Putin and I

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Dear reader!

This book is a work of fiction, does not promote or encourage the use of drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. The book contains pictorial descriptions of illegal actions, but such descriptions are artistic, imaginative, and creative, and are not a call to commit prohibited actions. The author condemns the use of drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. Please consult a doctor for help and to combat addiction.

And also, some artistic and not-so-artistic expressions in this book convey only the flavor of the era that the Author is talking about and in no case carry an offensive character.

Eka Kozlova

Chapter 1

Our feat

The year 1989

The powerful empire of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics rapidly began to lose its former political influence. Poland was the first to declare its independence, followed by Hungary, then Germany, followed by Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Albania…

But it was with the fall of the Berlin Wall, which the inhabitants of Germany popularly called the “Shameful Wall”, that it became clear that this could not be stopped.

Everything changed overnight on the night of the ninth to the tenth of November 1989. Riots broke out on the streets of Dresden. The Germans, who wanted to gain freedom, rushed to break down the Berlin Wall almost with their bare hands. They defeated and burned down their own German Ministry of State Security. The angry crowd cheered! Emboldened finally, a group of East Germans surrounded the mansion on Bautznerstrasse 112a, which housed the department of the KGB of the USSR.

At that time, a Soviet intelligence officer, Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, was on night duty at the department. Instantly assessing the consequences of the threat, he was not afraid to go out alone to the rebels and convinced them to stop! He did not allow them to enter the building of the USSR department and plunder the secret archive of the KGB.

It’s hard to imagine how he felt at that moment, but I know for sure that it was Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin’s determination and courage that made the necessary impression. Strong leaders always command respect. The crowd sensed an iron willpower in this young, inconspicuous man, saw that he would defend the interests of his Homeland in any situation, and retreated. Unknown to anyone at that time, the future president of Russia performed a heroic feat, but this will be told only many years later.

My name is Anya, and I, at the age of a ten-year-old girl, of course, also did not know anything about this outstanding man and did not know what was happening in Germany. I just woke up from a nightmare in a cold sweat in my apartment in Moscow.

— Mom, Mom…

Irina, Anya’s mother, was fast asleep on the couch that stood next to her bed.

— Mom, — she called again, pushing the woman by the shoulder. — I’m scared.

— What happened, why aren’t you sleeping? — she muttered.

Anya sat up in bed, trying to remember her dream. It was quiet and peaceful in the dark room, the street lights of the Dmitrov highway flickered through the curtain of the tulle curtain.

— I do not know, but I am afraid. I dreamed about people, a lot of people. They tried to break into my house and probably wanted to rob it,” the girl explained in confusion.

— It’s just a dream, don’t be afraid. There’s no one here.

— It didn’t happen here…

— It doesn’t matter where it happened. Go to bed, you have to get up early tomorrow.


In the afternoon, Anya and Marinka, her best friend and classmate, were put on duty at the door at the entrance to the second floor. There was no limit to Marinka’s indignation. She absolutely did not want to spend a big break looking after elementary school children. But, as it turned out, it was their turn to be on duty today, and there were no options to get out of it. As the chairman of the pioneer squad liked to say: Voluntary duty is mandatory! And it was useless to argue with her.

All high school students, without exception, were on duty in an honest pioneer queue. Everyone who became a pioneer and a high school student had to be a senior companion for the Octobrites, look after them and help them.

That year, Anya and Marina had just entered the fifth grade and finally became high school students, closing the doors of the elementary school forever. Do you think they were happy? Oh no! They were delighted and felt really grown up.

— Come on, I found something to be upset about. You’d think this would be our last break,” Anya decided to cheer up Marinka.

— I don’t understand at all, why are we doing this? Just think, what a nightmare, a milyuzga could end up on another floor and what? You and I also used to sneak off the elementary school floor to take a walk without the supervision of the elders, as you can see, nothing happened!

— That way they can get lost, — Anya insisted.

— Pf, it’s not a problem, — Marinka continued to be mean.

— It’s so unusual to come back here. Yes? — Anya changed the subject and looked into the corridor of the second floor, where the children were having fun at recess, — quite recently we were like that, — she said nostalgically.

— Don’t tell me you miss elementary school. Rave! — Marina snorted. — I’m just glad that we finally became adults.

A small kid ran up to them and pulled Anya by the hem of her brown school uniform, asked:

— Auntie, can I come out?

Marinka looked at Anya with sarcastic eyes and rolled her laughter.

— What kind of aunt am I to you? — Anya was indignant. — I’m only a couple of years older than you.

— It doesn’t matter, — he replied with a businesslike intonation. — I need to get out.

— Boy, have you forgotten that you are forbidden to leave the second floor?

— The teacher let me go. Mom came for me. If you don’t believe me, ask Marya Ivanovna from the third “B”.

— Girls, let him through, — seeing that the little one had difficulties crossing the border, the teacher asked.

— Hello, Marya Ivanovna, — Anya and Marina said in unison.

— Hello.

The woman deliberately looked at the girls with a stern look, and then smiled and murmured in a thin voice:

— How have you grown over the summer, well done! So it’s your turn to look after the younger ones, — Marya Ivanovna was touched.

— Yes, and we are really glad! — pulling on a rubber smile, Marinka lied.

— Okay, give me your hand, I’ll walk you out, — Anya offered the kid. — At the big break, it’s better not to go alone, you’ll be knocked down.

The kid agreed, and, holding hands, they went down together to the first floor, where his mother was waiting for him.

— What’s your name? — the boy’s mother asked Anya when they approached her.

— Anya Sedova.

— What grade are you in?

— The fifth “A”.

— Anya, I will ask your homeroom teacher to award you with a diploma for conscientious performance of duties as a floor attendant.

— Oh, that would be great, thank you.

— Thank you, Anya. I wish,’ the woman said, ‘that there were more pioneers like you. Well done!

— Goodbye, — said Anya, smiling contentedly.

— Goodbye, — the woman smiled back.

As soon as Anya left the locker room and turned to the stairs that led to the elementary school floor, she immediately collided head-on with the chairman of the pioneer squad, Katya.

— Hi, — said Anya, raising her right arm, bent at the elbow, to show the gesture of a pioneer salute.

Katya did the same in response, but in silence.

— You don’t have to say hello. A pioneer greeting with a hand gesture is enough, — she explained.

— Okay, I get it, — Anya replied.

— What did you understand, Anya? You were accepted as a pioneer in the fourth grade, what did you do all summer? Haven’t you found the time to learn how to behave like a real pioneer? — Katya asked, narrowing her eyes suspiciously.

— I studied, honest pioneer. It just happened to slip out of my mouth, — Anya found an excuse for herself.

— And why did you leave the duty station, Anya? — Katya continued to attack.

— I… this… The pioneer is a comrade and the leader of the Octobrists! — Anya began to rattle off the rules of the pioneer, trying to clear her honor in front of the chairman. — A pioneer is a friend to pioneers and children of working people of all countries. A pioneer… In short, Kate, I saw the kid off, — Anya decided to tell the truth. — He was released from school earlier, and his mother came for him. So I decided to take him to the locker room so that he wouldn’t walk around the school alone and get lost, — the girl explained.

— Why didn’t you tell me all eight laws of pioneer? Haven’t you learned them either?

— I’ll learn them, Kate, honestly — Anya promised.

Katya sighed heavily, saying what to take from you, but her expression still remained malicious.

— And try not to learn it! — Katya threatened. — Now you have a great responsibility, you have to set an example to the Octobrites. And what kind of example are you, if you still don’t know the laws of pioneer? — Katya frowned even more.

“This Katya makes me feel sick!” — Anya managed to think.

— Anya, the teacher is calling you, — Marinka’s voice was heard.

Anya lifted her head up. Marinka was hanging upside down from the second floor over the railing.

— I’ll go, Kate. My name is! — Anya breathed out in relief and ran away.

— Levchenko, why are you acting like a monkey? Start jumping on the railings too! — Katya shouted at Marinka.

The girls laughed and hid in the corner of the stairs so that Anya could not see them.

— And to have all the rules learned from me by Thursday, — Katya continued to threaten. — And don’t pretend you didn’t hear me. I know you’re there.

— She’s coming up to us now, — Marina made a face, afraid that she would have to listen to Katya’s moralizing for the rest of the break.

Anya crept up to the railing and cautiously looked down to the first floor.

— No, she’s gone, — Anya replied, not seeing the malicious chairman.

Marinka giggled.

— That’s a bore, — Anya decided to stand up for her friend. — She called you a monkey, and she screams at the whole school like a woman at the bazaar.

— Oh, come on, — Marinka waved her off. — She’s only correct at school, and my older sister told me that they smoked together once.

— Unbelievable! Anya drawled, not believing her own ears. — Who would have thought. And isn’t she ashamed to wear a pioneer tie after that? There was no limit to the girl’s embarrassment. — And also, it’s Katka the stupid one, bothering us. — Anya already thought that she would not be able to get rid of her.

— As soon as I heard your conversation coming from the first floor, I immediately realized that you need to be saved from her, — Marina answered laughing.

— Thank you, — Anya replied in confusion, still trying to digest what she had heard.

No one particularly liked the chairman of the pioneer squad, because she was too strict, but she still aroused fear and respect.

“How am I supposed to look into her eyes now? She smokes, gee!” — thought Anya, being under an unpleasant impression.

— Oh, Natasha is coming! — Marina was suddenly delighted to see her older sister.

Anya turned around. Natasha was walking briskly down the stairs from the third floor and she was clearly worried about something.

“Strange!” — thought Anya, looking at Natasha. “Can anyone scare her?”

Natasha was one of the first to promote the idea of abolishing school uniforms and freedom of expression among high school students. She dyed her red hair white, constantly chewed Donald Duck gum and deliberately made bright makeup, and instead of a school uniform she wore a short denim skirt and a T-shirt with the image of the popular British electronic rock band Depeche Mode.

The teachers didn’t like it, and not all her classmates supported her. Her homeroom teacher even threatened to expel Natasha from school for violating her dress code, but the headmistress Irina Vladimirovna was a loyal woman. Irina Vladimirovna allowed everyone to dress in whatever they liked, but only sometimes and under the pretext that the school uniform was in the wash. Natasha abused this rule, but no one could force her to do otherwise.

Natasha was for us a symbol of freedom, a person who was not afraid of anything and was able to defend her opinion. She told us about fashion, foreign music, and the cool parties of Western youth that we couldn’t even dream of. She was our guide to the world of “adults” and we really admired her.

— The Berlin Wall has fallen! — She immediately declared. — We discussed this in chemistry class just now.

— Where did she fall? Is it broken? — Anya asked.

— Who am I friends with?! — Marinka rolled her eyes. — That wall fell on your head! — she teased.

Natasha laughed.

— The Germans destroyed the wall themselves. They demand the unification of Germany with the GDR and independence, — Natasha explained to Anya. — There was a coup d’etat in Germany last night. All the students, all the young people are protesting on the streets of Berlin. Our teachers are worried that we, too, may start a riot by following their example.

— I knew it, — Anya was alarmed. — I came to school in the morning and immediately told Marinka that something was going to happen. I had a bad dream.

— What kind of dream? — Natasha was interested.

— She’s lying! — Marinka blurted out.

— No, I’m not lying.

— Tell me! — Natasha insisted.

Anya gathered her thoughts and began to tell:

— I dreamed that I was the owner of a large and beautiful house. It’s a dark night outside, and some people are running around the yard with torches, shouting, swearing, and I was so scared, creepy. I got dressed and went out into the courtyard, and there were men and women I didn’t know, they were saying something to me, but I couldn’t understand anything, as if they weren’t speaking Russian. I stand in front of them alone and ask: What do you need? Why did you come here?

— You’re lying! — Marina insisted. — You would never go anywhere alone at night. And not every man is capable of such a thing! You’re even embarrassed to tell poetry in front of the class in literature class. Pf! The heroine of nightmares!

— Just because I’m shy doesn’t mean I’m a coward, — Anya replied.

— Means!

— No! Telling poetry is different.

— It’s the same thing.

— But in my dream, I went outside at night.

— Yeah, everyone is brave in a dream, but you try to really go out alone at night, then we’ll see how you can do it!

— In short, what does a house have to do with it? — Natasha asked, trying to get to the truth.

— I do not know, but I still have a bad feeling.

— These people, what did they tell you? When you started asking them “bold” questions, — Marinka continued to scoff.

— They said something. I don’t remember. And then they left.

— Yeah, they were scared of you! — the girl laughed out loud.

— Stop arguing already! Do you even understand what this means? If Germany gains independence, global changes await our country! — Natasha was angry.

— So Poland has already gained independence, nothing terrible has happened, — Anya replied.

— Don’t be smart, — Marinka grumbled, nudging Anya in the side.

— Himoza says that this will lead to the complete collapse of the USSR.

— And global changes are waiting for us, — Anya thoughtfully repeated Natasha’s words, pretending that she at least understands something about what is happening.

— Yes, this is kapets, how cool! — Marinka was delighted. — I’m already sick of this stagnant USSR!

— And what will these global changes be like? — Anya suddenly had a question.

— No one knows yet, — Natasha shrugged.

— It sounds kind of scary, — Anya replied.

— It scares me to live in the USSR! — Marinka continued to rejoice. — I have a suggestion, let’s celebrate this event, leave classes and have a party at our house, — she suggested.

— I can’t go with you, — Natasha replied. — We have biology now, I can’t skip. Lyudmila Danilovna got angry, threatened to prevent me from taking exams and leave me for the second year. I can’t go to school anymore. I want to go to vocational school. At least I will communicate with normal people based on interests, and not with these nerdy classmates, — Natasha sighed heavily and thoughtfully adjusted her bangs with her hand.

— Then we’ll run away with Anya.

Marina held out her hand to Anya.

— Are we running? — She suggested.

— Let’s run! — Anya agreed.


Tearing off their pioneer ties and defiantly throwing them at their feet, the girls joyfully jumped like on a trampoline on the bed of Marinka’s parents and sincerely believed that very soon their lives would change for the better.

— Do you understand that? — Marinka shouted out of breath.

— What? — Anya asked.

— We are also participating in a coup d’etat, — Marina replied, — and with our protest we support the youth of Germany, who are fearlessly fighting for their freedom right now!

— Yes! — Anya shouted after Marinka. — We support the youth of Germany! Down with the USSR! Open the borders!

— They will open! They will definitely open! — Marinka was laughing, trying to jump up to the ceiling. — We will be able to travel to all countries, listen to any music and wear clothes that we like. And yet, we will also have homosexuality!

— Why do we need homosexuals? — Anya did not understand Marinka’s expectations.

— I want to live like in America.

— Ugh, no, that’s too much.

— Why do you think that?

— Why do we need homo men? You can’t marry someone like that.

— But we can become lesbians and we won’t go to jail just because we hold other sexual views.

— I don’t want to be a lesbian, — Anya replied confidently.

— And I want to! — Marinka declared.

— No, you’re kidding, — Anya laughed, not believing her.

— I’m not kidding! — Marina replied in all seriousness and stopped jumping on the bed.

Anya stopped too, and for a while they just stared at each other.

— You know perfectly well that I like the singer Madonna, — Marina began to explain to Anya. — She is free to choose. Natasha says that in the West it is very fashionable and not forbidden, as in our country.

— Why do you need to be so “fashionable”? — Anya didn’t understand.

— I want to grow up really free and liberated, you know? — Marina asked.

— No, — Anya replied.

— An, you’re just too old — fashioned and you haven’t realized what opportunities are opening up for us yet, — Marinka replied in a businesslike tone.

Marina has always considered herself more advanced in such matters, and all thanks to her older sister Natasha.

— I completely forgot, — Anya jumped out of bed, coming to her senses. — I have to go to the Pioneer House at three o’clock today for a rehearsal.

Anya picked up her pioneer tie, all crumpled and crumpled, trampled under her own feet, and for some reason she felt sad at that moment.

— We’re going to put on a new play for the Komsomol’s birthday, — Anya mumbled, trying to smooth her tie at least a little with her hands.

— Forget it. Who needs this nonsense. Does anyone else go to your performances?

— Of course, the parents come. My mom, if she can leave work early.

— Well, go ahead. And I will listen to Madonna and wait for changes,” Marina replied and began to search for something in her desk.

Anya was silent for a while, and then added:

— You know, I still have a bad feeling from my dream that some strangers want to rob my house.

Marina turned around and looked thoughtfully at Anya.

— But it’s just a dream. It’s not real. Don’t worry, — she soothed.

She took out an audio cassette with a brand-new album by an American pop diva, which her older sister bought from a dealer in illegal goods. Natasha had to pay as much as five rubles, all the money from her piggy bank, to get her. She even refused to give this tape to her friends for re-recording, so that it would not be ruined. And this tape was kept in a separate drawer of the desk as a priceless treasure.

From the speaker of the Viasna tape recorder, Madonna’s melodious song stretched out: Like a Virgin.

Natasha wasn’t sure if she translated this song from English correctly, but roughly in meaning it was about a slutty girl who, having met a real man, felt like a virgin again.

The translation, of course, was so-so, because nothing was clear. But Marinka was sure that there was a secret meaning in these words that they would be able to understand when they grew up. And Anya trusted Marinka and her musical taste.

— I’m gone, Marin, — Anya warned.

— Shut the door, — Marina asked, and collapsed back on the bed, began to sing along:

I was beat incomplete

I’d been had, I was sad and blue

But you made me feel

Yeah, you made me feel

Shiny and new

Chapter 2

Ashes of Change

The year 2010

It happened at the end of September. Anya’s son named Egor just transferred to a new school and went to study in the fourth grade. He was a sociable and cheerful boy, so he had no problems communicating with new classmates, and he quickly joined the team.

That day, Anya, as a photographer, was taking photos for Maxim magazine in a fashion studio near the city center. They didn’t pay much for working as a freelance photographer for the magazine, but Anya was always happy to accept such a part-time job. It was a great opportunity for her to take a break from the routine work at the photo salon and practice her professional skills.

Anya and her team shot the main material and were about to take a break when she was distracted by a phone call. Her son Egor called, and she answered immediately.

— Hi, sonny, — Anya said happily as soon as she picked up the phone.

— Mom, can you pick me up from school? — he asked in response.

— Pick up from school? What happened? — Anya was surprised by such a request and she wanted to figure everything out immediately.

— I want to go to the bathroom, but the seniors won’t let me in.

— Egor, what do you mean they don’t let you go to the toilet? What are high school students doing in the elementary school bathroom?

— They smoke there.

Yegor’s answer discouraged Anya, but she needed to help him somehow, so she quickly pulled herself together.

— Go to the teacher and ask her to look into this situation, — she suggested.

— I’ve already talked to her. She can’t kick them out. They locked themselves in a toilet stall and say they won’t come out until they smoke because the guard won’t let them outside. They don’t care about anything. They’re not even afraid of the director. Mom, I can’t stand it. I have to go to the bathroom.

— When recess is over, take time off from class to go to the toilet, — Anya advised. — And I’m coming to school now. I want to talk to the director!

“Tin!” — thought Anya when she finished talking to her son.

Anna was from a generation born in the USSR, where everyone was taught from childhood that the younger ones needed to be protected. Modern realities sometimes surprised her.

She called a taxi and began to assemble the equipment.

— Guys, finish up here without me, I need to leave urgently, — she asked the assistants.

— An, has something happened? — Mikhail, the organizer of the project, asked.

— It’s nothing serious. I’m being called to school urgently. My son has a conflict with high school students.

— Oh, well, OK. I think we can roll up on the whole. There is enough material. There is something to work with.

— Bye. We’ll be in touch.

Anya slung her camera bag over her shoulder and was about to leave, but Misha stopped her.

— Maybe you need help? — he asked solicitously.

— No, thanks. It’s really nothing serious. Bye, — Anya repeated insistently and hurriedly headed for the exit.

— Bye, — he replied softly, watching her go.

Misha was not a bad guy and did not miss the opportunity to look after Anna, but his fussiness strained her. He lived by the principle of “you need to do everything quickly.” He was always busy, always in a hurry, and even once inviting Anya to a cafe for lunch, he answered the phone all the time, wrote something in his notebook, looked at his watch and twitched at the table. And when he didn’t finish his lunch and said that he urgently needed to leave on business, but he would definitely do everything quickly and come back, it was the last straw of her patience. Anya was horrified to imagine their life together, sex “quickie”, and almost choked on a salad.

Already at school, she stopped at the turnstiles. An elderly guard was sitting at a table on the right side of the entrance. He pushed his glasses down on his nose and looked expressively at the uninvited guest from under his brows.

— Hello! — Anya greeted him.

— Hello! — The guard replied, continuing to stare at her.

— I need to meet with the headmaster. Can I go to her?

— Did you make an appointment with the director? — he asked in response.

— No, — Anya replied.

— You need to sign up! — The man replied with displeasure, because Anna had unnecessarily distracted him from reading the newspaper. — Write an application through your child’s homeroom teacher, and when you are assigned a time, then you will come.

— Good. Can I go to the homeroom teacher?

— Do you have an appointment with the class teacher? — he asked with even more irritation.

— No, but…

— Then I ask you to leave the school building. As if you don’t know that no trespassing is allowed. Parents can meet children near the school, but they are not allowed to enter the school! — the guard reminded.

Anna left the school and called Egor’s homeroom teacher.

— Hello, Anna Nikolaevna, I know what question you are calling about, — the teacher immediately replied.

— Hello, Svetlana Maksimovna, but I’m not calling to talk to you. Can you arrange for me to meet with the director? I’m standing outside the school right now. The guard won’t let me in.

— Oh, — Svetlana Maximovna sighed. — Let’s do this… I’ll tell the guard that I called you to the director myself. Otherwise, you will have to write an application, and it will be considered within ten days, but you may be refused a meeting if the director does not like the reason for the visit.

— How everything has changed! — Anya was surprised.

— I’ll tell you a secret, this is a personal order from the principal, — the teacher whispered. — She doesn’t like to be disturbed, but by law she has the right to set her own appointment hours.

— I see. So, should I wait for you?

— Yes, come back to the school. I’ll be right there.

— Mommy, didn’t you understand what I said? — Anna heard the guard’s stern exclamation when he saw her again.

An elderly man got up from the table and, limping heavily on his right leg, crawled to the turnstiles to stand in front of Anna.

— I’m waiting for the homeroom teacher. She asked me to come back, — Anya hurried to calm the guard down, ignoring his anger.

At that moment Svetlana Maksimovna appeared, waving her hand in a friendly manner. She was a little older than Anna in age, a very friendly and helpful woman. They quickly found a common language, exchanged phone numbers and called up periodically so that Anna could know how her son’s studies were progressing.

— Pavel Yuryevich, let Anna Nikolaevna through, — Svetlana Maksimovna turned to the guard. — We have an emergency situation, and I myself asked her to come over to address the principal of the school. The matter is urgent! — She said.

— But nothing happened, — he frowned suspiciously.

— It happened, and you know what! It happens every day in the elementary school bathroom, — she retorted.

The guard looked at her with an indifferent look and returned to the table.

— Okay, I’ll write out a pass, but for the first and last time! I won’t let you in without an appointment anymore. And, please, escort Mommy to the principal’s office and back, there’s nothing to walk around the school. It’s not allowed! — He grumbled.

— Pavel Yuryevich, you write out a pass, we have to go.

— I’ll write out a pass, but for the last time! — He agreed.

After passing through the turnstiles, the women went to the director.

— He’s very strict, — Anna remarked.

— He’s no good. How many times have I asked him to help. And he, sometimes it’s hard for him to get up, his leg hurts, then he says it’s not his responsibility. And I’m already tired of this situation with smoking in the toilet. Previously, we had at least two toilets on the floor, but now, so that the cleaner would not overwork and run away, the second one was closed by order of the director and only one remained, — Svetlana Maksimovna complained.

— But this is not the only toilet in the school.

— Yes, you’re right, he’s not the only one, but high school students have got into the habit of smoking right here, and for a long time.

— Can I see it? — Anna asked.

— Yes, please, you have every right to do that, — the teacher agreed.

After examining the toilet, the women turned into the corridor where the offices of the school administration were located.

— This is her office, — Svetlana Maksimovna pointed with her hand.

— Thank you, I know where the director’s office is. I used to go to this school myself, — Anna replied.

— How great! — Svetlana Maksimovna smiled. — All right, so much the better. I’m not going with you, I have to get back to class. Can you handle it yourself?

— Yes.

— When you’re done, don’t wait for me, and don’t pay attention to the guard. You never know what he will say, my duties also do not include escorting parents with an escort around the school, so then you will go to the exit yourself, — she smiled.

— Won’t you have any problems?

— I’m used to it, don’t worry. That’s it, I ran away, — Svetlana Maksimovna said goodbye and went back to class.

When Anya applied for Egor’s transfer to this school at the end of the summer, the secretary first checked the residence address to make sure that the boy had the right to enroll in this particular school at his place of residence. Then she consulted with someone on the phone and, having received approval, offered him to study in class “B”, based on the results of grades for the third grade.

— Don’t worry, — the secretary said. — If you will help your boy with his studies, we will transfer him to class “B”, and then maybe to class “A”. Everything depends on you.

— Thank you, — Anna said dryly, having roughly calculated in her mind how much money would be needed for a tutor.

This distribution of children by academic performance seemed humiliating to Anya. During her youth, the children in the class took an example from the excellent students. And who should Egor take an example from in class “B” or, even worse, in class “G”? The headmaster was not there that day.

Now, meeting a woman who many years ago had an important influence on Anna’s fate caused mixed feelings in her.

— Hello, Tatyana Sergeevna, — Anna said when she went into the director’s office.

— Hello, what’s your name? — The headmistress asked without looking up from her notes.

— Anna Nikolaevna.

— Hello, Anna Nikolaevna, once again. I got a call from your homeroom teacher and I understand why you’re here. Have a seat, — she suggested. — At the same time, let’s get to know each other and dot the “i”.

She looked at Anna sideways and turned to the window with a thoughtful look.

She hadn’t changed much, Anna thought, as soon as she entered the office and looked at the headmistress. Well, except that the face has become haggard and dry, with blue veins under the skin, wrinkles have increased. No, she had changed, she had aged, but her eyes remained the same prickly.

— I do not know, Anna Nikolaevna, how I can help you, — she began. — Do you think you’re the only one? I have here,” she picked up a pile of papers with statements from her parents and shook it in the air, — a pack of such applicants! Everyone wants something, demands something, but what can I do with these high school students? Do I have to educate them? — The headmistress turned around and looked at Anna point — blank with indifferent gray eyes.

“She didn’t recognize me!” — thought Anna mockingly.

Of course, it’s been so many years. Was it possible to recognize Anya now as the naive girl she was then?

— While the children are at school, yes, you should be engaged in their upbringing, — Anna replied.

Tatyana Sergeevna’s face became tense, and her gaze became arrogant and even more prickly.

— We have an educational institution, and their parents should be engaged in the upbringing of children. We do everything that is required of us, — she replied in an unquestionable tone.

— Do you understand what we are talking about? — Anya began. — My child called me and asked me to pick him up from school because he can’t go to the toilet in peace.

— I understand, but I repeat, in order for children not to smoke, their parents should take care of this, not the headmaster, — the headmistress stubbornly continued.

— And so that children do not smoke in your school toilet, who should take care of this?

Her gaze remained completely indifferent, as if she did not understand the essence of the problem.

— None of the parents even try to understand how hard it is for us to cope with your children, as if we don’t have our own worries. I agreed to see you without an appointment, and in response, only reproaches! In general, I heard you and I understand your position. Now you can go to the secretary and write a statement with your wishes. We will have a meeting with members of the school’s management team soon, and we will definitely take everything into account. And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m busy.

She sighed and began to look through some papers with a carefree look, pretending that her conversation with Anna was over.

— When was the last time you went to this toilet yourself? There, the bins are filled to the top with garbage, steers are floating in the toilets, the windowsill is covered with cigarette butts, and the smell is as if this toilet has not been washed for a week. Little children go there too…

— So write about it in the application, — the headmistress interrupted Anna before she could finish.

— That won’t solve the problem.


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