Soul in law

A book about the real world order. There were many books, but… I believe in what I write. The structure of childbirth, solving problems with time paradoxes and much more.

1. Soul in law

In Russia, they proposed to introduce God into the law, and abroad he is in the law. And we do not strive to introduce the soul into the law, but although it would be correct to introduce a clause banning experiments on the soul. Unlike God, the soul exists. The existence of the soul is confirmed by irrefutable evidence of witnesses and photographs. But where did it come from and who is the creator? Human. In the past, we did not create souls — a fact. So in the future we will create.

There is such a term doppelgangers — they saw the same person at the same time, but in different places. For example, Stalin and he did not find his double. But he does not remember his walk on the beach and did not smoke on a public beach, in accordance with current laws. Which proves the possibility of passages in time.

Traces of the beginnings of civilization: stupas, arrows, shoe prints were found in the era of dinosaurs or before. Read Baigent Michael’s book: “Forbidden Archeology”, they did not pass this at school.

Darwin himself was inclined to doubt the independent origin of some species from others. Hence directed evolution. Another civilization would not produce competitors… Therefore, we will take care of evolution, we will create souls.

And the opening in time will be slightly opened to us from the future.

From the story of Mikhail Moro “Astral doubles or doppelgangers” it follows that in the 1950s Stalin was seen in different places at the same time. Is this fact really verifiable? No one saw where he came from and where he went, as if he appeared from the air and disappeared in the same way, and he was investigating. This is proof of the possibility of transitions in time and space. Actually, there are many such cases.

Why hasn’t the present-future communication channel been established yet? And if we admit the existence of defective souls, in which the area responsible for morality is acting up or absent and call him a devil. It was not in vain that they said the demon had moved in… That is, souls apart from the body can return and accompany themselves and influence themselves, and then accompany the future life and only then be born or return to the body again. A woman has a feminine soul and is always a woman and never a man or an animal, also men are always men from the day of creation. Devils are a billion times smaller than us, they were revealed, they were born among us, and their souls are among us. But they have no morals, and they blackmail that they will negatively influence people: to anger, push them to rash and dangerous actions, scare, etc., hinder the establishment of a full-fledged communication channel.

How do spirits communicate with people? Emmanuel Swedenborg wrote: “The conversation of angels and spirits with a person is heard as clearly as the conversation of a person with a person, but no one from those present hears it, except only the one with whom the conversation is taking place.

The reason for this is that the speech of an angel or soul first reaches the thoughts of a person, and from here, along the internal path, it reaches his organ of hearing, so that this latter is set in motion from the inside …”- contact communication is obtained.

Souls have been photographed, archaeological finds have been recorded, hasn’t Comrade Stalin preserved for us traces of the investigation into the search for the impostor? Read the book, I specifically wrote here — I answer. And the soul is in the law, and not only in the Russian Federation, but throughout the world. In one place they will create the devil, we will endure with the whole Earth, at all times.

2. Official confirmation of the existence of the soul

According to eyewitnesses, they saw the soul that was created. Filming was carried out abroad and the souls were filmed with night vision devices (you can search on the Internet). Maybe the Ministry of Science will confirm it in the minutes? Will make shootings in order to reveal the soul, but without fail recorded with an accurate indication of the time and announcement of the results. It’s not the order when a soul identified abroad is not recognized in Russia, but we will reveal it again in Russia, the state does not have the right to ignore the fact of the soul’s existence.

Once seen, then looking for evidence. I don’t know what device was used to shoot, but we need to find such a device or another that can capture the subtle matter of the soul. And officially prove the existence of the soul. And then we can bring the soul into the law. In case of detection, announce it publicly. And introduce a law prohibiting experiments on the soul, except: Communicate, photograph, film and weigh. Either put all the believers in psychiatry or… do a scientific research, support. This issue is important and requires state regulation.

If found? Where did the question come from? No other civilization would create competitors for itself. And there is no God. Therefore, there are passages in time, or scientists to believers, what are they proving nonsense there? So in the future, when we gain enough knowledge about the soul, we will release a limited number of souls, I don’t think that more than 1 billion.256 million. things.

If there is a soul, then our body is a walking computer for it. And we reincarnate. As the body wears out, we are born again. Souls have passed from the future to the past. From here, are the inconsistencies in evolution explainable, from the point of view of directed evolution? Australopithecus is stable like a Neanderthal, 4 million years no changes and a sharp jump in evolution, etc.

Both our soul and the devil’s can control the synopses of the brain. And we accompany ourselves protecting ourselves from devilish souls as angels. That is, drug treatment is permissible only with a physiological change, and not with a symptomatic one, without physiological changes. And mental pain is not treated with medication, but must be fixed. This is important for the development of medicine, we will be able to help in the future, so the protocol with an explanation of the situation. That is, by continuing to treat what is not treatable, ignoring the obvious facts, we become at least inert creatures, and some of us can write that life has always existed and at the same time ignore the existence of the soul.

The definition of the behavior of devils is in religious literature, but they obviously live and are born in human bodies. If you read clearly not about patches, but about behavior and. etc. And it’s not nonsense!!!

3. Shooting the soul

If you see and hear souls or decide to shoot them, then communicate with them, they hear you. You have to use the method of communication and filming to determine: Whether the souls hear us without contact or only by contacting us by embedding in the synopsis and transmitting information from each other through contact, through their tentacles.

For example, you repeat the question: how do you communicate with each other? If they have been separated several times, it is possible that they can communicate with each other at a distance.

Can you hear us from a distance. If they fly up and fit into a person’s head, perhaps contact, only.

Show us passages in space. They will probably disappear and reappear a little further away. Ask in time to demonstrate whether new ones will appear or all will disappear.

Experiments can break devilish souls. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out several recorded surveys. To a complete understanding.

4. Dealing with souls

We don’t cut, we don’t prick, we don’t lock, we don’t blow, we don’t paint, we don’t set fire, we don’t blow up, we don’t drown, we don’t stick it into fire and water, we don’t poke any reagents, we don’t poke our faces into food, it’s better not to touch it at all. They are alive and the soul is a person. If you want to take a picture, please suggest. If you want to look through a microscope, ask. If you want to look through the eyepiece, look, your right. If you want to see or hear, ask. If you want to weigh, find the exact scales, not the corpse, and agree that 1 soul, 2 souls, 1000 souls weigh so much, but how to accommodate them, you need more scales. We don’t go into moving in and out, because we don’t know how in an abstract example 1. No pranayama, suffocation — as this is life-threatening. The openings, if you look at them, can also demonstrate, it quietly disappears, after a meter it quietly appears — this is in space, and in time at what time it passed, it appears there, and disappears here. But it doesn’t split… And comes back again.

5. Existence of God

God is supposed to be a living being — which has always been??? It turns out: life has always been? Life can only be vectorial and infinite, it can only be in one direction. That is, there cannot be a being that did not happen. According to science there is no God. According to beliefs, no one saw him. Life can only be vectorial, that is, the origin of life from inanimate matter, and then development, well, or a segment in the case of extinction.

But according to the same beliefs, they saw the soul that was created. From a scientific point of view, what has been created exists, all the more so with irrefutable evidence in the form of photographs and eyewitness accounts.

I believe that all people are good, and only under the influence of devils, people not themselves, but devils with human hands, scare God, do not accept statements that contradict their worldview, commit crimes, intimidate people with God, his punishments offend people. We have laws on Earth, written by man softer.

People did not understand the laws of the world order, the world order was singular at the time of the birth of religion. If the word singularity is replaced by the word not understanding, then everything is clear. So they write in the definition, what is beyond our understanding… a singularity.

Angels can be transported from one place to another, there are eyewitnesses, they saw it, and teleportation is scientifically impossible. But they carry over! — it means they know how to create an opening in space, and this does not contradict the laws of physics, it corresponds to the scientific point of view of the world. And after all, there are many such cases when people are our visible bodies, having disappeared in one place, they appeared in another. Consequently, this skill is available not only to souls, but also to denser structures, that is, a person can use openings in space, but he will learn how to create them later, which means that transitions in time are still real.

Now the question is, we did not create souls in the past, but they are there. How? But we could, having studied the souls enough, create them in the future, and sent them to live in the past. Therefore, souls have already traveled through time, and time has succumbed to scientists. But this is not a time machine, as in the movie “Back to the Future”, but a device that makes an opening in time and you can drive through this opening by car — and call it a time machine, but you can also walk. Science does not stop wormholes. The concept of strings and wormholes was introduced just the same by scientists, I think this says something.

Do you think angels, devils showed you as proof? The human soul knows more than the devil’s, both our soul and the devil’s can control the synopsis of the brain even from the outside, that is, without living in this body, but in any case, training and discipline are needed, that is, nothing can be done independently, first learning in the future and only then organized action. And what do you think angels, archangels, etc. — always angels and archangels? It is unfair to always walk in submission, the feeling of the injustice of the world order when you read about the class of angels.

But in fact, they died, learned, etc., and who will become who depends on the skills of skills, discipline, having been an angel, there is an opportunity to become an archangel, etc. After death, they will teach. Approximately you work during the period of life, maybe in another time, as required, and you are born, live, die, work as angels and are born again. The structure is like in the army, you have trained, you know, you know how to do it better than the rest, you are appointed and obeyed, or you are still obeying, depends on perseverance and diligence.

The human body is a biorobot, for the soul. That is, the soul uses our brain and body, it turns out I am a symbiosis of soul and body. The soul is created and infinite vectorially, and my body grows old and dies. The soul leaves the body. And… further, the soul is a very complex structure, do you really think that we will produce an infinite number of souls? Then to them, why go to suffer without a body? No, one soul will live in many bodies — which means one thing: we will reincarnate. We can reincarnate into a neighbor, we won’t contradict the laws of physics. And why do we live in several pieces at the same time? Because the devils hinder the transfer of knowledge. People do not know and give birth and give birth, many countries can no longer feed themselves territorially, not to mention the fact that oil will run out, in 30 years we will have to travel on vegetable fuel. And what about countries with overpopulation? It is time for some countries not to multiply, but to shrink.

We will not produce 8 billion souls. And let’s produce 1 billion 256 million souls — according to the Vedas, just a multiple of 16. We will reincarnate according to the Buddha, we will create devils by mistake. Catholicism describes cases of movement in space. You will somehow unite under science or read your religious books based on science, and we wish scientists faith in facts purchase. Maybe from this point of view to look at the world order. Man also rereads evolution, he is weak and helpless from birth. And remember in religious literature, the devils could sometimes make a mess, that is, confuse the consciousness of the writer.

Start with the origin of God — so we will not create it, but we did not create it. What is not created and did not happen does not exist, life — we created trees, grass, animals, humans. Created souls. And each soul has its own couple, its son and daughter, and the population of the Earth should have become a constant value. Now love your neighbor as yourself, you don’t know who you are in a past life and who in the next, offend someone, what if you yourself live in this body and offended yourself? Or do you still have respect for everyone?

From the point of view of science, and even without science, the most beautiful children are mestizos, therefore we will all be reborn in order to avoid national diseases, remember? It’s about bodies. And our souls were created in a structured way, and each has its own place in the structure of the human family tree. 8 generations of souls, and then repetitions.

And life did not originate on its own, and scientists of the future created the first living cells from inanimate matter. Do not reread the laws of physics. Using the material that is there, using the tools and technologies of the future, scientists have created life. And many generations of scientists dealt with this issue. They could and did. This is what they can do.

6. About attempts to create openings in time

Here are 2 abstract examples:

1. We ended up on an unknown planet and came across a reservoir of unknown origin with unknown inhabitants, and we climbed to swim without knowing how to swim — the consequences?

2. We came to the pool and after watching swimming techniques, after listening to the instructions, we learn from an instructor who will teach us swimming and support us physically — consequences?

Inventing the drill of time now is like point 1 of an abstract example, either the reservoir is sulfuric, or full of sharks, or a geyser. And we must come to point 2 of an abstract example, if instructions were transmitted from the future, I consider it important to adhere to them. And act in concert and with the support of the people of the future. We will all visit the future and, having understood the laws of life, we will express our opinion. Every step we take is subjected to scrutiny by the people of the future. People already know how to manipulate time and space in the future — where should we hurry? Already invented, already know how. The scientists will create the first opening in time under instruction, during their stay in the future.

We should be grateful to the believers that they carried the knowledge about the soul, of course, not everything is correct in the scriptures, but… And the scientists were wrong and religious literature was written by people. Let’s separate the lie from the truth… and the truth will remain.

Of course, we, the people, structure the Tree of Genera. Where did I get that 8 generations? Room of a Thousand Buddhas — 8 shelves that can mean generations. Why are there only boys? We have patronymics and surnames in the male line, so it’s clear. If we imagine that each surname has its own place in the circle — the son under the father, etc. It is more convenient to write from beginning to end, but we write from top to bottom. That daughter runs to her husband, and the daughter-in-law to her son. And the girls weave a web in each circle along an endless broken line and each man is connected with another man, she came from her brother, and her sister went to her husband. But there are 87.5 million men in each circle and the same number of women. This is if the Vedic figure of 1 billion 256 million is divided by 16, we are paired people. I could try to draw a similar circle, but my circle is only divided into 50 divisions — a little less than 87.5 million. That is, boys, carriers of surnames are in place, and girls get married and the last 87.5 million stick connect with the first one.



Bride Road.

If the angle of movement of those standing nearby changes, it turns out Periodic drawing, but I can not check. And in each circle it is so, but the angles of movement can be different, that is, the trajectory, circles 8, the number of circles corresponds to the number of generations. Is there such a computer and when will it be available?

7. Family tree

Having created souls, a person could not but structure the genealogical tree, a person has everything in order, including the structure of the genus. Each person has a couple and this couple has their own children: a boy, a girl. It is immutable, it is the law, it cannot be otherwise. For many years, the population of our planet should have been unchanged.

There are 8 generations in the family and so on in a circle. Dying, people move into their own parallel race, in which the same souls and the same 8 generations. These 2 parallel families, parallel brothers and sisters, never marry each other.

1. great-grandfather____0

2. grandfather_______30

3. father______60

4. self_______90

5. son_______120

6. grandson______150

7. great-grandson ____180

8. great-great-grandson _210



A parallel genus in a run, for about 4 generations.

The numbers between births correspond to the years counted from the birthday of the great-grandfather. And a person needs to be born every 240 years. And so we decided to create 2 clans (bodies), that is, we should be born approximately every 120 years and live forever. (I describe how they decided) And if I myself am point 4, then I am the same age as point 8.









It turns out 2 parallel genera. Great-great-grandson-great-great-grandfather are their great-great-grandson-great-great-grandfather, great-great-grandson-great-great-grandfather. A man is his own descendant, his own ancestor. A woman marries and continues her husband’s family. It turns out from one clan comes out and goes to the clan of the husband, produce offspring. It turns out mother, grandmother, great-grandmother always. And in the parent’s daughter and granddaughter many times. And the ancestor of her husband and all his family.

We are always moving into ourselves. A man settles in the body of a boy, the son of his father and mother, and a girl, in the body of a girl, and also, with her parents. Brother and sister, always brother and sister, and they should not be separated from each other, and they should know their relationship. Husband and wife, always husband and wife, never related. The husband always marries his wife, and the wife always marries her husband, it’s been that way since the day the souls were created — that’s the law. If the husband was born, then the wife should be born in his time, and if the wife, then the husband is after her. And no instance has the right to register another marriage. You can’t marry someone else. The vector of time always runs forward.

We often encounter the fact that a brother and sister were not born to their parents, but in parallel to their own. Then those who are not with their own give birth to the grandchildren of their parents. Another question, if the parents are several times, foreigners will continue the family in Russia. And where is the overpopulation, why at the same time live several pieces at the same time? Here are several parents, etc. And when we start to shrink, this is what happens: for several families, 2 children. Here you need to know. Someone was born once, and someone many times. And giving birth one at a time is not an option, here someone needs to be childfree so as not to separate brother and sister. Chaldfree is a person who voluntarily refused to give birth to a child in the current life.

Polygamy, the work of devils. In one man, the couple was not born, and in the other 3—4 times, at the same time was born. Where to put all your wives? It’s all the machinations of devils. Polygamy breaks the law. Devils can not be taken as a wife, but for fun you can. And always give birth to their children, the same age as their wives, husbands. There is a small population in Russia, and it was decided who would be born from abroad to us, the first-born are ours abroad, it turns out not from their mothers and fathers, and then they give birth to their own children. Yes, these are endless rebirths.

What’s the point, the soul is not born? The answer to the question is, I don’t know. And if I decide to leave and not be born, what should my husband do and where will our children be born? They will take the children, but what about the husband? And the number of the genus is 1256 million. Human. Only 1 kind of souls has been created, which are born alternately in 2 parental branches of bodies. And all consist in one large matrix of the genus. In any case, according to the plan, it was like that, but it turned out… more on that below.

Why do we need wars? What are we sharing? Why are there so many religions? Truth must remain, not faith, but Knowledge.

Each person should know his matchmakers, his couple, children, parents.

8. Parallel delivery

If there are 2 parallel genera of people, then we still must periodically unite these genera. It turns out that we, by a joint decision, can be born in our parallel family. But this is a thousand years. So that the genera are not far apart genetically.

Ideally, if I have a daughter and a son, and everyone has a daughter and a son. Then if the son and daughter hold hands, and the daughter takes her husband with the other hand, and he holds his sister, etc., does it turn out to be an endless fence? No, it turns out a vicious circle, and the 157 millionth person — the son’s wife will take him by the hand and the circle will close. And since in the family of 8 generations it turns out 8 circles, and then repetitions.

Дерево жизни _____

And the second one is the same, our parallel tree.

It turns out the number of souls of people, a multiple of 16. The wand is my family, and the points on the circles are my matchmakers, and in each circle, the location of the birth changes. Since, I count from myself, I draw around me, but this drawing is true for every person. In the meantime, our tree resembles: shapeless scraps, spirals, etc. It turns out such a tree, infinitely, that is, the Sun, will turn into a white dwarf, and we will be reborn in the same way, only in another Galaxy. Forever. Endless branch. And our families can be whole forever. Not invented by me and not decided by me, but understood, accepted and written by me.

Are we like that? That’s when it will be so, we will have everything in openwork.



Дерео жизни следами в одну сторону надписи..


I drew it here to make it clearer. I placed the “round dances” of generations in the same plane, along the Y axis, which corresponds to our stick — this is time, my time moves down. That is, in each round dance, the same representatives of surnames, but different generations.

If we imagine that the points on the ovals are imaginary people, then it turns out that in each plane, on different ovals, members of the genus change their location and always find themselves next to their couple, but you can draw how there are 1000 Buddhas in a room, then in each oval 87.5 million lines, meaning the way to the husband’s family, the men are all in place, and the women are running. But in any case: everyone marries his own. And birth is always the same. That is, all the souls of people now living on Earth line up in one big family. Our parallel families are building their own tree and the participants in the round dance, the same souls and disposition, respectively, too. We build the 1st tree, and the second is the same. It turns out we are twice a family. 2 trees of life. And parallel parental lineages never marry among themselves.

2 древа жизни_____

If we imagine that the ovals lie in different planes, then it turns out that we all, together with our matchmakers, should give birth by agreement at about the same time. So that there is no big difference between the couples.

But, in reality, the daughter’s fiance could be born 1 year older, and I cannot give birth to my son and daughter on the same day, unless they are twins. The difference between the children will be, if the oval line indicates the date of birth of the children of the matchmakers, that is, the grooms and brides, then it will fluctuate. But fluctuations are the norm, and jumps can only be between brother and sister — the difference in age. That is, we, the whole planet, must come to a consensus and strictly implement the decision. And if the fluctuations are large, and in the next generations, someone will have to give birth as soon as they enter the fertile age, and someone will grow old, so that the bride and groom do not have a big difference in age.

9. Tree of life

I really wanted to read about the real structure of the world. And books about the world order still need to be found before reading. That is: “I died and after death my dead relatives were waiting for me, who accompanied me to the place of birth. Since I had already read about the world order and knew my family, I had no questions. I also witnessed the birth of my future wife, and she witnessed mine. I also helped on the instructions of the government, distracted the devils. Where is it? Maybe I haven’t read it, but I hope I will. I wonder how a person who does not know in life reacts? And how was it explained to him that it was not necessary to climb where it was not necessary? And also this text: “My husband and I went and looked at how we live, made deja vu, and they also told my mother” I love you “at 3 months. Mom’s eyes got big. Where is it? This text was dictated to me. For what? Everyone knows about the future. Everyone needs to know and understand. Scientists write deciphered the Phaistos disc. They write from the edge to be read.

And I look, in the middle along side A, the tree of life in the form of a flower, (I will also draw a flower, for clarity, below) exactly 8 petals, then the man walks from the center through the maze. Division, this may his life. There, along the path of the little man, there is the Tree of Life in the form of a flower, which means they still remember. And then people forget, they think the symbol of the genus is just a flower and they start drawing it like that with 6 petals.

He comes to the exit from the labyrinth, at the exit from the labyrinth he has my tree drawn as I drew, but 4 generations are indicated and then the transition to another native genus. And there was still a path not yet traveled, it turns out that he should be reborn within the labyrinth on the edge, but although he had to leave the labyrinth. That is, beyond the knowledge, although at the beginning of the path there was already knowledge, but he is born from the edge in order to re-cross the line of knowledge. Knowing that it was the flower of life that a person went along the edge, consciously he must return to darkness. And then he “leaves” the labyrinth forever.

Same on the reverse side. I am not qualified in this field. The history of the Earth is on one disk, wow… The Vedas have 1 billion 256 million souls, as I remember. But from some 10 thousand, we had to give birth to the bodies of several billion, and there is a branch bifurcating, that is, the number of people is growing? And the Tree of Life is found all over the Earth. Some suspiciously common sign, don’t you think? And Maya has a man in the center, an eight-pointed star, from which I conclude that someone there was knowledgeable. And the Egyptians draw a line and people in the line and they have an eight-pointed sign. It is this prevalence that makes one believe in it. What else was so spontaneously widespread on Earth, during the period of disunity of the Earth’s population? Who distributed? We!


Дерево с сережками_____

Места рисунков—

Tree of Love, Tree of Kinship, Tree of Peace, or instead of Tree, substitute the word Flower.

As you can see, the Tree of Life or the Family can be drawn in different ways. The flowers are a top view and the ladder is a side view. And if, not knowing, copy? And if you know, then the shape of the figures will change, and the number will be equal to 8. And a ladder and a twig and a basketball net, if you know the meaning, then it does not matter how we draw, if we save 8. Here I drew, the flowers look like a lotus. They didn’t call the Flower of the Family, but in vain… Women like flowers more than trees. And the Buddhist leader, someone, came out of the lotus flower, like a man from the Phaistos disc, doesn’t that mean that he knew? That he came knowing — he says exactly, but how did he know? I sit and guess. Maybe the firstborn, that is, at his first birth, even more so at his origin, already had a place in the flower of the family.

They figured it out, so the time to improve life has come and only the best is ahead. And the future is not far off, but soon, very soon we will consciously begin to build Paradise on Earth, by the whole World.

10. Gender symbol

Relation to the gender symbol. The symbol of the genus can only be 8 petals. And if the number of petals does not correspond to 8, then it means that this is no longer a symbol of the genus, but just a flower. And how do we treat the gender symbol? Rejoice in what we remember. And I think it’s normal to place it in dwellings, especially if you like the drawing, let it serve as a reminder to us about the structure of the family.

And you can trample it. Putin is trampling the flower of the family in the Kremlin. We step on the drawing with our feet, and not on the human race. And in the toilet you can have. And on dishes. We will stain the drawing on the dishes, not humanity. We have the coat of arms of Russia on the coins. Sometimes we drop coins, throw them into the fountain and don’t worry that we are walking on the coat of arms, spoiling the coat of arms, etc.

Jewelry in the form of a symbol of the family was protected, and I think the word amulet came from protecting a symbol, carrying it in the form of evidence and remembering. Remembered The symbol of the genus can be of any form, but there are only 8 generations, and then repetitions. And the symbol is considered to be an 8-pointed star, an 8-leaf branch, an octagonal flower, an 8-pointed or 8-pointed ornament.

In Armenia, it is correct, the name starts with A and exactly 8 curls, and everyone knows what this symbol is called with the letter A. I don’t remember the word. There are also letters: A, x, h, i.

I wanted to photograph the sad plate. Places for 8 reports of the drawing, and there are 7 of them and 1 report, separated from the rest by a gap. This plate is a symbol of discontinuity, a symbol of struggle. Sad. But I changed my mind and drew a fun cover.

11. Aliens

A person received knowledge and did not always use it for good. Instead of planting land, he went with weapons to a neighbor. No weapons were needed. You don’t need everything. But… created. Now, never, ever, let’s not disarm. We will know that he has a weapon and I, let him not shoot. We will put 10 fuses, we will put them in 100 covers, we will put the guards and we will sit and talk. Maybe zeros and superfluous, since there are weapons, then the army should have them, and the government should have the army. And chemical, virus-bacteriological, nuclear — all this is superfluous. You can’t shoot a bunny with a virus, that’s all you can’t shoot a bunny with, it’s superfluous. Do you agree? It should only be used for good. Bacteria for treatment: lacto- and bifidobacteria and other bacteria that improve human life. Possibly nuclear and hydrogen fuel. And we need to reason with the devils, like our little brothers. Teach them to be smart. Explain, that not all the skills you have are relevant. To teach in words?!?

The probability of having an alien mind is 100%.

Scientists from somewhere first come up with, and so they look for confirmation. And wormholes and wormholes, and before that black holes. Maybe they knew? They just didn’t remember where they knew from. They say that Vernadsky wrote that the same ideas came to mind, in parallel with several scientists, at the same time. From which the theory of the information field was developed. But in fact, there are souls and they are able to travel through time, transferring knowledge to help people and themselves. That is, these 2 scientists could, after death, having agreed to transfer knowledge to themselves for the purpose, 1st: science makes life easier for human society, 2nd: a reminder to you, guess.

Even the wheel was invented on different continents — separately and many times.

I wonder if we all will fly to other planets to visit? And between the planets, what will be the currency? What language will we speak? I propose the Bashkir language as an intergalactic language, since it has the status of an international one on Earth. She personally appropriated it, but so far no one knows about it. And yet, they still speak it.

But as an alternative, I propose to consider the Tatar language. Tatars and Bashkirs understand each other. And which one is easier? Don’t know. I think Bashkir.

12. Humanity

About weapons, states will not disarm. This is so that people, led by devils, from slingshots, do not shoot each other. The army has weapons, and even then people are not afraid to arrange massacres. And let’s disarm the armies of all countries. And what? All my life I dreamed of proudly pronouncing, I am a pacifist. I joke when I shoot, I close my eyes. Hit — 30 degrees from the center of the target. I’m turning away, I forgot to write, maybe a degree is wider, I didn’t try to hit it that way. I aim accurately, and then what’s wrong? I close my eyes, pull my shoulders in, ultrasound, turn the body and pull the trigger… and always by… I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong? And I always forget not to direct people. Women usually do not react, and men are speechless. And to be honest, the arms monopolist will be tempted to speak out against pitchforks and axes.

In Russia, 1/4 of the forest area of the Earth, but if you let it run on gasoline, these are the same 30 years. Although, no. Until you cut it, you bring it, you catch up with gasoline, you will spend more gasoline, for no more than 10 years. All. I proved the coming of the apocalypse. You can demographics, start to control. How are we going to get away? Here in Russia and Liberia, sponsored by the USSR, there are only problems with the economy, and this can be solved, there will be no money for gasoline. But Burundi, Rwanda, Japan, India, what should they do? They won’t have any gas. We have permafrost, zones of risky farming, we are not like you, our apple trees freeze through.

I’ll marry my son, in Burundi or Rwanda, if the daughter-in-law was born there, and if not, then I can’t help in any way. How to be something? Either they have nowhere to study, or I don’t know. 21st century — they should already write, on Earth 100% literacy. Here is a country with a literacy of 26%, how is it? See for yourself, the level of literacy of Earthlings. If only Russia could write off an example of the economy from Germany, and the rest of the world, about the population and birth rate, should learn from modern Russia. And you can learn from Japan. Let’s arrange a Paradise world, in 80 years, but how we live, if we continue to live, Hell will come in 30 years.

In Russia, we have a high level of literacy. And the uneducated are people who are uneducated for health reasons. Many could be cured, but at least in the future. Medicine has room for improvement. Do they want to be disabled and live like vegetables, unable to enjoy the world, communicate normally and be full-fledged people? Or would they like to be born healthy and be a joy to their parents, to enjoy communication with their peers? This is a question. The day will come when people will be born 100% healthy. Because the conception of unhealthy offspring will become impossible.

We will provide, humanitarian aid, to the past. If history has 2 endings and transitions in time are real, then it makes no difference for us whether to start vaccination today, against the plague, in the Middle Ages or later, when we finish the priority, today’s affairs. Sometimes it’s better not to rush, but thoroughly, get ready. Is it worth it to vaccinate there, or maybe yes, or maybe not. The decision will be made not according to my whim, but on the basis of necessity, and I will not decide it, and I will not control it.

13. Historic cities

Since I am writing about the future, I could not help touching on historical buildings. Why are ghost towns being built in China? Why does a highly developed country, with an always progressing economy, which has covered half the world, supplies Russia with machine tools, even to a greater extent than the developed European Union, with a literacy rate of the population, as in developed countries of 99—100%, uninhabited cities? And not only at home, they built such a city in Angora. I believe this is evidence that the Chinese government is waiting for its fellow citizens who are now living in the future. And realizing that the number of returnees will approach a quarter of the current population of the country, he is building cities ahead of time. It is economically unprofitable to build cities over and over again and leave the buildings unpaid. Therefore… Or the Chinese government has nowhere to put money. And to prevent, inflation in the country, which will entail an increase in prices for manufactured goods, and as you know, the Chinese are still foreign traders, they paved the Great Silk Road in the Middle Ages, I will not say anything about Ali Express. But in contrast, reincarnation is prohibited in China, without the permission of the government. And I urge the rest of the world to take an example from China and not reincarnate without the permission of the government. And not to give birth to extra ones, but… it’s a shame that we are not the first. And if we give birth to extra ones, then someone will have to return to settle in, but who wants to?

About recurrence and degrading progress. The Sumerians came from where? They built a city, a network of irrigation canals. What century? 60th BC!!! And they went somewhere. Do the plates look suspiciously like a keyboard? I think so too. Were they all scientists?… Arkaim 20—0th century BC: water supply, sewerage, 20th century AD: not everyone has water supply with sewerage.

Next is Tiwanaku. City of giants? First they stole the stones, and now they are guarded. Later, and then not so beautifully built. How to treat it? And they knew agronomy very well. But here it is, a break in the continuity of knowledge. Why is this knowledge not passed on, but lost? Maybe the lack of modern writing. Do you know the date of invention, the current “sound-letter” writing? She didn’t know herself: 0th year BC. or 0 CE?

I read from the monastery during the period of the Inquisition, a woman went to America from Europe to introduce religion. That is, it went through space.

Initially, souls migrate, in the 0s for some reason they stop. And if there is a miracle, it is persecuted. Now many people remember about past lives, about resettlement and write about it.

I read the literature of the past stumble upon erroneous judgments. That is, if in the past we behaved badly, then punishment always comes? Yes and no. Knowing, we will go to look at ourselves and we will be ashamed if we have done bad deeds and we should not spoil the world in which our children will be born and will live, and then we ourselves. At that moment, I would have passed on the knowledge, and if I couldn’t, I would say:

“Don’t spoil the world you live in, let the children get a better world.” And children must be loved.

I repeat, technically the reincarnation of a woman into a man, etc. is possible. But not normal. Feminine essence, always feminine, masculine always masculine. And in animals, to poke the soul of a person — these are no words. It is a crime.

And I suggest that in the future, in the law, in the definition of relatives, include relatives, not only genetic, but also a soul-mate and a relative himself. The transfer of wealth between relatives is facilitated and not taxed, to their children — people love to help.

I couldn’t help but write about Achaton. Lasted 15 years. It would seem that it was built once, it is necessary to live, but… What pushed it to be consigned to oblivion? The same thing that pushed to build. Some kind of nonsense happens. Read about it, you will understand what I am writing about, it is on Wikipedia and other open sources.

14. Terra-formation

Terra formation. The project of terraforming Mars is being discussed. I’m far from there. But it’s a good thing. And when arranging life in another Galaxy, the developments will be useful. In general, to promote science is a business.

Now about the Earth. Have you seen the Great Wall of China? So, in some places it protects from sand deposits, there were many walls and were built at different times. They still love to build. You noticed in early history that knowledge comes from somewhere and is periodically lost. Therefore, I admit that the part that protects from the desert and could be built for the purpose of protection from the desert, but this has been forgotten or not talked about.

We really live in one of the Interglacial periods, it is believed that in the coldest, by 2 degrees C. That is, now it is melting, then the glacier may again come. Where are we going to live? So, I propose having solved the pressing problems, take up the construction of the Great Desert Walls. Through the deserts of Africa, Europe, Asia and artificially create a fertile layer. Plant trees, may begin to use for agriculture. In a natural way, humus — a fertile layer of soil can be created, but at a rate of 1 cm per 100 years. And this is clearly not about the Sahara. There, the rain evaporates before it falls.

Why not a green wall? Plantings need to be looked after and they will simply be covered with sand. And if we then start plowing fields in our planted forests, desertification will begin again. Well, protective forest belts are of course necessary, but 12 km wide, and then the same amount may be required. The Chinese are busy with it now. And they take care. Here it is even elementary to construct winds on a relief globe and calculate whether these walls will help? And we need to arrange the walls so that they help and protect our young plantings, or maybe artificial mountains?

In America, they conducted an experiment, unloaded orange peels on poor soils and… the land was enriched. Imagine how much fertilizer must be introduced into the Sahara so that something grows there. And how do you make it rain? Study the climate of the past. And so add humus and plant meadow grasses, along with the designed tree strips and… dry. And as we eliminate the desert, it will become suitable for agriculture. Here is the scale. And you say Mars will bloom in 70 years. Of course, maybe they definitely need to be dealt with. But the desert must be eliminated by common efforts.

We need fertilizer here. Where are we going to live? Of course, desertification must be fought, but the Chinese invented a way to make formic acid from carbon dioxide, and then they thought, “Why do we need so much formic acid?” and found a way to make methane from carbon dioxide, and fill cars with methane. So, provided that the world government will control the level of carbon dioxide in the air and, if necessary, will turn on and off plants that remove excess carbon dioxide, we will not see warming, no glaciers — we will not see. And warming and cooling depend on the level of greenhouse gases, but it is also considered from ocean currents, but the Chinese are not asleep either. Control is needed here, since it is believed that if the level of carbon dioxide is too low, then the glaciers close the ocean, thereby contributing to even greater cooling, and until some volcano or asteroid reverses the process, the Earth will continue to be covered with ice. And we can produce carbon dioxide. Now, how to develop it even more to learn? Suddenly, after 2% in the Sahara, it will rain without our participation? — This is probably the definition of the optimal temperature.

Russia benefits from global warming: a 25% increase in yields, the promotion of southern crops to the north, how can the president work according to double standards? He probably thinks about the global. Will the Chinese invent cold-resistant crops for us? And we will deliver our tangerine peels to deserts. So I came up with and sit admiring myself.

But if the Earth does not undertake to regulate the amount of greenhouse gases? I wonder if people live with us or will we be flooded too? Then Mars needs to be taken seriously. We will soon be able to get there.

15. Paradoxes of time

We solve the problem with the paradoxes of time. If I go down from the future (about the guy from the movie “Back to the Future”) and my mother falls in love with me? Is this possible in real life? 1st: I know that she is my mother. 2nd: why did I go there? 3rd: why didn’t my mother tell me anything before the trip? 4th: what kind of arbitrariness? How can you jump back and forth so thoughtlessly and not tell anyone? If I can travel in time, then I have a “whole” future ahead of me in order to think and consider the situation. And if I got there, the fact of falling into the past must be registered, an unregistered individual came from somewhere, therefore, rescuers will follow me to return me to my time. And if mom falls in love with me and never marries dad??? They are married, that’s a given.

If I go back in time and kill my grandfather. What a question? So that’s how it was. And he died before he could conceive my dad? You are sure? I don’t see any paradoxes. There is an error in the data. There are no such situations and cannot be. Now, if I’m here, in the present, I live with my grandfather and I’ll go down and kill him. So they didn’t let me kill a young grandfather, but they let me down the grandfather’s corpse from the future, previously pumped up with gels, gypsum, so that he looked younger or a grandfather’s doll. But I’m still a criminal, if they let me down… it means they know. And if I did it myself, it means I have been to this place many times. Why did he kill?

What happens if I meet myself with myself? And it depends on whether I like my reflection in the mirror or not. If you like it, then I will consider that I met a nice person. 2 physical bodies meet every day, even if they are genetically homogeneous, this does not cause any cataclysms, etc. And this meeting is natural, since it does not contradict the laws of physics. And if it had contradicted, then the meeting would not have taken place, due to impossibility.

Is it possible to interfere in the past? My answer is yes. But this should be an official intervention, preventing crime, repopulating the planet, repopulating souls, humanitarian aid, and not the opposite, a trip to kill grandpa. If I still went to lower the grandfather’s corpse, having previously rejuvenated it, then I should have prevented this act of murder by informing the law enforcement agencies about it, which prevented the murder of the young grandfather, and did I kill the grandfather’s doll or what? And at this end of time, there is a lot of time, and in the past there are moments, moments, moments.

Next, we decide something more decent.

Reality, by our return, as in the films, will not change. If we went into the past, then we have already been there, entered into history. But if we decide to help, to the past, what’s wrong with that? By providing humanitarian assistance to the past, we receive a healthier human race. We preserve the human race and recognize ourselves as human beings. How did you get down? on the sly, like criminals, filled the hangars and fled, so as not to be caught. And how did you know? Maybe from memory, maybe fixed. But for us today’s Earthlings, feeding is a priority, and only then humanitarian aid is a thing of the past. But if there is an opportunity, to give mom a handkerchief and apples, which are in excess, this does not contradict the laws of morality. That is, it should be a global solution, perhaps my question will be answered in 100 years, and I will get an answer to it in the present. From the future you can see the correctness of the decision. It turns out I can get an instruction or a theoretical optimization.

I think the issue of inventions is more relevant. What about intermediate inventions? That’s interesting. They invented a car today, therefore, we do not put it into production, we publish the results, but we put the car as a model? But at the same time, I have already seen a car of better design and everyone is using it. Should I invent it? Me, what to invent, how to invent? This is what I didn’t understand. Is it to draw the line in time and use the inventions of one period? Why, if there are better machines?

Overnight, of course, knowledge from the future can be obtained and technologies, and implementation will take time. I bought a car yesterday, and today they opened the future… And there… How to be? Just built a plant, and then new technologies. Doing nothing somehow is the correct answer, by far.

It turns out that if the machine invented today needs to be finalized… I don’t understand how it is?


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