This book is a collection of test tasks for beginner chess players. Among them you will find tasks of varying degrees of complexity on different topics: checkmate in 1 move, checkmate using a pin, line checkmate, double strike, creating a pin, using a pin, stalemate, perpetual check. In the «Answers» section, you can check your solutions and calculate the number of points you have scored in the test. The higher the number of points you have, the higher the level of your game. I hope that you will enjoy solving this test and it help improve your level of a game.
1. Nh5+ gh( Kg8( h8) Qf6 gh Qg5+)
Qg5+ Kh8
Qf6+ Kg8
Qg5+ (4 points)
2. Nc8+ Ka8
Nb6+ Ka7
Nc8+ (3 points)
3. ...Ne3+
Kg1 Nc4+ (Kf2? Nd1#)
Kf1 Ne3+ (3 points)
4. … Rd2+
Kb1 Rd1+
Kb2 Rd2+ (3 points)
5. Nf7+ Kg8
Nh6+ Kf8
Nf7+ (3 points)
6. Rg6 + fg (Kh8 Rh6+Kg7 Qf6+ Kg8 Qh8#) (Kh7 Qh8#)
Qg6+ Kh8
Qh6+ Kg8
Qg6+ (4 points)
7. Nf6+ Kf8
Nh7+ Kg8
Nf6 Kf8 (Kh8 Rh7#)
Nh7+ (4 points)
8. Qh6 and Qg7# (1 point)
9. Qf7+ Ka8
Qf8+ Ka7
Qf7+ (3 points)
10. Qg5+ Kh8
Qh6+ Kg8
Qg5+ (3 points)
11. Qe8+ Kh7
Qh5+ Kg8
Qe8+ (3 points)
12. … Qa4+
Kb1 Qd1+
Ka2 Qa4+ (3 points)
13. Nf6 Kf8
Nh7# (2 points)
14. Ne3 Re3
Ke3 (2 points)
15. Qf3+ Rb7
Qf8+ Rb8
Qf3+ (3 points)
16. Rh3+ Kg4
Rg3+ Kh4
Rh3+ Kg4 (3 points)
17. Nc7+ Qc7
Kc7 (2 points)
18. Nc8+ Kh8
Nb6+ Ka7
Nc8+ Kh8 (3points)
19. … Ng3+
hg Qh1 (fg Qe4+ Qe2 Qh1) (2 points)
20. …Bc5
de Bf2+
Kf2 Qd1 (3 points)
21. Bf7+ Kf7
Qd5+ Ke8
Qc5 (3 points)
22. Bf7+ Kf7
Qh5+ Ke8
Qc5 (3 points)
23. Bf7+ Kf7
Ng5+ Ke8
Qg4 (3 points)
24. Bf7+ Kf7
Qd5+ Ke8
Qc5 (3 points)
25. Qf7# (1point)
26. ...Ne4
Bd8 Bf2+
Ke2 Bg4# (3points)
27. ...Ne4
de Bf2+
Kf2 Qd1 (3points)
28. Bf7+ Kf7
Qd8 (2 points)
29. … Bh3
gh Qg3+
Kh1 Qh3+
Kg1 Ng5 and Qh2# (5 points)
30. Bf7+ Kf7
Ng5+ Kf8
Ne4 (3 points)
31. Rg7+ Kg7
Qg5+ Kh8
Qf6+ Kg8
Qg5+ (4 points)
32. Qe6+ Qe6 (1 point)
33. f8Q Nf8
f6+ Kf6
Kf8 (3 point)
34. …Rb2+
Kb2 (1 point)
35. Nd5# (1 point)
36. Nf7# (1 point)
37. b4# (1 point)
38. Bc2+ Qc2 (1 point)
39. Qh7# (1point)
40. Qg7# (1 point)
41. Qh5+ Kg8
Qh8# (2 points)
42. Qg7# (1 point)
43. Qh7# (1 point)
44. f6 g6
Qh6+ Re8
Qg7# (3 points)
45. Re8+ Re8
Re8# (2 points)
46. Rg7+ Kh8
Rh8+ Kg7
Rbg7# (3 points)
47. Rg7+ Kh8
Rg6+ Rf6
Bf6# (3 points)
48. Rg7+ Kh8
Rd7+ Kg8
Rg7+ Kh8
Rc7+ Kg8
Rg7+ Kh8
Rb7+ Kg8
Rg7+ Kh8
Ra7+ Kg8
Rg7+ Kh8
Rg6+ Rf6
Bf6# (10 points)
49. Bf6+ Kh7
Rh4+ Kg8
Rh8# (3 points)
50. Ng6++ Kg8
Ne7# (2 points)
51. Nf6+ Ka8
Ra7# (2 points)
52. Ne7+ Kh8
Rh4# (2 points)
53. Nf6+ Kf8
Rd7 Kg7
Re7 Kh8 (Kf8 Re8+ Kg7 Rg8#)
Re8+ Kg7
Rg8# (5 points)
54. Ng6+ Ng6 (or fg or hg)
Qg7# (2 points)
55. Qd7 Rd7
Ra8+ Qd8
Rd8# (3 points)
56. Ng4 (1point)
57. Nh2# (1point)
58. Qh6 Qg2+
Rg2 Rg8
Qh7+ Kh7
Rh2# (4 points)
59. Qh7+ Kh7
Rg7+ Kh8
Rh7+ Kg8
Rbg7# (4 points)
60. Rg6+ Re5
Bf6# (2 points)
61. Bf6+ Kg8
Qh7+ Kh7
Rh3+ Kg8
Rh8# (4 points)
62. Qh8+ Kh8
Ng6+ Kg8
Ne7# (3 points)
63. Nf6+ Kh8
Rh6+ gh
Rh7# (3 points)
64. Ne7+ Kh8
Qh7+ Kh7
Rh3# (3 points)
65. Rg8+ Kg8
Nf6+ Kf8
Rg8# (3 points)
66. Qf5 gf
Ne6+ Kf6
Nc7 (3points)
67. Bf7+ Rf7
Nc4 b6
Na5 (3 points)
68. b3 Bb3
Nb4 (2 points)
69. Rh7+ Nh7
Qg7# (2 points)
70. Qg5+ Ng5
Nf5+ Kg6
h5# (3 points)
71. Rc8 Qc8
Bc7 Qc7
Ra1+ Kb6
Qa5+ Kc6
Rc1+ Bc2
Rc2+ Kd6
Qb4+ Qc5
Qc5# (10 points)
72. Ne6+ fg
Qg6+ Kh8
Nf7+ Rf7
Be5+ Bf6
Rg5 f2+
Kd2 f1N+
Kc1 Rg7
Qh6+ Kg8
Rg7 Kf8
Qh8# (10 points)
73. Qe4 (2 points)
74. Qb2 (2 points)
75. Qd4 (2 points)
76. Bd4 (2 points)
77. Qe2 (2points)
78. Ne6 (2 points)
79. c6 (2 points)
80. Qd3 (2 points)
81. Re8 (2 points)
82. Qd6 (2 points)
83. Qf2 (2 points)
84. Qg5 (2 points)
85…Qc3 (2 points)
86… Qb7 (2 points)
87. Qc3 (2 points)
88. Qg5 (2 points)
89… Qb5 (2 points)
90. Rb1 (2 points)
91… Re8 (1 point)
92. Rg2+ Kh5
Rh8# (2 points)
93. Rh7 Kf1
Ra8# (2 points)
94. Rh7+ Kg8
Qf7# (2 points)
95. …Qe1+ (1 point)
96. Qa4+ (1point)
97. Qg3+ (2 points)
98. Qe5+ (2 points)
99. Qc6+ (2 points)
100. Qc7 (1 point)
101. Qb5 (1 point)
102. Qd6 (1 point)
103. Qc4 (1 point)
104. Re8 (1 point)
105. d5 (1 point)
106. f4 (1 point)
107. Bb5 (1 point)
108. Bd5 (1 point)
109… Nf3 (1 point)
110…Rf1 (1 point)
111…Ra3# (1 point)
112. Bf6 (1 point)
113. f4 (1 point)
114. Ng5 (1 [point)
115. Qg6+ Kh8
Bf6# (2 points)
116. Nc7+ (1 point)
117. Ng6# (1 point)
118. Re8# (1 point)
119. Nc7+ (1 [point)
120. Nc7+ (1 point)
121. Nd5# (1 point)
122. Re1 (1 point)
123. Ra7 (1 point)
124. Bc6 (1 point)
125. Rb7 (1 point)
126. Qe6+ (1 point)
127. Kb3 (1 point)
128. Bg7+ Kf8
Rd7+ Kg8
Rg7 Kf8
Rb7+ Kg8
Rb8+ Kf8
Rf8# (10 points)
129. Bf8 (1 point)
130. Bc1 (1 point)
131. ed (1 point)
132. fe (1 point)
133. c3 (1 point)
134. Ne5 (1 point)
135. ef (1 point)
136. Rb4 (1 point)
137. Rh7# (1 point)
138. Qa7# (1 point)
139. Qg3 (1 point)
140. Qg5 (1 point)
141. Nc3 (2 points)
142. Rf1 (2 points)
143. Nd2 (2 points)
144. Qd5 (2 points)
145. Bf5+ (2 points)
146. c4+ (2 points)
147. Ng6 (2 points)
148. Rc2 (2 points)
149. Bd6+ (1 point)
150. Nh6+ (2 points)
151. Rb6 (1 point)
152. Rd8# (1 point)
153. Nd6+ (1 point)
154. Rc8+ (1 point)
155.Nc6+ (1 point)
156.Nh4+ (2 points)
157. Ra7+ (1 point)
158.e5+ (1 point)
159. d6+ (1 point)
160.Kg3 (1 point)
161… Kb5 (1 point)
162....Bh2+ (1 point)
163. Bh7+ (1 point)
164. Bd4+ (1 point)
165. d4+ (1 point)
166…Rg5+ (2 points)
167. Bb5+ (2 points)
168....Bf3 (1 point)
169. Ng6 (1 point)
170, Nc5 (1 point)
171…Rd5 (1 point)
172. Bc6 (1 point)
173…dc (1 point)
174....Ne5 (1 point)
175. c5 (1 point)
176…d3+ (1 point)
177…d5+ (1 point)
178. Rd8+ (1 point)
179. d5 (1 point)
180. Nf6+ (1 point)
181. Rg5+ (1 poiint)
182....Ne5 (1 point)
183...Bh2+ (1 point)
184. Nd7 (1 point)
185…Rh6 (1 point)
186. Nf6+ (1 point)
187...Re8+ (1 point)
188. Bd6 (1 point)
189....Bf2+ (1 point)
190...Nf3+ (1 point)
191...Bb4 (1 point)
192. Nf5 Qe2
Nh6# (2 points)
193. Nf5 (1 point)
194. Nd1 (2 points)
195...Nc3 (1 point)
196. Rg4 (1 point)
197. Nd2 Rd2
Qa8# (2 points)
If you scored 180 points or more, this is an excellent result. You have successfully passed the initial stage of training and you need further regular training to advance to higher levels of mastery.
If your result is less than 180 points, then you are still at the very beginning of the path of mastering chess and many interesting and exciting discoveries await you ahead in the process of mastering the art of the game of chess. I recommend resolving the test again after a while and comparing the results.
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