Historical paradoxes

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1. 2015 year of the Goat

This year according to the Eastern calendar is considered the year of the Goat (Goat) or Sheep (Aries). The Chinese name is «I-wei», the Korean is «yl-mi», the Japanese is «kinoto-hitsuji», this is the 32nd number of the cyclic year, the cycle of 1984—2043, the element is a tree, the planet is Jupiter, the color is green (blue), the element, the planet, the color, as in 2014. These data are not taken from astrological tables (astrology is a pseudoscience that uses scientific data from astronomy, physiology, political science, psychology and other sciences, seasoning them with references to space objects), but from the scientific monograph «Calendar customs and rituals of the peoples of East Asia. New Year», published in the publishing house «Nauka» (Moscow, 1985)

Meanwhile, these animals (in many peoples, these animals, relatively similar to each other, merge into a kind of community) are sacred, totemic to this day. And in ancient times they were deified. For example, Azael (Azazel) among the ancient Jews is the spirit of the desert in the form of a goat. On the Yom Kippur holiday, the priest transferred the sins of all the people to the goat and released him into the desert to Azazel, hence the expression «scapegoat».

It is characteristic that in Arabic fairy tales and folk legends Satan-Shaitan is endowed with other stable names and epithets, such as Azazil, al-marid (rebellious, rebellious), al-hannas (disappearing, retreating, at the mention of the name of Allah) and al-wasuas (instigating, tempting). The naming of Shaitan Azazil undoubtedly came from the Judeo-Christian tradition, where in the Bible Azazel (a variant of Azazil) is used only in the context of describing the ritual of the «day of atonement» (Yom Kippur). According to biblical beliefs, Azazel’s habitat was the desert. It is known that the desert in the minds of the peoples of the Near and Middle East is associated with the habitat of evil spirits. The meaning of the name Azazil (Azazil) can be translated as «a strong, powerful deity». Walpurgisnacht (Walpurgisnacht), — the night of the first of May is the night of witches who, riding on brooms, cats or goats, arrive at the witches’ abbey on the Bloksberg mountain in the Harz to dance with the devil.

A similar character to the devil in ancient Greek myths is pan, originally the god of flocks, the patron of shepherds, then of all nature (from Greek. pan — everything), was depicted as a man with goat horns, hooves and beard (i.e. he was a goat, a goat is a deified animal, now a curse, a tragedy — from Greek. «song of goats», possibly «combining» a goat with monkeys and other animals), it corresponds to the Roman Faun. According to myths, pan, accompanied by nymphs, wandered through the mountains, collected herds with the sounds of a pipe and songs, punished those who disturbed his peace, sending them unreasonable fear (hence the word «panic»).

The tragedy dates back to the primitive cult ritual dedicated to the god of fertility Dionysus, the tragedy arose from lyrical poetry or dithyrambs performed by a choir consisting of Dionysus’ companions — satyrs, who were called goats. Bes — in the ancient Egyptian religion, the god of fun and dancing. The word «devil» goes back to the ancient Greek «diabolos» — slanderer. The word is formed from the preposition «dia» — there and the verb «ballo» — I throw. The Greek «Satanas» is borrowed from the Hebrew «Satan» — the enemy, a similar term in Arabic is «Shaitan». The word «demon», which remained in the Russian language mainly as a designation of an insidious, evil person, comes from the ancient Greek «daimon» — god, spirit, evil spirit.

All these quite normal words in monotheistic religions (suddenly!) they became bad, denoting forces hostile to man, it is very easy to explain — these words denoted some deified forces from the period of polytheism, and polytheism opposed monotheism, therefore monotheistic religions in every possible way discredited the «divine» concepts of polytheism.

An interesting variant of the origin of the word «devil» (previously written «devil»), most likely from the words «devil», «draw», from the line that believers drew from «evil spirits». In Gogol’s novella «Viy», the philosopher drew a circle around himself so that no «evil force» could penetrate behind him. This idea goes back to ancient times, when man, like many animals today, marked his territory, and the penetration of other creatures for it was punishable by death. Satyrs, devils, and other representatives of the «evil forces» are someone other than people disguised in animal skins, including sheep, goats, wolves (shamans, werewolves). They threw off these skins and «became» people again. The then emerging human thinking perceived this as a kind of magical action (as modern children perceive Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, etc.), later under Christianity it became a bad demonic phenomenon and was persecuted.

No fluff, no feather — that is, nothing, but in the modern context it means wishing good luck, in ancient times it was a kind of deception of forest and water spirits necessary for successful hunting or fishing, the answer was also a deception — «to hell with it!», spirits lose vigilance, because they decide that the hunter after such a wish, nothing will be obtained — neither an animal nor a bird. «Good riddance!», initially it was the opposite of a greeting, when a kind of tablecloth — path was spread out for the greeter.

Researchers suggest that the toponym Sakmara (the area of the Southern Urals — Volga) has an Iranian-speaking origin, that is, it belongs to the Savromato-Sarmatian tribes. In this regard, the close toponym Samara gives a hint — the left-bank tributary of the Volga, whose upper reaches are 40 km from the confluence of the Urals and Sakmara. There are also rivers with the name Samara in the basins of the Don and Dnieper, as well as on the border of steppe and forest-steppe landscapes. Of the numerous versions about the origin of the toponym Sakmara, there is also one: translated from the Iranian languages, it means «sheep river» («shu» -«sheep», «mara» -«big river»). Apparently, during seasonal migrations from south to north, herds of nomadic sheep were concentrated on the banks of these rivers. Here they found excellent pastures and watering places, good conditions for lambing sheep and raising young animals.

Interesting comparisons can be made with the ancient Egyptian supreme deity Amon-Ra, who was the sun god, depicted as a calf or a ram, because in Latin (ancient Indo-European language, in German Indogermanen — Indogermans) aries — «aries, ram».

The rituals of veneration of Tengri Khan (God the Father) in the steppes of the Urals-Altai were quite strict and complex, prayers were long and cleansing the soul. They, too, in many ways resembled the religious traditions of the East. For example, water baptism, which looked like a complete triple immersion, and a religious meal were mandatory. The Epiphany was considered the biggest holiday.

The holiday fell on December 25, when, after the winter solstice, the day begins to arrive and the Man-heaven — Tengri Khan — went out into the world (originally Christmas was celebrated as a triple feast of baptism, birth, epiphany.). On this day, it was supposed to bring Christmas trees to the house — a message from the more ancient god Yer-su, who was worshipped by the Altai peoples about three thousand years ago, long before meeting Tengri Khan. The Asian peoples brought the custom of honoring spruce to Eastern and Central Europe, where they were thrown by the wave of the Great Migration of Peoples.

In the valleys of the Danube, Dnieper, Don, Volga, this holiday has certainly existed since the time of Attila. In Western Europe, it began to be celebrated in this form only in the XIX century. It should be remembered that the Slavs and Romans considered oak a sacred tree, the Finns — birch, the Greeks — olive, and the southern Germans — spruce. The first mention of a Christmas tree is found in the Alsatian chronicles of 1500. The decoration of Christmas trees for the New Year in Russia was banned during World War I by the tsarist government, as it was supposedly a German custom, in fact it dates back to the ancient times of the veneration of evergreens and trees.

In the Avestan (Zoroastrian) teaching about the end of the world — Frashkard, very reminiscent of the Apocalypse, sheep (rams) are mentioned: «Who was righteous and who was sinful — everyone will rise in the place where he met his death. The sun will shine with renewed vigor, half of its radiance will go to Gaia Martan, and half to the rest of humanity. The bodies and souls of the resurrected recognize each other. The husband recognizes the wife, the children of the parents, and the relatives of each other. And those who were lonely in a previous life will now find their family.» So, everyone — both the righteous and sinners — will rise again and rejoice, having regained their lost loved ones. And then a Sadvastaran meeting will take place, and their good and evil thoughts, speeches and deeds will be demonstrated to everyone. And sinners will look there like a white sheep among the blacks…» (speaking in Russian, like a white crow). And Jesus Christ is the lamb of God, and the lamb is a lamb (baby sheep), the firstborn in the flock, which was used as a sacrificial animal.

Arias, hence the name «Iran» from «Arians», aries from Latin — a ram, aries, a totemic animal of the ancient Indo-Europeans. Arkaim is represented by a giant wheel with a diameter of 180 meters with two circles of powerful walls: external and internal.

Especially impressive is the five-meter-thick outer wall, built of soil and having an internal gallery. On the outside, a deep ditch was dug around the wall. The inner moat is covered with a log flooring, possibly representing a storm sewer. Dwellings were located from the walls towards the central square. These houses were quite large: up to 20 meters long and more than 6 meters wide, where, according to experts, up to 50 people could be accommodated. In each house there were hearths, wells, pits for storing food, rooms for individual families. The floor was covered with a solid layer of lime mortar. In total, the settlement could accommodate up to two and a half thousand people. The inhabitants had a lot of cattle, especially horses — slender, thin-legged, fast, harnessed to war chariots, these ancient «tanks» of the Eurasian steppes. The production of bronze products has reached a high degree of perfection. It is believed that they diverged from here to very remote places. Most scientists believe that these are ancient Aryans, Indo-Aryans, that is, the peoples of the Iranian group of languages.

Magi or magicians were called Persian (Zoroastrian) priests. «When Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the days of King Herod, the magi came to Jerusalem from the east,» says the Gospel of Matthew. From the east — from Parthia (Iran), where the main religion at that time was Zoroastrianism. They carried out a sacred mission, seeking to expand the influence of their religion among the Jews to fight against Rome.

It is believed that by offering gold, frankincense and myrrh to the newborn Jesus, the magi honored him as a king, high priest and sacrifice. But the same gifts symbolize the three dominant castes of Zoroastrian society and three types of varna (in Sanskrit, «Varna» — letters — «quality», «color», the four main classes in Ancient India, the dominant position in society was occupied by Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas, the Sudras were a caste of inferior, dependent people). Similarly, in Zoroastrianism, the hvarna of the priest, the hvarna of the ruler and the hvarna of the warrior stood out. The symbol of royal charisma is gold, priestly — frankincense, military — myrrh, because warriors sacrifice themselves in the name of peace.

At that time, various dualistic religious teachings were spread in Parthia (Iran), considering the world as a struggle between the good principle led by the god Ormazd and his spirits and the evil principle led by the god Ahriman and his demons (devas). These teachings associated with the name of Zarathustra have not yet received final formalization. Later they received a dogmatic form in the Avesta books recognized as sacred and in this form became known as Zoroastrianism. The religion of Mithraism (the god Mithra) is also connected with Iran, which in the first centuries of the existence of Christianity was a serious competitor to it. Myths, the appearance of Mithras himself, the cult of Mithraism largely coincides with mythology, the cult of Christianity. Suffice it to say that the birth of the god Mithras was widely celebrated in the Roman Empire on December 25.

Initially, Christmas was celebrated on January 6, along with epiphany and epiphany, only in the IV century, when Christianity became the dominant religion in Rome, it was postponed to December 25 to displace the cult of Mithras. Syncretism was characteristic of the top of Parthian society, expressed in the fusion of local and Hellenic gods. In general, the Arsacid dynasty of Parthia (247 BC — 224 AD) was distinguished by broad religious tolerance, unlike the later Sassanid dynasty, who were zealous advocates of pure Zoroastrianism. In the I century A.D. Zoroastrianism is being reformed in Parthia, ancient texts are being collected, and one of the oldest editions of the Avesta is being created. During its greatest heyday, the Parthian Kingdom stretched from Babylonia through Iran to the Indus Valley. The Parthian kingdom ceased to exist around 224, when the Sassanid state emerged.

So sheep, rams are our closest animals, helping people at all times.

2. 1945 chronicle

January 1945

On January 6, the Supreme Commander of the USSR, Stalin, receives a letter from British Prime Minister Churchill with a request to accelerate the start of the Soviet offensive, since the allies (Anglo-American troops faced the threat of a second Dunkirk, that is, encirclement, as in 1940) were in a difficult situation in the Ardennes. Therefore, despite the bad weather, on January 12, instead of the planned January 20, a major winter offensive of Soviet troops begins in East Prussia, Western Poland and Silesia, called the Vistula-Oder offensive operation of the Red Army. Already on January 17, as a result of the Warsaw-Poznan operation, the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front, together with the 1st Army of the Polish Army, liberated Warsaw, and on January 18, Soviet troops entered Silesia on the territory of Germany. On January 19, the troops of the 2nd Belorussian Front entered the territory of East Prussia, and the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front liberated the city of Lodz in Poland.

On January 20, an armistice agreement was signed in Moscow between the USSR, the United States and Great Britain on the one hand and German ally Hungary on the other. Hungary capitulated.

January 23 — forced retreat of German troops. Elimination of the Ardennes «salient» on the western front.

On January 26, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on awarding Leningrad with the Order of Lenin was published.

On January 27, the Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated by Soviet troops. There were less than 3 thousand people alive there, and, according to various sources, from 1.5 to 4 million people died in it.

On January 30, the Soviet submarine S-13 under the command of A.I. Marinesko sank the fascist liner Wilhelm Gustlov, on board of which there were more than 8 thousand Nazis.

On January 31, the vanguard of the 5th Shock Army crossed the Oder and captured the town of Kinitz. The appearance of Soviet troops here, 70 kilometers from Berlin, turned out to be a complete surprise for the Germans. But the further advance of the troops to Berlin was prevented by the threat of their encirclement by the Germans. Meanwhile, the Western allies are conducting separate negotiations with the Nazis in Bern (Switzerland), seeking to find a compromise with them.

Workers drop a sign installed by Fascist occupiers at the Kramatorsk plant in Donbass

February 1945

Finally surrounded by a group of Nazis in the area of Konigsberg. On February 4—11, the Yalta (Crimean) Conference of the heads of government of the three Allied powers took place: I.V. Stalin (USSR), F.D. Roosevelt (USA) and W. Churchill (England). Joint military plans were determined, as well as the post-war structure of Europe. The USSR agreed to enter the war against Japan 2—3 months after the end of the war in Europe.

The troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front during the Lower Silesian operation advanced more than 100 km and captured one of the most important military-industrial areas — Lower Silesia and reached the line along the Neisse River to complete the strike in the Berlin direction. Fierce fighting in the area of Breslau (Wroclaw). The East Pomeranian operation began, during which they captured Eastern Pomerania and the Baltic coast from Danzig (Gdansk) to the Pomeranian Bay. On February 13, Budapest was liberated by Soviet troops after repelling a German counteroffensive near Lake Balaton.

On February 18, during the completion of the Western Carpathian military operation, the troops of the 4th and 2nd Ukrainian fronts defeated 17 divisions and one brigade of fascists and liberated most of Slovakia and the southern regions of Poland. On February 19, the Allies broke through the German «Western Wall» on the Luxembourg border, and the Americans landed on the Japanese island of Iwo Jima.

On February 26—27, the deputy commander of the Bandera Ukrainian Insurgent army (UPA) Mayevsky and other leaders of the Bandera met with the Soviet representative to negotiate the conditions for ending the armed struggle.

March 1945

On March 4, Finland declared war on Germany. After a month-long siege and fierce street battles with the Japanese, the Americans captured Manila (Philippines).

On March 5, conscripts born in 1929, that is, 16-year-olds, begin to be recruited into the German army.

On March 6, the Balaton defensive operation of the Red Army began, the troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, reflecting the counteroffensive of German troops, began to defend in the area of Lake Balaton in Hungary. lasting until March 15.

On March 9, 84,000 Tokyo civilians were killed during the American bombing.

On March 16, the Vienna offensive operation of the troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front began, the operation lasted until April 15.

On March 25, Allied troops crossed the Rhine. The troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front launched the Bratislava-Brno offensive operation in Czechoslovakia, it lasted until May 5. Fierce fighting continues in the Baltic States, the 3rd Belorussian Front has carried out three military operations against enemy troops in East Prussia.

On March 30, during fierce fighting, Soviet troops took Danzig (now Gdansk in Poland).

April 1945

On April 1, the completion of the liquidation by the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front after a long siege of the encircled garrison of the Nazis and the occupation of the fortress city of Glogau on the Oder River.

On April 4, the Allies surrounded 21 German divisions in the «Ruhr pocket». Soviet troops took Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. The completion by the troops of the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts of the liberation from the German invaders of the entire territory of Hungary.

On April 5, the USSR denounced the non-aggression pact with Japan.

On April 6, Soviet troops reached the outskirts of Vienna.

On April 9, the four-day operation to capture Konigsberg ended, the garrison capitulated.

April 11 death of Roosevelt. He was succeeded as President of the United States by G. Truman.

On April 13, Soviet troops took Vienna, the capital of Austria.

On April 16, the Berlin operation began with the troops of the 1st and 2nd Belorussian and 1st Ukrainian fronts.

On April 18, British Prime Minister Churchill sent troops under Montgomery to Lubeck to prevent the occupation of Denmark by Soviet troops. Soviet troops broke through all three defensive lines on the outskirts of Berlin.

On April 25, the UN Constituent Assembly in San Francisco with the participation of representatives of 46 states. Adoption of the UN Charter. The troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front crossed the Elbe and met with American troops near the city of Torgau. Soviet troops completed the encirclement of Berlin.

On April 28, Italian partisans executed Mussolini.

April 29 the surrender of German troops in Italy.

April 30, Hitler’s suicide. Grand Admiral Doenitz replaced Hitler as head of the German state. Occupation by Soviet troops of the Reichstag building in Berlin, on which the Victory Banner is hoisted!

May 1945

On May 1, Order No. 20 of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin was issued in connection with the celebration of May 1. Soviet troops took the city of Brandenburg.

On May 2, the capture of Berlin by the troops of the 1st Belorussian and 1st Ukrainian fronts was completed.

On May 3, the anti-fascist uprising began in Prague.

On May 4, the German troops completely stopped fighting against the Anglo-American troops and continued their desperate resistance to the Soviet offensive.

On May 5, the occupation of the German naval base — the port city of Svinemunde by the troops of the 2nd Belorussian Front.

On May 6, the occupation of the fortress city of Breslau by the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front.

On May 7, the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front left for the Elbe River.

On May 8, the signing took place by representatives of the German High Command in Karlhorst (a suburb of Berlin) the act of unconditional surrender of the German armed forces. Celebration of Victory Day in Europe. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR declaring May 9 a Victory Day. Occupation by the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front of the city of Dresden. The cessation of resistance by the Kurland grouping of German troops, surrounded off the coast between the cities of Tukums and Libava. Liberation of the city of Olomouc.


In accordance with the Act of Unconditional Surrender of Germany on May 8, 1945 from 23 h. 01 min. according to the Central European time, all military operations ceased. According to Moscow time, this corresponded to 1 h. 01 min. on May 9. In Western countries, the celebration takes place on May 8. Modern bourgeois historians downplay and belittle the contribution of the USSR to the victory, claiming that the main force that defeated Nazi Germany was the American-British troops. I.V. Stalin’s address to the people on the radio in connection with the victory over Nazi Germany. Order of the Supreme Commander I. V. Stalin in connection with the victorious end of the Great Patriotic War. Termination of resistance of a group of German troops near the mouth of the Vistula River and on the Putziger-Nerung spit (northeast of Gdynia). Liberation by the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front of the capital of Czechoslovakia — the city of Prague. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the establishment of the medal «For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941—1945.

««The campaigns conducted by the Red Army played a decisive role in the defeat of Germany.»

Dwight D. Eisenhower, Commander-in-chief of the Allied Armed Expeditionary Forces in Europe.

This is the joy of victory and the triumph of the winners, whose great feat will forever remain in the memory of posterity.

«Russia has accomplished a great military feat… Russia, in a heavy single combat almost one-on-one with the advancing Hitlerite armies, took on the full force of the German blow and stood. We, the British, will never forget the feat of Russia.» Bernard Montgomery, Field Marshal of Great Britain.

Fascist Germany recognized itself defeated and agreed to unconditional surrender. On May 8, representatives of the German Fascist command signed an act of surrender in Berlin, the last act of the great tragedy that befell the peoples of Europe and, if not for the steadfastness and heroism of the Red Army, could have become a catastrophe for the peoples of the whole earth. Marshal of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov accepted the surrender from the Soviet Supreme Command.

No holiday has been marked with such genuine national rejoicing as this one, because it was the Victory of 1945. And, probably, people did not cry like that on any holiday, because they were not only tears of joy, but also tears for those who did not live to see this great day. It really was «a holiday with tears in my eyes, joy with gray hair on my temples.» And it is also a celebration of peace on earth, peace that the Soviet people won at the cost of huge losses.

On May 10, the entry of Soviet troops into the city of Vindava (Ventspils). Full occupation of the Putziger-Nerung spit and the Courland Peninsula.

On May 11, Soviet troops occupied Bornholm Island in the Baltic. Completion of the liquidation of the remnants of resisting enemy troops in Czechoslovakia.

May 15 is the last battle in Europe. The Yugoslav army near the town of Dravograd destroyed the remnants of the Germans and the Croatian Ustashe. The end of the reception of German Fascist troops surrendering on the entire Soviet front — «the reception of captured German soldiers on all fronts is over»: the latest summary of the Sovinformburo.

On May 24, Stalin’s speech at a reception in the Kremlin in honor of the commanders of the Red Army (a toast to the health of the Soviet and, above all, the Russian people).

«I raise a toast to the health of the Russian people not only because he is a leading people, but also because he has a clear mind, a steadfast character and patience… the trust of the Russian people in the Soviet government turned out to be the decisive force that ensured a historic victory over the enemy of humanity, fascism.» Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, Supreme Commander.


Facts of biography, not very well known

Adolf Hitler (he never bore his father’s surname Schicklgruber) was born on April 20, 1889 in the small town of Braunau on the Inn River, on the border of Austria and Germany. His parents were 52-year-old Austrian customs officer Alois Schicklgruber and 20-year-old peasant Clara Pelzl. Both branches of his family came from Waldviertel (Lower Austria), a remote area where small peasant communities were engaged in labor. The gravestone from the grave of Hitler’s parents was removed in Austria in Braunau in 2012, as this place has recently increasingly become an object of pilgrimage for neo-Nazis and their sympathizers, the German news agency DPA reports.

Hitler’s grandfather Johann Georg Gidler, who worked for hire at the mills, met a peasant girl Anna Maria Schicklgruber, who at that time served as a housekeeper in Graz. In 1837 Anna gave birth to her son Alois, and only five years later Johann Gidler and Anna Maria got married. Alois bore the surname Schicklgruber until 1876, until he officially changed it — since he was brought up in the house of his uncle Johann Nepomuk Gidler — to Hitler. Alois was married three times. His third wife, Klara Pelzl, was 23 years younger than him and gave birth to five children, only two of whom reached adulthood — Adolf and his younger sister Paula.

Adolf Hitler’s mother Klara was a quiet, hardworking woman, she kept a tidy household and tried in every way to please her husband. Adolf loved his patient mother, and she, in turn, considered him a beloved child, even though, according to her, he was «crazy.» She assured him that he was not like other children, but despite all her love, Adolf grew up a dissatisfied and touchy child. Psychologically, she subconsciously shaped him, as if compensating for her own unhappy family life. Adolf was afraid of his strict father, a domineering and quarrelsome man who subordinated children to his own cruel outlook on life. Unhappy and lonely, thrice unsuccessfully married Alois Hitler sought solace in drinking.

More than once, young Adolf had to lead his tipsy parent home. Later, he recalled his father as a drunken sadist who squandered family money. This sullen and hot-tempered despot constantly made the children feel the power of his stick or belt. Alois shouted at his son, humiliated him and constantly punished him. There was a huge tension between the two irreconcilable characters. Probably, Hitler’s subsequent fierce hatred stemmed from hatred of his own father, who was partly Jewish — «Micheling». Hitler’s paternal grandfather was Jewish, Walter Langer wrote about this back in 1972 in the book «The Consciousness of Adolf Hitler» (W. Langer, «The Mind of Adolf Hitler. The Secret Wartime report», N.Y., 1972).

«Hitler was worried that he might be blackmailed because of his Jewish grandfather, and ordered his personal lawyer Hans Frank to check his paternal pedigree. Frank did this and told the Fuhrer that his grandmother got pregnant while working as a servant in a Jewish house in Graz.» During World War II, it was a report to US President Roosevelt and had secret access. Langer also claimed that «all analysts believe that Hitler is probably a neurotic psychopath on the verge of schizophrenia. This means that he is not crazy in the conventional sense of the word, but is a neurotic who lacks restraining reflexes.» In 1895, at the age of six, Adolf entered a folk school in the town of Fischlham, near Linz. Two years later, being a very religious woman, his mother sent him to Lambach, to the parish school of the Benedictine monastery, after which, she hoped, her son would eventually become a priest. But he was expelled from school, found smoking in the monastery garden.

Then the family moved to Leonding, a suburb of Linz, where young Adolf immediately excelled in his studies. He stood out among his comrades for his perseverance, turning out to be a leader in all children’s games. In 1900—1904. he attended a real school in Linz, and in 1904—1905 in Steyr. In October 1907, 18-year-old Adolf left his terminally ill mother with cancer and went to Vienna to find his way in life. But he suffered a terrible setback — he failed the entrance exams to the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. It was a terrible blow to his ego, from which he never recovered, considering «these stupid professors» to be guilty of what happened. In December 1908, his mother died, which was another shock in his life. For the next five years, he supported himself with odd jobs, alms, or selling his sketches. Every day he walked around the cafe, made sketches and tried to sell drawings to buy food. Unshaven, with long hair and beard, in a dirty black bowler hat and a long coat that almost reached the ground, he looked like a downtrodden tramp.

In Vienna he learned to hate. Rejecting the theory of Karl Marx, he remained faithful to anti-Marxism for the rest of his life. Under the influence of Karl Luger’s writings, young Adolf began to hate Jews as «rats, parasites and bloodsuckers.» Jews, he decided, unite with Marxists to destroy the world. «If the Jews, with the help of Marxists, win over the world, it will mean death for humanity.» In addition, he began to despise democracy and found relief only in dreams of a great and glorious Germany, which would become a great country after the overthrow of the weak Habsburg. By this time he had become interested in mysticism and the occult. In tiny cafes, Adolf made political speeches against those he hated. The audience began to listen to the sickly annoying young man with a hypnotizing look.

He left Vienna in May 1913 and moved to Munich, Germany. But even here he remained depressed and embittered, lonely and a stranger in the midst of a cheerful and bustling capital city. Military service. In February 1914, Adolf Hitler was summoned to Austria to conduct a medical examination for fitness for military service. But, as «too weak and unfit to serve in the army,» he was released. When the war broke out in August 1914, he asked the King of Bavaria to enlist in his army. He was assigned to the 16th Bavarian Infantry Regiment, recruited mainly from student volunteers. But only after a few weeks of training he was sent to the front.


Hitler was an artist, several of his paintings have been preserved. One of the Fuhrer’s paintings «The Night Sea» in 2012 was auctioned for 32 thousand euros.


The invasion of Napoleon and the attack of Hitler coincide day by day. June 22, 1812 — Napoleon addressed his troops with a proclamation that said «Soldiers, the Second Polish War has begun.»


Hitler’s medical records prove his attachment to cocaine, in 2012 X-rays of the skull and sinus of the former leader of Nazi Germany were published. Previously, these documents were kept in the archives of American military intelligence. Adolf Hitler’s medical records were put up for auction on the Internet. According to The New York Daily News, in particular, X-rays of the skull and sinus of the former leader of Nazi Germany have been published. According to experts, Hitler’s medical records indicate that he took cocaine, 28 medications and suffered from «uncontrolled flatulence.»


In 2012, a secret report on the development of mental disorders in Adolf Hitler, prepared for British intelligence in April 1942, was discovered. The report describes how a British analyst from the University of Cambridge, Joseph Mcgurdy, noticed the developing paranoia in the Fuhrer’s speeches.


Hitler hatched the idea of the genocide of Jews from his youth, in the USA in 2011, a letter from Adolf Hitler was published, in which he first mentions his plans to exterminate Jews. The document dates back to 1919. As it turned out, he had such thoughts long before coming to power. Nevertheless, Hitler’s godfather was a Jew named Prince, the family’s home doctor was a Jew, Dr. Bloch, a childhood friend of a Jew named Hanish, who later wrote: «At that time, Hitler looked very much like a Jew, so I often joked with him that he should have Jewish blood…» «The consciousness of Adolf Hitler.»


Adolf Hitler’s wife could have been of Jewish origin (although they lived in a legal marriage for only one day). Eva Braun, who was Adolf Hitler’s lifelong love, and who became his wife on the eve of the collapse of the Third Reich, could have been of Jewish origin. This is evidenced by a DNA test of her hair on a comb seized in 1945 by an American intelligence officer at the Berghof residence.

This sensational statement was made by the Independent newspaper in 2014 with reference to a documentary shown by Channel 4. According to the results of the study, Eva Braun was related to Ashkenazi Jews on her mother’s side. Thus, Hitler, on whose orders millions of Jews were exterminated, unintentionally married a partner of Jewish origin. Eva Braun was an assistant to Hitler’s personal photographer. At the time of acquaintance with the Fuhrer, she was 17 years old. The leader of the National Socialists instructed Martin Bormann to check the racial purity of a pretty young girl he liked. Only after a positive response, he ventured to courtship. Eva’s parents sent her to a Catholic school to confirm her Aryan origin. Nevertheless, Hitler was afraid that the affair could damage his reputation, so he did not marry Eva. He classified the relationship with his girlfriend and sent her to the Berghof residence in the Bavarian Alps.

The TV channel claims that in the summer of 1945, an officer of the 7th US Army, Paul Baer, who was at the Berghof at the time, took some of Brown’s personal belongings into storage, including a comb with the remains of her hair. There is a picture confirming the removal of the comb, which is recognized by experts as original. Baer’s son subsequently sold the comb to an antique dealer. From him, the strands of Eva Braun’s hair got to the hair dealer John Reznikoff, who resold them for two thousand dollars to Mark Evans, who specializes in conducting DNA tests. After that, Brown’s hair was sent for forensic examination with the participation of international experts.

To remove questions about the true origin of the hair, researcher Evans proposed to conduct DNA of the hair of Eva Braun’s surviving female relatives. However, they refused to help shed light on one of the mysteries of history. Meanwhile, Hitler’s niece Geli Raubal, with whom he lived, either committed suicide or he killed her. Renee Muller, also Hitler’s mistress, committed suicide. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Hitler was a case of classical masochism, which shocked partners who were not aware of this pathology so much that they committed suicide. Eva Braun also went through two suicide attempts.


Hitler’s illegitimate son was found, the French press published sensational evidence in 2012 that the leader of the Third Reich had an heir. According to journalists, the illegitimate son of Adolf Hitler and a young Frenchwoman Charlotte Lobjoa was born during World War I, to which the future Fuhrer went as a volunteer.


Hitler was drugging his soldiers. Wehrmacht soldiers were drugged throughout World War II. Pervitin (methamphetamine) helped them to withstand long marches and fight in the most difficult conditions (2011 post).


During the Second World War, of all the countries in Europe, only Germany had uranium mines. They were located in the Harz and Bohemia regions, the scientific institutes of atomic research were located in Austria — the Radium Institute and the Academy of Sciences in Vienna. In Germany, the Göttingen Institute of Physics became the research center of science. German scientists had all the knowledge to develop a powerful nuclear industry. Already in 1939, they created uranium machines, the first stations operating on the energy of a fissionable atomic nucleus. They developed a uranium bomb. The Uranus Project was prepared by the SD Commission under the leadership of Werner Heisenberg. It was based on the use of the resources of the enterprise «Kaiser Wilheln Gesellschaft». In Germany, atomic physics laboratories were established in Hamburg, Heidelberg, Gottingham, Leipzig, Berlin. But the security service failed to keep famous German physicists in Germany. The Hungarian physicist Edward Teller worked with them, who became one of the fathers of the atomic bomb in the United States, where he managed to escape, already having worldwide fame for the works created in German laboratories.

Back in 1940, the German scientist Dr. von Weizsacker wrote a scientific paper «On the possibilities of obtaining energy from uranium-238». By the time the air attacks on England began, a group of German physicists had completed a study on the possibilities of an explosion during the splitting of an atomic nucleus. But the German security service suspected the scientists of sympathizing with Marxism, in ties with Jewish circles, dangerous for the Third Reich. Vigilant surveillance and the identification of racial origin led to the fact that nuclear scientists began to emigrate or fled the country with the help of allied intelligence. The SD service parted with them without regret. Most of the scientists were not pure Aryans. The security service had other problems related to the newly discovered elements 93 and 94 in the Mendeleev system. But this omission caused Hitler to lose the war. 10 million senseless victims — this was the number of losses due to the omissions of Sievers, Himmler’s representative at the atomic research center, headed by Professor Walter Gerlach. It was he who told Martin Bormann at the end of 1944 that the machine could run on heavy water. Sievers did not believe, made a fatal mistake, which could not be corrected, trying to identify the right scientists from the mass of prisoners.


The creation of the atomic bomb has been going on in parallel since the late 30s in England, Germany, the USSR and the USA, for example, the American «Manhattan Project» is known, the head of the project is Colonel Leslie Groves of the Engineering troops, who led, among other things, the construction of the Pentagon building. Kurchatov noted that the contribution of Soviet intelligence officers to the creation of the atomic bomb was 50%. The contribution of Soviet scientists is great: Andrei Sakharov, Anatoly Alexandrov, Yuli Khariton, Yakov Zeldovich, Isaac Kikoin and many others.

Naturally, there was also the contribution of German prisoners of war (on December 19, 1945, the Soviet government adopted a resolution on attracting German specialists to work on the uranium problem, by the end of 1948, about 300 German specialists worked on this topic in the USSR, including the former director of the Institute of Physical Chemistry Peter Thyssen, who returned to the GDR only in In 1956 and awarded the Order of Lenin and the title of Stalin Prize laureate). But it would be unwise to reduce everything to them, they only helped speed up the creation of the bomb. The German V-2 (V-2 is the German letter «fau», from the German Vergeltung — retaliation) had a speed of up to 5.5 thousand km per hour, with a flight range of up to 290 km, during World War II 5 thousand missiles were manufactured, of which 20% were guided by a radio beam.

Back in December 1944, in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, a team of mathematicians and physicists dressed in striped robes calculated formulas and equations that solved numerous problems of the V-2 missiles, and this is the former A-4 rocket. Already the A-5 rocket was a small space rocket, still not debugged and often exploding. By the end of the war, a rocket with a length of 14 meters and a weight of 4.5 tons was created, which easily moved on a special Mailer truck. With the help of a hydraulic mechanism, its upper part slowly rose towards the sky, and with a flash of orange color, the rocket instantly disappeared in order to hit the enemy’s target many kilometers away. Hitler was thrilled by this sight. «Why didn’t I believe in these missiles right away? If I had had them in 1939, the war would have turned out differently,» he confessed to one of the generals later. Although the German Peenemunde missile range was captured by Soviet troops, but as a result of the special operation «Paperclip» carried out by the Americans, 104 German rocket engineers, including SS Sturmbannfuhrer Werner von Braun, along with documentation and calculations, were taken to the United States, which accelerated the creation of an atomic bomb in the States. Data from Rainer Karlsch’s book «Hitler’s Bomb. The secret history of German atomic weapons tests.»


150 thousand Jewish soldiers of Hitler fought against the USSR and its allies. In 2002, the Israeli newspaper Vesti published sensational material about 150 thousand Jewish soldiers and officers who fought in the Nazi army. The term «micheling» in the Reich referred to people born from mixed marriages of Aryans with non-Aryans. The racial laws of 1935 distinguished the «mishlinge» of the first degree (one of the parents is Jewish) and the second degree (grandparents are Jews). Despite the legal «corruption» of people with Jewish genes and, despite the crackling propaganda, tens of thousands of «Michelings» lived quietly under the Nazis. They were conscripted into the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine in the usual way, becoming not only soldiers, but also part of the generals at the level of regimental, division and army commanders. Hundreds of Michelings were awarded Iron Crosses for bravery. Twenty soldiers and officers of Jewish origin were awarded the highest military award of the Third Reich — the Knight’s Cross. However, many veterans of the Wehrmacht complained that the authorities were reluctant to submit to the orders and delayed promotion in rank, bearing in mind their Jewish ancestors. The absolute majority of Wehrmacht veterans say that when they joined the army, they did not consider themselves Jews. These soldiers tried to refute the Nazi racial chatter with their bravery. Hitler’s soldiers proved with triple zeal at the front that their Jewish ancestors did not prevent them from being good German patriots and steadfast warriors.


In Berlin in 2008, a contract was found that Adolf Hitler concluded with Satan. The contract is dated April 30, 1932 and signed in blood by both parties. According to the agreement, the devil grants the Fuhrer unlimited power with the condition that he will use it for evil. In exchange, Hitler promised to give his soul in exactly 13 years. Four independent experts examined the document and agreed that Hitler’s signature was genuine. Hitler was a mystically minded person, he believed in his predestination, so it is not surprising that he signed this «contract», where a hypnotist, an agent of the war capital tycoons, pushing Germany to war and obtaining super profits, acted as a devil with some blood.

It is known, for example, that «on January 27, 1932, at a secret meeting in Dusseldorf with the participation of three hundred representatives of large financial and industrial capital, Hitler outlined the program of the fascist Party and promised the monopolists to „eradicate Marxism in Germany.“ Monopolistic circles have increased support and financing of the Nazis», (World History, Publishing House of Socio-Economic Literature, Moscow, vol. IX, 1962, p. 191). As you know, Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945. together with his newly-married movie star Eva Braun, in the context of the collapse of the «third Reich», considering that he had ended his life. In his will, Hitler, a man with a messiah complex, asked that his body and his wife’s body be burned so that he and his wife, neither alive nor dead, would become part of «a play staged by Jews for the entertainment of the Jewish hysterical masses.»


«A new message about Hitler. London, June 24. (TASS). The Reuters news agency reports the Paris newspaper Paris Press that on April 29, Hitler left by submarine from La Pallice, a submarine base on the west coast of France, which at that time was still in German hands. Hitler arrived in La Pallice by plane and a few hours later left incognito on a submarine loaded with a huge amount of food and fuel.» Pravda newspaper, No. 151, dated June 25, 1945. And on May 7, the Canadians detained a submarine, on board of which they found Seyss-Inquart, the former imperial governor of Austria, and then the Netherlands, who played one of the main roles in the seizure of power by the Nazis in Austria.

3. China has pulled ahead


The world acquires new features

(co-authored with Ksenia Tikhomirova)


While the whole world was watching the next confrontation between Russia and the West, communist China took the lead in the most important economic indicator — gross domestic product (GDP), which expresses the total value of the final product, calculated in market prices, created within the country during the year using factors of production belonging to both this country and other countries.

Purchasing power parity (PPP) is the ratio between two or more monetary units, currencies of different countries, established by their purchasing power in relation to a certain set of goods and services. So, by the end of 2014, China’s GDP in purchasing power parity (PPP) will overtake the US GDP. The relevant information is contained in the materials of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). China’s GDP in 2014 is 17.63 trillion dollars against 17.42 trillion from the United States, the IMF predicts. This year, 2015, China’s GDP will reach 19.23 trillion, and the US — 18.29 trillion. At the same time, the United States will remain the leader in terms of GDP at current prices. It is expected that in 2014 this figure will reach $17.42 trillion in the United States and $10.36 trillion in China. Forecast for 2015: 18.29 and 11.29 trillion, respectively.

Russian GDP by PPP is expected to reach 3.56 trillion dollars in 2014 and 3.64 trillion in 2015. At current prices — 2.06 and 2.09 trillion, respectively.

The United States held the primacy in economic development, which is what this indicator actually says since the end of the century before last. A huge leap in US industrial production at the end of the XIX century became possible due to the widespread use of capital inflows from Europe (only in the 70-80-ies of the XIX century. -3 billion dollars, until World War I, the United States was a debtor of European countries, and after the war became a global creditor), mass immigration of European workers (in the 70—90s the years of the XIX century — about 14 million. man), the widespread use of the latest scientific discoveries and the introduction of many inventions. And by the mid-90s of the XIX century, the United States came out on top in the world in terms of the production of basic types of products and the total volume of production. In 1893, Ford built his first car, and two decades later, the US industry produced more than half a million cars a year. This led to the intensive construction of highways. The wealth of the country continued to increase thanks to the labor of an increasing number of industrial and rural workers. And now the USA has become the second country after China!


Western countries are trying to stop China’s growing economy by any means. For example, in 2008, Western countries harshly criticized Beijing for gross violations of human rights. The reason was the suppression by the Chinese authorities of mass protests of Tibetan monks who achieved the independence of Tibet.

Last year, the Chinese authorities announced that American companies could soon be denied access to China’s emerging market. According to Beijing, American consultants are often engaged in economic espionage, collecting information about Chinese companies for Washington. China reacted harshly to the statement of US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, who, according to the Chinese side, «made threats», accusing China of fomenting tension in the disputed waters of the South China Sea.

In 2014, the world’s largest gas contract was signed between Russia and China. In addition to the fact that Russia is a raw material appendage of Europe, now Russia is also turning into a raw material appendage of the PRC. The cost of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline for supplies to China is estimated at $25 billion, which is more than a quarter of the current capitalization of the monopoly ($98 billion).

Several Russian enterprises intend to use not the dollar, but the Chinese yuan as the currency of future trading operations. In addition, the second largest Russian bank VTB has signed an agreement with the Bank of China. From now on, all their transactions will be in rubles and yuan, and not converted into dollars. The Development Bank of the BRICS countries — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — is being created. The authorized capital will amount to $ 100 billion. The subscription fee, which is immediately distributed among the participants, is 50 billion. Of these, 10 will be paid immediately, 2 billion from each participating country. The Bank is being created to finance infrastructure and sustainable development projects in the BRICS countries and developing countries. China will provide $5 billion in credit support to the member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) for the implementation of joint projects, Chinese President Xi Jinping said.


American Republican politician, three times Senator Ron Paul said that US sanctions against Russia will accelerate the collapse of the dollar as a reserve currency. «Russia and China are already signing agreements on mutual trade in national currencies instead of the dollar. If this trend becomes widespread, it may shake the dollar’s position in world trade,» the politician warns. «The world is tired of having to subsidize the gigantic debts of the American government, the world is tired of producing and exporting trillions of dollars worth of goods to the United States, receiving in return a currency that is depreciating every day,» Paul writes. In his opinion, the US administration needs to abandon the policy of sanctions and the «carrot without carrot», which is applied to everyone who does something Washington does not like, since such an approach will lead to «more and more countries abandoning the dollar, accelerating its fall into oblivion.»

Another American political scientist, Paul Craig Roberts, emphasizes the «naivety» of Washington’s actions in connection with interference in the spheres of China’s interests, believing that «not only Russia will develop strategic nuclear forces.» «China’s response to Washington’s „dashing“ plan to build a network of military bases from the Philippines to Vietnam was a detailed description of how China’s nuclear forces could strike at the United States. China is also designing a new type of ballistic missile, but American intelligence does not even know about it — they are too busy organizing protests in Hong Kong.»

China is interested in Russia’s natural resources, but nothing more, and Washington’s current consultations with Beijing are rather a lever of pressure from the American government on Russia. China will not abandon Russian raw materials and investment projects, it is quite possible to limit the supply of Chinese equipment to Russia and increase interest rates on loans.

The US government will be able to offer China a lot: These are maneuvers in the Sino-Japanese dispute over the islands, reducing pressure on the exchange rate, reducing criticism of China’s observance of human rights.

Russia has once again confirmed its «turn» to the East, and strengthening ties with China may negatively affect relations between Russia and Europe, but it gives the impression of the main axis of Russian foreign policy, the axis of its vital interests. And this axis should become the basis for the creation of a new international system.

The game has already started. Russia and China should stick to the chosen line of cooperation, despite the changes on the world stage. Such opinions were expressed by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping at the talks that took place on November 9, 2014 at the APEC summit. Russia and China have signed 17 documents that relate, among other things, to cooperation in the gas sector. In particular, in the presence of the President of the Russian Federation and the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China, a memorandum on gas supplies from Russia to China via the Western route, a framework agreement between Gazprom and the China National Oil and Gas Corporation on natural gas supplies from Russia to China, a memorandum of understanding between Gazprom and the China National Offshore Oil Corporation were signed.

In addition, framework agreements were signed between Rosneft and the China National Oil and Gas Corporation regarding the acquisition by China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development of a 10% stake in Vankorneft. On cooperation between Sberbank and the Chinese Export Credit Insurance Company, as well as between the territorial generating company No. 2 and the Huadian Company on the implementation of investment energy projects in the Arkhangelsk region.

The parties also signed a technical agreement on the temporary change of the delivery point for the period 2015—2017 under a long-term contract for the purchase and sale of crude oil dated June 21, 2013 on prepayment terms under an agreement between the governments of the two countries; an agreement between RusHydro and Sansia Corporation on joint financing, construction and operation of hydroelectric power plants in the Far East East; agreement between RusHydro and Power China on cooperation in the construction of pumped storage stations; framework agreement on credit lines between Sberbank of the Russian Federation and the Export-Import Bank of China. And also — an agreement on a loan to the buyer between these institutions.

In addition, financing conditions were signed for a loan agreement to the buyer for the purpose of crediting customer transactions between Sberbank and the export-Import Bank of China, three contracts between Eurocement Group and Sinoma International CDRI for the supply of equipment, a cooperation agreement between VTB Bank and Huawei Technologies; as well as a memorandum of understanding between Vnesheconombank, VEB Asia, the Agency for housing mortgage Lending and the State Development Bank of China.

The volume of gas supplies from Russia to China in the medium term may exceed the volume of supplies to Europe,» Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller told reporters, commenting on the signed bilateral documents.

From the statements of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, regarding the imposition of sanctions against China in 1989 (dispersal of student demonstrations in Tiananmen Square):

«The sanctions are very similar to those imposed against us. Now let’s see: did the Chinese economy develop worse after that? No. Have they deviated from the course that was set precisely in the late 80s? No. Are they a successful economy? Beyond any doubt. This is an economy that will soon become the first in the world. Has China changed the social order? Did China feel punished? No. They simply mobilized internal resources, but in such a way that they did not cut themselves off from the outside world. To a certain extent, these sanctions have benefited the People’s Republic of China.»

China is ready to help Russia overcome the economic difficulties that the country has faced recently. This statement was made to journalists by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi


China’s intention to help Russia solve economic difficulties, which Beijing voiced after the recent aid to Venezuela and Argentina, means the death of the Bretton Woods system that has existed since World War II, The Chicago Tribune quotes the opinion of Bloomberg Tokyo columnist William Pesek. Such behavior by China means the loss of America’s role as the main link in the global financial system, as well as the weakening of Japan’s influence in Asia. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, created last fall by two dozen countries led by China, can be considered the killer of the Asian Development Bank, in which Tokyo plays a key role. «It is also an extremely serious threat to the World Monetary Fund and the World Bank,» the article says.

According to William Pesek, China implements the support of other countries, wanting to gain a certain geopolitical influence, while it provides assistance to states that do not agree with the policies of the United States and its allies. The agreement on currency swaps with Russia and Argentina, as well as the substantial loan allocated to Venezuela, indicate that China is ready to provide money in exchange for diplomatic alliances, the author believes.

If the crisis in the eurozone worsens in 2015, China can count on European leaders to be ready to soften their criticism, and in case of trouble with Western financial institutions, almost all Asian countries are likely to seek help from China, William Pesek notes.

According to the author of the article, China, with its help to countries facing economic problems, can force the IMF, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank to get involved in this game. Thus, competition will arise, which, being a useful phenomenon in itself, in the current international situation may leave the heads of the IMF, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank out of work. William Pesek admits that the Washington Consensus may have its flaws, but at the same time warns that such behavior by China may give rise to negative patterns of development in the global economic system.

Wars in cyberspace, access to cheap Chinese goods and modernization of the Chinese Armed Forces are three aspects that affect the balance of power in Sino-American relations, the Spanish newspaper La Gaceta notes. The first signs of the Pentagon’s concern about China’s military modernization appeared back in 2010, the newspaper notes. Then Vice Admiral of the US Navy Robert Willard requested additional funding from the White House for funds with military purposes, since «the United States was unable to ensure the security of its allies.»

4. Is the Russian coat of arms Hittite?

Russian heraldry

It would seem that it has long been known that the modern Russian coat of arms dates back to the coat of arms of the double-headed eagle, which was borrowed by Grand Duke Ivan III, after marrying the niece of the last Byzantine Emperor Constantine XI and the daughter of the despot of the Seas Thomas Zoya (Sophia) Palaiologos, from the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium). The coat of arms symbolized that Russia is a Eurasian power, on the coat of arms one head is supposedly turned to Europe, the other to Asia. In the Roman empire, the double-headed eagle symbolized the division of the state into Western and Eastern empires.

However, the ancient Indo–Europeans — Hittites, who came to the territory of modern Turkey from the steppes of the Urals, had a similar coat of arms in the bend of the Kyzyl-Irmak River, 4 thousand years ago there was the capital of the Hittite kingdom — Hattusas. Scientists have managed to establish that the Hittites appeared in Central Anatolia at the turn of the III and II millennia BC. Their traces were destroyed and deserted settlements throughout the central part of Asia Minor. When mapped, they form a dark band on the routes from the Caucasus to the Aegean Sea. Archaeologists find a continuation of this destruction zone in the northern part of the Balkan Peninsula. Everything was burned. The peoples related to the Aryans and Iranians left their original habitat in the steppes of the Southern Urals and moved west. It is also interesting that the people mentioned in the Bible are the Hittites (the sons of the Hittites) and their language is an Indo-European language.

His words are close not only to Greek and Latin, but even to German and English. Other words are closer to the Celtic language or do not find parallels at all. One can only assume that they are closer to the Caucasian languages. At the same time, the Hittites’ building structures, their fortresses and palaces, colonnades and sculpture vividly resemble the Mycenaean era, relating to the history of Greece in the first half of the II millennium BC. The Hittites, without a doubt, resemble Europeans. Their writing was the oldest among the Western Indo-Europeans. The language in which, according to the Bible, the Hittites conversed with Abraham is considered to be related to the language of the ancient Germans.

And when, after several centuries, at the beginning of the XIII century BC, the Hittites concluded a peace treaty with Egypt — about two and a half millennia before the Crusaders — some words similar to German, English, French or Latin were used in the negotiations that were conducted about this treaty. Moreover, it is well known what they looked like. Their images are found on the walls of Egyptian temples, and they can easily be distinguished from Semites. The Hittites were big-headed, with large, long noses; they looked, according to some scientists, about the same as the inhabitants of Westphalia (an area in Germany). However, not only these Westphalian faces of the Hittites, but also their ancient name «Hatti», or «Heta», prompt some assumptions. Because the same name «hatti» is found among the Germanic tribes that appeared between the Rhine and the Weser in the last centuries BC, as Tacitus reports («Germany», 29). By the way, archaeologists have established that the capital of the Hittite Empire Hattusas — Bogazkey in the XIII century BC was completely destroyed by a huge fire.

A rock image of a double-headed eagle grabbing hares. Coat of arms of the Hittite kings. XIII century BC.

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