The Third

Бесплатный фрагмент - The Third

Covid liberalism

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The leader of the Russian Revolution, Trotsky, was asked in the last interview with the Western press: What will happen to the world if there is no world socialist revolution? Trotsky replied: If the world socialist revolution does not happen, the era of world fascism will come.

Of course, Trotsky was referring to the second totalitarian monster. Inspired by superiority, the German Zeremids will manage the Übermensch all over the world. However, Marxism sees under fascism the radical dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.

But we know that a market trader will not touch anyone, let alone put someone in a concentration camp. Here the question is one: who controls whom: the idea to the banker or the bankers to the idea. In the face of the German second monster, all the same, the idea managed the bankers who sponsored Hitler, that is, the tradition managed the banks, and not vice versa bankers egoism. In the present embodiment, the bankers control all of humanity. And there is no ideological group other than patriots scattered around the world, from leftists to right-wing activists of the fascist type. The Zerefs of the world can do nothing with their current ruling elite, which worships the dollar.

Why it worships, we have already said. It is better to buy than to fight. So, sellers and then bankers gained power over the entire population. The corrupt elite of nation-States has accumulated a lot of currency. Her personal interest prevails over that of the community. Because Refags magic stronger hits rootless parvenu, they found themselves in the managerial elite of these States for obvious reasons. Zerefs don’t like smart people. Nor did they love the noble ones. The Zerefs destroyed their feudal elite when the first horseman of the Apocalypse blew his horn. There are examples in the world when the feudal elite even survived. But she was still under the magic of money, not her dignity. Once you buy something in your life, it makes you powerless. The crowd, the people, the eternal appeal to the popular masses, the lower classes, who were the most powerless before a bunch of money. The world has lost its nobility. The world is being destroyed by hypocritical populism. There must be some divine purpose in this. Or absolutely not divine.

“And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters because they were made bitter.”

Bible (King James) /Revelation

There is neither communism nor fascism. These are all the conventions of a dictate. Conditionality of the will of the ruling group led by the leaders. In fact, what is called communism and fascism is a traditional scheme. This is how the traditional family was built over the centuries. Worldwide. It was only in Germany and the USSR that the traditional family and its expression took place through the state. That is, in these peoples, kinship was higher than interest, the collective higher than individuals. Only one chief and his men remained. In fact, one father of the people and his sons. It may seem strange and surprising to someone, but the whole difference between communism and Nazism is actually a difference not only in the “age” of people that they were later than others on the market path. The difference is also that Nazism is an indicator of market youth and communism of market childhood and infancy. And if we take the state as a traditional family, then the Nazi in this family is the older brother, and the Communist is the younger brother. They both obeyed their father.

But today, all Nations have lost their care. In plain sight, the great concern of the rulers is that the population does not get sick. But do the rulers care about their people? Or they’re thinking of something else entirely. And under the guise of caring for the population, they try to save only personal money. Who manages them at all? And who do they really want to please with their concern for the population? To understand this, to see the face of the third monster, you must first carefully study the first two. In the womb of the first two monsters, the third monster grew. This monster is now controlling everything. Most importantly, submission to the third monster is completely voluntary. Only people are forced into some kind of isolation.

Throughout the 20th century, the most radical struggle was waged against tradition and the traditional family in particular. It was a struggle for old and new traditions. Only in the U.S.S.R. and in Germany did market progress and universal freedom receive a total response at the state level.

All traditions today have become anachronisms.



Who they choose and why (negative selection).

Command and administrative style.

What is everyone knows about the command and administrative style of leadership?

Where did it come from? Where does the philosophy of totalitarianism grow from?

Soviet people do not need to explain. They all lived under the command-administrative system, often called socialism; these words are sometimes uttered together, sometimes alone, but this does not change the essence. This is a style or organization where the non-initiative majority, you can call this majority the people, society, brigade, or collective farm, is subordinate to the head — the chiefs of different levels and caliber- from the General Secretary-General, director to ordinary caretakers. When the chief-the head of a smaller type of director or foreman, comes and tells everyone the will (plan, instructions) of the Secretary, and the Secretary tells the will of the General Secretary. And everyone starts working together to solve this will-plan depending on the number of employees. The proletarians, workers, and collective farmers are working, fulfilling the plan — will, the whole country is fulfilling, straining, or pretending. Agitators discuss the need and importance at fiery or hypocritically pretentious gatherings, or just formal and tedious, depending on what experience, meetings, workers shed three buckets of sweat. They can also pretend that they automatically go to work every day,; it does not exempt anyone from responsibility.

Let’s assume one option from the early versions when the responsibility was not only moral: the head of the correctional labor camp for the enemies of the people comes out. It informs: “Today, the plan increases by 5 percent. Every day now, you will give 5% more.” The prisoners are silent. “Any questions?”, — asks the head of the camp. “No question”. Escort! Here from the gloomy, impersonal, gray, melancholy crowd, a voice is heard: “Chief, will be increased the ration of bread?”. The Chief of camp snapped to voice: “Who said that? “One step forward!”

Of course, no one will take any steps if the boss doesn’t insist. Here is a grotesque version of the command-administrative extreme: I am the boss — you are a fool, and the conditional fool was not given the word. Everyone who has learned from their life experience knows that in such a system, the initiative is punishable; it looks almost like impertinence. It is better to mix with the crowd, and then the bosses will not take revenge, and the boss will certainly want to win back, to show others. To beat squirt so that others be afraid. In the camp, the camp commander may appoint the punishment, cancer, among free citizens the head will just lift the braves to laugh or try to do it, to show who is boss.

Why do people say keep quiet?

You can pass for a smart guy or a quiet calf sucking two cows. But in fact. And this is not a simple retelling of popular wisdom. This is a welcome paradigm of communication from top to bottom. It’s a tradition. A quiet heifer or the son of a strict father actually has many things, a bowl of soup, but most importantly, a greater chance of inheritance than the obstinate son, a man with a strong character. Traditional fathers and parents don’t like proud sons. They love compliant, obedient, maybe even cunning sons. Such a quiet little son will surely increase the family’s capital. And the rebel will spend everything on empty fantasies or just drink it up as wine. Idealists, romantics, and dreamers on the farm were to anything.

That’s why bosses don’t care that their subordinates are careerists and sycophants and that they lie. They themselves once adapted to be stroked by their fathers. The picture does not change what is down in traditional families, what is in power.The system is looking for heifers, sly, obedient, hypocritical, but not contradicting the authorities, and pleasing — honoring. Humble sons honor anyone, even an unworthy father. They don’t care what their father is, he’s their father, and that’s it. Even if he is a nonentity, a thief, or some other moral violator, the main thing is that he bequeaths business and money. The same personnel policy in power. One in one. And careerists do not care what kind of power, even if it is total, even if it is administrative and command, even if it is corrupt-stealing, rotten, immoral-at at least some. The main thing is that the power will let in the state’s coffers and, like fathers, give inheritance. Well, does not the command and administrative power want the sons to be truly submissive and executive?

The provincial government is gaining provincials.

In this system, there is a counter-evolutionary selection.

Negative selection. Provincials are not the front of society, and they are its backside. Middle-class fathers and party secretaries choose identical heifers in their image and likeness. Hence, this system of stagnation and decay. An oven is being built in the center of the state. The system of adaptors has no other morality or ideology than the traditional one, which is the traditional morality of survival. Therefore, in the center is built an ovine or corral for a cow. Only the application system is good for peacetime, and then not for very long. As soon as there is a danger, the owner’s people go to the woods or move to the steppe — you do not touch me, I do not you. Simultaneously, I’ll sit out until better times come. Bad boys give way to others for the feat. Why risk it all? At the moment of force of circumstances, all potential adaptors hide and good and their smiles. The life-loving, radiant smiles disappear behind the lips. They don’t just suck their tongues, and they just clap their lips in silence. And their antipodes, the adventurers and scoundrels, come on the scene. And they start. If, of course, the risk is not great again, then it will certainly be crooking. If the risk is limited, then the scoundrels will be behind the bushes with their life-loving, adaptable brothers. This is more suitable for the heroism of modern Maidan when the crowd can be controlled like a herd.

Scoundrels and cynics, this is a new version of a quiet heifer for the time being. They know that they will still win at the finish line when the chip is right. The enraged citizens will bring it themselves because they will no longer recognize meek and comfortable rulers. And losers voters will bring their pennies, not their poor fathers.

But when do the real characters come on stage?

This is when there is no benefit to look faithfully in the mouth from any situation senior-junior son, father-son, boss-fool. At the same time, there is no profit in deceiving the maddened and embittered crowd of the so-called electorate, which has been changed many times for affection from the next boss by the most docile heifers of the proteges. Moreover, the same active or creative new heifers perfectly know what the maddened and brutalized electorate wants. He’s not looking for any justice. Everyone wanted to. This is democracy and market relations now, baby! They wanted to be humble themselves. But they were cheated on and robbed.

This is the culture.

In the traditional system, the authorities choose the most docile and comfortable heifers regardless of the existing ideology. At the same time, the people pretend to be submissive to the point of stupidity because, in the traditional system, this is the only way to make a career. Regardless of ideology! It’s just the fashion to talk about socialism at first. Or they spoke, loyally and pompously, for the chance. Then those who said that this is socialism, this is a great invention, easily exchanged socialism for the market. The one who spoke about socialism betrayed socialism. Why? Because the other system (the market) is more profitable already.

You need to look at it faithfully and differently but creatively. All the people are still making loyal eyes out of habit. As all existing leaders did yesterday, and they do today. Everyone in the crowd hopes that their dull gaze will please the next chief (of the camp). This is a culture you prefer not to understand! If the people are traditional, it doesn’t matter what ideology is in the offices what banners are flying in the wind. Every traditional son wants to inherit. Therefore, he is silent and stares loyally into the distance but not in the distance and where it is necessary.

And now the scammers or other hypostasis of the heifer-the sons of Maidan. What they want and where they look. But you know exactly where they are going. They’ve already chosen the roof. It is the most powerful nation in the world. Both are money. But they do not look only there with quiet devotion. They are looking at a crowd that is raging and at the same time quiet in its root, which itself would not mind looking calmly, but patience has run out. And now these eyes meet. The crowd recognizes that the activists- a new emanation of heifers- lies to it. The meek have changed the fashion and understand that today’s expression of loyalty is entirely different from yesterday’s. They all want to suck. To suck the American cows for free just formed a generation of freeloaders. They don’t just show a denial of the camp’s morality. They had their last dance in the camp. One day, but it’s mine!



In the traditional world, there is no concept of honesty. Perhaps modern people understand honesty as openness. The Zeref should be clear as the steppe wind for their brothers and sisters. By honesty, we must understand responsibility. And even more correct is the concept of duty, although for Zerefs the duties assigned to them and a relative’s daily duty. Who would think of calling a caring father honest? He’s not honest at all. He does what he has to do — take care of the children, about his wife, about his family, and then other duties. If he does not comply with them, he will be condemned by the entire tribe. He will be judged and expelled from the collective. Each unit is important to the people. Therefore, all Zerefs are trained or brought up from childhood: everyone in the family performs their role depending on age. Every man is not only a provider but also a warrior. Is a warrior not honest now? Rather, it is the opposite of the hero. Or is he a coward now?

The attitude towards hostile tribes is exactly the opposite. The Zeref of the neighboring tribe was also brought up, as was the Zeref of this one. Therefore, they are heroes if the neighboring clan is defeated. If one Zeref escapes, which is unlikely because he was not taught cowardice, only courage, then he will be a coward for the people. He would still be a coward if he kept the captured enemy Zeref alive. This moment of cruelty and lack of compromise will help us understand why Zeref honesty is a weakness.

The Zerefs have a Zerefs ambition. In addition to the responsibility to the team of relatives, Zeref wants to be higher. They want to be above everyone else and always seem honorable people.

If we take people completely wild, just to understand the motives in nature itself. Modern Zerefs are no less ambitious. They must always seem more authoritative than other Zerefs.

The more authority, the more honor.

The Zerots are the elite of the Zerefs, the honorary fathers of the people, the Zerot live very well. They may not even work. Relatives will bring everything necessary themselves. This pronounced desire to be, look like the elite while not forgetting about your family and interests is perhaps the most obvious quality for today. The lack of honesty, which is a responsibility, makes it easier for Zeref to live. There is no need to answer.



What do we know about fascism? We know from Soviet dictionaries that fascism is a reactionary movement of the petty bourgeoisie. Fascism is represented as a negative, a misanthropic current of morality.

The birthplace of the fascist movement is considered to be Italy in the 20s.

But most of all, fascism is associated with the Nazi regime of the Third Reich.

The fascist States profess the state’s monopoly, in plain language, state-monopoly capitalism. In other words, they do not deny market relations but try to put market anarchy under the control of the Nazi idea. The ideological officials, in this case, the Nazi officials, were opposed to the cosmopolitan exchange. In this way, elements of paternalism became apparent in the fascist movement. In fact, Nazism turned out to continue the German feudal tradition. No one was surprised at what was said? One will grow out of the other, no wonder. For what reason was it so hypertrophied? This is a question of another topic. But German statism or a tilt toward state interests did not appear out of thin air. German statism came from German culture, which in turn came from German history. Here, of course, it is appropriate to recall the economic lag in Germany’s development, as its former fragmentation left the Germans without colonies, and therefore without additional resources. Yes, it is. But how German culture turned into the militarization of the Germans. Was it not the Germans themselves, their Dukes, barons, and counts, who most resisted unification?

Similarly, militarization has occurred from traditional German feudalism. The German official turned out to be almost a medieval German knight. But why did he become a Nazi instead of a cosmopolitan stockbroker, as happened in other civilized Europe?

Big brother.

How could a German family contribute to this?

How did a German official become wildly belligerent?

We could turn to the German tradition to find the origins of statism. We found it in German feudalism. Others will say, why didn’t the same statism manifest itself in Europe in another dream? A radical tilt towards state interests is not only a disease of the Germans. But it was among the Germans that it became radical. Absolutism seems to grow out of absolutism — paternalism. In short, from paternalism. Nothing is superfluous. So, what is the reason?

Any European father passes the inheritance to the eldest son. Not just German. This eldest son not only inherits lands and things, but he also passes on the habits of the family to his children. This is how the tradition develops, and this is how the traditional people turn out. Fathers look at their older sons, and their sons try to adopt their father’s look. They imitate him in everything. The transmission of the father’s character, behavior, and style from generation to generation create this nation. When fathers saw that to the eldest sons (namely, the eldest!), not enough land, not enough inheritance, they armed themselves and went on a campaign. Thus, the entire feudal people armed themselves. But the ideologues were the eldest sons, who take over and pass on the tradition from father to son.

In fact, the official German Nazi was not a feudal lord disguised but a new copy of him. He was the eldest son of a German burgher. Throughout Europe, fathers passed on their covenants in the same way, through their elders. The older ones were the heirs of the tradition and of the property as well. That the people did not turn off the path trodden by their ancestors, and in the end did not disappear as a people, just all the older sons watched this. Some seniors grew old and passed them on to other seniors. Those in turn also grew old but managed to teach their older sons. All these operations are somehow connected with the earth. There is an invisible connection, a sacred unity of tradition with the aristocracy. The only career for the eldest son is an honorary military career. All the officers in the army are the eldest sons. So why, with the advent of the market, would these senior officers not support the Nazi idea? Younger sons also became officers. Suppose the eldest inherited all the property. Having entered the military service, the younger ones supported the very institution of the traditional family and society.

The military ruled Europe in the 20s and 30s. Many modes: in Hungary (Admiral Miklos Horti), Romania (Marshal Antonescu), Poland (Marshal Pilsudski), Portugal (General De Costa), Spain (Generalissimo Franco) did not grow up to Nazism, to the ideology of total superiority, but were authoritarian regimes, dictatorships. But they were very similar to the German regime.

Suppose you have noticed the connection between right-wing totalitarianism and right-wing statism. In that case, with the institution of inheritance to the eldest sons, now look at what the younger sons are doing.

I would like to ask you to take a particularly close look at Russia. In addition, it will have to be considered in the development of the movement of anarchists from Italy, Spain, and Russia have the same problem. This problem is not so much about bringing anarchism into the arena a little earlier than authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, but rather about getting the problem of younger sons out. In other words, any left-wing and other protests and themes of equality and social justice are tied to the problems of inheritance and the lack of inheritance for the young son.

“The old man has three sons: the Eldest was a clever fellow, the Middle son was a fool.…”



The eldest son is smart because he does like a father. The eldest son is the father’s copy. He can’t be stupid by definition. All the older sons are sedate, important, walk strictly, and speak little. Where have you seen old people talking incessantly and crossing the village from end to end? There are no such old people. Older people don’t have much energy. They’ve already used it up. Similarly, older sons are not noticeable. However, there is still a lot of energy in them. The seniors will not waste it on trivial matters. Everyone is watching them. And the very first eyes in this observation are the eyes of the younger ones. The younger ones are the first to get slapped on the head by the older ones for indecent behavior and stupid behavior. Is there a demand from the younger ones? That’s why all the younger ones are spoiled behavioral waifs — fools, almost like in a fairy tale by the storyteller Yershov.

If such sons were to inherit, how would they be able to pay them back? No way. They will drink, waste, and skip it. How similar it is to the behavior promoted by advertising-take, walk, take advantage of the moment life had given one! If younger sons would not grow up later and become older brothers, all young sons would be possible to name to the democrats and Refags. Anyone who has had even a little experience with tradition in their biography, and there are many such, if not all of them, will not be able to be a democrat, even if they are the youngest in the family. In order for the younger to turn into a complete traditional degenerate and reformer, a certain period of the traditional vacuum is necessary. This person should be detached from the tradition, not have younger brothers. Or maybe just the only child in the family. Then no demand. Only self-indulgence. Here the ideology of hedonism is just right. Is this why the ideas of freedom and a market society are popular among young people? After all, this is a different congregation, a city crowd.

Thus, for market apologetics and any other lack of ideas, you need to find a generation born without contact with the land (with the village, aul relatives, without relatives at all). All these young people — the children of the first citizens, and perhaps themselves are Zeremids. Only those who did not fall into the ranks of the most loyal people of the ruling autocracy. Like all younger sons, they lose perspective and as if deprived of the inheritance. But this conditional inheritance must also be given by the state. But they see, know, and are also told that they will not see anything and take nothing. Everything has already been captured and cleaned up by the current elite. They are told from the outside: “They will not share with you. This is not your system or your state”

Now, who was included in the group of the chosen, conditional eldest sons of the authoritarian regime?

After all, all officials in the world behave the same. But if a new autocracy has developed and the imposition of the market on the traditional people, the traditional foundation, what will happen?

Among nomads, the eldest sons behave the same way as the eldest sons of Europe and Russia. They are also invisible and not energetic. It looks like these disciplines and quiet guys don’t need anything. The nomads have a minorat. The younger sons remain in the family with their parents. The elder sons leave. Although they also cut the inheritance. There is no other path left for the elder sons in modern conditions than that of the Gascony D’Artagnan. But when they get to megacities, they are again very accommodating and tolerant, unlike the Frenchman. It’s hard to tell who’s who among nomads. By culture, all sons behave like future heirs. They are also quiet and catch all the movements of the father.

Autocracy is constructed by itself. It appeals to the life and circumstances of the moment and, in general, to the Asian culture itself. All Zerefs and Zeremids want to be officials, heirs of the state. But “Everyone who exalted himself shall be humbled, but he that humbles himself shall be exalted”. Everyone can’t get into the new elite because all unskilled serenity begins to whisper, shyly behind their barkers: Freedom! Democracy! Dictator, get out! They were just immersed in the tradition completely. But seeing the futility of silence and the prospect of a lot of nothing, they wake up from their culture’s hibernation. They want to discard the culture they have learned in the villages. And because of this, they also resemble younger sons, spoiled by parents.



You will not find idealists among the older sons. Even among the urban intelligentsia, the elders behave as if they are ancestors dressed in modern costumes. All their thoughts are directed exclusively to reproduction. Like any prolific rabble, these older sons wander the wilds of neighborhoods searching for a certain favorite. The only idea that they understand and that the poets have thrown at them is love, if by the love you can see something more than reproduction (with preliminary dances of the male around the female with sighs, insomnia, and stumbling). Older sons are adherents of the old order. And this very love, in fact, old reproduction, they understand as order. Only as an order of age-old reproduction (as it turned out now with verses) And the state should help them in this, and they should help the state.

The younger ones are not like that. In addition to being the very poets who invented love poetry, they are also knights without inheritance. These are road tramps in constant search of a feat, and of course, they are the Crusaders. Who, if not these youngest, these alien bastards that filled the Holy Land, could respond to the idea of the release of the Coffin of the Lord? They are the same. The eldest in the family is one, and many younger ones are. The younger ones are fortune hunters among the lowest, from robbers to pirates, but all the younger knights in the world need an idea. Otherwise, they will not move anywhere. The idea for the younger ones is like future glory.

Similarly, all the younger ones in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century were captured and subjugated by Marxism.

What do we know about Marxism?

It is like love and sexual intercourse, available to all in the world. Regardless of age, gender, or financial status, everyone can engage in, implement it, and introduce Marxism to life. Both a nobleman like Lenin and the son of the shoemaker Vissarion — simultaneously and alternately. Both revolutionaries are not the eldest sons. Therefore, they were drawn to feats for the name of global social justice.

Actually, for this very justice, Marxism was liked by the people. Who among the Bolshevik and non-Bolshevik knights of the Marxists really understood Marxism? Even few people understood anything about fundamental Marxism.

People liked Marxism precisely because it was a large land-hungry crowd of younger sons and, in addition to the daughters of all ages who married these younger ones or were still brides.


Zeref- a traditional person with rigidly set social actions, low reflection almost zero, hence the word Zeref reflection zero (Zeref)). Has no semitones, serves the idols of the genus, communicates in the circle of native blood. Zeref has no semitones of perception, is categorical, irreconcilable, hostile to others and to another opinion in the development of rejection of “not your own”

Zeref’s loop — the baby boom, overheating of the population.

Zerot- the traditional feudal elite

Zerot’s loop — the creating a solid cast, an impenetrable social barrier. None of the lower castes can enter the feudal elite. The lack of social mobility pre-revolutionary situation.

Remid — a New traditional elite, rulers, officials, authorities, teachers; Remid put actions for Zerefs, determine morality, laws, politics, reflection average-middle (remiddle).

Remid’s loop — the struggle of the elite with the brightest personality, the collusion of second and third parties against the hero and the prophet.

Refag- the person of a trading civilization in several generations, reflection is high, selfish, utilitarian Refag (re + high).

Zeremid is a first-generation city person, has a half-rigid social reflex of custom and new skills of city life, half-urban, half-rural. The traditional people in the first generation, have undergone industrialization and cultural modernization.

Zeremid’s loop — the Zeremids are approximate imitators. They imitate the elite, any idea, any direction just to be good for their families. By imitation, hypocrisy, and even fanaticism, they harm any cause, state, or idea.

Zefa are men from the first generation of the city with a tendency towards the market and speculation, and to trade, at least something, he was forced by circumstances. People from the socialist camp were faced with market relations and market values.

Revcon — revolution conservatism.



In Germany, there were fewer children in the family than in Russia?

What is this question about? We feel it would be better not to distract from the fact that in Germany, the party of the Nazis, that is, the extreme right, prevailed, and in Russia, the party, on the contrary, the extreme left, for social justice. Why did the Germans see justice in their national (ethnic) superiority and the Russian’s inequality, at least equalizing material properties? If we pay less attention to Russia’s general poverty and backwardness, we can see many foreigners in the detachment of Russian revolutionaries, and even more interesting — Jews. As we have already found out, the eldest son of any nation will always be conservative to the existing order. Do what you want, but he will be retrograde like his father. And only the Jews and the nomads of today did not understand who of the son is at what age. We will assume that this is a great addition to the revolutionary detachment of internationalists and even the most intellectual and ideological. Although Karl Marx himself said that of all the interests of this world, Jews are closer only to money. As we can see, this is not the case. In any case, there is some surprising about the revolutionary generation.

Moreover, though Germany was behind in the market from other major European powers, it was much surpassed Russia in the degree of industrialization. The concentration of the Remids, an independent thinking elite according to the Revcon, was also significant in the urbanization.

If we consider the prism of tradition, Germany was 1/3 traditional, and Russia 4/5. The crowd of huge Zerefs and Zeremids roamed the cities and mastered not by choice. The crisis was the most important reason for such migration, also driven from above in Russia. And worldwide, the main catalyst for both the crisis and the crowd of “ideological” people is the crisis. The crisis is like disinheriting all people all at once so that it is even more clear within the topic of older and younger sons. (In ancient times, famine was also the main reason for the migration of peoples. In those days, the whole people, the whole tribe, moved in search of a better place to live. According to another name, the Great Migration of Peoples, the great migration of nomads took place in a monotonous crowd. After modernization, only younger children moved from the countryside to the cities. This is the effect of progress on the structure of migrants. However, modern migrants may have mixed migration from Asia to Europe.)

Have you noticed how the so-called conditional elite of society degrades during the famine? If you have not seen hunger, then at least during the distribution of products on the cards. That’s nothing. Suppose the crowd of citizens is stable and stands in one place. But if the so-called elite also migrates from the former Soviet republics to Russia, it is like peasants fleeing collectivization; it turns into these freshest citizens. With this migration, the entire past elite of prominent citizens in their former place turns into “eldest sons” in the new place. Russians were actually the elite, the vanguard of culture in the USSR. At least for the periphery of the red Empire. Are these the last of Remids to transform to Zeremids and even Zerefs? They degrade for a whole generation. They have nothing to pass on to their children.

Furthermore, they all turn into a national concern for the patriots, so that you can understand how the nation of Goethe, Schiller, and Bach turned into conditional savages (from the perspective of left-wing humanists ). If the entire group of the former elite is ruined, humiliated, lowered, then they become Nazis, quite naturally.

And in Russia.

If there are only two important megacities in the state, and the population remains almost traditional, then this is the time of younger sons who are hungry for justice.



So, in order for the ideas of the people’s state to be at the top or dominating, it is necessary to have a certain number of conditional older brothers. Younger brothers get the upper hand when this absolute authority is not present. All the old city elite, all these doctors, teachers, lawyers, and officials are once again turning into supporters of a hard hand, authoritarianism, do not recognize any tramps from the street, no proletarians with their equalization and social justice fake. Everything that these ragamuffins shouted under the direction of their leaders, all these slogans painted on marching banners, all this was a lie, hypocrisy from the perspective of the urban elite. The traditional perception of caste has not disappeared anywhere. It took a slightly different form. All civil servants and intellectuals turn into conservatives at once. But not in the form of those retrogrades that want to return the feudal castes. No one has yet gone mad to reverse the history of the Revival of feudalism with its rigid castes is possible only with little urbanization at all. Only for nomads is possible. For urbanized peoples, such a revival of history is de facto impossible. The past elite in the form of Remids wants to stop this farce of legal equality, even at the cost of curtailing their rights. After all, the Republic is always a Horde of all the younger brothers. It was their democracy, their endless chatter, their permissiveness that led to the crisis. In fact, they violated the law of social hierarchy and led to anarchy. If it is not the elder brother who rules or even the father, but the younger ones who want authority, this will inevitably lead any family to ruin. If you gather the will of all the younger ones in the Republican Parliament, you will get a violation of tradition within the entire society. This is how all the old intelligentsia turns into supporters of the autocracy, dictatorship, and then Nazism if there is a need to unite everyone with one idea from teachers to lumpen.

But wait because in Germany in the 30s, the Communist party also marched cheerfully on squares and streets. In the ranks of the KPD and under the hand of the Communist leader, Telman was a million workers. How did they differ from the Republican younger brothers? Why were they for an even more left-wing social Republic? At least in words, in their slogans of the dictatorship of the proletariat.

By definition, everyone who stands for the Republic is a younger brother because it is inferior to others in Patriarchal law. In turn, the one who is inferior in age to all the brothers is a Communist. There are no real brothers in Revcon. But there is a similarity of interests in mass reflection. Proletarians are the young of the townspeople. They are Zeremids. Why did they not join the ranks of the bourgeois and petty-bourgeois Democrats? Because all the places in the market and especially in the parliament were occupied when they arrived. The burghers have already filled the city. The only places left for survival are in factories.

Now, the younger brother is not only due to age, but also the practice of life is obliged to get a family by the deadline. He will have children. He becomes a father too. Now he is not even an older brother but a father, which is even worse for the Republic. Each time, he will rule and take the side of all the older brothers and the existing elite. Right or wrong?

The fact is that every father is the founder of a dynasty and, therefore, of a family tradition. Whose footsteps will his son follow? Even if it goes to the same factory.

Of course, under more favorable circumstances, the Germans could prevail not against Bolshevism, but Nazism. That is the Institute of Junior Republicans of the proletarian type. In this case, the German service elite would have changed its Nazi orientation and become entirely international? Quite possible. For all Remids, the state comes first. Let it be not German, but international German — what difference does it make? It does not matter which leader would curb the market bacchanalia.

But Stalin himself would not have needed an advanced Soviet Germany. Stalin needed a German leader-the younger brother and puppet, the sexless leader Telman. Telman must fulfill the will of another form of seniority — the Communist Moscow regime, which by this time was a continuation of the Russian feudal tradition. Stalin’s officials and nomenclature were only called Bolsheviks. The real Bolsheviks, world internationalists, were not yet killed by Stalin de facto but removed from power. He leaned on his “sons,” looking into his mouth, also almost ideologically sexless but willing to start a family—all according to the same laws of tradition. A quiet heifer sucks the two cows. You don’t have to be the oldest in the Russian tradition to get an inheritance. In the Russian tradition, obedience itself promised pies and the love of parents. Any poor Ivan is a fool or Emelya on the stove are not just folk heroes.



Why did the German statists, supporters of the state, still choose Hitler but not Telman? Although, Telman was already placed in the category of second-rate German deputies of Stalin. In the years 27—29, Stalin purged Lenin’s third Comintern from leftists. They left people similar to themselves, to their conditional family because the similarity of brothers is not necessarily external similarity. But it was not the figure and size of Telman’s personality that played a major role in the German’s strategic choice.

So, unlike the Russians in 1917, the Germans preferred the right-wing statists-the Nazis. Although, the success of the Russian Zerefs was before the eyes of the whole world. And the German Communist party was not a small one. And where else did Marx’s teaching receive the approval of peoples and development? We will say immediately, pursuing the reason for the choice of the German people. But why? Everyone knows that the dictatorship of the proletariat in various forms of its understanding and interpretation took root only in underdeveloped agricultural countries, and to be more precise — in Asia. In Asia, the word despotism was more consonant with dictate.

From the history of the development of all social systems in the world (and from Engels), we know that the state can be where there is property. The most important owner and his vassals dictated where there was no property, and no one could confirm their capabilities.

Even the comparison and evidence of the backwardness of the future Communist communities does not clarify the specifics. Yes, more technically underdeveloped. Yes, the culture has more emotions and a tilt towards mythology. Rational people do not believe in fairy tales at all. And traditional ones avoid rationality. Rational and meticulous Marxism appealed to the traditional peoples not by its content but by its completion. At which the end of the Marxist teaching good overcomes evil, there was a coincidence of myth and Marxism, and they met without logic for love.

But did the Germans abandon the tradition?

No, the Germans did not abandon the tradition. They remained loyal to their German state. Do you think that the ancient castes were abandoned in the rational, cold world of property and money? No way. The teaching of the Revcon says from the very beginning: the traditional (the Zeref) world has no semitones. The world of citizenship, the market, and money have many such halftones. They are like rubber shock absorbers, spacers between strata, cellophane with bubbles-they soften the relationship of superiority and humiliation. In the bourgeois world, it is not clear who is the master and who is his servant. Outside, everyone is walking the same way. Only very fine details are visible to old-timers and professionals. Castes are everywhere. The details and signals of the elite have stopped shouting and are located outside so that a hundred steps away, you can see who is who. Among primitive peoples, all the virtues are shown by clothing and drawn on the face.

The Germans remained true to the tradition of German semitones. They did not turn over their social pyramid. They didn’t destroy their middle class.

The Remids are simply fanatics of the state. German revolutionaries, German waves of indignation, approached the Remids just as the Russian peasants approached their landlords in a tight line. But they (the German middle class) were not liquidated, beaten to death, or stabbed. The German Remids, these German fanatics of Germany, the second Holy Roman Empire, and state, seemed familiar to them. They saw themselves in them, but eventually, the Zerefs become Zeremids, the Zeremids become Remids, everything is consistent and evolutionary. Even in reflection. (Who is this teacher or doctor? His great-grandfather or grandfather was also a peasant, and his father was a Philistine. A doctor and a teacher are successful careers. Well, a modern state cannot exist without them).

In the countries of the age-old despotism, the pyramid is reversed radically. There is no gradualness, but there is a jump. In addition, the proletarians did not come to lawyers, doctors, and teachers for advice. And the doctors and teachers tell them silently about the great state with their lips. They were a pitiful, defenseless lot, just as clenched and disenfranchised.

In addition, they destroyed them if excited peasants came to the feudal lords, and they did not agree. What kind of peasant revolt is it? The meaningless and merciless… as the poet Pushkin called the Russian revolt.

Suppose we look at the facts. Then the new leaders of the workers cut out the “exploiters” as the Eastern despots, but not vice versa. Not the feudal despots cut peasant uprising of peasants, as it was not once but many times over the centuries, but now the Marxist leaders cut all feudal lords. They change places. The results of local evolution were carved with feudal precision. This is not only evident in Stalin’s repressions. Look at the exploits of the revolutionaries in Kampuchea. All the local intelligentsia, more or less educated people, were cut out at the root. Even the bespectacled, the person who wears glasses was the enemy.

Remids-statesmen cannot be destroyed. The middle class can’t be touched.

Suppose this happened under Marxism or at the direction of the leader of the Asian peasantry. Then they, like the Hydra, will have to replace the severed heads. Instead of demolished ones, put your own. But the whole problem is that the state will lose from the new evolution. The newly raised heads of the officials will look in the wrong direction. Not in the direction of state property, but in the direction of oneself. The idea of a new state in executing upstarts or blanks to manufacture the old form is doomed from the very beginning. For the fate of the state, this means failure. But now, there is only the body of the state and the eternally hungry heads of officials. But why are they always hungry?


Zeref- a traditional person with rigidly set social actions, low reflection almost zero, hence the word zeref-reflection zero (zeref)). Has no semitones, serves the idols of the genus, communicates in the circle of native blood. Zeref has no semitones of perception, is categorical, irreconcilable, hostile to others and to another opinion in the development of rejection of “not your own”

Zeref’s loop — the baby boom, overheating of the population.

Zerot- the traditional feudal elite

Zerot’s loop creates a solid cast, impenetrable social barriers. None of the lower castes can enter the feudal elite — the lack of social mobility pre-revolutionary situation.

Remid — a new traditional elite, rulers, officials, authorities, teachers; Remid put actions for Zerefs, determine morality, laws, politics, reflection average-middle (remiddle).

Remid’s loop — the elite’s struggle with the brightest personality, the cooperation of second and third parties against the hero and the prophet.

Refag is a person of a trading civilization in several generations; reflection is high, selfish, utilitarian-refag (re + high).

Zeremid is a first-generation city person, has a half-rigid social reflex of custom and new skills of city life, half-urban, half-rural.

Zeremid’s loop — the Zeremids are approximate imitators. They imitate the elite, any idea, any direction just to be good for their families. Imitation, hypocrisy, and fanaticism harm any cause, state, or idea — the first generation of the tradition after industrial modernization.

Zefa is a man from the city’s first generation with a tendency towards the market and speculation, and to trade at least something, he was forced by circumstances.

Revcon — revolution conservatism



When German Zerefs and Zeremids turned to their authority figures — evolutionary examples of how no one became someone: a doctor, a teacher, a lawyer — what were they told? Although they never communicated, I will assume here, for discussion, that they did — and that the doctors, teachers, and lawyers did have something to tell those following in their footsteps. How did this German solidarity come about?

All those doctors, teachers, and lawyers (not to mention the small merchants and street vendors defined in Marxism) were the bourgeoisie (also defined in Marxism). Or the middle class, as we call it today. So, who approached them, and why?

Recessions affect people regardless of their social class. But it is manual and office workers, peasants, and the poor who take the brunt. Bourgeois classes are different. As we can see, and as has been portrayed to us in the past, the uncontrollable greed of the upper bourgeoisie caused the market to overheat (as far as goods, capital, and speculation go). That adversely affects the market and agents and then the state itself. Mass layoffs result in unemployment. Small profiteers stand as good a chance of going bankrupt as major factory owners. The state cannot help them (except maybe by giving out soup). Prices first soar such high public servants cannot afford to buy things they can’t do without and then plummet as the market begins to lure buyers. Still, the public servants are essentially broke.

Times like these see everyone pointing their finger at the prime minister, not the largest exchange speculator. The prime minister is the one to blame! He has failed to prevent speculation. Ordinary people blame the recession on the government and, by extension, the state. Land-poor peasants and tenant farmers go bankrupt; they have to flock to cities, either because they don’t earn enough to pay the rent or because no one buys their produce. These Zerefs, heirs of tradition, join the army of unemployed urban Zeremids. The Zeremids know for certain the blame lies with the state. But the rural Zerefs go even further in searching for an answer to the question, “Who hung the government out to dry?” Those on your side could have never done such a thing. Only an enemy could. An enemy of the people and of the state.

To Zerefs, all the harm comes from the enemy of the people, of the ethnos; to Zeremids, the prime minister is the enemy. Doctors and teachers, however, have no enemies. With that said, they might have some enemy. After all, Remids are former Zeremids and Zerefs. They, too, may know what office the enemy holds and what ethnic group they belong to. But Remids are statists. They are the ones who weigh the public on their shoulders. That’s why they agree that public officials are to blame, but they don’t think the state shares that blame. The state is sacrosanct. The state — the land of the fathers, Alemania, Fatherland — is paramount.

Remids’ self-reflection is highly developed. They may disown the specific. But they save the state and declare it innocent. The confluence of the low notes coming from Zerefs and the high tones from middle-class clusters brings German statism to life in the form of Nazism. Silent appeals are then heard by Zeremid leaders — who also come as a rule from provincial regions and families of the rural intelligentsia — and the leaders turn those appeals into a choir, a cacophony of yelling throats.

German Nazism resulted from a combination of Zerefs’ grievances and Zeremids’ complexes on the one hand and the romantic haze of the German state (brought about by Remids) on the other. German doctors, teachers, and public officials were saving their state while Zerefs and Zeremids were inflating the enemy’s guilt. Each reflection group contributed to German Nazism. The concentration of the middle layer or the high urbanization rate blocked another way to outclass struggle. Tradition led the people, though they were unaware of it.

Everyone, not only Germans, wants to start a family, which requires taking your status up a notch. Some societies and peoples consider it to be the wellbeing of their families and ethnos; others, as the prosperity of their state. Thanks to Remids, the state can guarantee prosperity for the people and the ethnos, even though the initial groups of tradition (and reflection) do not concur.

In Russia, the middle class was insignificant. During a crisis, armed workers and sailors (peasants disguised) entered into a fateful dialogue not with doctors and teachers but with the nobility. Did they have no one to tell about the Russian state? And about what state, one of the tsars and the priests? The discussion revolved around the public, not the state. There was no state anymore. It had all been self-deception.



How many industrial generations was Germany ahead of Russia?

From the so-called average, we can infer the population’s self-reflection level. Which level was it — Zeref, Zeremid, or Remid?

The Remid level, as we have found out, gives the informal elite of civilization a chance to stay alive.

After all, Germany still was a country of tradition, something that all nations feels like a phantom pining for the past. This manifested itself most clearly in Italian fascism. But the Italian fascists didn’t annihilate the local socialists until 1920. Russia was close in all ways to agrarian Italy. For that reason, in 1919–1920, the Italian socialists seized factories in the industrially developed central and northern Italy, following the example of Russia’s proletariat. Italy was a country of active anarchism, meaning it didn’t need the state.

With that said, Italians had spent 300 years fighting to free their homeland and unify it into a single state. The state meant ownership, the state scale, and that there are Remids. Italy’s statism took the form of fascism. In two years, all socialists, advocates of a socialist community, were killed off (with some help from the residents). That left the upper bourgeoisie, factory owners, and latifundistas pleased. The local administration sided with the fascists. In Russia, the proletariat and the peasantry followed Lenin, not Savinkov. Italy followed the former socialist Mussolini precisely because of the Risorgimento. The Italians wanted to order: they had suffered for centuries because of the lack of a single state.

The Witch-Hunt

Someone must be called to account for epidemics, disasters, crop failures: the practice of declaring the innocent guilty has existed since ancient times. In the Middle Ages, the Inquisition hunted down witches. This kind of hunting — searching for scapegoats — is something typical of all times.

The Inquisition chose not to reinvent the wheel. Catholic priests could not have a family. So, what reason was there for the Inquisition to love women, even the most beautiful of them? After all, when some kind of misfortune happened in a village or even across a whole city, it was all because some woman had evoked evil spirits. In female witchcraft, the dark people saw the cause of their troubles. This is the Zeref level. It doesn’t rely on facts or needs evidence. The Zeref level is one of the conjectures and black thoughts of loathing and envy.

The Zeremid level is one of wider practice. This kind of hunting involves someone specific and even logical, going from the specific to the general. Even though the specific here borrows a lot from the subconscious. But the Zeremids name the perpetrator’s name. They even have the temerity to call the ruler the culprit, even though they do so at the instigation of liberal Refags and, often, other revolutionaries. The thing is that traditional practice has several idols — ideals it lives with as people grow old and die. When saints’ names are secularized, people, it seems, no longer have a reason to live. But if people — soldiers, for example — don’t want to die for their king or fatherland — this level is that of Zeremids. Zeremids have primitive designs. They invariably want to stay alive. That was precisely why the Bolsheviks blamed their troubles on soldiers going to their deaths and on the tsar and his henchmen. The tsar wasn’t a witch — he was the people’s saint, God’s Anointed.

But they laid the blame on him all the same. This qualifies as the Zeremid level, with the entire ethnos declared guilty. This fits right in the middle of the dark tribal subconscious, which looks for the enemy without, as in primitive times, while the enemy is actually within. Is this cunning? Yes, it is cunning. Antisemitism can attain a Remid scale. But it is second-generation Zeremids and Remids that bring it to that level.


Zeref- a traditional person with rigidly set social actions, low reflection almost zero, hence the word Zeref reflection zero (Zeref)). Has no semitones, serves the idols of the genus, communicates in the circle of native blood. Zeref has no semitones of perception, is categorical, irreconcilable, hostile to others and to another opinion in the development of rejection of “not your own”

Zeref’s loop — the baby boom, overheating of the population.

Zerot- the traditional feudal elite

Zerot’s loop creates a solid cast, an impenetrable social barrier. None of the lower castes can enter the feudal elite — the lack of social mobility pre-revolutionary situation.

Remid — a New traditional elite, rulers, officials, authorities, teachers; Remid put actions for Zerefs, determine morality, laws, politics, reflection average-middle (remiddle).

Remid’s loop — the elite’s struggle with the brightest personality, the cooperation of second and third parties against the hero and the prophet.

Refag- the person of a trading civilization in several generations, reflection is high, selfish, utilitarian Refag (re + high).

Zeremid is a first-generation city person, has a half-rigid social reflex of custom and new skills of city life, half-urban, half-rural. The traditional people in the first generation have undergone industrialization and cultural modernization.

Zeremid’s loop — the Zeremids are approximate imitators. They imitate the elite, any idea, any direction just to be good for their families. By imitation, hypocrisy, and even fanaticism, they harm any cause, state, or idea.

Zefa are men from the city’s first generation with a tendency towards the market and speculation, and to trade, at least something, he was forced by circumstances. People from the socialist camp were faced with market relations and market values.

Revcon — revolution conservatism



You might have heard of the ancient symbol depicting a serpent eating its tail. It’s called the ouroboros. It is held to symbolize eternity, the cyclic renewal of life. The rapid change of the state elite leads to the demise of the people.

“Between 1933 and 1935 most of the czarist engineers were rounded up. In Soviet Russia, large-scale transfers of people were to different provinces, so they could not communicate with each other. Many innocents were executed immediately; others were banished to Siberia”.

“By the spring of 1936, almost all the young people who had received secondary or higher technical education between 1927 and 1932 had been arrested. Before getting rid of the qualified technical elite, the party and the government prepared successors to take that elite’s place. Thus, the regime first created a whole class of specialists and then, seeing in it a threat to its power, destroyed it.

If they hadn’t, industrial development would have faced a dead end.”

“On graduating from the academy after two years of studies, the wunderkinds (as the old workers at our factory called them) were appointed to managerial positions as soon as the specialists who had occupied them disappeared. This clearly planned and thought-out policy was carried out openly and rigorously for several years. That solved the problem — creating a class of ‘devotees to the party, truly Soviet specialists’ (in the parlance of the slogans of that time). But the young managers lacked both experiences operating machinery and theoretical knowledge, which two years at the academy could not provide. These wunderkinds had an adverse effect on factory workers, secretly despising them.”

“As soon as new — truly socialist, from the party’s standpoint — workers came into the industry and thousands of others filled the rooms with industrial academies, a large-scale purge of experienced specialists began. First, it hit those who the government had sent to study abroad to replace the old engineers, who had been educated before the Revolution, and foreign specialists.

Now they were considered hopelessly tainted, especially condemned by the bourgeois influence of their association with foreign specialists. The foundation upon which the country’s technical development developed began to disappear rapidly.”

These are excerpts from a book by a Jamaican-American, a black engineer hired by the Soviet government during industrialization, about his life in Stalin’s USSR.

Someone neither white nor red took stock of the situation as an impartial observer uninterested in politics and drew his conclusions about the regime.

As we know, such purges happened among engineers and in all sectors of the government machine. Purges reached the highest establishment of the ruling party and the military, bringing the most tragic results of all. I have long included in those tragic results the number of people the USSR lost to the German attack. But who needed to purge the country of its “enemies”?

Even Stalin — the USSR leader — did not want to live in fear when Wehrmacht troops were near Moscow. He wasn’t that stupid to eliminate his military leaders to bring his collapse closer.

A reason will be given here that was big enough to pull the rug out from under the omnipotent dictator, whom some former soviet ordinary people still hold in esteem until now.

But what he did or had planned to do to leave people with no memory of the past — a crowd of devoted fanatics — is an indicator of common self-reflection. We must understand why today the state’s body, while it seems to be where it’s not supposed to be, has a hydra of ever-hungry heads that fail to understand the sense of state. Where do those heads come from?



All totalitarian regimes share a problem no less totalitarian in its essence than they are. The conclusions about their totality are just the final point, like an ocean that opens up before everyone instead of the rivers — events — that run together in streams to form that ocean. Still, the drops making up those rivers are people — their thoughts. At the very beginning, when they start thinking similar thoughts, no one knows yet where that might take them. And after a while, this results in a regime, a manifestation of the totality of myriads of thoughts. But who are these people? And why does responsibility for that totality rest with the leaders, not the people?

Answers should be sought in the people’s similarity, of course. With time, people will gather to form an order — first a group, then a political party that brings everyone together in one place or directs them to that place. Before people assemble in a square, their thoughts will get together. And before the similarity of indignation, vexation, and negation materializes (elsewhere in the world), one needs to find the origin of this similarity. The origin of their reaction and the source of their indignation lies in tradition.

Tradition. Tradition-minded people take care to first observe their rituals. And then they respond to crises, all similarly. That’s what the cause of totalitarianism is. Don’t look for similarities in city residents who have lost touch with the place that, while not their birthplace, still holds their roots and is home to their relatives. Refags remember no one, making it difficult to bring them together. Their thoughts are like cockroaches scurrying on the kitchen floor. Everyone thinks they are someone. Everyone is on their own. The totality of Rrefags is yet to merge into their ocean, their own world order. But we are still concerned here with tradition and tradition-minded people. We are investigating why they have their totality.

Crises don’t turn everyone into a Nazi. Many Zerefs don’t really know what the essence of fascism is. What they do and think doesn’t depend on them: Remids do all their thinking. Just to make things clear, traditional Zerefs are like little kids imitating adults. They are provided with ready-made social reflexes, as they would be with food products that someone else grows or makes for them.

Their ancestors are another influence. That’s why Zerefs, just like all traditionalists, are raised by their ancestors and rely on their precepts so often. And their parents, in turn, inherited behavioral models from the parents of their parents. And so on. That’s not to say Zerefs are born conservatives. No one is born somebody. Rather, life itself turns, when it’s born, into a routine, monotonous ritual.

But, among all the reflection groups, the most self-aware conservatives are, of course, the Zerots, or the traditional feudal elite (see my book entitled Hierarchical Man). All the groups — Zerots, Zerefs, Remids, and the Remids are the new elite. Teachers, lawyers, distinguished, honored artists, writers, and, needless to say, public officials. They put in a lot of their energy to appear as the new elite. They sacrificed their lives for their careers. We chose them as the new elite or new teachers, and they didn’t put in so much effort to have someone take away all the fruits of their hard work. A career, including reflection, means work — very energy-consuming work. Some want to grow materially; others, spiritually. Ultimately, they get what they deserve: honor and respect from the public. And then a crisis comes up…

A host of inherited ghosts.

Earnestness came to be a responsibility for everyone. The Eldest sons are much like their fathers, perhaps because they don’t want their fathers to deprive them of their inheritance. At any rate, all eldest sons are earnest and businesslike. When the father is not at home, every tot knows who’s holding the fort.

If you think of Remids as sons of the regime, they are the eldest sons everywhere. Remids are the face of society and the state. Society is only as good as its elite. In the traditional world, even if it takes the form of a state, thoughtlessness can put everyone under attack. No traditional community will jeopardize its fate. Hostile tribes are always around, taking the form of the same state. Only those families can stay alive and well that will entrust rite observance to the earnest sons of the people. Those sons who would rather play and have fun are quite unreliable heirs, putting society and the state at risk.

Hence, every elite is the product of extensive upbringing and control, and Remids are all the eldest sons. Many of them, those who have started a family, are fathers themselves.

During a recession, you might have noticed that all tradespeople are either silent or turn into conditional eldest sons of society. They take on the functions of sacrificers, as it were. But the Refags, the tradespeople, cannot be sacrificers — they only need money and income. During a recession, Refags’ income plummets. They begin to speak in other people’s voices, insolently taking on the functions of the elite (Remids). No one authorizes them to, of course. But if townspeople are eighty percent former migrants, those migrants will not ask permission for rallies. All Refags, even those who are forced by the regime to engage in trade, quickly turn into so-called all-too-common people. If society is really eighty percent boutique, shop, and stall owners, then, of course, they are the people — who else could it be? But they’re not the ones who come up with strategic initiatives. Strategies, as we have found out, are created by Remids from the second-generation intelligentsia; that is, by children of the same migrant Zeremids who choose not to be forced to trade in a market but to learn in any way they can — not to peddle their wares but to write laws. These same second-generation Remids ahead the Refags men and new Zeremids by an entire generation. That means that they have had time to concentrate and think not only of what to do with their lives but also of what they could do for society and the state. At this point, instead of keeping silent and unquestioningly obeying the Remids, the Refags begin to yell out their strategy, something similar to, “Liberty! Democracy!” That is, this is nothing but the second advent of the phenomenon well known in the past as the bourgeoisie. Back in their day, the founders of the strategy, Marx and Engels, participated in similar uprisings of the bourgeoisie and were disappointed in their fellow rioters.

Why did they? Why was the strategy put together by someone other than Remids, the sacrificers? Why did the lower class, those younger city sons, become the archons of the post-industrial world?



Let me tell you a secret: No one knows what liberty and democracy are during a recession. Everyone dwells on what worries them the most: about their income going down. This is just a form of protest that must somehow be verbally expressed. All the lower classes, the younger sons of the traditional world, rebel against the castes of officials, the eldest sons of the nation’s father, and want his will rewritten. Just so much. There’s no need to look at former traditionalists who recently observed the Soviet rites or switched to feudal rights as a new dynasty of evolution. Neither their fathers nor they were democrats or knew what democracy really was. Nor did they know that democracy had created and continued to create its castes, dealing in whatever they could. Did everyone suddenly think that there was no tradition in the market and that there were no market castes? They had another think coming! The billionaires and millionaires of the developed world showed how to live in their civilized periphery. They showed local oligarchs what to do. And the local oligarchs suffered from provincial complexes. So, why should provincials not have taken those oligarchs with complexes as a model? Castes were still around. It’s just that now they came as money, and because money had become scarce, outrage broke out.

Be that as it may, the Refags are actually silent during a recession. Their actions do the talking. Pursuing status and the prospects of creating a full-fledged family only get more complicated. The rapid growth of other upstarts hurts the Refags’ self-esteem. Younger sons are always dissatisfied inside because their elder brothers have all the inheritance to themselves. Recessions see the entire population suddenly become younger children when it comes to inheritance, except for officials. But officials become oligarchs, and they don’t hesitate to openly steal the inheritance. Where do you think the second-gen Remids are at the time? Are they in the crowd of tradespeople and office workers? Or do they pretend they are the eldest sons, the conservatives?

So, how come Russia turned out to have no eldest sons in 1917? Why didn’t the conservatives curb the socialists? In feudal and traditional Russia, urban Refags and liberals couldn’t play the role of heirs. In a large society in the form of a state, inheritance always goes to the majority, to tradition, or to power. Tradition springs a leak at the moment of crisis, and then power rises to the surface. The total physical number of younger sons turned out to be transcendental and took the form of socialism just because of their backwardness. If Russia had had as many Remids as Germany had at the critical moment, then Lenin and Trotsky would have never made it to the Kremlin. The country would have become a republic that would have then quickly degenerated into a right-wing dictatorship. And today, the so-called leftists are so miserable and are such garrulous sectarians, and network socialist gossip is due to the increase in the share of the informed elite. If all these left-wing sectarians had just fled from their villages along with flocks of younger, landless peasant descendants, then the gossips would have had a chance to avoid marginality. Idiots! If you want to avoid thinking, pray to the ghosts of communism.



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