The true cause of Navalny’s death. The Devil’s Prayer Book

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On February 16, 2024, Alexei Navalny died in prison in Russia.

Navalny was in prison, with the name «Polar Wolf».

The Polar Wolf is a male correctional colony of a special regime where citizens convicted of committing especially serious crimes are serving a sentence. She is located in the village of Harp, which is located behind the polar circle. A beautiful place with a unique history, during Soviet times it was the 501st division of the GULAG correctional labor camp, and one of the northernmost places of detention in Russia.

Alexei did not appreciate him.

And in vain! He had a great opportunity to understand the whole essence of the criminal world.

In 2022, Alexei was sentenced to nine years in prison for fraud and insulting the court. In August 2023, on charges of financing extremist activities and public calls for extremist activity, he was additionally sentenced to ten years. In the aggregate of crimes, he was supposed to be in a colony of special regime nineteen years.


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