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Оглавление - Tales of the Golden Fish
Once upon a time there was an old man with his greedy wife By the very blue sea Based on A.S. Pushkin
Natalia Esenina
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Объем: 31 бумажных стр.
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Tales of the Golden Fish
What would you ask if you had a magic wand that can fulfill your three desires?
Cake? Ice cream? Lots of chocolate? And in fairy tales there are also magic goldfish! Interestingly, do you know what you can ask from these fish and why not? Read a fairy tale, and then suddenly one day you catch a fish!
And the evil wife spins her yarnOne day he threw the net into the sea —
The network came with one mudHe threw the net another time Came to the net with sea grassThe third time he threw the net, — The net came with one fish With fish — and this fish was not ordinary, but gold How a golden fish cries! The voice speaks like a man «Let me go, old man, to the sea. Dear to me i will give something Give you what you want.» All desires will fulfill your The old man was surprised, scared He fished for thirty years and three years And never heard a fish talk He let go of the golden fish And he said a kind word to her «God be with you, golden fish! I do not need your atonement Go to the blue sea Swim there in the open.»
Swim there in the open.»
The old man returned to his wicked and greedy wife He told her a great miracle
«I caught a fish today Golden fish, not simple I didn’t ask her anything But the fish was kind She said she knows how to fulfill desires What I want she will do I did not dare to receive from her desire And I let her go to the blue sea.» The old wife started screaming and cursing «You’re a fool, you fool!» Why didn’t you ask anything from this fish Go to her again and ask I wish you took from her gutter (a large open oblong vessel with rounded walls, intended for washing clothes, feeding livestock and for other household needs)
Ours is already completely split and broken
He went to the blue sea The sea is a bit raging He started calling a goldfish The fish swam up to him and asked «What do you want, old man?» The old man answers her «Have mercy on me fish My evil wife scolded me Gave me no peace She needs a new gutter Ours are completely split.» Goldfish replies «Do not be sad, go with God I’ll give you a new gutter The old man returned to the greedy wife And she already has a new gutter Even worse, the old woman got angry «You’re a fool, you’re a fool!» Please, fool, you’re a loser! How much profit is in this gutter? Come back, fool, to the fish
Bow to her, ask her for a new home
He again went to the blue sea
The muddy was already blue sea He started calling a goldfish The fish swam up to him, asked «What do you want, old man?» The old man answers her «Have mercy on me, fish! Even worse, my wife scolded Don’t let me rest New house she asks Goldfish replies „Do not be sad, go with God So it will be: I will give you a house.“ He went to his old hut And there is no trace of the last hut Before him stands the house With a brick, white pipe With oak, with beautiful winches The wife is sitting under the window And again scolding her husband „You are a fool, a simple deceiver!“ Why did you ask her for a house! You’re a fool Come back, bow to her again I do not want to be a black peasant want to be an important noble woman.»
Here passes a week, another passes
Worse, the woman was furious: Again she sends him to the fish“Go back to the fish and worship it» I do not want to be a noble noblewoman And I want to be the palace queen. «Scared old man «What are you, woman You’re crazy You do not know how to rule The kingdom will laugh at you. «Worse infuriated old woman She hit her husband on the cheek «How dare you argue with me With me, I’m a noble noblewoman — Go to sea again And if you do not go, I will lead you by force Without your consent The old man went to the sea (The blue sea has become very black.) He began to call the goldfish again
The fish swam up to him, asked: «What do you want, old man?» The old man replies: «Have mercy on me, golden fish! Again my old woman screams and screams She does not want to be a noblewoman Wants to be a free queen.» Goldfish replies «Do not be sad, go with God! There will be a queen!»
The old man returned to his wicked wife. Before him is the royal chamber
In the wards he sees his old woman, At the table she sits queen Serve her boyars yes nobles She drinks overseas wine; She eats gingerbread with a pattern And there are her guards On the shoulders axes hold. As the old man saw, — scared! At his feet he bowed to the old woman, And said: «Hello, formidable queen!» Well, now your soul is pleased. "The old woman did not look at him I just wanted to ward off his eyes Boyars and nobles ran up,
The old man grabbed his neck and drove him through the door And people were laughing at the old man «You are an old ignorant! From now on for you, stray ignorant, science Do not sit in someone else’s sleigh!»
Here’s a week, and again another one passes
Even worse, the old woman goes crazy: She sends her warriors Found an old man brought to her. An old woman tells him: «Come back, worship the fish. I don’t want to be a queen, I want to be the mistress of the sea, To live in the ocean of the sea To the golden fish served me And was on the premise.»
The old man did not dare to contradict her
Here he goes to the blue sea, Sees a black storm in the sea: So angry angry waves So go howl howl. With tears, he began to call a golden fish. The fish swam up to him, asked: «What do you want, old man?» The old man answers her: «Have mercy, golden fish! What do I do with a damned evil woman? She doesn’t want to be a queen anymore. Wants to be the mistress of the sea; Live her in the ocean-sea What did you serve her And will have it on the parcels. "The fish said nothing Only the tail splashed into the water And went into the deep sea. Long by the sea, he waited for an answer And nothing happened, the fish did not sail to him anymore. I returned to the old woman — Old hut again in front of him On the threshold sits his old woman And in front of her is a broken bucket