Mute Fish Have Something to Say

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Mute Fish Have Something to Say

Max Marshall

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

Mute Fish Have Something to Say

First edition. November 8, 2023.

Copyright © 2023 Max Marshall. Written by Max Marshall.

Table of Contents


Roni’s journey begins in the same house where Willey, a talkative parrot, resides. Willey spends hours conversing with Anna and Ethan, the young brother and sister who share their home with these extraordinary animals. Listening intently, Roni gradually grasps the meaning behind their conversations and starts imitating their words, hoping to connect with the other fish in the aquarium.

But to Roni’s surprise, the other fish cannot comprehend her newfound talent. Determined to bridge the communication gap and share her thoughts, Roni takes a courageous step and attempts to communicate directly with Anna and Ethan for the first time. Will they understand and respond to Roni’s efforts?

It is a heartwarming tale that emphasizes the importance of understanding and embracing differences. With its vibrant illustrations and engaging narrative, this delightful children’s book encourages young readers to appreciate the value of friendship and effective communication.

As children immerse themselves in Roni’s world, they’ll discover the significance of listening, empathy, and finding their own unique voice. It is a captivating addition to any child’s library, nurturing their curiosity and teaching them the beauty of meaningful connections.

Join Roni, Willey, Anna, and Ethan on an extraordinary adventure, filled with whimsy and warmth. From discovering the power of language to cherishing the bonds of friendship, «Roni, the Talkative Fish» invites readers to experience the joy and wonder of self-expression. Prepare to be captivated by Roni’s courage and inspired by the transformative power of genuine communication.

About the Author

Max Marshall creates stories that transport readers to far-off lands, immersing them in rich cultures and inviting them to experience the full spectrum of human emotion.

Nestled within the pages of countless masterpieces lies a writer whose name evokes thoughts of passion, creativity, and boundless imagination.

With an elegant command of language and a deep understanding of the human soul, this writer creates characters whose triumphs and struggles resonate deeply with readers of all ages. Whether exploring the complexities of love and loss or delving into the depths of the human psyche, this writer’s prose is as beautiful as it is insightful, revealing truths that stir the heart and inspire the soul.

A true master of the craft, this writer stands among the greats of the literary world, an artist whose stories will be cherished for generations to come.

Chapter 1: Roni the Fish

In a house so pretty, with colors so grand,

Lived Roni the fish, unlike any unplanned.

With scales shimmering, a vibrant display,

Roni could talk, in her own special way.

From morning till night, she swam to and fro,

Listening intently as conversations would flow.

Beside her, a parrot named Willey could speak,

Hours they’d spend, with voices so meek.

Anna and Ethan, the girl and the boy,

Were enchanted by Roni’s newfound joy.

Though other fish listened, they couldn’t comprehend,

The words Roni shared, her messages to send.

Determined and eager, Roni set out one day,

To speak to her masters, in her own unique way.

With tales from the depths, she longed to share,

Her thoughts, dreams, and hopes, floating in the air.

Chapter 2: Learning to Speak

Roni had a gift, of that there’s no doubt,

But learning to speak, she had to figure it out.

Living with Willey, the parrot so bright,

Talking for hours, from morning to night.

Roni listened intently, with every word,

Understanding and learning, though it seemed absurd.

She repeated the sounds, in her own fishy way,

Trying to communicate, day after day.

At first, it was hard, her voice so small,

The words unclear, her message unsure.

But with time and patience, Roni persevered,

Her owners listening, her story to hear.

And so, Roni spoke, her voice finally clear,

With words and ideas, that were so dear.

Willey and Roni, a friendship so true,

Talking all day, as they swam through and through.

Chapter 3: Repeating Words

Roni, the talkative fish, had so much to say,

Repeating the words in her own special way.

The sounds and the phrases, she heard from her friend,

Echoed through the water, but they couldn’t comprehend.

She swam ’round her home, the aquarium so bright,

Repeating the words, both day and night.

Her fellow fish watched, their eyes filled with wonder,

Trying to understand this fish who could ponder.

But alas, her words fell on deaf ears,

As the other fish swam, oblivious to her cheers.

Roni felt frustrated, her voice going unheard,

Longing for connection, like a melancholic bird.

Yet she didn’t give up, oh no, not at all,

She knew deep inside, that someday she’d stand tall.

With determination and courage, she continued to speak,

Hoping one day, understanding they’d seek.

Chapter 4: Connecting with Humans

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