 people) have been brought to justice for crimes related to bribery. Which is explained by the large volume of this type of crime.

It should be noted that in 2022 the number of corruption-related crimes and identified perpetrators have increased by 0.3% and 25.5% respectively. This fact suggests that Rosfinmonitoring improves the efficiency and quality of its work. Also solve crimes are also improving, for example, in 2021 the detection rate was 97.8%, and in 2022 it was already 98.2%.

Based on the above, it can be concluded that a number of measures has been taken in the field of corruption crimes prevention:

1. Employees of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service conducted training activities on the following topics: provision of income, expenses and existing property by employees to the monitoring service; compliance with anti-corruption legislation; the structure of crime prevention and other.

2. In 2022, many orders on anti–corruption issues were adopted, the most significant of them are Presidential Decrees «On the State information system in the field of anti–corruption „Poseidon“ and amendments to some acts of the President of the Russian Federation» 25.04.2022 [1], as well as «On the national anti-Corruption Plan for 2021—2024.» from 08.16.2021 [4]

3. Information on the property, income and expenses of the Head of State, employees of the Presidential Administration and their family members has been published.

4. Within the framework of influencing public opinion and the International Anti-Corruption Day, visual materials aimed at forming a negative attitude to corruption have been prepared and posted.

In the field of the fight against corruption, the following measures can be identified:

1. 1.4 thousand law enforcement officers and 679 military personnel were prosecuted for corruption in 9 months of 2022 in Russia, 3,973 people were convicted of official crimes. Those who received fines (2,211 people) or a suspended or real sentence to imprisonment (1,498 people) [3]. This is about 40% more than in 2021.

2. According to the results of criminal cases, in 2022 the amount of graft detected in the country exceeded 2 billion rubles. The damage from corruption crimes in 2022 amounted to more than 37 billion rubles, some of them in cryptocurrency.

To minimize and eliminate the consequences of corruption crimes, the following provisions have been implemented:

1. Introduction of a ban occupy a high position for those who have been convicted or fined for corruption crimes

2. Imperative independent placement of information on income, expenses and property, and property obligations on the official website of Rosfinmonitoring

3. Analysis and research of the dynamics of corruption crimes for further media coverage.

Rosfinmonitoring development trends:

• Creation of a specialized database that contains a personal list of people with data on financial transactions and income.

This database must be encrypted, and have all the security systems so that no one can use this information against the participants. The comparison of information will allow the subject of financial monitoring to determine in real time and with full reliability which of the existing financial clients has or had suspicious income, as well as to quickly create various financial services

• Conducting an automatic comparative analysis of income and expenses of people holding positions of state or municipal service, as well as their family members, using computational techniques.

• Expansion the powers of Rosfinmonitoring, since it is this structure that can analyze operational data and must promptly take measures to anti-corruption.

• Development and implementation of anti-corruption programs by conducting systematic surveys and comparing the dynamics of offenses.

• Elimination of conflicts of interest as a source of corruption: establishment of transparency, openness and personal responsibility of an official for the identification and resolution of conflicts.

Thus, Rosfinmonitoring is one of the most important anti-corruption systems. The laws adopted in 2022 and the preventive measures carried out have significantly improved the efficiency of their work. However, one should not forget about the improvement of this type of monitoring, since corruption crimes are developing as quickly as society, and therefore one should always be one step ahead to further minimize corruption.


1. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 04/25/2022 N 232 «On the state information system in the field of anti-corruption «Poseidon» and amendments to certain acts of the President of the Russian Federation» (together with the «Regulations on the state information system in the field of anti-corruption «Poseidon»)

2. Anti-Corruption Commission Statistics on corruption in 2022 URL: https://komiss-korrup.ru/статистика-по-коррупции-в-2022-году/ (accessed: 04.03.2023).

3. RIA Novosti: In Russia in 2022, 1400 law enforcement officers answered in court for corruption URL: https://ria.ru/20221208/korruptsiya-1837112111.html (accessed: 04.03.2023).

4. Putin approved a four-year anti-corruption plan// Kommersant from 08/16/2021 URL: https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/4946689 (accessed: 04.03.2023).

5. Financial monitoring in the system of anti-corruption measures// Law Faculty: study of law online URL: https://urfac.ru/?p=2537 (accessed: 04.03.2023).

Евдокимова В. Т. 
Modern digital technologies of business development

Evdokimova V.T., 3rd year student {Business Informatics}

Scientific adviser: Massalskaya Y.V., PhD {Philology}, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

This article is devoted to the problem of an enterprise. The digitalization is necessary to increase the efficiency and sustainability of its operation through cardinal changes in the quality of management, both technological processes and decision-making processes at all levels of management, based on modern production methods and the further use of information about the state and forecasting possible changes in managed elements and subsystems.

Keywords: Digitalization, digital technologies, business, organizations, efficiency, information, technology, digital twin, smart systems.

The main idea of the article is that digitalization of enterprises is a key area in creating efficient, sustainable, and competitive production. To design the digital transformation of an enterprise, it is necessary to develop a classification of digital technologies based on the criterion of their availability and expediency of implementation. The widespread introduction of digital technologies in the enterprise leads to its complete digital transformation, which can cause a qualitative change in the enterprise’s strategy and business processes.

Modern digital technologies are considered as a key productive resource that determines the growth of social welfare. The use of the material sectors of the modern computer information economy by organizations, especially enterprises, is essential for their effective functioning in the digital economy.

Although the issue of digital transformation technology for enterprises remains the subject of scientific research due to the importance of further research to achieve sustainable development, the main goal of the digital transformation of enterprises is to increase their competitiveness and provide conditions for improving the economic efficiency of production activities [10].

First of all, it is necessary to underline that after the digital transformation, enterprises go through a stage of qualitative changes, which are expressed in the improvement of production processes, finances, and the material sphere of activity. This allows them to adapt to the modern conditions of the digital economy and consolidate their competitive advantages.

In managing a business, an increase in the share of intangible components in the final cost of goods affects the level of competitiveness of the company and its position in the digital ecosystem. The level of competitiveness of a company depends on its position in the digital ecosystem. The use of digital technologies in the production processes of an enterprise, management, and planning is now an objective necessity for survival and is no longer just a prerequisite for competitive advantage and competition [2].

The manufacturing process can reach new levels of production and high levels of control, as well as increase the level of control, through digital transformation. At the same time, the old control system should be more flexible. The digital transformation of enterprises is manifested in the restructuring of production, changing the goals and objectives of activities and the formation of innovative approaches to production methods and enterprise management.

There are different directions of digital technologies and how they are applied, such as the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, various virtual digital assistants, and Virtual Reality (VR). These technologies have business applications in almost all industries and sectors [4].

Virtual Reality (VR) is a powerful technology that allows you to replace real life with the perception of virtual life, artificially stimulating our senses and tricking our body into accepting a different version of reality. Initially, it was difficult to imagine that a virtual reality device had a function other than entertainment. Today, virtual reality has gone beyond the development of entertainment devices. From order picking and surgical operations to digital twins that model and track manufacturing plants, supply chains and other complex systems, their business applications are almost limitless [9].

Another direction of digital technologies is digital currencies and blockchain. Blockchains are used by many large banks in Russia. In business terms, blockchain is an exchange network for transferring transactions, value, and assets between peers, without the help of intermediaries. Thanks to the blockchain, the process of international money transfers, which usually requires a lot of time, money, and parties, will significantly reduce the time, costs, and number of parties involved, as well as eliminate the need for a complex information structure. Blockchain is ideal for finance, especially for international payments [1].

The advantages of blockchain are:

• Data security

Multiple duplicated data between participants ensures the safety and immutability of the information entered in the blockchain. In addition, due to the nature of blockchain devices, this information cannot be changed, edited, or deleted. And the use of consensus algorithms indicates that all transactions included in the blockchain have been confirmed.

• Transparency of transactions

Each network member has access to the entire transaction history, up to the very first transaction. Therefore, to check whether a particular transaction went through between two addresses, you just need to refer to their history stored in the blockchain.

• High transaction speed

Since the blockchain network is peer-to-peer, transactions occur directly between users without the participation of intermediaries, regardless of their location. In addition, users have access to the network 24/7, unlimited working hours, and no offline access during holidays [7].

Big data is used for operational processing and analysis of very large volumes of heterogeneous data. Big data is having a revolutionary impact on business as modern business intelligence is based on big data analytics.

For example, the marketing and advertising department can send targeted offers to customers that meet their needs. Thanks to big data analytics, business offers are formed based on consumer preferences and past purchases without disappointing consumers. Nowadays, IoT systems are often implemented in production: sensors are installed on equipment and in rooms, and the data they collect is analyzed. They can be used to monitor the condition of equipment, simulate production processes, identify, and prevent failures. Big data helps in industry, such as predicting accidents and optimizing production. In logistics, big data helps to plan cargo transportation and optimize routes. In finance, it evaluates solvency and improves the quality of service.

For example, Mastercard works not only as a payment system, but it also collects data that helps to identify insolvent counterparties who do not repay loans. Mastercard warns financial institutions not to do business with these institutions.

So, Alfa-Bank collects data on all its customers. Then, using analysis and segmentation, it divides them into groups. For example, a customer who buys diapers or baby formula once a week most likely has a baby. And you can offer a loan or a bonus program for children’s products.

The Russian market of Big Data solutions is very developed. There is a technological stack, typical problems of project implementation have been identified, and ways to solve them have been identified. This lowers the barrier to entry into technology for new companies.

Cybersecurity is a concern for many companies as ensuring data privacy is crucial. Fraud is getting more sophisticated every year, and billions of dollars are lost due to data leaks. With the help of digital technologies, reliable protection schemes and technical systems are being developed that can protect data from cross-border cyber-attacks. Cybersecurity is essential for all organizations in order not to lose reputation and profit. The security of the company must be taken seriously and be ready for any challenges that arise in the era of technology and the Internet.

Today, digitalization has become a strategic priority in many countries. The tasks of digitalizing the economy are a priority for the strategies and state programs for the development of the Russian Federation. However, at the same time, Russia remains at a low level in the International Network Readiness Index, well behind the major countries of Singapore, Finland, Sweden, Norway, or the United States. Internet usage indicators in the organization show positive dynamics, but the level is still insufficient.

Let’s study the stages of the digital transformation process identified by Altimeter and compare them with the current situation in Russian enterprises.

It is customary to single out six main steps (stages) of digital transformation that companies go through to get the maximum benefit from the systematic implementation.

«Business as usual». If nothing changes in the work of the company because of the integration of digital solutions, the process remains the same. At this stage, you can improve performance and overall efficiency, but not by much. In fact, this stage is not much different from deep automation and digitalization of enterprises. In Russia, this level is currently occupied by companies that began the digital transformation of production and business quality 1—2 years ago. In most cases, these are representatives of the SMB segment, large corporations that suffered during the recent economic crisis and did not have the funds to introduce new technologies.

Present and active (present and active). Quite profound changes in work begin, the level of digital literacy has increased, processes of interaction with clients, production methods have been worked out, experiments have been carried out to determine the most suitable model, but not all have been successful. Most of the Russian companies that have announced the transition to digital transformation are at this stage.

Formalized (level of formalization). The beginning of system experimentation and the development of promising areas for the introduction of digital solutions in the production of products or the provision of services. Systematization is bearing fruit, new followers of digital changes and formulations of requirements for future changes appear. We can say that the most advanced part of Russian companies embarking on digital transformation is at this level.

Strategic. The insights drawn from the research and experimentation carried out during this phase will allow you to determine strategic actions for the digital transformation of each specific production. There is a definition of goals, the appointment of necessary investments, and the appointment of a person responsible for the development of this process.

Converged. The company has a clear understanding of the order of digital transformation, defined all strategic and tactical goals, developed a structural plan, and assembled a team of specialists whose immediate task is digital transformation. Roles are defined, models and workflows are built. In Russia, there are less than 10 industrial companies of this level engaged in resource extraction and fintech.

Innovative and adaptive. Digital transformation has become not just a part of business but its actual essence. Managers and strategists think in the paradigm of digital business development, the company exists within its framework. Organizations regularly implement digital innovations to improve performance. At this stage, the company is a digital ecosystem, the development of which is ensured by the constant testing of new technologies, the development and further scaling of pilot projects. In Russia, Yandex, Sberbank, VK (formerly Mail.ru Group), and «Ingosstrakh» are at this stage [2].

The purpose aim of this article is to give that today, digitalization is a strategic priority in many countries. The tasks of digitalization of the economy are a priority for the strategies and state programs for the development of the Russian Federation. But at the same time, Russia is still at a low level in the readiness index of the international network and shows a significant lag leading countries such as Finland, Sweden, Denmark, or the USA. Internet usage indicators for organizations are showing positive dynamics, but their level is not yet high enough [8].

I consider the article interesting because today digital technologies enter all spheres of life. In the coming decades, all industries will be reoriented in accordance with the requirements of new digital economic models. The transition is unstoppable. Just because it is valuable for the consumer, it is beneficial for the business. The value of digital solutions is growing. Today, one can see that the relevance of digital technologies and their use is laid down in the National Project «Digital Economy,» the main goals of which are:

— increase in domestic costs for the development of the digital economy from all sources (in terms of the share in the country’s gross domestic product) by at least three times compared to 2017;

— creation of a sustainable and secure information and telecommunications infrastructure for high-speed transmission, processing, and storage of large amounts of data, accessible to all organizations and households;

— the use of predominantly domestic software by state bodies, local governments, and organizations [8]

In conclusion, we can say that the process of digital transformation in business is relevant and has a positive effect. More and more organizations are seeking to transfer business processes to the digital environment, thereby significantly reducing transaction costs and significantly increasing the volume of economic activity. Despite the significant industry specifics and the uneven introduction of digital technologies, almost all researchers and experts agree in the highest assessments of the importance of digitalization for socio-economic development.


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2. Cifrovaya transformaciya i vliyanie ee na konkurentosposobnost` promy`shlenny`x predpriyatij [E`lektronny`j resurs] Rezhim dostupa: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/tsifrovaya-transformatsiya (data obrashheniya 14.01.2023)

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5. IoT dlya biznesa: kak umny`e ustrojstva snizhayut zatraty` v ritejle, medicine i na proizvodstve [E`lektronny`j resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: https://mcs.mail.ru/blog (data obrashheniya 15.01.2023)

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8. Razvitie cifrovizacii v ramkax gosudarstvennogo strategicheskogo planirovaniya i zakonodatel`nogo regulirovaniya [E`lektronny`j resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: https://cyberleninka.ru/article (data obrashheniya 17.01.2023)

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10. Strategiya cifrovoj transformacii obrabaty`vayushhix otraslej promy`shlennosti v celyax dostizheniya ix «cifrovoj zrelosti»// [E`lektronny`j resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: https: Stateg_info_2021_compressed. pdf (data obrashheniya 13.01.2023)

Зубарева Т. Д. 
Любовь к жизни

Зубарева Т. Д., студентка 2 курса направления подготовки «Государственное и муниципальное управление»

Научный руководитель: Зинина Ю. М., кандидат филологических наук, доцент

Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования Московской области «Академия социального управления» (АСОУ), Мытищи, Россия

В данной работе представлен взгляд на современный мир в условиях его постоянных изменений и преобразований в процессе развития человечества. Автор использует метод изучения научной литературы, анализирует открытые источники и предлагает варианты экологического отдыха, которые могут быть реализованы в совместной работе между вузами.

Ключевые слова: современный мир, новые технологии, реальность, природа.

В современном мире новые технологии стали неотъемлемой частью нашей реальности. Мы практически не замечаем, как новые изобретения входят в нашу жизнь, принимая их как должное и практически сразу же включая их в список обыденных, само-собой разумеющихся вещей [4].

Насколько это меняет наше восприятие реальности? Оказывает это скорее положительное или, всё же, отрицательное влияние? Чтобы ответить на эти вопросы, следует разделить входящие в нашу жизнь технологии в наиболее частотном по использованию порядке.

— Телефоны и компьютеры.

На наш взгляд, именно они должны возглавить список востребованных технических устройств. Телефоны есть практически у каждого человека. Мы уже не можем представить свою жизнь без этих маленьких коробочек, постоянно находящихся в руках. Мы используем их не только, когда это действительно необходимо, но и в любой момент просто от скуки. Как правило, и компьютер есть практически в каждой семье. Он чаще используется для работы или учёбы, однако компьютерные игры являются достаточно популярным способом отвлечься, как и просмотры фильмов или же общение в сети.

— Бытовая техника.

Заслуженное второе место достаётся бытовой технике, которую всё чаще можно заметить не только на кухне, но и во всей квартире, например, забавно вращающийся робот-пылесос. Стоит отметить, что освобождение хозяйки от необходимости проводить большую часть времени на кухне при приготовлении пищи, не смогло реализовать себя полностью, поскольку у современной женщины уходит на это столько же времени, с учётом необходимости уборки и отмыва всех используемых ею средств «бытовой помощи».

— Развлекательная техника (колонки, часы и т.д.)

Третье место — новые введения для «умного дома», доступные не для каждого и, тем не менее, достаточно востребованные у современных покупателей.

По данным ритейлеров, в 2022-м спрос на умные колонки в Российской Федерации увеличился на 80%. В «М. Видео — Эльдорадо» реализовали 1,35 млн. единиц, нарастив продажи в четыре раза. В сети «Мегафона» (за тот же период) продали на 25% больше умных колонок, чем в 2021-м. Магазинам «Ситилинк» удалось сбыть на 85% больше гаджетов, чем годом ранее. А на площадке OZON спрос вырос на 70% [1]. Всего по итогам 2022 г. количество проданных в России устройств составило порядка 3 млн шт., что в 2,3 раза больше, чем годом ранее, и в 6 раз — по сравнению с 2020 г., сообщил газете «Ведомости» руководитель бизнес-юнита «Развлечения и гаджеты» группы «М. Видео-Эльдорадо» Сергей Сухоруков [5]. По словам гендиректора TelecomDaily Дениса Кускова, покупатели ищут новые впечатления на фоне снижения доступности некоторых развлечений [1].

Возвращаясь к основной теме, хочется отметить, что 2022—2023 год напрямую связан с тем, что людям приходится адаптироваться к изменениям, к новым условиям жизни. Перечисленные устройства, внедренные в нашу жизнь, отлично подходят для статичного образа жизни, в котором, к сожалению, общество практически никогда не находится. Жизнь скоротечна и динамична, склонна к переменам.

Безусловно, компьютерные и мобильные устройства будут и дальше выбиваться в лидеры, они останутся востребованными до тех пор, пока человечество не придумает что-то превосходящее по скорости работы и доступности получения информации.

Домашняя техника, облегчающая жизнь в мегаполисах, помогает современным женщинам справляться с навалившимся на них грузом ответственности, поскольку помимо домашних дел, большинство сталкиваются с необходимостью обеспечивать свои семьи материально, воспитывать детей, заботится о пожилых родственниках и т. д. Так же, домашние технические устройства — это отличные друзья любого современного, живущего самостоятельно, человека. Они экономят наши силы и являются вынужденной необходимостью, чтобы просто успеть «пожить для себя».

Так насколько это всё-таки изменило наше восприятие реальности?

Если сравнивать с опытом прошлых лет, то, безусловно, мы видим мир совсем другим. Окружающее нас пространство мы воспринимаем через призму существующих вокруг нас удобств, и это во многом скрашивает наши самые худшие дни, а вместе с тем и делает ярче самые лучшие.

И, отвечая на вопрос, оказывает это скорее положительное или всё же отрицательное влияние, хочется обратить внимание на то, что, привыкая к удобствам, человек перестаёт замечать опасность вокруг себя. Мы настолько привыкли к тому, что всё находится на своих местах, что перестаём ценить то, что имеем.

Как было отмечено ранее, мир обладает свойством меняться. Это происходит не только под влиянием человеческого фактора, наши удобства могут уничтожать не только внедрением санкций на то, что мы когда-то любили и то, к чему привыкли. Но и мир вокруг нас может начать рушиться мгновенно по своим собственным причинам.

Наш мир очень хрупкий и достойный внимания, и заботы, достойный того, чтобы мы могли воспринимать его не только с помощью удобств или дополненной реальности. В связи с тем, что наша планета требует обратить на себя внимание, а наше сознание требует того, чтобы мы постоянно искали плюсы в том, что нас окружает, хотелось бы предложить несколько мероприятий, которые было бы возможно реализовать в г. Королёве.

— Групповые экскурсии в природные места.

Для того, чтобы оторваться от окружающих нас проблем и отвлечься от своих технических устройств, в вузах и колледжах можно организовать групповые выезды на природу. Например, интересным местом могла бы стать известная «Босоногая тропа» в национальном парке «Лосиный остров» [2]. Маршрут «Босоногой тропы» оснащен чередующимися тактильными покрытиями, положительно воздействующими на стопы и дающими полное ощущение погружения в мир чистой и дикой природы.

— Отдых в палатках.

Провести время в кругу семьи и друзей, на природе, в уютном «городке» из палаток, разве это никогда не было вашей мечтой в студенческие годы? В наших силах это реализовать. Уютные шатры-палатки на берегу озера Круглое в Солнечногорском районе можно арендовать с группой желающих как студентов, так и преподавателей [3].

Список литературы:

1. Данные опроса ритейлеров. [Электронный ресурс]. URL:https://4pda.to/2022/11/08/406012/v_rossii_rastyot_populyarnost
_umnykh_kolonok_chem_vyzvan_interes/ (дата обращения:

2. Босоногая тропа. [Электронный ресурс]. URL:https://losinyiostrov.ru/tourism_and_recreation/excursions/osmotr-ekspozitsii-dendrariya-bez-ekskursovoda-1/ (дата обращения: 20.03.2023).

3. Кемпинг Москва «Lake Beach». [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://round-lake.ru/ (дата обращения: 20.03.2023).

4. Корбут А. М. Одомашнивание искусственного интеллекта: умные колонки и трансформация повседневной жизни // Мониторинг. 2021. №1. URL: https://www.monitoringjournal.ru/index.php/monitoring/article/view
/1808 (дата обращения: 20.03.2023).

5. Курашева А., Устинова А., Кинякина Е. Продажи умных колонок выросли вдвое за 2022 год https://www.vedomosti.ru/technology/articles/2023/01/26/960481-prodazhi-umnih-kolonok-virosli-vdvoe (дата обращения: 20.03.2023).

Игнатова А. С., Намазова А. Р. 
The gender and gender stereotypes

Ignatova A.S., Namazova A.R., 1st year students {Economic Security}

Scientific adviser: Kyuregyan M.P., PhD {Sociology}, Associate Professor of the Department of foreign languages

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

This article discusses the concept of gender, since this topic is relevant nowadays, we will discuss what «gender stereotypes» are and the history of their occurrence. We will also tell you about the directions that arise during the formation of stereotypes that undoubtedly affect the life of society as a whole. Let’s discuss which details play an important role in dividing society into groups.

Keywords: gender, stereotypes, society, division.

Relevance of topics related to gender and the emergence of gender stereotypes is increasing every day, while everyone wants to be individual, not like anyone else. Therefore we will consider the concept of gender and gender stereotypes, tell about the formation of opinion in society and how it affects society.

Gender is capable of determining a person’s biological identity. When a child is born, he or she is assigned a gender: boy or girl. After that he enters the family, and then into society and begins to develop, acquire some skills, knowledge. In the course of development, people place demands and expectations on the child.

Not one century society formed the images of a real man and woman by such criteria as femininity, masculinity, the ability to compromise, patience, perseverance, morality, etc.

From the very birth, they try to instill in girls a love of cleanliness and order, teach them to be compliant, caring and attentive. As for the education of boys, there are other requirements: a man must earn money, be a defender, not to show emotion and be strong.

In the 60s and 70s of the twentieth century, people began to conduct gender studies, in order to understand whether the role of men or women in humans is biologically inherent, or it is the influence of society. Long before there were disciplines that studied gender, people had the opinion that all attitudes are inherent in nature, and only later they realized that the entire social reality depends on what he or she knows and what norms and patterns are guided by. What is gender?

Gender is a socially defined concept that carries different roles for men and women in society. In other words, gender is a person who meets certain criteria that have been constructed by the people around him.

Methods have been developed to study gender to help with this.

There are 3 main approaches to gender studies:

1. biological determinism. The method is based on Darwin’s ideas. This approach defines a gender-biologically determined, unchanging, mutually exclusive set of behavioral, mental, and social characteristics of men and women, i.e., social roles, behaviors, etc.

2. Symbolic approach. In this approach gender is presented as a system of symbols and images, which allows associating cultural and natural phenomena not related to gender, with male or female.

3. Social Constructivism. The method describes gender as an organized form of social relations between a man and a woman, characterizing their interpersonal communication as well as interaction within basic social institutions (family, state, politics), which is a means of creating their own personalities.

With the emergence of the new discipline, new opinions were formed, people began to pay attention to the role of each person in society. Accordingly, this is how expectations of a person’s particular gender emerged, which can be called «gender stereotypes.

Gender stereotypes are culturally constructed ideas about how men and women should act in a given situation. The term is not synonymous with the definition of «gender role. The emergence of gender stereotypes is justified by the fact that the image of gender relations was constructed in such a way that gender differences were located somewhat above the individual, qualitative differences in the personality of men and women. The concept of «gender stereotypes» has its own interpretations, for example, according to the definition of A. V. Merenkov, gender stereotypes are «stable programs of perception, goal setting, as well as human behavior, depending on the norms and rules of life. representatives of a particular sex, adopted in a given culture».

Studying gender stereotypes in detail, we can distinguish 3 main groups:

1) Stereotypes of masculinity and femininity or stereotypes of qualities. In this group, gender stereotypes characterize women and men through a certain set of qualities.

2) Role stereotypes. Here gender roles as behavioral stereotypes exist in the form of perceptions and expectations, which each person must meet in order to be understood and accepted.

3) Activity stereotypes. This group reflects a person’s social prescriptions regarding occupations and professional activities.

Like any statement, gender stereotypes have several implications. The first thing to note is that they represent socially shared perceptions. And a person interested in being accepted in society tries to conform to stereotypes and presents himself in a socially acceptable image. We tend to notice those who do not conform to the established order of things, and we tend to judge them. For example, if a man goes on maternity leave because his wife’s salary is much higher, such an act will cause a negative reaction from public opinion. Thus, gender stereotypes are a powerful lever of social control. Secondly, gender stereotypes force to follow a «set» role. J. Allport formulated the idea that people who are victims of prejudices usually develop the very qualities that correspond to these prejudices. M. Snyder and B. Scripneck, conducting an experiment, asked men and women to perform a series of tasks, sharing them with a partner. At the same time, the subjects did not know the gender of the partner, who was sitting in the next room and gave only audible signals. The researchers found that in most cases, the choice of tasks for themselves and their partner was gender-specific. For example, women chose an easier task for themselves if they were sure their partner was male. At the same time, men, whose stereotypical traits include, for example, such characteristics as dominance, striving to achieve a goal, high competitiveness, also program their behavior according to the stereotype of masculinity. However, if they fail, men experience more stress and lower self-esteem than women. The existence of the stereotype of a selfish, rude man also leads to the reinforcement of gender inequality, as well as the image of a weak, passive woman. It is worth emphasizing that society is capable of consciously exploiting gender stereotypes with a variety of intentions. One way is by appealing to a person’s gender identity in order to achieve a desired type of behavior or a desired type of orientation. Such an appeal establishes a link between an individual’s behavior and certain patterns of masculinity/femininity: «If you are a man, you should be able to feed your family. And if you cannot do that, then what kind of man are you!

To summarize, I would like to say that combating existing stereotypes is a complex problem that needs to be addressed in today’s society. Gender stereotypes are a means of socialization, which helps people navigate their lives. At the same time, they also serve as a barrier to self-expression for both females and males. Based on how to do the right thing, how to be a man or a woman, social prejudices close the way for people to express themselves and thus create an internal imbalance. The problem of gender inequality and gender stereotypes is primarily a problem of our unconscious thinking. Everyone needs to learn to think for himself or herself, without being influenced by public opinion and prejudice. Only then will it be possible to respect the rights of everyone, regardless of their gender and social status.


1. Babaeva A.V. (2010) Male and female behavior in the history of culture [1, p. 321]

2. Boehm S. L. (2004) Gender lenses. Transformation of views on the problem of gender inequality [2, p. 336]

3. Bern S. (2001) Gender Psychology [3, p. 320]

4. Voronina O.A. (2007) Theory and methodology of gender studies [4, p. 416]

Кабанова Я. Г. 
Default: Causes and Solutions

Kabanova Y.G., 2nd year student {Economics}

Scientific adviser: Arutyunyan D.D, PhD {Pedagogy}, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

The threat of defaults today is relevant not only for developing, but also for developed countries. The article deals with the causes of default and ways to solve this economic problem, which affects the life of society, the country’s economy and can become an obstacle to the country’s way to economic recovery.

Keywords: default, current balance, macroeconomic policy.

In a broad sense, default means failure to fulfill obligations. Default is the inability of a borrower to pay their debts.

In Russia, the term «default» became widely known after the 1998 crisis. In everyday life, the word default is understood as a banking crisis, the fall of the dollar, rising prices, and so on. However, in the world experience, default is interpreted more narrowly, namely, as the refusal of the government from its debts. Government debt can be internal or external. A critical case of default is the inability of the government to pay its foreign debts. In reality, this is a state insolvency crisis.

On the basis of what factors can a payment crisis arise? Bear in mind that the current balance is equal to the difference between saving and investing.

The probable causes of default may lie in each of these elements:

• low public savings or their complete absence, which manifests itself through the state budget deficit;

• low private savings or their complete absence, which is manifested through the debt of the private sector;

• high level of public investment and consumption in general, financed by external loans;

• a high level of private investment financed by attracting foreign capital;

• reduction in export earnings due to falling world prices for commodities (except for oil) and food and a reduction in the physical volume of exports due to falling demand from trading partners;

• growth in the cost of imports, due to the growth of world prices for the main imported goods and the increase in the physical volume of imports due to the sharp activation of investors.

Thus, the sources of fluctuations in the current balance that lead to default may be in the public or private sector, domestically or abroad. It is important to know that only the public sector can be subject to direct regulation by the authorities. The private sector is only indirectly regulated by the government.

If the position of the current balance is recognized as unstable, the country is forced to adjust its macroeconomic policy.

The main methods of default resolution, which are under the control of the authorities, are as follows:

• Raise interest rates. As a result, additional incentives are created for the inflow of capital from abroad, which is used to finance the current account deficit.

• Reduce aggregate costs. The government should pursue a policy of containment of budget spending, bank credit and individual spending. This means an increase in national savings. In the public sector, this is possible if the budget deficit is reduced. In the private sector, this is achieved by increasing individual savings in banks, which are attracted by a high interest rate.

• Devalue the exchange rate. This option is practiced only if the authorities pursue a policy of fixed exchange rates. Devaluation leads to a shift in spending from exported and imported goods to goods that are produced domestically. Also, with the help of devaluation, the demand for imported goods (and services) will decrease and stimulate foreign demand for national export goods, which will lead to an increase in exports.

Following the macroeconomic adjustment, there should be a reduction in the current account deficit to a level that can be sustainably financed by foreign capital inflows.

What threatens default? What are the consequences? In addition to the collapse of the economy, default for the state has the following long-term consequences:

• A government default lowers its credit ratings. This means that it will be harder for the country to borrow money, and this slows down the development of the economy.

• Loans on unfavorable terms. If the state can borrow money, it will be at a higher interest rate than before.

• Unemployment. Citizens may face rising unemployment, lower wages, cuts in government benefits.

It is also possible to increase inflation, the weakening of the national currency, the banking crisis and so on. In each case, the outcome may be different. Much depends on the policy of the state and its reputation.

How did Russia survive the default in 1998?

The causes of the crisis were a deficit budget, desperate attempts to contain inflation and prevent the fall of the national currency (ruble). Money was raised through government short-term bonds, which were highly profitable for investors and very expensive for the country. At the same time, budget revenues were low. For example, there were problems with the collection of taxes, they simply did not collect enough.

This construction was shaken by the financial crisis that occurred in Asia in 1997. Everything was complicated by the confrontation in the economic and political higher circles of the country. On August 17, 1998, the Central Bank and the government of the Russian Federation announced a default. The price of the ruble was first allowed to trade within the currency corridor, and then they stopped supporting it altogether, as a result of which the dollar rose from 6.2 rubles in July to 19.9 rubles in December.

Inflation, according to some reports, amounted to 80%. The default was followed by bankruptcies of companies and a banking crisis. Employees of commercial organizations were left without work, and state employees did not receive a salary for months.

Over time, new jobs appeared, production started working again. Russian enterprises have become more competitive in the world market. Many foreign companies have come to the country. Of course, all this was not all at once, the first few years had to be spent on dealing with the consequences of the default.


1. Modern problems of public debts and sovereign defaults in the countries of the European Union

[https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/sovremennye-problemy-gosudarstvennyh-dolgov-i-suverennyh-defoltov-v-stranah-evrosoyuza/viewer] (date of reference: 23.01.2023).

2. The default of 1998 in post-Soviet Russia and its impact on the further development of the economy

[https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/defolt-1998-goda-v-postsovetskoy-rossii-i-ego-vliyanie-na-dalneyshee-razvitie-ekonomiki] (date of reference: 23.01.2023).


1. «Default» or «Devaluation» A.G.Mikhailov.2017, Moscow, publishing house «Array SelfPub.ru».

2. Economic theory E.F.Borisov.2004, Moscow, publishing house «Avenue».

Калашникова Т. А. 
Using artificial intelligence to study foreign languages: where do we stand?

Kalashnikova T.A., 3rd year student {Foreign language}

Scientific adviser: Karachun T.V., university lecturer

Baranovichi State University, Baranovichi, Belarus

The article examines artificial intelligence in education. The rapid development of new technologies proves the need to consider this issue in education. Different AI systems were analyzed on diverse use cases of possible AI systems in online learning. The results showed that some of virtual interlocutors are better at talking than others, but nothing can quite replace human being as of yet. Some virtual interlocutors have a speech interface and others don’t. This proves to be helpful in language teaching to develop writing, speaking and pronunciation skills.

Keywords: artificial intelligence (AI), virtual interlocutors, education, language learning.

Initially, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) was understood as something shocking to society, and a little later, AI (artificial intelligence) became a ubiquitous phenomenon. AI has begun to be a multi-valued phenomenon, since its use is possible in different contextual situations, one of which is in education. What is generally meant by the concept of AI? According to the Oxford English Dictionary, artificial intelligence is the ability of computers or other machines to exhibit or mimic intelligent behavior [4].

Since the development of the digital computer in the 1940s, it has been demonstrated that computers can be programmed to perform very complex tasks — such as finding proofs of mathematical theorems or playing chess — with great skill. However, despite continued advances in computer processing speed and memory capacity, there are as yet no programs that can match human flexibility in broader areas or in tasks that require more day-to-day knowledge. On the other hand, some programs have reached the level of performance of experts and professionals in certain specific tasks, so that artificial intelligence in this limited sense can be found in applications as diverse as medical diagnostics, computer search engines, and voice or handwriting recognition.

In the period of the 60—70s of the 20th century a conflict arose based on the question of Alan Turing, an English mathematician and cryptographer, who puzzled people with it back in 1950. «Can a machine think?». This question prompted scientists to create a science of modeling the human mind. These debates led to the formation of two main points of view, called: the hypothesis of «strong» (artificial general intelligence, AGI) and «weak» (Narrow AI) artificial intelligence. The evaluation criteria themselves are based on the «reasonableness» of the machines [2, p. 32].

Nevertheless, weak AI is considered as a tool necessary for solving a number of tasks already according to a prescribed program [5, p. 41]. For example, Google Translate, Yandex Translate, Siri, Alice, Bixby are those AI programs that surround us in everyday life. Their use for educational purposes is to pose problematic questions, so they simply perform a series of tasks: they process human speech, enter the received question into a search engine and issue an answer. This is where the separation of Google Translate, Yandex Translate and Siri, Alice, Bixby programs takes place. The first, in turn, are shown as automated programs that give an answer without further dialogue. The latter can be used as «live» interlocutors with parallel receipt of information. In general, weak AI makes our lives easier from such routine tasks as translating various foreign texts and mathematical calculations.

Strong artificial intelligence, on the contrary, implies a more advanced level of using a computer that does not just operate information, but, to one degree or another, is able to understand its meaning. Strong AI is considered not as an evolutionary stage in the development of AI, but something else associated with the construction of a non-formalizable and non-causal phenomenological space, as a kind of opposite of AI. To do this, Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is defined through the solution of inverse problems on topologies, the use of analogies of quantum physics and optics, the inclusion of aspects of relativistic theory. It is noted that the continual power of AGI is tens of orders greater than the power of AI, but its release requires special integration of both with a direct involvement of a person in the process [1, p. 102].

The following characteristic features of «artificial intelligence» are commonly referred to in the literature:

1. The ability to solve complex problems, store large amounts of information and work with them;

2. They have their own internal model of the external world; this model provides individuality, relative independence of the system in assessing the situation, the possibility of semantic and pragmatic interpretation of requests to the system;

3. The ability to output, that is, generate information that is not explicitly contained in the system; this quality allows the system to create an information structure with new semantics and practical orientation;

4. The ability to work in situations related to various aspects of fuzziness, including the «understanding» of natural language;

5. The ability to interact with a person in a dialogue [5, p. 42].

The artificial intelligence industry is growing at an incredible rate. Countries around the world are competing to win the «AI race»: the nation that comes out on top will be the «ruler of the world.» Companies are investing billions of dollars to secure the largest market share for themselves. Modeling shows that by 2030, about 70 percent of companies will have switched to some form of artificial intelligence technology. The reason is simple. Whether it’s modeling climate change, selecting job applicants, or predicting whether someone will commit a crime, artificial intelligence can replace humans and make more decisions faster and cheaper.

It is possible that in the future AI will acquire such capabilities as in the computer game Detroit: Become Human (2018), where AI acted as assistants in education and service, but in a difficult and morally oppressive situation, they are at risk of abandoning the prescribed program. However, there is a downside to this: what if the AI becomes conscious and evades the program? For example, Kara, an android caregiver, is taken home by her owner; Todd, who threatens and scolds her, and even before Kara is sentient, she exhibits some forms of fear.

It is hard to imagine that almost everything around us is a technological product, the main purpose of which is to simplify life. Possibly, in the future it would be impossible to identify whether you are talking with a person or AI, at least not within the first ten minutes of speaking.

Virtual interlocutor is a computer or a piece of technology that can communicate with a human being on a conversational level. The most important character of a virtual interlocutor is to have the ability to have a meaningful conversation with a piece of technology that is not a human being.

Virtual interlocutors, or assistants, are presented to the world as intelligent systems that are able to imitate communication with a person through written or oral speech. In the years when the coronavirus began to increase in scale, not only the pandemic itself attracted attention, but also the emergence of chatbots that were not ready for such an influx of users and did not know how to respond, due to the lack of automation [1, p. 110]. Virtual assistants began to merge gradually into our lives, thereby making it impossible without the use of weak AI [3, p. 207]. This includes elementary calls to organizations that are answered by an answering machine, and later by a living person. These drastic changes have also affected the field of education, as a result of which more and more «chatbots» that carry an educational character have begun to appear.

Thus, a virtual interlocutor is an automated program that can conduct a meaningful dialogue with a person at a conversational level.

As of now, technology isn’t quite there but perhaps in the near future it would be almost impossible to distinguish a virtual interlocutor from a real person. Nowadays there are many different virtual assistants, for example Cleverbot, Kuki, Simmi, Replica and so on. Some of virtual interlocutors are better at talking than others, but nothing can quite replace human being as of yet. With some AI chatbots one can interact either through web browser or through some kind of application on your device. Some of them have a speech interface and others don’t. This proves to be helpful in language teaching as a person would develop not only writing, but speaking and pronunciation skills as well.

Cleverbot is available to speak to through any web browser and you can speak to that AI by typing or speaking through your microphone. You can’t see or hear that AI, which limits the engagement level, which is crucial in language learning. Kuki is available on a webpage through any device and there’s a possibility to both type and speak. There’s a virtual avatar, which represents the chatbot, that helps to feel like there’s a conversation with a real being. You can make a video call with Kuki though it’s a paid option. SimSimi is one of such examples, where you can do only five messages and then you have to pay if you want to chat more.

One of the few examples of chatbots with virtual avatar is Replica. There you can choose the look and name of your own «Replica». This AI is one of the best for language learning as it uses the communication tactic where it both answers and asks the questions, keeping a person engaged in a conversation.

There are numerous virtual interlocutors being developed and some of them already show good results. Thus, there’s a good possibility of using those technologies in language learning.

One of the problems is that teachers have to bear in mind that such virtual interlocutors can be rude or inappropriate as AI learns from human behavior. The other problem is that AI can only imitate human, but they can’t have that meaningful conversation as a human can. Teachers need to check whether some of all functions of a virtual interlocutor are free, as some of them have limited or no functional without any payments.

A teacher can use such technologies for students to take factual information, to ask the AI things they want to know, for example what is the population of a chosen country or how to do something.

In order to emulate the behaviour of a language teacher, a machine needs to have the «knowledge’ of teaching methodology. In order to emulate a learner, a machine has to have the knowledge of learning styles and strategies. None of those can be found in modern virtual interlocutors, therefore, they can’t fully replace teachers.

Thus, virtual interlocutors can offer engagement in an enhanced learning experience. This is very important in language learning, as language is needed to communicate. Immediate and interactive feedback is a compelling quality of chatbots. Chatbots do not always understand jokes and context, but they can already support a dialogue, including in a foreign language. Robots are great for language practice — they are nonjudgmental, listen patiently and can maintain a conversation 24/7. Communicating with a bot is easier to overcome the language barrier. If communication with a native speaker still causes stress, you can start practicing English with a bot. In addition, the phone is always at hand — unlike the teacher.


1. Dodigovic, M. Artificial intelligence in second language learning / M. Dodigovic //Artificial Intelligence in Second Language Learning. — Multilingual Matters, 2005. P. 99 — 113.

2. Fadel, C. Artificial intelligence in education: Promises and implications for teaching and learning / C. Fadel, W. Holmes, M. Bialik. — The Center for Curriculum Redesign, Boston, MA. — 2019. — 242 p.

3. Karpukhin, S. V. The use of artificial intelligence in education: prospects and problems / S. V. Karpukhin, V. V. Lobazhevich // Philosophy and culture of the information society. — 2019. — P. 206—209.

4. Oxford English Dictionary [Electronic resource]. — Mode of access: https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/. — Date of access: 20.02.2023.

5. Pyrnova, O. A. Artificial intelligence technologies in education / O. A. Pyrnova, R. S. Zaripova // Russian Journal of Education and Psychology. — 2019. — vol. 10. — №. 3. — P. 41—44.

Каплунова А. И., Быкова А. П. 
Особенности детско-родительских отношений как фактор формирования агрессивного поведения у подростков

Каплунова А. И., Быкова А. П., студентки 4 курса направления подготовки «Социальная работа»

Научный руководитель: Ачинович Т. И., старший преподаватель кафедры социальной работы и реабилитологии

Белорусский государственный университет, Минск, Республика Беларусь

Агрессивное поведение подростков является важной проблемой современности. Авторы рассматривают процесс формирования личности подростка, факторы, которые оказывают существенное влияние на его развитие. В статье освещаются вопросы природы возникновения агрессивного поведения. Семья, семейное воспитание рассматриваются авторами как доминирующий фактор в развитии агрессивного и девиантного поведения.

Ключевые слова: агрессивное поведение, семья, подростки.

Агрессивное поведение подростков является актуальной проблемой современного общества. Такие проявления в поведении несовершеннолетних приводят к прямым негативным психологическим последствиям, поскольку неблагоприятная среда повышает уровень стресса и социального неблагополучия [1].

Подростковый возраст признан одним из самых сложных периодов в развитии человека. Данный период характеризуется перестройкой психологической структурой, возникновением новообразований и основ поведения, формированием нравственных социальных установок и интересов [4].

Социальная среда формирует личность подростка. Важную роль играют малые группы, в которую включен подросток, поскольку они формируют шкалу жизненных ценностей. В свою очередь, асоциальная направленность шкалы приводит к противоречиям как с окружающим миром, так и с самим собой, мешает развитию самокритичности. Причиной агрессивного поведения подростка может стать и ряд упущений в воспитании. Через агрессивность подросток пытается снять свое психоэмоциональное напряжение, что периодически приводит к негативным последствиям для самих подростков и их семьи [2].

Анализ психолого-педагогической литературы показал, что западные и отечественные исследователи сходятся во мнении, что деструктивное и агрессивное поведение чаще всего встречается в подростковом возрасте и имеет в своей основе биологическую (А. Басс, А. Бандура, П. А. Ковалев, К. С. Лебединская, К. Лоренц, М. М. Райская, Т. Г. Румянцева, А. А. Реан, В. Г. Степанова, Г. Селье, Л. М. Семенюк, З. Фрейд, И. А. Фурманов) и социальную причину возникновения агрессивного поведения (А. Бандура, А. А. Реан, Г. Селье, К. С. Лебединская, М. М. Райская, Л. М. Семенюк, И. А. Фурманов) [1].

На процессы социализации и проявления агрессивного поведения подростками значительное влияние оказывают семейные отношения, стиль поведения сверстников в референтной подростковой группе и биологическая предрасположенность к проявлению агрессии.

Семейное воспитание является превалирующим фактором. Отношения между родителями и детьми определяют модель построения отношений между личностью ребенка и окружающей средой, формируют восприятие ребенка в сфере социальных отношений между полюсами активности и пассивности; открытость и эмоциональная замкнутость; сочувствие и безразличие; личные ценности и нормы.

Основными причинами такого поведения в семье являются слабый эмоциональный контакта с обоими родителями или одним из них, низкий уровень взаимопонимания и сотрудничества между родителями, отсутствие близости в детско-родительских отношениях. [2].

Данные отечественных эмпирических исследований выявили устойчивую связь между агрессивным поведением подростков и неблагоприятной семейной атмосферой: агрессивностью, частными конфликтными ситуациями и авторитарным стилем воспитания [3].

Целью нашего исследования является выявление корреляционной связи между особенностями детско-родительских отношений и проявлениями агрессивного поведения в подростковом возрасте. Нами были использованы следующие методы и методики:

— Теоретические: анализ литературы;

— Эмпирические: анализ литературы, метод тестирования по методикам: Опросник Басса-Дарки (для выявления особенностей агрессивного поведения). Он предназначен для определения уровня различных видов агрессии и агрессивного поведения у лиц подросткового, юношеского возраста и взрослых. Так же тест-опросник родительского отношения В. В. Столина и А. Я. Варга, ориентированный на выявление родительского отношения, как системы поведенческих стереотипов, практикуемых в общении с ребенком, особенностей восприятия и понимания характера и личности ребенка.

Исследование проводилось на базе ГУО «Гимназия №192 г. Минска». Выборку составила родительская группа из 30 человек, а также группа из 30 человек подростков. Все представители выборки из полных семей. Средний возраст детей составил 13,5 лет.

Для выявления корреляционной связи был использован коэффициент ранговой корреляции Спирмена (программа Statistica).

Таблица 1. Показатели уровня агрессивного поведения у подростков 14–15 лет

Исходя из данных таблицы 1, можно заметить следующие особенности степени выраженности уровня агрессии у подростков:

Показатели по шкале «Физическая агрессия» имеют слабую степень выраженности (практически не проявляется) у 23,3% подростков (7 чел.), среднюю степень выраженности (проявляется в редких случаях) у 50% подростков (15 чел.) и сильную степень выраженности (частые проявления) у 26,6% подростков (8 чел.). Данная шкала определяет уровень склонности личности к использованию физической силы против другого лица.

По шкале «Косвенная агрессия» слабо выражены показатели у 26,6% (8 чел.), средне выражена (присутствуют приступы злобы) у 50% (11 чел.), а сильно (агрессивное поведение проявляется часто в приступах злобы и злобных намерениях) у 44% (11 чел.).

Показатели по шкале «Раздражение» слабо выражено (отрицательные чувства проявляются редко) у 43,3% (13 чел.), средняя степень выраженности (негативные чувства выражаются чаще) у 30% (9 чел.), а чрезмерную выраженность преобладает (возникает вспыльчивость при малейшем возбуждении) у 26,6% (8 чел.).

По шкале «Негативизм» слабая выраженность (отсутствует сопротивления руководству) у 13,3% (4 чел.), средняя выраженность (проявление ситуативного недовольства) у 53,3% (16 чел.), а сильная выраженность (сопротивление в виде активной борьбы) у 33,3% (10 чел.).

Показатели по шкале «Обида» слабо выражена (отсутствует недовольство окружением) у 10% (3 чел.), средняя выраженность (периодическое недовольство) у 66,6% (20 чел.), сильная выраженность (продолжительное недовольство окружением) у 23,3% (7 чел.).

По шкале «Подозрительность» слабая выраженность (доверительное отношение к окружению) у 26,6% (8 чел.), средняя выраженность (осторожность) у 40% (12 чел.), сильная выраженность (отсутствие доверия по отношению к окружающим) у 33,3% (10 чел.).

Показатели по шкале «Вербальная агрессия» выражены слабо (выражение негативных чувств происходит приемлемым образом) 46,6% (14 чел.), средняя выраженность (спонтанность в выражении негативных чувств) у 30% (9 чел.), сильная выраженность (деструктивный способ выражения эмоций) у 23,3% (7 чел.).

По шкале «Чувство вины» наблюдается слабая выраженность (стабильная самооценка, отсутствие размышлений о содеянном) у 20% (6 чел.), средняя выраженность (критическая оценка собственных действий) у 36,6% (11 чел.), сильная выраженность (высокий уровень самокритичности) у 43,3% (13 чел.).

Рисунок 1. Общие групповые показатели отношения родителей к ребенку, количество семей.

По анализу рисунка 1 можно отметить следующее. По шкале «Принятие»: 10 (32%) родителей принимают своего ребенка. Им нравится ребенок таким, какой он есть. Они уважают индивидуальность ребенка, симпатизируют ему, одобряют его интересы и планы. Для 20 (68%) родителей характерно в отношении детей «Отвержение».

По шкале «Кооперация»: 7 (23%) опрошенных родителей проявляют заинтересованность делами и планами ребенка, стараются помочь ему, высоко оценивают интеллектуальные и творческие способности ребенка, испытывают чувство гордости за него.

По шкале «Симбиоз»: у 10 (33%) родителей дистанция в общении с ребенком слишком мала. Эти родители ощущают себя с ребенком единым целым, стремятся удовлетворить все потребности ребенка, оградить его от трудностей и неприятностей жизни. Они постоянно ощущают тревогу за ребенка, ребенок кажется им маленьким и беззащитным. Это может объясняться повышенной личностной тревожностью самих родителей.

По шкале «Авторитарная социализация»: для 11 (35%) родителей свойственен авторитарный стиль воспитания: строгая дисциплина, безоговорочное послушание. Такие родители стараются навязать ребенку свою волю, не в состоянии понять точку зрения ребенка. Они пристально следят за социальными достижениями ребенка, его индивидуальными особенностями, привычками, мыслями, чувствами.

По шкале «Маленький неудачник»: 16 (52%) родителей видят своего ребенка младшим по сравнению с реальным возрастом, приписывают ему личную и социальную несостоятельность. Интересы, увлечения, мысли и чувства ребенка не воспринимаются всерьез. Ребенок кажется родителям не приспособленным, открытым для дурных влияний.

Таким образом, для исследуемых характерно предпочтение стиля «отвержение» и «маленький неудачник», но при этом у них несколько ослаблен контроль.

Таблица 2. Значимые корреляционные связи между шкалами использованных методик

Как, видно существует прямая взаимосвязь между «Маленький неудачник» и «вербальной агрессией» (p≤0,05): чем больше родители приписывают ему личную и социальную несостоятельность, тем больше ребенок склонен проявлять прямую вербальную агрессию к окружающим его людям.

Как видно, существует обратная взаимосвязь между «Принятием и отвержением» и «раздражением» (p≤0,05): чем больше родители принимают своего ребенка, уважают индивидуальность своего ребенка, симпатизируют ему, одобряют его интересы, тем меньше ребенок склонен проявлять признаки раздражения по отношению к окружающим.

Становление агрессивного поведения у детей — сложный процесс, в котором участвуют многие факторы. Дети учатся агрессивному поведению, как посредством прямых подкреплений, так и путем наблюдения агрессивных действий.

Родители пользуются множеством приемов воспитания, в зависимости от ситуации, от самого ребенка, от его поведения в данный момент.

Типы родительских отношений отличаются друг от друга не только в отношении требовательности и отзывчивости, но также и в отношении психологического воздействия, оказываемого на ребенка. Психологический контроль являет собой попытку воздействовать на психологическое и эмоциональное развитие ребенка при помощи таких воспитательных методов, как: чувство вины, стыда и лишение заботы.

Анализ и интерпретация результатов проведенного исследования позволяют сделать следующий вывод: принятие своего ребенка является одним из важных факторов проявления агрессии в подростковом возрасте. Если ребенка любят и принимают, то у него не будет склонности проявлять агрессию. А если с ребенком не считаются, не уважают, то уровень агрессии по отношению к окружающим будет высокий.

Список литературы:

1. Богданова, М.В., Игошина, Н. С. Роль матери в формировании психологических защит у часто и длительно больных детей. // Вестник Тюменского государственного университета. Гуманитарные исследования. — 2011. — №9. — С. 232–240.

2. Конева О. Б. Неблагополучная семья и девиантное поведение: социально-психологические признаки. Вестник Челябинского государственного университета / О. Б. Конева // Вестник Челябинского государственного университета. — 2009. — №14 (152). — С. 44–50.

3. Коренева А. А. Факторы, обуславливающие развитие агрессивного поведения / А. А. Коренева // Сб.: Научные труды МПГУ. Серия: психолого-педагогические науки. — М.: Прометей, 2004. — С. 274–276.

4. Паренс, Г. Агрессия наших детей. М.: «ФОРУМ», 1997. 160 с.

Карагаева Д. А., Чайкина С. В. 
The role of social networks in students’ lives

Karagaeva D.A., Chaykina S.V., 3rd year students {Customs}

Scientific adviser: Krasikova T.I., PhD {Philology}, professor, Head of the Department of foreign languages

Technological University (UNITECH), Korolev, Russia

The article examines the problem of the role of social networks in the life of such a social group of society as students. In order to identify comprehensive conclusions and establish an objective understanding within the framework of this topic, a questionnaire is conducted among representatives of different age categories and different genders. Recommendations are given for solving problems associated with achieving the most fruitful results from the time spent in social networks by students. The analysis of the obtained information data is carried out and conclusions based on them are indicated.

Keywords: social networks, students, research methods, positive influence of social networks, negative influence of social networks, problem.

Introduction. The relevance of the chosen topic is undeniable, because we can safely say that social networks are almost an integral part of life within modern conditions. Students are the most active users of social networks, which, in turn, number quite a large order of magnitude [3]. It is impossible not to identify the fact of negative and along with it positive influence social networks for students. It is important to note that the potential of social networks is great in the process of studying in higher educational institutions, as well as in institutions of secondary special education.

First of all, it is advisable to define social networks. So, social networks are a kind of online platforms used to unite various social groups with similar interests,

needs for work, study and entertainment [4].

It is necessary to dwell on the fact that the advantage of social networks is indicated by the convenience of their use and the speed of extracting the necessary visual materials [2].

Some students use social networks to search for scientific information that actively helps and promotes learning. This is manifested in finding certain data for writing abstracts, scientific articles, term papers and theses, as well as in the preparation of reports and presentations, followed by the presentation of the found and grouped information in the classroom during practical classes. In the mentioned case, social networks contribute to the expansion of opportunities within the study, which proves the development and enlightenment of students.

In addition, some students use social networks only for entertainment, which can negatively affect the learning process. This is due to the temptation of an abundance of superficial and attractive information that distracts from productive pastime on the Internet when using social networks.

Based on the above, it is important to analyze the questionnaire, which will be described below and suggest ways to solve problems that arise when using social networks.

Methods. The research of the chosen topic was conducted on the basis of empirical as well as theoretical methods of scientific research. Theoretical methods were expressed in the study of current electronic resources, specialized literature, statistical results, scientific articles on this topic.

Empirical research methods proved themselves in the survey conducted among respondents of different ages. Mostly, they were persons from 18 to 21 years old, that is, obviously, students. On the basis of the received data, the following actions were carried out:

— Research of information extracted from the survey;

— Formulation of the problem related to the influence of social networks;

— Establishment of causal negative and positive impact of social networks on student life;

— Assessment of objective relevance on the chosen topic;

— Identification of conclusions;

— Suggestions with recommendations on ways to solve the problem.

Results. The «Technological University» was chosen as the main object of the study, the students of which were presented with a survey. The number of respondents in the number reached 53 people.

The survey categories were the following items:

— Age;

— Gender;

— Most Used Social Networks;

— Time spent on social media;

— The purpose of using social networks;

— Identification of the trend of dependence on social networks;

— The use of social networks for longer than planned;

— Positive aspects of social networks;

— Disadvantages of social networks;

— Feelings experienced after viewing individual posts, photos and videos in social networks;

— Help of social networks in training.

Given the gender, it is important to note that the majority of people who took part in the survey are female respondents. Their percentage ratio was 67.9%. At the same time, males accounted for 32.1%.

For clarity and visualization, it is advisable to present a statistical graph of the names of social networks that are used to the greatest extent.

Figure 1. The most used social networks

Based on the analysis of the data, it can be concluded that the leading positions are occupied by such social networks as Instagram and VKontakte. The mentioned social networks are an effective guide in the course of communication between classmates, colleagues, friends, relatives. They also take on a role in the dissemination of scientific information intended for training needs. It can be assumed that these social networks are the most used because of the joint and cumulative set of opportunities in their content: communication, reading news or scientific articles, watching videos, listening to music, publishing their posts, creating groups, pages, dating, games.

The following social networks by frequency of use are YouTube and Telegram. YouTube serves as a video hosting service, which includes the ability to view various content: instructive, informative videos on psychology, economics, politics, geography, biology, mathematics, webinars, films of various genres, and in the case of students, lecture courses. Telegram has more limited capabilities, since it is a messenger where you can only exchange information.

Figure 2. The amount of time spent on social networks

Based on the data, it was revealed that students usually spend from 3 to 5 hours a day. This judgment is 41%. Doctors recommend spending no more than 3 hours a day on the Internet and social networks. Spending too much time on social networks is explained by procrastination. In turn, procrastination is the postponement of unpleasant things and thoughts for later.

There are also several other reasons: escape from loneliness and the habit of communicating. To resolve the first one, you can contact a psychologist if the student is unable to cope with the time alone with himself. In order to avoid the second, it is worth spending more time with your friends on walks, more often to maintain live communication than virtual.

Figure 3. The purpose of using social networks

Taking into account statistical data, it is permissible to pay attention to the fact that the majority of students use social networks to use multimedia (viewing photos, films, publications) — 88.7%, as well as to communicate with classmates, friends, relatives, relatives. And only 50% use social networks to study. This fact confirms the existence of the problem of dependence on the Internet and social networks among students.

The recommendation for solving this problem is the instillation and development of subjective attitudes, including the establishment of reports on how much time a student spends on social networks. Next it is necessary to develop awareness of what alternative and at the same time useful actions can be done in the absence of long-term use of social networks for entertainment purposes [1].

Based on the survey data, it is possible to establish the fact of the development of the trend of the appearance of a person’s dependence on social networks. The question «Do you agree that there is a tendency for a person to become dependent on social networks?» was answered in the affirmative by 94.3%.

The resolution of this problem is considered to be the fixation of time spent on social networks for the subsequent reduction and approval of the mentioned time for any urgent period [1].

Also, disabling notifications on gadgets (laptops, smartphones, etc.) and removing extraneous entertainment social networks can serve as one of the permissions [1].

Based on the above, it can be concluded that the regulation of the time spent in social networks should be carried out independently. Among other things, the degree of influence from them depends only on the subjective qualities of the student himself, on the degree of his susceptibility to information coming from outside.

Figure 4. Advantages of social networks

According to respondents, the most significant positive aspects of social networks include the ability to communicate at a distance (92.5%). The judgment that social networks represent themselves as an assistant in self-development, 54.7% of respondents confirmed. This is a fairly good indicator that confirms the importance and role of social networks for learning in students’ lives.


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