The Flying monk

Бесплатный фрагмент - The Flying monk

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— Listen, well, if everything on Earth becomes perfect, it won’t be peace anymore, will it? — It won’t be perfect on Earth. The Earth is almost at the very end of our universe. Only the Moon is after us. All the Divine planets are much higher than the Earth.

I express my gratitude to my teacher and colleague Igor Alekseev

Part 1.
Give all the information
to the Divine

The very essence of sins was recruited because of what? Because of human pride. That is, when a person puts himself above God. He says: «I know everything, and I’m fine.» And peace is actually trust in God, it is the surrender of oneself.

To God, it is to surrender oneself to God and come what may. The divine settles everything in the best way it sees fit. But a person has all the fears. How can he surrender to what he cannot feel? Because it’s easy to talk about the word «God» — that’s nothing.

And when you have the experience of merging with God, it’s quite scary for the mind. Imagine, this means that the control of the mind must completely go away, you must have full faith in the Divine. And the mind starts to raise its head and rebel again. Therefore, if a person decides to repent, then he must develop humility before the Divine.

And what breaks the silence of the mind? Information. People grab information wisely. Well, they’ve been captured, so they should be able to let this case go. And the mind becomes like a magnet, it attracts, but it cannot let go. It attracts you all the time. If a person knows how, learns this ability — to let go, to allow the Divine to solve everything in the best way, then the Divine really begins to work. But if a person produces, as it were, let go, but he is afraid, and suddenly it will not work, and suddenly — that is — it is again information of the mind.

That is, the person did not turn off his mind. Repentance is possible when trust in the Divine comes. And here we have a very deep question again: a person must catch up with the quality of God, and what is Divine? Whom should he have humility to there?

And if a person lives with his mind all his life, how will he «catch up» and how will he be able to merge with God? Mind control will not allow this to be done. So what do the wise men or the monks start with? With humility, humility before the Divine, not before the world.

After all, all these sins are an entry made in his field.

It’s like programs that constantly require a resource. His sins are like a program that constantly eats him up. As soon as they get or merge with the Divine, such a miracle happens as the erasure of this information. When a person merges with the Divine, his karma is erased, in the language of yogis, — a change in his fate.

In order for life to start changing, the paradigm of life must change. The system teaches us to think, to think. Think about it all the time, think about it. And through this deliberation, a person unknowingly begins to be afraid, because he does not know his future. He keeps dragging his past like an anchor, he can’t let go. And he does not know the future and begins to be afraid of it.

And to change the paradigm of life, to go from the mind to the inspiration of the soul — that’s only then there is a change in fate. Fate does not change because a person says: «Right now I’m thinking this, and then I’ll think about something else.» No, it’s an awl for soap. Nothing will happen from this.

There must be a paradigm shift. A person is unconscious, but in life he is used to relying on his mind and on his logic, but it is very limited. Logically, we don’t know what will happen. And that’s why our first reaction is fear. And the fear of blocking the entire lower abdomen. Hence, people have a sore lower back and everything else.

People who live from the mind try to rely on those who are nearby, women — on men, on family. Anything you lean on from the outside, you’ll break it. There is only one support — the Divine. But man does not know what is Divine. He imagined that it was a grandfather on a cloud. Many people think so, yes, this is the grandfather on the cloud, who sits there and dreams of how to destroy it all there or vice versa. No.

Who knows the qualities of God? The priests. You understand how much you need to advance in this area, in the knowledge of the Divine. And it is not easy to advance, to know with your mind what the quality of God is. And you try to merge with the Divine. So your mind must stay here. And a person is afraid worse than death to leave his control. Everything is in your mind, nothing will change about this, you will at least do something — everything will spin in a circle like this.

A paradigm shift means moving away from the support of the mind and standing on the support of the soul, the Divine. Try to surrender yourself to God, not in words, but in deeds. These are the teachers who have committed themselves to God. These are those great saints who have surrendered themselves to God, and they go in such a way that the Divine knows how to lead them, and not the mind — oh, I’m scared there, I won’t go there. And he goes in trust in God, and not in trust in the mind, no matter what happens. You can’t give up. If a person gives up, his life is over. If a person is struggling, it continues. There is permission for everything, even for the death of a person, but there must be permission from the person himself. And if he said that’s it, I can’t do it anymore, it’s already hard for me, that’s when all the misfortunes come, that’s only when a person breaks down. People start: «Oh, it’s already hard for me, I can’t do it anymore, I already have this…» This conversation is already something that they can’t do, that their life is ending. Like I’m tired, I can’t take it anymore, I’m already fucked up.

Since you are tired of the Divine, well, I will change your body, you will come with a different body in the next life. And will you be able to remember everything you had in your previous life and reach God at the same time? Not with the mind, they don’t reach God with the mind. The mind is unable to reach God, it is too dumb. The property of the mind is the inability to penetrate.

It is actually Non-Existence from which Being emerges. Speaking in the language of mathematics, if we are trying to find God in mathematics, in mathematics God is zero, because the first numbers, both positive and negative, appear from zero. But zero is the basis of everything. And any action on zero leads to zero. Therefore, if you merge the problem with zero or with God, the problem disappears. The principle of healing is that if you have managed to give the Divine, then the problem will be solved. But if you keep it in mind, the mind magnet will not allow you to solve the problem. Therefore, in order to heal, you need to change.

My car broke down recently, I got up on the highway. I came out and I see that there is a problem that I cannot solve.

But I took this problem out of my head into the Divine, calmed down. The divine will find a way to solve it. Literally five minutes later, the car started up, and I drove off as if nothing had happened. And it hasn’t been boiling since then. For the first time in my life, I «boiled over».

What happens is that as soon as you encounter a problem, and the problem is the information in your head. And if you have deleted this information from your head, then you will delete the problem. This is one of the most important, key points: in order to heal, you need to change.

And what does it mean to change? To change, change is the paradigm of life. The mind is subject, it does not know what will happen, it is subject to fear. And the soul has immortality, it has no fear. You cannot harm the soul, you cannot burn the soul, you cannot poison the soul, you cannot dry it up. She is immortal, she is made of light.

The question is, what do you live by — the fear of the mind or the light of the soul? And most people live by the fear of reason. That’s what people say: «Yes, I live mentally, according to my soul, my heart.» And just touch this question — and that’s it, they’re back in their right mind. An interesting point: what is the difference between a sick person and a healthy one, poor from God, happy from unhappy?

Habits. A poor man has the habits of a poor man, and a rich man has the habits of a rich man. He has a habit of doing certain things that the poor don’t do. The same applies to health. If a problem comes to a sick person, he will twist it so much in his head that he will make it even worse for himself. And a healthy person, knowing the laws of the universe, he will give the problem to the Divine and thereby solve it in the best way. He will allow the Divine to solve it all in the best way. You can be abstract, but you can be pure. As long as you were far from something spiritual…

And what does the Divine do? It started to bring you to the teachers. But the teachers all lead to the same thing — start shining brightly, start living like a bright sun, shine brightly. Don’t think with your mind, but shine brightly. Teachers don’t tell you about the mind, teachers tell you about your soul. Teachers tell you that you are immortal, and not about how smart you should be, so with your mind we will now build a plan and solve everything. No. If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans. You can live with the expected, people live with the expected.

But it is even better to live by the unexpected, because the unexpected comes from the Divine. When a person surrenders himself to the Divine, he moves on to the unexpected and it turns out to be much more pleasant and better for a person than his expected. Without waiting. Because you consciously commit yourself to the Divine. If you start, I say again, to have expectations from your man that a man will do much or everything for you now, and suddenly he does not meet these expectations, then you will create cysts and fibroids for yourself. Here are the causes of cysts.

Because you can’t rely on matter. You can only rely on the Divine. To rely on the Divine, you must have an understanding, a concept of quality, of what is Divine. Otherwise, what will you rely on? You have to be able to blend in. How the ancestors taught, how habits were given.

Everyone is alive with God. If you look with your mind, everyone is dead to you, but if you look from God, it turns out that all of you, it turns out, are all here.

Question: «Who are you?»

Is it unclear what the «fierce-born» is or the one that was before birth and will go after? That’s what the spiritual path is. That’s what a paradigm shift is — an awareness of your birth. And your nature is immortal. You can convince yourself a thousand times with your mind — yes, I am immortal. And then you turn on the fear. Immortals don’t include fears. It’s one thing to know, but it’s another thing to be it. What can you learn in clinical death? After all, clinical death is a conscious removal of control. Do you remember what happened to you in clinical death? What do you remember?

You are actually merging with your nature. And when you came back, you had to stay with this nature. And your mind got caught up in it again. I didn’t understand the first time, the second time — clinical death. And a reboot is a conscious back-and-forth. And you are afraid, you are falling into clinical death unconsciously.

What is «catching up with the Divine»? Go deep into Oblivion. I say that everything manifested is already Divine, it is from God. This is his creation. But the Divine itself is located between the particles of creation. Creation is about particles. Thin, small, large, they are woven from particles, clusters are created, groups are created from clusters, that’s all. But the Divine will be between these particles. You fall into Oblivion, into the source, to catch up.

We have such a concept in our society — if he is not like everyone else, then he is a fool. There is always this fear of standing out, envy, something else.

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