The Language of God

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This book, my dear readers, is not religious! This is very important to understand. There are no dogmas here. It presents the author’s practical reasoning about God, that is, I have provided and described various observations that can be attributed to what is called God and the Divine. Thus, with what I believe to be quite logical and practical reasoning, I am explaining here on my fingers what I call God, why I do it, and what it gives me and can give to each of you.

Why do we need to discuss this topic at all, and separately from all religious teachings? Why did I write this book when you can discuss purely psychological topics that are closer to me? And then, as I worked on solving many different psychological problems, I realized that without ideas about God, it is difficult for people to live, if at all possible. Understanding God is essential for peace of mind, proper orientation in life, self-confidence, and to be happy by doing everything right to shape your happiness. Correct ideas about God help to explain many important phenomena in life and allow you to understand yourself as well as psychology allows you to do. And sometimes it is very important for people to understand exactly what is happening in their lives and why. This is when everything is fine with you, everything is there, everything works out the way you want, you can give a damn about everything and everyone, just enjoy everything that is available to you as long as there is such an opportunity. But it doesn’t last long. And when you feel bad, hurt, hard, life will no longer be as sweet as it was, so that you look down on everyone and consider yourself the smartest and best, then thoughts about God will get into your head by themselves. This is what happens to people, to many, almost all of them. Anyone who is able to think about the higher forces will definitely do it at certain periods of their life.

And I realized that in my work with people, we need to take a broader approach to the problems that we solve with them, not only from the point of view of psychology, but also from the point of view of the presence of higher forces, higher intelligence in this world. I will not say that I have studied a lot in different religions, but I have read a lot about them, about them, from them, so that I can think about this topic properly, so as not to be an amateur in my own reasoning on this topic. And I understand that people need to be aware of the presence of higher forces, higher intelligence in this life, and this is important for their mental comfort and psychological health. Just do not complicate this topic, it should be simple and understandable in order to look truthful and be popular. And then we have different religions, and there are atheists who consider themselves particularly advanced and do not think about what God is, what He can be, who He can be, so as not to believe in him. And you don’t even need to believe in It, just give It the right definition and its existence will immediately become visible and understandable. And a person will already be able to navigate in life in the right way, having a certain idea of God, who does not need proof of His existence.

A person will not have peace in his soul, he will not be able to live in harmony and goodness with everything that surrounds him, he will not be able to get rid of all his fears if we do not recognize the presence of what is commonly called God, we will not understand His role in our lives and our role in His plan. If a person does not figure out how to live in harmony with God, he will, like a blind kitten, randomly live life, without affecting in any way the presence of certain laws in it. An atheist is a person who encounters various patterns in life, but cannot fit them into the general system, cannot understand the general meaning of all these patterns, some of which even seem to him to be accidents that cannot be influenced. Well, it seems like science and nature explain a lot to understand what is happening and why. And what will explain science itself and nature, and other things that give answers, but they are not enough? Some people and a particular person, in particular, need to somewhat tame the universal Self in themselves, which tells them that we, people, are the most intelligent, most developed, most rational beings in this world, in order to understand that there are forces that significantly exceed our capabilities and they need to be reckoned with when determining our life path and by following it in a certain way. If you don’t take them into account, you can suffer a lot.

Why is this or that religion not enough to understand God and His plan, why do I offer something of my own here? Because, for me personally, religion is something that is processed by people for their own selfish purposes and there are too many dogmas, many statements that are simply suggested to be believed. How can I, a thinking person, just believe? No, that won’t do. We need understanding. There is more to understanding trust than simple faith. Besides, religions are sometimes difficult to understand, have a lot of disconcerting contradictions, and are ambiguous in their statements. Some things in this or that religion look great, and some are just disgusting. I also don’t like religious people’s limitations, which are dictated by the limits of the religion they adhere to. It is said in their books that this is how everything works, and they only think so, rejecting all other options, ideas, thoughts, no matter how reasonable they are. In one religion there is an idea of the transmigration of souls, in another there is not, in the third there is still something special about it, and people believe that if they adhere to a particular religion, then all other options for the structure of the world, a person, his life after death, they are unacceptable, so everything supposedly alien is rejected by them. Not for nothing did one self-professed atheist tell me that all religions are legalized sects that oppose reflection and are strictly pro-faith.

If you ask a person why they think that this is the way something works, and not something else, they will refer to some scripture that says so. And that’s it, the whole argument. And if you think about it yourself, and if other options are allowed? No, that’s not possible. Faith for that and faith just to believe. Who am I to think of other options, refuting what was written thousands of years ago!? And in general, other options are not allowed, because religions, they are jealous, calling to believe only in their version of certain phenomena, only in their interpretation of everything and everything. I see this as a manifestation of human selfishness and self-interest, and not something Divine. Our faith, our God, our statements that are not discussed or criticized. Well, what is it?

In general, I personally am not satisfied with such a presentation of God, such an approach to faith that various religions offer. Although I respect all religions and respect believers, I understand how useful and important it is to believe in God and adhere to certain rules of life in order to be a human being. But I myself decided to independently understand the essence of such a concept as God, with the help of religions, but not based on them. I needed an idea of God that was logical, understandable, and practical for me personally. So that I can see the manifestations of the Divine will in everyday life, so that I don’t just have to believe in something, but that I understand everything. This will help me live a reasonable life, as well as the people I work with and who read me. To deny the existence of a higher power and a higher mind is completely unreasonable, but this power and this mind must be properly understood so that such an attitude towards God does not look anti-scientific.

There may and may be some problems with faith in God, because some people believe, others do not want to believe. But there can be no problems with understanding It. I realized that if you call God certain things that fit this concept, then it will not need to be proved. Perhaps it is necessary to prove the very definition of God, so that everyone can be sure that this is how God should be understood, and not otherwise. But this is not necessary. For there is no need. If you don’t want to, don’t accept such an explanation of God, such a definition of Him, have or look for your own and, if necessary, prove its truth. And if you agree with my understanding of what God is, then you can go on to explain and understand everything that is connected with Him. A lot of things will immediately become clear. And life will be easier.

Here the question may arise: Is there one God or can there be several gods, as was the case in some cultures? Yes, in general, and so, and so you can say, depending on how to look at what can be called God. God is the law or laws of life, in short. We can generalize them all, then we will have one God. And you can consider them all separately, then there will be many gods. For example, the God of fertility, which once existed in some cultures, can be considered as a separate law of life. That is, you can talk about individual laws that determine fertility, call them God, or you can talk about the general law of life, the law that supports life, development, and prosperity, and call it God. And so with all other laws. You can generalize them all, you can consider them separately. The main thing is not this, the main thing is to understand how it looks in real life.

After all, the main thing — and this is what this book is about-is to learn to hear God in order to understand what He wants, how He manifests Himself in our lives, what He teaches and how to live correctly, so that we and everyone else feel good and happy. We need to understand how this law of life affects our entire life and how we should live by it so that everything is good for us. In this book, I tell you about my observations of such laws of life, how they manifest themselves, how they affect people, their behavior, and how we can adapt to them in order to hear and obey God in this way. We can say that the language of God is the work of such laws. And we hear and understand It when we see these laws and take them into account in our lives, in our affairs, in our understanding of this world.

God’s language is all that He uses to communicate with us in an effective way, so that we can understand the regularity of what is happening to us, if we even think about it a little. Or, to put it more precisely, it is about all those things through which He influences us and conveys to us the necessary information so that we are forced to respond to it. For example, you live and do not think about anything, whether you are doing something right or not, and then suddenly, once, and you get hurt, for example, physically hurt. And you start to pay attention to the source of pain — this is the first thing that is required of you to understand something. Can you say, then, that God is speaking to you on the edge of pain? Quite. The language of pain is the language of God in which He communicates with people. And there are many such examples when the law of life addresses us in such a way that we see and understand the influence of this law on us. I began to think about this as a child, when things happened to me and to other people I knew well, the regularity of which was difficult to understand. Someone got one, someone got another, someone got a third, and all this happened according to certain patterns that were difficult for people to explain. Why some people suffered, lost, and others gained something valuable, found their happiness, why some people succeeded and others failed, in general, why someone had great joy, and others had trouble. There were so many incomprehensible cases that it was difficult to explain them with ordinary explanations. And I wanted explanations to make me feel normal. And know how to live in this world.

Here, a correct understanding of God gives these very explanations. Maybe not everything will become clear, it is very difficult to understand everything, but at least a person will know what to focus on in order to find answers to their questions about why something happens the way it happens, why some people have one way of life, and others have another, why with he personally does what happens. I personally find it easier to work with people who are willing to look for and listen to such explanations. We immediately assess their situation based on a correct understanding of God.

The fact that higher powers exist, I had only guessed before, well, I relied on faith in this moment. And then, having approached this issue from a scientific point of view, I realized that it is quite obvious that there are higher forces. Being complex beings, well, relatively complex, we are someone’s creation or, if I may use the word, a product. That is, the result of some complex work, process. And since we ourselves have not been able to create anything like this, not only anything analogous to this world, but also nothing similar to ourselves, not to mention that this something is superior to the existing world, then it is obvious that there is something, some forces, some kind of power. a mind that is many times greater than our abilities, and it was able to create such a world, it was able to create us. And even if we ourselves create something very complex and more perfect than ourselves, some artificial intelligence, some new virtual or parallel reality, it will still be the result of the work of the force that first created us, giving us the opportunities that we have and then we created something more perfect. So, no matter how you look at it, a person is clearly not the most developed being in this world. This means that the arguments about higher forces, about a higher mind that surpasses ours, are certainly quite justified. One can argue about what these higher forces are, how they are understood by our human mind. But the fact that they exist is, in my opinion, obvious.

And if so, it is useful to know them and study the influence of these forces on us. It is useful for us to understand what a more perfect mind can want from us or what opportunities it has given us to organize our lives, what potential we have, by what rules this world works, what we can do with it, how we can change it, how we can change ourselves. Yes, we can learn a lot of interesting and useful things to live a conscious life, which will definitely be better than the life that people who do not understand much in this life live. Knowledge of God is part of a person’s quality education.

In short, I will repeat that in my understanding, God is the law of life, prosperity, and development. That is, these are all the processes that are responsible for this, they are Divine processes that are of a creative nature. This law, this process, I call God. Accordingly, the devil is the law of death, destruction, pain, suffering, and degradation. He, there are those processes that lead to this. Simple? Understand?» Do you need to prove something here? In the first chapter, I will explain my understanding of God in more detail. Here it is important to grasp the very essence, then many phenomena and actions of people, as well as their own actions and thoughts, will be easier to explain as a manifestation of Divine or diabolical will.

I will often repeat in this book these definitions of God and the devil, for repetition is the mother of teaching. It is very important to keep these definitions in mind while reading this book, so as not to confuse them with what we are used to hearing when it comes to God and the devil. So that there are no contradictions, so that everything is well understood about what will be said here, we must remember what exactly we are talking about. So, you will see these definitions again and again in this book. They do not require proof, because they are already proven things, they only require agreement that in one case we are talking about God, and in the other, about the devil.

What can I say about the mind? Can these laws be considered reasonable, a manifestation of reason, and even more so, the highest? If we start from understanding our own mind, then, yes, of course, it is possible. After all, we also think according to certain laws, which are probably much simpler than the laws by which everything around us works, by which the whole system functions in the right way, making this world possible. Our body and our mind work according to certain patterns, and we are part of this world. Can you imagine how complex patterns determine the work of the entire world? How well-thought-out are they, if you will, can you imagine? Therefore, well, how can we not consider reasonable the forces that are behind these laws? This is a supermind, quite possibly incomprehensible to our minds. And I don’t think it’s smart to deny the existence of such a superintelligence.

The reasonableness of such reason is proved at least by the whole order that we observe in this world, without which nothing would have happened. And this is difficult to achieve. After all, the task of any superintelligence is to coordinate everything with everything, so that there are no failures, conflicts, breakdowns in the operation of the system, which can be understood as our life. The order should be. We, as beings with our own intelligence, when we want a certain order, also seek to coordinate everything and everything. And it’s not easy. Artificial intelligence, when it is sufficiently developed to be considered to have surpassed our intelligence in everything, will also strive to coordinate everything with everything, so that everything works flawlessly, so that everything exists and develops. Without consistency, there will be no order, no harmony that allows the system to work. And do you see how everything is clearly arranged in the world, how everything is thought out in it? Is it possible to do this without reason? There’s nothing to talk about.

Everything in the world is perfectly coordinated by the supermind-God. Or maybe some other mind, the product of which is God himself. It doesn’t matter! This is all for reflection, for training the convolutions. It doesn’t make much sense to think about it. The main thing for us is to understand how to live and for what. In the world, everything exists in the right proportions, the same good and evil. The world is absolutely harmonious. And a person only needs to integrate into a certain flow of laws of the universe in order to live in a certain way that suits him personally. This requires an understanding of God and an understanding of the devil. You will live according to the laws of God, everything will be fine for you, you will live according to the devil’s laws, sooner or later you will suffer. Moreover, it is possible that in another world or especially in another world, in a different state, but there will be a reckoning. But what can I say, we don’t know about the other world. But what we can know for sure is the meaning of those patterns that we know, thinking about what is happening in our lives in order to understand whether we are with God or the devil.

When I came to terms with such concepts as God and the devil, it became much easier for me to explain various patterns in life and navigate it, understanding what I was doing right and why, and what was wrong. So far, this approach to life has not failed me. Right and wrong means something about what kind of life I want to live. It is important for me to be closer to good, not evil, regardless of the quality of life. Working with people has also become easier, because in this case you already understand why people have some events and what they need to do in order to have one and not have the other. Nevertheless, it rests on these two laws — the Divine creative and the diabolical destructive.

So, I myself understood something after studying this topic, thinking about it, and now I share with readers my understanding of this issue. To make it easier for everyone to navigate in this world and feel calmer at heart. After all, when there is no hope left, except for the hope of God, of some higher powers, it is very important to understand who He is and what He is, and how He speaks to us, in what language. So that when He speaks to us — we can hear Him. This book is similar to my other book, The Wisdom of Life, which also describes various life patterns that help you navigate the world better. Only this book, unlike that one, speaks about an important concept for very many people — God. And not so that people believe or do not believe in what is said, but so that they notice the influence of God and His communication with us in everything that surrounds us and what happens to us.

Understanding God as I see Him here, understanding His language, I personally do not see any sense for myself to visit temples, observe any rituals, traditions, that is, to do everything that any religion calls to do. What for? God is always there, God always hears you, and you can hear Him, paying attention to everything that is happening around and inside you. God does not demand too much from a person, except for normal human behavior — creative, and development, so that a person can reach his potential and live a life with meaning. I just don’t do what I think is evil, which means it’s a manifestation of the devil, and if possible I do what I think is good, I contribute to life, to its development, and I help people as much as I can. What else is needed? You don’t need anything. In my opinion, no rituals, rites, services are needed. To lead a creative lifestyle, to help each other in the right way, to develop — this allows you to be on the side of God and feel his presence, support and help. It is difficult for me to understand people who commit bad, evil deeds in life, harm others, and then go to churches and make up for their sins, believing that this is normal. It is normal not to harm, it is normal to develop, and not to cover up.

Some people do not believe in God because they do not see His manifestation, He does not help them, He does not interfere in the course of things and allows terrible events to happen in this world, He does not satisfy people’s desires, their requests, does not speak to them as they want. As if it should. As if God should be what people imagine Him to be, and not what he is. And besides, what does a person do to make his life what he wants it to be? After all, you need to start with this. God is not a genie who fulfills desires, He is such a mind, such a force that only offers to live according to certain laws so that everything is good. Live by His rules to be happy. But don’t expect any direct help from Him.

We ourselves, first of all, must bear full responsibility for everything that happens to us, and only then rely on God as the law of life, which simply exists and we must or even not so much must as we can follow them if we want. God is life, development and, of course, love. And love should make people strong, strong-willed, cheerful, and not dependent on themselves, on the one from whom it comes. Therefore, a person has full freedom of choice, the choice of how to live, according to what laws and rules. Love is freedom! Choose whether you want to live with God or with the devil. This is only false love, or rather, selfish love, which makes people unfree, dependent, weak, because the one who supposedly loves them just wants to possess them, wants to use them, wants to have power over them, subdue them, and wants to be comfortable with them. Those who make a person dependent on themselves do not love him, but themselves. And by loving us, God has given us everything so that we can be free, independent, and independent, so that we can determine our own lives. In this book, I will show and explain all this so that people do not doubt the existence of God. Or rather, the one I call God.

When a person understands God correctly, he will not need to believe in Him, he will see Him in everything that happens. There will also be no need to ask God for something, what is needed, the most important thing will come, the rest can be taken by the person himself. It is pointless to be offended or angry at Him, because God helps when we are with Him, when we live according to His laws, but does not do everything for us, depriving us of freedom and choice. This or that law of life, it just exists. It works for us when we live by it. Therefore, God has already done everything for us, giving us everything we need so that we can constantly choose what to do in this or that situation and how to live in general.

Understanding the patterns described in this book gives me a sense of peace and confidence in the correctness of what I am doing. I think it will also help many readers with this. The more a person understands, the calmer and more confident they feel. He knows exactly what he is doing and how it will affect his life. Whether you play by God’s rules or the devil’s, that’s what your life will be like. So, if you don’t like to read religious books, understand them, if you don’t like something about religions, don’t trust them completely, then you can read this book, understand the main thing in such a concept as God and start to better navigate life without worrying about what it is about. no need to worry.

I do not oppose my book to any religious teachings, because I know that in some ways my thoughts coincide with what is said in this or that religious teaching, in some ways they differ, it does not matter. It doesn’t matter at all. There is no need to oppose anything to anything. You just need to find something that is clear and easy to understand. In this book, I will explain things that many of us often encounter in life and explain them in terms of my definition of God. It helped me in everything-in my work, in my relationships, in understanding myself. This understanding of the world helped me to establish contact with God, so to speak. By understanding His language, I understand what He says to me in certain cases. And thanks to this, it is easier for me to navigate in life, it is easier to accept everything that happens in it. And there’s nothing unscientific about it. Read the book and see for yourself.

But most importantly, learn to understand the language of God, learn to hear Him, so that you can feel His presence in your life and properly accept His help for you.

What is God?

Let’s think about what God is. Or what I think is God, who I think is God. It is necessary to define what will be discussed in the book. For me, it is always important to accurately define what is being discussed, because only in this way can we come to a complete understanding of the issue under consideration, the topic being studied. After all, I profess a scientific approach to life, not a religious one, in which people rely only on faith. I need proof of this or that phenomenon, concept, its logical explanation. Therefore, it is necessary to reveal and explain the concept of God before talking about it.

For me, God is a certain law that is responsible for life, development, prosperity, joy, happiness, in general, for everything that we consider good for ourselves. What do you mean, the law? Let’s just say that these are some kind of patterns that determine the operation of the system. Everything is a system — a set of coordinated elements that form a complete form that has certain functions. Here we are, also a system that works according to its own laws, which means that we can also be called one of the laws of being. When it is observed as it should be, there is a person in this world, when it is violated, a person or not, or he is defective. It’s like making a soup — you need to process a certain amount of certain ingredients in a certain way. Then you’ll get soup. It is necessary to break the procedure and you will get something else, including inedible. And so it is everywhere in this world. Each finished form has a previous order of actions.

So I thought, I thought a lot about what God is, how to understand him, how to prove him, and I came to the conclusion that from the point of view of the laws of this world, of which everything in it consists, one system works according to some rules, another according to others, a third according to others, God is also a system that it also consists of certain patterns. And I realized that God is the law of life. That’s why people associate everything good with it. I think this is the fundamental, basic, all-encompassing law that made this world, this universe, possible in the first place. But this is unknown, it is difficult to verify. While we can say that everything that gives life, that supports it, develops it, pushes it somewhere, leads it, it’s all God. In other words, these are the laws that are responsible for all this. They are part of one common law — the law of life.

How God himself was formed, where he came from, whether he is also someone’s creation, how absolute he is, you know, I don’t want to talk about this topic. I have no intention of philosophizing in this area, because I don’t see the point yet. I want to convey to the reader the result of my observations and reflections on how God participates in our lives, how he talks to us, how he instructs us, how he punishes or encourages us for our actions and thoughts. All this can be seen and proved in a certain way. And most importantly, this knowledge can and does have practical applications. Understanding all these things can influence the quality of your life. And about where this law of life came from, which I call God, what are its possibilities, whether it created this world initially or became a part of it, or its consequence, about this we can only put forward hypotheses, that is, unprovable assumptions, opinions, reasoning. Why do we need them? Not in this book, anyway. We will not find a use for this now, so we will give up such thoughts for now. We don’t need the details here. And as you read this book, you’ll understand why. I think in a practical way, and it is important for me that this work affects people’s lives, and not just fill their heads with new images that have no material impact.

We need something that will help us understand life and that will allow us to navigate it in the right way, so that we have more good things, so that we are happy, satisfied with everything and, of course, alive. Therefore, we will talk about what is, and not about how it appeared.

Now, God is the law of life, that is, the law that gives life. If we accept this point of view, there is no need to prove the existence of God. More precisely, all the evidence we already have before our eyes is all that contributes to life and life itself. Without the laws of life, there would be no life. Well, and at the same time prosperity, development, joy, useful, correct pleasures. All these things work according to the laws of life, which means they are a manifestation of God. And if we want to live well, in the usual sense of good, and in general we want to live, we must observe these laws of life, that is, as religion says, to live according to God’s commandments and rules. To do this, you must at least see them, know about them and understand them.

They say that God is love. I agree. What is love? It is something that also gives and supports life. But in a certain way. For example, in my understanding, love is sacrifice, compassion, care, empathy, when you perceive other people as yourself. By loving, you help people, take care of them, sacrifice something for them, because they are valuable to you. You don’t just use them for your own sake. You can even sacrifice your life for their lives if you see the point. For example, a parent who loves their children will not hesitate to give their life for them. Therefore, love promotes life, gives life, supports it, improves it, and therefore is a manifestation of God, that is, one of the sub-laws of the law of life.

If we look more broadly at such a concept as life, we can say that this movement, energy, process, complication, in general, it is not nothing and not a state of absolute rest. But this is a movement of a creative plan, an orderly movement, not chaotic, leading to something useful for life. Because, to a certain extent, death and degradation are also a process — a process of destruction. And life is what supports the existence of the system and its development.

Why do we need to know all this? Why do you need to know? Well, look, all people, well, at least most of them, want to live well, they want to be healthy, provided with everything they need, they want to enjoy life, and not suffer. In order for this to be the case, we need to act according to certain laws, in our case, God’s laws. Then everything will be fine, just the way we want it to be. God gives life to everything. God is responsible for well-being and joy. If you want to successfully grow wheat, you need to follow certain patterns in this business, so that in the end everything will work out. If you want to be healthy, you need to know what contributes to this and follow these rules, and avoid everything that destroys your health. In our case, we can say that we should avoid the devil-the laws of destruction, degradation, and death. This is how to play by the rules, so that the game turns out well, and to win in it. And so it is in everything. Everything successful that gives life and improves it requires that we live according to certain laws and act according to certain rules, that is, obey God. That’s why we need to understand it. But the devil also needs to be understood, his laws also need to be taken into account, because they are also important for this world. But I’ll tell you about this later in the relevant chapters of the book.

Now we need to learn to listen to God, because he constantly speaks to us in the language of life’s circumstances, constantly tells us something, points out our mistakes, leads us in the right direction, if we agree to move in this direction. But, I repeat, you need to learn to hear it. I’ll talk about this in the next chapter.

How to hear God

Working with people, sometimes as a psychologist, sometimes as a teacher, sometimes as an adviser, I have come to the conclusion that an important obstacle for people to understand important things is our human pride. Somehow we often come to the conclusion, we, I mean most people, that we are intelligent beings and that there are no other intelligent life forms or any more intelligent forces in this world. That’s when a person starts to talk about what he is, he often comes to the conclusion that he is the most intelligent being in this world. And this is despite the fact that people commit so many stupid things, and all their more perfect intelligence compared to the same animals is also used in such a way as to make their own lives worse. Where is the mind here? At the same time, it is quite obvious that this world that we observe around us, it is devilishly well thought out. By whom and in what way? Why everything works so smoothly in it and at the same time we, people, have the opportunity to choose what kind of life we live, our fate is not painted in advance, well, as I believe, because this is such a perfect system that you can definitely create only with abilities that significantly exceed the abilities of a person. And we say that we are the smartest, most intelligent people here. Nothing like that. We are the product of something much more advanced.

But no matter what forces are above us, we are not able to understand them, to know them fully. And it is not fully required. Why do we need to know everything? It is enough to know how these forces affect us and adapt to them. And some of them can be adapted to your needs. Therefore, given the complexity of what is superior to us and when we talk about God, we often talk about faith in him, and not about an absolute understanding of what God is, how he works, how he affects life, on us. So it’s usually God that’s discussed, right? Usually people don’t go into this concept very much, they mean something by God and talk about him based on this. And this is normal to a certain extent. Don’t try to explain everything at this point. For it is hardly possible. We may not be able to understand something more complex than ourselves. This means that we cannot know what kind of power it is that we can call God. But we have every reason to believe in this power, to believe in its integral image. Because the forces that affect our lives, they are visible. I did the same thing — I faced the same consequences. I did it in a different way — I got different consequences. This is what we see, this is what it is. So there are certain patterns behind everything, behind every result in this life. And we can study these things and thus listen to God.

God speaks to us through everything that happens to us. Everything that surrounds us, everything that happens to us-these are the words of God. The language of life circumstances, that’s what you might call it. What you sow, you reap. Any patterns that we can see are messages that we receive from God. And we get them all the time, just don’t always pay attention to them and don’t always understand them. But as for us, our actions, it is not so easy to see the connection between one or another of our actions and the result to which it led. It is sometimes incredibly difficult to decipher the words of God, who tells us what we do and what we need to do in order to live according to his laws, because in this world there are a huge number of all possible laws, which are simply impossible to take into account at all times and in everything. In fact, this is why it makes sense to know God in order to know life.

If everything was so simple-I did something and looked at what happened to understand whether I did it right or not, then I think many people would be too smart and would not make stupid mistakes that lead to suffering and tragedy. But the point is that the system of causal relationships is too complex to always be able to see a direct relationship between cause and effect, between action and result. Sometimes, it is not at all obvious what leads to what. You did something and got some result. The next time you do the same thing, the result is different. Does this happen?

Or here’s another example. One person did something and got a certain result. Another person does the same thing and doesn’t get the same result. Why is that? It seems that he met all the conditions to do the same, repeated the first person’s actions, did everything in the same way, but in the end, he did not get a similar result. Cause and effect didn’t work out perfectly. And why? But because there are many reasons for any result. Simply, some of them are important, and some are insignificant, but also determine the final result. Something doesn’t match and that’s it, the result is completely different at the output, the layout is different. Therefore, you can’t just copy something and get a similar result. Similar, yes, and then not always, but not similar. You may not meet all the necessary conditions for repeating what the other person did, or even what you did yourself. Something will be done by you differently, not always by your will, but by the will of the circumstances.

You may not even know what conditions you are not meeting when repeating something or following someone else. You don’t know all the patterns of what you see, because the world around us is very complex. Therefore, it is not always possible to learn something from someone else’s experience, or even from your own experience, so that you can always do it this way and always come to the same result. In simple cases, it may also be possible to go into one river many times, but in complex cases it will no longer be possible to do this. Therefore, sometimes it is very difficult to understand what life, God says to you, creating certain situations for you. And in order not to make a mistake here, I think it is always important to consider several options for why and why something happens. That is, if you think that a certain situation is necessarily undesirable for you, then look for arguments indicating its usefulness, both in full and in part. Never look at any situation from just one angle — bad or good, right or wrong. No extremes. It is always necessary to consider options for what can be considered.

I believe that God always puts a person in front of a choice — what to gain from a particular situation and what to lose in it. God leads to good, the devil to bad, God gives life, the devil takes it away, God creates, the devil destroys, and a person is always faced with the choice of who to listen to, that is, according to which law to act.

And another important point to consider when thinking about how right or wrong you are doing is time. This is a resource that is generally difficult to calculate far in advance. Each of our actions can give us different results for different periods of time. How do you know if you have done something well or not, for you, of course, well or not? Usually people tell me that you just need to see what it will lead to, this or that action, this or that decision, and evaluate the result. And in what time interval will you do this, conduct this assessment? What kind of result should be recorded — the one that will happen here and now, or the one that will occur after a certain time? But these can be completely different results in terms of their usefulness and harmfulness.

Here is an example — a person stole money from someone — is it bad for him or good? From his point of view, it can be good, for a certain period of time. He easily got the resource he needed, took a walk on the stolen money, experienced pleasure from various things, and during this period he thought that he did well, correctly, because he received a positive result from his actions. And then the law enforcement agencies found him, arrested him, charged him, tried him, found him guilty, put him in prison and there he found himself in very bad conditions, his life became worse, much worse than it was before he stole the money. And at this time interval, the person concludes that he did a bad thing for himself, because in the end he received a negative result, from which he suffers in the end. And then, after some time, it may turn out that, for example, prison was a salvation for him, because the war began and many free people were taken to it and they died on it. But he stayed alive, was released after some time, can still have a lot to do, enjoy life. It turns out that in this period of time, again, it is good that he stole the money and ended up in prison, because she saved him. And what will happen next is unknown. And so each situation can be considered, breaking it down into time segments. These time periods can be called multiples, medium-term and long-term results. Although there may be more results and consequences.

Therefore, it is difficult to evaluate your action in terms of whether it is useful for you or not, without seeing all its consequences over different periods of time. Therefore, to say that the results of their actions are easy to judge whether they are correct or not, well, this is not serious. If you do not look beyond your own nose, maybe you can do this, you can evaluate your actions in this way. But then there will be too many surprises in life, including unpleasant ones. Today so, and tomorrow so. But we want to understand how God speaks to us, which means that we must be able to look far away when we do something, when we are going to do it, because if this force, this law of life leads us to something, then it is unlikely that it is based on the calculation that it will be good for us here and now. I am sure that the law of life requires us to think in the long term, otherwise we simply will not be able to act intelligently, as befits a person, we will all live in one day. And then why is a person given intelligence, if he will be one-day in his decisions? The same addict, enjoying the drug, does not see that his life can end too soon. He clearly does not live according to God’s plan, the devil partly controls him, as he leads him to destruction. Therefore, when God speaks to us, I am sure He encourages us to think far ahead when we make our decisions. If you want to understand where this power is leading you, think about the consequences, first of all in the distant future. Otherwise, you will not hear God, you will not understand.

Everything that happens to us and around us is God’s communion with us. But to hear it, we need to think not about the current situation, but about what awaits us in the future, in the situation that we have now and in the actions that we are doing. We are constantly faced with the choice of what to do — according to the creative laws of God or according to the laws of destruction and degradation, according to the laws of death, which are also the laws of the devil, they are the devil himself. Every day we make decisions, we face such a choice. And even every moment, depending on the intensity of our life. And we make that choice, even when we don’t do anything. Not making a decision is also a decision. But for these decisions to be correct — we need to look ahead. God needs us to think about the consequences, I’m absolutely sure of that. That is why we are endowed with intelligence, to act, to make choices, taking into account the long-term consequences. A person will not hear or understand God if he does not think about the future. And being in the moment, of course, is easy, so you can not worry about anything at all, but this is not serious, because it is irresponsible, at least for a person. Here is a cockroach can live one day, without planning anything, without calculating. And man, it’s too easy for him. And to be simple, having a complex intellect, means to remove responsibility from yourself, as from a person. Why did you become a human if you want to exist as a less evolved life form?

How did I come up with this idea? My friends, through observation. You look at your life and the lives of those you know well, and you notice certain patterns. People who think ahead always come up with better results than those who act on the situation, or they always come up with something in hindsight, when you do it first, and then look at what happened. But you can’t win back much already. And, of course, the stories of people, cases, official history, I don’t know how much you can believe it, all this shows how it happens in life, whether you do it one way or another. Other people’s examples, other people’s experience, it all shows what kind of thinking leads to what, what actions lead to what. It’s just that all these things need to be systematized. Cause and effect are the words of God. But they must be read correctly. They are too complex. Therefore, you need to look far away, and not just at what is under your nose. Acting on a situation means reacting to circumstances, not responding to them. The second differs from the first in its thoughtfulness. We always react instinctively, often making mistakes. And we are responsible for the expense of intelligence, thinking about what is best to do and how. What do you think God, who created us as we are, expects from us? Hardly situational thinking. He is willing to meet someone who calculates far ahead, because, in this case, the person behaves like a person. That’s probably why it was created. Including.

And you don’t have to believe it. You need to keep track of this. If you record your observations of certain patterns in this life, and then compare them with other people’s cases, as well as with what you can learn from history, then sooner or later a system will develop that will point out a number of important patterns that can be used to understand where God’s possessions are and how they are located. they work, in the form of the laws of life, and where the devil’s domain begins, in the form of the laws of death.

The advantage of my situation is that I work with people, or rather even with their problems. I learn a lot about how people’s lives turn out when they make certain decisions. This inevitably leads sooner or later to an understanding of important life patterns, primarily concerning the relationships between people, their behavior, lifestyle, and the patterns of their fate. So I see how the higher laws from time to time lead different people to approximately the same results, because people make similar decisions. For example, people who are engaged in self-development often come to a favorable life for them. So this is a God-pleasing thing. And if people, for example, are greedy, they often stay at the broken trough. So, this behavior is a manifestation of the devil, so the law of destruction is activated when greed passes a certain limit.

Look at what happens over long periods of time and draw conclusions from it. All the patterns that occur in the medium and long term are the words of God. But the devil bribes a person with momentary joys and pleasures, to the detriment of everything long-term, stable, reliable. That is the devil’s trick — to sell a person a small value, and take away a large one in return. He offers something of little value here and now, but then the payback comes and the person gives much more. The most precious thing he loses is his life.


Creation and destruction, in one case, in the first, we are talking about God, that is, about the laws of life, in the second, about the devil, that is, about the law of death. And people are also divided into those who live in harmony with God, that is, according to the laws of life and build, develop, create, and those who are completely or partially subject to the devil, that is, the laws of death and are engaged in wrecking, destruction, destruction. Now, parasitism, which manifests itself in the behavior of people when they exploit others, is just one of the types of the law of death. Because parasites can so harm others, including those at the expense of whom they exist, that they destroy them. And myself, too. Parasitic people are controlled by the devil, some partially, and some completely, depending on what these people do. Some sit on someone else’s neck and hang their legs, while others massively harm society by occupying a high position in it. However, the evolution of the parasite is such that in the end it destroys everything.

I don’t know if people can be born immediately as parasites, pests, destroyers, so to speak, initially possessed by the devil and therefore determined to harm everything and everyone, because I don’t have the opportunity to properly study this point, but perhaps everyone can become such a person. The fact that parasites become from a certain lifestyle, environment, it can be seen, so to speak, with the naked eye. Parasitism is a state of mind in which a person does practically nothing useful for others, and worse, he only harms, both indirectly, simply parasitizing everyone who allows him to do it, and directly, when he gets pleasure from causing harm, committing evil deeds, from destroying something, from destruction. Such people disfigure and destroy everything they don’t do. Of course, they can play an important role in society, and they can be used, in fact, in any activity that does not require creation as such. And if you force them to do something useful for others, that is, work, then they need to be controlled, stand next to a stick, otherwise they will not work. But if such people gain power, it can end badly for those they control.

But the most terrible thing here is that even a person with a creative mindset, having received a certain status in society, having acquired some kind of power, especially a large one, may well degrade to the level of a destroyer and pest. He, reveling in power, living, as they say, for free, at the expense of society, at the expense of those who work for him, will eventually tune in to a parasitic train of thought, this is when a person is looking for any idea that allows him to get the most from others, but there are no thoughts about doing something it is useful to do something for someone, so to speak, to give something to society in return for what it does for them. And even more so, he does not want to leave something useful behind, some kind of inheritance, at least for society. Eat everything you can, like locusts, that’s what the parasites want. And to do something that will remain after them, they are not capable of this. Such people do not want to give anything to anyone, only to take.

They are ready to sit on the neck of even the weakest people-to exploit their elderly parents or sick relatives. They don’t want to take care of anyone, they want to use everyone they can. The human parasite is in every sense set up to suck everything out of everyone. And then, as the devil demands, who never stops until everything is destroyed, destroyed, this person is already thinking about how to harm others, without any reasonable sense. Not how to make himself feel good or even better, he thinks he’s already got it, got drunk, so to speak, but how to make others feel bad, how to destroy something, destroy it, kill it, that’s what he wants. Slaughtering all the chickens that lay golden eggs for him, that’s what the snacking parasite is set up for.

A person becomes Satanic after becoming a parasite. A parasitic attitude to life is not a stable state of mind. When a person is ruled by the devil, he degrades, precisely as a person. Over time, he only gets worse, and greedier, and angrier. This can be seen in spoiled teenagers who, having got used to sitting on the neck of their parents, also begin to hate them, and even harm them in every possible way, even if their parents do not demand anything from them. They start sawing at the branch they’re sitting on. At first, a person after becoming a parasite, his thinking and behavior changed, he then becomes greedier and greedier, when the immeasurable appetite makes him more and more arrogant and reckless. By doing this, he brings himself closer to the broken trough, as often happens with immensely greedy people. But it can be a long process, and pathological greed can ruin a person for a long time. And then, depending on the possibilities, the greedy parasite begins to destroy the source of its benefits and generally harming everyone it can harm. The one it parasitizes is the most vulnerable victim, because it is too weak to allow itself to be exploited in this way. The parasite is unintelligent, because the devil takes away its mind. Insanity is a manifestation of the devil’s laws. Therefore, the parasite drains more and more of the life juices from the one it encircles, until it completely destroys it. And with it, often myself. After all, death is the ultimate goal to which the devil leads everyone over whom he has gained power. The laws of death and resolution lead to death and destruction. And the devil often has complete power over parasites. After all, parasites can no longer create, they can only destroy. Unless, of course, they are cured in a special way, exorcised from the devil, so to speak.

Being a parasite, a person lives by the laws of death, because parasites do not have a sense of proportion, so they can destroy everything because of their greed. This means that the parasite is under the power of the devil. And it’s just a matter of how quickly the parasite gets so mad that it starts destroying and destroying everything, and not just taking as much as it needs. Parasites, feeling permissiveness, get impudent very quickly. If nothing and no one restricts such people, they are ready to eat everything. And the world needs balance. It exists because of the balance, and it is not allowed to be skewed. Therefore, there should be a measure in everything. It’s like a medicine, if there’s too much of it, it becomes poison. And if it’s not enough, it just doesn’t help. And parasites have no sense of proportion. This is one of the destructive features of such people-the lack of proportion in everything. They go too far, they can never get drunk, as they say. No matter how much you give them, it’s never enough for them.

Therefore, when we see greedy and arrogant people who allow themselves more and more and this leads to problems, God tells us, through the suffering that these people give us with such problems, that we will face negative consequences if we do not stop this evil. God warns in such cases several times, creating more and more serious problems for people due to greedy and arrogant parasites, which lead to pain, suffering, and deprivation. If you do not dare to oppose something to parasites and parasitism in general, as a phenomenon, if you do not dare to speak out against it, you will be afraid and do nothing, then you will still suffer, and very much, only a little later. To trigger such a situation is to play into the hands of the devil. In other words, either you accept the battle with evil, with the devil’s power now, when it is just beginning to gain momentum and while it has not yet gained sufficient destructive power, or you will be forced to do it later. Well, or this power will simply destroy you. God is hurting to warn you. And the devil destroys.

In history, parasites have been distinguished by their desire for absolute power and its subsequent use for unleashing major wars, for repression, for enslaving free peoples. Dictators, tyrants, despots, all are servants of the devil. After getting drunk at the expense of their subordinate society, these people, these creatures also want to drink blood, because what else can they do if they do not know how to create and do not want to, they do not have such a life. They can only take, rob, steal, harm, destroy, destroy, destroy. But to create and develop something — such functions are not available to their minds. Creation and creation is God. And they are under the power of the devil. They only destroy. It’s just a matter of scale. They kill themselves, they make others kill, they multiply evil by serving the devil.

And it all starts with a banal parasitic approach to life, when a person who is still at a crossroads, who still has access to the divine laws of life, when it is possible and necessary to think about others, and not just about himself, decides that he will live at the expense of everyone who will allow him, will only take and do nothing give in return, as far as it is in his power. This is the decision he makes, having obeyed the devil, that is, his degenerative urges, and then, as it goes. If society allows him to suck the blood out of himself, he will gain strength, sucking more and more out of him, maintaining his existence by destroying others. And if society discourages him from such a desire, for example, the same parents force their child, who took the path of a parasite when he decided to sit on their neck, to work, study, then he can again become a person who is able to benefit others. But if people don’t do this, they are playing into the hands of the devil themselves. If you feed the parasite, you are already violating the divine laws, because you are supporting the pest. And God will let you know that-by kicking you with the same parasite. That is why parasites often bite the feeding hand, crush chickens that also lay golden eggs for them. God, through their madness, tells people that such things should not be allowed in society. Otherwise, then the evil will grow, gain strength and wait for problems.

Therefore, you need to be wary of parasites, control them, do not make people turn into them because of comfortable conditions for parasitizing, and do not turn into them yourself, so as not to get mad later and lead yourself and others to a sad end. The same freebie, in any form, would seem to be a harmless thing, albeit unpleasant-looking. But teach a person to it, and then he will only think about how to snatch something, without giving anything in return, and will turn into a parasite that will only be able to harm, first in a passive and then in an active way. Power, especially unlimited power, impunity, and irresponsibility also lead a person to a parasitic and destructive way of life. Everything that makes life easier for a person, that deprives him of the need to develop, improve in a creative direction, that prevents him from socializing, thanks to which he cooperates with people, and does not quarrel with them, all this leads him to parasitism, and therefore lures him into the devil’s net.

If you see how a person turns into a parasite, because of permissiveness, because they are pampered, allow them too much and do nothing about it, and even more so, condone it, because of self-serving goals or out of fear, then first God will let you understand what you are doing. that this is wrong, by showing you through the example of other people’s suffering, what all this can lead to. Then you will suffer, but not much. Further, the damage that you will suffer will be more serious, the blows will be more painful. And only later, when the devil spreads his wings, manifesting himself through a parasitic person who has become impudent to the extreme, when the destructive activity of such individuals, with the complete passivity of the people around them, begins to do great evil, God will make people suffer, simply allowing the devil to purge people, because his-the devil’s destructive laws will come into play. In other words, with the help of the whip, people will be taught a lesson, or it will be taught to a single person who has nurtured the parasite and allowed it to gain strength.

The devil takes advantage of our weaknesses, and they are his strength. The weaker we are, the stronger he is. Therefore, if we raise a monster, in the person of an impudent parasite, with which we do nothing for one reason or another, we will then suffer from it. This is unavoidable. And it is not necessary to ask about justice when faced with such a punishment, because everything is fair. If you do not oppose the laws of evil, you will deal with them. You’re a human being, not a bush or tree that just grows. You have a will, you have a mind, so you can choose what to do and what not to do in this life, so that it will be favorable for you. Inaction in relation to the parasite is also an action for which you will have to answer.

In someone else’s skin

I don’t know if you noticed or not, but very often we find ourselves in situations where there were other people who we either criticized, or somehow harmed them, used them, or offended them and did not try to understand them at all. Well, we can also laugh at someone, considering some people unreasonable, poor, mean, and then, once, we find ourselves in exactly the same conditions as they were or are, and often behave exactly the same way. In such cases, we learn the situation from the inside, and not just from the outside. And this is a completely different picture. God, in order to teach people something, forces them to get into someone else’s skin, creating a similar situation for them. He does this not out of anger, not out of revenge, not to punish people, because in the laws of life, by which we have agreed to understand God, in principle there can be nothing that we are used to calling emotional decisions, that is, decisions that often lead to mistakes and do not make much sense.

Laws, they just exist, and they come into play when you refer to them in any way. Well, that’s what, say, the law of attraction or whatever it is called in physics, when you can fall from a height and hit or even kill yourself. Life doesn’t specifically punish you here, it’s just that you encounter one of its laws, getting into a certain situation, and the work of which will affect you in a certain way. Simply, there are a lot of these laws, and they are sometimes difficult to understand. And here are some of them that allow people to gain the experience they need, by getting into situations that up to a certain point they observed from the outside and did not understand them. And if this happens, it means that people should get such an experience in order to better understand the world.

And why understand it? I think that since we have intelligence, we should somehow adjust our behavior in accordance with this new experience, so that our own world is better. When you understand why something happens the way it does, you can competently intervene in this process, influence it in a certain way to make the world a better place. That’s why we have the creative potential to contribute to the overall development of the universe. Think about it, can we make the world so that there is less violence, less disease, less suffering? We can, of course. And individuals, whom society sometimes recognizes as great, have done and are doing so. They study the patterns of this world, and then create and promote ideas in society that contribute to its improvement. And we see these ideas, ideas of freedom, ideas of humanism, ideas that help to fight hunger, ideas that will help to deal with the problem of overpopulation of the planet when it becomes really relevant, if at all. Everything is solvable if you decide.

But before a person takes the path of creation, intelligent creation, that is, begins to live according to the laws of God and serve his interests, and not the interests of the devil, and quite consciously, perfectly understanding what he is doing and why, he must learn to look at life more broadly, and not just from his own, bell towers, so to speak. For example, a young girl who still has mostly clothes and toys spinning in her head, such as phones, handbags, and other nonsense, sees how another woman with a small child is in need. It can help her, which is unlikely, it can not help, this is more common, or it can condemn her, which is not even uncommon. There was nothing to give birth to if you can’t feed yourself. That’s what she’ll say. If you are not properly provided for, then you do not need to have children. And this young girl will be completely sure that she is right. She has a very narrow view of life, she does not understand how a person can be in a position of need, does not understand what children mean to this world and, perhaps, does not even remember how her own mother was in a similar situation and if she had not been helped, this philosophical madame might not have been able to help her. survive at all. But she survived, grew up, and received some kind of education, other than one that helps you understand another person, including another woman, in our case with a child, who needs help. She doesn’t know what it’s like to be in her shoes, have a small child, and not have enough money to live on.

Do I need to teach her about life? Is it necessary for God to make this woman wiser, so that she would approach life more intelligently and be more useful to this world? Sometimes, yes, you should. It may even be necessary to do this often. Who will follow the statistics here? However, rarely or often, but after some time, this girl herself may find herself in a difficult situation with a small child in her arms. What she condemned, she will learn from her own experience, on her own skin, so to speak. Life will put her in the shoes of another person, so that she can see how this happens, what is the point of it, and what needs to be done to make the world a better place, a better place for everyone. Because otherwise it will get worse. You will not live according to the laws of God, you will live according to the laws of the devil, but according to the meaning of the laws this world is not given.

And you will agree that this is a very clear explanation when a person is immersed in the state, in the environment in which another person is located, whom he does not understand. This allows the whole body to feel all the features of the situation in which other people are. Ordinary human words will not have such an effect, even if the person to whom they are said is smart enough. It’s one thing to use only logic to understand something, and quite another, to feel everything yourself. Now, if God, in the form of some grandfather with a white beard, or in any other image that is understandable and familiar to a person, would come down from heaven to earth and explain in words, in our example to this girl, what it means to have a small child and find yourself in certain conditions, due to certain laws, then she wouldn’t understand such words very well. Or it won’t understand them at all. He will be impressed by communion with God, but will not understand him. Well, people do not understand the human language, very often they do not understand how to explain something to them. And we all know that. Because we see it all the time. Sometimes it is difficult to explain even the most basic things to a person. Therefore, the language of God is more intelligible. Thanks to the necessary experience, a person learns something with his whole being, and not just through reason, logic.

And after all, how many things can be understood after experiencing certain situations and getting different experiences. How much such communication with God can be useful for a person, showing him what life can be like. You don’t need to go to any temples for this, you don’t need to read any sacred books. God without all this will teach a person what to do. If, of course, the person himself will study well, thinking about what is happening to him. For example, the same empathy, which is not common to many people, is, one might say, a gift from God, thanks to which people can understand each other very well. And how useful it would be to have good empathy so that you don’t have conflicts with people and understand how best to influence them. This feeling can be developed. And it develops itself when a person learns certain things through his own life experience.

So when something happens to you, don’t think about why it happens to you or has already happened, although it is useful to understand this, of course, so that you know about the important laws of life and don’t make mistakes when it comes to them. But you better think more about what it teaches you, this experience, this event that happened in your life, because it is more important. The lessons that God teaches us must be learned so that they do not repeat themselves. You need to understand why He is creating a situation for you that someone else has already been in or is in. Usually, this is done so that you can better understand other people. After that, you will be less likely to judge, criticize, and hate someone, because you will know what it means to be in the place of such a person, such people.

And sometimes we can talk about completely unique situations in which no one has ever found themselves before. And you can find yourself in them to discover some new and important knowledge about life that no one else knows. God teaches us a lot, we just need to be more attentive to everything that happens to us. You’ll notice the most, and you’ll be able to think about the big ones.


More than once I have heard people say that someone has no conscience, so they behave in an inappropriate way, namely, they do bad things to other people. But personally, I believe that everyone who is at least more or less normal, from the point of view of mental health, has a conscience. Well, unless psychopaths do not have it, because of problems with the psyche, the brain. And other mentally ill people. And if a person is generally healthy, both mentally and physically, then he has a conscience. But not all people can hear it and not everyone wants to listen to it. Someone is not focused enough on their own feelings to hear the voice of conscience, and someone deliberately ignores it, so they act like an unscrupulous person.

And what is conscience? This is the voice of God. Or, as they say, the voice of reason. The voice of conscience is the voice of God — I don’t remember where I first heard or read this, but my thoughts on this topic led me to believe that this is really true.

The generally accepted definition of conscience tells us that conscience is a sense of moral responsibility for one’s behavior to other people and society. It is also the ability to distinguish between good and evil when it comes to a person’s assessment of their own and others ' actions. It, this ability to distinguish between good and evil, may be imperfect, but the main thing is that it exists and that a person receives signals from somewhere inside himself, indicating to him that there is too much evil around him, coming both from himself and from other people. But first of all, of course, from himself. A person, if he is normal, should feel that he is not doing very well with other people or frankly bad, when this is really the case. And this feeling can well be called the voice of God, which tells a person that he passes, or can pass from the laws of life to the laws of death, by acting in a certain way. And if you set foot on the path of evil, you will start a process that may well return to you in the form of retaliatory evil. Playing by the rules of the devil, a person is bound to face pain, suffering, and death. The only question is when and how. For the devil, there are no friends and strangers, he makes everyone suffer and destroys everyone in the end, because that is his purpose.

Conscience corrects our behavior. God communicates with us through a sense of conscience, which is partly an innate feeling, when a person simply through a feeling comes to understand how not to act, how to do the wrong thing, otherwise you can create suffering, pain, destruction, death. And in part, this is a manifestation of reason, when a person, thanks to the development of his intelligence, not only feels, but can also explain well why something should not be done, why it is wrong to act in one way or another.

We live in a world where good and evil are in equal proportions most of the time. There is a dark side and a light side in this world, there is good and evil. These things balance each other, they are two extremes, between which there are dark and light shades. And here the balance between the dark and light side of life is broken from time to time, then there can be a lot of good, because of which people relax, get impudent, degrade, then evil, when people suffer, die prematurely, hurt each other.

I think that the world that can be considered paradise is a world with a preponderance towards the good. But with a competent advantage, when too good a life does not make a person worse. Evil, in such a world, probably also exists, but in a very small amount, exactly in such a way that a person understands that in addition to heaven, there is also hell. And hell is a world in which evil significantly prevails over good, the balance is shifted to the dark side. And in such a world there is only suffering and pain, and there is very, very little good. But it is there to show people that there is a chance to live better if they live according to different laws.

A person lives in a world that most of the time is more or less balanced, when there is no preponderance in the direction of good or evil. And the extent to which people are able to listen to the voice of conscience will determine whether people can maintain this balance or even make the world a better place, without succumbing to diabolical temptations and without doing evil, but with the help of good, within acceptable limits, shifting the balance towards Divine laws. And if you do not listen to your conscience, then times of great suffering may come. If you see evil or do something evil, harming other people, you become uneasy, uncomfortable, you understand that what is happening is something wrong, you feel that you yourself or other people are doing something bad, you understand that this will lead to even more evil, which can lead to the death of others. kill them all. If you listen to this voice of conscience, you can influence the manifestation of such evil, you can stop it, you can fight it in various ways to preserve peace. And if you start to ignore your conscience, in fact, turn away from God, then you will allow evil to manifest, multiply, gain strength and create this imbalance, when the bad becomes more than the good, with all the consequences that follow from this. Evil cleanses itself, destroying everything and everything that it can reach, so that after such a cleaning, the system returns to its previous state of balance.

Pay attention to how much suffering humanity has faced in its history, which has remained documented, about which many books have been written, about the same wars, all this can be learned if you want, and from such an unsightly, frightening side. What kind of violence there was in the world, so that now we know very well what happens if we do this and that. And who now prevents us from living in such a way that there is little or no violence at all? We have a conscience in the form of feelings, we have knowledge, we also have a mind to understand this knowledge, even if not everyone has it in a developed state, but we do have it. What prevents you from living correctly, in accordance with the laws of God, with the laws of life? Only our weaknesses — greed, vanity, lust, unreasonable fear, ignorance, in short, all our vices that tempt us and push us to do bad things. Our irrational passions are our weaknesses. And our weaknesses are the devil’s capabilities. It is they who hinder us and help him. The Devil constantly tempts us, turning to us through our weaknesses. But God also does not leave us, he speaks to us through our conscience, reminding us what we should not do, so as not to serve evil and become its victim.

We will learn to live properly until we do. We will go through pain and suffering until we learn to listen to our conscience.

And our training in good and bad is likely to take place not only in this world, but also in other worlds. I do not believe that people go to hell forever, if it exists at all in the form in which the Christian religion presents it to us. There is no point in eternal suffering. I think that hell, whatever it may be, is designed to bring immature souls to reason, to show them what laws exist in the world, so that the soul can make a choice according to which laws it should exist. Let’s think about whether a person wants to live in pain, suffering, fear, and need. According to people, no. Then why do some people not listen to their conscience, why do they commit evil deeds themselves or allow others to commit them? The only answer is that they don’t understand this world, they don’t understand this life, they don’t understand the laws of God and the laws of the devil. All other causes originate only from this root cause. In words, people want to live one life, but by their actions they show that they need another life. But when they start to suffer, their desires change. This indicates a lack of understanding of what a person is doing. He does not understand the laws of this world, so he succumbs to temptations, shows inner weakness, allowing the devil to bribe himself with insignificant joys to the detriment of great happiness. The same greed, how many troubles are caused by it. And only a few people are able to cope with this feeling. Others easily succumb to it and commit so many evil deeds because of their greed that they themselves are not happy with what they eventually came to.

If reason does not help a person to understand how to live better, or, to put it another way, if reason does not help people to make a choice in favor of living according to certain laws, then they will learn everything they need to know through the experience that they will receive both in this world and, most likely, in the other. Well, we can’t know for sure about the other world, but in this world everything is visible, both the work of God’s laws and the work of the devil’s laws. You act one way, you have one world, you act another, another. Heaven and hell, they are also in this world, when we create a certain quality of life for ourselves by our actions.

Conscience helps us build and have a world without pain and suffering, a world in which joy, happiness and prosperity will prevail over pain and suffering. You just have to listen to it and obey it. By listening to our conscience and acting according to our conscience, we obey God and act to please him. And when you are with God, you have nothing to fear. Whatever happens to you, your soul will be in a good place. Which one, I don’t know, we can’t know. But to believe, I believe that living according to the creative laws of life, it is impossible not to come to something appropriate, that is, in our understanding, to the good. And it is unlikely that earthly life has no continuation. The world is too complex for everything to end only at the material end of life.


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