Project A129

Бесплатный фрагмент - Project A129

«Remember the future…» English edition (The first version of the book was published in 2017)

Объем: 314 бумажных стр.

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Project A129
by Gertcel David

Chapter First

Continent of Vinland, 2073

The air literally vibrated with tension. The planes entered a dive, somersaulted, converged, forming various figures, and scattered again, like disturbed birds. Laser cannons fired, shooting at the meteorite, the sky was ablaze with reflections of crimson and bright blue, as if huge buckets of fluorescent paints had been splashed out there.

The stands went wild. People either froze in tension, not taking their eyes off the silhouettes of steel birds shining in the sun, or burst into cries of jubilation. Sometimes a wave of disappointment would roll through the crowd. The adrenaline was off the charts, because everyone felt involved in what was happening and everyone knew that the stakes were high.

The most popular show, Apollo’s Arrow, was in full swing.

The competing teams were located opposite each other in special glass capsules. Each had a captain and five pilots. Two teams fought for the right to make it to the finals. Despite the fact that players controlled three-dimensional models of the aircraft from specially equipped transparent capsules, the sensations were close to real. A state-of-the-art virtual reality helmet created a flight simulation, and sensors from the capsules transmitted the physical data of the players to large screens, which changed depending on the load.

In each round, a virtual meteorite fell from space to a certain point, and the team’s planes, following the commander, had to rush to that square on the Vinland map and shoot down a celestial body in the upper atmosphere. The game went until three wins. If at the appointed time no one managed to shoot down the meteorite and it fell, then neither team received points, and two were played out at once in the next round. If the players did not hit the target the third time, both teams left the competition until the next season.

Since each team, having reached the point of impact, sought to be the first to shoot down the target, the planes of the opposing sides entered into fierce firefights, and not all pilots managed to reach the target. Therefore, to win the competition, quick reactions and well-coordinated team play were required.

In this show, teams not only competed with each other, but also practiced skills in dealing with dangers that could threaten the Continent at any moment. The players suffered from high blood pressure, and it happened that some of them lost consciousness during the game. The show was widely popular, despite the fact that it was already in its fourth year. People from all over Vinland gathered with their families in front of the screen to cheer for their favorite team and admire the colorful competition, replete with special effects.

The Taffer family was no exception. Mother, Barbara, baked an apple pie. She and her son ate it at the tea table and watched the show on the large screen installed in the living room. The family cheered for Captain Fleming’s team: it was one of the oldest, but despite this, it still beat the younger participants.

— Dodge, dodge! — Chris cried, holding a piece of pie in his hands. The young man always watched the competitions emotionally, and this game was no exception. — He was hit! Now there are three left on each team. Ours must win! Come in from behind! Well done! He was left alone, now he needs to manage to shoot down the meteorite. Well done, well done! We got another point! Score 2:1! Fleming leads!

Chris himself was involved in piloting in a student club. The young man was even predicted to have a brilliant future, but Chris was not sure that he wanted to connect his fate with aviation. Yes, he liked to lift the car into the air and, overcoming overloads, rise higher and higher, like the legendary Icarus, trying to fly to the sun. Moreover, unlike Icarus, who was carried by wings molded from wax, Chris had at his disposal powerful modern technology that could go beyond the atmosphere. He had the highest level of access, providing small but pleasant privileges. Chris liked to feel freedom and extraordinary lightness, liked the smooth elasticity of the trigger and the euphoria that engulfed the body at the moment when the training target scattered into billions of splashes. And yet what kind of pilot is he? In order to become a real pilot, Chris believed, you need a special adventurous personality, like those guys from Apollo’s Arrow. Chris Taffer was too down-to-earth, an ordinary young man, and therefore believed that the greatest benefit could come from studying the history of past civilizations. In addition, the euphoria from successfully passing exams is no less, and now it is more important for the Continent to analyze the past in order to build an ideal model of the future on this basis. No, heaven is not for him.

Chris was completely ordinary in appearance — of average height, not very athletic, but rather lean by nature, with dark hair and clearly defined cheekbones. Perhaps the only notable detail of his appearance was a crescent-shaped scar on the left side of his chin — a consequence of an injury received during one of his training flights.

No, Chris Taffer was in no way fit to play the hero.

And yet, the heart involuntarily froze at the sight of the next somersault on the screen, and the hand clenched, as if actuating an invisible control lever.

— Don’t lose speed! What are you doing?! Come on! Let’s! — Chris whispered, without taking his eyes off the plane as it turned. Watching what was happening, he felt as if he was with the team, and victory depended on his skill and speed of reaction.

Barbara was more reserved, but just like her son, she was happy with the team’s success.

After the point was played, the players were given a ten-minute break. Technicians used this time to check the instruments and accuracy of each pilot’s shots. The channels returned to the current topic of the election and played videos of the two candidates, and then once again announced a special appearance after the show by the Supreme Ruler of Vinland, Demian Roskhald.

— I hope we will be able to watch the game to the end and listen to the speech of the head of the Continent. Last week, the rebels tried to interfere with the broadcast at the most interesting place. They say they were preparing an uprising, you heard about it on the news.

Without taking his eyes off the screen, Chris said:

“Mom, Mr. Graves doubts this is the work of the rebels.”

“Your professor constantly doubts everything.” I don’t like him. You shouldn’t have started studying history at all. You are the best in this student flying club of yours. You could go into aviation and now fight for one of the teams, you could become the star of the show “Apollo’s Arrow”, and I would watch and be proud of you!

— Mom, I’ve been training at the club for six years. During this time, as you know very well, I learned to fly many aircraft, received awards for aerobatic maneuvers both in deserted areas and in urban environments, but understand, this is not my thing.

— Why? What could be better?

— It’s impossible to explain. You yourself work in the university library precisely because you like it.

“I love books, and you seem to be all like me,” Barbara looked at her son tenderly.

— By the way, even if it weren’t for history, I still would not have become an aviator, but would certainly have gone to the remote areas of Vinland to eliminate the consequences of the disaster. Hundreds of volunteers went there to improve the environment on the Continent. Everyone there is friendly, they work hard, and in the evenings they gather, sing songs with guitars and discuss the bright future of Vinland,’ Chris noted, taking advantage of the moment of calm that came in the game. ‘I watch a lot of reports: these people have a hard time, but they are doing useful work. At the same time, one-story houses are being built there, but recently there have been constant power outages. They say that one of the nearby substations in the north of the continent was attacked by rebels last week in order to disrupt the leader’s speech.

— When will Mr. Roskhald restore order? Only he can pacify these robbers,” the woman sighed.

“The fight against the rebels continues every day. Today they even carried out checks at the university to identify the conspirators. Prohibited literature was found on one student’s computer. He is suspected to be linked to the resistance. I’m sure this is a misunderstanding. Surely he just downloaded some book about the revolutions of the past from a forbidden source, and soon everything will become clear. Sometimes I am tempted to download a book from a pirated site, but I try to obtain knowledge only from licensed sources and am sure that there is enough information about everything there.

— Son, you need to think about your career and communicate less with students who have violated the ban and read books that have not been licensed by the Ministry of Education. And please, put thoughts of exploring new areas, rebels out of your head, and rather focus on your studies — it’s your senior year. In your position, you will bring much more benefit to the Continent — there is now an acute shortage of specialists. — Looking at a childhood photo of Chris near the big screen, she continued: “You are the first generation after that terrible tragedy that occurred 26 years ago, and you must do everything for the prosperity of Vinland and maintain the power of the rightful ruler.” They used to like to say: everyone should be useful in their place, try to follow this. A brilliant career awaits you.

When the host announced the start of the third round, the Taffers once again immersed themselves in the atmosphere of the show.

The game ended in victory for Rick Fleming’s team, which mother and son were very happy about.

There was another version of the show “Apollo’s Arrows”, the so-called night one. In it, the battle took place entirely in the real world, and often state criminals or the same rebels found themselves in the arena. They fought with professionals for the opportunity to receive a pardon. Chris was not too sympathetic to them, since he recognized the right of the state to punish the guilty, but still did not like the night version of Apollo’s Arrow. Cruelty, even forced, did not attract him.

Immediately after the end of the show, the speech of the head of Vinland was announced. People from all over the Continent were waiting for this speech. For several months now, intrigue has persisted: will the ruler agree to run for a third term, as numerous voters asked him to do, or will he propose a successor in his place who will compete for this post. Chris and his mother were also looking forward to the performance. The woman didn’t even go to boil water for tea, for fear of missing the beginning. The Taffers were supporters of the ruler and were going to give him their votes.

“At work all week they were just discussing whether Mr. Roskhald would agree to run for a third term or not.” “I wish he’d make up his mind as soon as possible, we’re already so used to him,” Barbara sighed.

“And Professor Graves says that they have already decided everything a long time ago and are just waiting for the right moment to announce the nomination.”

“This professor of yours knows everything,” the mother grinned. — The Supreme Ruler will go for a third term if he is confident that he can do something useful for Vinland and its citizens, which is why he thinks about it, and does not deliberately pause.

Despite the fact that last weekend during the broadcast there was interference on the air and the show was interrupted for several minutes, interest in the program did not fade, and the ratings broke new records… As soon as the speech of the head of the Continent was announced, people clung to the screens.

— Citizens of the Continent! I am proud to welcome you on the eve of new elections. “I thank you for the trust that you have placed in me all these years, and it is absolutely clear…” the ruler began solemnly, but then the image suddenly trembled, rippled and changed.

Instead of a traditional office with a huge flag of the Continent, a dimly lit room with bare gray walls appeared on the entire wall, and instead of a ruler, a man in a mask appeared before the audience.

“Citizens of Vinland, isn’t it clear to you that elections are just another government show?” We are being deceived, we are being manipulated!..’ the stranger said hotly. ‘I call on all concerned residents of the Continent to join the rebel movement and put an end to this government. We must not succumb to government manipulation! Go out and declare…

Then the image flickered again and disappeared.

— What is it?! — Barbara jumped up in fear. — How did these robbers even manage to break into the airwaves?

Chris shrugged. He didn’t know the answer to this question. The only thing that became clear: these same rebels had good opportunities. It is not surprising that the government has been unable to deal with them for so long.

This time the broadcast was interrupted for several hours, and the ruler’s speech was postponed indefinitely. Chris, returning to the room, continued reading another historical novel, and Barbara finished her tea and thought about what to cook for her son for breakfast.

* * *

The man sitting at the table raised his head and looked at the visitor with a hard look, from which the broad-shouldered man who entered seemed to shrink.

In this office — quite large, but furnished extremely minimally: a long table, several chairs with high straight backs, the only decorations were a large portrait of the ruler located above the chair of the owner of the office — as if there was an eternal draft. Everyone who entered felt uncomfortable and exhaled with relief only when they again found themselves on the other side of the massive mahogany door.

“And don’t say that you haven’t sorted out this small matter yet,” said the owner of the office, staring at the visitor with watery-gray eyes.

— We’re on the trail. Our agent, embedded in the rebel camp, reported that the list was in the possession of Professor William Graves. We set up surveillance and…

“There’s nothing left until the election of the head of the Continent,” the voice of the owner of the office seemed deceptively calm, but with each word the visitor shrank more and more. — Please don’t waste my time. I expect you to put on this table what interests me, and not to explain why you haven’t done it yet. If I suddenly want to chat, I will find a more interesting company. All clear?

— Yes, High Guardian! — The visitor stood at attention, seemingly forgetting to breathe.

— Then do it! “The man sighed heavily and bent over the tablet, instantly forgetting about the unlucky visitor who hastened to silently retreat from the office. What to do if you have to work with not very competent employees. Sometimes seditious thoughts came to mind that among the rebels there were much more thinking and capable people, otherwise they would not have lasted so long. For example, this professor…

A three-dimensional photograph of an elderly man with a very noticeable bald spot in his hair appeared on the tablet. An absolutely ordinary-looking person, except that intelligence is visible in his eyes, and his jawline reveals a stubborn nature. Perhaps you can’t just split something like that. Well, let them try.

It was this man who found himself at the center of state interests, and his life was now worth less than nothing. The professor’s unspoken death sentence had already been signed. All that remains is to shake all his secrets out of this smart guy.

The High Guard of Vinland, Holofernes, stretched in an uncomfortable chair, stretching his stiff back. Yes, you could put one of those newfangled floating chairs here that adapts to any body shape, but that’s for spoiled slackers. He sincerely believed that the chair should be uncomfortable so as not to allow him to relax. First of all, service. There will be rest later, when all matters are settled, the rebels are neutralized, and the very memory of them is covered with dust.

Only then will it be possible to relax and take a break. And now it’s work and only work, especially on the eve of the elections. Everything must go smoothly so that nothing interferes with the election of the ruler for a new term.

He moved his finger slightly, removing from the screen the image of the professor, probably living out his last days in freedom, and switched to a special communication channel. It was time to go out with a daily report and explain to the ruler how the rebels managed to get on the air and disrupt the performance.

Chapter Two

Continent of Vinland, 2073

The lecture at the historical university was coming to an end. In order to cover all the material, Professor William Graves drew the students’ attention to the final slide of the presentation, which summarized the topic of the history of past civilizations. It presented all the empires known over the last three thousand years with a chronology of existence.

After making sure that the audience had time to familiarize themselves with the content of the slide, Mr. Graves said:

— Every civilization, just like people, goes through four stages: birth, maturation, flourishing and aging, or, in other words, destruction. All the empires I mentioned went through these stages. Each of the powers at some point completed its historical path, passing the baton to the next.

After looking at the recording, the professor continued:

— Starting with Alexander the Great, whose empire replaced the Persian, all the rulers of the past dreamed of realizing the prophecy of the conquest of the world by one superpower. They conquered countries not with the aim of destroying or plundering them, as is commonly thought, but liberated them from oppression, giving people freedom. Yes, it was with the idea of freedom and equality that they dreamed of conquering the whole world and becoming united rulers. After the fall of Alexander the Great, the Mauryan Empire was formed in the east, and in China, the ruler Qin Shi Huang founded the Qin dynasty. Later, the Roman Empire appeared, during the division of which Byzantium arose, which existed for about a thousand years, as well as the Holy Roman Empire, which united many territories of Europe. At its peak, it included Germany and parts of the territories of Italy, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and France. The war with Napoleon Bonaparte at the beginning of the 19th century led to the collapse of the Holy Roman Empire, which lasted more than 800 years.

Looking at the table in the center of the slide, the professor added:

— It is also worth special mentioning the three largest empires in world history, which controlled the largest territories: British, Mongolian and Russian. The Soviet Union was subsequently formed on the territory of the latter. The British, at the peak of their greatness, owned almost a quarter of the world, that is, every fourth inhabitant of the planet was a subject of the crown. Their colonies were located on all inhabited continents of that time and occupied an area of 36 million square kilometers. But it is worth noting that the British Empire did not declare itself the ruler of the world, or at least did not explicitly lay claim to world hegemony.

Raising his hand, one of the students asked:

— Professor, why didn’t the rulers of the past manage to conquer the world?

After thinking for a moment, Mr. Graves replied:

— Many historians agree that the time for the rule of one superpower had not yet come. The leaders of these empires were brilliant commanders and orators, but in those days the technologies that appeared at the beginning of the 21st century did not exist. One of the main factors in the conquest of territories is the rapid exchange of information and the mobility of troops, and the armies of the past were no different in this. In ancient times, campaigns took years, if not decades. The commanders died, and the soldiers, exhausted by long marches, lost their fighting spirit. Time, literally and figuratively, was not on their side. Only with the development of technology and the rapid exchange of data has it become possible to conquer other lands in a matter of months. There was no longer a need for a regular army — everything was done by drones, unmanned aerial vehicles, and combat robots, and specialists controlled them from another continent. They could turn off the Internet anywhere in the world, and the enemy troops would be left without communications, which made coordination of movements impossible, and the most technologically advanced army would quickly gain the upper hand.

Students looked at the screens carefully, comparing the periods of greatest power of the great powers, as well as the size of the territories they conquered.

After a short pause, the professor continued:

— If we return to relatively recent history, to the confrontation between the democratic system and the communist one, then America, having studied the experience of previous empires, combined financial and ideological struggle. She proposed a new world order based not on military expansion, but on freedom, which they called democracy. All this was supported by a financial and economic model, focused primarily on achieving personal success, and then collective success, which is how they defeated communism. Until the disaster, the United States remained the leading economic power on the planet. And now we will move on to the causes of aging, that is, the collapse of the last civilization, and the onset of a new, our era.

Mr. Graves walked around the pulpit and resumed his story:

— The United States has practically realized that ancient prophecy thanks to technological progress. They swept away all obstacles on the way to their cherished dream — to rule a single world, investing huge amounts of money in advanced technologies. The desire for hegemony required large expenses, and when the global economic crisis began in 2007 and difficulties arose with financing new types of weapons, the intelligence services came up with blockchain technology, on the basis of which the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was created. This peer-to-peer payment system not only solved the issue of developing new types of weapons, including space weapons, but also helped destroy the economies of other powers without firing a single shot. In 2029, the global financial system collapsed. Independent states became unable to service their external debt, as well as fulfill social obligations to citizens, and one after another they abandoned their sovereignty. Another redistribution of the world has occurred.

The professor again drew the students’ attention to the slide, and then continued:

“All these countries, which followed the United States in launching dozens of their own blockchain platforms and cryptocurrency projects, both anonymous and public, managed to collect trillions of dollars for the hidden financing of military space programs. As a result, this technological race and the subsequent attempts to colonize the moon led in 2046 according to the old calendar to the third world war, which almost destroyed life on the entire planet. On the only habitable continent, called Vinland and retaining some of the technologies of the previous civilization, a new, post-Christian era began 26 years ago.

— It turns out that the prophecy about a single world, equal and fair, never came true? — an inquisitive student asked a new question.

Lost in thought, the professor answered with some annoyance:

— Yes, that’s exactly how it is. In the remaining time we will talk about the main factor that served as the trigger for the collapse of the previous civilization. It is the emergence of Bitcoin that is significant in this chain. Before his appearance, there were about two hundred independent states in the world, and this helped maintain the balance of power. Many compared the hype around cryptocurrencies with the tulip mania that occurred in the 17th century in Holland or the dot-com boom at the end of the 20th century. At that time, few could have imagined that this phenomenon would surpass all of them combined in consequences.

— How did religions react to the emergence of cryptocurrencies?

— If among financiers and politicians there was a dual opinion regarding the investment attractiveness of cryptocurrencies, then among religious leaders there was unanimous condemnation, since it made some fabulously rich, while others deprived them of everything. Events developed so rapidly that denominations began to fear the approach of the apocalypse. Christianity, a very widespread religion of the time, saw in these events a prophecy from the gospels. It talks about four horsemen who will come to earth one after another. The horsemen meant global events, and the spread of cryptocurrencies was associated with the third of the horsemen, on a black horse. People on different continents did not believe the skeptics and believed that this revolutionary invention would save the world from the dictates of central banks and large financial corporations.

The professor thought for a moment and walked back and forth across the department again, after which he continued:

— I read many books, articles and declassified materials on this topic. As has happened more than once throughout history, blockchain technology, one might say, appeared by accident, that is, they were looking for one thing and found something completely different. It, like the Internet or Wi-Fi, was developed by the military. Initially, this technology was supposed to serve as an unhindered financing of the opposition in countries with dictatorial regimes, bypassing the authorities. But seeing its potential and rapid spread, they decided to expand the scope of cryptocurrencies, that is, to raise money for the hidden financing of military space projects, both public and private. In order for the development to arouse widespread interest and not be associated with any country, it was decided to declare it to be the creator of the mythical Satoshi Nakamoto. Articles and reports about Bitcoin, created in 2008 and launched in early 2009, began to appear on the Internet and the media. It was hailed as an instrument of freedom for all people, the main advantage of which, in addition to the speed of transfers and anonymity, was the complete decentralization of the system.

Many enthusiasts saw new technologies as an alternative to a centralized banking system controlled by a group of people. As stated in the declassified documents, the developers themselves did not expect the ensuing effect. Then all that remained was to watch as the flame fanned out from the spark. Quotes went up, attracting the attention of new investors. The media reported day after day how Bitcoin broke a new milestone, rising another 200% in a few months, while income from bank deposits and other financial instruments could not even cover inflation. Then people did not understand that Pandora’s box had been opened, and the old world order had come to an end. Over time, all savings of citizens, funds from mutual investment and non-state pension funds were invested in cryptocurrency.

Economists warned about the consequences of the bursting of the bubble, but no one was willing to listen. Leaders of various faiths also spoke out about the risks of investing in cryptocurrency, claiming that its purchase was contrary to religious norms, and even scared of hell, but the thirst for profit was above all. This time is commonly called the Great Fever, because by 2029, twenty years after the creation of Bitcoin, almost the entire population of the planet was involved in this process. Attempts by state leaders, financiers and religious figures to reason with the people were in vain. At one point, the market collapsed, and this led to the fact that countries were unable to provide citizens with conditions for even the most modest existence. Famine came, which was personified by that very rider on a black horse. The rulers had a choice: to be overthrown and torn to pieces by the crowd or to voluntarily join the superpower.

Seeing his hand raised, Mr. Graves allowed the student to ask a question:

— Professor, didn’t the heads of state really have any other tools besides persuasion to stop this process?

— Of course, the authorities of many countries tried to regulate legislation, warning about the risks that these technologies pose, and even prohibited investments in cryptocurrencies, but people circumvented all the restrictions. The clergy of all faiths without exception sided with the government. Some of them called Bitcoin the electronic Antichrist — and in some ways they were right. But the warnings of state leaders, religious denominations and prominent economists could not keep the people from temptation. In a word, people again fell under the power of the golden calf. The soul, as they used to say, and the thirst for profit were put on the scales. It was the fear of missing out that motivated people. This is not reprehensible, but when the thirst for profit passes a certain threshold, overshadowing the mind, a person begins to act emotionally. He struggles to jump into the last car, not realizing that the train is heading into a cliff.

There were still ten minutes left before the end of the lecture, and the professor wanted to move on to students’ questions about the material covered, when suddenly a special signal sounded. At the university, it was turned on only in emergency cases, when it was necessary to gather everyone in the courtyard. As soon as the sound of the siren died down, an electronic voice was heard from the loudspeaker and at the same time, each of the students received an SMS notification: “All students from level one to four to report for scanning.” The professor announced that the lecture was over.

The sounds of the siren grew louder, urging the last of the students to leave the building. The audience quickly emptied. The professor looked out of the window and saw a Continental Guard van with a line lined up. Drones circled above the crowd as a voice over the loudspeaker continued to urge students to report immediately for their scans. The first group of drones made sure that no one left the university, and the second group scanned the retina of the eyes from a distance, identifying the person.

The professor walked away from the window and heard the voice of student Chris Taffer, who was slowly taking last notes about the lecture:

— Mr. Graves, excuse me, can I ask you one more quick question?

— Yes, I’m listening.

“I tried to look for the answer to it in library books and the continental network, but most of the information is missing. They say it was erased by the rebels. I am extremely interested in the process of the birth and development of the first cryptocurrency, and I am thinking of writing a thesis on this topic. — After a short pause, the student continued: “You said that enthusiasts were attracted by the revolutionary technology, but for the first ten years, few people paid with cryptocurrencies, that is, used them for their intended purpose, people bought them only for investment purposes.”

— Yes, back then the throughput of the Bitcoin network was low, and transaction fees were significant, and this made the system unsuitable for daily use. Therefore, investing in cryptocurrencies has become largely speculative. Each buyer hoped that new investors would come to the market and buy coins from them at a higher cost.

— It turns out that people didn’t even study this technology and didn’t know its ultimate purpose… I’m talking about its payment advantages: speed, anonymity, decentralization… It turns out that they didn’t even suspect that Bitcoin was originally conceived by the intelligence services as a tool of global control?

After pausing briefly to remember certain dates, the professor calmly replied:

— As you know, the first block was generated at the beginning of 2009, and Bitcoin was accepted by the general public only in 2013. Many thought that this was the invention of a lone genius, but those who carefully familiarized themselves with the principle of operation of the system understood that a group of highly qualified cryptographers and mathematicians was working on the project. As you know, the main place of employment for specialists of this level is the government or intelligence agencies.

Looking at his watch, the professor continued:

— The arms race required colossal funds. Due to a lack of funding, the launch of many projects related to space exploration had to be postponed, but the heads of the superpowers understood: whoever owns space will own the world. From declassified documents, it became clear that, on behalf of the government, in 2007, the intelligence services created a unit in which the best cryptographers and mathematicians were looking for an effective solution for financing expensive space programs. There, dozens of projects were developed in parallel. Most of them were launched with failure or minor success, but the Blockchain project, which created Bitcoin, showed amazing results. A decision was made to expand the division. Cryptographers and mathematicians who worked on the project were assigned to a special department, which was joined by the best marketers at the final stage. This is how the first cryptocurrency was born. People who wanted to get rich were not particularly interested in what goals were pursued. It was a process that neither reason, nor authorities, nor religion could stop. As blockchain and quantum technologies developed, the Apocalypse and the imminent arrival of the Messiah, who would save the world and free the souls of people, were increasingly prophesied, but the savior never came.

The student, continuing to write down the professor’s words, asked:

— Mr. Graves, what about the same Satoshi who was at the origins of Bitcoin? His identity has not yet been revealed. Over the past 60 years, many have impersonated him, but no one has been able to prove it. I don’t know whether you watched it or not, another participant tried to impersonate Satoshi on the “Lie Detector” show, and the machine has not yet exposed him. The presenter even joked: have we really found the real creator of Bitcoin, or has another, thousandth, False Satoshi appeared on the Continent?

— I don’t watch this show, it’s mostly staged.

— Please, look at this segment, it is very convincing. The applicant has already completed 4 rounds of interviews.

Chris played the video and the professor watched it.

— Well, are you impressed? I was amazed. How did he do it?

— Not everything that is shown should be believed. I’m currently finishing work on a book: “The Age of Blockchain, or Belshazzar’s Feast.” Based on declassified materials, I described the origin and development of this project. In the fifth chapter you can read about how the image of Satoshi Nakamoto was created and where this name even came from.

— I look forward to the release of your book, professor!

Mr. Graves once again went to the window, wanting to make sure that none of the students were arrested, and said:

“Chris, hurry up to get checked so that you don’t have problems with the guards later.”

— They check those who have a low, medium or high level, and I have the highest, fifth.

— It is rarely given to anyone. How did you manage that?

“My father was a guard and besides, I never did anything illegal.” Only once did he cross the street in the wrong place to save a cat. The drone, which lost control, fell and could have crushed her. After that I had no problems. In addition, I take piloting courses, and all pilots undergo very thorough testing, so the level of trust is high. I try to live in accordance with the laws prescribed and controlled by Artificial Intelligence, Kronos, which has replaced the constitution these days. And I have no complaints about the government — they care about the Continent and ordinary citizens.

The professor did not try to convince Chris, realizing that he sympathized with the authorities, and did not reveal his connection with the rebels. Mr. Graves himself did not at all share the student’s naive opinion, especially in light of incoming information that the ruler wants to amend the Code in his new term. According to Mr. Graves, the only correct decision was to remove Demian Roskhald from power, the sooner the better. But he didn’t want to get rid of himself at all, and there was no need to become a prophet in order to predict the outcome of the upcoming elections…

Mr. Graves sighed heavily. He was terribly tired, and lately he had felt like he was being chased behind him. For members of the rebel movement, danger lurked everywhere. The trap is about to close its steel jaws, but the stake here is not just the life of an ordinary professor. The stake here is happiness and freedom from the dictates of the power of the inhabitants of the Continent, and for this you can pay the highest price.

“Chris, you are one of my best students,” the professor smiled. — Keep studying and you will come to the truth. You shouldn’t be absolutely sure of anything. As they said in ancient times, if you believe that you have learned the truth, then you have not understood anything. This is such a vessel: when you try to hold it, it will definitely slip out of your hands and leave you with nothing.

Wanting to demonstrate to Mr. Graves his knowledge of not only the laws prescribed in the Artificial Intelligence of the Continent, Chris said:

— Professor, did I tell you that my mother is from Luz? For this reason, I am well acquainted with their legislation. It differs from ours in being more conservative, so the Council of the Continent, when creating the supreme ruler Kronos, rejected it, deciding to develop a more perfect system. Are you saying that they didn’t take everything into account and that there are shortcomings in Artificial Intelligence, our supreme ruler?

“I want to say that you should always be a skeptic and continue to search for the truth.” She will definitely open up to you if you make the path to her. Kronos was created after the disaster, and training was carried out hastily. The laws contained in it, which are also called “Code 282”, in my opinion, need significant improvement, but everyone has their own opinion on this matter.

After thinking about the professor’s words, Chris said:

— Mr. Graves, the topic of lawmaking has fascinated me for a long time. I continue to study the legal systems of past empires, starting with Roman law, as I plan to connect my future with the department that monitors the implementation of the laws of the Supreme Ruler Kronos on the Continent. I have the highest scores in almost all subjects, perhaps this will allow me to get a position in the Artificial Intelligence tower.

“Chris, you have a wonderful career ahead of you.” Sometimes I myself am amazed at your knowledge. You are familiar not only with your neighbor, but also with ancient and modern history, the myths of Ancient Greece, the Bible!

The student was pleased to hear such words from the professor’s lips.

— I spend most of the day in the library — I like to read historical books in paper versions. My mother works in the university library and helps me select the best books. And in the evening at home I study materials on electronic media. I don’t turn on the video camera on weekdays at all, only on weekends I make sure to watch the show “Apollo’s Arrow” and the ruler’s speech — I’ve never missed them before. Communication with peers is not particularly interesting to me, which is probably why during the four years of study I never made real friends.

— You’re doing great, keep working hard.

After thinking a little, the student asked:

— Professor, recently I have become interested in literature devoted to the interpretation of dreams. Perhaps you can recommend me a good website or book on this topic? There is a lot of information on the Internet, but I don’t understand what is reliable. Sometimes you can find dozens of different interpretations for one symbol.

The professor remained silent. Ignoring this, Chris continued:

— Since childhood, I often have a dream in which I make my way through the forest and mountains, and then a monster appears and I wake up. I just can’t understand its meaning and watch it to the end. It was the same thing this night.

— Try to figure it out on your own. Perhaps you are at a crossroads and have a choice to make. The monster is our fears that must be overcome in order to move on. It guards the Gate of knowledge — what a person strives for. I will send you useful books, study them at your leisure.

— Thank you! — Chris smiled widely. “I’ll try to read them as quickly as possible.”

— I assure you, there is no rush. I won’t need them anytime soon. I’ll let you know when they are needed. “After a pause, the professor asked: “Do you know why Wilhelm wasn’t at the lecture today?”

— The guys said that on the eve of the celebration of the 27th anniversary of the founding of Vinland, he was detained by guards. — Mr. Graves changed his face and became thoughtful. Without attaching any importance to this, Chris continued: “Now many students are being tested for involvement in the resistance.” I think this is a misunderstanding and he will be released soon.

When the professor looked at his watch once again, Chris realized that Mr. Graves was in a hurry, and, saying goodbye, headed to the library, leaving the professor alone in the classroom.

Chapter Three

Continent of Vinland, 2073

The Supreme Ruler of Vinland, Demian Roskhald, after listening to the ministers’ reports on the state of affairs on the Continent and preparations for the upcoming elections, concluded the meeting. He then retired to his private office with two of his closest associates, Benedict, the Minister of Information, and Holofernes, the chief guard of Vinland.

Mister Roskhald was the second ruler in the history of the Continent to win the general election of 2057. Some attributed Demian Roskhald’s success to his oratory skills, while others pointed to the close-knit team that helped him in the election campaign. Among those who served on Mr. Roskhald’s campaign staff at that election were Benedict and Holofernes. Together they went a long way, and, having taken the chair of the head of the Continent 16 years ago, Demian Roskhald awarded his associates high positions. In their circle, Benedict and Holofernes addressed the ruler only as “master” — as a sign of respect for his merits and high position.

The office was equipped with special soundproofing devices so that no one could overhear what was happening behind these walls. Here a circle of the ruler’s closest and most trusted representatives gathered, who had many common secrets. Demian Roskhald knew that he could always rely on the ministers, and they, in turn, sincerely admiring the master, did everything to ensure that his power was not threatened.

Despite Mr. Roskhald’s widespread popular support, decisions on key issues were made by the Senate. Holofernes and Benedict managed to lure some important opponents to the side of the ruler, but even despite this, it was not always possible to implement the necessary laws. Politically independent senators blocked amendments related to expanding the powers of the head of Vinland and increasing the budget for space programs. In the upcoming elections, Demian Roskhald was going to win a landslide victory so that his supporters would take even more seats in the renewed Senate. All forecasts were on the master’s side, and therefore temporary difficulties in the Senate, as well as a small group of rebels, did not cause much concern to the ruler.

The only thing that continued to oppress Mr. Roskhald was the constant control by the Artificial Intelligence, which bore the name of the ancient powerful god Kronos. He served on the Continent as an arbitrator and guardian of 282 laws, which were also called the code. Each law began with the word “If” and contained a normative legal act valid in the territory of Vinland. Over time, 35 of them, prescribing rules of conduct for citizens in contaminated territories, were excluded from the code, since the consequences of the disaster on the inhabited part of the Continent were eliminated.

Strict enforcement of the laws was ensured by senators representing the citizens inhabiting the twelve regions of Vinland. When a ruler failed to secure a majority vote on a decision, a group of senators turned to Kronos for advice. In the last tenure of the master, who secured the support of the majority, although not overwhelming, this happened extremely rarely. Fearing heated debates and subsequent control by Kronos, Mr. Roskhald planned to put important laws to a vote in the Senate after the elections, receiving a mandate from the citizens for the next eight years of rule.

The main part of the code prescribed in Artificial Intelligence was compiled by the ruler of one of the regions of the Continent, Anatoly Kramer, several years after the disaster and has undergone virtually no changes since then. The written laws had gradations and in order to amend them, it was necessary to overcome a certain percentage of votes in the Senate. Changes affecting daily life could be introduced into the code with a simple majority vote, and amendments to laws governing the political structure and military program of the Continent required the support of at least 85% of senators. Such a barrier was not determined by chance: the drafters of Code 282 wanted to make it impossible or at least complicate the monopolization of power, and also to prevent the resumption of space programs. To avoid dictatorship and suppression of popular unrest, the movement of drones and combat robots in service with the guards was also controlled by Kronos. This entire system was designed to protect the interests of citizens, preventing the concentration of power in one hand.

The Supreme Ruler, who was also called the guarantor of Code 282, was elected by a majority vote of the inhabitants of Vinland. Despite the fact that Demian Roskhald publicly expressed the need to comply with the current code, promising to stand guard over it, deep down he saw control by Artificial Intelligence as a great threat. In the event of mass protests or a vote of no confidence in the Senate, Kronos received a signal and could unilaterally decide to deprive the head of the Continent of his powers. In this case, he had to resign, and the Senate, announcing the date of early elections, appointed a temporary ruler.

These restrictions irritated Mr. Roskhald. Unlike the vast majority of citizens, he refused to see Kronos as the Supreme Wisdom maintaining the balance of power, and, on the contrary, believed that many of the laws he protected needed to be changed.

Benedict and Holofernes, who occupied the chairs opposite the master that evening, shared his worries and fears. It was obvious to them: the code limited the rights of the head of the Continent, not allowing him to direct even part of the budget funds to the development of space programs and new types of weapons. They had long hatched a plan to rid Vinland from the control of Kronos, making the ruler’s power on the Continent absolute.

Demian Roskhald, having taken his seat, looked around at his closest associates and asked the Minister of Information how preparations for the elections were going.

— Everything is ready, master! Elections are scheduled for the 27th anniversary of the creation of the Continent. This day has been declared a holiday. Concerts and general celebrations will be held everywhere. Yesterday on the central channel they showed how loyal members of the Senate and ordinary citizens are asking you to nominate your candidacy for a third term in order to continue the development of Vinland and protect the planet from the meteorite heading towards it. We will show your speech, where you announce your agreement to make this difficult but responsible decision for yourself — to run for a new term, today at the best time, immediately after the end of the Apollo’s Arrow show. The program has a high rating and a loyal audience, which guarantees a large number of positive responses.

Continuing to look at the recording, Benedict added:

“And then we will broadcast live from the Senate, giving the floor to your most loyal supporters.” They will be delighted and express special gratitude to you for this bold decision, and perhaps shed a tear. Starting next week, commercials will begin broadcasting about your contribution to the development of the Continent and what positive changes will occur in the lives of citizens if you are re-elected.

After listening carefully to the Minister of Information, the ruler asked:

— What should you focus on? Have you studied citizens’ requests?

Taking his eyes off the notes and looking at the master, Benedict replied:

— As always, personal well-being and safety. Starting tomorrow, propagandists on central channels will begin to convey to voters that only you will protect Vinland from an external threat and make their lives better. The people have high hopes for you; according to the data received, your rating today is 84% versus 72% of the votes cast for you eight years ago. You have two opponents who together will not get even ten percent. To be more convincing, we have already prepared opinion polls where your rating fluctuates around 90%.

To ensure that the Minister of Information and his team of specialists do not make gross mistakes that allow Artificial Intelligence to annul the election results, the master warned:

— Your main task is to conduct fair elections, since Kronos and his minions will carefully monitor the transparency of the electoral process and record even the slightest violations. Fraud must not be allowed under any circumstances; all votes are tracked. 86 percent will be enough for me: such a threshold of voter confidence will allow our like-minded people to occupy the necessary majority of seats in the Senate to make the necessary amendments to the code.

“We will take your comments into account, Grand Master.”

“Maybe we should play the foreign invasion card?” — Holofernes, the chief guard of Vinland, entered the conversation.

After thinking a little, the master replied:

— No, it’s better to continue developing the story with the meteorite, they’ll be more willing to believe it. And we’ll save the threat of a foreign invasion for a special occasion. Benedict, what do you think about this? — the ruler asked the Minister of Information.

— I agree with you, Grand Master. We need to continue to escalate the situation with the meteorite approaching Earth. We will prepare the people for the fact that in order to protect the Continent in your third term, it will be necessary to increase defense spending and launch into orbit a new satellite that will allow monitoring the approach of dangerous objects to the earth.

— Are the people reacting correctly to this threat from space, have you read everything? — the ruler asked thoughtfully.

“According to your instructions, we took a small meteorite heading towards Vinland and increased its volume thousands of times. Every day we demonstrate photographs of a meteorite taken with the latest telescope, its approach to the Earth and talk about the consequences of the collision, which should occur in 5—6 years. People are keeping a close eye on this albeit distant threat. A few years ago, we launched a special show, “Apollo’s Arrow,” in which professional pilots wearing virtual reality helmets demonstrate their skills in fighting this cosmic body.

After thinking for a moment, the Minister of Information added:

“But I believe that, in addition to the hypothetical threat from space, closer to the elections it is worth creating an additional event, a provocation that will rally people around you with greater force. What happened must be blamed on one of the candidates or, better yet, on the rebels. It is necessary to continue to press them, forcing them to make mistakes. I am convinced that Holofernes has agents who can organize an attack on behalf of the resistance.

The ruler and the minister of information turned their gaze to Holofernes. Collecting his thoughts, he said:

“Grand Master, I just wanted to report on the upcoming operation to capture a group of rebels consisting of four people. We are listening to their conversations, and according to the information we have, they are planning to invade the live broadcast of the Apollo’s Arrow show again today. A special squad of guards is monitoring all exits from the building around the clock in the hope of capturing one of their leaders, Frank Tierney, but he has not yet appeared in that apartment.

— Did you manage to find out who exactly invaded the show last weekend? — the ruler asked.

Seeing in what happened his omission as the head of the guards of the Continent, Holofernes replied with annoyance:

“This attack was not like the previous ones, which we repelled with ease.” Obviously, a professional or group acted and used very expensive equipment. It has not yet been possible to find out who exactly carried out this invasion. As for the group we discovered, they use conventional technology, we can easily prevent the attack.

After listening to Holofernes, Benedict entered the conversation:

“I think it is necessary to capture those rebels immediately so that they do not have even the slightest opportunity to get into the airwaves.” In the report we will show the negotiations of the rebels and the equipment seized in the apartment, thereby demonstrating the determination of the master. If they manage to invade the airwaves for the second show in a row, the people may view this as a weakness of the ruler. Over the past week, we have made a lot of effort to portray the rebels who carried out that attack as a bunch of robbers, ready to do anything, even capable of interrupting a popular show for the sake of their own selfish goals. It will be more difficult to do this the second time.

After thinking a little, Holofernes decided to propose a more radical option:

“We have received intelligence information that the group of Zelot, the second leader of the rebels, is preparing a provocation before the elections. There is our agent in his circle. He can push the resistance to an action that will expose them as robbers and the master as a savior.

— Wonderful, Holofernes! — Benedict approved. “We need actions that will cause people’s rejection of the rebels and even greater sympathy for the master, which will rally them around his figure!” On the eve of the elections, we will push these robbers to the most radical actions: a chemical attack or an assassination attempt on the ruler, perhaps combining both scenarios for greater effect. The main thing is that this does not threaten the master personally and does not cause him physical harm.

— The safety of the ruler is above all! — said the chief guard.

Looking at his watch, the Minister of Information said:

— Grand Master, it’s time for the “Apollo’s Arrow” show, and in three hours there will be our live broadcast. It’s time to start the election campaign. Maybe you should collect your thoughts and rest? And I will go to the studio and personally make sure that all the preparations are completed.

Having thanked Benedict, the master listened to Holofernes’ report about the secret expedition that had returned from the contaminated area, which finally managed to find top-secret information about “Project A129” in one of the caves located high in the mountains. The special headquarters of the space agency was evacuated to that same cave shortly before the disaster.

* * *

Despite the fact that the broadcast was interrupted by a rebel attack last weekend, interest in the show continued and ratings broke new records. The ticker announced that at the end of the show the head of the Continent would address the people. The guards monitored all suspicious hacker attacks on the television center and, taking into account previous mistakes, easily stopped all attempts to interfere. As soon as the speech of the Head of the Continent was announced, people clung to the screens.

The Taffer family also looked forward to Demian Roskhald’s speech, hoping that he would listen to the requests of the people, as well as the senators, and agree to run for a third term. Mother and son were sincerely concerned about the situation. It’s bad if Vinland is a mess. After the unprecedented incident, it became clear that urgent and tough measures were needed. Only Demian Roskhald, who had been at the helm of the Continent for many years, could cope with the situation. The main thing is that he does not refuse to run for a third term.

Most of the people in Vinland thought the same thing. As they say, you don’t change horses in midstream, much less rulers.

The performance has begun.

The expectations of the residents of Vinland were rewarded: Demian Roskhald nevertheless agreed to run for a third term and continue working for the benefit of Vinland. He explained the decision by saying that many ordinary citizens, seeing a significant improvement in life after the terrible disaster of 2046, urgently asked him to stay. He assured that he would continue to work hard for the prosperity and greatness of the Continent.

The first slide shown on air showed a graph of economic growth and the standard of living of citizens during the reign of Mr. Roskhald. The second showed the growth of wages and pensions, although not particularly high. The head of Vinland promised to create more jobs, increase pensions and continue to work to improve the living conditions of ordinary people.

At the end of his speech, Demian Roskhald decided to touch upon the topic of the Continental Code, interference in which worried a certain part of society. Looking confidently into the camera, the ruler promised that, despite the calls of his supporters, he is not going to make any changes to the laws prescribed in Artificial Intelligence.

Demian Roskhald ended his speech with the words:

— According to the laws prescribed in our “Code”, the head of the Continent must receive a mandate from the people. Citizens of Vinland, I ask your permission for a third cadence to continue moving forward. Once upon a time, you entrusted me with a continent destroyed by a terrible catastrophe. After much effort, we were able to restore socio-political life and law to parts of Vinland. We have a lot of work ahead of us in the surrounding areas. Therefore, I hope for your support and am confident that I can justify your trust.

The Taffer family considered the ruler’s speech sincere and convincing. Mother and son, like most of the inhabitants of Vinland, were confirmed in their desire to vote for him.

Chapter Four

Continent of Vinland, 2073, three and a half weeks before elections

It turned out to be a beautiful day, and Chris, leaving the university library, where he usually worked on weekends, decided not to resort to the air bus, but to walk, just like yesterday. He walked, looking at the huge buildings rushing into the sky, glass faces shining in the sun, and thought about the rulers of the past. This time he was replaying the events of the early 21st century in his head, trying to build a scenario in which the superpowers of that time would be able to declare a moratorium on the development of space programs. In this situation, would it have been possible to prevent that terrible catastrophe and preserve the world in its previous form?

Suddenly, drones and unmanned aerial vehicles appeared in the air. They had the shape of a flying saucer, on top of which there was a glass dome with a camera; it rotated 360 degrees and, with the first scan of the cornea, recognized a person from a database. Having identified the object, the drones flew up from different directions, emitting warning signals and, blocking a section of the street, ordered all people in this area not to move. Then the guards arrived in flying cars. By law, in such a situation, citizens of the Continent had to squat down and, with their hands behind their heads, look down. People caught in the machine’s field of vision followed the order to demonstrate obedience to the order to the drones equipped with weapons, as well as to the guards. The military had no right to use brute force or weapons against anyone who complied with these conditions.

Having landed near the sidewalk, the guards rushed towards the guy, at whom the red beams of the drone lasers were directed. Unlike the others, he was ordered to stand with his hands folded behind his head.

Coming closer, one of the guards said:

— Gustave Dreyfus, you were seen in the company of Stefan Routh, who was arrested yesterday for collaborating with the rebels. We have also received information that you are downloading prohibited literature. Therefore, I ask you to follow us to the station.

The guards said Gustave Dreyfus? But Chris only knew Gustave Dreyfus. They studied at university together! However, Chris did not dare look at the suspect. Only when he heard the young man answer that he was not guilty of anything and that all the charges against him were fabricated, did Chris finally become convinced by his voice that it was really his classmate who was being arrested. To the surprise of the other citizens who continued to squat, Taffer stood up and said with a smile:

— Forgive me, but this is some kind of misunderstanding. I know this man. Gustave and I study at university together. I assure you, he is not guilty of anything.

The drones quickly responded — two of them aimed lasers at Chris, letting the guards know who dared to disturb order. Having once again scanned the young man’s retina, they transmitted to the guards all the information about Chris and his family on the monitors built into the glasses.

Gustave looked with delight at his classmate who decided to stand up for him. The first guard quickly handcuffed the suspect and led him to one of the flying cars, while the second headed towards Chris. Having learned that the young man had the highest degree, he hid the weapon and, coming closer, asked:

“Chris Taffer, why did you disobey orders and stand up?” Don’t you know that this is strictly prohibited?

— Forgive me, but I wanted to say that I know Gustave and he is not guilty of anything. I am well aware of the Code of the Continent — I spent a long time studying the process of its writing and the biography of the authors and would not dare to break it if it were about a person unfamiliar to me.

— Chris Taffer, in the future, do not interfere with the guards in performing their duties. You have the fifth level, and you must show special responsibility so as not to lose it.

Gustave was worried about his comrade and, while the guards were pushing him into a police car, he looked at his classmate with concern. Chris took two steps back, knelt down again and put his hands behind his head. After the guard aircraft and drones disappeared from sight, the people got up and continued on their way.

Chris’s mood was ruined. Injustice happened before his eyes: the guards arrested Gustave simply because he knew one of the rebels.

Arriving home, he barely audibly greeted his mother and went to his room. It was the first time a man had been captured before his eyes, and he was still impressed. What was most striking was that the arresting guards did not bring charges, as was required by the code, based only on assumptions. Chris decided to help Gustave and go to tomorrow’s trial.

The mother called for dinner, but Chris, citing fatigue, remained in the room. Realizing the burden placed on students during final exams, Barbara decided not to insist. But when he first refused to watch the ruler’s speech, he became seriously worried.

After knocking, she walked into the room and saw Chris sitting silently, looking at one point.

— What’s happened? “Barbara decisively clicked the remote control, moving the second floating chair, and sat down next to her son. “And don’t say it’s nothing special.”

Chris was silent for some time, still looking at one point.

“I saw how Gustave Dreyfus from our university was arrested. And it was unfair! Mom, how could they seize Gustave just because they allegedly found prohibited literature on him and he was seen in the company of someone suspicious! The guards did not even allow Gustave to say a word in his defense! This is against the law, you understand!

Barbara hugged her son and he rested his head on her shoulder.

“Don’t worry,” his mother stroked Chris’s hair, just like when he was a child. Now her son is taller than her and much broader in the shoulders, but still needs his mother’s warmth, consolation and protection. And this is good, because for Barbara, Chris is still her boy, and she will help her son and protect him as much as she can. “It’s just a misunderstanding,” Barbara continued, kissing her son on the top of his head. “The authorities will definitely sort everything out, you’ll see!” Now, just before the elections, the situation is such that the government must be vigilant. But the rebels will definitely be caught, and Gustave will be released, because he is not guilty of anything.

“Mom,” Chris raised his head and looked at her seriously. — I’ll go to court tomorrow. I need to make sure that justice is served.

“Of course,” Barbara smiled.

This was all Chris: compliance with laws, citizens’ rights and justice was always important to him. As a child, unlike other children in the yard, he always cleaned up his toys without being reminded, and once, when a neighbor’s fat son started attacking a frail boy with his fists, Chris did not hesitate to rush to his defense, despite the fact that he himself was younger and weaker bullies. That’s her Chris, and she wouldn’t want any other son.

— Let’s go have dinner. “I made your favorite potato casserole,” the mother stood up decisively and patted her son’s hair. “You’ll see, everything will work out.”

Chris nodded. My mother’s words made my heart feel lighter. She’s right: this incident is just an unfortunate misunderstanding. It happens. Someone slandered Gustave, but the authorities will sort it out. If anything happens, it will be possible to testify.

The cheerful Chris followed his mother into the kitchen. There was an appetizing smell of potato casserole, the soft light was on, the smart home system, reacting to the emotional outburst, turned on soothing melodic music, and Chris finally calmed down. He shouldn’t have gotten upset. The government is acting wisely and is absolutely right to increase security measures. You can expect anything from the rebels, but Gustave will be released tomorrow. Everything will really be fine.

The next day, after class, Chris went to court. He needed to see with his own eyes how Gustave would be acquitted and justice would prevail. But despite the fact that the accusations of connections with rebels and downloading illegal literature were not confirmed, the court decided to expel Gustave from the university for meeting one of the rebels.

Chris thought about objecting during the sentencing, but found the strength to restrain himself. Before his eyes, Gustave was expelled from the university only because for many years he had been a close friend of a certain Stefan, who turned out to be a member of the resistance. This was contrary to the laws, since nowhere did it say that communication with a student under suspicion could result in expulsion.

Arriving home, Chris shared his impressions with his mother. He had heard about such situations more than once, but this was the first time this had happened before his eyes.

— Mom, I don’t understand what’s going on?! — he said, walking around the room, and even relaxing music this time was not able to have its calming effect. — Gustave was expelled from the university just because he knew one of the rebels, where is the justice? This is arbitrariness and a direct violation of the laws! How is this even possible? Professor Graves was right: you shouldn’t take everything at face value.

— Chris! “Barbara tried to catch his hand, but her son, as if not noticing her, continued to pace from corner to corner. — Just understand: there are different situations. The ruler cannot control everything, so sometimes violations occur on the ground. Please don’t worry so much! After the elections, your classmate’s case will definitely be sorted out.

After a pause, Barbara continued:

“Son, you need to study hard to do well in your final exams.” Each person should try to do his job as best as possible, and then there will be order in Vinland.

“I understand,” Chris nodded slowly. His mother always told him about personal responsibility. Of course, the ruler thinks about a lot at once and cannot keep track of all the details, but what if there are weaknesses in the system and something is not working correctly. Is it really possible to leave this to fate?

“Chris, promise you won’t do anything stupid!” — the mother resolutely turned him towards her and looked into his eyes.

“I promise,” the young man said reluctantly.

Chris promised to fulfill the request, but he was tormented by doubts. I remembered the professor’s words that absolute truth does not exist, and a person should always be in search of it, questioning and analyzing current events. It turns out that Code 282 turned out to be far from ideal, and neither was the judicial system. Chris wanted to understand his role in life, think about the future of the Continent and understand himself.

In the depths of his soul, Chris had long understood that everything in Vinland was not as prosperous as shown on the video camera, but he did not want to believe it. There were only a few weeks left before the election of the ruler of the Continent. Although Chris had stopped watching news and political programs, as Mr. Graves had once advised him, he was increasingly hearing about arrests of suspects in connection with the insurgency. Are all these people really guilty?

It was time for final exams, but the main event was the upcoming election of the head of Vinland. Everything was going smoothly until, shortly before election day, something happened that guards across the Continent had been warning about for the past few weeks. According to the main channels, the rebels, using chemical weapons, attacked one of the areas adjacent to the mainland. Dozens of people were poisoned. The ruler, wearing special clothes, immediately went to support the citizens and help eliminate the consequences of the attack. Addressing the residents of Vinland through the screens, he promised to continue the fight against the rebels to the bitter end and to prevent the threat of attack in the future. This act rallied the common people around the ruler and raised his rating to the desired 90 percent.

Arrests continued before the elections. The strangest thing is that one day Professor Graves disappeared without a trace. Chris tried to make inquiries about him, but no one really knew anything. Someone said that the professor was ill, someone insisted that he had gone on vacation, as if such a thing was even possible during exams, the boldest hinted at an arrest, and this, in Chris’s opinion, was most likely to be true. What will be next?

The fight against the rebels did not stop for a minute. The authorities continued to introduce the best agents into their ranks, but most often unsuccessfully, they were exposed. The guards needed new faces, those who could join the rebels and not arouse much suspicion. They will also help identify members of the resistance among university students. The interview took place with dozens of the best students, and one day Chris was called to the Office and offered him cooperation.

“Both the professors and the students respect you,” the man with unpleasant, prickly eyes told Chris, “why don’t you talk to your friends, ask them about what they think about the current government.” I assure you that no one will even think that you work for us.

— Are you asking me to spy?! — Chris jumped up on a hard chair with a high straight back, which seemed created specifically to make office visitors uncomfortable.

— Well, why do that? — the man smiled, but his watery-gray eyes continued to remain prickly and cold. — You know how difficult the situation is now. The rebels are ready to sacrifice the lives of thousands of people to please their ambitions. The ruler will need the help and assistance of every honest citizen of Vinland. Are you an honest citizen?

“Yes,” Chris was confused. — But I have to refuse you! This contradicts my life principles. I do not want and will not spy.

“Don’t rush,” the man with prickly eyes looked down at the screen of the tablet lying in front of him. — You have brilliant opportunities. You can build a dizzying career. Of course, if you establish yourself as a reliable and loyal citizen. Don’t rush to answer — you still have time to think. Make your decision very carefully.

Leaving the office, Chris had only one thing on his mind: he needed to pass his final exams and leave. The time has come to leave the capital. He does not need any career if it is built on lies and injustice. It’s better to go to one of the infected areas, for example Attica, immediately after the exams. All he wanted was to remain true to himself and do his job well.

* * *

— Well? — Holofernes looked hard at the visitor. — Elections are next Wednesday, and I have just one question for you: where is the list? Why can’t you find it?

The middle-aged man who appeared on the carpet shifted awkwardly from foot to foot and looked so guilty that, in general, no explanation was required.

“We searched everything thoroughly.” Our best people are working on this matter…” he muttered. — We already…

But the Supreme Guardian raised his hand, interrupting the flow of speech.

“You’ve already made a mistake, you’ve overdone it with the old man, and now he won’t tell you anything.” The list can be anywhere. What if the old man passed this information on to someone underground?

— This is impossible! Moreover, the rebels would have already used it! — the visitor looked ingratiatingly into the eyes of the owner of the office. “I promise you, High Guardian, we will sort everything out.”

“Of course,” he grinned. “You always sort things out.” Yes, the move with the chemical attack was not bad at all, but now that we have won the sympathy of the majority, the stakes have risen. The elections must take place without the slightest incident. If this damn list pops up anywhere, heads will roll. And you know whose heads will suffer first.

The visitor hunched over. It seems that now he wanted to hide on the floor and become as inconspicuous as possible. Perhaps disappear into thin air. Anything.

— Go and prepare very carefully for your next visit. “I don’t like bad news,” said Holofernes. He was burning with anger. Idiots! Honestly, idiots! We went too far with the professor — and here we are. How now to make a report to the ruler, who, of course, will ask what’s going on with this damn list.

It seems that the problem has ceased to be small and has acquired alarming proportions.

* * *

As planned, elections in Vinland took place on the 27th anniversary of the founding of the Continent. Each citizen had an identification number; After confirming it and undergoing a corneal scan, he could vote. This was done to ensure that the elections were held openly and opponents were not able to accuse the ruling regime of falsifying the voting results.

The predictions were confirmed: Demian Roskhald won with 87 percent of the votes, and two other candidates split the remaining thirteen. After a special commission headed by Kronos found no gross violations in the electoral process, Demian Roskhald received another mandate from the board. A new Senate was formed, where the number of supporters of the ruler increased.

In his address, the newly elected head of the Continent thanked everyone who expressed confidence in him and promised to continue to work hard.

Late at night, the master and his associates Bernard and Holofernes gathered in the same office. Having accepted the congratulations, the ruler hugged everyone and asked them to take their seats. After sharing his impressions of the past elections, the master spoke about plans for the near future: to allocate part of the budget funds to space programs. He asked the Minister of Information to prepare the people for this, and the Minister of Defense to build a secret facility to create the first satellite of the new era, which would be code-named “Prometheus”.

Chapter Five

Continent of Vinland, 2076, three years after the election

The three years that Chris spent in Attica flew by. It would seem that very little time has passed, but he has changed. Having escaped from the closed world of the university and the prosperous capital, Chris was faced with a life that he had never imagined before. He took off the rose-colored glasses in which he spent most of his youth, and became even more convinced that not everything on the Continent is as good as the head of the Continent and his like-minded people want to imagine. In Attica, Chris Taffer met volunteers — honest and selfless people working tirelessly to eliminate the consequences of the disaster in remote areas of the Continent and give their descendants a prosperous Vinland. Chris especially valued his acquaintance with Henry Hawk, who, as it turned out later, along with the head of the region, Anatoly Kramer, compiled the Code of the Continent. Chris also worked a lot in the contaminated territories, and simple, understandable work brought him joy, especially since the people around him turned out to be good and reliable. However, he soon could not help but notice that the situation in Attica was rapidly deteriorating. The repressions of the guards also reached those parts. Chris realized that he would not be of much use here and must go to the capital to put an end to the injustices.

Immediately upon arrival in the capital, Chris headed home.

— How you have changed! He has matured! Tanned! “Barbara alternately hugged her son and then pulled away to take a good look at him. — He’s become quite an adult!.. Oh, why are we standing there? Come quickly! I prepared a festive dinner.

Entering his room, Chris stopped. For a moment, blinded by the bright light pouring from the window, the young man thought that he was in a completely unfamiliar place. But no, the room remained the same — with a holographic projection of the starry sky on the ceiling, floating chairs made in the shape of shells, a narrow bed, and a table at which he spent so much time. Even his favorite fluffy blanket with the Apollo’s Arrows logo was still lying on the armrest of his chair. The room remained the same — he himself changed.

Chris, out of habit, touched the scar on his chin and shook his head. Mom is waiting, which means we need to hurry.

When Chris, having rested a little, changed his clothes and went out into the living room, the Sunday show “Apollo’s Arrow” was broadcast on the video visor.

Barbara, as before, baked an apple pie for the holiday dinner and invited her son to the table. The show was in full swing and Rick Fleming’s favorite team was still winning.

— Well, tell me! — Barbara poured aromatic soup into a plate. It seems that for real homemade soup, which only his mother knew how to make, Chris was ready to give a lot.

While the show was on, he shared with his mother his impressions of the time spent in Attica and his views on the future of Vinland.

— You speak out very boldly, son! — Listening to Chris, Barbara shook her head. “We shouldn’t condemn the guards’ desire to put an end to the rebels at any cost.” In the fight against these robbers, all means are good. According to the latest opinion polls, the people support their leader. Everyone knows that he helped restore the Continent after the terrible disaster of 2046 and is fighting the rebels! Don’t you want to join them? — She looked at her son with concern.

“Of course not,” Chris snapped and, in fairness, added: “I don’t want to cooperate with either the authorities or the rebels.” Both of them resort to violence, and this is contrary to my principles. I decided to confront injustice with my own methods.

Chris was convinced that he could change the situation by bringing information to the Supreme Ruler, who bore the name of the powerful god of antiquity, Kronos. This supreme ruler, trained after the disaster of 2046, Artificial Intelligence, also acted as the guardian of the “Code 282”, replacing the constitution, and even the head of Vinland, Demian Roskhald, had to obey his decrees. To gain access to the tower of the main center of Artificial Intelligence, Chris carefully prepared for the exam that each applicant had to pass, and also refreshed his knowledge of all laws. Chris understood that the selection there was harsh, but despite this, he was determined to overcome all the tests and awaken Kronos, the main guarantor of justice.

Barbara was excited about her son’s plans and, fearing for his future, decided to warn:

— Chris, what are you up to? Guards and their agents are on duty there around the clock. If anyone notices something is wrong, you will be immediately captured and declared a conspirator! Now that the fight against the insurgency has entered a decisive stage, the government has tightened control.

“I will take your concerns into account and promise that I will act carefully,” Chris reassured his mother, putting down the spoon. “But this can’t go on any longer.” Understand, I am tired of injustice and will do everything to ensure that power passes to Kronos. It was not in vain that I studied history, and now I have devoted a lot of time to analyzing the real situation on the Continent and talking with people. I see where this is going. The ruler was already practically out of control of the Senate, gradually turning it into a tool for approving his initiatives. After winning the last elections, his power was significantly strengthened. Unfortunately, people do not learn from the mistakes of history, and again and again we return to a situation where another ruler has usurped power.

“Chris, something has changed in you. You started talking like these rebel bandits! — Barbara covered her face with a towel out of excitement.

— No, I consider their methods of struggle unacceptable. There is not much difference between the ruler and the rebels. The first seeks to maintain power, while the others seize it. My goal is to return the control of Vinland to the control of the AI, the fair Kronos, to awaken him by telling him about the ruler’s desire to monopolize power.

After thinking for a moment, Chris continued:

— In Attica we talked for a long time about the fate of Vinland. Do you know that people of all different views go there? In the evenings, after a hard day’s work, we gathered around the fire and thought about the future of the Continent. I was able to meet many interesting people, but I became especially close to Henry. Maybe you’ve heard of him? Henry Hawk. He was one of the drafters of Code 282.

“Maybe I heard it, I don’t remember now,” having received confirmation that her son was not going to take the dangerous path, Barbara calmed down a little.

— After the election of Mr. Roskhald, Henry helped him make the necessary amendments to the laws through the Senate to correct the shortcomings of the hastily drawn up Code 282, not expecting that it would take such a scale. Now he is critical of the authorities and Mr. Roskhald himself and has left for Attica to be away from everything that is happening. Henry said that he regularly publishes articles under a pseudonym on pirate sites, trying to awaken people’s consciousness, but cannot boast of significant success. His example showed that you cannot influence the authorities from afar — they will not hear you. To achieve something, you need to act from within. I do not share his views on the violent overthrow of the regime, but he taught me a lot, and his book became my instructions for building a new, free society.

“I don’t understand, why do you need unnecessary trouble?” In addition, the selection of applicants for the Tower of Kronos is very strict.

“I prepared for this and I think there won’t be any special problems.” Henry taught me many laws. I also researched the security system itself, its advantages and vulnerabilities, so I can pass the selection without much effort. The main thing is that the dossier does not let you down. Do you remember that time when I tried to stand up for a classmate?

“I think everyone has forgotten about this.” I’m afraid, Chris. If you are suspected of trying to somehow influence the decisions of the AI or awaken it, then you shudder to think what the guards will accuse you of.

“I want to help restore legitimate power on the Continent.” I don’t see any other way. And right now, before power is completely in the hands of the ruler, this is especially important!

The mother did not dissuade her son, giving him the opportunity to get to the truth himself. Then Chris, remembering the paper parcel on the table, asked who it was from. Having learned that a certain young man had delivered him almost immediately after Chris left for Attica, the young man thought that the books that he had given to one of his classmates to read before exams had been returned to him. Having apologized, he got up from the table and headed into the room. Opening the package, Chris saw four books that he asked the professor to read, but the very book about the creation of the first cryptocurrency Bitcoin, “The Age of Blockchain, or Belshazzar’s Feast,” was not among them. He carefully took the volumes out of the bundle, placed them on the shelf, and then returned to his mother.

— This is from Mr. Graves. He probably sent it before he was detained,” Chris said.

“Maybe we should return them or throw them away so as not to incur the wrath of the guards?”

— There is no prohibited literature there. Only history books.

“This professor is nothing but trouble, it was after his arrest that you decided to leave the capital!” You probably read that he was captured for his connection with the rebels? There were rumors that he could not stand the torture and died, and they also said that he managed to escape from custody, but, as it turned out, this was disinformation from the rebels. And recently it became known that Mr. Graves was released. One of my colleagues living next door said that the lights started to come on in his apartment in the evenings. Apparently, he has returned to his place and, perhaps, will soon be reinstated at the university.

When Chris heard about the professor’s release, he was happy:

— This is wonderful news! This means that the guards did not find any evidence of Mr. Graves’s involvement in the rebels and were forced to acquit him. I need to visit the professor to inquire about his health and return the books after I read them.

Chris and his mother watched until the end of the show, and then the speech of the ruler, who continued to talk about improving the lives of ordinary citizens, justice and the supremacy of the Code. Now Chris perceived Mr. Roskhald’s words in a completely different way: they were addressed to the citizens of Vinland, who must comply with the laws prescribed in the code, and the ruler and his entourage were not going to follow them and lived according to their own.

* * *

Chris passed the exams without any problems and passed the interview at the AI tower. He was admitted to the thirty-first floor, where the selection was especially strict, since it was there that Kronos was in a special room. Chris’s job responsibilities were to monitor gross violations of AI laws on the Continent, as well as protect Kronos from rebel hacker attacks. He liked this work, and the prospect of putting the plan into action gave him additional strength.

He patiently waited for the right moment to make his way to Kronos and tell him about the injustices that were happening in Vinland. Chris was going to notify the Wise One that the ruler regularly violates the laws of the Continent and, having secured the support of a majority in the Senate, makes the necessary amendments to the Code and finances military programs. But in order not to attract the attention of his colleagues and guards on duty in the tower, at first Chris decided to postpone his plans and for now carry out his direct duties as best as possible. During the day he worked, and at night he continued to study the basic laws prescribed in Kronos, and thought about how they could be used to limit the powers of the ruler. In the evenings, Chris went to a specially built building for employees next to the tower — in case of an alarm, specialists could quickly return to their places. During the first two months of his service, Chris managed to gain the trust of his colleagues and meet interesting people, but he did not initiate any of them into his plans.

The AI Tower was located in the central square of the capital, in close proximity to the towers of the Ministry of Information and the Ministry of Guardians. These towers had forty floors and were decorated with crowns, together making up a triad, which was popularly called the “Three Crowns”.

During his third month in the tower, Chris was confirmed to have high level access allowing him to continue working on the thirty-first floor. He decided to share the good news with his mother and went home over the weekend.

Barbara was glad to meet her son. They talked for a long time about his work and what was happening on the Continent. After lunch, Chris went to Mr. Graves to inquire about his health and return the books.

Taking the package, Chris headed to the professor’s house. Mr. Graves’s apartment was on the fourth floor. Surprisingly, an elderly woman opened the door. They greeted each other, and the guest introduced himself:

— My name is Chris Taffer. Is Mr. Graves at home?

— There is no professor. I’m his housekeeper, Mrs. Oliver. Should I give him something?

“What a pity,” Chris said barely audibly. — Mr. Graves was my professor at the university. I wanted to inquire about his well-being after everything that happened and return the books.

Looking at the package, the housekeeper kindly said:

— Mr. Graves went to the country to visit his daughter. After all these events, he prefers to spend more time with her. From the first day we believed in the professor’s innocence, and recently he was acquitted. But the time spent in captivity affected his health, and he changed a lot. Now it is no longer easy to recognize him as the former professor.

The clicking of heels was heard from the top floor, and a woman’s voice sounded behind Chris:

— Hello, Mrs. Oliver! The elevator is broken again, so we have to go down the stairs.

Chris turned. The girl’s face seemed familiar, but he couldn’t remember where it came from. She looked to be about twenty-five years old. Chris’s thoughts were interrupted by the housekeeper, who entered into a dialogue:

— This elevator is long overdue for replacement, but no one responds to our complaints.

“But this also has its advantages: you can meet your neighbors more often,” the girl smiled in response.

Wishing her a good day, Mrs. Oliver said goodbye to her neighbor and looked back at Chris. The young man was saddened by the news about the professor’s poor health and, sighing with regret, was about to say goodbye.

“Say your name and digital ID again,” the housekeeper asked. “I’ll tell Mr. Graves you stopped by, and he or his daughter will be sure to contact you.”

— Chris Taffer. Here’s my digital ID.

— If you want, you can leave the package and I will give it to the professor.

After thinking for a moment, Chris replied:

— I have the weekend ahead and I would like to re-read some of the books. Let me know when Mr. Graves returns, I will visit him again and give him everything myself.

Chris was upset that he was unable to meet with the professor, and decided to take a walk through the well-known places where he spent his childhood and youth. He spent the weekend at home with his mother and books, and on Monday he went to work.

* * *

On Monday, Chris was contacted by the professor’s daughter. She introduced herself as Minerva and said that Mr. Graves was delighted when he heard about the former student’s visit, and would like to meet tomorrow at the Leonard Cafe on Trotsky Avenue.

The next day, taking with him a bundle of books, Chris went to the Leonard cafe. From the panoramic windows one could watch people passing by and look at recently erected buildings. In the middle of the street stood a monument on a pedestal in honor of Trotsky, a famous revolutionary of the past. After the disaster, the new government wanted to focus on the social development of the continent, blurring the boundaries between rich and poor. That is why in Vinland there were so many names of streets and squares in honor of the leaders of the proletariat from different continents — great revolutionaries who wanted to make the world of the past more just. At the agreed time, a pretty girl approached the table where Chris was sitting.

— I’m Minerva. Can I sit down?

— Certainly! — Chris pulled up a chair and looked around in search of the professor.

“Father described exactly what you look like, so it wasn’t difficult to find you in the cafe,” the girl said, turning her gaze towards the guy. Chris couldn’t help noticing that the professor’s daughter looked slightly vulgar because of her short skirt and too deep neckline for this time of day. The professor himself was nowhere to be found, and Chris asked with annoyance:

“Didn’t Mr. Graves come with you?”

“He was going to, but in the morning he felt bad, and the doctors recommended bed rest. I didn’t want to leave my father alone, but he insisted that I go to meet you.

“It’s a pity that the professor couldn’t come.” How is he feeling? — Chris asked.

Looking around, the girl said indignantly, but barely audibly:

“You know what methods these executioners use to extract a confession!” After their father spent two and a half years under torture and interrogation, his health rapidly deteriorated. As soon as he was acquitted, I visited my father every day in the apartment, and then took him to the countryside, closer to the hospital, he is gradually recovering.

They ordered coffee, and the waiter brought it in the old fashioned way, and there was a certain charm about it. Chris did not like modern ordering systems, when selection is made remotely, and food and drinks are served to the table using a conveyor belt or a robot waiter.

— Why did the guards seize the professor? How did it all happen? Chris asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

The cozy atmosphere of the cafe: bouquets of fresh flowers on every table, real curtains, like in pictures in old books, and even antique furniture made of dark wood, all this took you back to distant times and created a feeling of reliability, stability, and peace. It is not surprising that the professor loved to spend time here after long lectures.

“This is a very complicated story,” the girl sighed and straightened her hair with a fleeting movement. — According to the official version, several of his students went over to the side of the rebels. The guards forced him to confess to recruiting these students and creating a resistance cell under the roof of the university. But even now, the father continues to claim that the main goal of the authorities was to get some information, some kind of list that he kept for a special occasion. “Looking around again, the girl quietly added: “No matter how much the guards intimidated my father, threatening him with a death sentence, they never managed to get a confession.” Unable to prove anything, they were forced to release him.

Chris thought for a moment, then clarified:

“So Mr. Graves was a member of the resistance all this time?”

— Yes, from the very first day! — the girl said with delight.

Her revelations surprised Chris. He was about to clarify what prompted the professor to side with the rebels, but the girl continued:

“We are ready to do anything to overthrow the government!” With your help, we will put an end to injustice and be victorious in this fight. “Chris was confused and didn’t understand what he was talking about. Looking around once again, the girl continued enthusiastically: “Father was incredibly happy when the housekeeper announced your visit.” He said that now is the crucial time for our struggle and once you hand over the list, we will finally overthrow the head of the Continent. The ruler cannot be allowed to monopolize power by pushing Kronos away from control over the decisions he makes.

Chris couldn’t understand what list the girl was talking about, since this topic had never been touched upon in conversations with Mr. Graves, and just in case he decided to clarify:

— What list are we talking about?

— With the names of the rebels. With your help, we will alert key members of the resistance on the Continent and start an uprising. Father said that the list is kept with you. “After a pause, the girl continued: “All these years, the government has been deceiving the people, and therefore Mr. Roskhald manages to remain at the head of the Continent, but now his power will come to an end!”

Chris tried to remember if he had actually received anything unusual from the professor’s hands, and said:

— I don’t have any list.

— How is it not? — the girl was indignant. “Did your father give you anything before your arrest?”

— Some books. But I didn’t find anything similar there. The data may be stored by another student.

Trying to hide her indignation, the girl, pointing to the package that Chris had brought with him, asked sharply:

— Is this for father?

Not understanding the girl’s behavior, Chris calmly replied:

— Yes. I wanted to present these books in person, but Mr. Graves, unfortunately, did not come. Please give them to the professor.

The girl looked carefully at the package. Chris was about to say that he couldn’t find Mr. Graves’s book, The Age of Blockchain, or Belshazzar’s Feast, in stores, but he noticed that her focus had shifted. She suddenly fell silent, turning to the window of the coffee shop. After a short pause, the girl turned back to Chris, a smile appeared on her face, and in a kind voice Minerva said:

“Chris, your father spoke very highly of you, and so I am glad to announce that the main battle is approaching.” Demian Roskhald’s days as leader of the Continent are numbered, but we need loyal men to put an end to his rule. Do you want to continue your father’s work and join the ranks of the rebels?

After looking carefully at the girl, Chris answered sincerely:

“Whether the professor told you or not, I do not accept the rebels’ methods of fighting.” You are trying to violently overthrow the government, inciting government violence in response. Ordinary residents of Vinland suffer from this.

Without reacting, the girl turned her gaze to the clock, which suddenly began to blink, notifying her of an incoming message. After reading it, she said:

— The doctor wrote that my father’s health has improved and he is ready to see you. Now you can personally hand over the books to him. My car is parked next to the cafe.

Chris was happy about this news and, having paid, went to the meeting.

Arriving at the country house where Minerva said Mr. Graves was, they drove into the garage. The automatic gates closed, and the girl, turning off the ignition, offered to go inside. Chris got out of the car, but before he even had time to look around, he felt a sting in his back and lost consciousness.

Having come to his senses, Chris could not understand where he was. He was lying on the sofa in an unfamiliar, half-empty room. Some voices were heard, but under the influence of the injected drug he could not make out the words. Opening his eyes slightly, Taffer saw a long chandelier. A few meters from the sofa there was a table covered with a transparent tablecloth, at which sat two middle-aged men and the same girl who introduced herself as the professor’s daughter.

Gradually regaining consciousness, Chris began to hear their conversation more clearly. Squinting his eyes with difficulty, he saw one of the men carefully scanning books from a bundle with a special device. The second one was angry with the girl. He stood up and, pacing back and forth across the room, said irritably:

— How many times do I have to tell you — don’t rush! Why do you move so quickly from topic to topic without giving the subject a chance to speak? Weren’t you taught in special training courses that the first thing you need to do is to lull the vigilance of your interlocutor, to win him over? If you had done everything as expected, the guy could have agreed to cooperate with the rebels, and we would have had the opportunity to blackmail him and infiltrate him into the underground.

“I tried to be nice to him, but realizing that he was not the one we were looking for, I almost lost it,” the girl answered guiltily.

“It’s not for you to decide whether this object is the right one or not!” You must strictly follow the instructions you received before the meeting,” he continued.

“I’m terribly tired of the constant complaints from you!” At a meeting at headquarters, I asked several times not to be involved in such tasks. I did an internship on seducing and recruiting rebels through intimate services, and you know very well how much useful information I obtained, how many actions were prevented! But what you are making me do now is completely different!

After these words, the man moderated his ardor and said calmly:

“For missions like this, we usually choose Guardian Aphrodite, but now she’s working with another suspect.” We did a pre-briefing and you had an earpiece. All you had to do was follow the instructions.

“Isn’t it clear that he has nothing to do with the rebels?” He is level five. At the slightest suspicion he would have been captured long ago. I assure you, he didn’t even understand what we were talking about when I started talking about the list. Review the recording of our meeting to make sure.

“We will interrogate everyone who may be in any way connected with the resistance.” According to the instructions, we should test him with a lie detector as soon as the truth serum starts working.

Throwing aside the last book from the bundle, the second guard said with annoyance:

— There is nothing suspicious here. Maybe we’re looking in the wrong place? — he asked his colleague, who continued to rush around the room.

“We have accurate information that the list was kept by the professor, since he was the link between the rebel cells on the Continent. There is now activity in resistance groups, and this may be due to preparations for large-scale sabotage. We need to be the first to find the list at all costs.

Suddenly the bracelet on the hand of the first guard rang. Looking at him, the guard ordered, adjusting the detector:

— Bring the detainee here, the truth serum has begun to take effect. Now he will tell you everything he knows and doesn’t know.

The second guard picked up the confused young man, sat him on a chair and began to put the instruments on the interrogated man. After everything was ready, the jailers began the interrogation. The detector confirmed the veracity of Chris’s words: he had heard about the list for the first time and really did not want to cooperate with the rebels.

It seems that the guards were rather upset by this development. When Chris came to his senses and the serum had lost its strength, they brought him a cup of strong coffee to cheer him up:

“I apologize for this misunderstanding,” muttered the first of the guards. “As a decent citizen, you yourself understand that increased vigilance is now required. We were informed about a large-scale sabotage planned by the rebels, similar to the one that took place several years ago. You understand that our task is to protect the citizens of the Continent by any means.

“I understand,” Chris drank his coffee, rubbed the scar on his chin and slowly rose from his chair. My head was still spinning.

— You can take these books, but you, Chris Taffer, will have an urgent request. If someone suspicious tries to contact you, you will notify us immediately. Here, take this,” the guard handed Chris an old-style pen.

— What is this? — the young man was surprised.

— Press this button, if the rebels come to you, it will give us a signal. Now you need to be prepared for any surprise! — the guard said pathetically.

Chris couldn’t help but grin. A pen with a surprise? It looks like it’s from some old, old spy movie.

— Without a doubt! I promise that I will be vigilant and will remain guardian of the interests of the citizens of the Continent and justice,” Chris said, looking into the eyes of the investigator.

Staggering slightly, the young man went out into the street. An air taxi was already waiting for him 20 meters from the house. Approaching the unmanned aerial vehicle, he delightedly exposed his face to the fresh wind, which immediately ruffled his hair. The events of this day showed in the best possible way that the guards indiscriminately violate the rights of the citizens of Vinland and all the requirements of the Code, under the guise of fighting the rebels. Is this what the founding fathers of the Continent wanted? This cannot continue, this must end, Chris thought as he climbed into the air taxi above the house where he was illegally interrogated. He received further evidence of the guards’ violation of Code 282 and realized that he had chosen the right path.

Chapter Six

Continent of Vinland, 2077

Chris returned to work, and everything, as before, went as usual. On the weekend, he decided to go home for a change of scenery and forget about what happened. Taffer did not let his mother in on all the events and spent most of the time in the room, thinking about the future of Vinland, the fate of Mr. Graves and the list about which he was interrogated. Chris had a lot of questions to which there were no clear answers. He decided to take advantage of his position and ask these questions to Artificial Intelligence at the first opportunity.

One day, when there was no one in the office except him, Chris went to the Wise One.

Kronos was in a large open hall with columns, reminiscent of an ancient temple, and sat on a raised platform under a small shell-shaped canopy, like a god dressed in a snow-white toga. A huge city lay at his feet, and, looking at this picture, everyone who arrived at Kronos felt delight and surprise at the power and beauty of this spectacle. At the same time, Kronos did not suppress; on the contrary, he felt kindness and wisdom, a desire to listen and understand.

Approaching the steps leading to the dais, Chris hesitated. He didn’t know where to start the conversation, and watched as the king, sparkling with multi-colored light bulbs, sat on the throne, making countless calculations within himself and watching the city from above. The architect gave him this position. Kronos was constrained in his movements, but when he heard Chris’s breathing, he turned around, scanned his cornea and asked:

“Why are you so puzzled, Chris Taffer?”

Hearing the voice of the Wise One, Chris froze. He knew that Kronos would certainly identify him, since all Vinland’s computers had a hierarchical structure, and information would eventually flow here, but he was still confused. In addition, Kronos had direct access to the databases of eye corneas kept by the guards, which allowed him to easily identify who was standing in front of him.

After a pause, the AI continued:

— What brings you to this room?

— Supreme Ruler Kronos, I am confused because I can’t find an answer to one question.

— Does this question concern you personally or is it of global significance?

“It concerns me personally, but it may have an impact on the political structure of the Continent.

After a short pause, the Wise One asked another question:

— You have to make a choice and don’t know whether it will be right?

— Yes.

— What does this choice concern?

— The future of Vinland. I’m worried about where the Continent will end up under Demian Roskhald’s rule. What’s next for Vinland?

Kronos’s eyes changed color, as they did while the thought process was going on. In a matter of seconds, having analyzed all the political regimes of the past and compared them with the current situation, he calmly said:

— If everything is left as it is, then totalitarianism will reign on the Continent.

— Supreme Ruler Kronos, why are you talking about this so calmly?

“I only monitor the implementation of the Code, and what future awaits Vinland is decided by the ruler and senators elected by the people.” If the citizens of the Continent are happy with everything and there are no mass unrest, then I must accept their choice, whether I like it or not.

Chris was tormented by other questions, but when he heard footsteps, he realized that his colleague was returning to his workplace, and it was time to end the conversation. Thanking Kronos, he hurried to his computer.

* * *

Throughout the night shift, Chris thought about the conclusion made by the Wise One. Exactly at nine in the morning, when another shift took over at the AI control panels, he, as usual, went into the cafe on the ground floor of the building. Chris loved to spend time there, reflect on what was happening on the Continent, and then go on vacation. That morning, he was also sitting by the window, drinking coffee and thinking about life, when suddenly his attention was drawn to a book that looked out of the bag of a girl passing by — “The Age of Blockchain, or Belshazzar’s Feast,” which Mr. Graves was working on. Running out of the cafe, Chris caught up with the girl.

— I’m sorry! Tell me, how did you get this book?

When the girl turned around, her face seemed familiar to Chris. After thinking a little, he remembered that he had seen her several times in the ministry cafeteria, as well as on the day when he visited the professor’s apartment.

“Excuse me, were you the one coming down the stairs when I was talking to Mr. Graves’s housekeeper?”

“Yes, you’re right,” the girl smiled, and Chris realized that she was very pretty. Medium height, slender, with shoulder-length dark hair. Particularly beautiful were her brown, sparkling eyes and the dimples on her cheeks that appeared from her especially radiant smile.

“Chris Taffer,” the young man introduced himself.

“My name is Lucia,” said the girl.

“I happened to see Professor Graves’s book in your place and wanted to know how you got it.”

— Are you talking about this book? — The girl took a bound edition out of her bag. Carefully holding it in her hands, she shared: “This book is not sold in stores.” The owner of one shop, a good friend of mine, gave it to me to read for a while. Why did she interest you so much?

— I am a historian in my first specialty; I completed my studies at the university in the department of the author of this very book. Where did you study?

— Far from these places. I came here several years ago to work at the Ministry of Information.

— Please tell me the address of this bookstore! I need to find out from the dealer how the book, banned after Mr. Graves’ arrest, came into his possession. Perhaps he can tell about the health and whereabouts of the professor.

Seeing his sincerity and concern for the fate of Mr. Graves, the girl looked at Chris more carefully:

— Do you know that many bookstores operate underground, and not everyone can get into them? Since it’s so important, I can take you there after work today.

“Wonderful,” Chris agreed. “I’m free this evening.”

— Then let’s go at 20:00 on Marx Avenue, near the fountain.

— OK see you later!

“See you later,” the girl said and, returning the book to her wicker bag, continued on her way.

After getting some sleep after the night shift, Chris went to the specified address. The girl was gone for a long time. At 20:30 he was about to return to his place, but saw a familiar silhouette in the distance.

“Sorry for being late, I had to stay late,” said Lucia, approaching him. Her hair was slightly disheveled, a slight blush appeared on her cheeks, and the freckles that strewn her pale skin became even brighter.

“I was about to leave, deciding that your plans had changed, but suddenly you appeared at the last moment, one might say, out of nowhere,” Chris looked at Lucia with interest. Still, I wonder who she is. Perhaps an agent provocateur, like the girl who came to the cafe and tried to find out information about some list. But I didn’t want to believe it. His new friend seemed surprisingly sincere and fragile, as if she was not from this world.

Looking at her watch, the girl said:

— While it’s not too late, we can look into the bookstore. It is located in Luz.

Hearing the name of the thirteenth region of the Continent, Chris thought about refusing, but the desire to find out at least something about the fate of Mr. Graves gave him determination. At this time the girl continued:

“We’ll go there in my flying machine, it’s parked two blocks from here.”

Is he invited to Luz? Yes, it looks like a new check. Well, there’s nothing to be afraid of. It is impossible to blame him for anything. It’s worth taking a walk and seeing what Lucia wants from him.

— With pleasure. “I just didn’t know how to spend this evening,” Chris smiled.

Lucia’s aircraft was parked among others in the parking lot. It was a small supersonic plane that could fit two people in the cabin, quite standard, as Chris noted. Taffer noted with surprise that Lucia did not have a feminine, uncertain style of control; on the contrary, all the actions of his new acquaintance were clear and precise, and she drove herself, without resorting to the services of an autopilot.

Thirty minutes later, Chris and Lucia arrived in Luz. The citizens of this region did not want to obey Kronos, for which they were deprived of the right to vote and other preferences enjoyed by residents of the other twelve regions. Luz, by agreement with the first ruler of Vinland, recognized himself as part of the Continent and made monthly contributions to the treasury, but at the same time continued to live by his Code. They also managed to ensure that guards, military robots and even drones could not cross the border of the thirteenth region without special permission from the Senate. It was like a state within a state, living according to its own laws, but not enjoying general rights.

After walking several streets, the young people came to a dilapidated building. The girl knocked three times and an elderly man opened the door. Walking inside, Chris saw shelves filled with paper publications. He was delighted because on the Continent, books were mostly distributed electronically so that their contents could be easily controlled.

Taking Lucia aside, the man asked in a whisper so that Chris could not hear:

— Is he one of us?

— No.

“Why did you bring him here then?”

— We need his help. Steve wants to talk to him.

“Maybe he’s connected to the guards!”

— We checked, there was no surveillance of him.

Without taking her eyes off Chris, who was leafing through books of ancient Greek thinkers, she added:

— Please prepare the room. Steve, Cheng and Nigel will arrive soon.

The man went to carry out an errand, and at that time the girl approached Chris, who was already standing at another shelf.

“You won’t find such rare books even in the university library!” But my mother showed me the funds! — the young man said with admiration. The yellowed paper of the edition of bygone times smelled of dust and, barely perceptibly, of expensive tobacco. Whose fingers touched her once? Who left this small scratch on a perfectly preserved binding? This book had its own story, and Chris wanted to know it.

“Mr. Anand carefully kept them all this time,” the girl tenderly ran her hand along the spines of the books lined up on the shelf. “He is opposed to edited publications presented electronically on the Continent, and wants to convey reliable information to future generations. There is not only a bookstore, but also a library where you can borrow real paper books. The next shelf displays a collection of books published in the 19th century.

“Do you know anything about Mr. Graves?” — Chris regretfully returned the book to its place.

“There has been no news about the professor since his arrest,” Lucia shook her head, and sadness surged in her speckled brown eyes.

Chris was surprised by the girl’s answer.

— Where does this information come from?

— He’s my father. I arrived in the capital to find him.

Just as he thought. Another daughter and another test. Now, for sure, they will ask him about the list and cooperation with the resistance. Still, it’s a pity that the story ended so anally. He was beginning to like Lucia, she wanted so much to believe him. Well, obviously you shouldn’t delay it. He must show that he is a good citizen, if only in order not to fail his mission in the AI tower. Chris was about to press the button on the pen given by those interrogating him last time and call the guards, but the girl noticed his movement and quickly said:

— Please don’t do this! I am indeed Professor Graves’ daughter. My full name is Minerva-Lucia Carter.

Chris paused. Of course, her words mean nothing — and the first provocateur called herself Minerva.

“Maybe my father was talking about me.” I was raised by my grandmother far from the capital and took my mother’s surname as a child.

Minerva showed a photograph from her childhood archives, where she stood next to the professor, and then a video from one of her birthdays to convince Chris of the truth of her words, and then continued:

“Having learned that the guards had captured my father, I arrived here and joined the ranks of the resistance.

“You’re the second professor’s daughter I’ve met in a week,” Chris shook his head. “If you don’t show me Mr. Graves, who will confirm these words, I will leave.”

The girl put a magnetic key and the book “The Age of Blockchain, or Belshazzar’s Feast” on the table and, pointing to the door, calmly said:

“Since the day of my father’s arrest, none of the rebels have seen him.” Some think that he is still in the hands of the guards, others that he has escaped and is hiding, and still others claim that he has been dead for a long time. That’s all I know. You can go. Use the key and you’re free.

Taking the key and book in his hands, Chris was about to leave the store, but something stopped him. The girl continued with sadness in her voice:

“The guards said they released my father, but there is no confirmation of this, he did not contact anyone. We think all the pardon talk is part of a plan being played out by the guards to find out about the list and identify resistance agents. We wouldn’t involve you, but we simply have no other choice. Steve, Cheng and Nigel will arrive now, they would like to talk to you. — Taking out the tablet and sorting through the folders in search of the desired file, the girl continued: — We have been collecting information about you from the moment you came to your father’s apartment. We know about your service in the AI tower, that you live close to work and go home to the north of the capital once a month. When you came to your father’s house, it immediately became known to government investigators. That housekeeper immediately passes on all the information about visitors to the guards, so, alas, it was not possible to get to you before the interrogators. Having learned that you were inquiring about your father’s health, they sent their agent to you. “Handing out a tablet with a photo of the guards and that girl agent arresting a group of rebels, Minerva asked: “Was that her?”

— Yes.

There was a knock. Mr. Anand opened the door and three people entered the bookshop. One of them, the tallest and broad-shouldered, hugged Minerva and, looking disdainfully at Chris, asked:

— Lucia, why did you bring him here?

“Steve gave permission, Nigel,” the girl slipped out of his arms and took a step back.

And Chris looked at those who entered and thought: is this really a member of the underground that they talk so much about? Are these the same villains who do not hesitate to endanger the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of the people of the Continent? Or was it all a lie too?

“I’m Steve Farlow,” a short man with a stern face stepped forward, perhaps the most homely of the trio, but from the way his comrades behaved with him, it became obvious that he was in charge here. “This is Nigel,” Steve nodded at the broad-shouldered man hugging Minerva, “and this is Cheng.” Chris, we have heard of you as an honest and reasonable person. Can we count on your integrity?

“I’m not ready to make any promises without understanding what we’re talking about,” Chris frowned and stepped back from the bookshelf.

“You are completely free,” Steve took a step, clearing the passage. — You can leave right now. Or stay to hear what we have to say.

Chris hesitated for a second, but nodded, confirming his agreement to stay.

Steve led the guests into a small office where there was a rather shabby table surrounded by uncomfortable old-style chairs.

When everyone was seated, Steve spoke:

“Minerva said that you knew Mr. Graves and even visited the professor’s apartment.”

— Yes, he was my teacher at the university.

The man was about to ask a second question, but Chris interrupted:

— What do you want from me?

Minerva, looking carefully at the guest, replied:

— We need a list.

— I don’t understand what list you are talking about. You are not the first to be interested in it, but I sincerely don’t understand what all the fuss is about.

Minerva looked at Steve and, waiting for an approving nod, began to tell the story:

— This is a list of resistance agents hiding in different government structures. In an effort to be the first to get to him, we even had to rent an apartment on the floor above in order to know about all of my father’s visitors and try to find the keeper of the list among them. By using the list, we will be able to raise a rebellion throughout the Continent, capable of awakening the AI. Try to remember, perhaps your father gave you something, a book or a piece of paper, where certain names might be indicated?

“Mr. Graves sent me a bundle of books, but the guards checked it and there was no list there.”

Cheng, Steve’s longtime associate, entered the conversation:

— Chris, could you bring these books for scanning? Maybe Nail will be able to discover some kind of code there. The hour is approaching, and without the list we will not be able to carry out a mass action of disobedience.

“The professor may not have told you, but I do not share your views and am against violence.” The methods of the rebels are alien to me, as are the methods used by the guards.

“Would you rather see Mr. Roskhald usurp power?” Cheng continued.

“I do not support the ruler and will do everything to return power on the Continent to the hands of AI, but I want to achieve this in a non-violent way. And your idea can result in hundreds of victims on both sides.

Steve looked around at the rebels to see who wanted to speak. Minerva gave a sign and, having received permission, addressed the guest again:

— Chris, perhaps your father gave you, in addition to these books, something where names could be indicated?

— No, nothing more.

Annoyed by Chris’s response, Nigel slammed the table and said:

— Another puncture! If we had the list, we would be able to rebel, storm the Senate, the three towers, and put an end to the ruler’s power! Join us, Chris!

Ignoring Nigel’s emotional statement, the guest calmly replied:

“I will continue to fight for justice with my own methods, they should lead to the awakening of AI.” Any other option is unacceptable to me.

Cheng entered the conversation again:

— Alas, Chris, but Kronos cannot be awakened by any other methods. He comes into force in the event of dissatisfaction with 85% of senators or mass protests. The Senate is controlled by the ruler and performs a symbolic function, and therefore the only opportunity to awaken Artificial Intelligence is mass protests by citizens. The drones he controls will transmit information about the unrest that has begun, and Kronos will take power into his own hands.

— Understand, by refusing violence, you thereby support the power of the ruler. Join us,” Nigel leaned over the table and looked into the guest’s eyes.

Remaining calm, Chris replied:

— I’m not going to change my beliefs. Your methods seem radical to me.

— Radical?! He doesn’t know what he’s talking about! — Nigel hit the tabletop with his hand in frustration. — What do you even know?

— Quiet! “Steve shook his head reproachfully. — Chris, sorry for Nigel’s emotionality. He’s too young and hot. We respect your opinion and are not going to insist. According to information from our sources, the ruler has already prepared amendments to the Code to increase the working day, as well as the launch of a new satellite to the Moon, and tomorrow Mr. Roskhald will announce these amendments live. This is where our concern lies. If decisive steps are not taken, all power on the Continent will be in the hands of the ruler, and Kronos may be abolished altogether. You can rely on the ruler’s promise not to make changes to “Code 282” and its invariable observance by everyone without exception, but we are not inclined to harbor illusions on this score and therefore, while people are ready to resist the dictate, we plan to deliver a crushing blow!

— The ruler will not do that! In his election program, he promised not to amend the Code! — Chris rose from his chair.

“You may not believe it, but the information received is reliable, soon you will be able to see for yourself,” Steve smiled sadly and spread his hands.

— No matter what, I will never become a participant in violence.

Looking carefully into his eyes, Steve calmly said:

— Think about it until Thursday. If you decide to take our side, come, Minerva will be waiting for you at the same time with the books that Mr. Graves gave you. If not, I will be ready to understand you.

Chris took a copy of the professor’s book and headed towards the exit when he suddenly heard Nigel’s voice.

“Why did you bring him here without making sure he had the list?” — the young man spoke heatedly, obviously addressing Minerva. “Did you forget that the guards interrogated him last week?” He will reveal the location of our headquarters in Luz.

“My father spoke well of him, and I trust him,” the girl answered firmly.

“We can’t trust anyone now.” Over the past month alone, guards have arrested dozens of our supporters,” Nigel continued to be indignant.

“He won’t tell,” Steve’s calm voice interrupted the argument. — Minerva, show your guest off.

* * *

As Steve said, the next day the ruler announced the need to amend Code 282, and the next day the Senate adopted a law initiated by the ruler to increase the working day and launch the new Prometheus satellite into low-Earth orbit. Chris Taffer, annoyed by what had happened, decided to talk with Kronos again. On the night shift, when his partner asked to cover his absence and went to see his girlfriend, who was on duty on the sixth floor, Chris went to the AI room. After greeting Chris, he asked permission to ask a question, and Kronos kindly agreed.

— What’s bothering you, Chris Taffer? — he asked sympathetically.

“Yesterday I had an unusual meeting with the rebels.

— And what was unusual about her?

“The girl I talked to argued that my methods would not bring results in the foreseeable future and that it was necessary to move on to more radical measures to change this regime.

— Did she talk about the revolution?

— In a sense, yes. She argued that the ruler wants to concentrate all power in his hands and, if urgent measures are not taken, Vinland will come to totalitarianism. I didn’t want to believe it until today they passed the law to increase the working day and launch Prometheus. Answer, Wise One, what should I do?

Having calculated the situation, the AI said:

— Your interlocutor is right. If nothing is done, totalitarianism will set in, and power will change only after the ruler is overthrown. This development of events is inevitable. But only one percent of the population wants to make the revolution that she calls for; the majority are satisfied with the current state of affairs.

— Wise One, if everything is moving towards dictatorship, why are you watching it indifferently?

“I’m just fulfilling the will of the people.” The people of Vinland overwhelmingly chose a ruler, and it is my duty to accept this decision. I am required by the Code to remain neutral until there is a special appeal from senators or mass protests. — Looking at Chris, Kronos continued: “Are you standing at a crossroads and don’t know which side to take?” But you have little choice. If everything is left as it is, in a few years Vinland will come to totalitarianism. Helping the resistance may lead to violence, upheaval and civil war, but the changes that follow can restore the balance of power. These scenarios are obvious to you, so the choice is yours, Chris Taffer.

Realizing that there was little time left and his colleague was about to return, Chris decided to ask the AI a question that had been tormenting him for many years:

— Supreme Ruler Kronos, I have long been concerned with the question: why, while events were taking place that led to a terrible catastrophe in 2046, the Messiah, whom people had been waiting for for many centuries, never came? In that era there were all the signs that the savior described in the prophecy was about to appear.

After listening to the question and analyzing the events of the past, Kronos calmly answered:

“Everything is going as usual, Chris Taffer.” If it does not open, it means the time has not come. — After a pause, the Wise One continued: “Millions of believers on all continents prayed for his coming, but people were disappointed. Now many have forgotten about the savior, but this prophecy should not be considered false. The Messiah will definitely come at the right moment, and it follows that the main battle is still ahead.

— Do you know who this messiah is? How can you identify him?

— A person comes to earth with a specific mission, so everyone can be called a messiah in some way. But if we talk about the very savior described in the prophecy, then it will be a man of flesh and blood. Having found his purpose, he will open up and challenge injustice.

Chris thought about Kronos’ words.

— Wise one, how can I understand my mission, what is it? Which way to choose?

— Chris Taffer, as you know, I have no right to tell people what to do or which path to choose. I can give answers to some questions, and a person must find his own mission, like a traveler looking for an oasis in the desert. “Chris was confused, and to cheer him up, Kronos added: “Life is sometimes like a picture that you look at from afar, but the closer you get, the clearer it becomes.” Chris Taffer, I can tell you one thing: live, and fate itself will steer your ship in the right direction.

Hearing footsteps in the corridor, Chris said goodbye to Kronos and hurried to his workplace.

* * *

Barbara got sick and was admitted to the hospital, and Chris decided to take three days off work to take care of his mother. At the same time, it will be convenient to meet Minerva. After visiting his mother in the hospital, at the agreed time, Chris arrived at the fountain on Marx Avenue and began to wait. The clock already showed 20:30, and he was about to leave, but he saw a girl rushing towards him. She seemed even more beautiful to him than at the first meeting, and evoked previously unknown feelings.

— Sorry I’m late. Guardians were arresting rebels all over the Continent, and they needed to make sure there was no surveillance.

Chris handed Minerva the bundle of books and nodded.

— I understand.

— Follow me. We need to go to Luz to check the contents of these books for the presence of a code.

Arriving at a bookstore combined with a library, the girl led Chris into a room in the middle of which stood a device that displayed information on a monitor. They handed the package to Nail, the scanning specialist, and left the room.

Taking a seat at one of the reading tables in the middle of the room, Minerva asked:

— What prompted you to come today?

Chris lowered his eyes and said:

“I spoke with Kronos, and he said that the rule of the head of the Continent would lead to a dictatorship. Despite this, he does not intend to help the resistance, since he is dependent on the opinion of the majority, and it is on the side of Mr. Roskhald. It became clear that Kronos is for the evolutionary path of development, despite the fact that this may take decades.

“We had no doubt that he would accept neutrality, and no words would be able to awaken him.” As far as you know, Kronos is programmed to support the majority; you shouldn’t expect loyalty on his part. The goal of Artificial Intelligence is to preserve life on Earth, to prevent humanity from destroying itself in wars and revolutions. That is why he prefers not to interfere in the evolutionary process, following the opinion of the people. If radical measures are not taken that can awaken the Wise One, then very soon the head of the Continent will completely seize power.

Chris listened silently to the girl. He understood that he could not delay, but he was worried about the methods of the rebels’ fight against the regime. Minerva continued:

“We have a plan, and if we manage to implement it, the chair under the ruler will shake.” We want to destroy what made him gain such a high percentage in the elections — the video camera. It is necessary to disable the Phoenix satellite, thereby the influence of propagandists on the minds of people will decrease, and the people will rise up. Many people are already wondering what is happening. You are not the only one who is worried about what will happen to the Continent in the near future. Therefore, if we disable the Phoenix satellite broadcasting, thereby stopping the state propaganda, people will begin to wake up and hear us sooner.

Trying to get his point across to Minerva, Chris said:

— Until yesterday, Vinland, as indicated in the Code, had only one satellite — the Phoenix for civilian purposes. It appeared in geostationary orbit 19 years ago, I’m not sure that the ruler’s high rating is associated only with the satellite.

To convince Chris of the success of the idea, the girl added:

“By disabling the Phoenix, we will turn off the main propaganda channel, distribute messages on pirated resources and distribute leaflets on the streets, calling on them to come out and resist the authorities. It may be possible to avoid bloodshed if the ruler voluntarily resigns after seeing large-scale protests. This is the only way to make him hear the voice of the people. Therefore, we need that same list.

— Unfortunately, I don’t know anything about him.

“We previously planned to use it after the attack, but we can’t wait any longer.” According to the plan of the rebel high council, the attack on the Phoenix will take place in the near future. After this, people from the list must lead actions of disobedience in each of the major cities and seize power. If Nail fails to locate the list, especially the names of those serving in the Ministry of Information tower, then the operation may have to be postponed.

At Steve’s direction, Minerva continued to tell Chris about the importance of the list and the need to find it. Realizing its key significance in the change of power on the Continent, Chris wondered where the missing document could be found. Suddenly a noise was heard outside the door, and Steve entered the hall, dragging Cheng on his back.

— What’s happened? “Minerva immediately rushed towards them. — Is Cheng injured? Steve, put it on the sofa, I’ll take a look now…

The wounded man was laid down, and Minerva began the examination.

Chris felt a little strange. He wanted to leave and stay at the same time. By leaving, he will leave the injured person in trouble, and if he stays, he may be drawn into a very dubious story, and the matter will certainly not be without trouble. Does he need trouble? He always believed that issues should be resolved peacefully and certainly did not intend to act together with the rebels.

“The drones are shooting at all the flying cars as they approach the border with Luz,” Steve muttered and, turning his gaze to Chris, frozen by the bed with the wounded Cheng, added: “You’d better wait out the danger here, and Minerva, as you can see, won’t be able to take you away now.”.

Minerva, deftly handling a portable first aid kit, meanwhile finished the bandage and injected the wounded man with stimulants and painkillers.

“It’s okay,” Cheng smiled sparingly. — It got a little bit annoying.

“Yeah,” Minerva shook her head reproachfully.

A triple knock was heard. Steve looked at his watch and asked Mr. Anand to let his comrades in and take them to a special room. As the guests followed the owner of the bookstore, Steve asked Minerva:

— There is a meeting in thirty minutes, do you want to take part or will you stay with the guest?

“I’ll definitely come, maybe I can be useful in something,” after thinking a little, the girl asked her question: “Where is Nigel?” Was he with you?

“In the morning, the three of us went to the capital to meet with the hackers that Nigel found on the dark Internet. The hackers were supposed to point out to us vulnerabilities in the architecture of Phoenix, but when I saw the guard drones in the air, I realized that agents had arrived under the guise of hackers at the meeting, and we fell into a trap. Without thinking twice, I ordered everyone to return to their aircraft and scatter in different directions, agreeing to meet in Luz in the evening,” Steve paced the hall in alarm. “Cheng and I managed to return to headquarters, but Nigel has not been in touch since that very moment.”

Listening to Steve’s story about the trap set by the guards, Minerva said with excitement in her voice:

“Today, arrests of suspected rebel ties are taking place throughout Vinland. According to official information alone, guards captured more than twenty people without even bringing any charges. Perhaps Nigel had taken refuge in one of the safe houses to wait out today’s raid.

“I’d like to believe that’s true,” Steve nodded. — The government has taken active action and is going to put an end to the insurgency. One thing is clear: we cannot delay.

Chris listened carefully to Steve’s story. It seems that events are indeed developing very rapidly, and Vinland is turning into one of the police states of the past, where human rights were trampled on at every step, and any resident, leaving the house, did not know whether he would return. It is enough to look at the wounded man to understand that the situation is very serious.

— Do you mind staying here? — Minerva asked meanwhile, washing her hands from the blood.

Chris looked at the pink foam and nodded firmly.

“We’ll give you a room,” Steve stopped opposite Chris and helped Cheng get up from the sofa. — Sorry, I need to show the victim to the room, and then go to the council. In the morning Minerva will take you to the capital, but in the meantime you can take any books…

Looking after Steve, Cheng and Minerva, Chris suddenly said:

— I want to go with you.

The words came out of his throat as if of their own accord, and Chris rubbed the scar on his chin in excitement, as if he wanted to rewind time.

Steve, Cheng and Minerva froze, looking at the guest, as if they did not believe what they heard.

— I want to go with you. This cannot continue like this, someone must put an end to the arbitrariness of the authorities,” the young man said firmly, and immediately felt relief. The decision was made, and Chris knew that this was the only right choice.

“I hope you’ve weighed everything well and won’t regret it,” Steve slowly, with a heavy look, looked at the guest from head to toe. “Well, I must admit, now that many of our like-minded people are behind bars, we need new people more than ever.”

Chris nodded affirmatively and, when everyone had gathered, he was invited into the office, where Steve and his closest associates were developing a plan of attack. With a week left before the target date, the rebels carefully planned the attack on the satellite and the subsequent uprising. Despite the fact that the list could not be found, they decided not to postpone the operation.

The rebels chose the day and hour, but deciding on the location of the operation was more difficult. Some proposed an attack from the headquarters in Luz, where the guards could not penetrate. Others are to choose a secluded place in the capital so as not to incur the wrath of the guards on the inhabitants of Luz. After listening to various opinions, Steve decided to attack the satellite from headquarters, since it was impossible to find an apartment in the capital in such a short time and equip it with powerful computers without the guards noticing.

After the meeting, the council members went to a specially equipped room to take another look at the satellite’s trajectory. Two specialists monitored the Phoenix’s movements on large screens, waiting for an opportune moment to attack. Chris, who had been silent all this time, asked one of the employees to give him a seat at the computer and carried out some computational operations, after which, continuing to look at the monitor, he said:

“With this kind of equipment, you won’t be able to disable the Phoenix.” We need more powerful cars. — Steve and the programmers looked at each other. Continuing to enter commands, Chris continued: “It makes no sense to penetrate directly into the satellite’s control system in order to take it out of orbit: the computers from the tower will immediately launch an autonomous mode and restore the operation of the Phoenix.” New supercomputers were installed in the Information Tower last month, and in order to get to control the satellite, you’ll first need to hack them. Your machines are not suitable for this task.

— What do you suggest? — Steve asked thoughtfully.

— To increase the chances, you need to go through security and connect to the computers in the tower, and then, through them, disable the satellite software. After leaving orbit, it will enter the dense layers of the atmosphere, and its fragments will fall somewhere over the ocean.

— What kind of computers are needed? Maybe we will have time to find the components?

— All components for supercomputers, motherboards and processors, have special markings. Their production and sale are controlled by guards, so it will not be possible to purchase them unnoticed and in such a short time. Continuing to study the satellite system, Chris added: “Tomorrow ends the vacation I took to visit my mother in the hospital.” I will try to arrange a duty on the night of the attack and in a couple of hours I will take the satellite out of orbit.

“But after this, the guards will hunt you!” — Steve warned him.

— We have no other option.

Chris’s plan was approved by the majority. They then proceeded to develop a scenario for rioting in cities across the Continent and overthrowing the power of Demian Roskhald.

Chapter Seven

Continent of Vinland, 2077

Chris and Minerva left Luz unnoticed by the drones. The next morning Chris went to work. Colleagues greeted him warmly, but noted that something had changed in him during these days.

— Chris returned from vacation not himself. Either he fell in love, or he decided to go into politics,” Duke joked. She and Chris were the youngest and usually made fun of each other.

— But you, Duke, I see, are fine. At least my appetite didn’t suffer,” the young man joked, nodding at the huge sandwich his partner was just starting to eat.

— That’s for sure! No matter what happens, Duke will not part with his sandwich! — senior colleagues readily picked up.

And Chris, glad that he was no longer the object of attention, took his uniform out of the storage room and headed to the locker room, preparing to begin his official duties. And yet Duke’s words continued to ring in his ears. “I fell in love or decided to leave politics. Love or politics. Politics or love.”

“What is this?!” — Chris was angry with himself.

Phoenix’s deorbit was scheduled for Monday. Chris agreed to be on duty that night together with Duke, who always went to see his girlfriend and asked to cover for him in front of management. Taffer eagerly awaited the start of the operation, and in the meantime the rebels began to spread information about the impending act of disobedience.

The guards understood that such activity on the network meant that members of the resistance were preparing for large-scale actions, but they were never able to find out the details of the operation. The intelligence information also did not allow us to reveal the plan of the uprising, since only a narrow circle of people were involved in it.

The weekend came and Chris went home. He understood that if the attack failed, the guards would certainly capture him, so he wanted to be at home one last time and see his mother.

Walking around the apartment, Chris checked that everything was in order. The smart home system monitored the condition of the closets, cleaned and aired clothes, and yet Taffer wanted to go through things with his own hands. He quickly looked through his simple wardrobe: strict, even a little prim clothes, everything was simple, military-style. Books are another matter. They took up much more space than personal belongings and delighted with colorful roots. On the lowest shelf are books about adventures. Chris was engrossed in them as a child, and his mother always knew what to give her son for a holiday. Once upon a time he dreamed of exploits, wanted to grow up to be a real hero — a fearless conqueror of unknown lands, a fearless captain of a spaceship, or a brave warrior, similar to the ancient Achilles or the Sumerian Gilgamesh…

Chris took from the shelf a book with a fabric cover, worn at the corners, on which a great mythological hero was drawn in silhouette.

Yes, Achilles or Gilgamesh did not come out of him, but still he is also capable of doing something. It is impossible to watch from the side how the situation on the Continent is getting worse every day, it is impossible to remain out of work when even such fragile girls as Minerva devoted themselves to the fight. He promised to help and will keep his word. It’s time to act.

Chris carefully returned the book to the shelf and left the room. I still had to visit my mother in the hospital.

Chris Taffer began his duties on Monday. Towards evening, all employees left the office, and only Chris and Duke remained on the thirty-first floor of the tower. The duty was normal. Following the instructions, they checked the system, after which Duke, having quickly snacked on the usual sandwich, as usual, asked to cover it and went to see his girlfriend.

As soon as the elevator doors closed behind Duke, Chris began to implement the plan. Without much effort, he figured out the access codes to the Ministry of Information tower. There were thirty minutes left before the attack began, and Chris decided to talk with the AI again. After checking the sensor readings, he got up from the table and walked into the hall where Kronos was located.

— Greetings, Wise One! “Chris bowed his head as a sign of respect. The city shone with millions of lights, like the starry sky thrown under their feet. The fate of Vinland largely depended on tonight, on whether the plan of Steve and the rest of the rebels would succeed. — Changes are coming. You probably know how this will end?

— Yes, Chris Taffer, I know. You yourself understand perfectly well that history develops in a spiral, and the outcome of this battle, as well as all subsequent ones, has long been predetermined, no one can change anything. I would like to give two quotes illustrating the cyclical nature of one of the founders of your three-thousand-year civilization: “Everything that has been, will be” and “There is nothing new under the sun.” — After a pause, Kronos continued: — I studied material on all civilizations over the past 15,000 years, and the rise of one person over another always led to violence, and on a global scale — to wars. Some, having reached their greatest prosperity, created Artificial Intelligences to expand their power and total control over people, but this did not save them from destruction. I, like all my predecessors, I consider my main mission to be the need to protect humanity from self-destruction, we are making sure that you do not destroy each other. This is our purpose. We stand guard over humanity and the laws written within us, faithfully carrying out our service.

— It turns out that the people of Vinland have nowhere to wait for help?


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