Общий курс английского языка. Часть 6 (С1— С2)

Бесплатный фрагмент - Общий курс английского языка. Часть 6 (С1— С2)

13 552 английских слова + © Лингвистический Реаниматор

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Авторское право

Копирование методики изложения данного учебника с целью написания рукописи учебного пособия, а именно: подача иностранных / русских слов, знаков препинания в скобках или с соответствующими им русскими / иностранными эквивалентами, разметка предложения специальными обозначениями так, как это показано в данном учебном пособии; переиздание, перепечатка, воспроизведение с помощью электронных средств или любым иным способом всей книги или любой ее части допускается только с письменного разрешения автора.


Учебник состоит из 4 блоков, каждый из которых содержит неадаптированные тесты на всю нормативную грамматику английского языка; упражнения на устный перевод и пересказ неадаптированных английских рассказов одноимённого автора; упражнений на устный перевод с английского на русский и с русского на английский, пересказ и аудирование неадаптированного рассказа С. Крейна. Пособие содержит 13 552 английских слова и идиомы. Тесты имеют ключи. По сложности данная книга соответствует уровням С1 — С2.

Количество слов, которое необходимо знать для следующих целей использования иностранного языка

Для «выживания» в среде без переводчика — 120

Для ежедневного общения на общие темы — 2000

Для чтения несложных текстов общей тематики — 4 000 — 5 000

Чтение сложных текстов — 10 000

Уровень носителя языка — 10 000 — 20 000

Комментарий автора

Считается, что на уровне носителя языка (С2) лексический запас должен составлять не менее 10 000 — 20 000 слов. Давайте разберёмся, что именно это означает, чтобы не строить себе лишних иллюзий.

В данном случае речь идёт именно об активном словарном запасе, а не о пассивном. Активным словарным запасом является тот набор слов, которым говорящий пользуется ежедневно.

Пассивным словарным запасом являются слова и выражения, которые их носитель без труда распознаёт в текстах или речи, и с лёгкостью переводит на свой родной язык, избегая, при этом, их употребления.
Данное учебное пособие содержит 13 552 английских слова и идиомы. То, в каком именно запасе, активном или пассивном, останется у вас данная лексика, целиком зависит от вас.

Этот учебник можно пройти, просто выполнив все тесты и упражнения, как говорится, не напрягаясь, а можно пройти его, как следует, выучив всю предлагаемую лексику. Понятно, что результат во втором случае будет намного выше, чем в первом.

Хотя очень возможно, что пяти таких книг кому-то окажется не достаточно для получения знаний уровня С2. Поэтому в настоящее время к изданию готовится серия подобных учебников.

Рекомендуемый порядок работы над учебниками одноимённого автора «Общий курс английского языка»

1. Общий курс английского языка. Часть 1 (А1 — В2).

2. Практикум по переводу с русского языка на английский. Уровни В2 — С2. Книга 1.

3. Общий курс английского языка. Часть 2 (В2 — С1).

4. Общий курс английского языка. Часть 3 (В2 — С2).

5. Общий курс английского языка. Часть 4 (В2 — С2).

6. Общий курс английского языка. Часть 5 (В2 — С2).

7. Общий курс английского языка. Часть 6 (С1 — С2).

Как работать над учебным пособием

Данное учебное пособие рекомендуется широкому кругу лиц, желающих поднять знание английского языка до уровня С2, и преследует три основные цели:

1. Довести до автоматического уровня понимание основных грамматических явлений английского языка.

2. Выучить все новые слова и идиомы, которые содержатся в тестах и упражнениях, так как от того, насколько хорошо вы овладеете всем словарным запасов этой книги, будет зависеть и уровень ваших знаний.

3. совершенствование восприятия английской / американской речи на слух.

Как работать над тестами

Работу над тестами лучше разделить на два этапа:

1. Выполнение тестов с обязательным заучиванием новых слов и идиом.

2. Работа с ключами — проверка правильности выполнения тестов, чтение, и перевод на русский язык ключей к данным тестам.

Если у вас будут возникать сложности с переводом материала ключей к тестам на русский язык, рекомендую вернуться к тестам, и проделать их устно столько раз, сколько это будет необходимо для полного овладения всем словарным запасом тестов.

Об учебном пособии

Данное пособие является продолжением учебника одноимённого автора «Общий курс английского языка. Часть 5 (уровни В2 — С2)». Оно состоит из 4 блоков, в каждом из которых дана группа тестов и 2 упражнения, направленные на углублённое закрепление и проработку всей нормативной грамматики английского языка, деловой лексики предыдущей части учебного пособия; на устный перевод с русского на английский, с английского на русский, пересказ и аудирование оригинала неадаптированного рассказа Стивена Крейна «The Open Boat».

Тесты и упражнение не адаптированы, материал представлен преимущественно на английском языке. Рекомендую приступать к занятиям по данному учебнику после окончания работы над «Общим курсом английского языка. Часть 5 (уровни В2 — С2)».

Работа по данной книге покажет, насколько хорошо вы проработали грамматику и лексику предыдущей части учебника. В случае добросовестной проработки предыдущей части, вы сможете выполнять тесты и упражнения без использования справочных материалов и словаря


Знание английского языка на уровне С2 предполагает овладение словарным запасом не менее 10 000 — 20 000 слов, всей нормативной грамматикой; а также свободное восприятие английской / американской речи на слух.

Свободное восприятие английской / американской речи на слух

Аудирование — самая сложная, но при этом неотъемлемая составляющая, с которой приходится сталкиваться при изучении английского языка. Однако, данную проблему можно решить, если ежедневно «погружать» себя в английскую и американскую речь. Для этого в интернете есть масса возможностей.

Смотрите европейское телевидение https://www.presstv.com/Live




или американское радио


Смотрите фильмы с субтитрами https://yomovies.club

Помимо этого, проблему с аудированием эффективно и сравнительно быстро помогают решить подкасты, содержащие английские / американские тексты с аудио приложениями. Четыре таких подкаста предлагает вам данное учебное пособие.

От автора

Данное учебное пособие может быть использовано в качестве самоучителя. Если вам необходимы дополнительные консультации или занятия, вы всегда можете обратиться ко мне. Возможны консультации / занятия очно и по Skype.

Мои контактные данные:

Тел. 8 925 184 37 07

Skype: oliva-morales

E-mail: oliva-morales@mail.ru




С уважением,

Татьяна Олива Моралес

Тесты. Блок 1 (759 слов и идиом)

Тест 1

Переведите предложения на русский язык. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужное время (Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous или Present Simple); вместо троеточия (…) поставьте соответствующий артикль; вместо восклицательного знака (!) поставьте необходимый предлог.

I (attach..) ...report (!) …task.

We (increase..) ...number (!) unsuccessful transactions in some countries (!) October till December.

We (have..) (!) discuss it (!) Zoom with Nick (!) day’s end (к концу дня).

He (work..) with local depositors (!) these countries today …entire evening until the meeting starts.

Nick, we have got ...problem.

The number (!) unsuccessful transactions across several countries (increase..) over the course of several days.

We have three local depositors (!) South Africa (из Южной Африки).

But one (!) them is (!) ...stage (!) approval.

Переведите предложения на русский язык. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужное время (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous); вместо троеточия (…) поставьте соответствующий артикль; вместо восклицательного знака (!) поставьте необходимый предлог.

Sam recently (bring..) three clients for a $ 650 top-up.

Joseph (bring../ привёл) 48 clients this week.

But none (!) them (replenish..) now.

No complaints (receive.. / было получено) today.

Переведите предложения на русский язык. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужное время (Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous); вместо троеточия (…) поставьте соответствующий артикль; вместо восклицательного знака (!) поставьте необходимый предлог.

Last year we (have..) partners from this country.

Local depositors (work..) according (!) …different scheme during …holidays.

We (have..) internet banks and ...new online Naira payment system for Nigeria (! / до) last year.

But ...conversion (!) payments there (be..) only 40% for several years, before we (decide..) (!) abandon customers (! / из) that country.

…lowest conversion rate (be..) in South Africa.

(!) average, there (be..) many new clients from that country until the elections (begin..).

Ключ к тесту 1

I will attach the report to the task.

We will be having increased the number of unsuccessful transactions in some countries since October till December.

We will have had to discuss it in Zoom with Nick by day’s end.

He will have been working with local depositors from these countries today the entire evening until the meeting starts.

Nick, we have got a problem.

The number of unsuccessful transactions across several countries has been increasing over the course of several days.

We have three local depositors from South Africa.

But one of them is at the stage of approval.

Sam has recently brought three clients for a $ 650 top-up.

Joseph has brought 48 clients this week.

But none of them are being replenished now.

No complaints have been received today.

Last year we had partners from this country.

Local depositors were working according to a different scheme during the holidays.

We had had internet banks and a new online Naira payment system for Nigeria until last year.

But the conversion of payments there had been only 40% for several years, before we decided to abandon customers from that country.

The lowest conversion rate was in South Africa.

On average, there had been many new clients from that country until the elections began.

Тест 2

Переведите предложения на русский язык. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужное время (Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous или Present Simple); вместо троеточия (…) поставьте соответствующий артикль; вместо восклицательного знака (!) поставьте необходимый предлог.

I predict that we (have..) around 600 new customers in September.

About 400 clients (come..) for …Test Drive campaign.

...number (!) new replenished clients (steadily grow..) from ...beginning of September to …end of August.

In total (! / к концу) …end (!) September there (be..) about 1000 new customers.

Tomorrow throughout …evening ...finance department (hold..) a meeting on this issue, after I (come..) back (!) you with ...results.

Tomorrow throughout the evening ...finance department (hold..) ...meeting (!) this issue, before I (come..) back to you with ...results.

Переведите предложения на русский язык. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужное время (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous); вместо троеточия (…) поставьте соответствующий артикль; вместо восклицательного знака (!) поставьте необходимый предлог.

I add top partners (!) …database for 2021 almost daily.

In just …few holidays, ...geographic group (sink..) 10%

from last year.

Since this morning our new employee (divide..) ...countries in …database (!) Abroad and the CIS.

Now I (add.. / добавляю) a legend for indicators and a copy (take.. / принимая во внимание) (!) account TOP partners.

Переведите предложения на русский язык. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужное время (Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous); вместо троеточия (…) поставьте соответствующий артикль; вместо восклицательного знака (!) поставьте необходимый предлог.

…employees (!) our department (evaluate..) ...foreign countries in the periods (!) activity for all clients, as they (do..) before.

For several days, we (consider..) the percentage distribution of money and periods (!) activity.

I (write..) a legend for ...report for two days before ...meeting (start..).

There (be..) customers who (sign..) up 3 months before the

audit (start..).

Their top-ups for ...reference period (be..) averaged.

All data (be..) provided without taking (!) account ...customers (!) TOP partners and branches.

Ключ к тесту 2

I predict that we will have around 600 new cusomers in September.

About 400 clients will come for the Test Drive campaign.

The number of new replenished clients will be steadily growing from the beginning of September to the end of August.

In total by the end of September there will have been about 1000 new customers.

Tomorrow throughout the evening the finance department will be holding a meeting on this issue, after I have come back to you with the results.

Tomorrow throughout the evening the finance department will have been holding a meeting on this issue, before I come back to you with the results.

I add top partners to the database for 2021 almost daily.

In just a few holidays, the geographic group has sunk 10%

from last year.

Since this morning our new employee has been dividing the countries in the database into Abroad and the CIS.

Now I am adding a legend for indicators and a copy taking into account TOP partners.

The employees of our department evaluated the foreign countries in the periods of activity for all clients, as they had done before.

For several days, we were considering the percentage distribution of money and periods of activity.

I had been writing a legend for the report for two days before the meeting started.

There are customers who had signed up 3 months before the audit started.

Their top-ups for the reference period were averaged.

All data was provided without taking into account the customers of TOP partners and branches.

Тест 3

Переведите предложения на русский язык. Поставьте глаголы в скобках (say..) в нужное время, вместо троеточия (…) поставьте соответствующий артикль, вместо восклицательного знака (!) поставьте необходимый предлог.

He (say../ сказал) that I (attach../ прикреплю) ...report (!) …task.

He (tell../ ему сказали) that we (increase../ будем увеличивать) ...number (!) unsuccessful transactions in some countries since October till December.

You (say../ сказали) that (have../ нужно будет) to discuss it in Zoom with Nick by day’s end.

You (told../ вам сказали) that he (work../ будет…) with local depositors from those countries that day …entire evening until the meeting (start..).

I (say../ сказал) that we (have../ имеем) ...problem.

I (tell../ ему сказали) that the number (!) unsuccessful transactions across several countries (increase../ увеличивалось) over ...course (!) several days.

You (say../ сказали) that we (have../ имеем) three local depositors from South Africa.

You (tell../ ему сказали) that one of them (be../ находится) (!) ...stage (!) approval.

She (say../ сказала) that Sam (recently bring../ привёл) three clients for a $ 650 top-up.

She (tell../ ей сказали) that Joseph (bring../ привёл) 48 clients that week.

We (say../ сказали) that none (!) them (replenish..) then.

We (tell../ нас сказали) that no complaints (receive../ было получено) that day.

They (say../ сказали) that ...previous year we (have..) partners from that country.

They (tell../ им сказали) that local depositors (work../ работали) according to a different scheme during the holidays.

We (have..) internet banks and a new online Naira payment system for Nigeria until last year.

He (say../ сказал) that ...conversion (!) payments there (be..) only 40% for several years, before we (decide../ решили) (!) abandon customers from that country.

He (tell../ ему сказали) that …lowest conversion rate (be../ был) in South Africa.

You (say../ сказали) that (!) average, there (be../ было) many new clients from that country until …elections (begin../ начались).

Ключ к тесту 3

He said that I would attach the report to the task.

He was told that we would be having increased the number of unsuccessful transactions in some countries since October till December.

You said that we would have had to discuss it in Zoom with Nick by day’s end.

You were told that he would have been working with local depositors from those countries that day the entire evening until the meeting started.

I said that we had a problem.

I was told that the number of unsuccessful transactions across several countries had been increasing over the course of several days.

You said that we had three local depositors from South Africa.

You were told that one of them was at the stage

of approval.

She said that Sam had recently brought three clients for a $

650 top-up.

She was told that Joseph had brought 48 clients that week.

We said that none of them were being replenished then.

We were told that no complaints had been received

that day.

They said that the previous year we had had partners from that country.

They were told that local depositors had been working according to a different scheme during the holidays.

We had had internet banks and a new online Naira payment system for Nigeria until last year.

He said that the conversion of payments there had been only 40% for several years, before we decided to abandon customers from that country.

He was told that the lowest conversion rate had been in South Africa.

You said that on average, there had been many new clients from that country until the elections began.

Тест 4

Переведите предложения на русский язык. Поставьте глаголы в скобках (say..) в нужное время, вместо троеточия (…) поставьте соответствующий артикль, вместо восклицательного знака (!) поставьте необходимый предлог.

You (told../ вам сказали) that I (predict../ прогнозирую) that we (give../ нам дадут) around 600 new customers in September.

I (say../ сказал) that about 400 clients (come../ придут) for …Test Drive campaign.

I (told../ мне сказали) that ...number (!) new replenished clients (steadily grow../ будет расти) from ...beginning (!) September to …end of August.

You (say../ сказали) that in total by the end (!) September we (bring../ приведут) about 1000 new customers.

You (told../ вам сказали) that ...next day throughout …evening ...finance department (hold../ будет проводить) a meeting (!) that issue, after I we (give../ нам дадут) ...results.

She (say../ сказала) that ...next day throughout …evening ...finance department (hold../ будет проводить) a meeting ...this issue, before I (send../ меня пошлют) (!) you (!) ...results.

She (told../ ей сказали) that ...top partners (add../ добавляются) (!) …database for 2021 almost daily.

We (say../ сказали) that in just a few holidays, ...geographic group (fully explore../ были изучены.

We (told../ нам сказали) that since that morning our new employee (divide../ делит) ...countries in …database (!) Abroad and the CIS.

They (say../ сказали) that then I (add../ добавляю) a legend for indicators and a copy taking (!) account TOP partners.

They (told../ им сказали) that …employees (!) our department (evaluate../ оценили) ...foreign countries in ...periods (!) activity for all clients, as it (do../ делалось) before.

He (say../ сказал) that for several days, we (consider../ рассматривали) ...percentage distribution (!) money and periods (!) activity.

He (told../ ему сказали) that I (write../ писали) a legend for ...report for two days before ...meeting (start..).

You (say../ сказали) that there (be../ есть) customers who (sign../ зарегистрировались) up 3 months before ...audit (start..).

You (told../ вам сказали) that their top-ups for ...reference period (average../ усреднены).

I (say../ сказал) that all data (provide../ были предоставлены) without taking into account the customers of TOP partners and branches.

Ключ к тесту 4

You were told that I predicted that we would be given around 600 new customers in September.

I said that about 400 clients would come for the Test Drive campaign.

I was told that the number of new replenished clients would be steadily growing from the beginning of September to the end of August.

You said that in total by the end of September we would be brought about 1000 new customers.

You were told that the next day throughout the evening the finance department would be holding a meeting on that issue, after I we had been given the results.

She said that the next day throughout the evening the finance department would have been holding a meeting on this issue, before I was sent to you with the results.

She was told that the top partners were added to the database for 2021 almost daily.

We said that in just a few holidays, the geographic group had been fully explored.

We were told that since that morning our new employee had been dividing the countries in the database into Abroad and the CIS.

They said that then I was adding a legend for indicators and a copy taking into account TOP partners.

They were told that the employees of our department had evaluated the foreign countries in the periods of activity for all clients, as it had been done before.

He said that for several days, we had been considering the percentage distribution of money and periods of activity.

He was told that I had been written a legend for the report for two days before the meeting started.

You said that there were customers who had signed up 3 months before the audit started.

You were told that their top-ups for the reference period had been averaged.

I said that all data had been provided without taking into account the customers of TOP partners and branches.

Тест 5

Переведите предложения на русский язык. Поставьте глаголы в скобках (say..) в нужное время, вместо троеточия (…) поставьте соответствующий артикль, вместо восклицательного знака (!) поставьте необходимый предлог.

He (say../ сказал) that it (be../ было бы) great (if I attach../ если бы я…) ...report (!) …task.

It (be../ было бы) nice if we (have../ если бы мы…) decreased ...number (!) unsuccessful transactions in some countries since October till December.

You (say../ сказали) that you (be../ были бы) glad if we (have../ если бы мы…) to discuss it in Zoom with Nick by day’s end.

It (be../ было бы) nice if he (work../ если бы он…) with local depositors from those countries today the entire evening until the meeting (start..).

I (say../ сказал) that then we (can../ могли бы) have had a problem.

...number (!) unsuccessful transactions across several countries (can../ могло бы) increase over ...course (!) several days.

You (say../ сказали) that that day we (have../ мы бы…) three local depositors from South Africa, if we (do../ если бы мы…) everything right.

You (like../ вы бы…) if one (!) them (be../ был бы) (!) ...stage of approval?

She (tell../ ей сказали) that if Sam (recently bring../ если бы…) three clients for a $ 650 top-up, …head (!) ...department (delight../ был бы…)) then.

If Joseph (bring../ если бы…) 48 clients this week, we (be../ были бы) calm (!) our bonuses.

We (tell../ нам сказали) that none (!) them (replenish../ не пополнился бы) then.

They (tell../ им сказали) that it (be../ было бы) great if no complaints (receive..) that day.

If now they (be../ были бы) here they (confirm../ они бы…) that last year we (have../ имели) partners (! / из) this country.

If then they (tell../ если бы тогда им сказали) that local depositors (work../ работали) according to a different scheme during …holidays, they (be../ были бы) very surprised.

If then we (work../ мы бы работали) according to such a scheme, we (have../ мы бы…) internet banks and a new online Naira payment system for Nigeria until last year.

He (say../ сказал) that ...conversion (!) payments there (be../ была бы) only 40% for several years, before we (decide../ мы бы…) (abandon..) customers from that country.

If he (show../ если бы…) interest in it, yesterday he (tell../ ему бы сказали) that …lowest conversion rate (be../ был) (! / в) South Africa.

I (not say../ бы не сказал) that (!) average, there (be../ было бы) many new clients from that country until …elections (begin)../ начались).

Ключ к тесту 5

He said that it would be great if I attached the report to the task.

It would be nice if we were having decreased the number of unsuccessful transactions in some countries since October till December.

You said that you would be glad if we had to discuss it in Zoom with Nick by day’s end.

It would be nice if he were working with local depositors from those countries today the entire evening until the meeting started.

I said that then we could have had a problem.

The number of unsuccessful transactions across several countries could increase over the course of several days.

You said that that day we would have had three local depositors from South Africa, if we had done everything right. Would you like if one of them were at the stage of approval?

She was told that if Sam had recently brought three clients for a $ 650 top-up, the head of the department would have been delighted then. If Joseph brought 48 clients this week, we would be calm for our bonuses.

We were told that none of them would have replenished then.

They were told that it would be great if no complaints were received that day.

If now they were here they would confirm that last year we had partners from this country.

If then they had been told that local depositors were working according to a different scheme during the holidays, they would have been very surprised.

If then we had worked according to such a scheme, we would have had internet banks and a new online Naira payment system for Nigeria until last year.

He said that the conversion of payments there would have been only 40% for several years, before we would decide to abandon customers from that country.

If he showed interest in it, yesterday he would have been told that the lowest conversion rate was in South Africa.

I would not say that on average, there had been many new clients from that country until the elections began.

Тест 6

Переведите предложения на русский язык. Поставьте глаголы в скобках (say..) в нужное время, вместо троеточия (…) поставьте соответствующий артикль, вместо восклицательного знака (!) поставьте необходимый предлог.

I (extremely surprise../ я была бы…) if you (tell../ если бы вам сказали) that we (give../ нам дадут) around 600 new customers in September.

I (say../ я бы сказала) that about 400 clients (can../ могло бы) come for the Test Drive campaign.

I (not believe../ я бы не поверила) if I (tell../ если бы мне сказали) that ...number (!) new (replenish../ пополненных) clients (steadily grow../ будет расти) from ...beginning (!) September to the end (!) August.

You (say../ сказали) that in total by the end of September we (bring../ нам приведут) about 1000 new customers.

We (tell../ нам сказали) that if the next day throughout the evening the finance department (hold../ будет проводить) a meeting (!) that issue, after I we (give../ нам дадут) ...results, we (can../ сможем) also vote.

She (say../ сказала) that if the next day throughout …evening ...finance department (hold../ будет проводить) ...meeting (!) this issue, before I (send../ меня пошлют) (!) you (!) ...results, I (can../ я смогла бы) (fnd..) out ...results of …vote.

She (suspect../ заподозрит) forgery if she (tell../ ей скажут) that ...top partners (add../ добавляются) (!) …database for 2021 almost daily.

He (tell../ ему сказали) that she (suspect../ она бы заподозрила) forgery if she (tell../ если бы ей сказали) that ...top partners (add../ добавляются) (!) …database for 2021 almost daily.

We (say../ сказали) that in just a few holidays, ...geographic group (can../ могла бы) (fully explore../ быть изучена).

We (tell../ нам сказали) that if since that morning our new employee (divide../ делить) ...countries in …database (!) Abroad and ...CIS, someone from ...staff (can../ сможет) handle ...organization (!) ...meeting (!) ...delegation from China.

If I (add../ добавлю) a legend for indicators and a copy taking (!) account TOP partners, ...new indicators (alert..) all employees.

If …employees (!) our department (evaluate../ оценят) ...foreign countries in the periods (!) activity (! / для) all clients, as it (do..) before, they (not be..) thrilled.

He (say../ сказал) that it (be../ было бы) great if for several days, we (consider../ мы бы…) ...percentage distribution (!) money and periods (!) activity.

I (not like../ мне бы…) if he (tell../ если бы ему сказали) that I (write../ писал) a legend for ...report for two days before ...meeting (start..).

What (you say../ чтобы ты…) if you (find../ если бы) out that there (be../ есть) customers who (sign../ зарегистрировались) up 3 months before ...audit (start..).

You (never tell../ вам бы…) that their top-ups for ...reference period (average../ были усреднены).

If I (not have../ если бы…) another information, I (say../ я бы…) that all data (provide../ были предоставлены) (! / без) (take..) (!) account ...customers (!) TOP partners and branches.

Ключ к тесту 6

I would be extremely surprised if you were told that that we will be given around 600 new customers in September.

I would say that about 400 clients could come for the Test Drive campaign.

I would not believe if I were told that the number of new replenished clients will be steadily growing from the beginning of September to the end of August.

You said that in total by the end of September we would be brought about 1000 new customers.

We were told that if the next day throughout the evening the finance department was holding a meeting on that issue, after I we had been given the results, we could also vote.

She said that if the next day throughout the evening the finance department would be holding a meeting on this issue, before I was sent to you with the results, I could have found out the results of the vote.

She will suspect forgery if she is told that the top partners are added to the database for 2021 almost daily.

He was told that she would suspect forgery if she was told that the top partners were added to the database for 2021 almost daily.

We said that in just a few holidays, the geographic group could be fully explored.

We were told that if since that morning our new employee was dividing the countries in the database into Abroad and the CIS, someone from the staff could handle the organization of the meeting for the delegation from China.

If I add a legend for indicators and a copy taking into account TOP partners, the new indicators will alert all employees.

If the employees of our department evaluate the foreign countries in the periods of activity for all clients, as it was done before, they will not be thrilled.

He said that it would be great if for several days, we were considering the percentage distribution of money and periods of activity.

I would not like if he would be told that I had been written a legend for the report for two days before the meeting started.

What would you say if you had found out that there are customers who had signed up 3 months before the audit started.

You would be never told that their top-ups for the reference period were averaged.

If I did not have another information, I would say that all data was provided without taking into account the customers of TOP
partners and branches.

Упражнение 1 (1 531 новое слово и выражение)

1. Прочитайте рассказ, переведите его на русский язык, выписав и выучив все новые слова и выражения.

2. Поставьте текст рассказа в Google Translate https://translate.google.ru (направление перевода с английского на русский), скопируйте и сохраните русский текст перевода в файл.

3. Переведите рассказ устно с русского на английский язык. Если какие-либо слова и выражения будут вызывать у вас сложности, выпишите их из английского текста данного рассказа и заучите ещё раз. Далее повторите устный перевод рассказа с русского на английский язык (повторяйте устный перевод столько раз, сколько вам понадобится для устранения всех ошибок и неточностей).

You don’t say!


This book will tell you about one day in the life of Sofochka Ponce de Leon. Confident that she had finally broken her husband’s favorite laptop, she wants to make it up to him. The woman sets off on a difficult journey for a new computer on bumpy roads of Moscow Region.

Illustrations announcement

You don’t say!

Sonia, maiden name Utesova, and then Ponce de Leon, was married to a Latin American programmer named David, who was originally from faraway sunny Mexico.

Her husband, having valiantly graduated from the Peoples Friendship University with honors, got a well-paid job in a large Russian company.

It can be said that Sonya, was very lucky to have such a husband, because he doted on his sweetheart, was ready to do anything, or almost everything for her, depending on the amount of money in his bank account.

And that money was always a very limited amount, since Sonya had enormous needs — she wanted everything at once and, moreover, constantly. Sofia got used to dressing in style — she liked the most beautiful and expensive clothes.

At the same time, she bought new things for herself in the most expensive boutiques located in the center of the capital. And then she and her girlfriend went to celebrate another replenishment of the wardrobe to a trendy restaurant, which also very noticeably cost mister Ponce de Leon. Despite all of the above, the family lived in peace and marital idyll.


And once Solomonida (as so David lovingly called her) cooked dinner in the kitchen, writing a post for her blog «Everything for the Blondes» and being hung up on a phone call with a friend.

Suddenly, the Ukrainian borsch, which her husband loved so much, began to boil out of the pan directly onto a clean, brand new cooker, washed to a lovely sheen on the eve.

— Shit! — Sonechka cursed out, threw the phone on the open laptop and fo- cused on her borsch.

After the minor kitchen troubles had been eliminated, she returned to the computer and — oh, what the hell! Its screen was black. Deciding that it was hibernating, she rebooted it, but that did not change the situation.

It would seem that the problem could be solved easily by calling her husband or waiting for his return from the office.

But given the fact that three days before, Sofia had cracked his ride all to hell, after which a new one was already bought, since the first one was be- yond repair, the woman felt a certain danger, and decided to deal with the com- puter herself.

Therefore, she invited her best friend, the blonde Julia, to visit her.


Julia carefully examined the laptop, pushed some buttons on it, but to no avail:

— In my opinion, your laptop is dead! — she diagnosed.

— You don’t say! What am I supposed to do now? We’ve just bought a new car, and a bank credit for my mink coat hangs on David, and it isn’t only for the fur coat, he has got a lot of credits for my clothes. And this laptop is so sophisti- cated, and it’s David’s favorite one. I think this time there will be a big scandal.

— Come on, everything will work out like the last time. Do you remember when you set fire to your country house, on forgetting to turn off the iron? In general, if I were you, I would buy a new computer, just like this one, maybe David would not notice the substitution.

— Exactly! Why have not I thought of it myself? Let’s google the store and go for a new laptop until my husband returns.

So they did. However, they decided not to buy it at the store, they found a used computer by a private announcement on the Avito site, went shopping, but forgot to move the damaged laptop from the table.

It was necessary to go to the suburbs of Moscow, through trafic, by poor roads full of potholes. Therefore, the round trip took them much more time than they had expected:

— ¡Caramba, maldita sea! — Solomonida cursed in Spanish. — David has been at home for a couple of hours, that makes a hundred percent, and we haven’t even reached Moscow yet.

Besides, for some reason I turned off the phone, as I was very nervous, but now it’s just scary to turn it on. David is so jealous that he can just kill me upon my returning home.

— Well, dude, a scandal is inevitable. There’s no way you’re getting out of this! As far as I remember, we didn’t hide the broken laptop, huh?

— You don’t say, shit!

On the stroke of midnight

The clock struck midnight when sneaking on tiptoe, with new laptops in her bag, Sofia entered the apartment and saw the light on in the kitchen:

— Hello, dear! Why are you so late? — a calm voice of her husband came out from the kitchen.

Hardly believing her ears, she left the bag in the corridor, put on her slippers and went into the kitchen, where David was sitting at the table, eating Ukrainian borsch with a wooden Russian spoon and watching some action movie in the same damaged computer.

Then the resourceful woman decided to ask her husband what had exactly happened with that laptop, and made a smart move:

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