Greek Mythology for Kids

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Greek Mythology for Kids

A book for children, written in simple, accessible language.

A book on Greek mythology is not only an engaging read but also a powerful tool for developing imagination, moral qualities, worldview, and a love for knowledge. It helps children better understand the world, themselves, and others, while also inspiring new discoveries and creativity.

Myths are stories that inspire the creation of one’s own plots and characters.

Greek mythology is the foundation of Western culture. Many modern books, movies, games, and even expressions originate from these myths. Familiarity with myths helps children better understand literature, art, and history. Myths often contain profound moral lessons: about good and evil, justice, courage, friendship, love, and responsibility. For example, the story of Prometheus teaches self-sacrifice, while the labors of Hercules demonstrate perseverance in achieving goals.

Myths often feature complex plots and ambiguous characters. This helps children learn to analyze, ask questions, and form their own opinions.

Children learn about the ancient world, its traditions, gods, heroes, and culture. This helps them better understand how the world works and how people thought in ancient times.

Myths are full of dramatic events that evoke strong emotions: joy, fear, compassion, and surprise. This helps children better understand their own feelings and the feelings of others. For example, the story of Orpheus and Eurydice teaches the value of love and how to cope with loss.

Myths are captivating stories that engage children and instill a love for books. Vivid characters, dynamic plots, and unexpected twists make reading exciting.

Many modern stories (e.g., “Percy Jackson”) are based on Greek mythology. Knowledge of myths helps children better understand such books and movies.

Myths are rich in beautiful expressions, metaphors, and allegories. This helps children expand their vocabulary and improve their speech skills. For example, expressions like “apple of discord” or “Achilles’ heel” become understandable and memorable.

Mythological heroes (Hercules, Theseus, Perseus) show that even in the most difficult situations, a way out can be found by being brave, smart, and kind. This inspires children to overcome challenges and strive for the best.

Myths are simply interesting! Children love stories about adventures, magic, and heroic deeds. Such a book will become a source of joy and inspiration for them. A book on Greek mythology can also be a reason for shared reading and discussion with parents. This strengthens family bonds and creates warm memories. Knowledge of myths will help children more easily master school subjects like literature, history, and world art culture. It can also be an advantage in communication with peers and teachers.

Creation of the World

Long, long ago, when there was nothing, only Chaos existed. It wasn’t just disorder — it was something dark, empty, and endless. In Chaos, there was no earth, no sky, no sun, no stars. But one day, the first goddess appeared in this Chaos — Gaia. She was the Earth, big and mighty. Gaia was so strong that she created her own home — mountains, valleys, and forests. She became the mother of all living things.

But Gaia was lonely, so she created a husband for herself — Uranus. Uranus was the Sky. He was huge and covered Gaia like a warm blanket. Together, they began to rule the world. Uranus and Gaia loved each other very much, and they had many children. First, the Titans were born — mighty and strong, like their parents. Then other gods and goddesses appeared, who began to rule different parts of the world.

But Uranus wasn’t a very kind father. He was afraid that his children would become stronger than him, so he decided to hide them deep inside Gaia, in her dark depths. Gaia was very sad and in pain because she loved her children. Then she decided to help them. She turned to the youngest of the Titans — Cronus. Cronus was brave and clever. He took a sharp sickle that his mother gave him and waited for Uranus. When Uranus came down to Gaia, Cronus attacked him and freed his brothers and sisters.

From then on, Cronus ruled instead of Uranus. But that’s another story. And the world that Gaia and Uranus created began to grow and develop. Seas, rivers, trees, animals, and birds appeared. And all of this was thanks to the love and strength of the first gods.


Long, long ago, when the world was still very young, there lived mighty Titans — the children of Gaia (Earth) and Uranus (Sky). They were huge and strong, but not very kind. Their leader was Cronus, who had once defeated his father Uranus and became the ruler of the world. But Cronus was afraid that his children would grow up and take his power away. So, whenever he and his wife Rhea had a child, he would swallow them! These were the future gods: Hera, Demeter, Hestia, Hades, and Poseidon.

But one day, Rhea decided to save her youngest son — Zeus. She hid him on the island of Crete and gave Cronus a stone wrapped in baby clothes. Cronus swallowed the stone and didn’t even notice the trick. Zeus grew up far from his father, becoming stronger and wiser. When he was grown, he decided to free his brothers and sisters. He gave Cronus a special potion that made him spit out all the children he had swallowed. And so, Zeus and his siblings became the new gods — the Olympians.

But the Titans didn’t want to give up their power. They were strong and proud. Then began a great war — the Titanomachy. It was a terrible battle! The Olympians fought against the Titans, and the whole world shook from their clashes. Zeus threw lightning bolts, Poseidon raised huge waves, and Hades hid enemies in darkness. Even the Cyclopes and the hundred-handed giants helped the Olympians. The war lasted ten years, but in the end, the Olympians won.

The Titans who fought against Zeus were sent to Tartarus — a deep, dark cave beneath the earth. There they stayed forever. And Zeus and his siblings became the rulers of the world. Zeus became the king of the gods and the lord of the sky, Poseidon became the ruler of the seas, and Hades became the master of the underworld. And so began a new era — the era of the Olympian gods.


After the Olympian gods defeated the Titans and began to rule the world, it seemed that everything would be peaceful. But one day, Gaia, the goddess of the Earth, became angry with the gods. She was the mother of the Titans, and she didn’t like that her children had been sent to Tartarus. So, Gaia decided to create new creatures — the Giants. They were huge, strong, and scary. Some of them even had snake tails instead of legs! The Giants wanted to capture Mount Olympus, the home of the gods, and become the new rulers of the world.

The gods found out about this and prepared for battle. This was a great war called the Gigantomachy. The Giants threw huge rocks and burning trees at the gods, while the gods fought back with their magical powers. Zeus, the king of the gods, hurled lightning bolts, Poseidon raised enormous waves, and Athena, the goddess of wisdom, fought the Giants with her spear and shield.

But the Giants were so strong that the gods couldn’t defeat them alone. Then they remembered an ancient prophecy: the Giants could only be defeated with the help of a mortal hero who would fight alongside the gods. The gods called upon Heracles, the strongest hero on Earth. Heracles was the son of Zeus and a mortal woman, so he was half-god, half-human.

Heracles took his bow and arrows and joined the battle. He fought bravely and accurately. Once, he encountered the Giant Alcyoneus, who was almost invincible because he grew stronger every time he touched the ground. Heracles lifted him into the air and defeated him. Another Giant, Porphyrion, was struck by Heracles’ arrow and finished off by Zeus’ lightning.

The battle was long and difficult, but in the end, the gods and Heracles defeated all the Giants. Some of them were buried under mountains, while others were thrown into Tartarus. Gaia was very upset, but there was nothing she could do. The world became peaceful again, and the gods continued to rule Olympus.

This story teaches us that even the strongest enemies can be defeated if we work together and never give up. It also shows that anyone can be a hero, even if they’re not a full god, as long as they have a brave heart.

Prometheus and Fire

Long, long ago, when the world was still very young, there lived a Titan named Prometheus. He was very smart and kind, and he loved helping people. In those days, people lived in caves, shivered from the cold, and ate raw food because they didn’t have fire. Fire belonged only to the gods on Mount Olympus, and they didn’t want to share it with humans.

Prometheus saw how hard life was for people and decided to help them. He knew that Zeus, the king of the gods, had forbidden giving fire to humans, but Prometheus decided to disobey. One day, he climbed up to Olympus, took a glowing ember from the sacred fire, and hid it in a hollow reed. Then he went down to the people and gave them the fire.

The people were so happy! Now they could warm themselves, cook food, and light their homes. They became stronger and happier. But Zeus found out that Prometheus had disobeyed him and became very angry. He decided to punish Prometheus for his kindness.

Zeus ordered his servants to capture Prometheus and chain him to a high rock on a mountain peak. Every day, a giant eagle flew to Prometheus and pecked at his liver. It was very painful, but Prometheus was immortal, so his liver grew back every day, and the eagle returned again and again.

Despite his suffering, Prometheus didn’t regret what he had done. He knew he had helped people, and that made him happy. For many years, he endured the pain until one day a hero named Heracles came to his rescue. Heracles killed the eagle and freed Prometheus from his chains.

This story teaches us that kindness and bravery sometimes require sacrifices, but they make the world a better place. Prometheus became a symbol of wisdom and care for humanity, and his story reminds us how important it is to help one another.

Pandora and Her Box

Long, long ago, when the world was still very young, there lived a mischievous and curious god named Prometheus. He loved humans very much and once gave them fire so they could warm themselves and cook food. But Zeus, the king of the gods, was angry with Prometheus for disobeying his orders. Zeus decided to punish not only Prometheus but all humans as well.

Zeus came up with a clever plan. He asked the other gods to create the first woman on Earth. She was named Pandora. The gods made her very beautiful and gave her many gifts: intelligence, beauty, kindness, and even curiosity. But Zeus added one secret gift — a box. He told Pandora, “Never open this box!” But Zeus knew that Pandora was very curious and hoped she wouldn’t resist.

Pandora was sent to Earth, where she met a kind man named Epimetheus. They became friends and started living together. Pandora was happy, but she was always tormented by curiosity. She often looked at the box and thought, “What’s inside? Why can’t I open it?”

One day, Pandora couldn’t resist anymore. She said to herself, “I’ll just open the lid a little and peek inside. Nothing bad will happen!” But as soon as she opened the box, all the troubles and misfortunes flew out: diseases, sorrows, anger, and envy. They spread all over the world, and people began to suffer.

Pandora got scared and slammed the box shut, but it was too late. All the troubles had already escaped. She started crying, but then she heard a soft voice from the box. It was hope. She said, “Don’t cry, Pandora. I stayed here to help people. Even in the darkest times, I will be with them.”

Since then, despite all the troubles that came into the world, people have always had hope. It helps them cope with difficulties and believe in better days.

This story teaches us that curiosity is good, but sometimes it can lead to trouble. It also reminds us that even in the toughest situations, there is always hope.

12 Labors of Hercules

Long, long ago, there lived a strong and brave hero named Hercules. He was the son of the god Zeus and a mortal woman named Alcmene. But Zeus’s wife, the goddess Hera, was very jealous and didn’t like Hercules because he was her husband’s son from another woman. She decided to harm him.

One day, when Hercules was still a baby, Hera sent two snakes to attack him. But Hercules was so strong that he grabbed the snakes with his hands and strangled them! Everyone was amazed at how brave he was.

When Hercules grew up, he got married and lived happily. But Hera didn’t leave him alone. She made him go mad, and Hercules, not knowing what he was doing, hurt his family. When he came to his senses, he was very upset and wanted to make things right.

Hercules went to the oracle to ask how he could atone for his mistake. The oracle said, “You must serve King Eurystheus and complete all his tasks. Only then can you cleanse your soul.”

Hercules agreed, even though he knew King Eurystheus was a weak and envious man. But he was ready to do anything to become better and make up for his mistake. And so began the famous 12 labors of Hercules, which made him known throughout the world.

Long, long ago, in a forest near the city of Nemea, there lived a huge lion. It wasn’t an ordinary lion — it was magical! Its skin was so thick that neither swords nor arrows could pierce it. The lion attacked people and animals, and everyone was afraid of it. King Eurystheus gave Hercules his first task: to defeat this terrifying beast.

Hercules went into the forest. He searched for a long time and finally found the lion’s den. The lion was enormous, with a mane like fire and eyes that sparkled like lightning. Hercules tried shooting arrows at it, but the arrows bounced off its skin like stones. Then he took his club and hit the lion, but that didn’t work either.

Hercules realized he needed to try something else. He threw down his weapons and decided to fight the lion with his bare hands. The lion jumped at him, but Hercules was stronger. He grabbed the lion by the neck and began to strangle it. The lion scratched and roared, but Hercules didn’t let go. Finally, the lion stopped moving.

Hercules had won! But his task wasn’t over yet. He wanted to skin the lion to make a cloak, but the skin was too tough. Then Hercules used the lion’s own sharp claws to cut it. The result was a great cloak that protected Hercules in his other tasks.

When Hercules returned to King Eurystheus and showed him the lion’s skin, the king was so scared that he hid in a big barrel! Hercules just laughed and went to prepare for his next task.

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