AI Fast-Track Methodology
Kubernetes Cookbook
Gala Klimt
Game of Tag
The fourth industrial revolution glossarium: over 1500 of the hottest terms you will use to create the future
Silver Bullets Toolkit
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NFT money-making guide
Digital transformation for chiefs and owners. Volume 2. Systems thinking
Penta bilingual
The ideological foundations of technological singularity
Digital Transformation for Chiefs and Owners. Volume 1. Immersion
IT Architecture from A to Z: Theoretical basis
The Startup Roadmap: From Idea to Success
Humanity’s Next Stage: Exploring the Possibilities of Immortal Informational Existence
Artificial Intelligence Glossarium: 1000 terms
AI Money
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Augmented and critical thinking
Medium and high level hacks — 2
Artificial Intelligence. Hello, Dad!
Cybernetics and transport processes automation
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All sciences. №3, 2023