Quantum Consciousness: transforming reality

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Our world is a complex and mysterious system. Every person, during his life, undoubtedly thought about its structure. We live and during life, at various stages of it, we observe how some people succeed, become successful and lucky, while others, on the contrary, fall into a cycle of adversity and failure. Why is this happening? What determines the differences in people’s destinies? Objective reality? An accident? Ethereal worlds, God or something else?

There are people who will not deny that there are processes in life that cannot be explained in terms of the physical laws of the material world. From the point of view of the physics of our world, there is no way to explain a number of events and phenomena that we encounter in our lives. There is no physics in this. Therefore, these things are called esotericism, phenomena and mechanisms from the subtle, unmanifested world. Most people don’t accept it. Some accept it without trying to figure out the processes hidden behind it.

One of the key concepts that I revealed in my book is the connection of the phenomena of the quantum world and its informational nature with our daily lives and what we perceive as objective reality. All this has led to the conclusion that our thinking and perception of the world play a crucial role in shaping our being, experience and success. People who believe in themselves and their capabilities, those who see opportunities and solutions instead of problems, often achieve greater progress and good luck in life.

However, success and luck also depend on external factors such as social conditions, education, opportunities, resources, and even luck. I consider the influence and connection of all these factors and their relationship with personal qualities, mentality and physical laws of the material world.

Here is an analysis based on the latest scientific research that will help you figure out why some people are pursued by success and luck, while others are the opposite. I am not saying that our world is devoid of inequality and injustice, but I urge you to consider the various factors that can influence our fate and find your personal formula for success.

The formula for success can only be individual for each of us, but the path to it begins with understanding the foundation of our real world, its physical laws, ourselves and our powers. Let this book be your guide on the path to self-knowledge and achieving what you want.

I cordially wish you inspiration and suggest you start our fascinating journey through the structure of this mysterious world.

The successes and failures that we encounter along the way are inextricably linked to the experiences that we have acquired, as well as to the thoughts, good or negative, that lurk in our souls.

Our thought and our consciousness are a huge and at the same time elusive force. It allows us to manage our lives, regardless of external circumstances. Our past determines our thoughts, and these thoughts shape our destiny. The experience we gain becomes the foundation of our future. When our thoughts are filled with negative emotions and a lack of self-confidence, it is much more difficult for us to achieve success. In this case, our past becomes a heavy burden that we carry on our shoulders.

A path of unlimited possibilities opens up before us if we are able to realize the power of our thoughts. In the midst of the difficulties and trials that we face, we create our destiny precisely with the help of our experience and the ability to believe in ourselves.

Success and failure are just two sides of the same coin. And you, my friend, have the great power to choose which side will dominate your life. Use your past experience and your mind to direct your thoughts in the right direction. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and you will open the doors to endless success.

Chapter I. Is fate fatalism or freedom of choice?

Our life consists of a sequence of events that are strung like beads on a long thread. This thread is our destiny for us. But what is our life or our destiny? Fate is a concept that has been interpreted and interpreted in various ways over the centuries. One of the common concepts is that fate is an inevitable course of events, beyond the control of human influence. It is predetermined from above, like a fate that cannot be evaded. Such a fatalistic interpretation of fate carries a depressing character, as it inspires a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness. If a person’s fate is predetermined and he has no chance to change it, then it seems pointless to make efforts to improve his life.

However, it should be noted that fatalism has its supporters, who see in it a certain degree of comfort and stability. It eliminates the need to make difficult decisions and carries the illusion of control over an unknown future. Despite the seeming pragmatism of fatalism, it faces serious moral and logical problems. First of all, such a concept of fate contradicts the principle of justice. Why are some people born with advantages such as wealth, health and talent, while others are doomed to suffering, poverty and failure? This injustice raises deep philosophical questions about the nature of good and evil, as well as the existence of divine providence. In addition, the fatalistic view of fate undermines the very concept of free will and personal responsibility. If all our actions and decisions are predetermined, then is it even possible to talk about freedom of choice? If we are not responsible for our actions, then how can we be ethical and virtuous?

The alternative concept of fate sees it as something dynamic and flexible, rather than as an unchanging and predetermined force. According to this view, fate is shaped by our own thoughts, decisions, and actions. We play an active role in creating our own destiny, although external factors and circumstances can influence our path. This approach to destiny emphasizes the importance of free will, personal responsibility, and self-determination. He inspires us to take responsibility for our lives and strive to improve our destiny. Although there are situations in which we have little control over the circumstances, we can always make choices and make decisions that will lead us to a more dignified and fulfilling life.

Ultimately, understanding fate is a deeply personal matter. Different interpretations of this concept can exist side by side, and each person can interpret it according to their own beliefs and experiences. With what happened to him in the past (which we’ll talk about below). However, it is important to remember that fate is not just a divinely ordained force that we must take for granted. It includes both elements of predestination, described by information interpretation, and free will, and we play an active role in its formation.

When a person feels a sense of inferiority, he tends to look for explanations for his situation that could justify it. One such explanation is the concept of karma, which came from Eastern teachings. According to this theory, the current state of a person is determined by his actions in past lives. It is assumed that a person in unfavorable circumstances committed sins in a previous life, for which he is now paying the price. However, this theory raises a number of questions. First, it is unclear why punishment for sins is postponed indefinitely rather than being applied during the same lifetime in which they are committed. Secondly, how can a person learn from his mistakes if he does not remember them? In addition, the concept of karma implies that our present position is predetermined, which contradicts the idea of personal responsibility for our actions.

A more rational explanation of inequality in society is historical and social factors. The socio-economic conditions in which a person is born and brought up have a significant impact on his abilities and position. For example, children from poor families usually have less access to education, health care and other resources necessary for success. This can lead to inequality of opportunity and limit their social mobility. In addition, prejudice and discrimination often exist in society, which create additional barriers for certain groups of people. Racism, sexism, and other forms of oppression limit people’s opportunities based on their race, gender, orientation, or other characteristics.

There is another version of inequality that is designed to instill hope in those who are in need and suffering now, promising generous compensation in a future life, whether in heaven or in another incarnation. Nevertheless, such explanations remain unsatisfactory. The fact is that past and future lives, if they exist at all, are practically irrelevant, since a person is aware and remembers only the current life. In this sense, it is the only one for each of us. Let’s say that in the next life we will receive retribution for our current suffering. But how can it comfort us if we don’t remember our previous difficulties? Similarly, if we received rewards in a previous life, it will not benefit us today if we are not aware of it. Moreover, the idea of compensation in a future life raises ethical questions. Is the suffering of some justified for the sake of the happiness of others? Even if everything is fair in the future, it does not negate the injustice that people are exposed to in this life.

Some philosophers and thinkers have argued that faith in a future life can actually alleviate suffering in the present. Such faith can give hope and a sense of purpose to those who are experiencing difficulties. However, this is a subjective perception and does not guarantee an objective solution to the problem. In addition, a dogmatic statement about compensation in a future life can have negative consequences. It can lead to inaction and passivity in the present, as some may rely on the fact that everything will eventually be fixed after death. Therefore, although belief in an afterlife can be a source of comfort for individuals, it cannot be a comprehensive solution to the problem. It is necessary to focus on solving issues in this life so that a person has the opportunity to live with dignity and fully, regardless of what happens after death.

If we consider fate as something predetermined, then humility may seem like a sure cure for sadness. However, there are other explanations, such as «If you want to be rich, be rich.» This idea implies that optimism and satisfaction with what you have are key factors in achieving happiness. This approach assumes that unhappiness stems from constant discontent and excessive desires. Therefore, a person should be satisfied by default. He is encouraged to enjoy life and accept it for what it is. Although at first glance a person may agree with this philosophy, it may be awkward for him to meet the harsh reality with joy. The question arises: does he not have the right to strive for more? Should he force himself to be happy? After all, it’s like forcing yourself to experience love.

Apart from the issue of personal choice, there are deeper philosophical and psychological aspects that should be considered. First, the dichotomy between fate and free will is an eternal theme in philosophy. If fate is really predetermined, then does it make sense to strive for happiness or something more at all? Secondly, according to research in psychology, the suppression of emotions, including sadness, can have detrimental effects on mental health. By forcing oneself to be happy, a person can suppress their true feelings, which leads to the accumulation of negative emotions and a possible deterioration of the condition. In addition, the concept of happiness can be subjective and depend on individual values and life goals. For some people, joy lies in simplicity and contentment, while for others it lies in achievement and self — realization. Defining happiness as a single and unchanging state is extremely simplistic and may limit people’s ability to seek genuine well-being. Instead of forcing yourself to be happy or blindly accepting your fate, it is more useful to develop self-awareness, emotional intelligence and realistic expectations. The true path to well-being is not to suppress or deny our feelings, but to understand them, accept them, and find healthy ways to express them.

The concept of fate in our case offers a completely new approach to understanding the world. This approach is based on the latest research of the universe by scientists. Unlike other theories, this does not require us to give up reason or believe in unprovable facts. In fact, it is based on quite scientific observations, calculations and logical reasoning.

Recent research and theories in science suggest that the world we live in consists of many parallel realities. Each of these realities exists simultaneously, and we can influence our objective reality, shape it, and choose which one we will live in. This means that our fate is not predetermined, but depends on our choices and actions. We can not only influence our destiny using certain techniques and principles, but also shape our objective reality with our active participation. For example, one of the key principles is the observer effect in the information interpretation of quantum mechanics. According to this principle, we influence objective reality with our consciousness.

The basic idea is that we can create our own reality. This means that we can observe, visualize and imagine what we want to achieve or get, and our reality begins to correspond to our ideas. These are not just fantasies or dreams, but real tools that help us change our lives. Thus, the concept of destiny in the information model offers us a new perspective on the world and our role in it. We are not passive observers, but active participants who are able to influence the material world, objective reality and our destiny. This gives us huge opportunities for self-development and success.

Materialism and idealism are two opposing philosophical concepts concerning the nature of reality. Materialism asserts that matter is the primary and basis of all that exists, while consciousness is secondary and derived from the material world. Idealism, on the contrary, believes that consciousness is primary and defines the material world. Both of these statements have their supporters and critics. Each direction offers its own model of the world, which seems convincing to its supporters. However, recent studies of the microcosm show that consciousness and matter are interconnected in an amazing way. And ultimately we are limited by our own concepts and perceptual abilities.

It is important to understand that every description of reality is relative and depends on the context. As in the parable of the three blind men, each of them felt only a certain part of the elephant and, based on this, drew his own conclusions about its nature. Similarly, we may have different points of view and understandings of the world, depending on our own past experiences and knowledge. Rather than arguing about which concept is true, a more productive approach is to use different philosophical and scientific models to explain and understand the world.

Modern information interpretation offers its own unique perspective and expands our understanding. Thus, we must be prepared for the fact that the truth can be multifaceted and diverse. Instead of striving for the absolute truth, we can strive to create models that best explain and predict our world. As a result, the main thing is that these models are useful and work for us, helping us to better understand the surrounding reality and interact with it.

Many are familiar with the idea that reality can be an illusion that we create. This concept raises many questions and arouses interest. Where does this illusion come from? How is it formed? And is it an illusion or some kind of virtual reality? Perhaps we are all just observing some kind of reality, which, like a movie on a computer monitor, is formed for us and ourselves? This assumption is doubtful, of course, but there is some truth in it. However, there is another point of view that says that in fact the material world is the basis and everything in it is subject to strict laws. According to this view, our consciousness does not play a decisive role in determining reality. This point of view also has its undeniable share of truth.

Today we can combine these two concepts that have existed for centuries. For example, Plato’s theory of the world of ideas says that the reality we see is just a reflection of a higher ideal reality. This confirms the idea that our world can only be an illusion created by our consciousness. On the other hand, there are scientific theories that explain the physical nature of the world through the laws of nature and material processes. These theories claim that our consciousness is the result of complex physiological processes in our brain and it cannot directly affect the outside world. Today, the question of the nature of reality has revealed its secret, although it causes a lot of debate. We can only speculate and explore different points of view on this topic. Perhaps, over time, we will be able to come to a deeper understanding of what reality really is and how it is formed.

Let’s start with the principle of multivariance, which says that reality has an infinite variety of manifestations. This is one of the interpretations in quantum mechanics. This postulate opens up interesting and unexpected possibilities for us. We may wonder where this variety of forms of reality manifestation comes from. Where are all the laws of our world? How are they recorded and how are they performed?

Our world manifests itself through the movement of matter in space and time, and this movement obeys certain laws. We can imagine functions that are arranged according to a mathematical formula. Thus, we can say that the formula of the function is the law of motion. However, formulas and laws are abstract concepts created by the human mind for ease of understanding. Probably, nature does not store all these formulas somewhere separately. She does not need them, because the laws of nature exist independently of our understanding. They are embedded in the very structure of reality. We can consider the laws of nature as innate properties of reality itself, which manifest themselves in the variety of its forms.

In addition, we can assume that the laws of nature may be related to deeper principles or theories that we do not yet fully understand. For example, the information interpretation of quantum mechanics suggests that the basic building blocks of reality are elementary particles, which are a kind of bits of information in the foundation of our world. Perhaps the laws of nature stem from their interaction and information processing of these bits of information or other quantum objects. Thus, reality manifests itself in an infinite variety of forms and its laws are necessary to explain and understand this diversity. Although formulas and laws are the product of our mind, they reflect the innate properties of reality. Nature probably does not store these formulas separately, but the laws of nature are embedded in the very structure of reality. As we continue to explore and deepen our understanding of these laws, perhaps in the future we will be able to uncover even more secrets of objective reality.

Chapter 2. Probability of fate variants

We humans always strive to understand and explain the motion of matter, and for this we formulate laws based on our knowledge and experience. However, in nature itself, the motion of matter is its innate property, a complex network of causes and effects. This phenomenon is not easy for us to understand, and we continue to explore it in search of new discoveries. Our understanding of the motion of matter begins with classical mechanics, which describes the motion of bodies in space and time. Newton’s laws give us the basis for understanding how a force acts on an object and causes it to move. However, these laws are not a complete description of the motion of matter. In the 20th century, physics made huge strides forward, and we began to realize that classical mechanics cannot explain all aspects of the existence of matter. Quantum mechanics was developed to describe the smallest particles and their behavior in the microcosm. This theory has shown us that the motion of matter is actually determined by probabilities and wave functions, and it is impossible to accurately measure the position and momentum of a particle at the same time. This means that we cannot simultaneously know where the particle is and at what speed it is moving. Instead, we can only determine the probability of finding a particle in a certain place.

It can be said that information about all possible points of motion of matter is nothing more than a probability. In quantum mechanics, this is called the wave function and shows the probability of finding quantum particles in one place or another at one time or another. This wave function is more than just an abstract concept. This is a real probabilistic structure containing an infinite number of possibilities and options. This probabilistic field of information contains all possible variants of events that can happen in our reality. It is a kind of database where information about the past, present and future is stored. We don’t know exactly how this information is stored in space, and it doesn’t really matter for our research. It is important that the probability field serves as a kind of basis for the movement of matter in space and time. It determines possible trajectories and developments. We can consider this field of probabilities as a kind of potential from which reality or the observer himself chooses and forms certain options.

Our observation, our action, our decision and each event creates a new model in this space, opening up new opportunities and closing others. The closure of other probabilities, when one of all possible ones is realized, is called the collapse of the wave function. Interestingly, the field of probabilities is not limited only to our reality. It includes all possible realities and universes, creating many parallel worlds. This is evidenced by the multidimensional interpretation of quantum mechanics, which assumes the existence, in a sense, of «parallel universes», in each of which the same laws of nature operate and which are characterized by the same world constants, but which are in different states. The original formulation belongs to Hugh Everett (1957). Perhaps in some of these worlds events are developing differently, and we can only guess what is happening there. Ultimately, the field of probabilities opens up an inexhaustible source of knowledge and possibilities. Exploring and understanding this space can help us better understand the nature and movement of matter, as well as expand our boundaries in understanding the world around us.

Theoretically, there are no restrictions on the variety of lifelines and surrounding events in which a person’s life takes place. The possibilities of choice and variation are endless. Even the most insignificant situations can have a huge impact on the course of events. Human life, like any other process in nature, consists of causes and effects, where each subsequent event is closely related to the previous one. Thus, the sections of fate are formed in the form of life lines. Human life continues to flow calmly along one line until the moment comes when an event occurs that changes the line of life and the surrounding objective reality in which it flows. It could be something unexpected, unusual, or even catastrophic. At such a moment, fate seems to make a sharp turn or shift, transferring a person to a new line of life and into a new objective reality. Sometimes these turns are due to our own decisions, and sometimes they are caused by external circumstances that we cannot control.

A new life line can be completely different from the previous one. The surrounding reality is changing, and a person has to adapt to new conditions. This can be both a challenge and an opportunity for growth and development. Sometimes these changes can be difficult and require us to overcome obstacles, and sometimes they can bring us new joys and successes. It is important to remember that we ourselves have an influence on our fate and the course of our lives. Although some events can be unpredictable, we can always choose how to respond to them and what steps to take. Our reaction to the twists of fate determines our future and creates new opportunities, new objective reality and new challenges. Thus, a person’s life is a continuous stream of events related to cause and effect, which can change at any moment.

So what influences these twists and shifts along the line of life? How and why does objective reality begin to change and the line of fate continues to go in one direction or another? Reality is an infinite number of probabilities, manifested in all their diversity. Every action or decision we make becomes the starting point for the next chain of cause-and-effect relationships. Depending on the chosen point of reference, reality unfolds in front of us in a certain form. This means that we shape our reality by our actions. Precisely because we have an infinite number of probabilities, we have freedom of choice. We can shape our destiny and the direction of our lives. No one prevents us from choosing and shaping what truly inspires and pleases us.

Ultimately, it all comes down to a simple act of conscious and sometimes unconscious choice. Information interpretation offers us the tools to implement these choices. It helps us figure out how we can control our destiny. However, to understand how this happens, we need to understand the information structure that underlies reality. This information structure contains an infinite number of potential possibilities, each of which has its own unique properties. The movement from potential to material realization takes place in accordance with what is inherent in this structure and how we will interact with it and influence it. We can imagine this process as the formation of matter through the space of a probability function. How is our objective reality formed? According to recent studies of quantum mechanics, there is a so-called observer effect, that is, the observer, by his presence and observation, directly affects the outcome of the experiment.

In quantum mechanics, as a science, there are many amazing and intriguing phenomena that cause the indispensable amazement and admiration of researchers and fans of this field of science. But one of the most mysterious and complex phenomena is the so — called observer effect.

The observer effect is a phenomenon in which the behavior of a material particle changes depending on whether its properties are observed by a human or not. In quantum mechanics, all particles are described by wave and probability functions, which determine the probability of a particle being in a certain state and place in space. In other words, until a person «looks» at a particle, it is in an indefinite or probabilistic state. In other words, it can be in several places at the same time. At the same time, when observed, the particle exhibits the properties of a classical particle that contradict the wave description, that is, it appears in a certain place and in a certain state.

To understand the observer effect in quantum mechanics more deeply, it is necessary to consider the basic principles of this science. Its key concepts are the principle of superposition and the principle of observation or measurement.

The principle of superposition is that a particle can be in several states at the same time until it is measured or observed by a person, which «forces» the particle to assume a certain state. This leads to the fact that until the moment of observation, the particle is in the so-called superposition state. This state is described as a combination of different possible states.

The observation principle indicates that when an observation or measurement occurs, the particle «chooses» one of the possible states and all other states are excluded. When a particle is observed by a human, the wave function collapses and the particle exhibits the properties of a particle.

Another of the most fundamental phenomena of quantum mechanics is quantum entanglement. It describes an unusual interaction between quantum systems that remains incomprehensible within the framework of classical physics. Quantum entanglement allows quantum systems to be interdependent even over long distances. The interaction between such systems is transmitted instantly, regardless of the distance between these systems. That is, the transfer of information between them exceeds the speed of light, which is impossible within the framework of classical physics.

The information interpretation of quantum mechanics offers an explanation of the effect of quantum entanglement through the interaction of information structures. According to this interpretation, quantum connectivity arises from the exchange of information between systems. Quantum entanglement has important implications for understanding reality. It shows that the world at the micro level can be interconnected and interdependent, which contradicts the classical view of the physical world.

The objects of the microcosm do not obey the laws of classical physics, and atoms are eventually formed from them and then objective reality, which already obeys the classical laws of physics. How, then, is it possible to explain the change in the behavior of objects in the microcosm?

The information interpretation of quantum mechanics is a relatively new theoretical concept that has begun to develop actively in recent decades. Its origins can be traced back to the works of scientists such as Roland Omnes and Christopher Fuchs. They proposed to interpret quantum states as information quantities, and quantum phenomena as information processing processes.

An important stage in the development of information interpretation was the emergence of quantum information theory, which became a kind of bridge between physics and computer science. Thanks to this theory, new approaches to the analysis and understanding of quantum systems using the concepts of information and its processing have become possible.

Today, the information interpretation of quantum mechanics is one of the actively developing areas of research in physics. Its application covers a wide range of fields, from quantum computing to quantum cryptography and quantum teleportation.

In the information interpretation of quantum mechanics, the key concepts are information and its processing. Unlike other interpretations, information interpretation focuses on considering quantum systems as systems capable of processing information and transmitting it.

One of the basic principles of information interpretation is the observer principle. According to this principle, the observer plays an active role in measurements and interaction with quantum systems. He not only passively measures states, but also makes changes to the system through his observations and actions. Information interpretation emphasizes the importance of the concept of quantum information.

Quantum information differs from classical information in its features, such as the principles of uncertainty and the principles of superposition. These features make quantum information a more powerful and flexible tool for processing and working with information.

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