Destino Final Es Orfanato

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Adapted short stories in Spanish for reading, retelling and translating

Объем: 29 бумажных стр.

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It is allowed only with the personal written permission of the author to copy the methodology for presenting this textbook (either orally or in writing) for the purpose of teaching or writing a manuscript of a textbook, namely: to put foreign / Russian words in brackets or over their corresponding Russian / foreign equivalents, to mark sentence with special notation as shown in this tutorial; to reprint, reproduce by electronic means or by any other means the entire book or any part of it.


This tutorial is intended for schoolchildren and students, as well as for a wide range of people studying Spanish, it consists of 5 stories and 5 exercises for translation from English into Spanish. All translation exercises have keys. At the end of the book, all 5 stories are given in the non-adapted form. The vocabulary asset of the material proposed for study contents 783 Spanish words.

Spanish stories and translation exercises are adapted according to the method © Linguistic Reanimator — each Spanish word or idiom is accompanied by a English equivalent, for example: historia (story).

By complexity, the text can be useful even to the beginners at levels A0 — A1, it will be interesting at the level of knowledge A2 — C2. Spanish translation exercises are at the level of B2 knowledge.

About the tutorials series © Linguistic Reanimator

The textbooks in English and Spanish language of the © Linguistic Reanimator series, significantly reduce the duration of a foreign language training and improve the quality of students’ perception of new words and normative grammar of a foreign language. The advantages of this technique are as follows.

In each sentence the foreign words are given in brackets. Using this technique, a person who has never previously studied English / Spanish and does not have any vocabulary has the opportunity to begin exercises of translation from / into a foreign language already in the first lesson.

The technique allows you to learn new English / Spanish words and expressions easily and quickly, from exercise to exercise, hone and improve the skill of correct translation into a foreign language, train the skill of interpretation. Each manual of this series can be used as a self-study guide.

All textbooks of the © Linguistic Resuscitator series were written “on difficult students” who needed to get a large amount of quality knowledge in a short period of time. This is the purpose of the training aids of this series.

From the author

This tutorial is a self-study guide. If you need additional consultations or classes, you can always contact me.

My contact details

Skype: oliva-morales

E-mail: oliva-morales @ mail.ru


Tatiana Oliva Morales

Special designations

historia (story) — Spanish word, translation;

! — in this place there should be a preposition;

… — in this place you need the article;

books (libro..) — 2 points after the noun mean that it must be put in the plural;

2.very much (mucho) 1.surprised (sorprenderse) — the numbers before some words indicate in what order these words should be when translated into Spanish.

Destino Final Es Orfanato

Exercise 1

Read the story in Spanish. Translate it into English. Learn new words and phrases. Retell the story in Spanish.

Destino Final (final destination) es (is) orfanato (orphanage)

La primera historia (the first story). Sasha

Sasha llegó (got) al (to the) internado (boarding school) cuando (when)

tenía (he was) tres (three) años (years old). Su (his) padre (father) le trajo (brought him) allí (there). Los cuidadores (the caregivers) pesaron a Sasha (weighed Sasha) y (and) jadearon (gasped): el peso (the weight) del (of the) niño de 3 años (of the 3-years boy) era (was) solamente (only) ocho (eight) kilogramos (kilograms).

Y (and) un poco (a little) más tarde (later) se hizo (became) evidente (clear) que (that), por encima de todo lo anterior (to top all of the above), no oye (he hears) casi (almost) nada (nothing). No (no), no está completamente sordo (he is not completely deaf), y (and) existe (there is) la esperanza (a hope) de que (that) el audífono (the hearing aid) le ayude (will help him), pero (but) por el momento (at the moment) Sasha (Sasha) no oye (can hear) prácticamente (practically) nada (nothing) y (and), como resultado (as a result), no puede (he cannot) aprender a hablar (learn to speak), por lo que (so) se queda atrás de (he lags behind) sus (his) pares más afortunados (luckier peers) en el desarrollo (in development).

Pero (but), a pesar de eso (despite this), es (he is) inusualmente (unusually) amable (kind), cariñoso (affectionate), tranquilo (calm), sonriente (smiling) y (and) extremadamente (extremely) inteligente (smart) al mismo tiempo (at the same time).

La historia (the back-story) de (of) Sasha (Sasha) fue (was) la siguiente (as follows). Cuando (when) apareció (he appeared) en (in) el proyecto (the project), sus (his) padres (parents) tenían (were) dieciocho (eighteen) años (years old). Unos años después (Several years later), su (his) madre (mother) murió (died) y (and) su (his) padre (father) se volvió a casar (remarried).

La madrastra recién hecha (a freshly made stepmother) le golpeó (beat him). Y (and) la historia (the history) no dice nada (the history is silent) cómo (how) se alimentó Sasha (Sasha was fed) y (and) con qué (with what) frecuencia (frequency). Pero (but) su peso de ocho kilogramos (his eight-kilogram weight) nos da una mala idea (gives us a poor idea) de (of) esto (it).

El lector (the reader), probablemente (probably), se sorprenda mucho (will be much surprised), pero (but) el padre de Sasha (Sasha’s father), que (who) no ha visto (has not seen) a (-) su (his) hijo (son) desde que (since) le llevó (he took him) al (to the) internado (boarding school), ya no está privado (isn’t deprived) de (of) los derechos de los padres (parental rights). Aunque (although), quiero (I want) creer (to believe) y (and) confiar (hope) que (that) estos mismos derechos (these rights) nunca más (will never) serán necesarios (be needed) para (for) él (him).

En (in) el internado (the boarding school), Sasha (Sasha) ganó rápidamente (quickly gained) peso (weight) según su edad (for the age), pero (but) el problema de la audición (the hearing problem) sigue (remains) sin resolverse (unresolved).

Exercise 2

Translate the story into Spanish.

Final Destination (distino final) is (ser) Orphanage (orfanato)

The first story (la primera historia). Sasha

Sasha got (llegar) to (a) the boarding school (…internado) when (cuando) he was (tener) 3 years old (tres años).

His (su) father (padre) brought him (le llevar) there (allí).

The caregivers (…cuidador..) weighed (pesar a) Sasha and gasped (jadear) — the weight (…peso) of (de) the 3-years boy was (ser) only (solo) eight (ocho) kilograms.

And a little later (un poco más tarde) it became (hacerse) clear (evidente) that (que) to top all of the above (por encima de todo lo anterior), he hears (oir) almost nothing (casi nada).

No, he is not completely deaf (no estar completamente sordo), and there is hope (haber esperanza) that the hearing aid (…audífono) will help him (le ayudar), but (pero) now (ahora) Sasha practically (prácticamente) does not hear and, as a result (como resultado), he cannot learn to speak (no poder aprender a hablar), so he lags behind (quedar atrás de) his (su..) 2.luckier (más afortunado..) 1.peers (par..) in development (…desarollo).

But, despite this (a pesar de eso), he is () unusually (inusualmente) kind (amable), affectionate (cariñoso), calm (tranquilo), smiling (sonriente), and extremely (extremadamente) smart (inteligente) at the same time (al mismo tiempo).

The back-story (…historia de fondo) of (de) Sashа was (ser) as follows (la siguiente).

When (cuando) he appeared (aparecer) in the project (…proyecto), his (su..) parents (padre..) were (tener) eighteen (dieciocho) years old.

Several years later (unos años después), his mother (madre) died (morir), and his father remarried (volverse a casar).

The freshly made stepmother (…madrastra recién hecha) beat him (le golpear).

And the history (…historia) is silent (no decir nada) how (como) Sasha was fed (alimentar) and with what frequency (frecuencia).

But, his eight-kilogram weight (su peso de ocho kilogramos) gives us (nos dar) a poor idea of it (una mala idea de eso).

Probably (probablemente), the reader (lector), will be surprised (sorprenderse), but Sasha’s father, who has not seen (ver a) his (su) son (hijo) since (desde que) he took him (le llevar) to (a) the boarding school (…internado), isn’t deprived of parental rights (no estar privado de los derechos de los padres).

Although (aunque), I want (querer) to believe (creer) and trust (confiar) in this case (en este caso) only (solo) that (que) these rights (derecho..) will never be needed to him again (no ser necesarios para él nunca).

At (en) the boarding school Sasha 2.quickly (rápidamente) 1.gained (ganar) weight (peso) for the age (según su edad), but (pero) the hearing problem (… problema de la audición) still remains (seguir) unresolved (sin resolverse).

Key to exercise 2

The key to exercise 2 is exercise 1.

Exercise 3

Read the story in Spanish. Translate it into English. Learn new words and phrases. Retell the story in Spanish.

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