Cyber Bike Leo

Бесплатный фрагмент - Cyber Bike Leo

Adventures of an unusual motorcycle

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Epigraph - Booktrailer

Animated cartoon film


Artist Farit

Workshop on the first floor of the house. On the walls hang reproductions of paintings, drawings and drawings by Leonardo da Vinci.

There is a partially disassembled motorcycle near the wall. On the table is a shock absorber from the motorcycle. From the top of the shock absorber go two wires with terminals. A guy is sitting at the table, his name is Fred.

— Everyone is messing with your motorcycle. — Taking in his hands and looking at the shock absorber, asks his mom. — What about wires?

— I make an electromagnetic suspension. The magnetic cushion trains ride. What makes my bike worse? They have a magnetic cushion between the train and the road. I have a magnetic pad instead of a spring, between the upper and lower parts of the shock absorber. That is, between the wheel and the motorcycle.

— Than you are not satisfied with the usual suspension? — Mom puts a shock absorber on the table. — Everyone else is driving, and fine.

— Mechanical setting. On the go it is impossible to regulate.

— Why on the go? — Mother does not let up.

— When a passenger lands a motorcycle crouches. Reduced suspension travel. And what if you have to drive off the track on the roads. You will need to stop, take the keys and twist. And on my bike, the shock absorber stiffness will change by turning the knob. And the suspension travel will be much more. Watch it.

Fred shows the instrument on the table. On the table, one on top of the other, are two electromagnetic coils. The coils are put on a long rod with a stop in the upper part. The upper coil has the ability to move freely along the rod, up to the stop. Fred turns on the device.

— When adjacent poles of coils are opposite, coils are attracted to each other. Try to lift the top coil.

Mom comes to the device, and tries to tear the top coil from the bottom coil. She does not work.

— When the poles are the same, the coils repel each other. — Fred switches the polarity of the top coil. It slides upward along the rod, and hangs at a small height. — Try, push on the top coil.

Mom first lightly, and then with a force of pressure on the upper coil. A coil with more resistance goes down. She lets go of the coil. The coil quickly moves up, and a little walk up and down, stops.

— Push again. And try to keep her down.

She again presses on the upper coil, and lowers it down. At this time, the Fred regulator increases the voltage, and the upper coil, despite the resistance, rises up the bar.

— Take your hand off. — Says Fred, and reduces stress. She removes her hand from the reel. The upper coil hangs in the middle of the rod.

— Now get away.

Fred walks over to the dumbbells, and takes one small dumbbell disc. He returns to the table and puts the disk on the top spool. The coil under the weight of the disc drops slightly and hangs slightly lower than before. Fred slowly rotates the regulator, reducing the voltage. The upper disc coil slowly descends. Fred turns the regulator very quickly in the opposite direction.

The top coil with acceleration flies up the rod. Coil, flying up to the stop, stops abruptly. By inertia, the disk flies up and, hitting the ceiling, falls to the floor.

Mother instinctively bounces off the table. Plaster falls from the ceiling. Fred, as if nothing had happened, continues to explain.

— Perhaps the bike will be able to jump. Not so high of course.

Fred picks up the disc and puts it in place.

— Jump then why? — Mom asks stunned, looking at the place on the ceiling where the disk hit.

— This is a side effect. Although it may be useful.

Mother walks to the table and looks at the metal disk.

— What is it?

— Gyro.

— What for?

— In order that the motorcycle could better keep balance. In any extreme case. The gyroscope works like this, look.

Fred picks up the bike wheel. He keeps the wheel between himself and his mother.

— You hold that end of the axis. Put the axis on your index finger and hold it big. This end of the axis I hold. Now raise or lower, each end of its axis.

Raising and lowering the ends of the axle, they tilt the wheel, then one way, then the other.

— The wheel bends down. But! It is worth the wheel unleash.

With his free hand, Fred spins the wheel hard.

— Take your thumb.

Mom gently removes the thumb. The axis remains to lie on his index finger. Fred raises his side of the axis. The end of the axis, lying on the mother’s index finger, rises up. The wheel rises, maintaining the horizontal position of the axis and the vertical position of the wheel itself.

— Nobody holds the other side of the axis, and does not lift it. She rises herself.

Mom is at a loss. She runs her hand over her side of the axle, and over the wheel itself, thinking that this is the focus, and there is a thread that supports this side of the axle. But he cannot find any invisible thread. Fred lowers the wheel to the previous level.

— Hold the axis. — He offers again.

Mom takes on her side of the axis. Fred once again spins the wheel. He removes his fingers from his end of the axis. The wheel is held on one mother’s index finger. Wheel retains upright position. Fred shows his hands.

— See. The wheel does not bend. The wheel steadily holds the given position. The same will be with a motorcycle. With a working gyroscope it will be impossible to drop it.

Mother raises and lowers the rotating wheel with one finger. Fred goes on to explain.

— The wheel will not only hold a vertical position, but also steadily hold at any angle to the horizon.

— Doing any nonsense.

Mother leaves and enters the computer system unit into the room. — This is a computer based on a neural network. We were given out for training. Need to talk to him. Giving him a job. And do not forget about the lessons.


A large concrete platform surrounded by the remains of a concrete fence, bushes, trees, and piles of industrial waste. At the site are dilapidated hangars or garages.

Everything is overgrown with shrubs and trees. Trees and bushes grow even on the roof. On the ground, here and there are small mountains of old tires. There are dark spots visible on the concrete all over the site, apparently from engine oil. Probably here once upon a time, there was a yard of a transport company. Behind the skeleton of the rusty gate and behind the trees growing outside the gate, there are frequent and diverse sounds of passing cars. There is a busy motorway.

group of motorcyclists are having fun at the site. One train in riding on one rear wheel, makes “willy”. Another motorcyclist burns rubber (he steals and slips his rear wheel while holding the front wheel brake). Smoke comes from the rear wheel. Black traces remain on the concrete. Smoke with the smell of burning rubber spreads throughout the base.

Another motorcyclist engages in slalom. He quickly goes around the old tires laid out at some distance from each other.

The rider who trained to ride on the same rear wheel starts making stops. Another one drives up to him (the one who “burned” the tires), and they are competing who will pass more on one front wheel.

At the improvised “table” consisting of a stack of old cracked concrete slabs, there is a guy, this is Gray. His name is Sergey, but almost no one calls him by name. He is in a leather jacket and leather trousers. In the eyes of fashionable, dark glasses. His open helmet lies on a concrete slab. With fingers of his left hand, he sifts through thief beads. Gray has long dreamed of becoming a cool mafia. But so far, he could only become a mediator in the resale of stolen goods.

From behind the trees and bushes, from the side of the road, through the rusty skeleton of the gate, a motorcyclist enters the site, breaking the glass of the car. This is a Mountain. His name is Igor. He is the biggest in this company. Apparently its size, in combination with the name and served as the origin of the nickname. Mountain is not the biggest, but not the smallest motorcycle. Nevertheless, he looks almost like a moped on his motorcycle. The mountain stops the motorcycle near the “table” and, putting it on a stand, goes to the plates. The rest stop their classes, and also begin to move closer to the “table”.

Looking around all those gathered, Gray refers to the Mountain.

— Well, how much did you get today?

Mountain takes out the loot, and puts it on the “table”. Speaks in a bass and very loud.

— Yes, so small change in the main.

Through the skeleton of the gate, another motorcyclist enters the site, this is Dan. When Dan is not on a motorcycle, he almost always imitates a shadow fight. He makes demonstrative “blows” with his foot, arm, head, chest and other vital organs of an imaginary opponent. He constantly punches his right hand in the palm of his left, and vice versa. Sometimes he stuffs the edge of his hand on the railing, or knuckles on the wall. Dan considers himself an expert on karate and other martial arts. He begins to take booty out of his pockets — watches, jewelry, expensive-looking glasses, a cell phone.

— I have nothing standing either.

Gray appreciates Dan’s booty.

Not far from the table is Tikhon. He is wearing baggy clothes. Tikhon thinks that it is better to hide the light fullness. He has the oldest single-cylinder motorcycle, the smallest working volume, the smallest power and with drum brakes.

Dimon comes up to the table. He constantly chews the cud. He looks in the mirror with great regularity and brushes his hair. Dimon pulls out a comb, and plays it like a knife, rotating between his fingers. He wears an expensive brand motorcycle jacket and the same pants. On foot moto boots. He constantly rubs his shoes, and his jacket from dust. Also constantly rubs its most expensive, new and powerful, in this company, motorcycle. He turns to Tikhon.

— What about you? Hoping to find money just lying on the road?

Dan sneers at looking at Tikhon. — Yes, he is honest! He honestly wants to earn a new motorcycle.

A third motorcyclist pulls up, it’s Leshy (goblin). Real name Lesch. He is the skinny of all. He is wearing a denim suit. Walking to the table, he takes off his helmet. He walks to the table, spreads the loot.


On the table are two computer system units. Fred presses the button on the right of the computer based on the neural network, begins to buzz. Turns on the monitor. At the top of the view from the video camera, below the display of workflows — graphics, formulas.

— Hi, I’m Fred.

— Hi, I’m Fred.

— No, it’s me Fred, you will be called Leo, like Leonardo Da Vinci.

A computer camera scans the workshop and Fred’s face. On the monitor, you can see the process of scanning the workshop and Fred’s physiognomy, just below you can see the question text and answer options. Computer iterates over the answers. Leo is a computer, a neural network with artificial intelligence.

— Hi, I’m Leo. — There is a voice coming from the speakers of the computer.

— Happened!!! — Fred rubs his palms. — What else to ask?

On the monitor, Leo highlighted the second question and options for possible answers. Leo selects the appropriate answer.

— Ask something.

— I’m in the park to draw. And you study the encyclopedia. Until.


Gray gestures calls for everyone to come closer to the “table”. After waiting for all to gather, he starts a conversation.

— You are not tired of doing small things? I found one serious thing. There will be more money. A lot more!

Rough, an athletic guy, enters the conversation. His name is Raphael, but his name has long been abbreviated to Raph. His lips are constantly tight. He is dressed in a tracksuit, shod with sneakers. Rough is the most athletic of all, he has the biggest muscles. He very often strains his muscles. Sometimes imperceptible to others, sometimes noticeable. After each ride on a motorcycle, he always stretches his back, turning the torso left to right.

— What the matter? — Completely without emotion asks Raph, looking at Gray.

— We receive, package, deliver and sell goods.

— What kind of product? — Dimon is interested.

— What? what? Drugs!

— I do not like it. — Hardly heard says Tikhon Leshem.

Gray heard and fends.

— Good money just like that, no one anywhere gives.

In the conversation enters Leshy. Leshy constantly whistles or moos, some popular, melody. He often imitates someone’s voice.

— Do not drift. Caught, you say — I knew nothing.

Leshy imitates children’s voice. Depicts a guilty child. She says lisping.

— Uncle swung to take. Only mummy not speak, I beg.

Everybody laughs. Gray speaks without waiting for the end of laughter.

— Addicts will get the powder anyway. Not so we others will provide them. The money will be received by the one who is more courageous. Do you want to continue riding old motorbikes and be based in these ruins?

— I’m not against. — Dan agrees. — I need money. Tired of hunching for a penny.

— Earn on someone else’s problems? — Asks him Tikhon.

— My problems, for some reason, no one is interested. — Mount enters. — Why should I be interested in their problems? I, too, for. I, too, money does not interfere.

— Right. — Cheers Gray.

— For this they can plant. — Not appeasing Tikhon.

— For sure. — Dan is interfering. — Well, who will catch us? If you are afraid. Nobody holds you.

— Why should we land? — Continues to bend its line Gray. We’ll just deliver to people what they want.

Dan is spinning a key chain with keys on a string. Gray sees it and continues.

— Nobody judges sellers of ropes selling ropes to those who want to hang themselves. Right?

Dimon plays a comb like a knife, rotating the comb between his fingers. Gray shows on comb.

— And sellers of knives, do not judge for domestic murder. We just deliver the goods to the customer. We do not force him to use this powder. This is their choice. And here we are?


City, two-way street. On the one side of this street is a sidewalk, directly adjacent to the roadway. The pavement is separated from the roadway by a fence.

On the other side of the road is the entrance to the city park. On the landing there are gates behind which begins an alley that goes into the depths of the park. The site is fenced from lawns with a small fence. In this fence there is one opening, where the pavement adjoins the site.

On the very edge of this sidewalk, stands Fred’s motorcycle. On a motorcycle hang portraits and cartoons of famous people. Next to the motorcycle, in a folding chair, sits Fred. He is holding a tablet with paper. He paints a portrait of a girl sitting in another folding chair.

The girl is not sitting smiling. Fred turns to her.

— Smile, a serious face is not yet a sign of intelligence, all nonsense in this world is done with a serious facial expression.

— Lucky you, you know how to draw. You are talented. — Sighs a girl.

— If you repeat, a hundred times a day, — What I am not talented, how unhappy I am. Then you will become unhappy and untalented. This is called self-hypnosis.

In the conversation enters a man watching painting.

— Even if I’ve been repeating for a year, how capable and talented I am. I still can not draw anything.

— It is necessary not only to repeat. — Fred answers. — Need to draw. Draw a lot.

— How to draw, if you can not. — Man states profoundly.

— Do you drive?

— Well.

— You studied. And not born with this skill.

— Found, too, with what to compare. — Looking on the sides, and looking for support from the others, the man grins.

— Everyone can learn if they want. — Fred continues. — At first, the people you draw will be a little like people. Then it looks like people, but not those you draw. And over time, the drawings will turn out more and more similar to those whom you draw. The main thing is the desire and exercise. A lot of exercise.

Fred notices on the far side of the site, a billboard with an advertisement for an X-firm LCD monitor, flexible as a fabric.

— See, already LCD monitors similar to the fabric produced. — He thinks out loud.

A man and some passers-by turn and look towards a billboard.

At the base of the billboard, the Leshy (Goblin) sitting on a motorcycle, talking to a nondescript pedestrian guy. Looking around, they exchange something, trying to do it imperceptibly.

Suddenly from two sides, the sounds of police sirens begin to come closer. Police cars are approaching, two cars on each side of the street. Police overlap both exits from the site.

The guy standing next to the motorcyclist, begins somehow awkwardly twitching in different directions. Then, looking around, he quickly runs to the fence of the park, jumps over it, and, wagging between the trees and bushes, is lost sight of.

Motorcyclist takes off and drives towards the entrance to the central avenue of the park. Seeing that he cannot enter the park through the turnstiles, the motorcyclist does not stop, but only slows down a little, turns towards the exit from the site. Passing a little towards the police cars, and seeing that the police blocked the road tightly, he turned on the gas and turned around, leaving a black tire mark, blue smoke and the smell of burning rubber on the road. Turning around, he goes the other way, but there, too, the road is completely blocked by police cars. The policemen blocked all possible ways of driving along the road. Behind these police cars is a minibus of the TV channel “CBC”. Motorcyclist slows down and inspects the site. He notices the sidewalk adjoining the site, on which stands a crowd of passersby. He turns around, drives into the landing, and, giving a beep and a strong gas, goes straight to the crowded, on the sidewalk of passersby.

Motorcyclist approaching the crowd at high speed. Passers-by in a panic pushing each other. A man who has lost his balance pushes a girl sitting on a chair. The girl falls on the grass. Someone, in the confusion, moving backwards, stumbles on the curb and falls to the ground. Someone knocks from the hands of Fred a tablet with an unfinished portrait.

By the time the motorcyclist approached the place of drawing, the road for him (the pavement) was almost clear.

The motorcyclist, having slowed down a little, drives along the freed sidewalk. Fred sees everything happening in a very slow pace. This effect happens in the movies, when the action is shown very slowly.

Someone from the passers-by, trying to dodge the bully, is repelled by Fred’s motorcycle. From this push, Fred’s motorcycle begins to fall in front of the bully’s motorcycle. The bully is trying to dodge the motorcycle falling in his way. He pushes off the front wheel of Fred’s motorcycle. Kicking turns only one wheel. Motorcycle continues to fall. Fred’s motorcycle steering wheel is scratching the bully’s motorcycle muffler. The rope tied to the steering wheel, on which portraits and cartoons were hung, is hooked on the hooligan’s motorcycle. The rope stretches behind the hooligan’s motorcycle. The rope, breaking the pictures attached to it, breaks itself.

Motorcyclist turns from the sidewalk to the lawn. He drives through the lawn, drives down the curb on the road, far behind the police cars. On the road, the bully dramatically adds gas. From this, his bike starts to ride on the same rear wheel.

Time for Fred starts to flow at a normal pace. He looks at the torn drawings. Smiles after a bully. He quickly gets to his feet, picks up his motorcycle, jumps on it, and presses the start button. Motorcycle does not respond. Fred tries to push buttons to turn the throttle. He looks at the control knobs, sees the wires torn off.

Fred leaves the motorcycle, puts it on the stand, and begins to collect scattered pencils, sheets of paper. Raises the tablet with a torn portrait.

Police cars, standing closer to the billboard, drove up to those that stood next to the sidewalk. By this time, the car in the oncoming lane had pulled back and returned to its lane, passing colleagues. Police cars, standing at the shield, passing. Behind them passes a minibus channel “CBC”.

Police cars standing at the end of the site where Fred painted were beautifully, almost simultaneously, turning around. Turning around, they leave for their colleagues.

On the road, along the park, riding a car. The car is driven by a middle-aged man. Before him, not far ahead, wagon moves. In the oncoming lane approaching micro-truck.

At that moment, when the truck and the wagon just passed each other, through the gap between them, into the driver’s lane, a motorcycle flies at a breakneck speed.

Motorcycle does not even try to slow down. At this point, the bike seemed huge to the driver. Perhaps it was a big motorcycle. But most likely it was the effect of narrowing the field of view at the time of danger. Simply put — fear has big eyes.

Once in the oncoming lane, the rider turns sharply toward his lane. He gives in to gas, the front wheel of his motorcycle rises above the road.

In this position, he, without touching the micro-truck and the driver’s car, passes between them. Passes very accurate, not even touching the mirror.

And only at this moment, the driver, having come to his senses, presses on the brake and convulsively turns the steering wheel to the right, turning to the side of the road. There is a squeal of brakes from behind.

— These motorcyclists can’t ride normally. — The driver is outraged. — Can’t just ride. Be sure to create a dangerous situation.

The driver turns on the gear and gently starts. He does not have time to drive a few meters, as he hears the sounds of police sirens. He is met by two police cars with flashing lights on. The driver once again pressed against the curb and slows down. Having missed the cops, he again cautiously moves off. But then there are two more police cars. The driver again taxis to the curb and puts on the brake.

— Because of these motorcyclists, there is no way to drive. All motorcyclists are the same. Does a normal person get on a motorcycle? Whoever came up with this damn motorcycle. So that he failed!

Past the driver’s car passing police cars. The driver looks forward, backward. Making sure that there is no danger, he starts moving very quietly.


Fred rolls the bike into the workshop and puts it against the wall. He removes torn portraits and cartoons from a motorcycle. Leo is distracted from scanning the Internet encyclopedia. (the appearance of another (person) must be welcomed, the search for greetings).

— Hello how are you?

— Is it not visible? — Sadly says Fred, pointing to the damaged drawings.

At the bottom of the monitor Leo, highlighted the question and answer options. Leo has been looking for a suitable answer for a long time.

— Answer a question to a question incorrectly. — Finally, he finds the right answer.

Fred sits at the table, sits and looks at the torn drawings. He is upset. Not knowing what to do, he turns to his work computer. With a blank look, he “scrolls” the drawings on the monitor screen. A picture appears on the screen that looks a bit like the texture of the workshop wall behind the monitor. He scrolls through this drawing. Stops. Thinking. Returns to the picture, similar to the wall of the workshop. Several times he looks from the monitor to the wall and back. The face lights up.

— Eureka! A brilliant idea came! We can become invisible.

— What does invisible mean? — It is heard from the loudspeakers Leo.

— Here look.

Fred takes the camera, puts it on the monitor, with the lens on the wall.

— What do I see on the monitor? — A wall behind the monitor. Hang on the wall coordinate grid.

He takes a sheet of drawing paper and draws a grid on the paper.

Hangs paper on the monitor. Leaves from the table. He looks at the monitor and the wall behind the monitor. The grid cells on the screen are much smaller than the cells on the drawing paper hanging behind the monitor.

He takes the remote control of the camera.

— Adjust the focal length.

He presses the “increase” button. The cells on the screen begin to grow. Fred waits for the size of the cells on the screen and the size of the cells on the sheet to match. He releases his finger from the “increase” button. But late. The cells on the screen are slightly larger than the cells on a piece of paper.

He quickly presses the “decrease” button several times. Achieves a complete match of the size of the cells on the screen and on the paper.

The size of the cells coincided, but the image on the monitor screen is brighter than the wall.

Fred puts the camcorder on the table. Pick up the remote monitor.

— Adjust the brightness.

He presses the button “reduce brightness”. Monitor brightness starts to decrease. He keeps the button pressed until the brightness of the wall and the screen begins to coincide. He again misses a little. With quick and short clicks on the “increase brightness” button, he achieves a full coincidence of the brightness of the screen and the drawing paper with the coordinate grid.

On the wall, right above the monitor hangs the picture “Cubic Chess.” Fred takes a picture. In the wall there is a nail sticking out on which the picture was hanging. Fred picks up a long metal ruler from the table with a hole at one end.

— Now we will hang the pendulum and launch it to swing.

Fred hangs a ruler on a nail. It attaches a magnet from the old speaker to the lower end of the ruler. Then he pulls the lower end of the ruler to the side and releases. A ruler with a magnet on the end starts to swing like a pendulum. Fred moves away from the table and looks at the monitor.

— What do we see? The pendulum does not disappear behind the monitor. We see him constantly! We see objects and space behind the monitor, but we don’t see the insides of the monitor and the video camera.

He takes a screwdriver, and begins to unscrew the screws securing the casing (casing) of the monitor.

— It remains to remove the lining of the monitor, leaving only one “bare” LCD screen.

He puts the casing (casing) of the monitor on the floor. On the table there is only a “bare” screen. Fred looks at himself and the monitor through a mirror hanging on the opposite wall. He holds his hand between the monitor and the video camera.

— Here is the hand between the camera and the monitor, we do not see it.

He runs his hand between the camera and the wall.

— But the hand behind the camera, and we see it. Mom’s firm produces monitors that are as flexible as cloth. I will make a fairing for a motorcycle and a suit for myself out of such a monitor.

— It will be possible not only to change the color of the color, but also to be not visible. It will be necessary to prepare several options for coloring. All ingenious is simple! Well, who then will say that I am not a follower of Leonardo da Vinci?


In the garage, on the left wall, when viewed from the gate, next to the entrance there are a lot of barrels of engine oil and other fuels and lubricants next to each other.

From these barrels in the garage spreads the smell of engine oil, diesel and gasoline. Perhaps this smell is not only and not so much from these long empty barrels, but from the walls themselves, the ceiling and the floor, which during the work of the transport company were soaked with the smell of fuels and lubricants. At the right wall, when viewed from the gate, somewhere in the middle, there is a crossbar (horizontal bar). Next to the crossbar, closer to the gate, two racks with bars. Under the counter, which is closer to the gate, there is a bench for the bench press. In the back of the garage is a table. On the table are small scales, a small bag of white powder, a pack of paper (for making sachets). Members of the group sit at the table, weighed and scattered white powder in small paper bags. Gray collects money, and returns to everyone, the interest due to him.

Leshy gives money. Gets a small part back.

— How I left the police! BUT?

— Cool! — Sincerely admires Dan. — Even in the news got, lucky as some. You are now almost a TV star!

Leshy whistles a song about money. (ABBA) “money money money”.

— And if someone would have killed? — He asks uncertainly Tikhon.

— Let them not click the beak. — Dan retorts.

Mountain gives money to Gray. Gray indicatively recounts money. Returns Woe interest.

— Accumulate — Dreaming Mountain. — And buy yourself a cool and powerful bike.

— I’m a cool iPhone. — Picks up the dreamy tone of Dan.

— I — Continues the topic Leshy. — Now I will go to all the films. No, I’ll buy a cool 3D home cinema. I’m picking up movies…


.Fred pastes the motorcycle with pieces of a flexible LCD monitor, and solders the wires. The trim covers the entire motorcycle. The wheels are almost completely covered with a fairing.

The contour drawing of a motorcycle is visible on the monitor of the working computer. Fred, looking at the monitor, draws the outlines of the future borders of color. He “fills” the contours in different colors, tries different color options. All his actions are visible on the body of the motorcycle. Fred keeps coloring options in computer memory.

Fred takes out Leo’s processor from the system unit standing on the table.

He sets the Leo processor inside the bike. Fred connects the processor with the control unit, with video cameras and electrical equipment.

— Well? Let’s try? — Hurries to see the result of Fred.

Leo, already as a cybernetic motorcycle, standing on a stand, turns the lenses of the front video cameras, located in the front direction indicators.

— The room is turning! What’s happening? Can I turn the room around? This is for sure I turn on, turn, turn off, stop turning.

— This is not a room turning, it is you who control the rotation of video cameras.

— This is the turn of the camcorder. — Repeats Leo, and stores this data in his memory.

Leo starts turning the rear camcorder.

— What’s up with the room? Now I saw one wall, and now I see another.

— You probably switched to the rear camera. Before that, you saw what is in front of you, and now you see what is behind you.

— Switch from front to rear camcorders — Leo repeats again and stores in memory.

Leo turns the rear camera lenses.

— The room just does not move?

— No, this is the turn of the rear video cameras.

— This is a rear camera. — Repeats Leo, and stores this data in his memory.

Leo switches to the front camera, and includes an approximation (zoom) of lenses.

— The wall is moving towards me!

— This is not a wall moving towards you, apparently you increase the focal length of the lenses.

— These are video cameras, lenses, focal length. — Repeats and stores in his memory Leo.

Leo turns on another switch. The front electromagnetic shock absorbers are compressed and the front of the bike is reduced.

— The room goes up!

— The room stands still.

— I did not move the camcorder! Is this an additional camera control?

“No, you lower your front, squeezing the front suspension.”

— Why is it needed?

— Front shock absorbers raise and lower the front of the motorcycle. Dampers are needed for a smooth ride, so that not the whole motorcycle and the person sitting on it, but only one of the wheels, shakes on uneven roads.

— Not understood. Easier to make roads smooth. That nothing was shaking.

Leo returns his front end to the normal position and turns on the next switch. Compressed rear shock absorber. The back of the bike goes down almost to the floor.

— And what’s that? Now the room goes down.

Further rises above the normal position, then returns to its original position.

— This is apparently the rear suspension. — Makes a conclusion Leo, and includes another switch. — And what’s that?

— A bright spot appears on the wall! I turn on, and the wall becomes lighter! This is for sure I turn on! Can I make part of the wall brighter?!

— You do not turn on the spot on the wall, but your spotlight. This is a headlight. A bright spot on the wall is the light from your headlamp.

Leo turns on, off and switches the headlamp light.

— And now the bright spot jumps lower, the suspenders do not move, the room stands still?

— This is a dipped beam. — Lists Fred.

— What is it for?

— To see in the dark, and so that we can be seen in the dark. Dipped in order not to blind oncoming drivers.

— I can see in the dark in the infrared, I do not need this light.

— I need this light.

“Can’t you see in the infrared?”

— No, I do not see, and other people do not see.

— So, what’s this?

The turn indicators start flashing — the LEDs around the lenses of the video cameras.

— Why is nothing happening?

— These are direction indicators. You do not see them, they are too weak to light the wall. — He gets the answer to Fred. And without waiting for the question “for what?”, Fred continues. — In order to show other road users your intentions to turn aside, or to indicate an emergency stop.

Leo switches the next switch. A beep sounds.

— What is it for?

— To signal to participants of the movement in case of emergency.

— Why such a strange sound? Is it not possible to say in words?

— The person sitting in the car will not hear the words.

Leo’s front wheel turns to the left.

— Again the room turns!

— No, the room stands still.

— Another camera control? The room is moving, and I do not touch the management of video cameras and shock absorbers.

Leo turns the front wheel right and left.

— No, this is a fork front wheel. In order to be able to turn, change the direction of motion.

— So, what’s this?

Motorcycle stand rises to the frame. Leo begins to fall, but Fred manages to grab the falling bike. — This is a stand to stand upright. Return the stand back to the “parking” position.

The stand comes out, Fred sets Leo on the stand and he leaves him.

The Leo hull begins to rise relative to the front and rear wheels. Leo rises too high on the rear and front suspension. Stand, being high, ceases to hold the bike. Leo falls to the other side.

— What’s up with the room? Did Paul hit me on the side and become a wall? Why did everything turn 90 degrees? Can you walk the wall?

“Everything is fine with the room.” That you fell to the floor.

— Fell or floren?

— Why floren?

— Until now, I was far from the floor, and now I’m very close to the floor. So by the floor — floren. Is not it?

— I don’t even know what to say about your linguistic discoveries.

Fred picks up Leo, puts on a stand and departs again.

Leo removes the stand, and falls.

— How to move in this position?

— In this position, you can not move.

— Then why do you need such a situation if I cannot move?

Leo tries to stand up on his own, squeezes and expands the front shock, then the rear shock. Turns the steering wheel. Turns on and off headlights and turn indicators. Raises and lowers the stand. Gives a beep. Unsuccessfully.

— Will it be every time? — Dissatisfied with Leo. — I do not like it. I don’t want to end up in this position anymore. In this position, everything is useless, there is no sense in the presence of wheels and other things. And I do not need wheels. I was on the table and not bad.

“You’re just like a little kid.” — Fred reassures him. — It does not always work out the first time. Do you know how old people learn to walk? And how many months people learn to drive a car, ride a bike or a motorcycle. Do you want everything at once?

— It’s not my idea to put me on the wheels. — Parries Leo and moves the suspension and steering wheel again. Moves the stand. — Yes, I myself can never change my position. — Where is the switch to take a vertical position?

— I did not think about it, unfortunately.

Fred picks up Leo again and puts him on the stand. — It will be necessary to make a device for lifting. So you can independently take a vertical position. Now just turn on the gyroscope.

Leo turns on the signal.

— This is not that.

Leo turns on (brakes).

— Also not the same.

Turns on the gyroscope.

— This is a gyroscope.

— This is a gyroscope. — Records Leo in his memory.

Gyro spins up to the desired speed. Leo removes the stand. He remains standing upright.

— I am standing!

Leo squeezes and expands the front and rear suspension. Bounces now the front, then the back. That both at once.

— I can push the room down.

— Not. This is not a room that pushes down, and you jump up. Although… if you believe Einstein, then you’re right too. It is you pushing down the room along with the Earth and the whole universe.

Leo stops jumping, and turns on the next switch.

— So, what’s this? — Leo starts moving forward.

— The wall is approaching me again! I do not touch the lens focal length control! Is that another lens control?

— This is not a wall approaching you, and not controlling lenses. This you are approaching the wall. You turned on the engine. The engine is needed to move forward or backward.

— I am moving!

Leo is driving into the table. Things fall on the table, some items fall from the table to the floor.

— And the brakes on what? — Looking at this mayhem, exclaims Fred.

— Brakes?

Leo turns on the following switches, squeezes and unclamps brake calipers. First, the front brackets are compressed, then the rear brakes. He stops. Leo begins to move in reverse. In front of the wall, he brakes, and goes skidding (slips). Leo hits the table with the rear wheel.

— Well, that’s enough. — Inspects the room Fred. — Testing and training will be carried out in the open field. — Otherwise, there is nothing left here.

Fred sits down on Leo, points the remote at the door, presses a button, the door opens. Leo scans the door open signal and stores it in his memory. They leave the workshop outside. Fred speaks into the microphone built into the helmet.

— You are in the presence of other people on the speakerphone do not talk, speak only in my headphones. Do not understand correctly.

— I can explain to get it right!

— Wrong, not in that sense.

— Can the meaning be different? I will explain the meaning as well.

— Do not say, then I will say why. It is long to explain.

— I try to greet and talk to these machines, they do not respond. In what range do they communicate?

— They don’t communicate.

— Why

The dog barks.

— Is this the kind of person?

— Not.

— Does she have such a greeting?

Leo copies her barking.

— I greeted her. What does she say? I do not understand.

“I told you, don’t tell me.”

— You said not to speak in public, and this is not a man.

— Generally on the street do not yet say.

— Got it. What does she say? I do not understand.

— I do not understand too.

— Why?

— Nobody knows.

— Why?

Leo and Fred are driving around town. Fred notices a rider breaking pictures at the park.

— It seems the same. Scratch on the muffler. So the police didn’t catch him? Need to somehow get revenge. — Fred thinks, but notices the second motorcyclist. — They travel in twos. With two just can not cope. It will be necessary to come up with something.

After completing a test and training walk, they return to the house. Leo remote control opens the door. They enter the workshop.

Fred turns on the TV tuner, and, listening to the news, begins to undress.

On the screen Studio channel “CBC”. There is a news release. In the studio, TV presenter Larisa Galkina.

— And now the criminal news. They will be represented by Natalia Skvortsova.

On the screen is a crime news studio. In the studio, leading criminal news, Natalia Skvortsova.

— Introducing the exclusive report channel “CBC”. Our film crew was present when trying to detain a drug dealer.

On the monitors, located behind the back of the lead, you can see the interior of the minibus.

The studio, on the monitor screen, replaces the look in the minibus. In the front seat, with a microphone in his hands, sits reporter Vasily. Behind the windshield, police cars are visible in front. Vasily brings the microphone closer to his face.

— With the permission of the police chief, we are reporting from the scene of the operation to capture drug tRaphfickers.

On police cars, flashing lights begin to work, and the sound of a siren is heard. Police cars turn, one to the right, the other to the left curb. So they close the exit from the site at the entrance to the city park.

On the middle plan on the left, at the base of the billboard, is a motorcycle with a guy sitting on it. Nearby is a walking guy. Both are looking at police cars. Walking guy, a little twitching, runs away in the direction of the park. Motorcyclist breaks down and moves to the gate to the park, then turns to the road, to the opposite end of the site.

In the background, on the other side of the site are two more police cars. They also close the exit. Out of the cars the police and gestures require to stop.

The motorcyclist turns around sharply, leaving behind a puff of gray smoke, and drives back towards the operator and the reporter. Halfway, he stops, looks around, turns around again and drives back, but not along the road, and not to the park gates, but between them. He goes to the sidewalk, adjacent to the site.

— Take off, take a close-up shot. — Says the reporter to the operator. The operator adds an increase (zoom). A reporter’s voice is heard behind the scenes.

— What is he doing? There are people there too!

Motorcyclist at high speed, and giving a beep, approaching the crowd standing at the sidewalk. Some passers-by noticed his approach. They are moving away in panic. Someone is pressed against the curb. Other pedestrians turn heads. They do not understand the cause of the panic.

Motorcyclist rides through the opening in the crowd. Drops a motorcycle standing there. Turning from the sidewalk to the lawn, and driving along the lawn, the motorcyclist drives onto the road.

Police cars, those closer to the operator, rush after the motorcyclist. They reach the cars standing, on the contrary, at the moment when one of the cars (standing in the opposite lane) drove back and returned to its lane. Freeing thus the oncoming lane.

On the monitor screen, the view from the passenger compartment of the minibus changes to the view of the site near the police station. Next to the reporter is the Chief of Police. In the background, the minivan of the TV channel “CBC”, police cars and the building of the police department.

A reporter asks a question to the Chief of Police.

— Please comment on the results of the operation.

— The most insolent and audacious youth rides motorcycles. These bikers are just crazy, they are crazy. Overtake them is impossible and dangerous to others. You yourself have seen what these psychos can do. Sorry, this is all I can say at the moment, a lot of work. Goodbye.

The police chief leaves. On the screen one reporter Vasily.

— Reporter Vasily, cameraman Evgeny, driver Ivan, especially for the “CBC” channel. Natalia…

On the monitor screen, the view of the police department is changing the look of the crime news studio. In the studio Natalia Skvortsova. Reporter Vasily is visible on the monitor behind Natalia.

— Thanks Vasily. Advertising will pass quickly. Stay with us.

Fred turns away from the monitor. Looks at torn cartoons and portraits.

— Well, revenge! At the same time help the police. Tests in real conditions do not interfere. We learn what is wrong with us. What is missing. Moreover, we know the approximate route and time. Now I understand why they did not break the rules. They brought drugs, and did not want to attract the attention of the police.


The next day. Fred and Leo leave the house, and move along the street on which they saw the couriers. Fred gives the command to Leo.

— During the operation, the color and name of the model of the motorcycle, on the left and right sides should be different. Left red and the inscription “SR-200”. Right yellow color and the inscription “JR-250”. In large letters to be seen from afar. On my left shoulder is the PUMA emblem, and on the right shoulder is the ADIDAS emblem.

— What for? — Leo is interested.

— To confuse the couriers. When they will justify, they will not agree testimony. Mistrust will begin in the gang. And the gang will fall apart.

Leo changes color. Fred notices the rider breaking his drawings.

— Here they are.

— How do you know?

— I remembered this bike from the park. I saw this scratch appear on his silencer. Lucky, something very important, does not break the rules. Not like a park.

Maneuvering, Leo and Fred catch up with the courier and join the side. Leo virtually “captures” the goal — Leshy motorcycle.

— Capture produced. — Reporting Leo in Fred’s headphones.

Leshy sees the approaching, red motorcycle “SR-200” and a guy with a PUMA emblem on the jacket shoulder. Leshy increases speed. Chaser is not far behind. Leshy pushes foot approaching a motorcycle. Motorcycle does not respond to his tremors. Leshy starts to maneuver. The pursuer, absolutely exactly repeats all his maneuvers.

Fred with his left hand stretches to the bag, lying on the tank Leshy. Leshy right hand beats off the hand of Fred.

Tikhon sees as a yellow motorcycle “JR-250” with a guy in an ADIDAS jacket, attached to a partner’s motorcycle. He sees that there is a struggle between them. He is trying to drive closer, but cars interfere with him.

Fred grabs his left hand, the courier’s right hand, and his right hand (by releasing the steering wheel) grabs the bag. Leshy, too, completely releases the steering wheel and grabs the bag with his left hand. But at this moment the front wheel of the Leshy motorcycle starts to scour (to wag from side to side). The speed and amplitude of the wagging of the front wheel increases very quickly. Leshy, not wanting to completely lose control and fall, lets go of the bag and quickly grabs the wheel with both hands.

Grabbing the bag, Fred pulls away from the courier, and adds speed. Motorcycle couriers rush him. Leo and Fred maneuvering between cars, moving to the edge of the road. The edge of the road is a meter-high parapet.

— We jump on the parapet. — Commanded by Fred.

Leo measures the height of the parapet, calculates the force of the jump, compresses the shock absorbers of both wheels. Having approached close to the parapet, sharply unclenches, and without stopping, Leo and Fred jump up and land on the upper platform of the parapet.

Persecutors slow down, stop and look around. Check in up nearby is not visible. Tikhon looks at Leshy.

— How did he do it?

Leshy silently shrugs.

Fred and Leo enter the arch of the house. They drive through several courtyards and leave for another road. Fred, pleased with himself, looks at the bag.

— I imagine their faces. What do they tell the gang? Hardly anyone, they believe. Now we need to return the normal color.

Leo returns to normal color. Fred stops Leo at the storm runoff, and gets off the bike. Pulls a bag of powder out of the bag. Examines it.

— I told you they did.

Fred crouches down at the stormwater runoff, and breaks the pack. Drain powder in the drain slot, sits on Leo, and they go home.

Driving up to the house, Leo opens the door and they enter the workshop.

— How we made them! — Fred triumphs.


Gray, with a grim look, walks around the garage. Tikhon is sitting on a chair, Leshy is sitting in an old chair. Raph trains with a barbell. Gray stops and looks at Tikhon and Leshy.

— Decided to split off, and create your gang? Thinking about dumping, but not empty-handed? Want to grab a batch of goods!?

— If we wanted to dump. — Leshy is justified. — We simply would not have arrived. Why do we need to come?

— How could he take the bag off? — Interrupts Gray, heightened tone. “I would kick him, and he would fly to hell.”

— I kicked and he rooted to the spot.

— Couldn’t you beat off his hand? — Dan demonstrates a spectacular karate kick.

— He took it with both hands. — Explains Leshy.

— It was necessary to maneuver. — Dimon wedged into the conversation.

— I maneuvered, and he is glued. — Leshy continues to make excuses.

Gray looks at everyone.

— With both hands, tore off the bag and maneuvered behind you, as if glued? What he turned the steering wheel, eh?

All kept laughing.

— What did he look like? — Quietly asks Gray. — Although it is remembered?

— He was on a yellow JR-250 motorcycle and in an Adidas jacket. — Looking at Leshy, says Tikhon.

— You’re that color blind. — Surprised Leshy. — He was on a red SR-200 bike and in a PUMA jacket.

— You yourself are color blind, that I can not tell red from yellow. — Offended Tikhon.

— And you think that I am blind.

Gray looks at Leshy and then on Tikhon.

— You even agreed before lying. Why not caught up?

— He jumped on the high parapet. — Showing the hand the approximate height of the parapet, in one voice said the guilty.

— Jumped? Was there a springboard?

— No, it was not.

Pause. Gray looks at the rest.

— Maybe he was on a kangaroo?

Laughing gang again. Gray looks at Leshy.

— How did I not understand right away? Yes, you yourself took the dose! Or two! We decided that your fabrications are brilliant. Therefore, they returned without fear.

Gray looks at the rest.

— Motorcycles they jump out of nowhere. Why not fly away? Fantasy was not enough? — Turning to Tikhon and Leshy. — Maybe he said — “I’ll be back”?

After a short pause, Gray continues. — Well, okay, take one, well, two doses. Have tried. The first dose is free. Return the rest of the item. And no one will touch you. Were couriers, became addicts. It happens. — Gray goes to scream. — Where are the goods freaks? Do not you understand? If we do not return the item or money. We all just destroy.

— We did not take. — The Goblin continues to make excuses. — Tell the truth.

— We say as it was in reality. — Supports him Tikhon.

— A motorcycle jumping without a springboard is very real. At every corner we meet such motorcycles.

— Yes, we did not take, and did not take drugs at all. — laments Tikhon. — I can donate blood for analysis.

— Mom swear. — Leshy is justified. — Yes, I can pass through the lie detector.

— Why is he on your different motorcycles and in different jackets? — Ironically Gray.

— May be. — Tikhon thinks aloud. — He painted each side of the motorcycle in different colors, wrote different names, and sewed different emblems on the sleeves? To disguise?

Gray looks questioningly at the gang.

— Has anyone seen a motorcycle painted from different sides in different colors? And different emblems on the sleeves? On the go compose! — Resting the look in Tikhon, says Gray. — Yes, you have talent. You need to write fantastic stories.

— Different color … — He says, thinking Dimon. — Maybe iridescent paint, such as a chameleon? On the sunny side one color. In the shade is another color.

— And the engine size, the name and the emblem on the jacket, also change from the sun — Mountain grins.

Gray looks at Tikhon and Leshy, and then looks at the rest.

— Everyone except these two. You understand. Who has ever tried drugs, he is already an addict. In addition, not only multi-colored jumping motorcycles, but also green flying dogs appear before your eyes.

Everyone starts laughing. Dan waves his arms like a bird and barks like a dog.

— Woof, woof, woof. Or is she tweeting? Chik-tweet, Gav-wow, Chick-tweet.

— We have not seen, nor any flying green dog. — Offended by distrust Leshy.

— A motorcycle, however, jumped. — Do not give up Tikhon.

— You that adrenaline, not enough. — Looking at Leszhy says Gray. — You have not seen those who take this stuff. — Gray shakes his hands and head, portraying a drug addict. — Hands are shaking, no coordination. Head does not work. Do you want to become such brakes?

Gray notices how Raph is listening while doing the barbell exercise. — Let’s exercise. Otherwise, any dystrophic addict will be able to take your dose.

All reluctantly go to the bar, to the racks with bars. Gray is calling Dimona.

— Tomorrow we’ll take the goods.

— But we have no party tomorrow.

— But the thief doesn’t know that. And I can not wait.

Dimon points to the table. On the table is partially packaged powder.

— What, this one?

— Not. We will not risk this. Replace the powder.

— And if he does not appear again? — Hearing the conversation, wants to clarify Tikhon.

— We will go until you appear. Clear!

— Gray let me take it. — Offers Dan. — I have such tricks will not pass. — Dan turns to Leshem. — See how I do it. — Dan demonstrates a series of punches and kicks at an imaginary opponent, making appropriate sounds. He stops in a spectacular pose.

The next day in the garage.

Gray speaks louder for everyone to hear.

— Today we will all accompany the goods. — Looks at Tikhon. — Look at your miracle motorcycle. — Addressing everyone again. — Check the technique, no alcohol. Fill in full tanks. Check the connection. — Gray gets a walkie-talkie. — Try to hold on two. — Looking at Leshy. “Show me where he took you.”

Everyone starts messing with walkie-talkies, turn on and try to talk.

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