Tender is the night. F. Scott Fitzgerald

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О составителе

Хундаева Елизавета Очировна, доктор филологических наук. Область научных интересов — лингвистика, фольклористика, перевод и переводоведение, преподавание английского языка, межкультурная коммуникация.

Учебное пособие представляет фрагмент из текста классического романа американского писателя Фрэнсиса Скотта Фицджеральда «Ночь нежна» на английском языке. Приведены переводы некоторых слов и выражений на русском языке.

Предназначено школьникам, студентам, аспирантам и лицам, интересующимся классической литературой и изучающим английский язык.

 Already with thee! tender is the night……

But here there is no light,

Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown

Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways.

Ode to a Nightingale

Book 1


On the pleasant shore of the French Riviera, about half way between Marseilles [Марсель (город и порт на юге Франции)] and the Italian border (граница), stands a large, proud, rose-colored hotel. Deferential (почтительный) palms cool (охлаждать) its flushed (жизнерадостный, пышущий жизнью) façade, and before it stretches a short dazzling (великолепный, блестящий) beach. Lately it has become a summer resort (курорт) of notable (известный) and fashionable people; a decade ago (десять лет тому назад) it was almost deserted (пустой, заброшенный) after its English clientele (клиентура) went north in April. Now, many bungalows (бунгало, дом с верандой) cluster (расти вместе, группой) near it, but when this story begins only the cupolas (купол) of a dozen (дюжина, десяток) old villas (загородный дом, особняк) rotted (чахнуть) like water lilies among the massed (многочисленный) pines (сосна) between Gausse’s Hôtel des Étrangers and Cannes (Канны), five miles away (на расстоянии пяти миль отсюда).

The hotel and its bright tan (желтовато-коричневый; рыжевато-коричневый) prayer (моление, молитва) rug (коврик) of a beach (пляж) were one. In the early morning the distant (отдаленный) image (образ) of Cannes [kæn], [kænz] (Канн (ы), the pink (розовый) and cream (кремовый, светло-жёлтый) of old fortifications (укрепление; фортификация), the purple (пурпурный, фиолетовый, багровый) Alp that bounded (граничить) Italy, were cast (отбрасывать тень, разливаться) across the water and lay (лежать) quavering (вибрировать; дрожать мелкой дрожью, трепетать) in the ripples (зыбь, рябь, небольшая волна) and rings sent up by sea-plants through the clear shallows (отмель). Before eight a man came down to the beach in a blue bathrobe (купальный халат) and with much preliminary (предварительный) application to his person of the chilly (прохладный) water, and much grunting (ворчать; бормотать) and loud breathing (дышать), floundered (барахтаться) a minute in the sea. When he had gone, beach and bay (бухта, залив) were quiet for an hour. Merchantmen (судно) crawled (медленно продвигаться) westward (по направлению на запад) on the horizon (горизонт); bus boys (помощник официанта) shouted in the hotel court (двор); the dew (роса) dried (высыхать, сохнуть) upon the pines (сосна). In another hour the horns (гудок, сирена) of motors began to blow down (сигналить) from the winding (извилистый) road along the low range of the Maures, which separates (отделять) the littoral (побережье; литораль; обитающий в приливно-отливной зоне) from true (настоящий, истинный) Provençal (прова нсальский) France.

A mile from the sea, where pines give way to (уступать место) dusty (пыльный) poplars (тополь), is an isolated railroad stop, whence one June morning in 1925 a victoria (лёгкий двухместный экипаж с откидным верхом) brought a woman and her daughter down to Gausse’s Hotel. The mother’s face was of a fading (увядающий) prettiness (прелесть) that would soon be patted with broken (рваный, надорванный) veins (вена); her expression was both tranquil (спокойный, безмятежный) and aware (знающий, понимающий) in a pleasant way. However, one’s eye moved on quickly to her daughter, who had magic (очарование) in her pink (розовый) palms (ладонь) and her cheeks lit to a lovely (прелестный) flame (пламя), like the thrilling (захватывающий; волнующий; дрожащий) flush (краска, румянец) of children after their cold baths in the evening. Her fine forehead sloped (подниматься наклонно; спускаться вниз) gently (мягко, нежно) up to where her hair, bordering (обрамлять, окаймлять) it like an armorial (геральдический, гербовый) shield (щит), burst into lovelocks (локон, спускающийся на лоб или щёку) and waves (волнистость; завиток, локон) and curlicues (причудливая завитушка) of ash (пепельный) blonde and gold. Her eyes were bright, big, clear, wet (влажный), and shining, the color of her cheeks was real, breaking close to the surface from the strong young pump (биение, пульсирование) of her heart. Her body hovered (находиться в состоянии неопределённости, неясного ожидания) delicately (хрупко; ненадёжно) on the last edge (край) of childhood — she was almost eighteen, nearly complete, but the dew (чистота, свежесть) was still on her. As sea and sky appeared (оказаться) below (ниже) them in a thin, hot line the mother said:

«Something tells me we’re not going to like this place.»

«I want to go home anyhow (так или иначе),» the girl answered.

They both spoke cheerfully (бодро, энергично) but were obviously (явно) without direction (нехотя, вынужденно, волей-неволей) and bored (скучающий) by the fact — moreover (более того), just any direction (направление; предписание) would not do (подходить). They wanted high excitement, not from the necessity of stimulating jaded (измученный, изнурённый; обессиленный) nerves but with the avidity (острый интерес, энтузиазм) of prize-winning (получивший премию, приз) schoolchildren who deserved (заслуживать) their vacations (каникулы).

«We’ll stay three days and then go home. I’ll wire (телеграфировать) right away (прямо сейчас) for steamer (пароход) tickets.»

At the hotel the girl made the reservation (заказать, сделать бронь) in idiomatic (идиоматический) but rather flat (плоский) French, like something remembered (как нечто выученное). When they were installed (устроить, поместить) on the ground floor (первый, нижний этаж) she walked into the glare (ослепительный свет; сияние) of the French windows and out a few steps onto the stone veranda that run the length (опоясывать) of the hotel. When she walked she carried herself like a ballet — dancer, not slumped down (неуклюже двигаться) on her hips (бедро) but hеld up (держать прямо) in the small of her back. Out there the hot light clipped (обрезать) close her shadow and she retreated (отступить, попятиться назад) — it was too bright (ярко) to see. Fifty yards away the Mediterranean (Средиземное море) yielded (уступать) up its pigments, moment by moment, to the brutal (брутальный, грубый) sunshine; below the balustrade (балюстрада) a faded (блёклый, вылинявший, линялый) Buick (Бьюик) cooked (жариться) on the hotel drive (дорога, подъездная аллея, проезд).

Indeed, of all the region only the beach stirred (шевелиться; двигаться) with activity. Three British nannies (няня) sat knitting (вязать) the slow (неторопливый) pattern (рисунок, узор) of Victorian England, the pattern (образец, модель) of the forties, the sixties, and the eighties, into sweaters (свитер, пуловер) and socks (носки), to the tune (под музыку) of gossip (сплетня) as formalized (стилизованный, формализованный) as incantation (заклинание); closer to (ближе к) the sea a dozen (десяток, дюжина) persons kept house (хозяйничать) under striped (полосатый) umbrellas, while their dozen children pursued (ловить, преследовать) unintimidated (не запуганный; не устрашённый) fish through the shallows (отмель) or lay naked (лежать нагими) and glistening (блестеть) with cocoanut (кокосовый) oil out in the sun.

As Rosemary came onto the beach a boy of twelve ran past her and dashed into (бросаться) the sea with exultant (ликующий, торжествующий) cries. Feeling the impactive (ударный) scrutiny (внимательный осмотр) of strange faces, she took off her bathrobe (купальный халат) and followed. She floated (плыть) face down for a few yards (ярд) and finding it shallow (мелкий) staggered (шататься, покачиваться; идти шатаясь) to her feet and plodded (идти медленно, с трудом) forward, dragging (тащить) slim (стройный) legs like weights (гиря) against (против, преодолевать) the resistance (сопротивление) of the water. When it was about breast high (по грудь), she glanced back (оглянуться назад) toward shore: a bald man in a monocle and a pair of tights (трико), his tufted (с хохолком) chest thrown out, his brash navel (поросший пупок) sucked in (втянутый), was regarding (рассматривать) her attentively. As Rosemary returned the gaze the man dislodged (убрать) the monocle, which went into hiding amid the facetious (забавный, смешной,) whiskers (усы) of his chest, and poured (наливать) himself a glass of something from a bottle in his hand.

Rosemary laid her face on the water and swam a choppy (сбивчивый, неровный) little four-beat (удар) crawl (кроль) out to the raft (паром; наплавной мост). The water reached up for her, pulled her down tenderly (мягко, нежно) out of the heat (жара), seeped (просачиваться; проникать, протекать) in her hair and ran into the corners of her body. She turned round and round in it, embracing (обнимать, обхватывать) it, wallowing (барахтаться; купаться) in it. Reaching the raft she was out of breath (запыхаться), but a tanned (загорелый) woman with very white teeth looked down at her, and Rosemary, suddenly conscious of (вдруг осознав) the raw whiteness (не загоревшая белизна) of her own body, turned on her back and drifted toward shore. The hairy (волосатый) man holding the bottle spoke to her as she came out.

«I say — they have sharks (акула) out behind the raft.» He was of indeterminate (неопределённый) nationality, but spoke English with a slow (медлительный) Oxford drawl (протяжное произношение, медлительность речи). «Yesterday they devoured (проглотить) two British sailors from the flotte (флот) at Golfe Juan.»

«Heavens (боже мой; о боже! Царство Небесное)!» exclaimed Rosemary.

«They come in for the refuse (отказ) from the flotte.»

Glazing his eyes to indicate (чтобы показать) that he had only spoken in order to warn (предупредить) her, he minced off (переступить, пропустить ступень) two steps and poured (наливать) himself another drink.

Not unpleasantly self-conscious (не без смущения), since (поскольку) there had been a slight sway (волна) of attention toward her during this conversation, Rosemary looked for a place to sit. Obviously (очевидно) each family possessed (владеть) the strip (полоса) of sand immediately in front (прямо перед) of its umbrella; besides there was much visiting and talking back and forth — the atmosphere of a community (сообщество, компания) upon which it would be presumptuous (бесцеремонный, дерзкий, нахальный) to intrude (вторгаться, входить без разрешения или приглашения). Farther up, where the beach was strewn (быть покрытым) with pebbles (галька, гравий) and dead sea-weed (морская водоросль), sat a group with flesh (тело) as white as her own. They lay under small hand-parasols (балдахин, тент, зонтик от солнца) instead of beach umbrellas and were obviously less indigenous (аборигенный, местный) to the place. Between the dark people and the light, Rosemary found room (найти место) and spread out (расстелить) her peignoir (пеньюар) on the sand.

Lying so (лёжа так), she first heard their voices and felt their feet skirt (окружать, окаймлять, обрамлять) her body and their shapes pass between the sun and herself. The breath of an inquisitive (любопытный) dog blew (дышать) warm and nervous on her neck; she could feel her skin broiling (жариться на солнце) a little in the heat and hear the small exhausted (изнуренный; обессиленный) wa-waa of the expiring (находящийся при последнем издыхании, умирающий) waves. Presently (вскоре) her ear distinguished (различать) individual (отдельный) voices and she became aware (узнать) that some one referred to (названный) scornfully (презрительно) as «that North guy (тот парень с Севера) ” had kidnapped (похитить) a waiter (официант) from a café in Cannes last night in order to (для того, чтобы) saw (распилить) him in two (пополам). The sponsor (автор, инициатор) of the story was a white-haired (с белыми волосами) woman in full evening dress, obviously (явно, очевидно) a relic of the previous evening, for a tiara (тиара) still clung to her head and a discouraged (лишённый запаха) orchid (орхидея) expired (выдыхаться) from her shoulder. Rosemary, forming a vague antipathy to her and her companions, turned away (отвернуться).

Nearest her, on the other side, a young woman lay under a roof of umbrellas making out a list of things from a book open on the sand. Her bathing suit was pulled off (стянуть, сползать) her shoulders and her back, a ruddy (здоровый, пышущий здоровьем, цветущий), orange (оранжевый) brown (коричневый), set off (оттенять) by a string (нитка) of creamy (кремового цвета) pearls (жемчуг), shone (блестеть, сверкать) in the sun. Her face was hard (жёсткий) and lovely (привлекательный) and pitiful (печальный). Her eyes met Rosemary’s but did not see her. Beyond her was a fine man in a jockey (жокей) cap and red-striped (с красными полосками) tights (трико); then the woman Rosemary had seen on the raft (паром, плот), and who looked back at her, seeing her; then a man with a long face and a golden, leonine (львиный) head, with blue tights and no hat, talking very seriously to an unmistakably (безошибочно) Latin (латинец) young man in black tights, both of them picking at (ковыряться) little pieces of seaweed (морская водоросль) in the sand. She thought they were mostly Americans, but something made them unlike (непохожий на) the Americans she had known of late (последнее время).

After a while (через некоторое время) she realized (осознать) that the man in the jockey cap was giving a quiet (спокойный) little performance (представление) for this group; he moved gravely (серьёзно) about with a rake (лопаточка крупье, грабли), ostensibly (якобы; по видимости) removing (убирать) gravel (гравий; галька) and meanwhile (тем временем) developing (развивать, разрабатывать, разыгрывать) some (некий) esoteric (эзотерический) burlesque (бурлеск, пародия; карикатура) held in suspension (состояние неопределённости) by his grave (серьёзный) face. Its faintest (слабый, вялый) ramification (разветвление; ветвление) had become hilarious (весёлый, шумный, оживлённый), until (до тех пор, пока) whatever (что бы ни) he said released (вызывать) a burst (взрыв) of laughter. Even those who, like herself, were too far away to hear (слышать), sent out antennаe of attention until the only person on the beach (пляж) not caught up in it (не пойманная в это) was the young woman with the string (нитка) of pearls. Perhaps from modesty (скромность) of possession (собственность; имущество) she responded to (отвечать на) each salvo (залп, салют) of amusement (развлечение, забава) by bending (наклоняться) closer (ближе) over her list (список).

The man of the monocle and bottle spoke suddenly out of the sky above Rosemary.

«You are a ripping (отличный) swimmer.»

She demurred (возражать, протестовать).

«Jolly good. My name is Campion. Here is a lady who says she saw you in Sorrento last week and knows who you are and would so like to meet you.»

Glancing around with concealed (скрытый) annoyance (досада) Rosemary saw the untanned (незагоревший) people were waiting. Reluctantly (нехотя) she got up and went over to them.

«Mrs. Abrams — Mrs. McKisco — Mr. McKisco — Mr. Dumphry—

«We know who you are,» spoke up the woman in evening dress. «You’re Rosemary Hoyt and I recognized (узнать) you in Sorrento and asked the hotel clerk and we all think you’re perfectly marvelous (удивительный, замечательный) and we want to know why you’re not back in America making another marvellous (изумительный) moving (движущийся) picture.»

They made a superfluous (излишний; ненужный) gesture of moving over for her. The woman who had recognized (узнать) her was not a Jewess (еврейка, иудейка), despite (несмотря на) her name. She was one of those elderly (пожилой,) «good sports» preserved by an imperviousness (стойкость) to experience (опыт) and a good digestion (усвоение; понимание) into another generation.

«We wanted to warn you about getting burned (обгореть, загореть) the first day,» she continued cheerily (весело), «because YOUR skin is important, but there seems to be so darn (чертовски) much formality on this beach that we didn’t know whether you’d mind (возражать).»


«We thought maybe you were in the plot (заговор),» said Mrs. McKisco. She was a shabby-eyed (с бесчестными глазами), pretty young woman with a disheartening (приводящий в уныние) intensity (сила, энергия). «We don’t know who’s in the plot (заговор) and who isn’t. One man my husband had been particularly nice to turn out (оказаться) to be a chief (главный) character (герой) — practically the assistant (помощник) hero.»

«The plot?» inquired Rosemary, half understanding. «Is there a plot?»

«My dear, we don’t KNOW,» said Mrs. Abrams, with a convulsive (конвульсивный), stout (тучной, полный) woman’s chuckle (тихий смех; смех про себя). «We’re not in it. We’re the gallery (публика на галёрке).»

Mr. Dumphry, a tow-headed (белокурый) effeminate (женоподобный) young man, remarked (заметить): «Mama Abrams is a plot in herself,» and Campion shook his monocle at him, saying: «Now, Royal, don’t be too ghastly (отвратительный) for words.» Rosemary looked at them all uncomfortably, wishing her mother had come down here with her. She did not like these people, especially in her immediate (непосредственный) comparison of them with those who had interested her at the other end of the beach. Her mother’s modest but compact social gift (способность, дарование; дар, талант) got them out of unwelcome (неудобный) situations swiftly (быстро) and firmly (твердо). But Rosemary had been a celebrity (знаменитость; звезда) for only six months, and sometimes the French manners of her early adolescence (юность, подростковый возраст) and the democratic manners of America, these latter superimposed (накладывать), made a certain confusion (беспорядок; неразбериха, путаница) and let her in (впутывать во) for just such things.

Mr. McKisco, a scrawny (костлявый, сухопарый), freckle (веснушка) — and-red man of thirty, did not find the topic of the «plot» amusing (забавный, занимательный, занятный). He had been staring (уставиться) at the sea — now after a swift (быстрый) glance (взгляд) at his wife he turned to Rosemary and demanded (требовать) aggressively:

«Been here long?»

«Only a day.»


Evidently feeling that the subject had been thoroughly changed, he looked in turn (по очереди) at the others.

«Going to stay all summer?» asked Mrs. McKisco, innocently (невинно). «If you do (если останешься) you can watch the plot unfold (раскрывать).»

«For God’s sake (ради бога), Violet, drop (бросать, отказываться от) the subject!» exploded her husband. «Get a new joke (шутка), for God’s sake!»

Mrs. McKisco swayed (качнуться) toward Mrs. Abrams and breathed (выдохнуть) audibly (громко, вслух):

«He’s nervous.»

«I’m not nervous,» disagreed McKisco. «It just happens I’m not nervous at all.»

He was burning (гореть) visibly (вслух) — a grayish flush (румянец) had spread over his face, dissolving (растворять) all his expressions into a vast (огромный) ineffectuality (отсутствие эффективности, действенности). Suddenly remotely (отдаленно) conscious (осознавать) of his condition he got up (подняться) to go in the water, followed by his wife (а жена следовала за ним), and seizing the opportunity (воспользоваться возможностью) Rosemary followed (последовать за ними).

Mr. McKisco drew a long breath, flung himself into the shallows and began a stiff-armed batting of the Mediterranean, obviously intended to suggest a crawl — his breath exhausted he arose and looked around with an expression of surprise that he was still in sight of shore.

«I haven’t learned to breathe (дышать) yet. I never quite understood how they breathed.» He looked at Rosemary inquiringly (вопросительно).

«I think you breathe out (выдыхать) under water,» she explained. «And every fourth beat (такт, удар) you roll (крутить, вертеть) your head over (над водой) for air.»

«The breathing’s the hardest part for me. Shall we go to the raft (плот, наплавной мост, паром)?»

The man with the leonine (львиный) head lay stretched out upon the raft, which tipped (перевешивать) back and forth (вперед) with the motion (движение) of the water. As Mrs. McKisco reached for (потянуться) it a sudden (неожиданный) tilt (наклон) struck (ударить) her arm up roughly (сильно), whereupon (при этом) the man started up (поднялся на ноги) and pulled (вытянуть) her on board.

«I was afraid it hit you (что он ударит вас).» His voice was slow (тихий) and shy (застенчивый); he had one of the saddest (печальный) faces Rosemary had ever seen (когда-либо видела), the high (высокий) cheekbones (скула) of an Indian, a long upper lip, and enormous (огромный) deep-set (глубоко посаженный) dark golden eyes. He had spoken out of the side (уголок) of his mouth, as if he hoped his words would reach Mrs. McKisco by a circuitous (кружный, окольный, обходной) and unobtrusive (ненавязчивый; малозаметный) route (способ; путь, маршрут); in a minute he had shoved (отталкиваться) off into the water and his long body lay motionless (неподвижно) toward shore.

Rosemary and Mrs. McKisco watched him. When he had exhausted (истощать) his momentum (импульс, количество движения) he abruptly (резко) bent double (согнуться вдвое), his thin thighs (бедро) rose above the surface, and he disappeared totally (полностью), leaving scarcely (едва ли) a fleck (капелька) of foam (пена) behind.

«He’s a good swimmer,» Rosemary said.

Mrs. McKisco’s answer came with surprising violence (ярость).

«Well, he’s a rotten (неудачный) musician.» She turned to her husband, who after two unsuccessful attempts had managed to climb (вскарабкаться) on the raft, and having attained (достичь) his balance (равновесие) was trying to make some kind of compensatory (компенсирующий) flourish (росчерк), achieving (добиваться) only an extra (еще один, лишний) stagger (пошатывание, неустойчивое положение). «I was just saying that Abe North may be a good swimmer but he’s a rotten musician.»

«Yes,» agreed McKisco, grudgingly (нехотя, без желания). Obviously (явно, очевидно) he had created his wife’s world, and allowed her few (мало, немного) liberties (вольность) in it.

«Antheil’s my man.» Mrs. McKisco turned challengingly (вызывающе) to Rosemary, «Anthiel and Joyce. I don’t suppose you ever hear much about those sort (такого рода) of people in Hollywood, but my husband wrote the first criticism of Ulysses (Одиссей) that ever appeared in America.»

«I wish I had a cigarette (Жаль, что у меня нет сигареты),» said McKisco calmly (спокойно). «That’s more important to me just now.»

«He’s got insides (под водой) — don’t you think so, Albert?»

Her voice faded off (ослабевать) suddenly. The woman of the pearls had joined her two children in the water, and now Abe North came up under one of them like a volcanic island, raising him on his shoulders. The child yelled (кричать; вопить) with fear (страх) and delight (восторг) and the woman watched with a lovely (восхитительный) peace (спокойствие), without a smile.

«Is that his wife?» Rosemary asked.

«No, that’s Mrs. Diver. They’re not at the hotel.» Her eyes, photographic, did not move from the woman’s face. After a moment she turned vehemently (неистово; страстно) to Rosemary.

«Have you been abroad before?»

«Yes — I went to school in Paris.»

«Oh! Well then you probably know that if you want to enjoy yourself here the thing is to get to know some real French families. What do these people get out of it?» She pointed her left shoulder toward shore. «They just stick around with each other in little cliques (клика, группировка). Of course, we had letters of introduction (рекомендательное письмо) and met all the best French artists and writers in Paris. That made it very nice.»

«I should think so.»

«My husband is finishing his first novel, you see.»

Rosemary said: «Oh, he is?» She was not thinking anything special (особый), except (кроме) wondering (удивляться) whether her mother had got to sleep in this heat (жара).

«It’s on the idea of Ulysses (Одиссей),» continued Mrs. McKisco. «Only instead of taking twenty-four hours my husband takes a hundred years. He takes a decayed (дряблый) old French aristocrat and puts him in contrast with the mechanical age — »

«Oh, for God’s sake, Violet, don’t go telling everybody the idea,» protested McKisco. «I don’t want it to get all around before the book’s published.»

Rosemary swam back to the shore, where she threw her peignoir (пеньюар) over her already sore [больной] shoulders and lay down again in the sun. The man with the jockey cap was now going from umbrella to umbrella carrying a bottle and little glasses in his hands; presently [некоторое время спустя] he and his friends grew (становиться) livelier (весёлый, оживлённый) and closer together and now they were all under a single assemblage [совокупность] of umbrellas — she gathered (делать вывод) that some one was leaving and that this was a last drink on the beach. Even the children knew that excitement was generating (образовывать, формировать) under that umbrella and turned toward it — and it seemed to Rosemary that it all came from the man in the jockey cap.

Noon dominated sea and sky — even the white line of Cannes, five miles off, had faded to a mirage of what was fresh and cool; a robin (малиновка) — breasted (на носу) sailing boat (парусная лодка) pulled in behind it a strand (жгут) from the outer (внешний), darker sea. It seemed that there was no life anywhere in all this expanse (простор) of coast except under the filtered (очищенный; профильтрованный) sunlight of those umbrellas, where something went on amid (среди) the color and the murmur (бормотание).

Campion walked near her, stood a few feet away and Rosemary closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep; then she half-opened them and watched two dim (неясный, неотчётливый), blurred (запачканный, неясный, расплывчатый) pillars (столп) that were legs. The man tried to edge his way into a sand-colored cloud, but the cloud floated off (отплыть) into the vast hot sky. Rosemary fell really asleep.

She awoke drenched with sweat (мокрый от пота) to find (и обнаружила) the beach deserted (что на пляже никого не было) save for (кроме) the man in the jockey cap, who was folding (складывать) a last umbrella. As Rosemary lay blinking (лежать, моргая), he walked nearer and said:

«I was going to wake you before I left. It’s not good (нет ничего хорошего) to get too burned (чтобы слишком загореть) right away (сразу).»

«Thank you.» Rosemary looked down at her crimson (тёмно-красный) legs.

«Heavens (Господи)!»

She laughed cheerfully (весело), inviting him to talk (приглашая его к разговору), but Dick Diver was already carrying (нести) a tent and a beach umbrella (пляжный зонт) up to a waiting (ожидающий) car, so she went into the water to wash off the sweat (чтобы смыть пот). He came back and gathering up a rake (грабли, скребок, рашпиль), a shovel (лопата, совок), and a sieve (решето, сито), stowed (складывать, укладывать) them in a crevice (трещина, расщелина, щель) of a rock (скала). He glanced up and down (оглядеть сверху донизу) the beach to see (чтобы убедиться) if he had left anything (не оставил ли он чего-либо).

«Do you know what time it is?» Rosemary asked.

«It’s about (примерно) half-past one (половина второго; один час тридцать минут).»

They faced (поворачиваться лицом к) the seascape (море, марина, морской пейзаж) together momentarily (мгновенно; ежеминутно, поминутно).

«It’s not a bad time,» said Dick Diver. «It’s not one of worst (наихудший) times of the day.»

He looked at her and for a moment she lived in the bright blue worlds of his eyes, eagerly (горячо, пылко, страстно) and confidently (уверенно). Then he shouldered (взвалить на плечо) his last piece of junk (отбросы, хлам) and went up to his car, and Rosemary came out of the water, shook out her peignoir and walked up to the hotel.


It was almost two when they went into the dining-room. Back and forth over the deserted (покинутый) tables a heavy pattern (рисунок, узор) of beams (луч) and shadows swayed (колыхаться) with the motion (движение) of the pines outside (вне помещения; снаружи). Two waiters, piling (раскладывать, собирать) plates and talking loud Italian, fell silent (замолчать) when they came in and brought them a tired (утомленный) version of the table d’hôte (табльдот, общий обеденный стол) luncheon [ленч, второй завтрак (в 12—14 часов; лёгкий у тех, кто обедает вечером (dinner); плотный, заменяющий обед у тех, кто вечером ужинает).

«I fell in love (влюбиться) on the beach,» said Rosemary.

«Who with?»

«First with a whole lot (масса, куча) of people who looked nice (приятный). Then with one man.»

«Did you talk to him?»

«Just a little. Very handsome (красивый). With reddish (рыжеватый) hair.» She was eating, ravenously (жадно). «He’s married though (хотя; несмотря на; тем не менее) — it’s usually the way (так бывает обычно).»

Her mother was her best friend and had put every last possibility into the guiding of her (вести её по жизни), not so rare a thing (не такая уж редкость) in the theatrical profession, but rather special (весьма своеобразный) in that Mrs. Elsie Speers was not recompensing herself for a defeat (фиаско, неудача) of her own. She had no personal bitterness (горечь) or resentments (обида, негодование, возмущение) about life — twice satisfactorily (нормально, удовлетворительно) married and twice widowed (овдоветь), her cheerful (энергичный, неунывающий) stoicism (стоицизм) had each time deepened (углубляться). One of her husbands had been a cavalry officer and one an army doctor, and they both left something to her that she tried to present intact (целый, незатронутый) to Rosemary. By not sparing (щадить) Rosemary she had made her hard (твёрдый; негибкий, негнущийся) — by not sparing (щадить) her own labor and devotion (любовь, преданность) she had cultivated (взвращивать) an idealism in Rosemary, which at present (в настоящее время) was directed toward herself and saw the world through her eyes (её глазами). So that while (в тот момент, в то время) Rosemary was a «simple» child she was protected (защищать) by a double sheath (футляр, защитная оболочка) of her mother’s armor (броня) and her own — she had a mature (зрелый) distrust (недоверие) of the trivial (тривиальный, обычный), the facile (поверхностный) and the vulgar. However, with Rosemary’s sudden success in pictures Mrs. Speers felt that it was time she were (настала пора, чтобы она была) spiritually (духовно, интеллектуально, умственно) weaned (отнимать от груди, отлучать от матери); it would please (радовать, нравиться) rather than (а не) pain (ранить, обидеть) her if this somewhat (некий) bouncing (оживлённый, крепкий, нескладный), breathless (запыхавшийся) and exigent (требовательный) idealism would focus on something except herself (кроме неё самой).

«Then you like it here?» she asked.

«It might be fun (хорошо, приятно) if we knew those people. There were some other people, but they weren’t nice (приятный). They recognized (узнавать) me — no matter where (куда бы ни) we go everybody’s seen „Daddy’s Girl.“»

Mrs. Speers waited for the glow () of egotism () to subside (); then she said in a matter-of-fact (сухой, прозаичный) way: «That reminds me (кстати), when are you going to see Earl (граф) Brady?»

«I thought we might go this afternoon — if you’re rested.»

«You go — I’m not going.»

«We’ll wait till to-morrow then.»

«I want you to go alone (Я хочу, чтобы ты пошла одна). It’s only a short way — it isn’t as if you didn’t speak French.»

«Mother — aren’t there some things I don’t have to (должен) do?»

«Oh, well then go later — but some day before we leave (до того, как мы уедем).»

«All right, Mother.»

After lunch they were both overwhelmed (переполнять, охватывать) by the sudden flatness (монотонность, однообразие, скука) that comes over American travellers in quiet (тихий, спокойный) foreign (заграничный) places. No stimuli (никакие стимулы) worked upon them, no voices called them from without, no fragments of their own thoughts came suddenly from the minds of others, and missing (скучать) the clamor (шум) of Empire they felt that life was not continuing here.

«Let’s only stay three days, Mother,» Rosemary said when they were back in their rooms. Outside a light wind blew the heat around, straining (просачиваться) it through the trees and sending little hot gusts (порыв ветра) through the shutters (ставни).

«How about the man you fell in love with on the beach?»

«I don’t love anybody but you, Mother, darling.»

Rosemary stopped in the lobby (вестибюль, холл) and spoke to Gausse père about trains. The concierge, lounging (сидеть развалившись, расслабившись) in light-brown khaki by the desk, stared (уставиться) at her rigidly (строго, сурово), then suddenly remembered the manners of his métier (профессия, занятие, ремесло). She took the bus and rode with a pair of obsequious (исполнительный, послушный) waiters to the station, embarrassed (сбивать с толку, приводить в замешательство) by their silence, wanting to urge them: «Go on, talk, enjoy yourselves. It doesn’t bother (мешать, беспокоить) me.»

The first-class compartment was stifling (душный); the vivid (яркий) advertising cards of the railroad companies — The Pont du Gard at Arles, the Amphitheatre at Orange, winter sports at Chamonix — were fresher than the long motionless (неподвижное) sea outside. Unlike American trains that were absorbed in an intense destiny of their own, and scornful (презирающий) of people on another world less swift (подвижный) and breathless (запыхавшийся), this train was part of the country through which it passed. Its breath (дыхание) stirred (шевелить, сдувать) the dust from the palm leaves, the cinders (зола) mingled (смешиваться) with the dry dung (навоз) in the gardens. Rosemary was sure she could lean (наклониться, высунуться из) from the window and pull (выдёргивать) flowers with her hand.

A dozen cabbies (таксист) slept in their hacks (такси) outside (снаружи) the Cannes station. Over on the promenade (прогулка, променад) the Casino, the smart shops, and the great hotels turned blank (пустой) iron masks to the summer sea. It was unbelievable (Не верилось) that there could ever have been a «season,» and Rosemary, half in the grip (в тисках) of fashion, became a little self-conscious (застенчивый, легко смущающийся), as though she were displaying (проявлять) an unhealthy (нездоровый) taste (вкус) for the moribund (устаревающий, выходящий из употребления); as though (как будто) people were wondering (удивляться) why she was here in the lull (затишье) between the gaiety (веселье) of last winter and next winter, while (в то время, как) up north the true world thundered (греметь, грохотать) by.

As she came out of a drug store (аптека) with a bottle of cocoanut oil (кокосовое масло), a woman, whom she recognized as (в которой она узнала) Mrs. Diver, crossed her path with arms full of sofa cushions (диванная подушка), and went to a car parked down the street. A long, low black dog barked (лаять) at her, a dozing (дремлющий) chauffeur (шофёр) woke with a start (вздрагивание). She sat in the car, her lovely face set (сосредоточенный), controlled, her eyes brave (смелый) and watchful (наблюдательный), looking straight ahead (прямо вперед) toward nothing (в никуда). Her dress was bright red and her brown legs were bare (голый). She had thick, dark, gold hair like a chow (чау-чау) ’s.

With half an hour to wait for her train Rosemary sat down in the Café des Alliés on the Croisette, where the trees made a green twilight (сумерки) over the tables and an orchestra wooed (привлекать, обхаживать) an imaginary public of cosmopolites (космополит) with the Nice Carnival Song and last year’s American tune. She had bought Le Temps and The Saturday Evening Post for her mother, and as she drank her citronade she opened the latter (второй) at the memoirs of a Russian princess, finding the dim (непримечательный) conventions (обычай, традиция, правила поведения) of the nineties (девяностых) realer and nearer than the headlines (заголовок) of the French paper. It was the same feeling that had oppressed (угнетать) her at the hotel — accustomed (привыкший) to seeing the starkest (строгий, суровый) grotesqueries of a continent heavily (весьма, в большой степени) underlined as comedy or tragedy, untrained (неподготовленный) to the task of separating out (выделить) the essential (существенное) for herself, she now began to feel that French life was empty and stale (тривиальный, банальный). This feeling was surcharged () by listening to the sad tunes of the orchestra, reminiscent () of the melancholy music played for acrobats in vaudeville (водевиль). She was glad to go back to Gausse’s Hotel.

Her shoulders were too burned to swim with the next day, so she and her mother hired (арендовать) a car — after much haggling (торговаться), for Rosemary had formed her valuations (оценка, определение ценности) of money in France — and drove along the Riviera, the delta (устье) of many rivers. The chauffeur, a Russian Czar of the period of Ivan the Terrible, was a self-appointed (самозванный) guide, and the resplendent (блистательный, великолепный, ослепительный) names — Cannes, Nice, Monte Carlo — began to glow through their torpid (апатичный, бездеятельный, вялый) camouflage (камуфляж, маскировка), whispering of old kings come here to dine (обедать; ужинать) or die (умереть), of rajahs (раджа — княжеский титул в Индии)) tossing (бросать, метать) Buddha’s eyes to English ballerinas, of Russian princes turning the weeks into Baltic twilights (сумерки) in the lost caviare (икра) days. Most of all, there was the scent (запах, дух) of the Russians along the coast (побережье) — their closed book shops and grocery (бакалейный) stores. Ten years ago, when the season ended in April, the doors of the Orthodox (православный, ортодоксальный) Church were locked (закрывать, запирать), and the sweet (сладкий) champagnes they favored (которые они одобряли) were put away (были отставлены в сторону) until their return (возвращение). «We’ll be back (вернуться) next season,» they said, but this was premature (преждевременный, ранний), for they were never coming back any more (никогда больше не приезжали).

It was pleasant to drive back to the hotel in the late afternoon, above a sea as mysteriously colored as the agates (агат) and cornelians (сердолик) of childhood, green as green milk, blue as laundry (прачечная) water, wine dark. It was pleasant to pass people eating outside their doors, and to hear the fierce (свирепый, энергичный) mechanical pianos behind the vines (виноградная лоза) of country estaminets (кафе). When they turned off the Corniche d’Or and down to Gausse’s Hotel through the darkening banks (группа, ряд) of trees, set one behind another (один за другим) in many greens, the moon already hovered (неподвижно зависать в воздухе) over the ruins (руина) of the aqueducts (акведук, водопровод) ….

Somewhere in the hills behind the hotel there was a dance, and Rosemary listened to the music through the ghostly (похожий на привидение; призрачный) moonshine of her mosquito net (москитная сетка), realizing that there was gaiety (веселье) too somewhere about (где-то вокруг, поблизости), and she thought of the nice people on the beach. She thought she might meet them in the morning, but they obviously (очевидно) formed a self-sufficient (самодостаточный) little group, and once their umbrellas, bamboo rugs (коврик), dogs, and children were set out in place the part of the plage (пляж) was literally (буквально) fenced in (огородить). She resolved (принять решение) in any case not to spend her last two mornings with the other ones.


The matter was solved for her. The McKiscos were not yet there and she had scarcely spread her peignoir when two men — the man with the jockey cap and the tall blonde man, given to (занятый) sawing (распиливание) waiters in two — left the group and came down toward her.

«Good morning,» said Dick Diver. He broke down (не выдержать, потерять самообладание). «Look — sunburn (обгорать на солнце) or no sunburn, why did you stay away (не было) yesterday? We worried about you.»

She sat up and her happy little laugh welcomed their intrusion (вторжение).

«We wondered,» Dick Diver said, «if you wouldn’t come over this morning. We go in, we take food and drink, so it’s a substantial (существенный, важный) invitation.»

He seemed kind and charming (очаровательный) — his voice promised that he would take care of her, and that a little later he would open up whole new worlds for her, unroll (развёртывать; разворачивать) an endless (бесконечный) succession (серия, последовательность) of magnificent (великолепный, внушительный) possibilities. He managed the introduction so that her name wasn’t mentioned (упоминать) and then let her know easily that everyone knew who she was but were respecting the completeness of her private (частный) life — a courtesy (учтивость, вежливость) that Rosemary had not met with save (за исключением, кроме) from professional people since her success.

Nicole Diver, her brown back hanging from her pearls (жемчуг), was looking through a recipe book (меню) for chicken Maryland. She was about twenty-four, Rosemary guessed (догадаться) — her face could have been described in terms of conventional (условный, обычный) prettiness, but the effect was that it had been made first on the heroic scale (шкала) with strong structure and marking (отметка), as if the features and vividness of brow and coloring, everything we associate with temperament and character had been molded (формировать, отливать) with a Rodinesque intention (замысел в стиле Родена), and then chiseled away (вырезать, долбить) in the direction of prettiness (миловидность) to a point where a single slip (промах, ошибка) would have irreparably (непоправимо, безнадёжно) diminished (убывать, уменьшаться) its force and quality (качество). With the mouth the sculptor had taken desperate (отчаянный) chances — it was the cupid’s (купидон) bow (лук) of a magazine cover (обложка), yet it shared (разделять) the distinction (отличительная черта) of the rest.

«Are you here for a long time?» Nicole asked. Her voice was low (низкий), almost harsh (хриплый).

Suddenly Rosemary let the possibility enter her mind that they might stay another week.

«Not very long,» she answered vaguely (туманно). «We’ve been abroad a long time — we landed in (высадиться в) Sicily in March and we’ve been slowly working our way north. I got pneumonia (пневмония) making a picture last January and I’ve been recuperating (поправляться; выздоравливать).»

«Mercy (милость Божия)! How did that happen?»

«Well, it was from swimming,» Rosemary was rather reluctant (не хотеть) at embarking (погружаться) upon personal revelations (откровение). «One day I happened to have the grippe and didn’t know it, and they were taking a scene where I dove (погружаться) into a canal in Venice. It was a very expensive (дорогой) set (комплект), so I had to dive and dive and dive all morning. Mother had a doctor right there, but it was no use — I got pneumonia.» She changed the subject determinedly (решительно) before they could speak. «Do you like it here — this place?»

«They have to like it,» said Abe North slowly. «They invented (создавать, изобретать) it.» He turned his noble (благородный) head slowly so that his eyes rested (остановиться) with tenderness (нежность) and affection (любовь) on the two Divers.

«Oh, did you?»

«This is only the second season that the hotel’s been open in summer,» Nicole explained. «We persuaded Gausse to keep on a cook and a garçon and a chasseur (егерь) — it paid its way and this year it’s doing even better.»

«But you’re not in the hotel.»

«We built a house, up at Tarmes.»

«The theory is,» said Dick, arranging (располагать, устанавливать) an umbrella to clip (срезать, убрать) a square (квадрат) of sunlight off Rosemary’s shoulder, «that all the northern places, like Deauville, were picked out by Russians and English who don’t mind the cold, while half of us Americans come from tropical climates — that’s why we’re beginning to come here.»

The young man of Latin aspect (внешность) had been turning the pages of The New York Herald.

«Well, what nationality are these people?» he demanded, suddenly, and read with a slight French intonation, ««Registered at the Hotel Palace at Vevey are Mr. Pandely Vlasco, Mme. Bonneasse’ — I don’t exaggerate (преувеличивать) — «Corinna Medonca, Mme. Pasche, Seraphim Tullio, Maria Amalia Roto Mais, Moises Teubel, Mme. Paragoris, Apostle Alexandre, Yolanda Yosfuglu and Geneveva de Momus!» She attracts (привлекать) me most (сильно, очень) — Geneveva de Momus. Almost worth running up to Vevey to take a look at Geneveva de Momus.»

He stood up with sudden restlessness (беспокойность, неугомонность; нетерпеливость), stretching himself (вытягиваться) with one sharp (резкий) movement. He was a few (несколько) years younger than Diver or North. He was tall and his body was hard (крепкий) but overspare (худощавый; тонкий) save for (за исключением) the bunched (собранный, сгруппированный) force gathered in his shoulders and upper arms (плечо). At first glance (на первый взгляд) he seemed conventionally (условно) handsome (красивый) — but there was a faint (слабый) disgust (отвращение) always in his face which marred (портить, ухудшать) the full fierce lustre (блеск) of his brown eyes. Yet one remembered them afterward, when one had forgotten the inability of the mouth to endure (выносить, терпеть) boredom (скука) and the young forehead (лоб) with its furrows (глубокая морщина) of fretful (капризный, нетерпеливый; раздражительный) and unprofitable (не приносящая дохода) pain (боль).

«We found some fine ones in the news of Americans last week,» said Nicole. «Mrs. Evelyn Oyster and — what were the others?»

«There was Mr. S. Flesh,» said Diver, getting up also. He took his rake (скребок, грабли) and began to work seriously (серьёзно) at getting small stones out of the sand.

«Oh, yes — S. Flesh — doesn’t he give you the creeps (драга)?»

It was quiet alone with Nicole — Rosemary found it even quieter than with her mother. Abe North and Barban, the Frenchman, were talking about Morocco, and Nicole having copied her recipe (рецепт) picked up a piece of sewing (шитьё). Rosemary examined their appurtenances (принадлежность; аксессуары) — four large parasols (зонт от солнца) that made a canopy (балдахин; навес, тент) of shade, a portable (переносной) bath house for dressing, a pneumatic (пневматический) rubber (резиновый) horse, new things that Rosemary had never seen, from the first burst (взвыв, вспышка) of luxury (роскошь; предмет роскоши) manufacturing (производство) after the War, and probably in the hands of the first of purchasers (покупатель). She had gathered (сделать вывод) that they were fashionable (модный) people, but though her mother had brought her up to beware such people as drones (трутень; тунеядец, дармоед), she did not feel that way here. Even in their absolute immobility (неподвижность, покой), complete (абсолютный, совершенный) as that (неподвижность, покой) of the morning, she felt a purpose (цель), a working over something, a direction, an act of creation (творение) different from any (отличное от какого-либо вида творчеста) she had known (которое она знала раньше). Her immature [ɪmə’tjuə] mind (незрелый ум) made no speculations (предположение, догадка, умозрительное построение) upon the nature of their relation to each other, she was only concerned (её заботило лишь) with their attitude (отношение) toward herself (к ней самой) — but she perceived (чувствовать) the web (паутина, сеть) of some pleasant interrelation (взаимосвязь), which she expressed with the thought that they seemed (как казалось) to have a very good time.

She looked in turn (по очереди) at the three men, temporarily (на некоторое время) expropriating (экспроприировать) them. All three were personable (хорошо сложённый, привлекательный) in different ways; all were of a special gentleness (мягкость; доброта) that she felt was part of their lives, past and future, not circumstanced by events (не обусловленный событиями), not at all like the company manners of actors, and she detected (замечать, открывать, обнаруживать) also a far-reaching (далеко идущий; влекущий серьёзные последствия; имеющий большие перспективы) delicacy (деликатность, такт, учтивость, утончённость) that was different from (отличаться от) the rough (грубый) and ready (имеющийся наготове; в состоянии готовности) good fellowship (товарищество, братство) of directors, who represented the intellectuals in her life. Actors and directors — those were the only (единственный) men she had ever known (которых она когда-либо знала), those and the heterogeneous (гетерогенный, разнородный, разнотипный), indistinguishable (неразличимый) mass of college boys, interested only in love at first sight (с первого взгляда), whom she had met at the Yale prom (студенческий бал, место для гулянья, променад) last fall (прошлая осень).

These three were different (другой). Barban was less civilized (воспитанный; изысканный), more skeptical (скептический) and scoffing (насмешливый, издевательский), his manners were formal (формальный; официальный), even perfunctory (небрежный, формальный). Abe North had, under his shyness (застенчивость), a desperate (доведённый до отчаяния; безрассудный) humor that amused (развеселить; смешить, забавлять) but puzzled (озадачивать, приводить в замешательство) her. Her serious (серьёзный) nature distrusted (не доверять) its ability (способность) to make (произвдить) a supreme (высочайший, предельный) impression (впечатление) on him.

But Dick Diver — he was all complete (совершенный) there. Silently (про себя, молча) she admired (восхищаться) him. His complexion (цвет кожи) was reddish and weather-burned (обветренный, обгоревший), so was his short hair (такими были его короткие волосы) — a light growth of it rolled down his arms and hands. His eyes were of a bright, hard blue. His nose was somewhat (немного) pointed (заостренный) and there was never any doubt (сомнение) at whom he was looking or talking — and this is a flattering (хвалебный, лестный) attention, for who looks at us? — glances (взгляд) fall upon us, curious (любопытствующий) or disinterested (лишенный интереса), nothing more (ничего более). His voice, with some faint (легкий) Irish (ирландский) melody running through it, wooed (привлекать, обхаживать, завлекать) the world, yet she felt the layer (слой) of hardness (твёрдость) in him, of self-control (самокотроль) and of self-discipline, her own virtues (добродетель, достоинство). Oh, she chose him, and Nicole, lifting (поднимать) her head saw her choose him (увидела, что она выбрала его), heard the little sigh (вздох) at the fact that he was already possessed (быть захваченным; стать чьей-то собственностью).

Toward noon (ближе к полудню) the McKiscos, Mrs. Abrams, Mr. Dumphry, and Signor Campion came on the beach. They had brought a new umbrella that they set up with side glances toward the Divers, and crept (вползти) under with satisfied (удовлетворенный) expressions (выражение лица) — all save (все, кроме) Mr. McKisco, who remained derisively (иронически, с насмешкой) without. In his raking (очистка со скребком) Dick had passed near them and now he returned to the umbrellas.

«The two young men are reading the Book of Etiquette together,» he said in a low (тихий) voice.

«Planning to mix wit de quality,» said Abe.

Mary North, the very tanned (очень загорелый) young woman whom Rosemary had encountered (встретить) the first day on the raft (плот, паром, наплавной мост), came in from swimming and said with a smile that was a rakish (щегольской; лихой, ухарский; небрежный) gleam:

«So Mr. and Mrs. Neverquiver have arrived.»

«They’re this man’s friends,» Nicole reminded her, indicating (указывать на) Abe. «Why doesn’t he go and speak to them? Don’t you think they’re attractive (привлекательный)?»

«I think they’re very attractive,» Abe agreed. «I just don’t think they’re attractive, that’s all.»

«Well, I HAVE felt there were too many people on the beach this summer,» Nicole admitted. «OUR beach that Dick made out of a pebble (галька, булыжник, гравий) pile (куча, груда).» She considered (взвешивать, обдумывать), and then lowering (понижать) her voice out of the range of (вне предела досягаемости) the trio of nannies (няня) who sat back (позади) under another umbrella. «Still, they’re preferable (предпочтительнее) to those British last summer who kept shouting about (которые всё время кричали): „Isn’t the sea blue (Разве море не голубое)? Isn’t the sky white (Разве небо не белое)? Isn’t little Nellie’s nose red (Разве нос у маленькой Нелли не розовый)?“»

Rosemary thought she would not like to have Nicole for an enemy (в качестве врага).

«But you didn’t see the fight,» Nicole continued. «The day before you came, the married man, the one with the name that sounds like a substitute (заменитель, субститут) for gasoline (газолин, бензин) or butter — »


«Yes — well they were having words and she tossed (бросить) some sand (песок) in his face. So naturally he sat on top of her and rubbed (начищать, втирать) her face in the sand. We were — electrified (наэлектризованный, на грани). I wanted Dick to interfere (Я хотел, чтобы Дик вмешался).»

«I think,» said Dick Diver, staring down abstractedly (рассеянно, отвлеченно) at the straw mat (соломенный матрас), «that I’ll go over and invite them to dinner.»

«No, you won’t,» Nicole told him quickly.

«I think it would be a very good thing. They’re here — let’s adjust

(приспосабливать, регулировать) ourselves.»

«We’re very well adjusted,» she insisted, laughing. «I’m not going to have MY nose rubbed in the sand. I’m a mean (неподдающийся, трудный), hard (жёсткий, негибкий) woman,» she explained to Rosemary, and then raising her voice, «Children, put on your bathing suits!»

Rosemary felt that this swim would become the typical one of her life, the one that would always pop up (неожиданно возникать) in her memory at the mention of swimming. Simultaneously (одновременно) the whole party moved toward the water, super-ready (готовый, предвкушающий ужин) from the long, forced (вынужденный) inaction (бездействие), passing from the heat to the cool with the gourmandize (гурманство) of a tingling (покалывающий, пощипывающий) curry (карри) eaten with chilled (охлажденный) white wine. The Divers’ day was spaced (расписывать, распределять) like the day of the older civilizations to yield (давать плоды, получить) the utmost (всё, что модно) from the materials at hand (под рукой, подручный), and to give all the transitions (переходный период) their full value (цена), and she did not know that there would be another transition presently (в скором времени) from the utter (полный, абсолютный; крайний) absorption (погружённость; поглощённость, сосредоточенность) of the swim (плавание) to the garrulity (словоохотливость, болтливость) of the Provençal lunch hour (обеденный час). But again she had the sense that Dick was taking care of her, and she delighted (радоваться) in responding to (отвечать) the eventual (конечный, возможный) movement as if (как если бы) it had been an order (приказ, распоряжение).

Nicole handed (протянуть, вручить) her husband the curious (любопытный) garment (предмет одежды, одеяние) on which she had been working. He went into the dressing tent and inspired (вызывать) a commotion (суматоха, шум, нервное потрясение) by appearing (появиться) in a moment clad (облаченный) in transparent (прозрачный) black lace (кружевной) drawers (панталоны, рейтузы, кальсоны). Close inspection (тщательный осмотр) revealed (обнаружить, показать) that actually (самом) they were lined (оторочить) with flesh-colored (свежевыкрашенный) cloth (ткань).

«Well, if that isn’t a pansys trick!» exclaimed Mr. McKisco contemptuously (презрительно) — then turning quickly to Mr. Dumphry and Mr. Campion, he added, «Oh, I beg your pardon.»

Rosemary bubbled (журчать, булькать) with delight (восторг) at the trunks (купальные трусы, плавки). Her naïveté responded whole-heartedly to the expensive (дорогой, дорогостоящий) simplicity of the Divers, unaware (не знающий, не ведающий) of its complexity and its lack (отсутствие, недостаток) of innocence (невинность), unaware that it was all a selection (выбор) of quality (качество) rather than (а не) quantity (количество) from the run (функционирование, работа, ход, режим) of the world’s bazaar; and that the simplicity of behavior also, the nursery-like peace and good will (добрая воля), the emphasis (эмфаза, акцент, ударение) on the simpler virtues (добродетель), was part of a desperate (отчаянный) bargain (сделка) with the gods and had been attained (достигать) through struggles she could not have guessed (догадываться) at. At that moment the Divers represented (представлять) externally (внешне, явно) the exact furthermost (отдалённый) evolution of a class, so that most (большая часть, большинство) people seemed awkward (неуклюжий, неудобный) beside them — in reality a qualitative (качественный) change had already set (установиться, организоваться) in that was not at all apparent (явный, очевидный) to Rosemary.

She stood with them as they took sherry (херес, шерри) and ate crackers. Dick Diver looked at her with cold blue eyes; his kind, strong mouth said thoughtfully and deliberately (нарочно, намеренно, умышленно):

«You’re the only girl I’ve seen for a long time that actually did look like something blooming (цветущий).»

In her mother’s lap (колени) afterward Rosemary cried and cried.

«I love him, Mother. I’m desperately in love with him — I never knew I could feel that way about anybody. And he’s married and I like her too — it’s just hopeless (безнадёжный). Oh, I love him so!»

«I’m curious (мне интересно) to meet him.»

«She invited us to dinner Friday.»

«If you’re in love it ought to make you happy. You ought to (надо, следует) laugh.»

Rosemary looked up and gave a beautiful little shiver (дрожь, трепет) of her face and laughed. Her mother always had a great influence on her.


Rosemary went to Monte Carlo nearly as sulkily (надуто, угрюмо, мрачно) as it was possible for her to be. She rode up the rugged (труднопроходимый) hill to La Turbie, to an old Gaumont lot in process of reconstruction, and as she stood by the grilled (огражденный решёткой; с решётчатым ограждением) entrance (вход) waiting for an answer to the message on her card, she might have been looking into Hollywood. The bizarre (странный) débris (осколки, обломки; обрезки; лом) of some recent picture, a decayed (распавшийся; разрушенный) street scene in India, a great cardboard whale (кит), a monstrous tree bearing cherries large as basketballs, bloomed there by exotic dispensation (Божий промысел), autochthonous (автохтонный, местный, коренной) as the pale amaranth (амарант, щирица), mimosa, cork oak (пробковый дуб) or dwarfed (карликовый) pine. There were a quick-lunch shack (будка) and two barnlike (амбар; сарай; подсобное помещение) stages (подмостки, помост; платформа; сцена) and everywhere about the lot (масса, уйма), groups of waiting, hopeful (полный надежды), painted (раскрашенный) faces.

After ten minutes a young man with hair the color of canary (канарейка) feathers (перо) hurried (поспешить) down to the gate (ворота, калитка).

«Come in, Miss Hoyt. Mr. Brady’s on the set (съёмочная площадка), but he’s very anxious to see you (очень хочет увидеться с вами). I’m sorry you were kept waiting, but you know some of these French dames (дамочка) are worse about pushing themselves in — »

The studio manager opened a small door in the blank wall of stage building and with sudden glad familiarity Rosemary followed him into half darkness. Here and there figures spotted the twilight, turning up ashen (пепельно-бледный) faces to her like souls in purgatory (чистилище) watching the passage of a mortal (мертвый) through. There were whispers and soft voices and, apparently from afar, the gentle tremolo (дрожь) of a small organ. Turning the corner made by some flats, they came upon the white crackling (треск; потрескивание) glow (отсвет) of a stage, where a French actor — his shirt front, collar, and cuffs tinted (тонированный) a brilliant pink (розовый) — and an American actress stood motionless (неподвижный) face to face (лицом к лицу). They stared (уставиться) at each other with dogged (упрямый, упорный, настойчивый) eyes, as though (как будто) they had been in the same position for hours (часами); and still for a long time nothing happened, no one moved. A bank (ряд устройств; блок) of lights went off with a savage (дикий) hiss (шипение), went on again; the plaintive (заунывный) tap (стук) of a hammer begged (просить, умолять) admission (пропуск) to nowhere in the distance; a blue face appeared among the blinding (слепящий) lights above, called something unintelligible (не разборчивое) into the upper blackness. Then the silence was broken by a voice in front of Rosemary.

«Baby, you don’t take off the stockings, you can spoil ten more pairs. That dress is fifteen pounds.»

Stepping backward (отступая назад) the speaker ran against Rosemary, whereupon (на что) the studio manager said, «Hey, Earl — Miss Hoyt.»

They were meeting for the first time. Brady was quick and strenuous (напряженный). As he took her hand she saw him look her over from head to foot, a gesture she recognized and that made her feel at home (комфортно), but gave her always a faint (слабый) feeling of superiority (превосходство) to whoever made it. If her person was property (собственнность) she could exercise (осуществлять) whatever advantage was inherent (присущий, неотъемлемый) in its ownership.

«I thought you’d be along any day now,» Brady said, in a voice that was just a little too compelling (неотразимый, мощный, напористый) for private life, and that trailed (тянуть, тащить, волочить) with it a faintly (слегка) defiant (вызывающий; дерзкий, непокорный) cockney (кокни) accent (акцент). «Have a good trip?»

«Yes, but we’re glad to be going home.»

«No-o-o!» he protested. «Stay awhile (недолго) — I want to talk to you. Let me tell you that was some picture of yours — that „Daddy’s Girl.“ I saw it in Paris. I wired the coast right away to see if you were signed (отмечать, подписывать).»

«I just had — I’m sorry.»

«God, what a picture!»

Not wanting to smile in silly (глупый) agreement Rosemary frowned (нахмуриться).

«Nobody wants to be thought of forever (навсегда, навечно) for just one picture,» she said.

«Sure — that’s right. What’re your plans?»

«Mother thought I needed a rest. When I get back we’ll probably either sign up with First National or keep on with Famous.»

«Who’s we?»

«My mother. She decides business matters. I couldn’t do without her (обходиться без неё).»

Again he looked her over completely, and, as he did, something in Rosemary went out to him. It was not liking, not at all the spontaneous (спонтанный, самопроизвольный) admiration she had felt for the man on the beach this morning. It was a click. He desired her and, so far as her virginal (девственный; невинный, непорочный) emotions went, she contemplated (созерцать) a surrender (сдача; капитуляция, уступка) with equanimity (невозмутимость, спокойствие). Yet she knew she would forget him half an hour after she left him — like an actor kissed in a picture.

«Where are you staying?» Brady asked. «Oh, yes, at Gausse’s. Well, my plans are made for this year, too, but that letter I wrote you still stands (в силе). Rather make a picture with you than any girl since Connie Talmadge was a kid (ребёнок).»

«I feel the same way (также). Why don’t you come back to Hollywood?»

«I can’t stand the damn (чёртов, проклятый, треклятый) place. I’m fine here. Wait till after this shot (кадр, съёмка) and I’ll show you around (показать достопримечательность).»

Walking onto the set he began to talk to the French actor in a low (тихий), quiet voice.

Five minutes passed — Brady talked on, while from time to time the Frenchman shifted (передвигать) his feet and nodded (кивать). Abruptly (вдруг, внезапно, неожиданно), Brady broke off, calling something to the lights that startled them into a humming (гудящий, жужжащий) glare (ослепительный свет). Los Angeles was loud (вульгарный, развязный) about Rosemary now. Unappalled (не потрясенный, не пораженный) she moved once more through the city of thin partitions (перегородка, переборка), wanting to be back there. But she did not want to see Brady in the mood (настроение) she sensed (как она чувствовала) he would be in after he had finished and she left the lot with a spell (чары) still upon her. The Mediterranean (средиземноморской) world was less silent now that she knew the studio was there. She liked the people on the streets and bought herself a pair of espadrilles (эспадрильи; сандалии на верёвочной подошве) on the way to the train.

Her mother was pleased that she had done so accurately (точно) what she was told (было велено) to do, but she still wanted to launch her out and away (удалить её отсюда). Mrs. Speers was fresh in appearance but she was tired; death beds (смертный одр) make people tired (утомлять, вызывать усталость) indeed and she had watched beside (поблизости) a couple (пара).


Feeling good from the rosy wine (вино) at lunch, Nicole Diver folded (сложить, склалывать) her arms high enough for the artificial (искусственный) camellia (камелия) on her shoulder to touch (касаться) her cheek (щека), and went out into her lovely (милый, прелестный) grassless garden. The garden was bounded (отграничить) on one side by the house, from which it flowed (брать начало, струиться) and into which it ran, on two sides by the old village, and on the last by the cliff (утёс) falling (ниспадать) by ledges (выступ, край) to the sea.

Along the walls on the village side all was dusty (в пыли), the wriggling (извиваться; изгибаться) vines (виноградная лоза), the lemon and eucalyptus (эвкалипт) trees, the casual (обычный) wheel-barrow (тачка; ручная тележка), left only a moment since, but already grown into (врастать) the path (тропа, дорожка), atrophied (чахлый) and faintly (слегка) rotten (прогнивший). Nicole was invariably (постоянно) somewhat (немного, слегка) surprised that by turning in (сворачивать) the other direction past a bed of peonies (пеон) she walked into an area (участок) so green and cool (прохладный) that the leaves and petals (лепесток) were curled (скручиваться, свёртываться) with tender (мягкий, лёгкий) damp (сырость, влажность).

Knotted (завязанный, стянутый узлом) at her throat she wore a lilac (сиреневый; лиловый) scarf that even in the achromatic (ахроматический, бесцветный) sunshine cast (отбрасывать) its color up to her face and down around her moving feet in a lilac (сиреневый; лиловый) shadow. Her face was hard (твёрдый), almost stern (суровый), save for (кроме) the soft gleam (отблеск) of piteous (жалобный, достойный сожаления) doubt (сомнение) that looked from her green eyes. Her once (однажды) fair (белокурый, светлый) hair had darkened (потемнеть), but she was lovelier (прелестнее) now at twenty-four than she had been at eighteen, when her hair was brighter (ярче, светлее) than she.

Following a walk marked (отмечать, характеризовать) by an intangible (неосязаемый, неуловимый; непостижимый) mist (туман) of bloom (цвет, цветение) that followed the white border (обрамлять, окаймлять) stones she came to a space overlooking (выходить на) the sea where there were lanterns (фонарь) asleep in the fig trees and a big table and wicker (сплетённый из ивовых прутьев) chairs and a great market umbrella from Sienna, all gathered about an enormous pine, the biggest tree in the garden (при этом самое большое дерево было в саду). She paused (остановиться) there a moment, looking absently (отсутствующе) at a growth of nasturtiums (настурция) and iris tangled (запутываться) at its foot (корень, подножие), as though (как будто) sprung spring from (всходить, выпрыгнуть) a careless (беззаботный) handful (пригоршня) of seeds (семена), listening to the plaints (жалоба, плач, стенание) and accusations (обвинение) of some nursery (детская, детские ясли; детский сад) squabble (пререкания, спор, мелкая ссора) in the house. When this died away (затихать, замирать) on the summer air, she walked on (идти дальше), between kaleidoscopic (калейдоскопический) peonies (пеон) massed (собираться в кучу, скапливаться) in pink (розовый) clouds, black and brown tulips (тюльпан) and fragile (хрупкий) mauve-stemmed (с розовато-лиловым стеблем) roses, transparent like sugar flowers in a confectioner’s (кондитерский магазин) window — until, as if the scherzo [’skeətsəu] (скерцо) of color could reach no further intensity (густота, интенсивность), it broke off (прерваться) suddenly in mid-air, and moist (влажный) steps (шаг, след (ноги), отпечаток) went down to a level five feet below.

Here there was a well (скважина, колодец) with the boarding (обшивка досками; доски) around it dank (влажный; сырой; мокрый) and slippery (скольский) even on the brightest days. She went up the stairs on the other side and into the vegetable garden; she walked rather quickly; she liked to be active, though at times (временами) she gave an impression (производить впечатление) of repose (отдых, покой, тишина) that was at once static and evocative (восстанавливающий в памяти, вызывающий воспоминания). This was because she knew few words and believed in none, and in the world she was rather silent, contributing just her share of urbane (вежливый; с изысканными манерами) humor with a precision (точность) that approached (приближаться) meagerness (скудность). But at the moment when strangers (незнакомец) tended to (иметь склонность) grow uncomfortable (чувствовать себя неловко) in the presence of (в присутствии) this economy she would seize (схватить, ухватиться, завладеть) the topic and rush off (нестись) with it, feverishly (лихорадочно) surprised with herself — then bring it back and relinquish (бросать, оставлять, отказываться) it abruptly (резко), almost timidly (стыдливо), like an obedient (покорный) retriever (охотничья (поисковая) собака), having been adequate and something more.

As she stood in the fuzzy [’fʌzɪ] (неясный, туманный, смазанный) green light of the vegetable garden, Dick crossed the path ahead of (впереди неё) her going to his work house. Nicole waited silently till he had passed (пройти мимо); then she went on through (через, сквозь) lines of prospective (будущий) salads to a little menagerie (зверинец) where pigeons and rabbits and a parrot made a medley (мешанина, «попурри») of insolent (дерзкий, наглый, нахальный) noises at her. Descending to another ledge (выступ, уступ; край) she reached a low, curved (изогнутый, кривой) wall and looked down seven hundred feet to the Mediterranean Sea.

She stood in the ancient (древний, античный) hill (холм) village of Tarmes. The villa and its grounds were made out of a row (ряд) of peasant (крестьянский) dwellings (жилище) that abutted (примыкать к, граничить с, упираться во (что-л.) on the cliff (утёс) — five small houses had been combined (соединять) to make the house and four destroyed (разрушать) to make the garden. The exterior (внешний) walls were untouched (нетронутый) so that (так что) from the road far below (далеко внизу) it was indistinguishable (неразличимый) from the violet (фиолетоый) gray mass of the town.

For a moment Nicole stood looking down at the Mediterranean but there was nothing to do with that, even with her tireless hands. Presently (вскоре) Dick came out of his one-room house carrying a telescope and looked east toward Cannes. In a moment Nicole swam into his field of vision (обзор, видение), whereupon he disappeared into his house and came out with a megaphone. He had many light mechanical devices.

«Nicole,» he shouted, «I forgot to tell you that as a final apostolic [апостолический; папский, святейший] gesture I invited Mrs. Abrams, the woman with the white hair.»

«I suspected (подозревать) it. It’s an outrage (грубое нарушение (закона, прав, приличий); произвол).»

The ease (лёгкость) with which her reply reached him seemed to belittle (недооценивать, принижать) his megaphone, so she raised her voice and called, «Can you hear me?»

«Yes.» He lowered the megaphone and then raised it stubbornly (упрямо). «I’m going to invite some more people too. I’m going to invite the two young men.»

«All right,» she agreed placidly (миролюбиво).

«I want to give a really BAD party. I mean it. I want to give a party where there’s a brawl (шумная ссора, перебранка, скандал; драка) and seductions (совращение, обольщение) and people going home with their feelings hurt (ранить) and women passed out (терять сознание, отключаться) in the cabinet de toilette. You wait and see.»

He went back into his house and Nicole saw that one of his most characteristic moods was upon him, the excitement that swept everyone up into it and was inevitably (неизбежно) followed by his own form of melancholy (меланхолия), which he never displayed (показывать) but at which she guessed (догадываться). This excitement (волнение, возбуждение) about things reached an intensity (напряжение) out of proportion (пропорция, отношение) to their importance, generating (вызывать, достигать) a really extraordinary virtuosity (виртуозность) with people. Save (за исключением, кроме, если бы не) among a few of the tough-minded (практичный, трезвый) and perennially (всегда, вечно; неизменно, постоянно) suspicious (подозрительный), he had the power of arousing (вызывать) a fascinated (очарованный; загипнотизированный) and uncritical love. The reaction came when he realized the waste and extravagance involved (вовлечённый, участвующий). He sometimes looked back with awe (страх, трепет, благоговение) at the carnivals (фестиваль; праздник) of affection любовь, привязанность) he had given, as a general might gaze (пристально глядеть; вглядываться; уставиться) upon a massacre (резня; бойня, избиение) he had ordered to satisfy an impersonal blood lust (вожделение).

But to be included in Dick Diver’s world for a while was a remarkable experience: people believed he made special reservations about them, recognizing the proud uniqueness (единство) of their destinies (судьба), buried (зарывать) under the compromises of how many years. He won everyone quickly with an exquisite (утонченный) consideration (вежливость, предупредительность) and a politeness that moved so fast and intuitively that it could be examined only in its effect (результат, вежливость, уважение). Then, without caution (предосторожность), lest (чтобы не) the first bloom (цвет) of the relation (отношение) wither (увядать), he opened the gate to his amusing (восхитительный) world. So long as they subscribed (подписаться) to it completely (полностью), their happiness was his preoccupation (главная забота; доминанта), but at the first flicker (мерцание, колеблющийся свет) of doubt (сомнение) as to (относительно) its all-inclusiveness he evaporated (испаряться) before their eyes, leaving little communicable (коммуникабельный; коммуникативно компетентный) memory of what he had said or done.

At eight-thirty that evening he came out to meet his first guests, his coat carried rather ceremoniously, rather promisingly (многообещающе), in his hand, like a toreador’s cape (накидка, плащ с капюшоном). It was characteristic that after greeting Rosemary and her mother he waited for them to speak first, as if to allow them the reassurance (подбадривание; вновь обретённая уверенность) of their own voices in new surroundings (обстановка).

To resume (резюмировать, возобновлять) Rosemary’s point of view (точка зрения) it should be said that, under the spell (чары) of the climb (подъём) to Tarmes and the fresher (более свежий) air, she and her mother looked about appreciatively (благодарно). Just as the personal qualities of extraordinary people can make themselves plain (простой, обыкновенный, незамысловатый) in an unaccustomed (необычный, непривычный) change of expression (выражение лица), so the intensely calculated (рассчитанный) perfection of Villa Diana transpired (обнаруживаться, становиться известным) all at once through such minute (мельчайший) failures (неудача, провал) as the chance (случайный) apparition (появление) of a maid (горничная, служанка) in the background or the perversity (несговорчивость) of a cork (пробка). While the first guests arrived bringing with them the excitement of the night, the domestic (домашний) activity of the day receded (отступать, пятиться; удаляться) past them gently (мягко), symbolized by the Diver children and their governess (гувернантка) still at supper on the terrace.

«What a beautiful garden!» Mrs. Speers exclaimed.

«Nicole’s garden,» said Dick. «She won’t let it alone — she nags (придираться, пилить) it all the time, worries about its diseases (заболевание). Any day now I expect to have her come down with Powdery Mildew or Fly Speck, or Late Blight.» He pointed his forefinger (указательный палец) decisively (решительно) at Rosemary, saying with a lightness (лёгкость) seeming to conceal (скрывать) a paternal (отцовский) interest, «I’m going to save your reason — I’m going to give you a hat to wear on the beach.»

He turned them from the garden to the terrace, where he poured (наливать) a cocktail. Earl Brady arrived, discovering Rosemary with surprise. His manner was softer than at the studio, as if his differentness (отличие) had been put on at the gate (ворота), and Rosemary, comparing him instantly (немедленно, тотчас, незамедлительно) with Dick Diver, swung (поворачиваться) sharply (резко) toward the latter (второй, последний (из двух упомянутых). In comparison Earl Brady seemed faintly (слегка) gross (крупный; тучный), faintly ill-bred (плохо воспитанный); once more, though, she felt an electric response (ответное чувство; отклик, реакция) to his person.

He spoke familiarly (обычно, привычно) to the children who were getting up from their outdoor (на открытом воздухе) supper.

«Hello, Lanier, how about a song? Will you and Topsy sing me a song?»

«What shall we sing?» agreed the little boy, with the odd (странный) chanting (говорить нараспев) accent of American children brought up (воспитанный) in France.

«That song about „Mon Ami (мой друг) Pierrot.“»

Brother and sister stood side by side (рядом) without self-consciousness (чувство неловкости, смущения) and their voices soared (взлетать, взмывать, парить) sweet and shrill (пронзительный; резкий) upon the evening air.

«Au clair de la lune

Mon Ami Pierrot

Prête-moi ta plume

Pour écrire un mot

Ma chandelle est morte

Je n’ai plus de feu

Ouvre-moi ta porte

Pour l’amour de Dieu.»

The singing ceased (прекратиться) and the children, their faces aglow (взволнованный, возбуждённый) with the late sunshine, stood smiling calmly at their success. Rosemary was thinking that the Villa Diana was the centre of the world. On such a stage some memorable (памятный, запоминающийся) thing was sure (наверняка) to happen (должно было произойти). She lighted up higher as the gate tinkled (звенеть; звонить; звякать) open and the rest of the guests arrived in a body — the McKiscos, Mrs. Abrams, Mr. Dumphry, and Mr. Campion came up to the terrace.

Rosemary had a sharp feeling of disappointment (разочарование) — she looked quickly at Dick, as though (как будто) to ask an explanation of this incongruous (нелепый, неподходящий, неуместный) mingling (смешивание). But there was nothing unusual in his expression. He greeted his new guests with a proud bearing (осанка) and an obvious deference (уважение, почтение) to their infinite [«ɪnfɪnət], (бесконечный, беспредельный, безграничный) and unknown possibilities. She believed in him so much that presently (с необходимостью, неизбежностью) she accepted the rightness of the McKiscos’ presence as if she had expected to meet them all along.

«I’ve met you in Paris,» McKisco said to Abe North, who with his wife had arrived on their heels (по пятам, следом), «in fact I’ve met you twice.»

«Yes, I remember,» Abe said.

«Then where was it?» demanded McKisco, not content (довольный) to let well enough alone.

«Why, I think — » Abe got tired (устать) of the game, «I can’t remember.»

The interchange (взаимообмен, обмен) filled a pause and Rosemary’s instinct was that something tactful should be said by somebody, but Dick made no attempt to break up the grouping formed by these late arrivals, not even to disarm Mrs. McKisco of her air (налёт) of supercilious (высокомерный, надменный, презрительный) amusement (развлечения, увеселения, забава). He did not solve this social problem because he knew it was not of importance at the moment and would solve itself. He was saving his newness for a larger effort, waiting a more significant moment for his guests to be conscious (осознавать) of a good time.

Rosemary stood beside Tommy Barban — he was in a particularly scornful (презрительный, пренебрежительный; насмешливый) mood and there seemed to be some special stimulus working upon him. He was leaving in the morning.

«Going home?»

«Home? I have no home. I am going to a war.»

«What war?»

«What war? Any war. I haven’t seen a paper lately but I suppose there’s a war — there always is.»

«Don’t you care what you fight for?»

«Not at all — so long as I’m well treated. When I’m in a rut (колея; охота) I come to see the Divers, because then I know that in a few weeks I’ll want to go to war.»

Rosemary stiffened (становиться холодным, высокомерным).

«You like the Divers,» she reminded (напоминать) him.

«Of course — especially her — but they make me want to go to war.»

She considered this, to no avail (безуспешно). The Divers made her want to stay near them forever (навсегда).

«You’re half American,» she said, as if that should solve the problem.

«Also I’m half French, and I was educated in England and since I was eighteen I’ve worn (носить) the uniforms (форма) of eight countries. But I hope I did not give you the impression that I am not fond of the Divers — I am, especially of Nicole.»

«How could any one help (предотвратить) it?» she said simply.

She felt far from him. The undertone (подтекст; скрытый смысл) of his words repelled (претить; вызывать отвращение, неприязнь; отталкивать) her and she withdrew (отзывать; отводить) her adoration (обожание) for the Divers from the profanity (брань; сквернословие) of his bitterness (горечь). She was glad he was not next to her at dinner and she was still thinking of his words «especially her» as they moved toward the table in the garden.

For a moment now she was beside Dick Diver on the path. Alongside his hard, neat brightness everything faded into the surety that he knew everything. For a year, which was forever, she had had money and a certain celebrity and contact with the celebrated, and these latter had presented themselves merely as powerful enlargements of the people with whom the doctor’s widow (вдова) and her daughter had associated in a hôtel-pension in Paris. Rosemary was a romantic and her career had not provided many satisfactory opportunities on that score (на тот счет). Her mother, with the idea of a career for Rosemary, would not tolerate (терпеть, выносить) any such spurious (поддельный; подложный, фиктивный) substitutes (субститут, замена) as the excitations available (доступный) on all sides, and indeed Rosemary was already beyond that — she was In the movies but not at all At them. So when she had seen approval (одобрение) of Dick Diver in her mother’s face it meant that he was «the real thing»; it meant permission to go as far as she could (как можно дальше).

«I was watching you,» he said, and she knew he meant it. «We’ve grown very fond of you (Мы очень привязались к тебе).»

«I fell in love with you (я влюбилась в тебя) the first time I saw you (первый раз, как увидела тебя),» she said quietly (спокойно).


He pretended not to have heard (он притворился, что не расслышал), as if (как будто) the compliment were purely (чисто) formal.

«New friends,» he said, as if it were (как будто это был) an important point (вопрос, дело), «can often have a better time together than old friends.»

With that remark (замечание), which she did not understand precisely (точно), she found herself at the table, picked out (различать) by slowly emerging (появляться; всплывать) lights against the dark dusk (сумерки). A chord (аккорд; гармония звуков) of delight (восторг) struck (звучать, стучать) inside her when she saw that Dick had taken her mother on his right hand; for herself she was between Luis Campion and Brady [«breidi].

Surcharged (переполнять) with her emotion she turned to Brady with the intention (намерение) of confiding (довериться) in him, but at her first mention (упоминание) of Dick a hard-boiled (чёрствый; несговорчивый, неуступчивый) sparkle (искра, вспышка) in his eyes gave her to understand that he refused the fatherly (отцовский; нежный, отеческий) office (пост, должность, обязанность, функция). In turn (в свою очередь) she was equally (в равной степени) firm (твердый, неуступчивый) when he tried to monopolize her hand, so they talked shop (говорить о работе) or rather (скорее) she listened while (пока) he talked shop, her polite (вежливый) eyes never leaving his face (при этом её глаза ни на минуту не отрывались от его лица), but her mind (ум, мысли) was so definitely (определенно) elsewhere (где-то в другом месте) that she felt he must guess (догадаться) the fact. Intermittently (периодически; с перерывами, время от времени) she caught the gist (суть) of his sentences and supplied (восполнять) the rest from her subconscious (подсознательное), as one picks up (просекать, уяснить себе) the striking (ударять, наносить удар, бить) of a clock in the middle with only the rhythm of the first uncounted (бессчётный, бесчисленный) strokes (удар) lingering (сохраняться, не полностью исчезать) in the mind.

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