Keys to your home

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Ekvilibro I Balance

Объем: 23 бумажных стр.

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You will turn to the world with a different face of a woman — an educator, a teacher of children, a sower of those sparks of light in children’s souls that can later become torches.

Ivan Yefremov

People are switched off, lulled by routine and daily worries. When something unpleasant, shocking happens, attention is activated and a person wakes up. At that moment, there is a chance to fully wake up, become interested in oneself, and start moving towards oneself. But a person solves the problem and again switches off into autopilot mode, not even attempting to understand the meanings. Inner work requires energy, and with age, it may not be there. As a result, a person “lands” without understanding anything about themselves.

Why can’t or won’t a person do differently? For the sake of what should one make an effort and switch oneself to self-control mode? The key motivation for a person is to show their children by their own example that one can live differently, in a world of love and harmony with oneself and others. After all, a mole cannot explain to its offspring what it means to see. Welcome to the exciting journey to oneself, in a world of boundless possibilities of inner resources.

With love and gratitude, Elena Lvova


Nothing adorns a person more than the presence of consciousness. Men become outstanding thinkers, and women become like living water. There is a thinker in every person who creates thanks to living water.


Humans are created in the image and likeness of the Creator. For each person, there is a Gift. To receive the gift, one must reach adulthood not by passport, but within themselves. Happiness, peace, love, harmony all start from within the person. Once you become the discoverer of yourself, of Consciousness within yourself. And this is the most incredible thing that can happen to you, a simple, imperfect human.

Ekvilibro is balance en esperanto language. Simultaneously stable and fragile equilibro lies at the foundation of everything.

Imagine a room without windows and doors. There is a light switch. The complexity lies in the fact that you need to find it in complete darkness. While you search, you bump into things, stumble, fall, get up, and continue moving forward. Under the influence of psychotropic and other substances, the search system is turned off. The inner human is immobilized. There is no one to find the switch, turn on the light, consciousness within oneself. And yet, it is not enough just to turn on the light, you also need to have time to explore the inner world and manifest your true self.


Ordinary people look but do not see, listen but do not hear, touch but do not feel, eat but do not taste, move but do not feel their bodies, inhale air but do not smell either foul odors or fragrances, and speak without thinking…

Leonardo da Vinci

The struggle of good against evil. Good defeats evil. Is this true? In reality, there is nothing like that. Just look at the sunrises and sunsets, the changing seasons. One thing replaces the other. Harmony and order in nature. It is the ego of a person that craves conflict. After all, this is food and recharging for it. It doesn’t matter whether a person struggles with themselves and others in everyday life or plays the role of “victim-savior-tyrant” in their imagination.

What is the nature of the ego? At its core lies the animal fear, a heritage from the distant past that still influences people today. People see the world through the prism of fear, leading to distorted perception and suffering. The essence of a person does not struggle with anyone or anything. What’s the point of doing that when you can simply live peacefully? The essence is the consciousness within a person, the ability to think, hear, see, feel. Consciousness manifests from within when you become a supportive friend to yourself.

Inside a person there is a center of calm and tranquility, quiet peaceful joy, from which one can manage oneself.


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