Energy meditation

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If we don’t know each other — I’m 35 years old, a coach and psychology coach — I’ve been studying independently since I was 15 and writing books since I was 20.

Even as a child, I wondered: why does a person live in this world? And what happens after he ends his life? Is that all? Darkness and nothing more?

Since then, I’ve started looking for answers to these questions. Literature at that time was scarce and I had to collect information bit by bit and ask friends, acquaintances, and students with whom I studied. But I didn’t find the answers I was looking for. I have lived by observing the world and my surroundings, making some conclusions, and writing notes since I was a child.

My parents instilled in me a love of travel. My father took us to the sea every year, and we often went hiking in the mountains. It was then that I fell in love with traveling and exploring new places, people, and cultures. Meeting and communicating with different people gave me food for thought, and my horizons became wider and wider.

While I was studying at the university, the Internet appeared, and I started persistently searching for like-minded people who were also looking for answers to philosophical questions about life. Then I came across a series of books called “Agni Yoga” and read them all. At first, I didn’t understand anything but it was very interesting to read them, and little by little something changed, happened in my head.

These books hooked me. I began to think outside the box and the answers to the questions I was looking for appeared inside me.

I started visiting other countries and aimed specifically at places where there were no tourists. Now we call them “places of power”. I started finding anomalous objects, unidentified artifacts, and elements of forbidden history.

If you ask me why I traveled, I will say that I found a relationship between the expansion of consciousness and a person’s acquaintance with other cultures, races, and civilizations. Being at home all the time, the person’s consciousness will be limited to the room, apartment, and city in which he lives, and the horizon will be very narrow. However, if a person can travel to at least a few cities, his brain will already be different, his thinking will begin to expand, covering new areas and his head will start working in completely different directions.

In my travels, I was looking for just such things that literally “blow up the brain”. Then consciousness searches for answers to questions, and in this search, something is born that we call “superconsciousness” or connection with the higher self. It was these processes that I began to study through meditation.

Why did I need such an experience? The fact is that each person, as an element of the universe, develops and expands. We’re not talking about building muscle right now (“faster, stronger, further”) — it’s all about developing the body. This is also good but we are talking about the development of consciousness, about spiritual development.

A human is not just a biorobot or a set of muscles and bones. He is a “cosmic” being. A person is on the planet and thinks only about their everyday affairs — this is the reason for the limited consciousness.

When we use meditation and energy practices to study various objects outside of our planet, we get a spiritual experience as if our spirit is flying somewhere out there in space and learns something unknown. This is comparable to how we travel and expand our consciousness.

Through meditation, we also travel and expand our consciousness but in a spiritual way.

Meditation is the door to immense power. Meditation is the door to superconsciousness.

Sun Light “Energy of Thought”

That’s what I traveled for and still do. I build my way in meditation practices and train people so that they can also expand their consciousness.

For more than 12 years, I have been conducting seminars and training on the following topics: psychology, personal growth, and traveling to places of power. A separate topic is spiritual practices. More than 5,000 people have already completed my training programs around the world. I share my own invaluable experience for self-development, as well as advanced knowledge that I have received from my teachers in different countries.

I have visited more than 40 countries with my expeditions in the last 12 years. He is familiar with famous shamans of Peru, Mexico, Bolivia, Guatemala, the USA, Mayan, Waitaho, Maori, Hopi elders, leading historians and scientists of India, Israel, Russia, and many other famous representatives of their cultures.

Here are some of my achievements:

— certified teacher in several practices: Merkaba, Sacred Geometry, Healing Mandalas, Dan-Hak;

— author of several techniques for unlocking human potential;

— master of Reiki;

— a practitioner of ashtanga, Iyengar, Hatha yoga, the Korean San Tao system, and body-oriented psychotherapy. Practical experience since 2000;

— teaching experience since 2004. More than 200 offline classes were held in more than 30 cities of the world: seminars, training, and field practices;

— author of articles in scientific journals both Russian and foreign;

— I speak at conferences and on TV in thematic programs and interviews.

I have conducted seminars in more than 20 cities in Russia, and many of them have an active community that keeps in touch with me. That’s where people meet and practice what they’ve learned. Personal growth, finding yourself, expanding your vision and consciousness — these are popular topics for today, when the ecology, social and geopolitical situation leaves much to be desired. Even without advertising, people found me and invited me to study and conduct seminars and master classes in their cities.

You can read reviews of our training and courses here:Free Meditation by Nikita Emelianov (evo-class.com)

In 2015, my partners and I created the International Center for Personal Development “EVO” — a unique training project. Its goal is to reach the Russian-speaking audience all over the world and through educational content help people find a source of strength and inspiration within themselves, find inner peace and harmony, give people the opportunity to develop their consciousness and acquire new skills, develop and show creativity, freely travel around the world and do what they love.


If you wonder where I got my knowledge — I can say that I got it from the energy of the world, from the cosmos but this will be an incomplete answer.

At school, we are taught to brush our teeth, dress neatly, and not stain our clean clothes, and this is also taught by our family and parents. We are taught how to stay healthy, be physically safe, and not jump off heights, for example.

But no one teaches children about energy, information space, and energy security.

I have raised these issues in this book, and if you have children, you can safely communicate with them on this topic, if, of course, the moment of trusting relations between you and the child has not yet been missed.

In addition to cultivating the practice of energy purification, it is also necessary to instill and tell children about the importance of this. It is beneficial to do it from the position of a friend, not from the position of authority. Trusting, friendly relations are the key to mutual understanding between a parent and a child.

The energy connection can be either healthy or not. Communicating with children on simple topics and asking simple everyday questions is vital. For example, with whom you feel a surge of energy in partnership, with whom it is easy to communicate, and who, on the contrary, pulls life out of you. But first of all, you need to ask yourself such questions.

When I traveled around the world and met interesting, unusual people: shamans, scientists, and masters of various esoteric practices, when communicating with them, I received information not through verbal contact but rather through energy. The essence of the methods and exercises described in this book is precisely this.

When you read this book, you read the lines with your eyes, and your mind, third eye, and thyroid read between the lines.

The first recommendation for reading is to see, pay attention, and read information between the lines.

In the course of reading you will come up with questions quite often, and I hope that you will look for answers and write down insights in your notebooks.

This book is the quintessence of my knowledge of energy practices, meditation, and the structure of a person from the point of view of energy. Lines, ideas, and practices described here are not copied, nor taken from other people’s articles — this is a rundown of the knowledge gained through non-verbal, energetic contact, which I received in the course of my training over the years.

Some people call it lucid dreaming or other similar terms but the bottom line is this.

When reading this book, be sure to make notes in the notebook, and after performing the exercises, write down the conclusions that came to you intuitively.

Why is it so important to engage in energy practices and meditations right now? Today, humanity has reached the point of no return. This is what environmentalists, scientists, and many researchers say.

People are so bogged down in consumer thinking, they have squeezed all the juice out of the ground, that we have already passed the point of no return from the point of view of ecology and life on earth, and now we are degrading. If you do not take any steps, we will have a very sad future.

Actions to protect or restore the environment no longer lead to significant improvements. People are increasingly susceptible to mental disorders, and emotional traumas that psychology cannot cope with, and they are also increasingly resorting to surgical interventions.

Most people turn to non-scientific methods but rather alternative spiritual development, energy practices, and exploring the inner world.

For all these reasons, this book is so relevant and important to anyone, whether they believe in God and angels or not.

This book can be read by anyone at any age.

Read between the lines, make notes, and follow the practices, meditations, and exercises described in the chapters.

In conclusion, I want to put the final chord — if you desire to improve yourself, to learn more deeply, I invite you to the workshop, which is described in more detail at the end of the book.

Join marathons and communities — there you will be able to meet people who have already embarked on the path of spiritual development and self-knowledge in terms of the energy of their body, mind, and emotions. They have already made a certain path and can share their experience — this is why the circle of like-minded people is so important.

I am extremely happy that I was able to contribute to bringing together incredible people!



Bioenergetics is an important topic to learn from early childhood. At school, we study a lot of subjects concerning the third dimension. Native and foreign languages are vital for living in a three-dimensional world but bioenergetics is just as necessary as, for example, preventive health care.

Bioenergetics is an important topic to learn from early childhood.

Let’s say we brush our teeth every morning. After that, we are sure that your teeth will be healthy, white, and not destroyed in 10, 20, or 30 years. A little closer to the end of life, they begin to collapse naturally. Although this is not a fact — you can influence the physiological processes in the body, and grow a new tooth, which will be updated indefinitely.

I view bioenergetics from an applied perspective. I like to give a simple example — imagine that you are cooking soup for a family. What can you do to help your loved ones? You prepare a dish not only for yourself, and fresh hot food made from high-quality products also has a beneficial effect on improving their health, well-being, and mood. Thus, in addition to satiating the stomach and body, their energy gets purified and improved.

You may have come across the peculiarities of the Hare Krishna culture and some other similar cultures when they prepare prasadam. Prasadam is a sacred food that they take themselves and serve to their guests. First, an offering is made to the altar, and then a meal. An important point is that Hare Krishnas continuously chant prayers during cooking.

Sometimes when you cook food, no matter whether you are a man or a woman, it happens that you are kind of irritated, and angry, angry but you need to cook. At this time, you are tormented by disturbing thoughts and experiences — the pandemic is in full swing, how to survive on the street without a mask; what if you get sick; lose your job; what if you get fired; you get sick; your boss is a fool, constantly presses you; your knee or liver hurts. We constantly cultivate some negative thoughts in ourselves but at the same time we cook without paying attention — everything is automatic, like a robot. But this energy is stored in the water.

Water is the structure that makes up 80% of us. That is why borscht, pancakes, draniki — any dish prepared with bad thoughts, can get you poisoned. This is not fiction but science, a proven fact. But if you deliberately stir for at least a minute, saying something good to the soup — sending a message of kindness and love, saying a prayer for food, then you will enjoy the food yourself and structure the body of your relatives and friends.

This is what I preach — to use energy for applied things.


Bioenergetics also applies to the physics of the body, for example, to the laws of thermodynamics because we generate heat.

You may have heard a real story about a monk in Buryatia who was buried 75 years ago. He sat down in the lotus position and told the disciples to chant a prayer. So the monk simply left the body. He said that in 30 or even 75 years, it could be dug up and explored. About 20 or 30 years after the war, the monk was raised but the body did not change, only slightly dried up as if the liquid was gone. What a surprise it was for scientists when they took samples of cells, nails, and hair, and found out that the body was alive.

I don’t know if you can call this monk a human being or not but he exists. Once or twice a year the body is opened and people come to worship it. Of course, this man looks strange in old photos but he exudes a fragrance. This person has learned certain spiritual tools, with the help of which he has preserved his physical body.

I’ve heard of initiates who sit down. They go into caves, far away from human habitation, sit down, enter Samadhi, and their body remains. One of these residents, one of the great teachers, always walked with a stick, and during the time he was in Samadhi, ants ate through the joints in his lower limbs, and his legs did not move well. This is a real phenomenon, a fact that scientists have investigated, which is beyond doubt.

Man is a super-energetic being. Imagine us not in the usual form, sitting on a chair — there are hands, feet, and all parts of the body. Imagine that this is an astronaut’s spacesuit. Astronauts put on a spacesuit to go out into space, and we put on a spacesuit to live on earth. And inside, we don’t look like an organism but like a stream of energy. The type of energy flow can be represented as anything — a prana tube, as a disk — a body of light 18 meters. It’s not that important. We are energy, it flows through us constantly, and if it is turned off, we will disappear, like in the movie “The Matrix”. The biosuit will shut down. Without food, we can live for days, months, years, eating prana; without water for 5–10 days, without air for minutes but without prana — not a second.

I recommend reading Max Fry’s books. According to the plot, the hero in lucid dreams moves to another dimension and begins to live there. On the one hand, this is fantasy but on the other hand, other dimensions have been proven mathematically and scientifically. There are lucid dreams, worlds in which we travel with our consciousness, alien races, beings from other dimensions, and living between dimensions.

Imagine that there are billions of species of living beings on earth: insects, animals, amphibians, birds, fish, mammals, and humans. Billions.

The world that you see around you: walls, phone, TV, computer, glass — is this the only thing that exists at this moment, at this second around you? A solid desk, a pen — real but it’s the only thing that surrounds you? Of course, there is air — it is invisible to the eye but the school said it is out there, we breathe it.

Have you noticed that there is a trend — everyone is engaged in countryside farming, and for some reason, this does not increase life? Why — because there is no motivation, no one to live for. That is, if people are retired — they benefit the world. But growing carrots in the country, for example, is just food, survival. A person should benefit society, we are like leaves on a tree. If a leaf on a tree produces oxygen, it is needed. As soon as it stops giving oxygen, the foliage withers and falls off. Here you can draw an analogy with a person who ceases to bring value to the world. You all have a certain value: someone is an accountant, someone is a builder, a repairman, an artist, and so on. By abandoning the mission to bring value, a person gradually fades away, like a leaf on a tree.

The second important point is the private information provided in the workshop of a Canadian scientist. Alpha waves extend life in children. The older a person gets, the smaller the alpha waves get, and as soon as they disappear completely, the person also ends up existing.

Is hand-healing a superpower or not? That means, someone put their hand on the diseased organ, healed it, and moved on. I think so because most people don’t know how to use this technique. Or, for example, the ability to predict the future — in the morning after waking up, you already know exactly what will happen today, what people you will meet on the way, and what lessons the universe will prepare for you. And with a calm soul and heart, you go into the world and go through the necessary experience.

These 2 superpowers exist. I’m not talking about being able to walk through walls or anything like that. Most likely, your brain will perceive this as a joke but there are documentaries of people with superpowers and indigo children who performed inexplicable things.

Such energy capabilities are called Siddhi — superpowers of a person. I think that in 10–20 or even 100 years, we will already be watching people walk through walls, teleport, and use telekinesis. Only a few people already have telekinesis skills, and Master Joe is a man who uses his finger to boil water. All of them are real people who know how to manage energy.

We may not need the ability to create boiling water with our hands but at least we need to be able to heal our bodies, harmonize relationships with our family and friends, understand the causes of misunderstandings, and get out of the same negative scenarios throughout life. That is why knowledge about bioenergetics should be studied in school.

Unfortunately, science does not recognize such phenomena, so I and other mentors teach mechanisms and technologies that we have independently tested on ourselves, trained by many mystics, shamans, and scientists.

Are vampires related to bioenergetics, or are they some kind of creatures born with vampire talent, with magical abilities? Vampires are creatures or humans. They don’t have to be human individuals — they can be entities, egregors, and entire countries and peoples.

There are many types of vampirism but our goal is to master 2 things. The first is how to protect yourself from vampires, and the second is how to restore your energy and avoid vampires. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that all of us have taken strength from people at some point. Consciously or unconsciously, we all pump energy from each other. The main feature that should be understood is that there are vampires who do this on purpose because they feel a surge of vitality. Some people take energy unconsciously but enjoy it.

There are also individuals who because of their ego, exert emotional violence, and pressure others — this is called provocation. In total, there are 16 types of provocations. Such people can have both weak and powerful energy, feeding on the forces of others for themselves or other entities, demons that they carry. Just so you understand, I don’t mean otherworldly, no.

Demons are internal negative states that attract entities. Such a person will suffer due to the possession of a huge amount of energy that he supplies to his parasites. Often these parasites use the forces of loved ones are relatives. Relatives are the best teachers. They can be both vampires and those who support, or on the contrary, who create difficult situations in various ways.

I’ll teach you how to filter the connection when a vampire drains energy from you, or if you’re the sink.


Close your eyes. Deep exhalation — inhale through the nose and keep your eyes closed. Another deep exhalation — inhale through the nose. Stretch out your arms and imagine that you have a ball of energy between your fingers. A ball or a sphere — it turns on quite quickly, if you are sensitive — in seconds, if not very much — it takes a minute. If it doesn’t work practice until the heat appears.

Keep your hands in the air. You will have a ball of energy: warm, bright, and pleasant. The muscles in your body are relaxed. Once again, a deep exhale-inhale. Your palms are about 30 cm apart as if you are holding a soccer ball. Focus on the palms of your hands and the space between them. Imagine a bright ball of light — a sphere.

Slightly spread your palms and feel how the heat goes away from the palms. Breed to the end, you can even get 1 meter. Then reduce the radius, focusing on the warmth in the palms of your hands. Pay attention to what you feel: heat, tingling, vibrations, or nothing.

Focus on the palms of your hands, bring them to the end, close them, and only touch the palms with your fingertips. Only the fingers don’t touch. Feel the warmth, the heat of your hands. Once again, feel prana flowing around your hands like jelly as if you were in the rain. Hands, fingers, everything is filled with prana, and now we are stretching.

You feel heavy as if your arms can’t stretch, heavy, something pulls, like rubber. Keep your focus on your hands and stretch out that energy. Pull, feel the heat, feel the vibrations, and even if you don’t feel anything, keep your attention focused.

Energy, heat, and hold the ball again. Now try to squeeze this ball but this movement should be very easy, just a fraction of a millimeter, do not squeeze too much. Hold your breath, inhale, hold your breath, and try to squeeze the ball literally 1–1.5 millimeters. Pay attention to your hands! Exhale. Inhale again and try to squeeze a little bit again. Focus on the sensations. Exhale.

Now imagine a ray of energy coming out of your palms. Beam, string, or a cord from palms. Imagine. This can be visualization, sensations, feeling, or psychic sensations — use any channel. Decide what color it is, what shape it is, and what it looks like in general. Whether there are rotations, whether there are movements, what it is made of, what texture, and so on. Turn it into a golden lace, clean, smooth, beautiful, glowing, bright, healing, and smooth. If it worked — well done.

Now create a purple plate between your palms. A transparent plate of purple color between the palms, which is like a filter, or separator. This ray of light does not cut you but stands like a separator, like a filter as if you put an air filter, and in this tube, there is air through which it is filtered. Identify the feelings inside you. That’s it, the beam is gone, and the purple filter is gone.

Now imagine a light, pure, golden ball in front of you. Imagine, somewhere at a distance of a meter or two, the sun: beautiful, bright, glowing, pure light. You can ask your angels to help you. This is the healing energy. This healing sun creates such a liquid, flowing, golden light, and it reaches out to you. You can also extend a ray of light from your heart, connect it, and let this pure energy move in all directions. You can say something to yourself — they will help you. Say light, love, purity, kindness, and healing. You can pronounce the names of angels and archangels — this will help you adjust the frequency.

Now you train, and then you will it to whoever you have difficulties with. Imagine a meter-by-meter purple filter in the middle of this cord, this line, this beam. Imagine the purple color in as much detail as possible. Purple color, meter by meter, square filter, exactly in the middle filters energy.

Direct your energy to the sun. Look at what came from Sunny. Embrace the energy, and see what has reached you. Take a deep breath and exhale. Imagine outside your house: a bonfire, a stove, take this filter and let it burn. Burn it completely — everything has turned to dust, ashes, it has completely dissolved.

Turn off the sun, and the light line also dissolves. In the end, hold your hands as you held the ball and feel what is between your hands, what energy is flowing. Is it different from what it was in the beginning? Try to separate or connect your hands by a millimeter. This is a subtle movement, like a light wind as if you are feeling the air. Disconnect-connect, disconnect-connect. Most likely, you will feel a rubbery sensation. As if it’s hard for you to connect and separate your hands.

You have accumulated quite a strong energy in your field. If you were a healer or a student, you could start a healing session, both for yourself and for others. You have a lot of energy in your hands aimed at those areas where you have health problems — put your hands and that pure light, those healing energies that you have in your hands, just warm up as if you are warming up your organs with a hot water bottle. Take a deep breath and exhale. Don’t forget to say the words of light, love, healing, goodness, happiness, joy, and grace. Everything you wish for yourself: healing, health, love, harmony, happy relationships. Put these palms to your eyes and see what happens there.

Put your hands together, eyes closed, and watch what happens on your screen. On the inner screen, either on your eyelids or just slightly in front of you. Observe the shapes you can trace.

There are three levels of vision — this is somewhere between the first and second. See what is happening in front of your eyes, what light, visible forms, if invisible but tangible — remember them.

Take a deep breath in and out. Feel the warmth in your eyes and say the affirmation: good, love, happiness, healthy eyes, healthy vision, healthy intracranial pressure, and normalization of all metabolic processes.

Take a deep breath in and out. Come back. You can lower your hands and open your eyes.


The violet filter refers to the Sinjarman energies. One of the ascended teachers is from an esoteric point of view.

From the point of view of science, purple is a neutral color. You can neutralize water contamination or water poisoning by using the violet color, that is, if you direct a violet beam, or laser, on a glass of water, it will neutralize negative energies in it for a certain period of time.

Therefore, when a vampire communicates with you, or you know that soon you will have this communication, it does not matter whether on the phone or in reality, just put a purple filter on the channel where the energy goes.

Don’t forget to burn it at the end — it’s very important! Always burn these filters after bioenergetic work — this is not magic, this is pure science, although it is called metaphysics.

What is energy? Different people have different ways of perceiving energy. For some, it can be a visual channel, for others, it can be a sensory channel, that is, you can feel the body through the skin or touch. If you feel warm during meditation, then you have a sensory channel, and if you have seen a ball and a golden color, then your visual channel is well developed.

There is a clairvoyance channel, and there are other channels but if you managed to see dinosaurs — this is a special channel that is owned by specially gifted people, when people’s energy turns into some kind of sacred form, into a totem animal, and so on. If this is your case, it seems that you had such an experience in your previous life.


What is aura? We can say that this is bioenergetics. The energy itself, prana-cosmic energy, has a rather distant relation to the aura because it is a psycho-emotional transmission of the brain.

If a person is irritated, then the vibrations of the brain, these generated waves create a kind of shell of glow around. There are certain technologies to see the aura. The prana of energy is not really an aura, it flows through your channels, through the prana tube, through the top of your head, through your perineum, and down your legs.

The unified information field of the earth is an important term here.

We have our planet, our shell, the soil on which we live, rocks, water, and so on. But around the planet, in addition to solid matter, there is the same pranic shell as around a person. Moreover, our planet, our earth, is physically neither a sphere, nor an oblate ellipse, nor an oblate sphere, nor an apple.

It is an icosahedral dodecaidos — this is a scientifically proven fact. If you look at the planet as a whole, its lines — mountain ranges, faults all create dodecahedrons, supplemented by icosahedral caps.

The Christ Consciousness network or unity network is a kind of Internet, a connection but only at the energy level.

Why did humanity invent the Internet? In Atlantis, the population had telekinesis, teleportation, and past lives. Humans used to live up to three hundred years and could communicate over long distances without needing a telephone. People knew about their past lives, and they could read all the information from the Akashic records as if it were a matrix.

This is not the first time I have mentioned the film “The Matrix”, and this is not accidental — take the time to watch this work yourself or with your children. Pay attention to the moments when the characters read information, and learn how the matrix is turned off.

Hartmann lines are lines of force that are projections of those energy lines that are located above the earth. The force lines are located in places of anomalous zones, in places of power that I visited like Egypt, Mexico, Jerusalem, the Qumran caves, and so on.

Along these lines, energy moves like a huge global network — these are highways with a huge flow of energy. People who live near such places have certain abilities and are closer to information. Although it is worth noting that anyone anywhere in the world can read information.

What is an important aspect of this data puzzle? Everything that we see in movies and read in science fiction books, all the inventions — for example, the periodic table, the benzene ring, and other things that scientists allegedly invented — all already exist in a single energy Internet.

Inventors have unconventional thinking — this is the secret of their success, and we are limited to templates. For us, the three-dimensional world, those tiny two millimeters that we see in front of us, is all life. For inventors and scientists, the brain works differently, and that is why they have the opportunity to reach the information field and download the data that they need.

The benzene ring was created in the alpha state, or so-called boundary state.

As we all know, Mendeleev saw the table in a dream. But this discovery was distorted in the history of science — in fact, he saw not a table but a spiral. The first element was hydrogen, added to the table, and the gold-cut spiral was gone.

Initially, the zero element of the periodic table was prana — pure energy but not the electron proton. This is a proven fact but for the convenience of teaching in school, and perhaps to hide information, prana was modified to hydrogen. Mendeleev always said that all elements came from prana-energy. Our entire material world is a product of cosmic invisible energy, so energy is primary, and our body, all the elements that make us, are secondary. With the help of prana energy, we can pump our reality.

I want to draw your attention to an important point that concerns the design of a profile in social networks. I recommend not hiding behind different logos, pictures, and fake names — these are installations that steal energy.

In social networks, the avatar must include your face, your real first and last name, and your status should indicate who you are, what you do, and how you can be useful to the world. If a person hides from the world behind incomprehensible names, and logos this indicates certain attitudes. Naturally, the world reacts to these settings accordingly, that is, even if there is no avatar, then the universe simply does not see you.

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