How to get rid of jealousy

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It should be taken into account that jealousy and love are closely connected with each other, therefore, neither one nor the other is impossible without each other. But, this opinion many experts consider incorrect. The roots of jealousy and jealousy in love are not hidden, on the contrary, an emotion of a negative nature hinders attachment and the strengthening of the relationship of progress…

Symptoms and psychological side of jealousy

Many women are familiar with the notion of jealousy. According to statistics, every second girl is jealous of her beloved, children or friends and relatives to other people.

Today, in consultations with a psychologist, the question of what to do to get rid of jealousy often sounds interesting. Also, sometimes this question sounds in communication with friends or relatives. It is necessary to insure that jealousy does not relate to feelings of positivity.

On the contrary, if a person is experiencing from within, then the relationship with his partner may deteriorate. However, it will be possible to cope with such feelings, but only under the condition if you make maximum efforts.

And, so, where does the feeling of jealousy come from? Such a feeling can appear only in the case when a person receives not enough caress or attention of native people. Also, sometimes there may be a feeling that the partner is not giving enough caresses because of giving it to another person.

If the girl’s jealousy manifests itself constantly, and, and this jealousy concerns different people, then this indicates the nature of the person. A jealous man is considered to be the most enamored person.

It should be taken into account that jealousy and love are closely connected with each other, therefore, neither one nor the other is impossible without each other. But, this opinion many experts consider incorrect. The roots of jealousy and jealousy in love are not hidden, on the contrary, an emotion of a negative nature hinders attachment and the strengthening of the relationship of progress.

Jealousy can speak on several sources at the same time.

And, so, it’s worth to consider them in more detail:

— First of all, this is a low self-esteem. According to psychologists, this feature is the most common cause, because of which there is jealousy. For example, subconsciously the girl thinks that she is not attractive, and not so clever for her partner;

— the fear of losing a loved one. A jealous person is always afraid of either losing someone he loves or getting less attention. This fact can only be explained by the fact that a person is insecure, afraid to lose a partner and doubts his or her dignity to find another person;

— the existence of selfishness. Everyone has his own degree of selfishness. But, those who are jealous, believe that a person should belong only to them. They can not even imagine that their relatives should have any relationship with other people. As a result, the victim of jealousy is deprived of his own desire for need and right;

— negative experience from the past. If in previous relationships there was mistrust and deception, then in future relationships it becomes the cause of jealousy of his new lover. And, at the slightest opportunity, the partner will be jealous of his person to another person. In folk wisdom, it was said — «Everyone thinks in proportion to his own depravity.» Those who are jealous of their soul mate, always judge by their own data, namely, they make a postscript of all their habits and inclinations.

With a small percentage of confidence, you can safely say that a person who is jealous, he changes his half, so he does not want to be treated like him;

— positive and negative moments in jealousy.

Is it true that this emotion can always be negative. Speaking figuratively, I think jealousy is a seasoning. If you make her dosage, then the life together then becomes even more delicious and exciting. But if you overuse this spice, then no one will eat such a dish. It should be taken into account that jealousy can also be in a positive role. This happens when a person can realize their shortcomings, and reconsider their behavior.

Then he can change the behavior in relation to the partner. However, for this, one must realize the negative consequences in jealousy. Many factors are related to negative factors. The one who is jealous, constantly feels discomfort in the soul.

This is because the existence of a person is poisoned by fear and discomfort. There is no exception to the appearance of somatic disease and stress. Jealousy has its consequences. One of them is envy.

It should be taken into account that a jealous couple is capable of envying everyone who has a successful relationship with a close person. Envy is considered to be the most unproductive and destructive emotion that pushes a person into deeds of undesirable character.

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