Recipe for happiness

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              Recipe for Happiness

Recipe for happiness


 Jasmin Hajro

Jasmin Hajro

Cover design by

Jasmin Hajro

 Second edition 2018

In this short booklet you will discover:

The bio of author Jasmin Hajro


book The Recipe for Happiness :


Chapter I,

Chapter II,

Note from the author.


A preview of book Build Your Fortune


A small acquaintance with establishment Hajro

The bio of author Jasmin Hajro, nice to meet you

Hello dear reader,

how are you?

Thank you for buying booklet Recipe for Happiness.

My name is Jasmin Hajro, I was born on July 6, 1985 in Bosnia.

As refugees, we came to the Netherlands 21 years ago.

After having completed school & worked at several jobs …

On 17 December 2012, I founded my first company: investment firm Jasko.

After a successful first year, I unfortunately had to close that company.

After a short period of rest, unemployment and temporary work.

I started again as an entrepreneur.

On September 1, 2015, I founded establishment Hajro.

( We say establishment instead of company,

because we do a bit more then just sell stuff.

Like providing jobs,

donating to 40 different charities,

and helping people to live richer. )

Since the beginning the core activity is,

selling sets of greeting cards, door to door.

Nowadays the product range has been expanded.

With, among other things, the selling of my 10 books.

The royalties of my books are donated

to the charity: foundation Giveth Life.

My company is now part of Hajro Group,

which consists of 20 different subsidiaries,

that are part of 1 umbrella organization.

For more information about my company &

the foundation, go to my website:

The Recipe for Happiness, introduction

A book has been written about a true story …

About a man who was imprisoned in a concentration camp

at the time of Hitler,

and happy.


Happiness has nothing to do with your circumstances.

It has everything to do with,

your choice to be happy,

regardless of circumstances.

Choose to be happy.

Of course there are touhger times in life,

like when someone you love,


That’s part of life.

Those times of grief you just have to go through and process.

Processing is best done by talking about it,

to get it off your chest regularly.

Or by writing about it,

if you write down a situation or your feelings about it,

then it’s on paper,

and it is less in your head.

Writing is a good outlet.

Processing is also done well by:

staying busy.

Whether that is in your work or your hobby.

They say: a rolling stone does not collect moss.

So stay busy …

Okay, now you have learned a good lesson about how to

better process negative life experiences.

But you’re here for the Recipe for Happiness, right?

Well, the lesson you’ve learned will help to

make the recipe work better for you.

Chapter I

Here it comes then …

You have probably read a local newspaper,

and you regularly check the news.

(the daily news on television)

Have you noticed that about 99% of it is bad news?

Only misery..

If you did not know better,

you would think that the whole world is going to perish.

If it’s a habit for you,

to watch the news every day for half an hour …

Have you ever wondered if it’s healthy for you?

Does it make you happy?

Of course not!

The easiest way to change a habit is

by replacing it with a new habit.

So from today on,

instead of watching the worldly news

half an hour a day …

Watch COMEDY for half an hour a day.


Every day.

Well, now at half past eight in the evening it’s not news time,

but Comedy time.

If you watch comedy,

you relax &

you laugh.

Sounds healthier, doesn’t it?

Well, laughing every day is easy to do, right?

And replacing your old bad habit in this way,

with a nice, healthy new habit,

is probably easier than you thought.

Except that relaxation is good for you,

when you laugh,

your body makes endorphins.

Those are natural happiness substances.

Well, after 21 days of daily watching comedy,

you will have formed a new habit.

So watch Comedy every day.

You can watch a lot of standup comedy on Youtube for free.


Sure, but you have to do it,

every day,

until you don’t have to think about it anymore,

and you start doing it automatically.

Chapter II

Some Happiness Ingredients in a row:

— Watch comedy every day, at least one hour.

— Eat ice cream, treat someone with an ice cream.

— Work out, throw out your frustration by playing tennis

or go for a run.

Pee in the yard

(and if you get a fine for urinating, laugh your ass off)

Do not worry, life is too short for that

(by staying busy, you do not have time to worry)

Hug the people that you love

Go enjoy a cup of coffee or tea

Buy or save a cat or some other pet

When you receive money, immediately save a part of it

Don’t let the media scare you,

the world is not getting worse, the world is getting better.

Sex, need I say more

(when you have sex your body also produces endorphins =

those natural happiness substances)

Maybe the Recipe for Happiness

is different than you had expected…

But that doesn’t matter,

the point is that it works &

that it will help you to live happier.

Do it,

it is easier

then looking with a sour face.

Note from the author