Legion of Mind

Бесплатный фрагмент - Legion of Mind

A revolution in thought managemen

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Introduction: The Concept of Creating an Autonomous System Inside the Mind

In today’s world, where information and technology are advancing at a dizzying pace, the human mind faces unprecedented challenges. We process vast amounts of data daily, make countless decisions, and try to adapt to an ever-changing reality. Under these conditions, a question arises: how can we expand the capabilities of our thinking to not only keep up with changes but also stay ahead of them?

Imagine that within your consciousness exists an entire system capable of automatically searching for answers to your questions, solving tasks, creating favorable «coincidences» on your path, and even monitoring your health and development. Sounds like science fiction? However, this concept is not only possible but probably inevitable in our future.

In this book, we explore the revolutionary idea of creating a «legion of the mind» — a system of mental agents that act as autonomous assistants within your consciousness. This concept is based on a deep understanding of how the human brain works, principles of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and advanced techniques such as Design Human Engineering (DHE).

We live in an era where speeds are increasing, and soon there may come a time when our ordinary consciousness simply won’t be able to keep up with the development of the surrounding world. In these conditions, transferring some decision-making functions to automatic systems, more advanced than our consciousness, becomes not just desirable, but necessary.

This book is your guide to the world of expanded mind capabilities. We will step by step examine how to create, develop, and effectively use a system of mental agents. You will learn how to apply these techniques in everyday life, business, and personal growth.

Are you ready to discover new horizons of your mind’s possibilities? Welcome to an exciting journey of creating your own «legion of the mind»!

Important Warning

Before you begin studying and practicing the mental agent system described in this book, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the following warning:

The mental agent system is a powerful but potentially dangerous technology if used incorrectly or carelessly. It is based on creating controlled schizophrenic patterns, which, if applied improperly, can lead to serious negative consequences for mental health.

Strict contraindications:

It is strictly forbidden to use this technique:

— People with unstable psyche or mental illnesses

— When taking strong medications, especially psychotropic drugs

— People with weak physical health

— When consuming alcohol or narcotic substances

— Pregnant women

— Minors

Necessary conditions to start practicing:

1. Stable mental state: You must be confident in your mental stability and ability to control your thoughts and emotions.

2. Self-control skills: Before starting the practice, it is necessary to develop strong self-control and self-regulation skills.

3. Critical thinking: You must be able to constantly analyze your experience and not lose touch with reality.

4. Awareness of risks: You must fully understand the potential risks and be ready to take responsibility for the consequences.

It is important to understand that the purpose of this methodology is to create «controlled schizophrenia,» that is, the deliberate formation of hallucinations that should then function autonomously. This is a very fine line between controlled experience and loss of control over reality.

Safety recommendations:

1. Start gradually: Do not strive for full autonomy of agents immediately.

2. Regularly «return to reality»: Alternate practice with normal activities.

3. Keep a diary: Record your experience and analyze it regularly.

4. Be ready to stop: If you feel you are losing control, stop the practice immediately.

5. Consult with specialists: Ideally, practice this methodology under the supervision of an experienced psychologist or psychotherapist.

Remember: if you have the slightest doubt about your readiness or ability to safely use this methodology, it’s better to refrain from applying it. Your mental and physical health is more important than any potential benefits from this practice.

By using the methods described in this book, you assume full responsibility for all consequences. The author and publisher are not responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, associated with the use of the information contained in this book.

Chapter 1: What are the palace of skills and mental agents?

At the core of the «legion of the mind» concept lie two key notions: the Palace of Skills and mental agents. Let’s examine each of them in detail.

Palace of Skills

The Palace of Skills is a mental space that you create within your consciousness. It’s not just an imaginary place, but a complex system functioning as a control center for your cognitive processes. Imagine a vast, intricately detailed palace where every room, corridor, and hall has its special purpose.

This palace serves several purposes:

1. Information Organization: Similar to the well-known «memory palace» technique used for memorizing information, the Palace of Skills helps structure and store knowledge and experience.

2. Control Center: This is where «meetings» with your mental agents take place, decisions are made, and strategies are developed.

3. Training Base: In special «rooms», you can practice and perfect various skills

4. Place of Power: The palace serves as a safe haven where you can restore your strength and find inspiration.

Mental Agents

Mental agents are autonomous parts of your personality, created to perform specific functions. They can be thought of as highly specialized assistants or employees of your inner «enterprise».

Each agent possesses its own «personality», skill set, and area of responsibility. For example:

1. Analyst: Deals with information processing and logical analysis.

2. Creative: Generates new ideas and unconventional solutions.

3. Motivator: Helps maintain enthusiasm and overcome difficulties.

4. Healer: Monitors your physical and emotional health.

5. Strategist: Develops long-term plans and predicts consequences.

It’s important to understand that these agents are not separate personalities in a clinical sense, but rather specialized aspects of your own consciousness and subconscious. They work together, forming an effective team under your guidance.

Interaction of the palace of skills and mental agents

The palace of skills serves as the environment in which mental agents operate. Here they can interact with each other and with you, exchange information, conduct «meetings» and perform assigned tasks.

For example, in the «strategy hall», your strategist agent can develop a plan, consulting with the analyst agent about data and with the creative agent to generate non-standard solutions. You, as the main «leader», can attend these meetings, guide the process and make final decisions.

This system allows you to tap into the enormous potential of your subconscious, automate many thinking processes and significantly increase the efficiency of problem-solving and decision-making.

The palace of skills: central element of the system

The concept of the «palace of skills» is a key element of our mental agent system. It’s not just a metaphor, but a powerful tool for visualizing and organizing your inner world. Let’s examine this concept in more detail.

Structure of the palace of skills

The palace of skills is a mental space that you create in your imagination. It can take any form that is convenient and pleasant for you. It could be:

1. A classic palace with many rooms and corridors

2. A modern building with an open floor plan

3. A natural landscape with different zones

4. A space station or other futuristic structure

It’s important that this structure is logical and easily memorable for you. Your palace of skills may include:

— A central hall for general meetings and important decisions

— Personal rooms for each mental agent

— A library or information center for storing knowledge

— Training halls for skill development

— Laboratories for experiments and innovations

— Rest and recovery zones

How parts of personality live in the palace of skills

Your mental agents or parts of personality «live» in this palace. Each agent has its own space that reflects its character and functions. For example:

— A creative agent might live in a brightly decorated studio with many tools for creativity

— An analytical agent might inhabit a strict office filled with books and computers

— A healer agent might be located in a cozy room reminiscent of a spa salon or medical office

Agents can freely move around the palace, interact with each other, hold meetings and joint projects.

Storage of knowledge and techniques

The palace of skills also serves as a repository for all your knowledge, skills and techniques. This can be organized in various ways:

1. Library: a classic representation where each book contains certain knowledge or skills

2. Digital archive: if a technological approach is closer to you, knowledge can be stored in virtual databases

3. Natural elements: knowledge can be «written» in trees, stones, water bodies if your palace has a natural form

4. Artifacts: knowledge can be enclosed in various objects distributed throughout the palace

It’s important to create an organization system that will be intuitively understandable to you. This will facilitate access to the necessary information when it is needed.

Using the Palace of Skills

The Palace of Skills is not a static structure. You can actively use it for various purposes:

1. Conducting internal meetings with your agents

2. Solving complex tasks using resources from different rooms and agents

3. Learning and developing skills in special training zones

4. Storing and processing new information

5. Meditation and relaxation in specially created places

Remember that your Palace of Skills can and should evolve with you. Don’t be afraid to add new rooms, change interiors, or even rebuild entire wings if you feel it’s necessary for your growth and development.

Creating and developing the Palace of Skills is an exciting process that not only helps structure your inner world but is also a powerful tool for self-development and self-knowledge.

The Inner World of Mental Agents and the Palace of Skills

In the depths of human consciousness lies an amazing potential that most of us hardly use to its full extent. Imagine the possibility of creating an entire universe within your own mind — a living, dynamic system capable not just of storing information, but actively working with it, generating new ideas, solving complex problems, and even taking care of your health. This is not fiction or a distant future — it’s a reality available to anyone who is ready to open up to the world of mental agents and the Palace of Skills.

The concept of the «legion of the mind» that we’ll examine in this chapter is based on two key elements: the Palace of Skills and mental agents. Let’s dive into this amazing world and consider each element in all its details.

Palace of Skills: Architecture of Your Inner World

The Palace of Skills is not just a metaphor or an abstract concept. It’s a real mental space that you create within your consciousness. Imagine a majestic building sprawling across the vast expanses of your mind. Each room, each corridor, each hall of this palace has its special purpose and plays an important role in the functioning of your inner world.

The structure of the Palace of Skills can be very diverse. For some, it will be a classic castle with towers and dungeons, for others — an ultra-modern skyscraper with glass walls and high-tech laboratories. Some may imagine it as a natural landscape with mountains, forests, and rivers, where each natural object carries its function. It’s important to remember that there is no «right» or «wrong» structure — your Palace of Skills should be comfortable and intuitively understandable specifically for you.

Let’s look at some key elements that may be present in your Palace of Skills:

1. Central Hall: This is the heart of your palace, the place where the most important meetings take place and key decisions are made. Here you can gather all your mental agents to discuss global issues or strategies.

2. Library: A huge repository of knowledge where each book, scroll, or digital file contains certain information, skill, or experience. Here you can store everything you have ever learned or experienced.

3. Training Halls: Special rooms where you can practice and perfect various skills. This could be a gym for physical exercises, a studio for creative activities, or a laboratory for scientific experiments.

4. Agent Rooms: Personal spaces for each of your mental agents, reflecting their character and functions.

5. Rest and Recovery Zone: A place where you can relax, meditate, and restore your strength. This could be a cozy garden, spa center, or something else that you associate with peace and harmony.

6. Command Center: A high-tech room for monitoring and managing all processes in your inner world.

Mental Agents: Your Inner Team of Professionals

Now that we’ve presented the structure of the Palace of Skills, let’s get acquainted with its inhabitants — mental agents. These are not just imaginary friends or voices in your head. Mental agents are autonomous parts of your personality, created to perform specific functions. Each agent has its own character, skill set, and area of responsibility.

Imagine that you are the CEO of a large corporation, and your mental agents are your team of top managers, each responsible for their own direction. It’s important to understand that these agents should be those whom you would really like to see in your team. They should be somewhat close to you, but at the same time quite different from each other. Diversity in the team is the key to success, as a team of identical «employees» will quickly lose efficiency.

Here are some examples of agents that may be in your team:

1. Analyst: This agent specializes in information processing and logical analysis. It can help you understand complex data, find hidden patterns, and make informed decisions.

2. Creative: A generator of ideas and non-standard solutions. When you need to come up with something new or find an original approach to a problem, this agent will be indispensable.

3. Motivator: Your personal coach and support group in one. This agent will help you maintain enthusiasm, overcome difficulties, and not give up on the way to your goal.

4. Doctor: An agent responsible for your physical and emotional health. It can help you better understand your body’s signals, manage stress, and maintain overall well-being.

5. Strategist: A specialist in long-term planning and forecasting. This agent will help you develop effective strategies and anticipate possible consequences of your actions.

6. Memory Keeper: An agent responsible for organizing and storing your memories and knowledge. It will help you quickly find the necessary information and connect various facts.

7. Intuitive: This agent embodies your intuition and subconscious processes. It can provide you with insights and premonitions that are difficult to explain logically.

It’s important to understand that, as in a real team, disagreements and conflicts can arise between your mental agents. Your task as a leader is to manage these conflicts and direct the team’s energy in a productive direction. If you poorly manage, the team’s effectiveness will decrease. In the worst case, with very poor leadership, a «rebellion» may even occur — your internal conflicts may escalate to such an extent that it will negatively affect your mental state.

On the other hand, if you manage to create an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual support, your agents will begin to work as a whole. They will support and develop each other, which will significantly increase the efficiency of the entire system. In this case, you will be able to delegate more and more tasks to them, freeing your consciousness for more global issues.

Creating such a «dream team» will not only give you a multifunctional tool for solving various tasks but will also help you develop skills in managing real teams. Moreover, by synchronizing various aspects of your personality, you will become a more holistic, confident, and mentally healthy person.

It’s important to note that work with mental agents can occur both in a group and individually. You can interact with them in the Palace of Skills, in real locations, or in any imaginary spaces not related to the palace. This flexibility allows you to adapt the system to different situations and tasks.

Remember that creating an effective team of mental agents is a process that requires time, patience, and practice. But the results you can achieve are worth every minute spent developing this amazing inner system.

Interaction of the Palace of Skills and Mental Agents

Now that we’ve familiarized ourselves with the main elements of the system, let’s consider how they interact with each other.

The Palace of Skills serves as the environment in which mental agents operate. Here they can interact with each other and with you, exchange information, conduct «meetings» and perform assigned tasks.

Imagine that you need to solve a complex problem at work. Here’s how the process might lok in your inner world:

1. You call a meeting in the central hall of the Palace of Skills.

2. The analyst agent presents a detailed analysis of the situation, using data from the library.

3. The creative agent offers several non-standard ideas for solving the problem.

4. The strategist agent evaluates each idea in terms of long-term consequences.

5. The intuitive agent shares their premonitions about each option.

6. You, as the main «leader», listen to all opinions and make the final decision.

7. The motivator agent helps you tune in to implementing the chosen plan.

8. After completing the task, the memory keeper agent archives the entire experience for future use.

This process can happen in seconds in your consciousness, but it allows you to use all the resources of your mind to solve the task.


The concept of the Palace of Skills and mental agents opens up amazing opportunities for self-development and increasing the efficiency of our thinking. By creating and developing this internal system, we learn to better understand ourselves, structure our knowledge and experience, and maximize the potential of our mind.

In the following chapters, we will look in more detail at how to create and develop your Palace of Skills, how to form and train mental agents, and how to use this system in various aspects of life — from solving everyday tasks to achieving global goals and personal growth.

Remember that the path to creating an effective internal system is an exciting journey that requires time, practice, and patience. But the results you can achieve are worth every minute spent developing this amazing inner world.

Chapter 2: How the System Works — Splitting

Mechanisms of the Internal Agents System

The internal agents system functions on principles similar to how memory works. As with memorizing information, we create additional images, associations, and add emotions to enhance the effect and improve the result.

Memory and Emotional Enhancement

To understand how this system works, let’s consider an example with memory. When we want to remember something important, we often add emotional coloring to this information or exaggerate certain aspects. For example, if we need to remember a shopping list, we might imagine a giant banana dancing against the backdrop of a huge milk bottle, with bread crumbs the size of birds flying around. Such a vivid, emotionally charged image is much easier to retain in memory than a simple list of words.

Splitting Consciousness for Effective Management

In our system, we apply a similar principle but go further — we split consciousness to manage a larger volume of information and tasks more precisely. This is similar to how creativity works, which is essentially close to a controlled form of schizophrenia. We create internal opposites, potential differences, internal dialogues, and debates.

It’s important to understand here why truth is born in dispute, and why it’s difficult for a person to hypnotize or heal themselves independently. When we argue with someone, we encounter a different point of view, which forces us to think more broadly and deeply. With self-hypnosis, we remain within our habitual thinking, which limits the effectiveness of the process.

Adapting the System for Our Thinking

To make this system more effective, we adapt it to our thinking, increasing engagement. We break down complex tasks into elements, as it’s difficult for us to grasp everything in full. This is a process of decomposition — we take a process that is difficult to control as a whole and break it down into manageable parts.

Imagine you’ve been appointed CEO of a company that’s not doing very well. Improving the work of the entire company at once is an extremely difficult task. But if you’re put in charge of a separate department or even one employee, the chances of success increase significantly. That’s why there are so few successful CEOs in the world and so many middle managers.

Applying Decomposition in the Internal Agents System

In our system, we apply the same principle. We create separate parts of the personality and work with each individually. Working through one part of the personality is much simpler than trying to change the entire system at once. When we adjust individual elements, we can connect them, which will allow us to influence the entire system as a whole.

Visualization as a Management Tool

Creating these «as if real» parts of the personality is our simplification that allows us to manage a complex system. It’s a kind of steering wheel that we create to control our entire «machine». These parts of the personality don’t necessarily exist in a literal sense, but they are a convenient interface for working with the subconscious, more understandable and effective for us.

Creative Approach to Creating Agents

As with memory, it doesn’t hurt us to choose creative approaches when creating our internal agents. We can endow them with special skills and knowledge, add emotional coloring that will create a response within us. The brighter and more «alive» these images are, the more effectively we can interact with them and use their potential.

How Our Subconscious Works and Why This System is Effective

To truly understand and appreciate the power of the mental agents system, we need to dive into the depths of the human mind and understand how our subconscious works.

Consciousness vs Subconscious: The Iceberg of Our Mind

Imagine an iceberg. Its visible part above the water is our consciousness, the part of the mind that we are aware of and actively use in everyday life. But beneath the water lies a much larger part — our subconscious. It contains a huge volume of information, memories, skills, and processes that we are not even aware of.

The subconscious is a powerful computer that constantly works in the background. It processes millions of bits of information every second, while our consciousness can process only a small part of this flow.

Autopilot of Our Life

Many of our actions and decisions are automatically controlled by the subconscious. Remember how you learned to drive a car. At first, each action required conscious effort — shifting gears, turning the steering wheel, pressing the pedals. But over time, these actions became automatic, and now you can drive a car while talking or thinking about something else. This is the work of your subconscious.

The subconscious controls not only physical skills but also our emotions, habits, intuition. It stores our deep beliefs and values, which often determine our decisions and actions.

Why Don’t We Use the Full Potential of the Subconscious?

Despite the enormous power of the subconscious, we often cannot directly use its resources. This is because the subconscious works in the language of images, symbols, and emotions, not in the language of logic and words that our consciousness operates with.

Moreover, between consciousness and the subconscious, there is a kind of «filter» — the critical factor. It protects us from information overload and helps maintain a stable picture of the world. But sometimes this filter can prevent us from accessing the resources of the subconscious.

Mental Agents System: A Bridge Between Consciousness and Subconscious

This is where our mental agents system comes into play. It acts as an intermediary between consciousness and the subconscious, helping us use the vast potential of our mind more effectively.

Here’s why this system is so effective:

— Language of Images: Mental agents communicate with our subconscious in its native language — the language of images and metaphors. This allows bypassing the critical factor and gaining direct access to the resources of the subconscious.

— Process Automation: By creating mental agents, we are essentially programming our subconscious to automatically perform certain tasks. This frees up consciousness resources for more important matters.

— Parallel Processing: While our consciousness can focus on only one task at a time, the subconscious is capable of processing multiple tasks in parallel. The mental agents system allows us to use this ability by delegating various tasks to different agents.

— Access to Intuition: Intuition is the ability of the subconscious to process huge volumes of information and deliver a ready solution, bypassing conscious analysis. Mental agents help us use our intuition more effectively.

— Overcoming Limitations: Many of our limitations exist only in our consciousness. By working directly with the subconscious through mental agents, we can overcome these limitations and unlock our true potential

The Role of Play and Child-like Thinking in Working with the Subconscious

One of the key aspects of the effectiveness of the mental agents system is the use of principles of child-like thinking and a playful approach. This may seem unexpected, but it is precisely this approach that often yields the best results in working with the subconscious.

Why Child-like Thinking is Effective

Child-like thinking possesses a number of unique characteristics that make it particularly suitable for working with the subconscious:

— Openness to new experiences: Children are not limited by established beliefs and are ready to accept new ideas without prejudice.

— Rich imagination: Children easily create vivid mental images and entire imaginary worlds, which is extremely important for visualization.

— Emotional immediacy: Children react quickly and intensely to emotional stimuli, which helps create strong associations.

— Intuitive thinking: Children often rely on intuition, which allows them to find non-standard solutions.

— Absence of fear of mistakes: Children are not afraid to experiment and learn from their mistakes.

How a Playful Approach Improves Results

Play is a natural way of learning and development for children, and it can be just as effective for adults, especially in working with the subconscious:

— Stress reduction: Play helps relax and reduce stress levels, which facilitates access to the subconscious.

— Increased motivation: The game format makes the process more engaging, which increases motivation and persistence.

— Improved memory: Information obtained in a playful form is generally better remembered and retained longer.

— Stimulation of creativity: Play encourages creative thinking and the search for non-standard solutions.

— Facilitation of the change process: In a playful form, it’s easier to accept and integrate new ideas and behavior models.

Examples of Application in the Mental Agents System

— Creating agents: Imagine the process of creating mental agents as a game of «bringing characters to life». Give free rein to your imagination, endowing them with unique traits and abilities.

— Palace of Skills: Approach the creation of your mental space as a game of being an architect or designer. Experiment with different forms, colors, textures.

— Problem-solving: Turn the problem-solving process into an adventure game where your agents are heroes overcoming obstacles and solving riddles.

— Learning new skills: Imagine the learning process as a game of «leveling up» a character in a role-playing game, where each new skill is a new level or ability.

— Emotional regulation: Use game metaphors to work with emotions. For example, imagine negative emotions as monsters that need to be tamed or defeated.

— Goal visualization: Turn the process of setting and achieving goals into a quest game, where each stage is a new level or location.

Practical Exercise: «Hide and Seek with the Solution»

Try this playful approach to problem-solving:

— Formulate a problem or question.

— Imagine that the solution to this problem is a living being playing hide and seek with you.

— Visualize how you explore different «places» in your imaginary world, looking for this solution.

— When you «find» the solution, allow it to reveal itself to you in a playful form.

Remember that the key to success is full immersion in the game process and turning off your inner critic. Allow yourself to be spontaneous and curious like a child, and you’ll be surprised at how effective this approach can be.

Practical Application: Experiment with Problem Solving

Let’s conduct a small experiment to demonstrate the power of the subconscious and the effectiveness of the mental agents system.

Think about a problem you’re currently trying to solve. Now, instead of trying to find a solution consciously, create a mental image of a «problem-solving agent». Describe your problem to it and ask it to find a solution. Then distract yourself with something else for 15—20 minutes.

You may be surprised to find that after this time, new ideas or approaches to solving the problem have appeared in your head. This is your subconscious, working through the agent you created, providing you with this information.

Fundamentals of Thinking and Subconscious Work

Legion of the Mind — Multiplicity in Unity

Why «Legion»? This term might seem unusual when talking about human consciousness, but it perfectly reflects the essence of our concept. In the ancient Roman army, a legion was the main military unit consisting of thousands of soldiers, each fulfilling their role, but together they formed a powerful, cohesive force. Similarly, our mind can be represented as a legion of various «personalities» or, more precisely, aspects of our consciousness.

Let’s delve deeper into this idea. Each of us has probably noticed how differently we can behave in various situations. At work, we can be collected and serious, with friends — relaxed and cheerful, and in the family — caring and gentle. These different «versions» of ourselves are precisely those parts of personality we’re talking about.

It’s important to understand that when we talk about «personalities» within us, we don’t mean separate, independent beings or something mystical. We’re talking about different aspects of our consciousness, each of which has its own goals, strategies, and ways of interacting with the world. These parts are not isolated — they constantly interact with each other, forming a complex, dynamic system that we call our personality.

Imagine that your mind is a huge corporation. In this corporation, there’s a creativity department, a logic department, an emotions department, a memory department, and many other divisions. Each of these divisions specializes in a certain task and performs it in the best possible way. However, as in any large organization, sometimes disagreements or misunderstandings arise between these departments. It is these internal conflicts that are often the source of our doubts, conflicting desires, or inconsistent actions.

The Legion concept offers us a new perspective on this internal corporation. Instead of perceiving these different parts as a potential source of conflict, we learn to see them as a powerful resource. Each part of our personality, each «agent» in our internal Legion has unique abilities and can contribute to solving various tasks.

This idea largely resonates with modern concepts of artificial intelligence. In the field of AI, there’s a concept of «large language models» — huge neural networks trained on vast amounts of text. These models can be «fine-tuned» or «further trained» to perform specific tasks. Similarly, our internal Legion consists of many «specialized agents», each of which can be «tuned» to solve certain tasks.

The advantage of this approach is that these internal agents can work in parallel, solving various aspects of the problem simultaneously and independently of each other. This is similar to how modern computers use multi-core processors for parallel data processing, which significantly increases their performance.

By learning to manage this internal Legion, we gain access to an incredibly powerful tool. Imagine having an entire team of experts working on your problems 24/7, even when you’re asleep or busy with other things. This is the potential of our approach.

Moreover, understanding and «disassembling» these internal personalities gives us a deep understanding of ourselves. We begin to see how different parts of our consciousness interact, what their goals and strategies are. This understanding allows us to better synchronize these parts, reducing internal conflicts and increasing the overall efficiency of our thinking and actions

Reframing — A New Look at the Unity and Multiplicity of Consciousness

The concept of reframing, which is key in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), offers us an opportunity to look at familiar things from a new angle. In the context of our discussion about the Legion of the Mind, reframing allows us to rethink the nature of our consciousness and its seeming contradictions.

At first glance, it may seem that the idea of the multiplicity of our personality contradicts our sense of wholeness. Indeed, most of us perceive ourselves as a single, indivisible «I». We don’t feel internal splitting and don’t sense that different personalities live within us. This feeling of unity is an important part of our self-perception and psychological health.

However, if we look more closely at how our consciousness functions, we discover an amazing multifaceted nature and complexity. Our state, thoughts, and behavior constantly change depending on the surrounding environment and the situation we’re in. We play different social roles: we are one way at work, another way in the family, and yet another with friends. And each of these roles can have its own goals, strategies, and even values.

Moreover, our consciousness is just the tip of the iceberg. Beneath the surface lies a huge world of unconscious processes that largely determine our thoughts and actions. And this world is much more complex and multifaceted than we can imagine.

Let’s consider a few examples that illustrate this complexity:

Microbiome Influence: Modern science is paying more and more attention to the role of microorganisms living in our gut in shaping our behavior and even thinking. These tiny creatures can influence our food preferences, mood, and even the risk of developing certain mental disorders. For example, bacteria living in our gut can «demand» certain nutrients, making us crave certain foods. This might explain why sometimes we have an irresistible desire to eat something sweet or fatty, even if we know it’s bad for our health.

Parasitic Behavior: An even more impressive example of microorganisms’ influence on behavior can be observed in nature. There’s a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii that can infect mice and rats. This parasite alters the behavior of rodents in such a way that they stop fearing cats and even start to attract them. This increases the parasite’s chances of getting into the cat’s organism — its final host. This example shows how radically even basic instincts can be changed under the influence of external factors.

Brain Duality: Our brain is physically divided into two hemispheres, and research shows that these hemispheres can function almost as separate «personalities». Classic experiments with patients who had their corpus callosum (the structure connecting the hemispheres) severed showed that the left and right hemispheres can have different knowledge, desires, and even beliefs. For example, the left hemisphere, responsible for speech, could describe actions performed by the right hemisphere without understanding their true reasons at all.

Subconscious Decisions: Modern neurobiological research shows that many of our decisions are made at the subconscious level seconds before we become aware of them. Our consciousness often just «ratifies» a decision already made by the subconscious, creating an illusion of free will. This doesn’t mean we don’t have freedom of choice, but it shows how complex and multi-layered the decision-making processes in our brain are.

Considering all these factors, we can say that our personality is not a monolithic structure, but a complex ecosystem consisting of many interacting elements. And here we come to the key idea of our approach: the effectiveness of our functioning depends on how well all these elements are synchronized and coordinated.

Imagine an orchestra. Each musician plays their part, each instrument has its unique sound. But only when they all play in harmony, under the conductor’s guidance, beautiful music is born. It’s the same with our consciousness — when all its parts work harmoniously, we achieve the highest efficiency and life satisfaction.

However, just like in an orchestra, dissonances can arise in our inner world. Different parts of our personality can conflict with each other, pursue contradictory goals, use incompatible strategies. This can manifest as internal conflicts, contradictory desires, inconsistent behavior.

The task of our approach is to learn to recognize these different parts of our personality, understand their goals and motives, and learn to «conduct» this inner orchestra. This doesn’t mean suppressing some parts or completely controlling them. Rather, it’s about creating an internal dialogue, finding compromises and synergy between different aspects of our «self».

This process can be compared to forming an effective team in business. When you assemble a team of professionals, it’s not enough to just find talented people. You need to teach them to work together, understand each other’s strengths, communicate effectively, and move towards a common goal. Similarly, we must learn to «manage» different parts of our personality so that they work as a single, highly effective team.

In the following chapters, we will look at specific techniques and methods that will help you better understand your inner world, identify different parts of your personality, and learn to interact with them effectively. We will see how this approach can help in resolving internal conflicts, enhancing creativity, improving decision-making processes, and achieving personal and professional goals.

Remember that reframing our understanding of consciousness is not just a theoretical exercise. It’s a practical tool that can significantly improve the quality of our lives, helping us better understand ourselves and maximize the full potential of our minds.

Internal Dialogue — Voices in Our Head

The concept of «voices in the head» might seem frightening or even pathological to many people. However, if we set aside our prejudices and carefully analyze our inner experience, we’ll discover that internal dialogue is a normal and even necessary part of our thinking. Let’s delve into this phenomenon in more detail and consider how it relates to the six-step reframing technique from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

Six-step reframing is a powerful NLP technique aimed at resolving internal conflicts and harmonizing various aspects of our personality. The essence of this technique is to establish a dialogue with different «parts» of our «self», understand their motives, and find ways for them to interact constructively.

The process of working with this technique looks something like this:

— Identifying the problematic part of the personality or behavior.

— Establishing contact with this part.

— Separating intention from behavior.

— Finding alternative ways to achieve the positive intention.

— Taking responsibility for implementing new ways of behavior.

— Ecological check (checking for the absence of negative consequences).

It’s important to understand that when we talk about «parts of personality», we don’t mean separate, independent entities within us. It’s more of a metaphor helping us better understand and structure our internal processes. Each «part» represents a certain aspect of our personality, a certain set of thoughts, feelings, and behavioral patterns.

For example, we might have a «creative part» responsible for generating new ideas, an «analytical part» that critically evaluates these ideas, a «social part» that cares about our relationships with other people, and so on. All these parts are aspects of a single whole — our personality.

The key point in working with these parts is understanding that all of them, even those that seem «problematic» or «harmful», are actually striving for something positive for us. For instance, a part that makes us procrastinate on important tasks might actually be trying to protect us from stress or failure. The task is to understand this positive intention and find more constructive ways to realize it.

Now let’s talk about the «voices in our head». Internal dialogue is a normal phenomenon that plays an important role in our thinking and decision-making. When we ponder over a problem, weigh pros and cons, plan for the future or analyze the past, we often engage in internal dialogue. These «voices» can represent different viewpoints, different aspects of our personality, or even internalized voices of significant people in our lives (parents, teachers, friends).

It’s important to note that these «voices» are not a symptom of mental disorder, but a normal part of our thought process. The problem arises only when these voices become obsessive, uncontrollable, or start dictating destructive behavior.

In the context of our «Legion of Mind» approach, we aim not to silence these voices, but to learn to interact with them effectively. We want to learn to «listen» to different parts of our personality, understand their motives, and find ways for them to interact harmoniously.

However, an important caveat needs to be made here. Working with internal parts of personality is a powerful tool that requires a careful and responsible approach. There’s a risk that improper use of these techniques could lead to increased internal conflicts or even disintegration of personality. Therefore, it’s crucial to approach this practice with caution and, preferably, under the guidance of an experienced specialist.

This is especially true for people who have a history of mental disorders or a tendency towards dissociative states. If you feel that internal voices are becoming too intrusive, if they start dictating destructive behavior, or if you’re losing a sense of control over your thoughts and actions, immediately stop the practice and seek help from a professional psychologist or psychiatrist.

It’s important to understand that the goal of our approach is not to create autonomous, uncontrolled «voices» in our head. On the contrary, we strive for greater integration and harmonization of various aspects of our personality. We learn to better understand ourselves, more effectively use our internal resources, and resolve internal conflicts in a constructive way.

In the following chapters, we’ll look at specific techniques and practices that will help you safely and effectively work with different aspects of your personality. We’ll also discuss how to recognize signs that the practice is becoming unsafe, and what to do in such situations.

Remember that the main goal of our approach is not to create separate «personalities» within us, but to achieve greater wholeness and harmony of our «self». We strive not for division, but for integration, not for conflict, but for cooperation of various aspects of our personality. And in this process, our conscious «self» plays a key role, acting as the conductor of this inner orchestra, directing and coordinating the work of all its participants.

Creativity and Multifaceted Thinking

The Paradox of Schizophrenia and Genius

At first glance, the idea of «developing schizophrenia» inside one’s head may seem not only strange but also dangerous. However, there’s a deep and intriguing connection between certain mental states and outstanding creative abilities.

History knows many examples of geniuses who suffered from various mental disorders, including schizophrenia. Such individuals possessed a unique view of the world, the ability to see connections and patterns where others didn’t notice them. Their «voices in the head» and thoughts detached from ordinary consciousness allowed them to look at problems from a completely new angle, find unexpected solutions, and create something truly revolutionary.

It’s important to note that we are in no way romanticizing mental illnesses. Schizophrenia is a serious disorder that can cause immense suffering. However, we can draw valuable lessons from how the thinking of people with non-standard perception of the world works.

The key point here is the ability to think outside the box, to see the world and problems from a completely new perspective. This is the ability we aim to develop through our methodology, but in a safe and controlled manner.

Artificial Intelligence and Unconventional Thinking

It’s interesting to draw a parallel between our approach and the development of artificial intelligence (AI). One of the main advantages of AI is its ability to process huge volumes of data and find patterns that may not be obvious to humans. AI can offer solutions that at first glance seem illogical or even absurd, but ultimately turn out to be extremely effective.

A vivid example of this is AI AlphaGo’s victory over the world champion in the game of Go. In one of the matches, AI made a move that commentators initially considered a mistake or even an «amateur» move. However, it later became clear that this move was part of a deep strategy that the human mind simply couldn’t grasp at that moment.

This example shows how important it is to be able to think outside the box, to consider the situation from unexpected angles. This is exactly what we aim to develop through our «Legion of Mind» methodology.

The Validity of Agents and Multiplicity of Perspectives

Our thinking is often limited by our own beliefs and experiences. We tend to look at the world through the prism of what we already know and believe. This can seriously limit our ability to find new solutions and ideas.

A smart and creative person is one who can look at a situation from different angles, even from those that seem wrong or unacceptable to them. This requires a kind of «splitting» of consciousness, the ability to separate oneself from one’s habitual thoughts and beliefs.

When we create «agents» in our head, we are essentially creating tools for such splitting. Each agent represents a different perspective, a different way of thinking. This allows us to expand our «perception map» of the world, find more flexible and creative solutions, develop critical thinking, and better understand other people and their points of view.

The Importance of Opposites and Dialogue

Truth is often born in debate. When we encounter an opposing viewpoint, we are forced to reconsider our own beliefs, find stronger arguments, or admit that we were wrong. This is a process that leads to deeper understanding and more balanced decisions.

The problem is that when we reason with ourselves, we often simply agree with ourselves. We lack that internal opponent who would challenge our ideas. This is precisely the role that our internal «agents» can play.

By creating a diversity of opinions and positions within our consciousness, we create an internal team capable of examining the problem from all angles. This is similar to how an effective team works in the real world — different people with different skills and perspectives working together to achieve a common goal.

Learning and New Information

The possibility of «learning from ourselves» may seem paradoxical. However, our «agents», being semi-autonomous, can process information in ways different from our usual thinking. They can find unexpected connections, recall forgotten information, or even generate new ideas based on existing knowledge.

Moreover, these «agents» can act as internal mentors or psychologists, helping us see and understand our own unconscious patterns and hidden motivations. They can ask us questions that we would never ask ourselves, or offer interpretations of our actions and thoughts that we don’t notice ourselves.

Chapter 3: The Nature of Consciousness and the Unconscious

Consciousness and the unconscious (or subconscious) represent two fundamental aspects of the human psyche. Their interaction and differences underlie the understanding of how our mind functions.

The Duality of Consciousness and the Unconscious

Consciousness and the unconscious can be viewed as two different levels or layers of our psyche. They perform different functions, possess different characteristics, and are effective in solving different types of tasks.

Consciousness is that part of our psyche responsible for conscious perception, thinking, decision-making, and self-awareness. It’s our «self» that we perceive as an active agent in our life. Consciousness allows us to analyze information, plan for the future, and reflect on past experiences.

The unconscious, in turn, represents a vast reservoir of information, memories, instincts, and processes that are not accessible to our immediate awareness. It works in the background, processing huge volumes of data and influencing our behavior and decisions, often without our explicit awareness of this influence.

It’s important to note that one cannot say that consciousness is «worse» or «better» than the unconscious. Both aspects are necessary for our functioning and development. The unconscious is often perceived as «wiser» due to its ability to process huge volumes of information in parallel and consider multiple factors simultaneously. However, consciousness represents a unique product of evolution, allowing us to adapt to complex social and technological conditions of the modern world.

Consciousness can be viewed as a kind of «crown of evolution» of our thinking. It gives us the ability for abstract thinking, self-awareness, planning for the future, and understanding complex concepts. However, the process of consciousness, despite the fact that we experience it directly, remains one of the greatest mysteries of science.

The Mystery of How Consciousness Works

How do we come to certain decisions? How are our thoughts formed? These questions still cause heated debates among scientists. Tatiana Chernigovskaya, a renowned neurolinguist and psychologist, often emphasizes in her lectures how little we actually know about how consciousness works.

One of the intriguing mysteries is the question of free will. Research shows that signals from the brain indicating decision-making are often recorded earlier than we consciously «make» this decision. This calls into question our concept of free will and conscious choice.

However, this doesn’t mean that we are completely determined by our unconscious. Consciousness still plays a key role in the decision-making process, especially when it comes to complex, non-standard situations requiring deep analysis and planning. Moreover, even if a decision is initially formed in the unconscious, consciousness can «veto» this decision or modify it.

Model of How the Unconscious Works

The unconscious can be imagined as a huge neural network containing a colossal amount of information. This «database» is constantly being processed, structured, and updated. The unconscious not only stores information but also actively participates in shaping our perception of reality and even consciousness itself.

The process of how the unconscious works can be represented as follows: our senses constantly collect information from the external world. This information enters the unconscious, where it is processed and structured. Then part of this processed information «surfaces» into consciousness, forming our conscious perception of the world.

The unconscious processes much more information than we are aware of. For example, we may intuitively feel that a person is upset, sick, or hiding something, even if we can’t exactly say why we think so. This happens because our unconscious has picked up and processed many non-verbal signals that didn’t reach the level of consciousness.

It’s important to note that if all the information processed by the unconscious constantly entered consciousness, we simply wouldn’t be able to function — our brain would be overloaded. Even relatively simple tasks, such as walking with an injured leg, can create significant cognitive load if we try to consciously control every movement. This can lead to severe headaches and loss of concentration on other important aspects of our life.

Many questions we ask ourselves are already stored in our unconscious in a basic form. Some require additional processing and analysis of information, and only after that can solution options emerge. The key question is how to manage the output of these discoveries from the unconscious.

This is a complex task requiring the right approach. If the unconscious is capable of instantly answering our question or needs only minimal additional information, our task is to correctly formulate the request. We must learn to «ask correctly» our unconscious, using the approach that is most convenient for us.

It’s important to understand that the intensity of our desire plays a critical role in the work of the unconscious. If we don’t want something strongly enough or put little effort into solving a task, the unconscious may not provide us with the necessary knowledge or guide us in the right direction. As a result, we won’t achieve the desired result.

Paradoxically, if we want something too strongly, the unconscious may perceive this as an obsessive idea, close to madness. Since obsessive ideas are potentially harmful, the unconscious may hinder our movement in this direction. People who want something too strongly often don’t achieve their goals.

One of the most effective ways to achieve a goal is a kind of «indifference» to it. There should be a balance of opposites: on one hand, you need and want it, on the other — you can do without it. This paradoxical approach often allows achieving goals much more easily.

The closest description of the optimal state is «positive indifference» or equilibrium. Imagine a sage who wants to improve the world, but at the same time accepts it as it is. This doesn’t mean refusing to act, but implies a state of internal agreement and calmness that allows more effective use of one’s strength.

History knows many examples of great discoveries and ideas that came to scientists in altered states of consciousness — in sleep, in the shower, in moments of relaxation. This indicates a certain algorithm that can be learned and used to accelerate the process of finding solutions.

One of the effective methods of managing the unconscious is alternating tension and letting go of the situation. If we want something, we must definitely act. This is important for two reasons: firstly, without action, the probability of random success is extremely low, and secondly, actions help us acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to achieve the result.

However, if we do nothing, it’s a signal to the unconscious that we don’t really need it. We’re not ready to spend energy on this goal, and the unconscious directs resources elsewhere. The unconscious constantly checks how much we really need something. If we’re ready to do a lot to achieve the goal, this shows a large reserve of energy and strong desire, and the unconscious is more likely to support us in this direction.

Mechanism of How the Unconscious Works

When our consciousness and the vector of our attention are directed towards a certain goal, the unconscious inevitably begins to work in this direction. It analyzes the situation and looks for ways to bring us to the desired result. Moreover, if we actively move towards the goal, the unconscious receives rich information about this process and our interaction with the environment.

It’s important to understand that the process of achieving a goal is not only moving forward, but also collecting information. When we strive for something, we begin to notice and collect relevant data, which our unconscious then processes to provide us with answers and solutions.

However, there’s an important nuance here: if our consciousness initially lacks the necessary basic information, the unconscious won’t be able to give us a full-fledged answer. We must immerse ourselves in the information field related to our goal, collect energy and data from there, transmitting them to the unconscious. Only after this will it be able to start generating solution options that we need.

The unconscious is not capable of developing a complex solution without accumulated knowledge. This process can be represented as a journey: we move in a certain direction, accumulating knowledge, and our unconscious processes this information. At some point, it provides us with an answer or resource for further advancement.

When we persistently move in the chosen direction, not deviating from the path, we are actually setting «weight coefficients» in our thinking. We signal to our brain that this direction is important, that this is where we need to look. As a result, all our mental resources are concentrated on this point, and our entire system begins to work in this direction.

It’s interesting to note that if we continue to actively collect information and «dig» in the chosen direction, we less often find truly effective solutions or experience insights. Paradoxically, insight most often occurs at the moment when our consciousness takes a back seat.

We can imagine our consciousness as a kind of «bucket» that collects information, searches for it and extracts it. But when this «bucket» stops actively collecting information and takes a back seat, a moment comes when the unconscious comes to the fore. It processes the collected information, finds an answer and passes it back to consciousness so that it, using this new knowledge, can move further.

Thus, there must come a moment when the unconscious comes to the fore. This often happens in an altered state of consciousness — during sleep, in the shower, or in any other situation when we stop consciously thinking about the problem. It is in these moments that insights often occur and new ideas are born.

This mechanism explains why many great discoveries and ideas came to people not at the moment of intense work, but during rest or even sleep. Our unconscious continues to work on the task even when we are not consciously thinking about it, and often it is in these moments that it is able to find unexpected and effective solutions.

Self-fulfilling Prophecy and the Power of Visualization

It’s important to understand that the unconscious will not work in a vacuum. If we don’t take any actions towards our goal and don’t collect additional knowledge, the unconscious won’t be able to give us any significant answer. Simply «turning off» consciousness is not enough — the unconscious needs a clear vector, a direction in which to work. Without this, it won’t know where to «dig», and simply won’t do it.

This leads us to an important principle: if we’re not really moving towards the goal, our subconscious and consciousness won’t help us. This is a simple but fundamental rule that should be applied in all aspects of our activities. Everything should work in a single, coordinated circuit.

It follows that a person’s right mindset plays an important role. If you don’t believe in the possibility of solving some task, if you constantly visualize defeat, you’re actually giving your unconscious an instruction that this task doesn’t need to be performed, that you need to lose.

It’s important to understand that our basic model of communication with the unconscious is not linguistics, but feelings, sensations, emotions, and images. If we think we can’t achieve something, we imagine images of negative outcomes. By doing so, we send a signal to our brain that this task doesn’t need to be performed or that we’re not capable of performing it. As a result, we indeed turn out to be unable to solve it.

On the other hand, if we visualize success, we send a signal to the unconscious that we need this success. Although in the modern world the concept of visualization is often distorted and exaggerated, it really works and is an important part of the process of achieving goals.

When you constantly tell your unconscious that you will succeed, showing through visualization images of this success, you set the vector of movement. You’re not creating magic and not «creating reality» in the literal sense — you’re simply directing your unconscious in the right direction.

This process can be compared to a situation where a person constantly has a sign hanging near them with the inscription «dummy», and everyone around addresses them using this word. Most likely, over time their consciousness will be shaken, and they will indeed start thinking worse. The same thing happens with visualization — by constantly showing ourselves images of success or failure, we program our unconscious for the corresponding result.

Thus, visualization is a powerful tool for influencing our unconscious. By constantly showing it positive images related to our goal, we increase our chances of success. And conversely, by constantly focusing on negative scenarios, we program ourselves for failure.

The phenomenon of self-fulfilling prophecy is a powerful mechanism that can significantly affect our lives. When a person is told that something will happen, the probability of this event can indeed increase. This happens because the person begins to believe in the prediction and, consciously or not, begins to act in accordance with this belief.

When you believe in something and send corresponding signals to your unconscious through visualization, you establish a special connection with it. By communicating with the unconscious through images, you can direct its work in the right direction. As a result, the unconscious may begin to push you towards the realization of these images, even if initially you were afraid of them or doubted their achievability.

This is precisely the mindset we strive to create with our technology. The goal is to learn how to effectively use the mechanism of self-fulfilling prophecy to achieve desired results.

Let’s consider an example: suppose you dream of a career on television. You have certain talents, but you don’t know how to realize your dream. By starting to visualize your success, you send signals to your unconscious about the importance of this goal. If you do this correctly — with sincere desire, but without obsessive obsession — your unconscious may begin to actively process information around you and show you opportunities that you might not have noticed before.

For example, walking down the street, you may start paying attention to people’s conversations about theater or cinema. Previously, you might have ignored these conversations, but now that the topic has become important to you, the weight of this information in your perception has increased. This is similar to the situation when you instantly react to your name spoken in a crowd — it has maximum «weight» for you.

Gradually, you may notice that more and more people around you are talking about theater and cinema. It creates the impression that you’re going on the «right path», which further strengthens your confidence. In fact, this is a cognitive bias: when we think a lot about something, we start noticing it more often around us. We kind of give the unconscious a task to pay more attention to certain topics, and as a result, it seems to us that these topics have become more common in our environment.

At some point, you may accidentally overhear people talking about professional topics from the field of cinematography. Your unconscious may recognize the potential usefulness of this information and somehow direct you to these people — for example, by changing your route or switching your attention. As a result, you may meet these people, who in turn may introduce you to the right contacts in the industry.

Such a chain of events may seem like a miracle or magic — you visualized success, and suddenly it «came» to you by itself. But in fact, this is the result of your unconscious work, which, having received a clear goal, began to pay more attention to relevant information and opportunities around you.

Thus, by properly using the mechanism of self-fulfilling prophecy and visualization, you can significantly increase your chances of achieving any goal. The unconscious, having received a clear direction, begins to actively work on solving the task, noticing and using opportunities that previously might have gone unnoticed.

It’s important to remember that this is not magic or mysticism, but a natural process of how our brain works. By concentrating on the goal and correctly visualizing its achievement, you tune your unconscious to search for paths to success. And this is where the true power of self-fulfilling prophecies and visualization lies.

A Comprehensive Approach to Working with the Unconscious

It’s important to understand that effectively using the unconscious to achieve goals is a complex process that requires consideration of many factors. It’s not enough to just visualize the desired result; it’s necessary to create a solid foundation of knowledge and skills on which the unconscious can build its work.

First of all, you must have a sufficient baggage of knowledge in the area where you strive to achieve success. This is necessary for the unconscious to have material to process. It needs to understand what information to analyze, how to prepare you for possible situations, how to present you in the best light to the right people.

Moreover, the unconscious must be able to recognize important factors in other people’s conversations to determine who might be useful for achieving your goal. Therefore, it’s extremely important to constantly expand your knowledge in the chosen direction. The more information you provide to your unconscious, the more effective solutions it can generate.

This is where our concept of a «legion» or system of agents comes into play. This model allows us to establish a stronger and more effective «bridge» with the unconscious. By representing the unconscious as a multitude of different entities or agents, we create a more understandable and accessible way of communicating with it.

When we «talk» to these agents, we are actually transmitting tasks to our subconscious. This doesn’t mean that we can completely rely on this process and stop actively working towards our goal. On the contrary, we still need to continue gathering knowledge, developing skills to be ready to take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves.

However, using the «legion» model significantly improves our interaction with the unconscious. The fact is that we usually find it difficult to imagine how we set a task for the unconscious because we don’t fully understand its nature and mechanisms of work. But if we visualize it as a set of «personalities» or «agents», it becomes much easier for us to communicate with it.

This approach allows us to focus on fewer factors when communicating with the unconscious, which accelerates the process of setting and solving tasks. Moreover, the unconscious can more openly «advise» us something through these imaginary dialogues between different parts of our personality. It can push us in the right direction when necessary, using these «agents» as a kind of communication tools.

Readiness for Success and the Importance of Active Actions

The importance of being ready to achieve a goal cannot be overestimated. This is a key aspect in the process of realizing our aspirations and desires. It’s not enough to just visualize success or hope for luck — it’s necessary to actively prepare for opportunities that may arise on the way to the goal.

If you’re not developing, not acquiring new skills and experience, but just trying to «catch luck by the tail» through visualization, you risk being unprepared when the opportunity really presents itself. This is like trying to catch a fast bird without preliminary training in speed and agility. When the moment comes to act, you simply won’t have the necessary resources and experience to take advantage of the chance and turn it into success.

That’s why constant forward movement, continuous development and improvement are so important. No matter what method you use — visualization, creating a «legion» in your consciousness, or even prayer — if you don’t take concrete actions to achieve the goal, the probability of success is significantly reduced.

Of course, there’s always a chance that luck will smile at you simply because you think a lot about your goal. However, it’s important to remember two key points:

— You need to think correctly. Positive thinking and a constructive approach play a huge role in achieving goals.

— Luck is always a probabilistic value. You can increase your chances of success, but you can never guarantee it 100%.

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