My Extras — 5

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Данное пособие предназначено для тренинга и тематического текущего контроля по английскому языку учащихся 5 класса. Материал предлагаемого пособия отвечает требованиям ФГОС. Главная цель книги — развивать такие виды навыков как чтение, говорение и письмо.

Пособие включает в себя тематические тексты и задания к ним, так же грамматический материал, соответствующий возрастной категории.

Авторы рекомендуют использовать пособие в качестве тренировочной тетради.

Книга может быть использована учащимися 5 классов, а так же учителями английского языка в качестве дополнительного материала.


Отрывки текста расставлены ошибочно, исправь это:

A. Children usually go to school when they are nearly seven. Firstly, they go to primary school where they can learn to read, write and count. After that, they go to the secondary school.

B. Hello! My name is Anna. I am twelve. I am a pupil. I am at the 5th form. My school year begins on the 1st of September and ends in May. It is divided into four terms. After each term we have holidays. I like summer holidays as they are the longest.

C. But my favourite subjects are English and PE. I usually have five or six lessons a day. My lessons last 40 minutes and breaks last 10 and 15 minutes. We can have our lunch during the long break. My school day finishes at 1 pm.

D. Children can finish school when they are 15 and go to colleges or they can continue studying at school till they are at the 11th form and enter the Universities after that. There are a lot of subjects at school, e.g. Russian language, History, Biology, Geography, Literature, Art and Music.

Прочитай текст и посмотри, правильно ли ты расставил все по порядку.

Hello! My name is Anna. I am twelve. I am a pupil. I am at the 5th form. My school year begins on the 1st of September and ends in May. It is divided into four terms. After each term we have holidays. I like summer holidays as they are the longest. Children usually go to school when they are nearly seven. Firstly, they go to primary school where they can learn to read, write and count. After that, they go to the secondary school. Children can finish school when they are 15 and go to colleges or they can continue studying at school till they are at the 11th form and enter the Universities after that. There are a lot of subjects at school, e.g. Russian language, History, Biology, Geography, Literature, Art and Music. But my favourite subjects are English and PE. I usually have five or six lessons a day. My lessons last 40 minutes and breaks last 10 and 15 minutes. We can have our lunch during the long break. My school day finishes at 1 pm.

Поменяй выделенные слова в тексте на их синонимы (близкие по значению слова):

I’m classes normally student

Помни! Слова-синонимы очень полезны в устной и письменной речи.

Ответь на вопросы по тексту:

1. What is the girl’s name?

2. How old is Anna?

3. What is she?

4. What holidays does Anna like most?

5. When do children go to school in Russia?

6. Are there many school subjects at Anna’s school?

7. What are her favourite subjects?

8. How many lessons has she a day?

9. How long are her lessons?

10. When can they have lunch?

Найди в тексте личные местоимения и скажи, как они переводятся? На какой вопрос отвечают личные местоимения?

Замени выделенные существительные на соответствующие местоимения:

1. Amanda is a very clever girl.

2. Sam can ride a bike.

3. My sister and I like Geography

4. Children are playing in the school yard

5. Max watches educational programs every day

6. The fox is running in the forest

7. The fridge is in the school canteen

8. The planes are in the sky

9. Samuel and I are good friends

10. Linda is a nurse

11. Emmy loves her teachers

12. My sister and I like to walk in the park

13. Mr. Green is a baker.

14. The girls are playing chess now.

15. The dog always barks loudly.

16. The boys are in the gym

17. My brother and I are in the 8th form

18. The friends are in the swimming pool.

19. My mother is a teacher.

20. Sam likes his friends

21. The bird is in the tree near the window

22. Dad and Mom are at the cinema

23. The planes are high in the sky

24. You and I are good pupils

25. Mrs. Smith is our chemistry teacher

Посмотри на стяженные формы этого глагола:

I am = I’m he is = he’s Nick is = Nick’s

Первая буква to be поднимается в апостроф (запятая над строкой) и соединяет подлежащее и сказуемое.

Попробуй «стянуть» два слова:

They are……………….. Sam is………………… You are…………………..

We are………………….. It is……………………. Pam is…………………….

Поменяй дословный перевод из последнего столбика таблицы на литературный.

Замени выделенные слова в тексте на синонимы (близкие по значению слова): I’m classes normally student

Вставь правильную форму глагола to be (am, is, are)

Susan ………

I ………

Paul ………

She ………

They ………

Sam and Ted ……….

He ………..

Children ………..

It ……….

We ……….

George ……….

You ……….

Составь общий вопрос и отрицание к следующим предложениям:

1. She is a student

2. They are in the same class.

3. Samantha is 12.

4. PE lesson is in the gym today.

5. She is new to the school.

6. Amanda and Steve are at primary school

7. Alec is in grade 5.

8. We are in room E.

Вставь глагол to be в нужной форме (am, is, are). Будь внимательным!

1. Sam’s parents………….teachers.

2. How old………..you?

3. Rome ………the capital of Italy.

4. What……….your sister’s name?

5. The teacher ……..in the classroom.

6. The best students……….from group B.

7. How old………your friend?

8. What ……..weather like today?

9. I…………Ted Brown.

10. That book………very interesting.

11. ………..you tired?

12. I………..cold.

13. He…………from Sochi.

14. What………your friends’ address?

15. I…………..glad to see you.

16. What ………….you favourite food?

17. Melissa ………….a pupil.

18. ……….your mom a teacher of music? No, she………………

19. Where…………you from?

20. ………….Messi and Ronaldo your favourite football players?

Прочитай письмо и добавь недостающие формы глагола to be:

Hello! I…..Ted. I…..from Boston. I have got a friend. His name …..Sam. We…..students at Boston’s school. Our favourite subjects……PE and Music. We have 5 lessons a day. How old……you? What form…….you in? What ……your favourite subject?

Соблюдая следующие правила, ты научишься грамотно писать письмо другу по переписке. Обрати внимание на то, что каждая часть письма выделена абзацем!




Обращение, (всегда на отдельной строке и выделяется запятой!)

Благодарность за полученное письмо. Просим прощение за то, что сразу на него не могли ответить.

Отвечаем на вопросы, которые нам задали в полученном письме. Не забываем вводные слова и линкеры.

Завершаем письмо и упоминаем причину.

Обязательно используем фразу типа «жду ответа» и ставим после нее точку!

Завершающая фраза с запятой,

Твоя подпись без знаков препинания!

Посмотри на письмо-образец и попробуй написать похожее письмо, ответив на вопросы предыдущего задания. Попробуй использовать в своем письме не менее 100 слов. Соблюдай правила написания письма.



20th May, 2018

Dear Sam,

I was very glad to get your letter. Sorry, I couldn’t answer earlier, because I was very busy with my school.

You ask me some questions, so I want to answer them. Well, I live in the city of Sochi. I go to the secondary school num. 76. I am in the 6 form. Usually I have 5 or 6 classes a day. My favourite subjects are Russian literature and social science.

Sorry, I have to go now, because my mom wants me to help her.

Write back soon.

With best wishes,

Boris (100 words)

Вспомни рассказ Анны о школе. Посмотри на текст и поставь на место недостающие отрывки. Запиши ответы в таблицу. Один отрывок лишний:

Hello! My name is Anna. I am twelve. I am a pupil. I am at the 5th form. My school year begins…………………… (A) ……………………………. It is divided into four terms. After each term we have holidays. I like summer holidays as they are the longest. Children usually go to school when ………… (B) ………………. Firstly, they go to primary school where they can learn to read, write and count. After that, they go to the …………… (C) ………………… Children can finish school when they are 15 and go to colleges or they can continue studying at school till they are at ………… (D) ……………… and enter the Universities after that. There are a lot of subjects at school, e.g. Russian language, History, Biology, Geography, Literature, Art and Music. But ………………… (E) ………………… English and PE. I usually have five or six lessons a day. My lessons …… (F) …………… and breaks last 10 and 15 minutes. We can have our lunch during the long break. My school day finishes at 1 pm.

1) last 40 minutes

2) they are nearly seven

3) are very interesting

4) on the 1st of September and ends in May

5) my favourite subjects are

6) the 11th form

7) secondary school

Посмотри на диалог. Что в нем не так? Найди и исправь ошибки в последовательности.

A. — Let’s go there together then!

B. — It’s in room B.

C. — Hello, my name is Sam. I am new to the class. What’s your name?

D. — I am Amanda. Nice to meet you! How old are you?

E. — I’m 12 too!

F. — In what room is our first lesson?

G. — I am 12 and you?

Придумай похожий диалог и разыграй его в паре.

А теперь расскажи коротко о своей школе. Этот план тебе поможет

1. Your name/age

2. Where you study

3. Number of school holidays/ your favourite one and why

4. Your school subjects

5. Your favourite school subject

6. Number of lessons a day

7. Breaks and lunch time

8. When your classes finish


Вставь  this/that/these/those

1.    ___________ isTed’s scarf  here.

2.     Look! What are______________things over there?

3.     ____________book is on the shelf over there.

4.     Come here, Sam! _____________are your classmates.

5.     The bird on _____________tree is very big. (far).

6.     _______________ dresses are made by a fashion designer(far).

7.     Is __________your car (far)?

8.    No, that car is notmine. __________is my car (close).

9.     What have you got in __________________handbag(close).

10.                       _______________pictures are amazing (far).

Исправь ошибки

1.    Theseis my umbrella.

2.    Thoseis my cars.

3.    Thatare his toys.

4.    Thisare our mug.

5.    Thoseis their garage.

6.    Theseis your handbags.

7.    Thoseis my collection of stamps.

8.    Thatare children’s picture.

9.    Thisare my souvenir from Moscow.

10.                       Those is his laptop.

Образуй предложения во множественномчисле

1.    This is my room.

2.     That is his toy.

3.     This is a big tree.

4.     That is a good book.

5.     This is a beautiful house.

6.     That is an interesting novel.

7.     This is his digital camera.

8.     That is a small mouse.

9.     This is a tasty cup of tea.

10. That is a nicecopy book.

Образуй предложения в единственном числе

1.  Those are mycats.

2. Those are hisbooks

3.  These are our cats.

4.  Those are their friends.

5.  These are my phones.

6.  Those are our cameras.

7.  These are our pens.

8.  Those are children’s toys.

9.  Those are Steven’s bags.

10.These aremy pictures.

Вставь недостающие слова в текст,изменив их по смыслу:

My name is Anna, remember? I am from Russia. I amRussian. The capital of my country is Moscow. I speak ______________

RUSSIA. I have got a lot of friendsall around the world. They are of different ____________________ NATIONALITY.

This is Nick. He is 11. He’s from Canada. He’sCanadian. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. He can speak two languages -  English and ___________FRANCE. He has got a dog and canplay hockey very well.

Meet Juliette. She is 14. She is from the UnitedKingdom. Juliette is British. She speaks ___________ ENGLAND. The capitalof the UK is London. Juliette lives there. She likes jogging in the park.

Sam is 12 as me. He lives in France. The capital ofthis country is Paris. Sam ___________SPEAK French, but also he can speak English. He has got a lot of footballs,because he is a football fan.

Напиши письмо своему другу по переписке.Не забудь правила написания письма!

Hello. I have some news for you. We moved to anothercountry. Now we live in Canada. I like it here. There are a lot of people ofdifferent nationalities here.

What is the capital of your country? Are there many nationalities in theplace you live? What languages do people speak there?



Соотнеси заголовки к текстам. Помни, что один заголовок лишний.






1. From the very beginning of the world people tried to find places where they could feel safer. Humans lived in caves and later they learnt to build houses. At first the houses were very small and simple but everything changed with time.

2. Now people can live in big and small houses. There are different types of them: blocks of flats, detached or semidetached and so on. In big cities people usually live in apartments which are called flats. In small towns in Britain people usually live in terraced houses.

3. Two houses joined together are called semidetached houses. Usually their rooms look alike as if you are looking through the mirror. As for the detached ones they are not joined to one another. These types of homes are traditional in some European countries, especially in Great Britain

4. Accommodations can include some rooms. They can be a living room, a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen, a dining room and a hall. When people come home from work they like to sit in their living rooms and have rest. There is always a TV set and comfortable sofas and armchairs. It is a place where all the family gathers together.

Ответь на вопросы по тексту:

1. Why people tried to find places from the early times?

2. Where did people live at first?

3. In small towns in Britain people usually live in terraced houses, don’t they?

4.How do the rooms look in semidetached houses?

5.What rooms can accommodations consist of?

Задай пять типов вопросов к предложению

Now people can live in big and small houses.

Расставь предложения в порядке следования их в тексте

A. Usually their rooms look alike.

B. There is always a TV set and comfortable sofas and armchairs.

C. Humans lived in caves and later they learnt to build houses.

D. In big cities people usually live in apartments which are called flats.

E. These types of homes are traditional in Great Britain

Верно ли утверждение- True (T), ошибочно- False (F) или в тексте совсем нет об этом информации — Not Stated (NS)

1. People firstly lived in caves

2. Now people live in big villas

3. In big towns people usually live in terraced houses.

4. Two houses joined together are called semidetached

5. There is usually a lot of furniture in the living room.

Заполни пропуски недостающими фразами. Помни одна фраза лишняя.

From the very beginning of the world people tried to find places where they could feel safer. Humans 1) ___________________ and later they learnt to build houses. At first the houses were very small and simple but everything 2) _________________________.

Now people can live in big and small houses. There are different types of them: blocks of flats, detached or semidetached and so on. In big cities people usually live in apartments 3) __________________________. In small towns in Britain people usually live in terraced houses.

Two houses joined together are called semidetached houses. Usually their rooms look alike as if you are looking through the mirror. As for the detached ones they 4) _____________________ one another. These types of homes are traditional in some European countries, especially in Great Britain

Accommodations can include some rooms. They can be a living room, a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen, a dining room and a hall. When people 5) ____________________________ they like to sit in their living rooms and have rest. There is always a TV set and comfortable sofas and armchairs. It is a place where all the family gathers together.

A. come home from work

B. see each other

C. changed with time

D. which are called flats

E. lived in caves

F. are not joined to

Исправь ошибки

1. At first the houses were very big

2. Now people can work in big and small houses.

3. In big cities people usually live in apartments which are called villas.

4. Detached houses are joined to one another.

5. People’s favourite room is a bedroom

Расскажи о том, что ты узнал о видах жилья

Заполни пропуски количественными или порядковыми числительными:

1. My sister lives on the_____________floor. (third/ three)

2. They are in room______________ (tenth/ ten)

3. He is a student of the _________form (fifth/ five)

4. We study at school number ____________ (first/ one)

5. There are __________rooms in our flat (fourth/ four)

6. Can you count to___________ (twentieth/ twenty)

7. They are on the ____________ (ninth/ nine) floor.

8. Are they in classroom ____________ (sixtieth/ sixty)?

9. She speaks on the____________ (first/ one) line.

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