Chords obscurantism

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Vasily Varga

They say that the Jews are to blame for the genocide of the Russian people and that the revolution was made by Jews in general. This is not quite true. Yes, the core of the revolution consisted mainly of a handful of renegade Jews who had betrayed their faith, changed their last names, in order to achieve their goal. But this is not the Jewish nation as a whole. The coup in 1917 was largely based on the proletarians. The proletariat was taking revenge for its past humiliations. Russian Russian revolution was made by the Russian gol, released from prison, organized and brainwashed by Lenin.


The Russian army, demoralized by the Communists, still posed a threat to the existence of the power that Lenin had seized. The Germans moved eastward without meeting any resistance. In connection with the General refusal of officers to serve traitors to the Motherland, Lenin again proposed to liquidate the army as such and in its place create an ephemeral defense of the socialist Fatherland by arming the masses of the people. Trotsky conceded. However, it soon became clear that this was a strategic Chimera of a military “strategist” who was used to shooting a victim in the back of the head with his hands tied behind his back.

In a conversation with the prominent Marxist Bukharin, Lenin spoke in a trembling voice of his fears about the threat to the conquests of October.

— The Germans can occupy the capital Petrograd. There is no one to resist our friends at the front.

— What friends, Vladimir Ilyich? Bukharin asked, wide-eyed.

“What is it, comrade Bukharin?” Germans. Yes, Yes, the Germans. Who supported the October revolution financially? Germans. Who allowed us to publish forty Newspapers in twenty languages? Germans. Who sent us in an armored car through a warring country to boiling Petrograd? again, the Germans. We should not only thank them, but also pay them handsomely they. Russia is great, half of it can be given to the Germans as a thank you and as compensation, because they spent a hundred million marks on us and our revolution. However, the trouble is, comrade Bukharin, that yesterday’s friends may turn into our enemies today. What if they capture Petrograd tomorrow, and then Moscow? We need to move the capital beyond the Urals. And let the Germans get Petrograd and Moscow. Yes, Yes, let them go to the Germans. What should I do? We must preserve the revolution and our Central Committee, which I will soon rename the Politburo. Lenin scratched the back of his head, then tapped his bald head. “Bah, I got an idea. We must make a separate peace with the Germans and at the same time flee from here to Moscow, temporarily, of course. In the interests of the world revolution. Where Is Trotsky? Send Trotsky here and let him start negotiations. That’s it, comrade Bukharin. You are free.

— So we haven’t yet shot all the residents of St. Petersburg, this won’t do, – said chekist number two Dzerzhinsky.

“We’ll shoot you, comrade Dzerzhinsky. Moscow also needs to be cleaned up. You, comrade Dzerzhinsky, will always have enough work, don’t worry. Bukharin, you are free, I have already told you everything. Get out of here. Felix, help him out.

“But you haven’t listened to my opinion on this matter, Vladimir Ilyich,” Bukharin said, taking out a pencil and Notepad. – So, I believe that we should throw all material resources to support the proletariat of Germany. The proletariat must rise up, break the backbone of Wilhelm and the backbone of capitalism, and open its arms to us. That’s the way out, Vladimir Ilyich. And then to Italy, and then Japan, who else is there? And China! And the Chinese must be freed!

— Not all at once. I have to deal with Inessa. I would like her… in short, find her a ticket to...Caucasus. And then the bourgeoisie raises its head. Listen to what comrade Dzerzhinsky has to say. Felix, dear, enlighten us dark ones, we don’t know much about military matters. I, Bukharin, Koba, Bonch-Bruevich, Katznelson, Bronstein, and others are Jewish scum. We are all revolutionary terrorists. By means of terror, violent seizure of power, we were at the top. And then what? The bourgeois will castrate us. The revolution is in danger.

— My story is that Mina eats food.”

“Don’t say anything yet, Koba. This is not a Bank in Tiflis that you successfully robbed. This is Russia, it is at our feet. And we must make it obey us.

— Stomping boots, boots… hobnail boots… push, until not crush – – yesterday’s terrorist, and now the statesman Koba, the future genius of all times and the bewildered Soviet peoples, did not stop. – We need to create an army, our own army. And the Tsar’s officer delat is the commander of the red detachment.

“That’s right, comrade Koba, I like your idea. But I ask how to liberate the proletariat of Germany? And … and how to make a tsarist officer serve in the red army?

— The proletariat of Germany will free itself, and attracting a tsarist officer is very simple. Brother family on the hostage. To shoot family, if the officer refuses service in Bolshevik.

“Oh, that fits! Do you hear Leiba Bronstein? Keep your wits about you, Leib, and create a red army to defend the socialist Fatherland.

All have involved heads in shoulders. Only Koba was smiling slyly.

— I think so, comrades, and this is very important. We must liberate the proletariat of Germany from the exploiting landlords. We’ll go to them via Poland. Koba, pick a good General who would lead the workers ‘and peasants’ invincible army.


At the very end of the small hall, perched on a creaking chair against a column, sat the Latvian Andrianis, the same Latvian whom Lenin had sent to Russia with Taratuta to marry young girls who were heiresses of the great fortune of the Russian philanthropist Schmidt. It was still in exile.

Andrianis let down, like any villain, and quite well; married one of the heiresses, got a huge capital, but unlike Taratuta, showed the Bolsheviks the Dula and became rich, independent, but all burned with hatred for Russia. And on the grounds of hatred remained committed to the cause of Lenin. It seemed that Lenin had forgiven him for his treachery, and now Andrianis sat like a bourgeois, smiling into his moustache and scratching his beard, waiting for the Politburo members to finish their useless argument about how to preserve the Bolshevik power picked up on the streets of Petrograd.

Andrianou now did not need neither power nor money, except that the opportunity to make fun of Russian Ivan, their sworn enemies and enemies of his small country of Latvia.

Of the so-called political Bureau Bukharin, one seemed to be Russian. It sort of Andriani hated the most. And there was a reason. For hundreds of years, his homeland was part of Russia and although Russia practically contained this small, capricious Latvia, but like any small country, it struggled to maintain an army of up to a hundred people, and the Latvians thought that their “great” country was simply swallowed by Russia and kept it on starvation rations for hundreds of years. Then he remembered the Latvian Riflemen. They can help Lenin retain power, which seems to have begun to falter. They will not spare their lives, and Lenin, who so hates the Russian fool, and Russia in General, will let his homeland go free. Latvia will become independent. The thought sent an electric shock through his head, and his hand automatically rose high in the air, his fingers clenched, forming a firm fist; he even jumped up as he did so. The chair rattled, Lenin hiccupped and shuddered, Koba turned his head and spat in his direction.

— A friend of Andriana that with you? the revolution is in danger, and here you are rattling your chair and smiling suspiciously, as if here, we have ordinary, meaningless gatherings, what’s the matter? Explain yourself, but sincerely, don’t blink. Felix, where is Felix, look at him, a Soviet bourgeois who has already proved… but he is loyal to me and as long as I believe him, I can listen to him.

— I know who can save the revolution and all of us!” – cried Andriani, if he was on the podium.

“Who?” speak more clearly and clearly and don’t drag your feet. This arch is important, comrade Andriani. Who will save the revolution and all of us, outstanding revolutionaries? The one who does this will go down in the history of all times and peoples. For to save the revolution means to save yourself, your family, your children, even from different fathers, because our great people have approved the party’s position on free love, according to which any child, a future warrior, can have only one mother, and at least twenty fathers. Or have you not seen naked and even copulating on the streets of Petrograd not only at night, but also in the daytime?

— Latvian Riflemen, Vladimir Ilyich, will save the revolution from invasion the rest of the exploiters and the heavily armed Germans. The Germans did not occupy my homeland of Latvia, and there, after the February revolution, military discipline came to naught. And when, according to the order to introduce the Institute of political Commissars in the army, the Latvian Riflemen put red bows on their tunics and ceased to obey the officers. Communist cells began to grow by leaps and bounds. If in March there were only 80 Communists among the shooters, by June there were 1,800 of them. You, Vladimir Ilyich, have proclaimed the slogan: peace to the peoples, land to the peasants, factories and factories to the workers. And the elimination of the bourgeoisie as a class, and this they like. Some of them took part in the storming of the Winter Palace. The children dressed up in Royal clothes, and threw bayonets on top, revolutionary bayonets.

“Land in flower pots, comrade, and only in flower pots,” Lenin added, but andrianis was so excited that He did not hear the leader.

— At the second Congress of delegates of Latvian regiments in Riga on may 17, the following resolution was adopted: “our slogan is a call for revolutionary democracy: all power to the Soviets of workers’, soldiers ‘and peasants’ deputies.” What does this mean, comrades?! Well, who the fuck knows? Er, no one knows anything, only Latvian Riflemen know everything. So, this means that fifty thousand disciplined, well-armed Riflemen are on our side, I’m sorry, on your side, Vladimir Ilyich.

A thunder of applause followed. Lenin, standing on one leg, his right leg, because the left leg was numb from sitting in the chair for twenty hours, clapped his hands so that the plaster fell off, that is, applauded.

“Tova … search!” the leader exclaimed, as the Communist silence fell, forever dead. – This is an arch important message from our friend, our colleague, who married, on our instructions, a rich bride and added to the party’s coffers. Comrade Andriani, right now, this minute, this second, go to Riga. You can walk, you can ride a revolutionary armored car. You are already there, Andriani. There! do you understand that? and in my name, in the name of Ilyich, suggest that the Riflemen come to Petrograd to defend the October revolution, which gave the people free love, and, of course, our military headquarters.

— I didn’t top up the cash register, I won’t lie. I’ll repent later. Tea to drink before going, Vladimir Ilyich said Andriani. For three days, there was no moisture in my mouth, except for cognac, canadian whiskey, and Russian gibberish. Everything inside is on fire. There’s a revolution going on.

“Tea later, comrade. We are also all on fire, there’s a chair that’s hot, go and smell it, comrade. It smells, I sometimes shoot at the enemies of the Soviet government. Blow to Riga, comrade Andriani. And as for the ticket office, the party ticket office, you have topped it up, understand? If the chief said so, then it was true. In short, blow and do not return without arrows! If you return without shooters-execution.

“Tebe’s knee is under my ass,” Koba said, clenching his fists.

“Comrade Bronstein! escort Andrianik, before he changes his mind. Andriani, though, and our man, but he’s unreliable. I got married on the instructions of the party, and stuck to my skirt: I didn’t hand over a single gold ruble to the party cash register, and thus turned into our capitalist enemy. Go on, go on! The revolution is in danger. Atone for his guilt before the party and the people!

                                       * * *

Lenin wanted to make a remark to Kobe, he put it too well, as a revolutionary should: “knee under the ass”, and practically did nothing, did not even move his knee, but, remembering how many thousands of gold rubles he had recently delivered to him in Switzerland, refrained. Besides, two revolutionary, Bronstein and Apfelbaum, was withdrawn Andrianina under the arms from the hall. The latter, however, did not resist, kept hinting at a snack, but Apfelbaum put the muzzle in his mouth and said:

“Here, take a bite.”

Two days later, Trotsky began calling Lenin from Riga. The Riflemen wanted to know what they would get for saving the Bolshevik regime. The offer to strip naked and walk naked in Riga, demonstrating free love, is categorically refused.

Why? Lenin was surprised. They don’t have any childbearing devices...nothing to show?

In my opinion, they are afraid that the Riga women will tear off their own bosom, which means: write is lost

— Well, we will instill this proletarian culture in them, and maybe they will like what they see with their own eyes in Petrograd. In the meantime, tell them that as soon as Soviet power is established everywhere, which is very important, Latvia will become independent. This is very important and interesting, comrade Bronstein, “said Lenin, standing at the telephone. “What else can I promise them?” what? Here’s what. Each fighter will receive fifteen gold rubles a day. If they move around, tell them that I will give them Nevsky Prospekt for looting. Let them take their valuables, gold, silver, jewelry. Do you remember, Trotsky, how the barbarians destroyed Rome? You don’t remember, you illiterate Murlo. You tell them this: Petrograd is Rome, and you are barbarians. Lenin allows you to destroy Petrograd, ha … ha … agaa! This is very important.

— So they have already looted Nevsky Prospekt, as soon as Aurora fired, you, Ilyich, at this moment just collapsed, don’t you remember?

Don’t be so mean, Brooch, or I’ll turn you into a tailless APE.

Thank ZUZIK! Wait! soon the sixth regiment…


The sixth regiment of the second Latvian division was in Petrograd the next day at night. The Latvian thugs, Lenin’s spiritual children, immediately spread out in the center of the city, tracked down the most decent houses that had not yet been looted, and fixed their all-seeing eye on the empty Tsar’s Palace. There was nothing left to loot.

The commander of the Latvian Riflemen, Joakim Vatsetis, immediately came to Lenin with a request to get permission to Rob Nevsky Prospekt. And it is possible and what other, preferably not yet subjected to the Communist mercy.

Lenin kissed Vatsetis and promised him a higher position.

— Nevsky Prospekt is yours. They say that you have already processed it, but if you think that expropriation is possible in the second round, then...The bourgeoisie lives on both sides of it. Be merciless to everyone-old people, children, and let the girls treat your fighters with strawberries. They say the bourgeois strawberry is delicious. I haven’t tried it yet, but I recommend it to you, Vatsetis. But I have an important request. Select for me five hundred soldiers, the best, the most dedicated to the cause of the revolution for my personal protection. I will feed them and pay each of them twenty gold rubles a day. Lenin’s guard, that is, my guard, must have a commander who will answer for my life with his head before the world revolution.

Latvian thugs numbering several thousand people began to process the Nevsky, but it turned out that on the Nevsky already live gopniki and other proletariat. Apfelbaum howled and rushed to Lenin to ask for his protection. Leni laughed out loud and said:

Tell them that we will soon move to Moscow, and the Soviet government will give them the city for sanitary treatment, let them be patient.

The Latvian Riflemen acted with special cruelty-they took revenge on the Russians for the occupation of their small homeland, but no one spoke about it, it was done on Lenin’s instructions under the slogan of fighting the world bourgeoisie. The thugs were left to work only the part of the city that had been partially looted. The floors and apartments were empty, the front doors were wide open, and the floor was covered with desecrated bodies, the brutal murder of innocent members of the Russian intelligentsia, who had recently sponsored the Bolshevik takeover of power and sought an excuse to overthrow the Tsar and restore universal justice.

It was the Bolshevik gratitude of a bloodthirsty vampire and an angry, hungry Goli.

Petrograd froze in horror. From now on, people obediently with their hands raised went to the basements as hostages, where they were shot like harmful rats.

Division commander Vatsetis visited the apartments, was satisfied, and immediately went to report to the leader of the world proletariat. By this time, he had already picked up five hundred thugs to guard the chief executioner Ilyich.

Lenin listened to a detailed account of the first successful experience of liquidating the bourgeois nests, roared with laughter, shook hands with Vatsetis, calling him friend and brother, and at the end announced the highest command:

— Tovah...Mr. Vatsetis, you are appointed commander-in-chief of the Soviet Russian forces. I really wanted to give up the army, but now I see that I can’t do without the army. You, comrade Vatsetis, appoint a person responsible for my personal safety, bearing in mind that the enemies of the Soviet power will hunt me as the leader of the world revolution.

“He has already been appointed,” Vatsetis replied. He has a beard almost like yours, Vladimir Ilyich, but no bald spot. I can advise him to shave off the hair on the back of his head.

Lenin raised his hand to his chin, narrowed his left eye, and stared at the other man until he lowered his eyes.

“And you, comrade Vatsetis, speak Russian well, and that is very important. The commander-in-chief must speak Russian. You will have to make campaign speeches at rallies. But Koba doesn’t know Russian and that prevents me from appointing him…

— Perform in front of Latvian shooters?

— At least in front of them.

— What are you? Latvian shooters do not need speech. They need weapons, uniforms, good food, chervontsy and freedom of the homeland of Latvia and sometimes a strawberry.

— Everything will be provided for them.

                                       * * *

Lieutenant Dmitry Korolev hastily collected his belongings and went to the station without saying goodbye to his comrades. Something occurred to him to see his parents and his fiancee, Lyudmila, with whom he had been corresponding for six months, promising to visit her as soon as possible. There was unrest in the regiment where he served. The soldiers did not want to leave the trenches to go with weapons in hand to the German soldiers in open battle. The idea of fraternizing with German soldiers was launched, since they too suffer from the capitalists and landlords, like any soldier in Russia.

As he drove up to the station in a gig, he wondered whether he had done the right thing by indulging the moral malice of his soldiers against the old regime.

His father Ivan Ivanovich Korolev, a manufacturer and a rich man, also sympathized with the revolutionaries in his heart and, starting in 1905, supported them financially. About a hundred thousand he sent only to Lenin in Zurich.

— One ticket to Petrograd, “he said to the cashier. submitting his officer’s book confirming his status.

— Ticket sales for St. Petersburg are limited, “the cashier said, and tried to close the window.

“Take your time, Madame. I’m going on vacation with my parents and my fiancee. I must see them, don’t you think?

“Gild the handle,” the cashier said.

“Oh, no problem,” said the Lieutenant, taking out a gold ruble.

So, after twenty hours of shaking, Dmitry Ivanovich found himself in Petrograd, now the red city. This was October 15, 1917. The city met him with dead silence, empty streets, and single shots fired in different parts of the city.

His brain told him to rip off the shoulder straps immediately. He quickly went into one of the houses already looted with the front door open the door and the bloodstains on the steps. One door was held on one hinge, and the other was in good condition. Running through this door, he took off his greatcoat, tore off the shoulder straps and cockade from his headdress, and putting on his cap, went down to the embankment backwards. There were still corpses floating there.

— What about my father, where is my mother, what about Lyudmila?

He ran from the center of the city toward the outskirts where his parents lived and where the bride’s house was located.

After a kilometer-long run, I had to stop to catch my breath, and then set off at a brisk pace. He did not notice how he found himself near the house of Luda Lunina and how they grabbed him by the sleeve and demanded to stop.

— Dima, are you? Oh, my God, “Luda said, falling on his chest, shaking with tension. “What do you look like?” But it’s right, it’s right, you see, and I’m in a maid’s dress. We are now being persecuted. But because we are the propertied class, we are being exterminated.

— It can’t be. My father provided financial assistance to the revolutionaries, personally sending thousands of gold rubles to Lenin. Do you know where my parents are? No one must have touched them.

“They’re home. Just last night I was at their place. Ivan Ivanovich, your father throws up his hands, he also does not believe that this can be. If they find out that you are a military man, your entire family will be held hostage for three days and then shot. This is Lenin’s order.

                                       * * *

My father’s mansion has not been ruined, and it has not yet reached the gopniki.

When Dima returned to the house, the whole family was in agonizing ecstasy: the mother was sobbing, the father was wiping his tears with a handkerchief and saying everything: how good of you to come, son, for it is a time when we see each other today and not tomorrow. I’m just outraged. I must go to this Jew Lenin and ask what it is. How much money I spent on his coup! So what? The Jews began to exterminate us.

My mother started cooking dinner, but there were no more delicacies. The son knew that it would be difficult for him in the capital. But to go to the service of thugs, he was prevented by a suddenly changed consciousness.

Luda looked at him as a Savior and expressed the idea that if Dima did not mind, they could get married and live together on earth for a few weeks, and maybe even months. Dima took this news with joy. But the Church was already destroyed, and the priest was difficult to find in the city. My father shook his head and agreed. They arranged a collective dinner, so similar to a wedding, but Tsvetkov asked to wait for his return, he needs to leave for an hour. No one knew what he was up to, but about forty minutes later Tsvetkov returned with his father. Where he found it in such a time of trouble, no one knew.

Father Onufry performed the rite of marriage without the censer and the deacon. But the cross on his chest he kept, the newlyweds kissed the cross, swore to be faithful to each other. The priest sang several Psalms and gave instructions.

It was so romantic, so strange. However, all the family members were happy. The honeymoon lasted only a week.

Suddenly, at three o’clock in the morning, uninvited guests appeared in the house in leather jackets, with pistols at their sides and black leather caps to match the color of the jacket.

Vatsetis Joakim sat down at the table, opened a leather bandolier bag, and took out a notebook and pencil.

— That is, factory owners and other rich bastard. All of you are finished, but the humane Soviet government offers a Royal gift. Your son, Dmitry, born in 1893, a Lieutenant, joined the red Army in exchange for the lives of all his relatives. Will there be any questions?

— Our son arrived from the front only a week ago and got married right away. According to the regulations of any army, he has the right to leave, I think, not less than a month. At the end of the month, we will decide. Please also note that I sponsored your coup and am going to Lenin for a reception on this issue, “said Ivan Ivanovich, looking with evil eyes at Vatsetis. “In the meantime, I’m against it.

— Against? “Your son could have been in command of a platoon.” But you’re against it. Vatzetis said coldly, and pulled the Browning from its holster.

— Are you going to shoot?” “what is it?” the son asked.

“You can,” Vatzetis said, and pulled the trigger. A shot rang out, and the glass on the chandelier rattled and fell to the floor. Dima’s younger brother Volodya screamed and ran to his mother, putting his head in her skirt.

— Why aren’t you going?” Where’s your duffel bag?

— I don’t steal anything.” Served.

— So it’s the Soviet government that invites you, isn’t it clear? Skaya, take your grandfather away.

Skaya got up from his seat, went to Dima’s father Ivan Ivanovich, put the muzzle to his temple and pulled the trigger. Blood gushed out in a fountain, and Ivan Ivanovich fell asleep, having managed to jump with one leg.

“Married?” Vatzetis asked.

“A week ago.

“Do you love your wife?”

“Of course.

— And if we waste it?” Skye, take it. You can fuck her and then shoot her.

Luda wrapped her arms around her husband below the waist.

— – Only together.

“It won’t work together,” Vatzetis said. We’ll shoot them all first, and then him.

— Dima, come on. You will save us all-my parents and your parents, “said the wife.

“Wait,” said Dima. “My father sponsored the revolution for years, and you killed him. This looks like the act of bandits, but not revolutionaries.

“An error occurred. I should have told you earlier. Skaya, finish this old, as his, and Luneva, so as not to offend was.

Luda’s father was also shot in the back of the head and then died.

“Five minutes to get ready, Korolev.

Dima quickly gathered himself, kissed his wife and mother-in-law, and stood at the table in front of Vatsetis.

“I’m ready.”

Vatsetis blinked at Skye, and he with Endianism, the future commander of the red army went to the Assembly point.

Skaya grabbed Luda by the hair, put the muzzle to his temple and said:

— If you kick, you’ll go after your father.”

He tore off her clothes and untied the belt on her trousers. Everything happened in front of my mother. When it was over, Luda began to put the jacket on her shoulders, turning away from the rapist. Skye reloaded the gun, held it to the back of his head, and pulled the trigger. Luda lay face down, turning her head slightly. A trickle of blood ran from his mouth to the floor, forming a small red stain on the carpet.

“Permission to pray,” Skaya said, lighting a cigarette.

“God have mercy on us!” the condemned men began to sing in a harmonious and beautiful voice, as if they were all serving in a Church choir.

Skye listened, laughed, and started firing. All died instantly, without suffering, and only cornflower received a bullet below the waist, in the thigh.

Petya, the groom, took him to his shack, went out and made him a Gopnik. Vasilek grew up, joined the Komsomol, and then the party and became a red Commissar. This was already when bozhenka gave his soul to the devil, having lain in the Mausoleum for almost ten years. Whether he met Korolyov’s son-in-law, the red commander, who was married to his sister, he never knew. Dmitry Ivanovich himself put on the greatcoat of a red army soldier and joined the army of Bronstein.

Once, when Bronstein got angry, all the red army men were lined up in one long line. The result was a line of half a kilometer. The red commander took out a pistol, and a box of cartridges was presented to him by the red army soldier Bosyakus.

“Comrades of the red army! To restore order and discipline, as well as to raise the revolutionary spirit, now every tenth red army soldier will be shot by me. The rest will receive incentives and monetary moral compensation. Hurray!

The soldiers did not support this” hurrah”. No one knew who would be the tenth. It all started on the left flank. There was an attempt to count, but the soldiers, being terrified, were confused in the calculation, each, silently, waiting for a bullet in the chest.

The first three people tried to say something like: long live the great Lenin, but the last word was lost in the sound of a gunshot.

Dima did not stand in the ranks, but he remembered the picture of innocent people being shot for the rest of his life.

He disappeared that night. It took ten days to find myself in the Crimea, where the Russian intelligentsia and not only it, tried to get on barges, on ships and go to other countries, mainly to France.

At this time, a red fury, called The demon in a skirt, was rampaging in the Crimea. As the great daughter of the Russian people, in all school textbooks, with the name of the streets of her filthy name entered as a Countryman. Her real Jewish name is Zalkind. The Jew Lenin found her, and when he found her, he was overjoyed, instructed her in the spirit of the Torah, and sent her to the Crimea in pursuit of the intelligentsia.

The sadistic Zalkind did not just shoot people at night, even in the infirmaries, but first hung them upside down on lampposts, pulled down the trousers from the hanging victim and cut out the genitals with a sickle. This is one of the methods of killing. There were many such methods. They could have tied a stone to a living victim’s neck and lowered it headfirst into the sea. Lenin, when he learned of her methods, was overjoyed and awarded her the Order of the red banner. And this zhidovka is buried on red square in Moscow, in the Kremlin wall. We’ll get back to it.

And Dima Korolev was lucky. He boarded a ship and found himself in France. But what happened to his wife Lyudmila Lunina, his mother, brother and sisters, could not be found out.

This is how the Russian intelligentsia paid for what they wanted to do for the people, and maybe for the authorities. We cannot ask Dobrolyubov and Chernyshevsky what they lacked, why they called Russia to the axe? The power was seized by a man who justly said:

— The Russian intelligentsia is shit.

And destroyed it.


By the end of 1917, Lenin noticed that the total number of Latvian Riflemen had reached 39,000, and this was a separate Latvian rifle division. The vast majority of its fighters in the past were workers or farmhands, did not have a penny to their name, but dreamed of a “bright future”. And he, Lenin, was simply obsessed with this bright future. It was impossible to miss this opportunity, the possibility of attracting revolutionary divisions. Success will be complete.

“As for the Latvian Riflemen, they are the ones who corrupted the Russian army and are now leading it,” General Lukirsky, chief of staff of the Northern front, reported to General Dukhonin in the autumn of 1917.

In the days of the October revolution, the Latvian regiments did not allow troops loyal to the government to be sent from the Northern front to Petrograd. The Latvian regiments were the first and almost entirely to go over to the side of the Bolsheviks. Hatred of Russia United and immediately cemented the Bolsheviks and Latvians. The Russian army, ideologically destroyed by the Bolsheviks, could not resist this force. Even the Bolsheviks realized this when they began to form the Red army, adding soldiers and officers of the tsarist army.

A few days after the coup, one of the Latvian regiments, whose men were distinguished by “exemplary cruelty and discipline, but proletarian consciousness”, was called to Petrograd to strengthen the revolutionary garrison. A little later, they were used to disperse the Constituent Assembly in early January 1918, which marked the beginning of the Bolshevik dictatorship in the country.

Another 250 people “the most-the most loyal, with dog loyalty” were allocated to a special consolidated group under the command of former Lieutenant Jan Peterson, who was assigned to protect the” cradle of the revolution " – Smolny. It was these Riflemen who guarded the letter train that carried Lenin and members of the government of Soviet Russia to the new capital, Moscow. And there Peterson’s detachment, which was later converted into a separate regiment, took under guard the Kremlin, where the country’s leaders lived and worked.

The Latvian Riflemen, under the leadership of Jan Peters, competed in their cruelty with the Jews whom Lenny loved. Individual Jews, under the patronage of Lenin and under the tutelage of the notorious Bronstein, committed the most brutal atrocities on the territory of Russia. They mocked the Russians as Guinea pigs. The theme of fanaticism immediately turned into a benefit for the experimental tailless monkeys and these monkeys for many decades idolized their tormentors, put them monuments for their wild atrocities. Russian Russians, as it became known, were planning to completely destroy the Russians and populate the empty land with Jews, and the Latvians were taking revenge on the Russians for past humiliations.

Jan Peters-Vice-Chairman of the Cheka proclaimed:

— I declare that every attempt of the Russian bourgeoisie(?) once again, to raise your head will meet such a rebuff and such a reprisal, before which everything that is understood by the red terror will pale..."...Produced against infectious vaccination – that is, the Red terror… This inoculation was made all over Russia…”

This is said about mass shootings already in Moscow, after the murder of Uritsky.

The Cheka, led by Peters, began to imitate the thug Dzerzhinsky. Very often Peters himself was present at executions, giving instructions on how to cut off the head or put a bullet in the back of the head. With him was always his son, a boy of 8–9 years, and constantly pestered him: “Dad, let me! I can do just as well, I can launch a projectile into my mouth…”

“Not a shell, but a bullet. Well, put it in the mouth of this woman who washes her face with tears. She’s a bourgeois. But no pity. The Russians didn’t spare us.

Not far behind his fellow countryman and another prominent chekist-the head of the all-Ukrainian Cheka (by the way, the “bodies” in Kiev almost half consisted of Latvians) – Latsis. This comrade in his “class approach” surpassed almost all other “knights of the revolution”: “We are exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class. Do not look at the investigation for materials or evidence that the accused acted by deed or word against the Soviet government. The first question you should ask him is what his background, upbringing, education, or profession is. These questions should determine the fate of the accused…

The Latvian Riflemen left their bloody trail in the Tambov region.

And in Shatsky district, the red punishers shot a crowd of believers. Local residents staged a procession, trying to protect themselves from the rampant Spanish epidemic with the help of the venerated icon of the mother of God, but the chekists, seeing this action as a “counter-attack”, arrested both the priest and the icon. When the peasants – women, children, old people-moved to save their Shrine, they were calmly mowed down with machine guns.


Lenin was always admiring the Latvian Riflemen and awarded them orders, bonuses, extra vacations, and assured them that their Livonia would always be free of the Russian bourgeoisie and all sorts of capitalist imperialists of Hussite origin.

Lenin strengthened his position not only on the periphery, but also took care of personal security, realizing that the women’s dress in which he always dressed would not save him from retribution if such retribution came.

“Leiba, where is this Peterson?

Peterson jumped up, took a few steps on the spot, heard his name through the half-open door, and immediately flew in like a real chekist: hands at the seams – tongue bitten. This shocked the chief, who was about to raise both hands in the air, but Peterson was already sitting in the chair and was about to jump out of it.

“I am all ears, Vladimir Ilyich, the great leader of my little country.

— Where’s the security chief?” where, where? This is very important, comrade Peters. Or do you want to leave me alone with my enemies? Were you bribed or sent away? Dzerzhinsky, where is your vigilance?

“The chief of Oh, Oh, security, Eduard Petrovich, is outside the door, waiting for your call, the great Vladimir Ilyich,” Peterson replied, his voice trembling with fright.

“Let him come in, you rascal, and you are free.” Do you hear me, comrade Peters? you are free. Which means get out of here until I call you. This isn’t barbed wire, though it will soon be there, too.

A tall man with large gray eyes, a large head, and a rather thick figure with a red beard entered Ilyich’s office. His eyes burned with hatred for the world’s bourgeoisie and for Russians in General. Lenin sat in a chair like a bug in front of this giant and showed black rotten teeth.

— A Latvian Rifleman, devoted to the cause of the world revolution and personally to Lenin, came to serve for the benefit of … in the interests of… in short, I’m a Bolshevik, I’m a shooter… ruthless to the bourgeoisie and enemies… to the Russians, I swear to serve faithfully. I will shoot all the enemies, and then Russia is the aggressor… all consists of one enemy. – Sit down, comrade Skaya…, tell your biography – – when did you join the party of my name? This is a great, promising party, designed to liberate the peoples of Europe, and I don’t care about Russia yet, comrade Skaya… although you think correctly. This is very important. Gusskie – this, as say? they are tailless and we must nip them, we will starve them.

Skaya told all in detail, and even that he had recently, when raising the bourgeois on Nevsky Prospekt with a bayonet and a pistol, tried out three young girls from fourteen to sixteen years old. Each one kissed the top of his muddy boots, begging for her life and vowing not to harm the new power.

“And what did you do, tovah?”.. looking for Skye?

“I stepped on my lips with my boot and put my bayonet in my stomach three times, and then on the hook, and hung the hook on the chandelier,” replied Eduard Petrovich.

— Comrade Skaya, you are a real fighter of the world revolution, so keep it up, tovah… looking for Skaya, Bravo, Tova… looking for Skye. I appoint you commandant of Smolny and commander of the Central Committee’s security platoon and my personal guard. As that-a bayonet in the stomach, and better in the heart. The number of soldiers in the security platoon should be increased to five hundred soldiers. This is very important, comrade. In addition, you are responsible for issuing passes to my office. Passes must be changed at least three times during the day. You need them to be different colors with your signature in different places. In the morning, the signature is at the bottom, at lunch – in the upper-right corner, in the evening-in the upper-left corner. The next day, the signature on the back and so on …walk up your ass. On the ass write: pass to the Kremlin, to Lenin. The person who will receive the pass must be visually examined by you, groped, and if necessary stripped. Let him look at your bayonet, ha … ha … ha! Or maybe he has a mask, or maybe he disguised himself as Trotsky or Koba, but in reality … you know, comrade… looking for Skye. Then he, the one who breaks into my office, must appear before you in … underwear, because the jacket or pants pockets may contain a bomb. Do you understand, comrade Skaya? Will you observe what the leader of the world revolution tells you? And remember that your head can also fly off. This is very important, Skye.

“That’s right, LININ. I will look into their mouths, spread their buttocks, and wait until the person who is supposed to come to the reception releases steam, because there may be a bomb hidden in the rectum. If something happens, I’ll pull out my teeth or my tongue.

— Do not touch the tongue, who will give evidence without a tongue? And you can put a bayonet in the rectum.

“In your ears, comrade Lianin.

— And the anus.” There could be a bomb there, too. That’s right, Skye. This is very important, tovah… looking for Skye.

“I’m sorry, comrade Lunin.

— Lenin, Lenin, repeat, Skaya.

— Leninin.

“About right. What can I give you for your hard work? And above all, for your vigilance? Bayonet…, knife…, this is just great. What to give, do not pull the rubber, the leader of the world revolution is too busy.

— Freedom of my homeland Latvia. Free Latvia from the Russian bear. I’ll take the rest. I need three girls no older than sixteen a day or at night, as it turns out, Vladimir Ilyich. Would you mind? These will be the daughters of the bourgeoisie, Vladimir Ilyich.

“Ho … Ho.”.. Ho, Archie is interesting. If it wasn’t for Inessa…” – if it wasn’t for this pop – eyed… – as for your countrymen, tell your countrymen that Latvia is already free. And as a special thanks to Latvia will go to the Vitebsk region, which now belongs to Belarus. And then I will give you Minsk. Know that Lenin is a generous man. Satisfied, Skye? And the girls...as long as you can. And then a bayonet in the stomach, Hello, comrade Skaya.

Instead of answering, the head of Lenin’s personal guard kissed him on the bald crown and licked his chin three times with his tongue.

— What are you, what are you?” Lenin was afraid. – Fotieva, where is my woman’s dress? Comrade Skaya, put four red army men in front of my office, two on each side of the door. Fifth, to open the door and utter the first word of the party anthem.

— They are already standing, Vladimir Ilyich.


The same commandant and head of Lenin Skai’s personal guard reported three days later that a new Republic of Soviet Latgale had been proclaimed in Latvia, still unoccupied by the Germans. Lenin held out his hand, congratulated his faithful servant, then said:

— Let the leadership of your Latgale write a request for independence. Urgent, the letter should be at headquarters today. The Politburo meets tomorrow. Alert all my idiots.

The members of the Politburo gathered in the conference room at 16 hours, and Lenin appeared only at six in the evening with a delay of two hours. Inessa stopped him.

Recently, Lenin somehow endured intimacy in a different way: all the time he shuddered and at the moment of the highest pleasure uttered wild slogans and tried to spit at the ceiling, but the spittle landed on Inessa’s face. She put up with it as best she could, and then cautiously hinted that she didn’t enjoy it.

“Then leave.” You little fool. And this is the saliva of a genius, the leader of the proletariat, whom you have infected with an incurable disease. Go away, I don’t want to see you. I’m sorry, of course, I’m just trying to tickle your nerves.

The power was in his hands, but those hands were trembling, and something unexpected could happen at any time.

But now, when the Latvian Riflemen appeared, when he had a reliable personal guard, he came to life, came to himself. Inessa immediately found out about this. She was well aware of the needs of a man who was in such a state. No psychiatrist can have such a beneficial effect on the patient’s psyche as a woman. And to provide a service to humanity, Inessa decided on mixed sex – traditional and non-traditional. Volodya liked non-traditional sex more, and he immediately said that it was very important for him.

I’m late for a meeting of the Politburo.

You’re not late, you’re late, “Inessa said, and kissed his bald head. But these were only words. In fact, when he began to put on his clothes, a certain streak of weakness and irritation slashed through all his insides and Inessa’s words “you are not late, you are late” returned in a state of resentment to his irritability.

— What the hell is your business?” Your business is the bed, the bed is over, and you, as a mistress, must be silent.

This irritability did not give him any peace at the Politburo meeting. He pushed Inessa away from him with an effort. a promise to remove it, send it somewhere for six months.

                                       * * *

Dzhugashvili-Koba came to the Politburo meeting before everyone else. His intuition told him that he should be closer to Lenin. He found a corner where, if you sit down, you can see everyone, but no one can see you.

Koba began to think that Lenin should be removed as soon as the coup took place, but this was a seditious thought, and the future heir immediately dismissed this idea...in a long box that could be opened at any time.

But to win unlimited trust is a win-win way. And while squinting both eyes, he looked at each of them, wondering who could become his rival after Lenin’s departure to the other world. Here Trotsky (Bronstein) sat down at the table where the leader should sit and ostentatiously picks his nose, and then drums on the table top with dirty fingers with uncut nails.

— The revolution is out of danger now, “he says brazenly.

“Here is my first and most sworn enemy,” Koba thought, and scratched his head. – As soon as kartavy leaves, he, Trotsky (Bronstein), can take his place. I can’t, I can’t let this happen. I should think carefully about how to remove it. He shifted his gaze to Zinoviev, although the closest of the leader’s entourage was sitting at a distance from the Presidium table, leaning over and drawing TIC-TAC-toe in his notebook. – Here’s another bastard. What is his real name, after all, a full-blooded Jew, licking the heels of a half-Jew and half-Kalmyk Lenin. Your second turn. More Rykov, more Katznelson, and a lot of them. All of you are the fifth column and it takes time to get even with you. There won’t be more than one Jew in my Politburo.”

Finally, Lenin entered, accompanied by Dzerzhinsky, to great applause. And Skye invisible in the distance. Lenin immediately began his speech, pacing up and down in front of the Politburo members.

“Comrades, I assure you that the revolution is not in danger. We were joined by the Latvian Riflemen. You may have already heard that some of the Riflemen were restoring revolutionary order in the center of Petrograd on Nevsky Prospekt. Part of the bourgeoisie was liquidated, and their bodies were taken to a garbage cemetery far outside the city. Latvian comrades unreasonably spent a large number of cartridges. Why? because no one was hanged. But we must not only shoot, shoot, shoot, but also hang. I propose to establish: one hundred thousand rubles for one hanged person. Further. We must instruct the Sovnarkom to grant Latgale’s request to secede from Russia and give it independence as a thank-you for sending ten regiments of Latvian Riflemen to defend our revolution. Will there be objections from the members of the Politburo? No objection. Very well. And you, comrade Dzerzhinsky, take Jan Berezin, aka Peteris Kyuzis, aka Grishin, aka the old Man, to your Department of the Cheka. This is the future General. Comrade Cusis, come in and show yourself to the members of the Lenin Politburo.

“I object,” Koba’s voice came from the shadows.

“Ha… ha … ha, comrade Koba is hiding. Why should I object? You are the Secretary of the Central Committee, and comrade Cusis is only Dzerzhinsky’s Deputy, he is not your rival.

“But there is a tee.”. . Koba paused. He realized that he could have uttered the fateful word. But Lenin did not hear his heir, the bloodiest bandit, the future genius of all the working people of the USSR.

— Comrade Dzerzhinsky! report to the members of the Politburo how the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly took place, and who particularly distinguished themselves.

— We had to use machine guns against the crowd. As soon as the meeting of this lousy bourgeois constituent Assembly began, people with flowers and slogans rushed to the building where this last meeting was held. Comrade Cusis stood by. I asked him what to do. I know what to do, said Cusis. And then the machine guns were used. Of course, there was a squeak-screeching, blood, corpses, but the frightened crowd quickly disappeared among the Petrograd bourgeoisie. In General, I suggest that Petrograd be renamed Lenin’s fiefdom.

“I object,” Lenin exclaimed, but Dzerzhinsky well knew that Lenin was just showing off. – What happened next, comrade Dzerzhinsky?

— And then we visited the Constituent Assembly and politely asked them to stop this farce, blaming them for the death of several workers who were undoubtedly among this enthusiastic crowd with flowers in their hands.

— Just make sure they don’t get together again.” We do not intend to share power with anyone, comrades. This is very important. Comrade Sky! where is comrade Skye and … and Vatzetis? Cusis, call them. And here they are, my dears. Such brave soldiers. Look at them and imitate them. What a bearing, everyone has a fighting spirit! Vatsetis am asking to approve commander of the Northern front, and Skaya henceforth chief of my security and commandant of Smolny. Comrade Trotsky, Vatsetis is now yours. The fate of the revolution is in your hands. And, in General, we should think about changing the capital of the proletarian state. There are too many enemies in Petrograd. In addition, the Germans may come here. But this is still just a thought, just a hint, although it is all very important. 77

As soon as the Bolsheviks seized power in Petrograd, and the first night of St. Bartholomew’s day passed in the city, an eerie silence reigned for a while; the city froze as if it had died out. But not for long. The proletariat, dazed with happiness, came out into the deserted streets and without thinking, set to work; the proletariat was armed with everything. Who a chisel, a hammer who, who stabbed who shotgun who’s hunting rifle, even a scythe without a handle, the thugs of the larger caliber was Browning, pistols, grenades and automatic weapons. The city was already asleep, except for cafes, restaurants, and night brothels. No one could have imagined that this night would be the last, that the warm, cozy home in the subconscious state would have to be changed to the cold waters of the Neva and there give their last breaths. All kinds of hatred, evil poverty, including murderers released from prison, were waiting for this night like manna from heaven.

The center of Petrograd was the first to suffer. The sound of hammers and axes resounded through the front doors. Those on duty were happy to open the front doors and even joined their fellow believers, led them to their rooms and lit candles. The first victims were the master’s daughters, then their wives, who were brutally raped right there in their beds in front of the master, and then stabbed with bayonets, and then dragged to be thrown into the Neva, some dressed in thin underwear, some naked, bleeding.

Somewhere there was a looting of shops, retail stores, various warehouses with food supplies.

Lenin had already realized that this was too much and would not do any good, but it was impossible to stop the raging crowd. And was it worth it? the proletariat has been fighting for power for so long, it has got this power, it has earned the opportunity to take a crack at it, and let it blow off steam.

But courage, debauchery, and drunkenness were followed by the demand: bread, bread!

All the raging proletarians, including the gopniks, quickly ground up the loot and, stunned by the unexpected good, turned their proletarian eyes to the new authorities. There was a terrible question and demand in those eyes: why is there no bread? why? feed the revolutionaries. Here, for the first time, the Soviet government had to begin a difficult problem – the problem of leading the proletarian masses.

And this mission could only be led by Lenin-the hope of all the humiliated and insulted. And Lenin was not at a loss. He immediately accused the haves, already dead, of sabotaging-they put the bread away, so that it did not get to the proletariat, but the proletariat will still survive, and in the meantime, each Gopnik a gram of stale rye, sometimes covered with mold, bread, a pinch of salt and two frozen potatoes. Nothing else. There were difficulties, or rather interruptions even with water. But gopniki (residents of the city hostel of the proletariat)were not satisfied with this, they were looking for someone to Rob.

There were very few residents of Petrograd, mostly on the outskirts, the center was completely cut out, there was not much to buy, even frozen potatoes, so everyone suffered, except the servants of the people, who gorged themselves on delicacies in Smolny. But the proletariat, accustomed to difficulties, bravely endured hardships, including starvation, in the hope that the leader would solve this problem.

The Soviet government distributed the vacated housing among the revolutionaries, primarily among the leadership, and the remainder among the gopniki.

The most comfortable apartments were occupied by servants of the people. The former caste of high-ranking officials of the capital was forced to go to heaven ahead of schedule, and the one that miraculously survived, these pitiful remnants, was forced to make room, move the whole family into one room, where the servants used to live, and the servants on the contrary occupied the best rooms with first-class furniture, dishes and silverware. And that was the great good of the Soviet government, it was partial, selective, so to speak experimental, for show. Bourgeois exploiters who were lucky enough to survive were usually arrested by the red Commissars and shot in their basements without trial. How dare they stay alive? Lenin charged Dzerzhinsky with this question, and the Democrat Felix Edmundovich, a Polish Jew who had become the executioner of the Russian people, invented many ways to kill the recalcitrant, but the best of them was a shot in the back of the head. As a butcher plunges a knife into the heart of a submissive animal, so Dzerzhinsky put the barrel to the back of the victim’s head and pulled the trigger. The victim twitched once and fell into an eternal sleep. No shouting at you, no matting, no pleading for mercy, and the sound of the shot turned into a musical chord. Especially for Lenin, who, with Asiatic cruelty, like a true son of Tamerlane, demanded the massacre of the innocent only because they belonged to the highest caste and formed the color, backbone, and brain of Russia. He hated the intelligentsia and did not hesitate to call it “shit”. And Dzerzhinsky succeeded in basement operations like no other. He tried with all his strength.

Where are the tsarist gendarmes to the Communist fighters in leather jackets, bulging eyes and just shaved off their paces, who renounced their faith and became hussars!? For many years, Soviet propaganda hammered into the minds of its citizens that Lenin was the father of children, the most humane man on earth, and Dzerzhinsky was the father of all people. such a good boy, was implacable to the enemies of the revolution, the people and the state. But the tsarist gendarmes – it’s just bad people. For this shameless, and admittedly successful, lie, we must thank the leader and his associates.

The well-to-do people who passed The Bartholomew nights were confiscated good clothes, gold jewelry, supplies of bread, money, transferred to the smallest room without mattresses and blankets, and to avoid starvation, left them potato peels. People deprived of all rights, clothing and food, could not help grumbling, and even tried to take revenge on the executioners. There were cases when red Commissars suddenly disappeared during such raids…

Dzerzhinsky reported to Lenin on the disappearances of the red Commissars.

These are bourgeois terrorists! Lenin said, banging his fist on the table. – I remind you, this is unacceptable, take hostages, lock them in specially equipped basements; put up guards and if in three days they do not indicate the location of the captured Commissar, then shoot every single one – children, the elderly, the sick, fathers and mothers. If our Commissar is an important person, shoot not only the family, but also relatives: brothers and sisters.

— If we take several people hostage and shoot them, it will not do much, – expressed his thought Dzerzhinsky.

— And you take as many hostages as you can, twenty, thirty, a hundred, a whole block. And shoot everyone, but so that others can hear and see. Do not spare your cartridges, do not show bourgeois pity for the enemies of the revolution. Let it be a science for them. Go ahead, comrade Dzerzhinsky! Act, act, and act again.

His red eyes were protruding, he waved his arms, and the saliva that spattered in all directions was considered bullets that hit the enemies of the revolution.

Yes, I know what to do, Vladimir Ilyich, but this is a small experiment, another one, so to speak… with the isolation of the hosts and… potato peelings. Well, here it is, this experiment has borne fruit. This proves once again how much the bourgeois hate us and the revolution as a whole.

Dzerzhinsky began to notice that Lenin was behaving somewhat inappropriately, losing control of himself.

As soon as the thug Dzerzhinsky came out, Bronstein appeared with a massive folder in his hands. Lenin was delighted, as if he had not seen him for a long time.


“Comrade T.”.. Oh, please sit down. Please, please, make yourself comfortable, comrade Trotsky. What do you have in this folder? Reports of those shot and hanged? Report immediately. The more, the better. Shoot, shoot, and shoot again. The revolution does not tolerate bourgeois humanism. My brother was shot, no, hanged, or shot? Well, to hell with them – shot or hanged, what’s the difference. Go ahead and report. How do the Commissars work there with their punitive detachments? You keep an eye on them, with one eye, and report, report.

Trotsky hesitated. He didn’t know what to do. His folder didn’t contain any such information. But under the chief’s piercing gaze, he faltered and confessed.

— They shot a lot, but they didn’t keep any information. This is the dung of history, Vladimir Ilyich, as you yourself said recently. And I have such an article was born. Cut out all, and settle the Jews on the liberated land…

“Wait for that. Although … how many millions of Russian fools will die should not interest us, let bourgeois historians calculate until they come to an end. This is very important. And here’s what. Me just came comrade Dzerzhinsky, I...after he left, I had a brilliant idea. What if we turn the imperialist war into a civil war? According to comrade Dzerzhinsky, the resistance of the exploiting classes is growing in Petrograd. This means that they can take up arms, and this is a threat to the conquests of the Soviet power. We need to strengthen measures. Peter, of course, we will crush, already crushed, or rather crushed, and if necessary, drown in blood. In St. Petersburg, Kronstadt, let Tukhachevsky prove himself. It will be the blood of exploiters and imperialists, but not the blood of the masses. Now, comrade Trotsky, the resistance of the exploiting classes will probably take place all over the country. I feel it, it keeps me awake. This is the fourth night I haven’t slept. What to do? Well, tell me what to do, you’re the only smartest Jew I’ve invited from all over Europe. And they responded, but each of them has its own interests, and I need the interests of the revolution to be in the foreground.

— You, Vladimir Ilyich, should refuse to eliminate the army as such. Arming the masses of the people will lead to nothing. And we don’t have that many weapons. Change your setup and give a different instruction, Vladimir Ilyich.

“Why, comrade Trotsky?” why? I can’t give up my scientific beliefs. Prove me wrong, prove me wrong! come on, I’m listening.

— We need to create a Red Army with the involvement of officers of the former tsarist army.

— To attract officers to the side of the revolution, like Tukhachevsky? Why not? I agree. In addition, we have a lot of mercenaries, Hungarians, Germans, poles and all the other bastards, even the Chinese. The Germans gave us three million marks for the maintenance of such an army. Prepare a decree, I will sign it immediately, without hesitation. You will be the commander-in-Chief of the red army, because I don’t understand a thing about it. Just this. Comrade Dzerzhinsky and I decided to take and shoot hostages if the Commissar disappeared. You will consider his experience. If a former tsarist officer refuses to serve in the red army, shoot his family and hang him. But this must be done so that everyone knows and is afraid. The world revolution cannot do without fear and violence.

— The draft Decree on the creation of the red army, I have ready, Vladimir Ilyich, only your signature is required. This is the folder where the project is waiting for your signature, Vladimir Ilyich.

— Well, Trotsky, well, Trotsky! Wow! The revolutionary self-confidence is to my liking. And in your project on the establishment of the red army death squads available? Yes? Then I’ll sign it right now.

Lenin took a blue pencil and raised it over the decree.

— Thank you, Vladimir Ilyich, this is for history. But what about the NKVD Commissars, they will always be under the guardianship of Dzerzhinsky?

— These troops have already been created, comrade Trotsky, and they will be the internal troops under the command of the outstanding revolutionary Dzerzhinsky. And you must be an outstanding General. You graduated from the military Academy, didn’t you?

“I went to the military Academy once on some business, Vladimir Ilyich,” Trotsky admitted. I was invited to the second year, but I refused, because it was a bourgeois Academy.

— So you’re related to the military Academy.” I also studied this way: I went in, looked at it, turned away, and then passed everything in an external exam, slightly greasing it. And you came, and you came, and you came again. You can shoot, you can hang… enemies of the revolution. You can, of course, so you are an outstanding commander. I am an outstanding leader and head of state, although I have never even managed a bathhouse. But I am principled and always turn to Marx. I’m an outstanding scientist myself. My teaching is based on control, on intransigence, on the absence of bourgeois democracy and morality. And my slogan is: shoot, shoot, and shoot again. Remember this, comrade Trotsky, if you want to become an outstanding commander.

— With the help of a carrot and stick, we can attract to our side some of the officers of the Russian army, who have gained extensive experience in conducting military operations in the First world war.

“A whip, only a whip and a pistol, comrade Trotsky. And that means being shot for the slightest offense, even for trying to apologize. Now let’s get started. Bronstein, Lenin’s kindred spirit and blood, was as cruel and vindictive as his teacher. The first experience showed that you need not only a stick, but also a carrot in order to attract an officer to your side and make him serve in the red army.

Lieutenant Volodya Pavlov, left his unit on his own and returned to the seething Petrograd. When one of the Ministers was being taken to the basement in a neighboring street to be shot as a saboteur, his daughter, receiving blows with buttocks, still accompanied her father to the basement threshold, and then fainted. Volodya jumped up, took her in his arms, and returned with her to the entrance from which she had come. So the acquaintance took place, and after the acquaintance there were feelings. Pavlov decided to marry Zoe. During the wedding in one of the temples, where relatives were present, both on the part of the bride and the groom, Commissars broke into the temple and, pointing pistols, took everyone to the basement, including the priest.

In the dark and cold, the prisoners sat for three days and only then did the envoys of the commander-in-chief of the red army, Trotsky, come to them.

“Who’s Pavlov?” the Commissioner asked.

“Be silent,” pleaded his wife, who had not yet known him as a wife.

— I repeat, who is Pavlov?” admit it-it will be worse.

“I am,” said Volodya, puffing out his chest proudly.

— So Pavlov, if you want to save your wife, your parents and relatives, make an oath that you will serve in the red army and fight for the triumph of communism. According to Lenin’s wise instructions, the imperialist war is now turning into a civil war.

“Fight against your own people?” Not for the world, “the officer said.

— Well. You’re all going to be shot.

With tears in his eyes, and Volodya’s mother fell on her knees, everyone began to beg him to agree to serve in the red army. And Volodya gave this consent. All were released, including Volodya, giving him three days of leave to stay with his young wife, and then he must report to the military commandant’s office for further service in the red army.

These experiments involving officers of the tsarist army worked. A year later, the red army had about three million men in its ranks.

The civil, fratricidal war was in full swing. Lenin was the political organizer and mastermind of this shameful fratricide in the history of Russia. The psychology of the executioner and hitherto unseen demagogy began to yield positive results.


A representative of various Jewish concessions and communities, Sofya Zlikovna Koshman, sat in the reception room of Ilyich, waiting for an appointment. All members of the Politburo were already in the waiting room, knowing that at 9: 45 a.m. Ilyich was drinking tea, letting go of the belt on his trousers, scratching his beard, and looking in the mirror. When the hands on the clock showed 10–00, you could go in without knocking.

But Sophia, who was waiting for an appointment on the recommendation of the proletarian writer Maxim Gorky, made adjustments to the established order. In addition, leyba Bronstein shot first with his left and then with his right eye, spoke incoherently to an unknown guest, and Apfelbaum-Zinoviev brazenly asked where the guest got so many diamonds and whether she would blind the leader of the world revolution during the conversation. All this indicated that the guest is not an easy visitor. If there was any whispering about it, it was only in whispers, and then hints and even signs on the fingers. There was no doubt that the guest would be the first to enter Ilyich’s office and dazzle him with her attire.

As soon as the hands on the clock approached ten, Leiba went into the office of the leader of the peoples, but something suspiciously quickly left. He looked so confused and almost wet that everyone thought that Ilyich had thrown him out of the office with a Bang, depriving him not only of conversation, but of a caustic remark, for which he was an inimitable master.

And Sophia, in a gorgeous dress that trailed on the floor, was smiling, trying to talk to anyone, even though she knew only Bronstein Trotsky personally.

Trotsky, looking straight at her, uttered a short sentence in a loud voice so that everyone could hear:

— The chief of the peoples is waiting for you, and … and then, after the interview, I would like to meet you alone, my goddess.”

As always, believing that all the charms would go to him, the commander of divisions of the red army, he fought not with the lady who already nested in his heart, but with time that stretched out on its own. Apfelbaum even grabbed the end of her dress, which was dragging on the carpet, but Sophie had a hard look that said, get off me, pygmies.

Leyba managed to open the door, leaned forward, banging his forehead on the door jamb, and Sofia went with a Royal gait into the study, where a stuffed animal sat in the semi-darkness, scratching his bald head with dirty nails. She kept wanting to give him the reticule and didn’t know how to do it. Finally, the reticule itself fell from his hands, and Ilyich involuntarily screamed: bomb, terrorism, save!

But no one heard his voice. Sophia was forced to bend down and open her purse, and the diamond flashed all over the office, blinding the small, evil eyes of the leader of the peoples.

— You are so careful that it borders on…, it is better to abstain. Let me sit down, ZUZIK, as the Germans call you.

— Oh, there is more wealth here than all the members of the Politburo!

“You’re funny, Leiba, I need a dick, not a dick. I’m not as depraved as you think. This is just a piece of what belongs to our family.

— I will give it to the diamond Fund, which is the envy of our outstanding member Katznelson-Sverdlov Yankel.

“Come on, n will take it. This diamond is worth 500 kilograms of gold.

— Where did you get this?” Why didn’t the Bolsheviks expropriate?

— Why?” I give it to you. Your father gives it to you. He runs the Petrograd banks.

— Already Leningrad, lady. What is your name, may I ask? It seems… it seems that you, you, and not I, are leading the attack, and this is arch important and arch dangerous. What are your and your father’s requirements?

— My father is a Jew Koshman – banks and I’m Jewish Sophia Serikovna Koshman, not married, not belong to any party. We have a request, not a demand. Do not offend the Jews, do not kill them, do not take away their property. If the Jews are rich, then the country is rich. I don’t think you want to have a poor country. Besides, are you a Jew yourself, or are you a Jew like all your colleagues who have renounced their faith and their names? – A little bit, a little bit. So what? The Soviet government liquidates nationality as such. Every gussky du … AK will henceforth be a b-Soviet person.

Lenin sat in a massive leather chair and stroked his bald head with the palm of his right hand.

— Volodya, I did not think that you have changed so much, become so cautious, and this is called cowardice in Yiddish. This is a gift from our family. And I am delegated by all the Jewish communities. What can I say to them, because the Jews, called from all over Europe, are helping you to create lawlessness in the land that you so easily captured.

“They are proletarians. AZ will repay. As soon as we establish socialism in Russia, we will move to Poland, Germany, France, and so on.

And he suddenly smiled, seeing and appreciating her beauty.

— Um, I have Inessa-a beautiful woman, but this… what’s your name?” We could get along. My body begins to react, I become stronger, younger, new ideas appear, revolutionary, proleta … sian. Yes ZD...and with all … Naya socialist … evolution. But first, why are you here, what do you want, what are your requests for such a beautiful Jewish woman? I must admit, this is the first time I’ve seen such a Desdemona. Come on, cut my bald head off. Where to go. Every man is weak.

— Vladimir Ilyich, are you a Jew? you didn’t answer that question.

— There’s a little something, but why?”

— Why did you declare the nationalization of banks and make all the Jews of the country poor? Our family and I are ruined. Where do we go now? With your hand outstretched? So I came to you and held out my hand. It seems that the Jews are not the last of your robbers, who are popularly called Jews. Is everyone like that in your Politburo?

— They are all hussars, and I am the most hussar among these tailless apes. And when we begin to liberate Germany and then England, I will be a German and then an Englishman. Why? Yes, because the Bolsheviks renounce nationality as such. Now we will not have a Russian holder, but a Soviet person. And for my Politburo members, it doesn’t matter. Now they are all Soviet, and tomorrow they will be Soviet people.

And now for the Jews. All Jews are my friends. They were the first to rush to the liberation of the Hussite proletariat even before the Latvians. And I bet on them, but … and this is very important. For me, Jews are only those who participate in the revolution. The rest … are subject to liquidation as capitalists. Who is your father and his ilk? Exploiters, capitalists, enemies of the proletariat. And you want me to make an exception for him. And I can’t do that. This is my universal postulate-to kill the haves, make everyone equal, eliminate the family, destroy faith in God and believe only in Marxism, and since…, then believe in me – Lenin, the God of the planet Earth.

“Enough! I don’t want to listen to you anymore. You are a real idiot...since the days of king David. I will pass on our conversation to all the Jews and they will hate you.

— Well, don’t be so vindictive. Given your strength and male weakness, I can, and my party, can condescend to not touch your Jewish prayer services and institutions… while the Jewish ones are all subject to destruction. As for your father and your family in General, do the following. Your father-gives all his wealth to the cause of the revolution, the cause of the people, and you dress up as a red army soldier and take up the post of nurse. You will treat the wounded red army men, and I will appoint Panu as the chief of the NKVD of the city of Moscow, where I am going together with my colleagues to make this city the capital of the socialist state. When we meet you on the battlefields, I will award you the Order of the red banner of Labor, like the revolutionary Zalkind.

— I’ve heard of the red fury. She’s senile. You want to make the Jews the killers of Russian? Neither my father nor I, nor any other Jews, will agree to this. You have gathered renegades around you and made them murderers. However, this was easy to do.

— You don’t know our Countrywoman. A countrywoman is an outstanding revolutionary. She deserved the order. It proved that you can make revolutions not only with language, but also with an automatic machine. In my letters, I demanded this from the red commanders, but they did not always listen. Practice shows – – the chief finished the monologue and as if accidentally pressed the call button, all his colleagues sitting in the waiting room were alarmed, suddenly thinking that something unusual, terrible had happened and rushed to the chief’s office, crowding each other.

— What happened, great one, wise one?” Katznelson, a small, dead man, piped in a trembling voice. – Why did you press the alarm button, and your visitor has not yet left? And she’s … an unknown person. Comrade Bronstein is to blame, all contributed to it enter your office.

“Calm Down, Yankel. This lady came here at the request of our friend, our proletarian writer Maxim Gorky, whom we can not send to Italy for a vacation. He’s writing a book about me, and it’s called Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

“As soon as it’s finished, give it to me,” Dzerzhinsky said.

Sonia sat and cried, she saw no one, heard no one. The verdict on her, her father, and all rich Jews was passed by the Jew Lenin, who had long ago given up his faith after being struck down by infidels.

— Leiba, escort lady, and a diamond to give goskhran Brands of Katznelson – Sverdlov, let it apehodet. Leyba was so overjoyed that he stumbled as he went to offer his hand to the weeping lady. But Sonia got up herself and waved her hand to indicate that she didn’t need any help.

Lenin sat with his head in his hands, and all the members of the Politburo also put their heads in their hands, taking up their soft leather chairs. When Lenin released his bald head and began to drill everyone with his small eyes, everyone came to life waiting for news. But Lenin remained suspiciously silent for a long time, and then sneezed twice and said:

“Let’s get to work.” I will inform you of the purpose of this extravagant lady’s visit when I come to my senses.

A representative of various Jewish communities, Sofia Zlikovna Koshman, was sitting in Lenin’s waiting room, waiting for an appointment. Many members of the Politburo were also sitting in the waiting room. the clock showed 9– 45 am. At this time, Ilyich finished his tea, let go of the belt on his trousers, scratched his beard and looked in the mirror, and only then, when the hands were drawn up to ten, sat down in the chair and pressed the alarm button. In the waiting room, everyone was worried, not whispering, and everyone was thinking about their first sentence. And Sophia, in a gorgeous dress that trailed on the floor, was smiling, trying to talk to anyone, even though she knew only Bronstein Trotsky personally.

Trotsky drew his chair closer, closed his eyes, because the diamond necklace blinded his eyes, and the appearance of the guest deprived him of reason and correct orientation, but he dared to hint at the strawberry, believing that all its charms were reserved for Ilyich, the leader of all workers. She kept wanting to give him the reticule and didn’t know how to do it. At last the reticule fell out of his hands, and Leiba immediately picked it up and handed it to his mistress.

— Oh, this is the wealth of all the Politburo members!

“You’re funny, Leiba, I need a dick, not a dick. I’m not as depraved as you think. This is just a piece of what belongs to our family.

This was another blow to the brain and Leiba already prepared a phrase, but this phrase was not destined to stun the guest. The light bulb lit up, you could enter the king of ancient times. But Sophia was in no hurry. Trotsky broke the dark reign.

“Comrades of the Lord! I suggest that our great guest, the daughter of our friend, wealthy friend, sponsor of all the rabbis of Koshman Zelik Sofya, be admitted to a business meeting with the leader of the peoples. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, and Sophie said casually:

“Introduce me, Leiba, a friend of our family.

Leiba immediately jumped up and disappeared through the massive door, but something suspiciously quickly reappeared.

— The genius of all mankind is waiting for you, please, “he said, and opened the front door.

Sophie got up and went with a Regal gait to the chief’s office. Lenin sat in a massive leather chair and stroked his bald head with the palm of his right hand. She stopped right in front of the chair, kissed his bald head, and left the reticule on the table just below his chin.

— Is that a bomb?” Lenin said, and leaned back in his massive chair. “Dzerzhinsky, where the hell are you?”

— Volodya, I didn’t think you were so careful, and this is called cowardice in Yiddish. It’s a gift from our family. And I am delegated by all the Jewish communities. However, Yes, I’ll show you.

She immediately got up from her chair, opened her bag, and took out a thousand-carat diamond. Lenin narrowed his eyes so as not to lose sight.

— Yes, it should be nationalized and transferred to the Germans...for support, for…

And he suddenly smiled, seeing and appreciating her beauty.

— Um, I have Inessa-a beautiful woman, but this… what’s your name?” We could get along. My body begins to react, I become stronger, younger, new ideas appear, revolutionary, proleta … sian. Yes ZD...and with all … Naya socialist … evolution. But first, why are you here, what do you want, what are your requests for such a beautiful Jewish woman? I must admit, this is the first time I’ve seen such a Desdemona. Come on, cut my bald head off. Where to go. Every man is weak.

— Vladimir Ilyich, are you a Jew?

— There’s a little something, but why?”

— Why did you declare the nationalization of banks and make all the Jews of the country poor? Our family and I are ruined. Where do we go now? With your hand outstretched? So I came to you and held out my hand. It seems that the Jews are not the last of your robbers, who are popularly called Jews. Everyone in your Politburo is like that.

— They are all hussars, and I am the most hussar among these tailless apes. And when we begin to liberate Germany and then England, I will be a German and then an Englishman. Why? Yes, because the Bolsheviks renounce nationality as such. Now we will not have a Russian holder, but a Soviet person. And for my Politburo members, it doesn’t matter. Now they are all Soviet, and tomorrow they will be Soviet people.

And now for the Jews. All Jews are my friends. They were the first to rush to the liberation of the Hussite proletariat even before the Latvians. And I bet on them, but … and this is very important. For me, Jews are only those who participate in the revolution. The rest … are subject to liquidation as capitalists. Who is your father and his ilk? Exploiters, capitalists, enemies of the proletariat. And you want me to make an exception for him. And I can’t do that. This is my universal postulate-to kill the haves, make everyone equal, eliminate the family, destroy faith in God and believe only in Marxism, and since…, then believe in me – Lenin, the God of the planet Earth.

“Enough! I don’t want to listen to you anymore. You are a real idiot...since the days of king David. I will pass on our conversation to all the Jews and they will hate you.

— Well, don’t be so vindictive. Given your strength and male weakness, I can, and my party, can condescend to not touch your Jewish prayer services and institutions… while the Jewish ones are all subject to destruction. As for your father and your family in General, do the following. Your father-gives all his wealth to the cause of the revolution, the cause of the people, and you dress up as a red army soldier and take up the post of nurse. You will treat the wounded red army men, and I will appoint Panu as the chief of the NKVD of the city of Moscow, where I am going together with my colleagues to make this city the capital of the socialist state. When we meet you on the battlefields, I will award you the Order of the red banner of Labor, like the revolutionary Zalkind.

— I’ve heard of the red fury. She’s senile. You want to make the Jews the killers of Russian? Neither my father nor I, nor any other Jews, will agree to this. You have gathered renegades around you and made them murderers. However, this was easy to do. – You don’t know our Countrywoman. A countrywoman is an outstanding revolutionary. She deserved the order. It proved that you can make revolutions not only with language, but also with an automatic machine. In my letters, I demanded this from the red commanders, but they did not always listen. Practice shows – – the chief finished the monologue and as if accidentally pressed the call button, all his colleagues sitting in the waiting room were alarmed, suddenly thinking that something unusual, terrible had happened and rushed to the chief’s office, crowding each other.

— What happened, great one, wise one?” Katznelson, a small, dead man, piped in a trembling voice. – Why did you press the alarm button, and your visitor has not yet left? And she’s … an unknown person. Comrade Bronstein is to blame, all contributed to it enter your office.

“Calm Down, Yankel. This lady came here at the request of our friend, our proletarian writer Maxim Gorky, whom we can not send to Italy for a vacation. He’s writing a book about me, and it’s called Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

“As soon as it’s finished, give it to me,” Dzerzhinsky said.

Sonia sat and cried, she saw no one, heard no one. The verdict on her, her father, and all rich Jews was passed by the Jew Lenin, who had long ago given up his faith after being struck down by infidels.

— Leiba, escort lady, and a diamond to give goskhran Brands of Katznelson – Sverdlov, let it apehodet.

Leyba was so overjoyed that he stumbled as he went to offer his hand to the weeping lady. But Sonia got up herself and waved her hand to indicate that she didn’t need any help.

Lenin sat with his head in his hands, and all the members of the Politburo also put their heads in their hands, taking up their soft leather chairs. When Lenin released his bald head and began to drill everyone with his small eyes, everyone came to life waiting for news. But Lenin remained suspiciously silent for a long time, and then sneezed twice and said:

“Let’s get to work.” I will inform you of the purpose of this extravagant lady’s visit when I come to my senses.


In his office, he worked on the “outstanding” work “how to organize a competition”. In addition to the members of the Central Committee, only two people could enter his office: his wife, who had turned into a servant, and his party comrade, Inessa Armand, the leader’s mistress. She usually appeared in a long silk robe, unbuttoned with the first two buttons, and walked around the chair with a catlike gait, as if suddenly placing her hand on the shining bald head of the chief.

— What are you working so hard on, my dear little man, that you don’t even notice me?” “what is it?” she asked, wrapping her arms around his short neck.

— Comrade Inessa, listen to a few lines from my outstanding work entitled “how to organize a competition”. It will be sent to all party cells, to all communes in the cities, counties and villages of great Russia. Secret, of course. No one should know what Lenin practically advises. “Communes and cells in town and country should devote themselves to a common and unified goal: to purge the Russian land of all harmful insects,” is the humane expression of the leader of the workers, “from all those who do not agree with the Soviet government. In one place, let them put a dozen rich people, a dozen crooks, half a dozen workers who are not working. In the second – will put them to clean toilets. In the third case, they will be provided with yellow tickets after they leave the punishment cell, forbidding them to work or receive ration cards, so that all the people will watch over them as if they are harmful people. In the fourth case, let them be shot on the spot without trial.”

“I can’t hear it,” Inessa said.

“No, you listen:

And that goes for you, Inessa-ha-ha-ha.

“All residing on the territory of the Russian Federation foreign citizens from the ranks of the bourgeoisie of those countries who are hostile and against us military action in age from 17 to 55 years to conclude in a concentration camp…”

— You all offer to shoot, hide in the camp, who will look for the incorrigible? Inessa asked in surprise.

— Not all. There are fifteen million kulaks in Russia, they should be shot, evicted to Siberia, let them work there until they die like … flies.

— And who will feed Russia? What are you, Volodya? You and I will die if there is no bread.

— The proletariat of other countries… will not leave us in the lurch. Do you think the fists feed us? Anyway. Yes, they hide bread in basements and even there are such cases, they burn it in barns, just so that the Soviet power does not get it, comrade Inessa. A merciless war against these fists. Death to them! Death, death! And their children, and their grandchildren – death!

Lenin was so incensed that saliva began to spray from his mouth. Inessa opened her hands and when they were wet with saliva, gently smeared them on the chief’s bald head. He got up and began to pace the room, hands behind his back.

After a while, Inessa turned, head down, and walked away noiselessly. The chief didn’t even notice. My imagination was at work: my fists, they writhe in pain when their fingers are cut off, then their arms are cut off to their shoulders, but they do not give up, because they are sworn, innate enemies of the people’s power. They were already born like this, so there can be no question of re-education. The same thing happens with Industrialists, capitalists, exploiters, priests, there are many of them-half of Russia, and maybe more. If all are shot, only the proletarian masses will remain, and with these masses a world revolution can be carried out. Nadia was standing behind the curtain in the study, she had heard the conversation with Inessa, she was crying quietly, and when she left, and Volodya came to, she began to say his name almost in a whisper.

— Volodya, it’s my birthday today…

“Inessa, put that insect out the door,” the chief said, looking around the empty office. “Oh, you’re gone, Inessa. Nadia, Nadya-fly, go away. The world revolution does not recognize any birthdays. This is very important. Well, all right, so be it, come and kiss me on the forehead on the occasion of the day of your death.

“Just like in Shushenskoye,” Nadya said, wiping away a tear, not hearing the end of the sentence.

Entered Fotieva, personal Secretary and handed Lenin a cryptogram, or rather a copy sent Trotsky Mezhlauk, commander of the Urals, which reported that the red army EN masse surrender of the enemy and to blame the commanders of those mobilized by the Soviet authorities of the king’s officers. Lenin was enraged. He immediately called Dzerzhinsky. Iron Felix was not long in coming.

— Comrade Dzerzhinsky, look at this. The officers we have mobilized, the so-called military specialists, are sabotaging. Immediately find out the names of the officers from Bronstein, and then shoot their families-father, mother, sons and daughters, regardless of age; brothers, including first and second cousins, grandparents, all, all to the seventh generation. Post lists, let everyone know that the world revolution is merciless to traitors and collaborators of imperialism. Declare to the officers, on personal receipt, that they themselves are responsible for the fate of their families. This is very important.

— On your behalf, Vladimir Ilyich?” Dzerzhinsky asked.

“On behalf of the revolutionary masses, comrade Dzerzhinsky. My information, my instructions, are top secret. My last name should not be mentioned anywhere. I do not belong to myself, I am a part of the revolutionary masses, and on behalf of these masses I give all sorts of orders and instructions, comrade Dzerzhinsky. And you do the same. And my notes should be kept in the party archives forever. They can be opened only after the victory of the world revolution, when not a single imperialist will remain on earth. Do you understand? You can go. And don’t give in to weakness, slobbering, or any bourgeois morality. No morals. Everything that is done in the name of the revolution is moral.

The revvoensovet created by Trotsky sent all the Commissars, these were usually thugs and spies of Jewish nationality – to regiments, army headquarters with the purpose that the Commissars would monitor how the commanders performed their duties. Much later, the military Commissars were replaced by secretaries of party organizations, not only in army units, but also in civilian life, from kindergarten, school to a large factory, Ministry, and so on.

As a rule, Lenin gave secret instructions to the Commissars. Here are some of them. “Kazan. The revolutionary military Council. Raskolnikov. In case of doubtful commanders, put solid Commissars with revolvers in their hands. Give your bosses a choice: victory or death. Keep an eye on unreliable commanders. For desertion of a person in command, the Commissar is responsible with his head.” As we can see, the Commissars were also under the watchful eye of Lenin and his brainchild, the NKVD.

Soon Trotsky reports that there are not enough revolvers, and without revolvers held to the commander’s head, it is impossible to achieve victory. “You can’t fight without revolvers.”

Lenin soon created special bodies to deal with deserters, and 79036 deserters were immediately arrested and shot. And 98 thousand voluntarily surrendered to the NKVD thugs, who were used as cannon fodder.

Lenin was informed that the red army was disappearing.

— Comrade Dzerzhinsky! Where does he work, in the basement? When he puts the last bullet in the back of the head of the enemy of the world revolution, let him urgently call the leader of the world revolution, Lenin, to me.

“I’m already here,” Dzerzhinsky said. – Wearied. In addition, I had a failure, Vladimir Ilyich. A lady took pity on me. She kept holding her stomach and begging not to shoot in the stomach, because there is a live child there. Asked to leave the life of the child. My hand trembled.

— What are you, a wimp?” Urgent to catch up, to be shot like a dog. We don’t need children from the bourgeoisie.

— No, Vladimir Ilyich, you do it, here’s my gun for you, it’s loaded, go down to the basement, she’s sitting there, crying, how is it? Oh, she’s in shock.

“All right, Felix, sit down. I was told that red army soldiers were disappearing. Is this possible? We must protect the missing. Find and protect.

— I’m afraid that’s not possible.

— How is that impossible?”

— Red army soldiers disappear at night. They are captured, taken away, often to the house, killed, crushed and flushed down the sewer. And all is clear. Do you understand? Our enemies are also awake.

— Then let’s do this. The quarter in which the red army soldier disappeared, we take hostage...together with children and old people. If we don’t get a red army soldier back within three days, we’ll shoot them all. Every single one! Go and carry out the party’s task, comrade Dzerzhinsky. And report, report!

Lenin, when there was no one to reprimand, took up his pen and sent out circulars.

Trotsky: … " the recovery is excellent. I am sure that the suppression of the Kazan Czechs and white guards, as well as the blood-sucking kulaks supporting them, will be exemplary and merciless. Warm greetings to Lenin.”

“Penza. Executive Committee. August 29, 1918. I am extremely indignant that there is absolutely nothing definite from you about what, finally, serious measures of merciless suppression and confiscation of bread from the kulaks of the five volosts you have carried out? Your inactivity is criminal. To carry out mass merciless terror against kulaks, priests and white guards, to lock up doubtful people in a concentration camp outside the city.”

In the same year, the executioner lathers up Trotsky’s neck: “Surprised and alarmed by the slowing down of operations against Kazan… In my opinion, it is impossible to pity the city and put it off further, because merciless extermination is necessary.”

The executioner’s directives to his own people are endless. Lenin is the author of the barrage detachments, which were also used during world war II by his student Dzhugashvili.

Executions were also carried out among the red army.

Endless, shameless demagoguery and empty promises, multiplied by prehistoric animal cruelty, helped Lenin to break the resistance of the white armies in the civil war. White officers, who were mostly the backbone of the army, were brought up in a different environment. These were Russian intellectuals, aristocrats who professed other values. The Russian intellectual was incapable of ripping open the bellies of soldiers who had surrendered in battle, his blood brothers.

An important role was played by the disunity of the commanders whose divisions fought against the red Commissars. They were also not supported by the Entente armies. Russia was destined to be plunged into darkness for many decades of Communist swamp and obscurantism.


Having fairly battered his colleagues who disagreed with the methods of forced Paradise, having abandoned the slogan “land for the peasants”, Ilyich remembered that somewhere beyond the Urals, it seems in Tobolsk, in the house of Ipatiev, the Royal family languishes in luxury and debauchery. How is it, why, it is almost a year since the proletarian masses rejected the hated Tsar and his family. This disgrace. Where Yankel Katznelson, Mocellin, crappy Jew? Family members sit down together at a common revolutionary table, eat socialist porridge on water, with silver spoons, then put these spoons back in their bosoms and … and dream of seizing his new Communist throne. Table, table, what impudence! how can this be, is it acceptable? Genius must not yield to anyone. Hang them, burn them alive...in front of the proletariat of the whole world! Pour acid on the corpses, scatter the ashes over France and England, keep the ashes in containers and give a sniff to those who resist the Soviet power…

This thought sent an electric shock through the brain of the leader of the failed world revolution, inflamed with anger and syphilis.

The young daughters, the sick minor Tsarevich Alexey, the doctor, the cook, the housekeeper were under the vigilant control of the chekists, the Lenin guard.

The false fiction of the Leninist, terrorist Communist party that Lenin did not know about the murder of the Tsar’s family, this decision of the local Communists, is designed for fools, as the executioner, their liberator, their sun yasnoya Lenin made them for many years.

But it was no longer revolutionary vigilance that guided the leader, no longer the fear that the Czar might return – the country was already practically broken – now vengeance gave him no peace. She bit him like a flea, she gnawed him like a hungry rat. “My brother Alexander! who hanged him? A king, no matter what, but a king. Burn all the kings! Sasha, you’re still hanging out in front of my eyes. Open your eyes and see how the body of the uncovered princesses burns. Who were you saving your virginity for? For my enemies and the enemies of the world. And I will prove that their purity is not necessary for the revolution. Proletarians, where are you, Latvians, why without weapons?

— Ilyich, what’s wrong with you? Yankel exclaimed in horror, picking up his glasses from the spittle-stained carpet of genius.

— Why is the enemy of Nations and my personal enemy still alive?” You promised me to get acid and soak the entire Royal family in this acid. Yankel, I will send you to them, and you will burn together, Yankel. Is that what you want?” Do you live in my Communist Kingdom? How many mistresses do you have, Yankel? How many wives, what’s your salary? And Tsar Nicholas is still alive, and does not pay a penny for socialist dinners, for borscht, ZP soup, for Balanda and tobacco? Unas conversation was on this a topic not so long ago. Or have you forgotten? Forgot? let me remind you. Felix, where are you?

Yankel began to cry, like an ancient Jew. Who has seen Jews weep? Even the soldiers did not see Hitler, because the Jews are a proud people.

“Put your tears to hell, I don’t need them.” Answer the questions, it will be your alibi.

The sun of all peoples, shoot!!!

— Why, are you mad?

— This is a revolutionary sound from the back hole of the genius of ancient and modern Jews. He will tell me what to do with Nicholas II and his family. Push, push, like this. I didn’t eat much caviar, though. But still, the picture is clear. I have two days to travel from here to the Urals, an hour to prepare, fifteen minutes to shoot, forty minutes to undress, fifty minutes to remove valuables and two minutes to cut off the head of the king and Queen, and five minutes to pack. And then their corpses will float in acid. In this case, the meat is separated from the bones on its own, leaving only bones and skulls. The skulls will be delivered to the Kremlin, and so will the valuables, Ilyich, leader of the people. Don’t ruin it, I’m not thirty yet. And I have no mistresses: e is worth the device, tried. You can try me, I want to be blue, just like you, Volod.

“I approve,” the executioner threw up his hands. – Only on the way think up something new, revolutionary, so that you can report to the proletariat without blushing from slobbering.

Yankel slightly moistened his pants with joy, soared in spirit and asked.

“What did he do to you, Ilych?” He fed you well, gave you a horse, you got married, and you hunted with a gun on your shoulder? Nikolashka did everything he could for you, as if he had a premonition that the time would come when you would change places. Pay him back.

Lenin rolled his eyes and gave his friend a terrible look, and then screamed as much as he could:

“Out! a lousy Jew, a traitor to the revolutionary race. Not a word! I forbid it! Genius forbids it. Dzerzhinsky, where are you?

At this time, shots rang out in the basement.

“Ah, he shoots the enemy!” what music! It’s Beethoven, Beethoven! Is Beethoven a Jew? In short, the train ticket is ready, it’s in my receptionist’s office. Step March to Sverdlovsk.

“Comrade Fotieva! Came on the first call, well done, appreciate, appreciate for loyalty and vigilance, you will get an extra kilogram of black bread as a bonus. In the meantime, call me Dzerzhinsky, urgently, I need him as a revolutionary, a member of the Central Committee, on an arch-important matter. Well, go, go, why are you standing there, blinking your eyes? The prize does not provide for slowness, slowness is peculiar only to the bourgeoisie, and we have already twisted it into a RAM’s horn and lowered this horn to the bottom of the Parasha, – ha-ha!

“Is it Sverdlov?” Fotieva asked. – So you sent him to the Urals … to collect mushrooms.

“Yes, that’s it. That’s his party name, you should know that, by the way. It will remain Sverdlov, gussky, or the counter-revolution has already started rumors that the Lenin Politburo is all Jews. And there are even Jewish pogroms. And Sverdlov-now gussky, he is a great revolutionary, after me, of course. Like me, he’s a husky. Became a hussar. It is three times, four times gussky, as well as the Polish Jew Dzerzhinsky. Behind him is the Urals, and the Urals are the Gus territory, comrade Fotieva. And I Lenin gave him this nationality. Here is Bronstein-a real Jew, smart, talented, not a match for the goose fools, but I baptized him into a goose and called him T… ikim.

How did you baptize if you don’t recognize God? asked Fotieva, who could ask a question that was not allowed to be asked by any Walker.

Who do you think I am? I am God...the proletarian masses.

Ah, I see.

Fotieva rushed to look for Dzerzhinsky, but Lenin still could not stop. He paced the office with rapid steps and uttered great ideas about the trial of Nicholas II.

— This will be the people’s court. No one can call us, including me, the king’s murderer. This is the court of the proletarian masses. Although the Tsar gave me a horse in Shushenskoye, and paid good money for maintenance, and even gave me the opportunity to have a wedding, but the proletarian masses demand his execution. And I can’t help it. And as for the Royal daughters who did not know strawberries, then …let them go to the other world blameless. There they will find both suitors and lovers, ha … ha … ha. Besides, I can’t forget my brother’s execution. Although they offered to repent in the name of saving his life, but he did not agree, and I cannot accept that the Tsar and his children would simply trample on my land, which now belongs to the revolutionary masses. And this is very important. And all the Royal relatives there, there are a lot of them… a certain nun Elizabeth Feodorovna, beautiful, damn it, it would be worth … hug, but this bourgeois beauty is not for me, not for me, it is Archie important. The former wife of the Moscow Governor-General was forced to enter a monastery under the pressure of the masses. But this is her decision. All the more reason why she should suffer a Martyr’s death as her mentor, Christ, who did not exist, ha...ha...ha.Christ, like all priests, will be overthrown. I will replace him with myself. And God, too.

Dzerzhinsky, wiping his bloody fingers with a dirty rag, with a Lenin-style beard, entered the office cheerfully, clapping his hands, thus expressing delight at the decisive steps of his teacher. From his iron-shod boots remained dirty footprints on the shag carpet. Like a whirlwind, he rushed in and fell into a chair, looking at the leader, who was hunched and thin…


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