

Международная научно-практическая конференция

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УДК 339.97

Галиутинова Екатерина Игоревна, Николаева Ольга Борисовна

Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологийимени академика М. Ф. Решетнева



Galiutinova Ekaterina Igorevna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology

Руководитель по иностранному языку

Foreign language supervisor

Nikolaeva Olga Borisovna

Senior teacher

Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology

Аннотация: Статья посвящена вопросам совершенствования внешнеэкономической деятельности в Красноярском крае. Был проведен мониторинг поддержки экспорта в Сибири, а также структур, которые выполняют эти функции. Рассмотрена проблема поддержки образования в сфере ВЭД.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the issues of improvement of foreign economic activity in Krasnoyarsk region. Monitoring was conducted to support export in Siberia, as well as structures that perform these functions. The problem of supporting education in the field of foreign economic activity is considered.

Ключевые слова: внешнеэкономическая деятельность, экспорт, развитие внешнеэкономической деятельности, Российский экспортный центр.

Key words: foreign economic activity, export, foreign economic activity development, the Russian Export Centre (REC).

The state program of the development of foreign economic activity was approved in the Russian Federation. It was aimed at strengthening the positions of the Russian Federation in the global economy and increasing the contribution of foreign economic activity into the socio-economic development of the country. The program contains 6 sub-programs. Indicators of efficiency of the action plan implementation are listed in each sub-program [1].

Some indicators have been chosen:

— The increase in the share of Asian countries in trade with Russia;

— The increase in the number of visiting the portal of foreign economic activity.

Our recommendations are aimed at the improvement of these indicators in the field of the foreign economic activity of the region:

Group I (external)

— «The Asian vector of development»: the intensification of trade relations with the Republic of India.

— The increase in the share of China, South Korea, and Vietnam in trade with Russia.

Group II (internal)

— The intensification of scientific activities of specialized (profile) Universities’ students with the support of profile disciplines teachers.

— Practical classes and seminars for students in «World economy» direction from JSC Russian Export Centre («REC») with the support of the economic departments of specialized (profile) higher schools.

— Workshops for teachers of profile higher schools from the educational centre «REC», and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The intensification of scientific activities of students of profile higher schools with the support of the teachers of such disciplines as «Management of foreign economic activity», «International marketing», «World economy», and others, in terms of writing scientific articles, organization of competitions and contests would increase the number of visits to the portal of foreign economic activity.

The Russian Export Centre includes educational structure where the students are trained in the course «International market entry» and other related courses in different regions of the country, including those in Siberia. However, the seminars are held exclusively for small and medium enterprises. We see the necessity for students of higher educational institutions of the corresponding profile of training to participate in such courses as potential exporters, as well as teachers. The involvement of teachers’ staff will help to update knowledge, because training in the field of foreign economic activity remains an important issue in Krasnoyarsk. Such short-term courses are regularly conducted in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and Far East.

In our opinion, the including of students and teachers into the audience of REC courses, will contribute to the implementation of the state program «The development of foreign economic activity» in terms of improving the structure of Russia’s export support.

Monitoring was conducted to support export in Siberia, as well as structures that perform these functions. It showed that not all regions have regional centres of the support to small and medium-sized businesses, but there are only funds, which provide loans to them. These regions are the Republic of Tyva, Irkutsk region, Kemerovo region, Altai Krai and Tomsk region. In the terms of the state program «The development of foreign economic activity», it is necessary to create such centres [2].

The experience of creating some industrial export centers is interesting for the region, such as «Association of furniture and woodworking industry of Russia», which was created on the basis of foreign experience in Germany, France, China and other countries.

We would like to note the importance of the interaction of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the educational centre «REC» to support export-oriented enterprises. In 2017, 8 Chambers signed similar agreements on cooperation, including the Central Siberian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

One of the main issues discussed on the platforms and sites of the XII Economic Forum in Krasnoyarsk was the process of economic integration of Russia (including Krasnoyarsk region) with the countries of Asian Pacific region.

Some Asian Pacific countries, such as South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China, and Indonesia constitute a large share in the geographical structure of trade of Russia. These countries are the redirection of metals export sanctions (the sanctions of April, 2018) from Krasnoyarsk region. Of course, the market of Asian countries is not as comprehensive as the US market, and it solves the problem only partially.

One of the actual questions nowadays is the question about the interaction of the Russian Federation and the Republic of India. At the international economic forum, the two countries agreed on the joint development of the strategy on boosting of the trade-economic and investment cooperation. Therefore, we see it possible to include Krasnoyarsk region into this strategy. In particular, we see the following areas of cooperation:

— The establishment of joint research student research centres in the field of IT-technologies on the basis of specialized (profile) higher schools of Krasnoyarsk region;

— The creation of a joint Russian-Indian pharmaceutical enterprise on the basis of the former Krasfarma Factory;

— Export growth of «sanctions commodity group» — metals and products from them.

Bilateral trade with Vietnam also needs to be developed rapidly, as Russia is in the zone of free trade with the country. Export to Vietnam doubled in 2018. Consequently, this market is large enough and there are some opportunities to increase export. So, the main commodity group in the export structure is «sanctioned group» — metals and products from them. After the April sanctions of 2018, this market seems rather attractive. In the commodity structure wood is also present, which is needed to be exported not in raw form, but as wood products with high added value [3].

China is one of the main trade partners of Krasnoyarsk region. Export from Krasnoyarsk region to China over the period of 2017 — 2018 made $69.5 bn. Mainly, there were exported mineral products (71%), wood and articles thereof (8%) [4]. We see it possible to increase export of wood, and not only raw wood, but deep processing wood.

The volume of export from Krasnoyarsk region to South Korea fell heavily two years ago: from $488 million in 2017 to $56.1 million in 2018. In the export structure of Krasnoyarsk region to South Korea, 57.8% are «sanctioned» metals and products from them. It seems possible to increase this proportion [4].

With regard to Japan, we also observe the main export commodity groups of the region — metals and articles thereof, wood and articles of wood. Therefore, in terms of the sanctions, it is possible to increase these export groups to Japan.


1. The state program of the development of foreign economic activity [Electronic resource] — Mode of access: http://economy.gov.ru/minec/activity/sections/foreignEconomicActivity/gp;

2. The unified information portal the Russian Exporters [Electronic resource] — Mode of access: http://m.rusexporter.ru/export-support/;

3. Export from Krasnoyarsk region to Vietnam [Electronic resource] — Mode of access: https://ru-stat.com/date-Y2017-2018/RU04000/export/VN/;

4. Export and import in Russia on goods and countries [Electronic resource] — Mode of access: https://ru-stat.com/database/.

© Галиутинова Е. И., Николаева О. Б., 2020


УДК 54.061

Зыкова Марина Павловна, Аветисов Игорь Христофорович

ФГБОУ ВО «Российский химико-технологический университет им. Д. И. Менделеева»


Zykova Marina Pavlovna

Ph. D., Researcher

Avetisov Igor Hristoforovich

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor

D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia

Аннотация: Методом масс-спектрометрии с индуктивно-связанной плазмой проведен анализ коммерческих препаратов на основе гадолиния и полимерных матриц по 64 элементам в том числе урана и тория для использования их в низкофоновых экспериментах. Анализ показал, что содержание радиоактивных примесей не зависит от общей химической чистоты препаратов. Даны рекомендации по выбору препаратов для создания органо-неорганических композиционных конструкционных материалов.

Abstract: Method of mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS) was used to analyze commercial preparations based on gadolinium and polymer matrices by 64 elements including uranium and thorium for use in low-background experiments. Analysis showed that the content of radioactive impurities does not depend from the total chemical purity of the preparations. Recommendations on the choice of materials for creating organo-inorganic composite structural materials are given.

Ключевые слова: гадолиния оксид, полимерные материалы, примесная чистота, уран, торий.

Keywords: gadolinium oxide, polymer materials, impurity purity, uranium, thorium.

Во всех экспериментах по исследованию «темной материи» важнейшей задачей является подбор материалов с низким уровнем собственной радиоактивности. Простой модуль VETO для захвата фоновых тепловых нейтронов состоит из блоков полимерного материала, легированного гадолинием в концентрации менее 1 мас.%, поскольку изотоп 157Gd обладает уникальными свойствами захвата нейтронов с рекордной эффективностью [1, с. 867]. Основными требования к конструкционным материалам являются: низкий радиационный фон (<100 ppt по Th, U), однородное распределение гадолиния, механическая прочность при температуре жидкого аргона.

Анализ химической чистоты препаратов на основе гадолиния от различных производителей проводили методом масс-спектрометрии с индуктивно связанной плазмой с предварительным переводом порошковой пробы в жидкую фазу. Аналитические измерения проводили на масс-спектрометре NexION 300D (Perkin Elmer, США) в коллизионном (kinetic energy discrimination (KED)) режиме, использую для количественного определения концентраций 64 примесных элементов метод TotalQuant.

Согласно полученным результатам, химическая чистота для всех препаратов составила не менее 99,4 мас.% по 64 примесным элементам (табл.1).

Таблица 1. Анализ примесной чистоты препаратов на основе гадолиния от различных производителей

Более точное определение концентраций U и Th проводили методом добавок. Как видно примесный состав препаратов не всегда коррелирует с общим содержанием радиоактивных примесей (рис. 1, табл. 1). Анализ показал, что большинство коммерческих препаратов Gd2O3 не имеют необходимой радиационной чистоты. При этом для получения низкофоновых препаратов лучшим вариантом оказались соли гадолиния, в которых снижение концентрации Th и U возможно при помощи методов экстракции [2, с. 70] и сорбции [3, с. 37]. Под №12 обозначен Gd (NO3) 3 производителя ООО «ИРЕА», который был подвергнут многократной перекристаллизации из водного раствора, что позволило существенно снизить концентрации тория и урана.

Рис. 1. Концентрации Th и U для препаратов на основе гадолиния

(номера препаратов указаны в табл.1)

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