Dragon’s Empire – 1

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Curse of the younger Prince

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As soon as the road rolled to the cliff, the horses were frightened. Countess Francesca hurriedly jumped out of the sleigh. In a road dress, with disheveled blond hair, she resembled an angry nymph.

«How did you dare to leave the castle not to say goodbye? She shouted, but the young man who stood on the edge of the cliff did not even turn around. It seemed that he was not worried or anger, nor the favor of famous persons.

For the first time, Francesca regretted that she was sheltered in her castle this stray painter. When he late at night came to the gates of the fortress and showed her samples of his works, she was fascinated and did not even notice that the grave’s cold was blowing from these pictures. She wanted to hire a talented artist to work, but as soon as he crossed the threshold of her dwelling, the castle was filled with invisible guests. Objects moved by themselves, the wind broke the windows, and at night there was a mysterious melody, as if someone played on the harp. The servants began to happen about the mischievous elves. But after all, Francesca did not believe in the elves. She did not believe and then when at night went down into the ballroom and saw there six ghostly, pale ladies.

The countess drew attention to the fact that all animals, especially horses, feared the painter. So now the horses were afraid to approach him. And in the meantime he dropped the bag to earth, in which he kept his miniatures and brushes, and began to push some object to the edge of the cliff. In the outline of sharp corners, Francesca guessed that it was a picture wrapped in a scarlet velvet. But why the artist will discharge one of his paintings into the abyss, because he could sell it and thus earn for a living. Judging by clothes, he was very poor.

«What are you doing, Camille?» The countess approached the young man. He did not even pay attention to her. The red hairs under the green beret, really gave him similarity with the mischievous elf.

The anger of Francesca began to give way to curiosity. She decided to buy this picture, at least for the sake of pleasure to see what is drawn on it? Once the artist himself wants to get rid of his work, it means that the price will not be high.

«Camille, how much do you want for this… thing?» Francesca’s elegant hand pointed to the picture in the velvet. «Do you really think that its place is in the abyss?»

However, the mysterious and, obviously, poorly educated young man didn’t want to start a secular conversation. Only on the moment he broke away from his occupation to look at the countess. Francesca seemed that pain flashed in his eyes.

«You do not understand. I have to destroy the proof,» he whispered so quietly, that she barely heard the words.

«And if I give you the fastest horse and in addition, the wallet with silver,» without thinking, offered Francesca.

In response, Camille only sadly grinned.

«To travel, I don’t need a horse, Milady,» he said. The simplest phrase in his lips sounded like a mystery.

«Although on the other hand…» Camille became thoughtful. There was a deep fold between his eyebrows. «If I sell you this picture, you promise not to put it in the sun?»

«I promise,» Francesca nodded, although this requirement seemed to her strange. She stretched out the wallet with money, and he reluctantly accepted them.

«I hope that you will not get a mischief to your head, my reckless mistress,» Camille whispered. He raised his bag from the ground, he threw it over his shoulder and went away, not even saying goodbye. When he passed by, the horses frightened and beat about the ground with hooves, but Camille did not even pay attention to them, as if used to such reaction of animal to his appearance.

As soon as he disappeared from sight, Francesca wanted to take away the velvet from the painting, but immediately remembered the warning. The snowfall recently stopped, and now in the sky shone a cold, winter sun. And it is impossible to exhibit the picture on the sun’s rays. She had to ask the coachman to bring the picture to the sleigh and turn back to the castle.

There was an extensive forest around her castle. Her family lived here already a lot of centuries. Nearby are several prosperous villages. As a child, Francesca often played in the forest with rustic children and never was afraid to meet the night on the forest road. So why does it seem to her now that a dangerous observer can hide in this forest?

The way to the castle seemed to her long and tedious.

«How did you pale, mistress!» Exclaimed the maid, waiting for her mistress at the gate. The countess looked into the manual mirror. Yes, indeed, she was too pale and felt a strange dizziness, just like the heroine of a fairy tale, bewitched by elves.

Francesca told to bring the picture in the tower and put on the easel. When the servants left, Francesca drew the curtains on the windows, lit the candles and only then removed the cover from the painting.

In the first moment, she lost the gift of speech from amazement. In her head a thought was still flashed, and suddenly Camille stole somewhere this picture. In any case, such work is not typical for him, and no one court master could create something similar. At first, Francesca thought that an angel was depicted on the canvas, but already in the next moment rejected this guess. Each item was identified very clearly, and at the same time, a mysteriousness forced all the colors, except for black and gold. In the background there was a lattice of the dungeon and chains attached to the raw walls, a wonderful, blonde young man was sitting at the oak table. He leaned over the revealed book. The glare from the candle lays down on his face. The large, pensive eyes shone. The bright curls like halo surrounded the smooth forehead. What an exalted image, Francesca thought, and only a moment later, noticed that behind the young man stands the black winged creature. Long claws stretch to the shoulders of a diligent student who does not even want to tear his eye from the book to see the demon for his back.

The countess inspected the angles of the picture in the hope to find the name of an artist or at least the name of the picture, but did not find any or another. Looking on the picture, she asked herself the same question: who is this young man, did he die many years ago or is still alive, and maybe this perfect face is just a fantasy of the painter?

«Who are you?» Francesca asked out loud, touching with her fingers the canvas, as if she was hoping that the drawing could answer her. She wanted to say something else, but here they knocked at the door. A frightened servant was on the threshold.

«Milady, there is a fire in the village,» he began without warnings.

«So send people who will help to put out the fire,» Francesca ordered.

«No one wants to go to the village,» said the frightened servant, not knowing whether he should tell her the whole truth. «There is no accident at home. The peasants swear that they saw a dragon.»

«A dragon,» Francesca repeated as echo, «but this is incredible!»

The servant left and she rushed to the window. She opened the window. Now on the place where the village had even recently stood, the flame was raging. The black smoke rose to heaven, and a flexible, golden creature was circled over a huge burial fire. Francesca did not have time, as it should, look at, the winged destroyer disappeared, and the fire continued to be raging.

Francesca closed the window and pressed her back to the wall. She had to close the eyelids. All candles except one, at once went out. Shadows drank on the walls. Some voices sounded in silence.

Francesca opened her eyes and almost screamed from surprise. Before her stood the same blonde young man. He was as beautiful as in the picture. Only this time his head was decorated by the crown.

A warning

The light of the moon makes its way into the window. Sharpened feathers lie next to the inkwell. I have to start my story. The magic clock count the time allotted to me until dawn. And in the morning I will have to be present at the coronation and no longer be able to work at night, bending over the book of spells. Now I’m just a newly magician who wants to write down the history of his life on the pure pages of the witchcraft’s folio. Maybe some novice of the magic school will visit the corner tower and will find my memoirs. I want that at least someone will recognize my secret, and read about who I was before becoming a warlock. To do this, I have to forget about the elves waiting for me at the entrance of the fortress, and look far back into the past.

Eternity to that year ago

I stood before the arched window and looked at the city spread down at the bottom. Is there a richest and prosperous land in the world than the kingdom of my father? I could not know this, because no of the princes was allowed to travel beyond the country. I had no right to go on a journey even under someone else’s name, such a law was established by the Royal Council.

At the bottom, the lights of the sleeping city were sparkled, the motley flags were flushed on the fair tents, pigeons nests were nesting at lower roofs. Houses of the capital even at night did not plunge into darkness. On the streets lit the lanterns, as if their light could protect the peaceful citizens from attacking robbers or evil spirits. What a majestic look opened to me from the windows of the tower, the whole city was lying, as on the palm. There was a blue cold sea to the left from city’s gate. Brightly burned the light on the lighthouse. In the royal port flies off shopping ships from around the world. Many of them stood in a quiet harbor. From the foreign merchants I listened many stories about distant countries and exotic islands, but I didn’t long keep the hope of going to the maritime journey. How much I did not ask about it my father, the answer was always alone and the constant warning that outside the native country a danger is waiting for me.

Although why suddenly such concern about the younger son. After all, I could not inherit the throne and was not educated enough to give any advice in state affairs. But every day, from dawn to sunset, I spent on the school stadium or archers’ contest. Even old, experienced knights recognized me with one of the best, and the native brothers looked at me as if I could not withstand even the first test of fate. I used to hide from the inhabitants of the castle that at night, when nobody could notice me, I went out in the city to fight with my sword the first robber I met. But today I was in no hurry to descend down the fortress wall. I, as enchanted, looked at the starry sky, spread over the castle towers and on a bright flag attached to a high spire.

I wanted to move away from the window, but suddenly some strange sounds came to me.. Who can demand to open the castle’s gate in such a late hour? To my surprise, the guards immediately hurried to the winch, plundered chains and squeezed lattices. The lifting bridge was immediately lowered, and a black carriage came into the courtyard of the castle. The coachman opened the carriage door. It seemed to me that the whole eternity was held before from the crew’s darkness came out a high, state-owned gentleman in the long, dark clothes decorated with sables. In his right hand sparkled the gilded staff. His uncovered proud headt seemed to be intended to wear a crown. The appearance and manners of the stranger made an indelible impression on me. He moved with an extraordinary, predatory grace and led himself with such dignity, as if he was headed above all the terrestrial rules.

My older brother Florian ran into the courtyard of the castle. Despite the late hour, he was dressed in his festive camisole, briefly marked hair in the light of torches were cast gold. He ran up to a stranger and respectfully bowed to him. Who is this gentleman? What did he deserve the bow of the heir to the throne? After all, everyone knows that the heir to the throne is not putting anyone except the king.

I disassembled curiosity. I had to find out what a night guest in our area needs. Probably he came from afar, from some country that I never heard. After all, I was able to paint the world map only by stories of seamen. Now I was interested in questioning a stranger about his lands. His clothes, although it was rich, but did not correspond to the last fashion installed in our country. But apparently, this guest was waiting for.

I left the tower, descended down the screw staircase and stopped in front of the front halls. This usually brought all visitors, but this time it was deserted around. No magnificent reception. Only guard stood before the closed doors.

I turned into a dark gallery. It was quiet and deserted here, only knightly armoires stood in the walls of niches and the mirrors flicker coldly. Steps heard ahead. I hastily slipped behind the tapestry and from my shelter could observe how the king was accompanied by an alien. Slightly behind them, sadly lowering the blond heads, my brothers Florian and Claude walked. Since childhood, these two all the time kept together. It seems that they were not embarrassed at all that the crown would get only to the eldest son, and the average will be able to take only second place in the country.

Carefully choosing from my shelter, I followed the strange procession. The king, a mysterious stranger and both of my brothers entered the throne hall. The key turned in the castle, and all the subsided. I went to the closed doors and listened.

«Believe me, if I want, he rushes at my call and even the whole army will not be able to keep him», someone’s domineering, triumphant voice came to me. From these sounds in the head clouded. In front of the eyes there was darkness, and one single word was in my head. It seems that it was someone’s name «Rothbert». Strange, I have never heard this name before, why did it come to my mind, as if one of those magical words, with which you can get open any locks.

The door of the throne’s room suddenly swung open. Someone grabbed me by the shoulders and dragged to the side.

«Edwin, what happened to you?» The concerned voice of Claude brought me out of stupor. «Previously, you did not have any habits to sleep on the go. Maybe you are unhealthy?»

«No, everything is fine with me,» I lied and leaned back to the wall so as not to fall. «Tell me, what is the name of that gentleman, who just arrived in the castle?»

In just a moment on the face of my brother, the gamma of feelings from the complete despair to the cold indifference was replaced.

«You were mistaken,» Claude finally squeezed out. «Today in the castle they did not allow any messengers or guests. Such is the royal decree.»

«But I saw a black carriage in the courtyard of the castle.»

«It seemed to you,» Claude said with a impermeable expression. «Go back to your chambers. Tomorrow I will send to you a doctor.»

Claude himself took me to the door of the bedroom.

«Close the door and do not come out of your chambers before dawn,» he advised. It is necessary to say that his advice seemed to me strange. I have never been afraid to look in the face of danger, on the contrary, wandered on the dark banks of the capital, looking for opportunities to expose the sword. So what do I fear in the walls, where I was born and grew up. Is only the fact that the court doctor poison me with one of his potions.

Why would you suddenly begin to deny the existence of a night visitor? For the first time in life, I felt offended of my father for the fact that he did not devote me to state’s secrets.

At the bottom I was heard the crash of the wheels of the departing crew. I threw the first raincoat on my shoulders, grabbed the sword and rushed down to the stables. Claude’s warning did not have values for me. If something is hidden from me, then it is no reason. Well, I have enough courage to learn everything myself.

I quickly saddled the horse and slipped along the lowered bridge. Thin grooves from wheels and traces of horse hoofs were noticeable on a wet dirt road. The chain of traces rushed to the forest. Who would have been this strange traveler, but he chose an unsuccessful route. The dark forest road led to the ruins of the old city. People were afraid to walk there even during the day. It is unlikely that there would be a brave one in the entire capital, which at night would go to the ruins. But I, without thinking, sent my horse after the mysterious crew.

I spurred a horse, hoping to catch up with a carriage before it deepened into the forest, but, to my surprise, I discovered that despite the rush, the distance between me and the black carriage is not reduced. Well, not even better, I can follow a person who caused my curiosity, and at the same time remain unnoticed. After all, if I just catch it up and ask him directly, what did he need from my father, will he give me an honest answer? There was no rear window in the carriage, there were no grooms on the footboard. And the coachman could not see the pursuer.

When I accepted the fact that I would have to comply with a respectful distance, the horses neighed wildly. The carriage lurched slightly, there was a crack. I looked closer and saw that one of the rear wheels landed in the ditch. It must be now the driver will jump from the box to inspect the damage, and I will try to provide all possible assistance and, of course, the conversation will begin. But a careless driver and didn’t leave his seat. There was a whistling whip exploded in the night air a few glittering sparks, so bright that I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I could not help but startled a cry. The road was empty, no horses, no coach, just next to the ditch left deep furrows — the latest evidence that there has recently been stuck wheel of carriage.

I was so surprised that I forgot about my own difficulty. When I looked around, I realized that I could move off very far from the edge of the forest. The darkness deepened over the road. In this forest, even during the day it lacked light, and after the midnight thick gloom became impenetrable. I had to make the return journey in the possible shortest time and closely monitored so that my horse did not hit a hoof into some pit. The trees surrounded the trail as the fabulous giants. The thorny branches clung to my clothes and a long mane of a horse. Maybe I too succumbed to the play of the imagination, but it seemed to me that the road is rapidly shrinking, and it will be impossible to go through it soon.

Somewhere flashed a light in a thicket. I dismounted, tied my horse to the trunk of a spruce and rushed to the light. I did not believe the stories of wandering flames and was not afraid that the devil will knock me off track. The farther I went, the brighter was the light. A few more steps and I could see that the flame is burning in a window. Is someone still lives in the hunters’ house. I thought it was already abandoned for a long time, and the royal manager would still not have time to send here a huntsman.

I approached the hollow and looked into the window. There was a candle on the table. A bright radiance was spread from the candle in the room of the hut. And next to the table two girls were sitting. Judging by their luxurious outfits, I would count them to the number of noble ladies. Although what could ladies do at night in the forest wilderness? They did not notice me, and I stood at the window and could not take a look from two red-haired beauties. One of them kept in the hands of the golden yarn, and the other cleverly wove the threads in the ball. They spoke about something, perhaps they joked. One girl laughed, swung in the tact of the movement of head fiery curls. Her silver laughter echoed from the walls of the hut.

«And the youngest prince is beautiful as an angel,» the girl said suddenly. She copied with accuracy to the compliment, which I so often heard from the court ladies. By the tone of her voice, it was impossible to understand whether she was saying this with admiration or simply messengers someone.

«Yes, he is very good,» the second lady agreed more reserved. «I’m sorry for him. Unhappy, handsome boy! He is not created for such fate.»

«This beautiful young man does not even know what is waiting for him. Even the king will not be able to protect him from the wrath of sorcerers,» the girl carefully chose the words as if she was afraid to pronounce the prohibited names. «He is too noble to agree to the terms of the prince.»

«From those who like to play in honor and valor in childhood, are obtained the most revealed villains,» her girlfriend objected completely calmly.

«Is it really that he must choose the way of evil?» said the first lady. «But if he wants to survive, he will have to renounce his nobility and his mortal family. Forget that he himself was once mortal.»

«Prince will take care of opening apart before the elect of the fate the gate of the Empire,» was an answer.

«Keep silence,» the first girl whispered. «Even in the forest it is impossible to disclose our secrets. In addition, the gates in the magic world can be anywhere and at the same time remain invisible for our eyes.»

Her friend nodded silently, postponed her tangle and began to sprawl lace frills on the dress.

«And this country flourishes,» she decided to translate the conversation to another direction. «Any king would like to have such fertile lands, and even gold mines in addition. Sometimes it seems to me that the gnomes themselves violate their own laws and help this mortal to produce emeralds and other treasures.»

«Dwarfs are trying in vain. At the expense of mines grow rich only the retinue of the king and residents of cities, and dissatisfaction is growing in the provinces.»

«But the king holds a strong army and does not give the ambitious neighbors to invade his territory. Now, if his advisers were less corrupt and more intelligent. They never even asked the younger prince about his opinion, and he is smarter than all of them. Whether he is a king, then he would lead a more skillful policy than his father rather than.»

I moved closer to the window. Under the sole of my boot, the dry branch cried. The girls were fixed. One of them looked into the window and noticed me. Anger broke out in her eyes.

I hurriedly moved away from the window and opened the door. I wanted to apologize to the ladies and ask if they did not know another road leading to the castle, but there were no longer them in the hut. Only moths circled over the candle flame. The light danced on the wick a few more moments, and then went out, as if someone blew it. I did not have anything, how to return to the place where I left the horse. Even the most desperate adventure seeker does not want to spend the night in the hut, where creatures like ghosts live.

To my surprise, the milled trees were broken, freeing the roadway. Now I could safely return to the castle. The light of the moon made my way through the lush crowns of firs and felt on an uneven path. Before the edge of the forest, I got safely, only sometimes in silence I was heard a slight fluttering of the wings of the moth.

Hunt on the wild boar

Until the very beginning of winter, life at the royal court flowed calmly. The visits of ambassadors and the council meetings were replaced by noisy feasts. Passing along the halls and the galleries, I often caught admiring looks of people. Only Florian and Claude avoided meetings with me after a secret conversation with a midnight guest. In their eyes, I often noticed fear. How could I cause their fright? It was worth looking into the mirror, and I saw my beautiful twin there. Oval face looked very young, gold curls were always shone too bright, but I tagged them on the back of a black ribbon. That’s just huge blue eyes sometimes light up with a cruel, steel gloss, as if from the depths of the mirror I was looking at me not naive, blonde young man, and the evil angel, dressed in the clothes of the royal son.

Once from the tower’s window, I saw a messenger who was rushing to the castle. According to coat of arms embroidered on his clothes, I guessed that he serves one of the barons. There must be something terrible, once the servant of one of the royal vassals rushes here at full speed. Maybe the robbers attacked the baron or peasants rebelled against their master, and the needed a rapid help.

I was waiting for me to be brought into a throne hall. According to custom, the younger princes, although they did not have the right to vote, but were to be present at the meeting of ambassadors and receptions. Without waiting for invitations, I myself went to the throne room. Passing by the room, where the Royal Council was usually held, I heard excited voices. Before me came scraps of poisonous phrases and ordinary stockings. Advisors led a fierce dispute.

The door was open. I looked in the opening. Around the huge round table, were advisors. Florian, with a bored look, lifted a heavy curtain and stared out the window. He would read Knight’s poems, and not prepare to take the weight of the crown. Claude was much more interested in what was happening and even tried to ask the messenger. The king listened carefully to everyone. I saw the wrinkle on his high forehead, thoughtfulness and wisdom in the eyes, gray in blond strands. Here he is a sample of royalty. Looking at him, I thought that the real monarch could not have a young face, as it turned out later, I was brutally mistaken. Wisdom and monstrous force can be covered with eternal beauty. And beauty, in turn, is only a cover for the villains of the dragon.

The king raised his hand, calling present to silence, then with a composure, worthy of a admiration, began to ask questions. The answers were unnecessarily polite and excited. As far as I understood, the messenger was sent by one of the barons whose possessions bordered with the royal. There was in the forests of this feudal, a creature which the frightened messenger was used to denote by one word «death». And as it turned out later, this very death wanders in more often in the image of the wild boar, which helps the evil spirit.

«Several peasants died,» the messenger continued. «And the rest are afraid to move away from their dwellings. After all, anyone can be the next victim.»

«As far as I know, the Baron is one of the best hunters,» the king’s calm voice was heard. «Did he try to kill this creature?

«Your Majesty, can I, simple mortal, join the fight with… them?» The messenger thought for a long time before he spoke the last word. Whom did he mean? Why was he afraid to talk about «them»? Does one wild boar can harm the possession of the rich feudal? Maybe all the trouble is in the superstition of the peasants and in the habit everything to dramatize. I used to treat everything calmer and rely on the fight against evil only on my own strength. Let others hope for conspiracies from evil forces and amulets, and only a living being, nor the Spirit, will be able to hurt me. Before death, it will take time to read a prayer, but for now I wanted to fight with a sword.

«If the situation is exactly the case, then none of the knights will decide to help your unfortunate vassal,» the first minister said carefully, turning to the king.

«I will decide,» I responded, boldly crossing the threshold. The messenger sighed with relief. Only Florian reacted to my statement skeptically.

«How are you going to kill this wild boar? Keeping all your charm?» he asked coldly. He wanted to say something else, but he preferred to keep silent, as if decided not to disclose the secret.

«Your highness, it would be better for you to stay at the court, because the ball is scheduled for tomorrow,» the first minister addressed me more diplomatically.

«Yes, right, a great cavalier has to dance with ladies. He doesn’t wander on big roads,» one of the advisers supported him.

Such a tone was hurt me. Does the royal sons in this country are considered only another decoration of ballroom halls, not knights?

«Better stay at home,» Claude advised me.

«And wait until the evil spirit also goes to our forests,» I grinned in response. — Do you think I am not enough to own such a weapon as a sword? In your opinion, I do not get courage and accuracy in shooting, gentlemen?:

Such questions were a sick prick. After all, everyone was aware of my victories on numerous competitions and tournaments.

«Your courage borders with the recklessness?» whispered to me Claude, so quietly so that no others heard. «Leave the astrologers be on their duty and to deal with the dark evil.»

«Do you want to throw these people in trouble?» said I as quietly he. «If someone needs my help, then I can’t just turn away, like all these proud diplomats, which filled the hall of the Council.

Claude wondered over my words. In the azure eyes flashed something like understanding and hopes.

«You can die,» he warned.

«Like every knight, going to fight,» I replied fearlessly and asked louder, turning to the king. «Will you let me go to the way immediately?»

The king alone nodded with such a sorrowful expression of the face, as if he had given permission to my funeral.

«With you will go six of my best knights and your brother,» the king threw such a piercing look at Claude that the protest words immediately froze on the mouth of the latter. I involuntarily thought that these two binds some kind of mystery that their decision did not depend on the fear of my life, but that one of the relatives should follow me all the time. But why?

It was necessary to go to the path not to slow down until the king changed his decision. I returned to my chambers only to capture a fur cape. Winter was cold. In the fireplaces of the castle, the day and night flared fire, and snowflakes were spinning outside the windows. On the stairs, I ran into a court astrologer. His long fingers clung to my sleeve. Evil black eyes with red streaks studied my face as if trying to find footprints on it. The astrologer released me and slowly went up the stairs.

«Edwin, are you going or staying?» I heard the displeased voice of Claude. He was already going on the road. Several knights from those who are afraid of only the royal wrath, and not demons, were on the horses in the courtyard of the castle. The groom brought from the stables the horses for me and Claude. We had a long way to go. Soon the gate of the castle with noise slammed behind us. The messenger rushed ahead, pointing to us the road through a snowy forest.

Each of us prepared to meet with danger. We have already crossed the line of royal possessions. The forest around became gloomy, landscapes with incentive, and heaven was dragged with gray clouds. So soon snowfall will begin. There was no twittering of birds, there was no coarse red squirrels who flooded the surrounding forests. It seemed to me that the nature was extinct, and dry spiny trees were only a temporary housing for spirits, united in the coronal trunks. Magic can both disagree in nature and transform it, tales guided us. This forest was turned into a sullen earthly evil. As soon as we drove into the thicket, as I felt an insurmountable fear, as if someone squeezed my heart with an ice hand. Surely, each of my accomplices felt the same thing, but no one dared to confess to another that the atmosphere of the forest was oppressed.

«Soon we will reach the meadow, there the wild boar will hunt every night,» the messenger said. «We need to get there before sunset and surround the meadow.»

«So, this wild boar hunts only at night?» I asked.

«He came from his lair as soon as the sun comes,» the messenger nodded.

«Where is the lair?» I asked.

«Nobody knows. Most likely, not far from the gorge. But it is unlikely that you will find nearby at least one bold-sprit, which will dare to go there.»

«Must be, Goblins settled there,» I joked and wanted to laugh, but suddenly very close, over our heads there was all the same annoying knock, as if the woodpecker would beat the drum fraction on the tree trunk.

I raised my head, but did not see the birds, only some tiny creature, only distantly similar to the child in the scarlet velvet cape settled on the top of the oak.

«Rather, look upstairs,» I asked Claude.

He also looked at the tree, but no one was sitting on a bitch. Didn’t it seem to me? I must have spent too much time in the saddle and I am very tired.

«What is the tree so much different from others?» Claude was surprised.

«It seemed to me that I saw a thrush there.»

«You have never seen a thrush before or wanted to put one of them into a cage. Forgive, but I am afraid that we will not be allowed to bring anyone more canary.»

Hung away from the tree, Claude decided to refer to the messenger.

The messenger on horseback ahead of us disappeared in an unknown direction, the road ahead was empty. Dust did not flow over the earth, it means that no one was joined by a gallop on it. I looked around to look at our knights, but there was no more of them next to us. If they decided to turn back, the forest would now be shocking from the knock of horses’ hoofs, but there was silence around. Could our knights fail through the Earth, but as otherwise they can explain their disappearance.

«Where are our companions?» I looked around, but I did not see a trace of the presence of people anywhere.

Claude was amazed and frightened no less than me, but his pride did not allow him to show his fear. He was, as always, restrained and cold-blooded — a sample of mentor and elder brother.

«You could not ride a little behind,» Claude said it with such a cold tone, as if I was not fit to go side by side with him or represented a danger to anyone who remained alone.»

Such a request seemed to me offensive and nevertheless I hold the horse, passing my brother forward. Do I really do not deserve trust? Claude marked noticeably and looked at me as if he was afraid of attacks on my part. What a change happened to him after the night visiting. Since then, he never talked with me alone.

«Edwin, you stick to me like a shadow, the distance between the horsemen should be observed,» fear heard in my brother’s voice. I noticed that he somehow nervously squeezes the samples at his chest, as if he was afraid of attacks on the sideways.

I made my horse go slower to retard from Claude at least a few steps, but my horse was not used to such slowness. He loved to rush in the steppes at the speed of the wind, and not drag a slow step. Even tired, he rushed forward.

Noticing that I catch him, Claude snatched the sword, but instead of turning a sparkling blade to me, he only raised it up and showed me a cruciform top of a sword. Is Claude thought that the devil himself goes next to him in my appearance.

«You are not afraid?» he asked in surprise.

«Do you want me to crossed my sword with yours instead of killing a wild boar?» I answered the question at the question.

«Of course not,» Claude hastily removed the sword.

He did not even apologize for his strange behavior. Then we drove in complete silence.

«Edwin,» My brother turned uncertainly. «I have long wanted to ask you a question. You never felt next the presence of some evil. Maybe sometimes you felt that in you there is something dark and dangerous?»

«What?» I did not believe my ears. «You could not explain in the moment! You consider me dangerous.»

«No — no,» he hastily objected. «I said it just like that. Did it happen to think about you? From you the endless light comes, and not darkness. It was necessary just better to look at you before listening to slanders.»

«Who could say something bad about me?» I was surprised.

«There will always be evil tongues,» he answered calmly and added with a tagged grin. «You see, the devil is accepted to attribute aristocratic origins.»

«Oh, well, then we are both approaching this category,» I sincerely laughed, but Claude didn’t even smile, just nodded.

It will be dark soon,» I spurred a horse. «It is necessary, as soon as possible, get to the glade, about which the messenger said.»

But it was not possible to find the ill-fated glade. Darkness found us on the forest road. After a long hour of the ride, I understood with horror that we got lost in this dead, dried forest. The air heavily got very cold, and I flopped up to my cape. Past we ran some little creature. The horse of Claude frightened and stood on the sill, getting ready to reset the saddle. My horse was also frightened, but I kept the reins firmly. I shouted that Claude was tightly held in the saddle, but it was already too late, the horse dropped the rider and in gallop rushed away, in the darkness of the forest.

Fortunately, my brother was not injured and could go. He was lucky that he was separated by several bruises. Then we went on foot, leading my horse. It was still scared, but did not dare to disobey me.

«Look, this is the place,» Claude pointed with his hand forward. I took out the arrow from quiver and charged the crossbow. In the snow, a chain of traces of some large animal was really stretched. So we were late, and the wild boar was already gone to the hunt. If this huge creature went to the village, then the peasants will not last. After all, they will not even try to defend themselves, thinking that they are doomed to defeat in the fight against evil spirits.

Claude took the sword from the sheath — the only weapon that he left after his horse’s escape. I was first going to experience my accuracy. If there is some truth in the winning words, then the wild boar will return to its lair through this glade. From here on the horizon protrude the outline of the mountains. There must be somewhere there is an ominous gorge.

Snow flakes were spinning in the air. The winter cold penetrated to the bones. From the forest side I heard noise, sounds of movements, crunching dry branches. After a few hours it will break. The wild boar returns to his refuge. I first noticed it and realized why the locals were so afraid of him. More than predatory and frightening beast I have not had to see. Its barbed wool, a stupid muzzle and sharp fangs could make an unpleasant impression, but feverishly glittered red eyes, indeed, attached to it like a militant demon. Without thinking, I released the first arrow and got a beast to the ridge. Wild roar swayed above the clearing. Claude took a combat position, and I reached out for the second arrow. I will not miss anymore and get right in the animal’s heart. But I did not have time to recharge the cross, the wild boar rushed to me and fell to the ground. I felt the back on the ice cold of the frozen earth, and my face burned to the hot poisonous breath. The boar slowed, as if someone had forbidden him to break my throat, as if someone was invisible and domineered told him to leave me.

I felt a heavy carcass fell away from my chest. The wild boar chose another sacrifice, and even the sword of Claude could not save him from deadly fangs. I quickly rose from the ground, snatched the sword out of the sheath. The weapon seemed to me light and useless. Claude’s sword was reversed in half. How it happened, I did not notice. The monster wanted to beat him to last, like a minute ago.

«Step aside!» I shouted Claude.

He obediently jumped to the nearest tree. No one has yet escaped from the battlefield with such ease. And in me, on the contrary, a predator, a gloomy, fierce creature with two black wings, woke up. I swamped with a sword and hit the beast along the neck. The first time the sword only slid over a thick skin, splashed a thin trickle of blood, but from the second strike I managed to cut off the head of a wild beast. I was tired of falling on the ground next to the decapitated carcass. It was hard for me to breathe after the struggle, after two blows that took all the forces with me. And at the same time I was sure that my strength is not enough to kill such a beast. I almost felt that in the last moment someone invisible grabbed my hand and helped put a decisive blow.

Claude approached my horse, took out a flask with wine from the saddle bag and handed me. Above the gloomy silhouette of the mountains cut the first rays of dawn. The night passed, as in hell. And the morning revived the former beauty of the faded forest.

«You fulfilled your promise!» Claude said this phrase solemnly and with respect. Does one heroic act really transformed me in his eyes.

On the other hand, we were in a distress. On one frightened horse, you will not go far together. I suggested Claude to take my horse and go for help at the next village.

«Yes, the baron should know that you saved him from this beast,» Claude kicked with his boot a heavy carcass. «I hope that in honor of the hero, at least a feast will arrange.»

«I would be glad just with a good dinner in the tavern and buying two rapid horses. I hope you won’t get lost, looking for a village and do not make me wait a long time.»

In fact, I was pleased with any pretext to get rid of Claude and alone go to the gorge, thereby proving that there was no evil in the vicinity. According to the old knightly custom, I cut out a tongue from the mouth, so that in case of the appearance of impostors to prove that the winner am I and no one else.

I rose from the ground and shuddered from the surprise. Directly in front of me stood a tall, static gentleman, from his head to the legs he was in black. Even the lower part of the face was tied with a black, silk scarf. Only eyes glittered, shimmering a multitude of mixes under the fields of hats with a gold buckle.

«Good morning, my prince,» a stranger greeted me.

«You worked nicely!» He pointed to the defeated beast.

«I just performed my duty,» I answered briefly, by tone of my voice you could to understand that I do not want to join the conversation.

«Yes, of course, your duty is take care of the good of loyal subjects. After all, you will soon become a king. The throne of this country belongs only to you.

— What about my older brothers? «I stared in surprise at a stranger, really he accepted me for the senior prince.

«I said that this country will either belong to you or lie in the ruins,» is patiently, as to a stupid student, began to explain the stranger. «The king will be either chosen one or no one will take this place.»

«What do you have in mind?»

«And why do you need this poor kingdom,» the stranger continued.

To think only, he called one of the richest countries in the world the poor kingdom.

«Why do you need these people with their eternal discontent and fear? Why do you need to have a power close to your sunset? After all, the magic empire is waiting for you!»

He laughed calling, turned away from me and headed for the forest.

«Stand!» I shouted, but he already was disappeared.

I heard the ringing of the bells. A rich, silver sleigh was rolled through the glade. It stopped next to me. A little man, more like a gnome, jumped out of the sleigh, removed from the head a hat decorated with colored feathers and bowed to me. Horses impatiently beat the ground with their hooves. Two charming ladies were sitting in a sleigh.

«Hello, Monseigneur,» greeted me one of them. Her face was covered with a veil, but under the folds of lace it was possible to consider the outline of the pink lips and a gentle chin. She was dressed in fur coat. Her girlfriend was dressed in a luxurious purple cloak with a hood, she covered her face with a veil before she greeted me.

I reservedly answered a greeting.

«I wanted to ask you, my lord, how do we get to the gorge?» asked the lady, which turned to me first.

«In the gorge?» I was amazed.

«Yes, today we are going there, Monseigneur. Didn’t you know?»

Her question surprised me even more than the fact that two ladies were going to go to the place with bad fame.

«You confused me with someone else, ladies.» I answered hastily.

«No that you, Monseigneur, I would not confuse you with anyone,» she quite sincerely objected.

«Do you really not honor with your presence our meeting. After all, we are so long… waited for you, — almost dare the second lady, making a pause before the last words. It seemed to me that her lips under a veil had a delighted smile.

«So you will show us the way,» the first lady insisted, and her voice reminded me of a ringing of small bells.

I waved my hand aside, where, as it seemed to me, there was a gorge. I was more than confident that I see her for the first time in my life. None of the court lady had such a proud posture and the grace of the waiting predator.

«Thank you, Monseigneur,» sounded a silver voice. The sleigh drove off. The ringing of the bells ripped frosty silence with unpleasant music. A few minutes later, the same note «Dzin — Dzin — Dzin» was repeated, and silence came again. The sleigh disappeared behind the rotation of a narrow, dangerous road, which fastened the abyss.

I was confused and stunned and, nevertheless, I decided to get to the gorge. What meeting did this lady talk about? Are the black crows going to circle over the gorge? And maybe there really live fairy, elves and other dangerous unearthly creatures, but as far as I know, they love summer, streams, flower beds and thickets of wild roses. So what do they do here in the kingdom of winter? I laughed at my own thoughts. It was stupid to think that at the depth of the gorge, the fairies will arrange a ball. But the reception in the father’s castle will begin tonight. But I no longer have time for him. But I had a sword with me, arrows and crossbow, and I could safely go to the gorge. I went the same way as the ladies went, and, to his surprise, did not notice the traces of the hoofs, nor the usual slim traces in the snow, as if the sleigh flew, without touching the snow.

Just in case, I charged the crossbow and kept it in my right hand all the time, in any moment preparing to shoot. But on my path no longer met any dangers. There was no soul around, only sparkling snow, pebbles, rolling down the cliff, and the sullen wall of the trees.

As I move forward, the road narrowed. Soon it was a narrow, winding trail, descended down. Fat crust ice covered the ground. I had to go ahead carefully, so as not to slip and not fall into the black splitting of the abyss. Despite the fatigue, I got to the foot on the mountains, climbed the trail looked over the cliffs and felt an inexplicable fear. Yes, indeed, this place was too gloomy. Probably, I climbed into such a height, which would not be solved by none of the locals, but to go deep into the gorge would be a suicide. I looked into a black emptiness. The rays of the sun did not penetrate there. Over the gorge hung a sinister silence. I had a long time in one place, not deciding to go down and unable to turn back. Suddenly, the sounds of mandolin came to me. Pleasant, quiet music. In this wilderness, it resembled the paradise tunes. But who can play mandolin among mountains and frozen paths? I was so fascinated that only after a few moments I realized that the sounds come from the depths of the gorge.

I went a little further and saw that the steps were cut down right in the mountain, they left the straight staircase down, right in the dark depth. I began to descend on solid steps. Just on the moment I was in complete darkness, but without difficulty, descending down, I saw the daylight again. Joyless, cold rays lit a high stone arch. The intricate ornament, as if bought it with the whole single-flowers garland from the flowers carved on the stone surface. On the frieze of the arch was engraved some inscription. The letters decorated with many curls seemed unfamiliar to me. As far as I could judge, the inscription was made in one of the ancient, now forgotten languages.

Passing under the arch, I was on the shore of a small reservoir. The rapid flow of the river brought to the shore a small shuttle. It seemed to me that I was sleeping. Does the bottom of the gorge can be so light and beautiful. I climbed into the shuttle, which as if was waiting for me. The course of the river itself suffered it forward. The shuttle sailed past gray monoliths and stony shores, then dived under the arcade. The river proceeded under the arches, as in a tunnel, at the end of which the light suddenly cut. Yes, at the very end of the arcade, the coast was seen, more precisely the wide of the staircase leading to the cave, the entrance to which was closed by a heavy velvet curtain. The folds of purple velvet rolled down, at the likeness of the tent, decorated with golden tassels.

I jumped out of the shuttle, ran up the steps and stopped in indecision. What awaits me there inside the cave? Maybe the people of Baron have not been afraid of this gorge without reason. After all, I hoped to come here and prove that there are no spirits here? But who then sent to me a shuttle? What if the robbers were in this cave? The last thought liked me more. likely. Robbers are just people from flesh and blood. With them you can fight on swords. It is better than a senseless fight against essential, malicious beings, which by legends are looking for a shelter in abandoned places.

I pulled the heavy curtain. The tassels swung with the rustle, the smoke of golden dust was swayed, and a small room appeared to my sight, from the floor to the ceiling trimmed with marble. I went inside. On the wall hung a carnival mask with elegant openings for the eyes and thin bulging of the nose. I removed it and tried out. The mask smoothly fell on the face, as if it was intended only for me.

In addition to the first entrance, there were three more arched openings with heavy velvet curtains decorated by the countless number of tassels. There was a n mirror on one of the walls. In front of it on a round console stood a slim elegant girl. She was dressed as if she was going to the ball. That’s just the lush rollers of the pink dress too much emphasized the deadly whiteness of her skin. In her right hand, she held an oval mirror and with a flirty smile examined her face in it. She had such thin, elegant features and at the same time, despite all the affectedness of her posture, the girl seemed lifeless. I approached nearer. Around the console stood candlesticks in the form of golden hands holding candles. Another step forward. The light fell on the elastic women’s curls, and I realized with horror that they were made of marble. Did I accepted the cold sculpture for a living person? Yes, and to whom it occurred to put on the statue of real muslin dress and stick into the marble fingers a manual mirror. This clothing was just a mockery above the talent of sculptor. In addition, near of it the statue looked sinister. A live smile on marble lips was washing the border between animated and empty. The sculpture again seemed to me alive. Probably located on such a manner of mirrors and candles it can create visual illusions.

«You have a similarity with the goddess,» I said the phrase from the poems, turning to the statue, and in this moment someone hurts me to elbow. I turned around. No one. Only from one of the aisles came the hurry steps. Raising the curtain, the boy slipped into the passage, most likely the page, although he was dressed too smart. In his hands he held a small mandolin. I was ready to swear that the strings were jerked by themselves, making a long-distance sound.

«Do not wake her!» came to me a frightened boyish voice. «She will wake up only tomorrow.»

The page dragged me from the statue. I continued to look at the sculpture. The boy pulled me over the sleeve.

«Let’s go, everyone already gathered in the hall,» he said.

Thin features of his face were somehow strained, a fold was laying between his eyebrows. The hair was assembled under the velvet beret. I noticed that his ears with pointed to the top ends were too long and do not combine with an elegant face.

«Come on!» He grabbed me at the lapel of sleeves and pulled insistently behind him. «Do you really want to skip such an event? The prince himself will take us today with his presence.»

Without keeping even my senses, he raised one curtain and pushed me into a huge half-walled room. There were no candles in the room. The dull rays of the light made their way through a large glass dome in the center of the ceiling. Thin marble columns lined up near the walls of the round hall. Several elegantly dressed ladies and cavaliers passed by me. They were in completely identical blue half masks. Of these, all I managed to dress a black mask. But I found it quite by chance. I was sure that I was confused with someone, so it is so kindly adopted on this strange collection of graceful, almost essential beings. And someone else’s mask, which I decided to try, allowed me to maintain incognito. This hall under the dome reminded me of an illustration from some novel. Its overwhelming sizes made an unpleasant impression on me. And it was worth only to look at the dome, as a noise in the ears began. A dizzying height can only be safe for those who have reliable wings and strength for flight.

I looked at the page more attentively. Undoubtedly, he was nice, but these sharp ears tips were an unpleasant addition to charming face. If I heard his music, he knew how to play well on mandolin. As if he felt that I was looking at him, he hurriedly moved away from me and stopped next to the lady, sitting on the sofa in the shade of the column.

«You don’t seem that we have a stranger here,» she turned directly to him. «I feel the presence of a person.»

«Strange, I didn’t feel anything,» the page responded. «Believe me, the person’s foot has not yet stepped into this place. People would pass by, without even noticing the steps leading to the gorge.»

I hurriedly stepped into the shadow. If I go now, then it will be a cowardly act. My hand did not want to release the handle of my sword for a moment.

Quiet, musical blows were heard under the dome, but the clock itself could not be seen. People in the hall became noticeably more. Some of them were talking among themselves in some unfamiliar to me language. I have already begun to get used to quiet, rustling voices, how suddenly all the conversations stopped, as if someone mighty and invisible came in. The curtain at the entrance raised itself, as from the gust of the wind, passing into the hall a man, the face and proud posture of which seemed to me vaguely familiar. I have already seen him somewhere. But, no matter how much I stared at him, I still could not remember where we met with him before and under what circumstances. This man had some secret power over every one at whom he looked.

I wanted to look at his face, but instead I stared at a gilded staff in his hand. In one moment, all the surrounding seemed to me to be a ghostly, unnatural, fog and remained only the stately figure, dressed in black fur.

«There is a stranger here,» the accusatory speech has come to me from a magical emptiness, topped with a transparent glass of the dome. «Someone broke the ban and allowed a stranger to go through the sanctuary.»

I have already thought that I have to get ready for defense, but suddenly the same domineering voice announced.

«It seems I was mistaken. The stranger has the full right to be present here.»

A man dressed in fur several times stuck up on the floor. Sharp sounds brought me out of a stupor. I pinned myself to make sure that all this is not a dream.. Several suspicious eyes turned to me from the slots of masks.

«Leave!» whispered in my ear someone. Even without looking at the speaking, I obediently backed up to the exit. Passing by the statue, I noticed that the position of the marble statue changed a little. Probably, the mirrors have played a joke with me again. After all, the sculpture can not move. The shuttle still swung on the water next to the staircase. I jumped into it, without even thinking about the need to find a paddle. But it was and no need. The shuttle itself moved across the flow. I could only observe how the arches and stony shores slip.

Despite the fact that it had to go against the current, the shuttle gained speed. Fearing that it would not take me too far, I jumped up and went to a high arch. It, as a gloomy guard, was bent around the lower stage. I did not want to go through arched opening, but I decided to bypass the arch and step immediately to the second step. I stepped into a staircase cut down in a mountainous stone, but stumbled upon an invisible barrier, as if a glass barrier appeared on my way in the blink of an eye. I went around the arch on the other hand, but groped there the same smooth glass wall. To get out of the gorge, I had to go under the arch again. Stages crumbled under my feet, small pebbles rolled down. A superstitious peasant would call all my adventure an evil joke of elves. I myself could not find a logical explanation to everything that I have seen. When I came out from the gorge, I hurried to the place where I promised to wait for Claude.

My brother, at the same time, arrived at the glade. He brought a beautiful white stallion for me.

«The gift of the baron’s people,» he explained.

«His people are very generous,» I stroked a silky mane and jumped into the saddle. “ The baron already knows that the wild boar is killed.»

«No,» Claude dismissed. «He does not go anywhere from his castle. It will take some time before he is reported about us. But here nearby is a small village where we can spend the night.»

«Then we go to a local tavern, if, of course, such a place is in a small village,» I decided to joked a little over Claude. He, as always, instead of smile nodded quickly and drove ahead, pointing the road.

Soon we sat at the table at the window in the cozy room of the tavern. In front of me in the tin mug smoked some hot drink. The aromatic fluid taste turned out to be tart and astringent. As long as the hostess prepared lunch for us, I decided to tell Claude about my adventure. Of course, I risked to get in response to my revelation alone ridicules, but I had a proof — a carnival mask, which I put in a wide pocket of my camisole. In proof, I took it out and showed it to Claude.

«Well, what will you say now?»

«Edwin, this is an ordinary leaf of fern. Perhaps the sprout made its way under the snow,» on the face of Claude was written a complete bewilderment. «I am afraid that the superstition of the messenger was contagious.»

I looked at my palm and I was surprised to find that I keep not a mask, but a leaf of fern. Strange, I just had a mask in my pocket. With an annoyance, I threw a fern on the windowsill. As soon as the sheet spikes with glass, several color sparks exploded in the air. Claude flinched and moved away from the window.

I plunged into meditation and woke up only when the hostess put two plates with hot meat before us. I was hungry, but I was waiting until Claude begins to eat the first. However, he didn’t touch the food.

«How do we explain the disappearance of the knights and the messenger?» He suddenly asked.

«So let’s say that they threw us,» I replied, although I have long been tormented by doubts about this.

«They didn’t think to throw us in the dense forest,» said Claude. «They were the most loyal knights of the father. They would never have broken his order.»

«In this case, I can not explain their disappearance of anything else, except…»

«The intervention of witchcraft,» finished Claude for me.

«That’s it, but everyone knows that witchcraft is limited to those focus, which are shown on holidays in the cities.

«As you know,» Claude blurted out in response.

The tavern’s door opened. The gust of the cold wind swept over the tables and threw the snowflakes to me in the face. There were several armed warriors on the threshold. I noticed on the shield of one of them the same coat of arms of the baron as on a messenger’s clothes. I looked at the coat of arms attentively, there were intertwined branches of the thorns, roses and other plants, the baron crown at the top, and under it several scrolls. However, I could not admire the coat of arms for a long time, the guard moved to us and after ordinary polite bows, reported about the desire of the baron to thank us personally. We had to say goodbye to a cozy tavern. The fortress, the black silhouette of which has fallen over the distant hill, was the place of our overnight.

Treasure of Baron Raoul

The castle was dark and deserted. Daily light barely pierced through narrow windows — loopholes and brightly colored stained glass windows. The servant held us through the spacious hall and guests’ rooms. In the rectangular hall there were tables for a feast, but there were no guests on this feast. All places at the tables were empty, except the chair with a high carved back, set in dangerous intimacy from the melted fireplace.

From the chair, the old man rose to meet us. White curled strands relate to the collar. Wrinkling hand reached my face. I thought the baron is relatively young, and he turned out to be a memorable elder. He hugged me welcome as a son.

«Welcome, winner of the wild boar!» He whispered in my ear.

I was confused, pre-thought-out words of greetings were frozen in my tongue. I did not think that someone from the feudal will take me in his castle as an old friend. The only thing that the winner could count is, so it is an ordinary dinner arranged from the need. And the court etiquette did not allow the manifestations of any feelings at all.

The baron suggested us to take places at the main table. All other chairs remained empty. There was no guest on the feast, except for us. Only servants poured wine in glasses and immediately retired.

«Baron… Your lordship,» I looked into his bright, radiant eyes and I forgot how to turn to the baron. But his face was glowing such a serene wisdom that I was unable to take my eyes away from him, and was silent.

«Call me just Raoul, Your Highness,» he pretended to not notice my mistake, and I was grateful for it. At the court, such a behavior of the prince would immediately cause condemnation and gossip. In the royal castle, not only noblemen, but even the servants constantly looking for the topic of gossip. After all, that may be more interesting than learn the latest news about the sons of your monarch, and about him himself.

At the empty table, Claude clearly felt uncomfortable and wary looked around, hoping that my unfortunate behavior did not attract a special attention. The position of the prince is very difficult. I did not have the right to make friends, could not hide in the shadows, as the peasants hid from the wild boar in their huts. The baron’s eyes spoke about that he understands me and admires me.

«You showed an amazing valor,» said he with courtesy. «None of my people for any reward would have decided to approach the wild boar. And you defeated it alone.»

«No, my brother was with me,» I hurriedly objected.

Claude looked at me with displeasure.

«As you know, in our dynasty, the younger sons were always shy, milord,» he explained with cold courtesy. «I managed to get to the place of the battle, just that moment when Edwin beheaded the wild boar.

Such a lie from a calm and balanced Claude struck me. I almost dropped a glass of wine from the hands. To keep his impeccable reputation, he decided on a lie. The baron nodded restrained, thereby showing that he unconditionally believed him, and turned to me again.

«You are doubly bold, my prince. After all, my messenger must have explained to you which superstitions are common among the locals. You must be surprised that I sent for help to the court, but, as you can see, I myself am too old for such fun, like a winter hunting. In addition, at the courtyard there are fearless knights, you are a proof of that, and my people are afraid of everything that goes beyond their understanding. Perhaps most peasants are too afraid of this because of their illiteracy. Even the books in my library seem to them the work of magicians.»

«Do you have a library?» I asked. Talking about local superstitions began to scare me, because I remembered those creatures in the gorge and the statue.

«Oh, the rarest books are collected in my library. I have manuscripts written in the ancient languages, the works of philosophers and scientists,» wrinkled, but still very strong baron’s hand reached for a bundle of keys left on the table. «Do you enjoy reading books, your highness?»

«Honestly, I don’t know how to read very well,» after hesitation, I admitted and felt a thick paint poured my cheeks. I could not say such a wise and a steady senior that almost didn’t know the alphabet’s letters, but I practice a shooting and fencing every day. However, baron Raoul without words understood the reason for my embarrassment.

«Oh yes, the ability to fight with sword is valued above the diplomas,» he agreed. «In young years it was difficult for me to find time for enlightenment. I dare to notice, in military sciences you have surpassed your predecessors.»

«I assure you, another knight in my place would have done the same thing,» I looked around the empty places again.

«The guests went out, as soon as they found out about the wild boar,» the baron replied to an unexpressed question.

«And your heir?» I asked and myself was surprised at my audacity. Do I have the right to put in other people’s affairs, because I noticed that baron’s children are not in the castle.

«My son died a few years ago,» answered the baron. The intonation of his voice seemed to me strange.

«How did he die?» I immediately asked, but this time my question remained unanswered.

For the night, we were allocated the best apartments connected by adjacent doors. The idea that Claude sleeps behind the door, encouraged me. If it were not for the presence of a brother, then in this empty, an impregnable fortress I would feel like in a trap.

In the bedroom burned a few candles. The windows were pulled with heavy curtains, so the moonlight did not penetrate into the room. A jug and a glossy basin for washing stood next to the mirror. In the air was the heavy aroma of amber and some kind of incense. From such a strong mixing of the smells my head was spinning. Probably, only sorcerers can burn such fragrant oils and candles in their secret laboratories. I imagined the dungeon, many ancient books, magic things and curves mirrors. Young students of the warlocks mix poisons and potions, prepare magic elixirs and kneeling before books in precious salary before opening them. Voices coming out of emptiness are heard. Where does this vision come from. I stubbornly shook my head. This time my imagination was blown too much. Not undressing, I lay down on a narrow bed under thick, heavy canopy.

The magnificent folds of the matter were fastened on the ceiling and descended down, surrounding an uncomfortable bed like a tent. The bed could well be an old, hence the inconvenience. It seemed to me that I was sleeping on the stones, surrounded by a canopy of foliage. In the uneven light of the candles, I noticed a thin gold pattern, which stretched along the edges of the canopy like an ornament. It seems that many vintage letters and unusual characters are woven into the intricate patterns. I was literate enough to understand it. I have never had to see the inscriptions wounded on the material, but here they were, long and bizarre, like a magic spell.

I plunged into a shallow, disturbing sleep. When I woke up, the bedroom was immersed in the dark. I must have slept only a few hours. I closed my eyes again, but I could not get rid of the feeling that someone watches me from the darkness. I listened, no sound, silence and darkness became all thicker, and the danger was hidden under their cover. I felt someone’s unwanted presence in the bedroom. Suddenly, there was a fire, and I saw the baron.

«Let’s go, a beautiful prince, I have to show something to you,» said the baron. I obediently got up and went after him. We descended down the screw staircase. I did not even have time to capture the transshipment with the sword. The only weapon in the case of danger was a little instructed by pearl and mother-in-law dagger, which I always wore with me.

A black suit of the baron merged with darkness, and the elder face seemed just a mask silently hung in emptiness. I had to follow this silent ghost only in order to prove my courage. I added a step and soon stood with the baron, but I didn’t even decide to touch him, fearing that my hands do not fasten anything but emptiness. The candle’s light was becoming more dull and lifeless. Steps under the feet began to slide. I looked around and noticed that water drips from a low ceiling. Green moss pierced on the walls. We must have descended into the dungeon. I kept my hand over the wall so as not to fall, however, the baron moved surprisingly easily and cleverly, as if he was used to a long descent along a narrow slippery staircase.

Then we found themselves in a long corridor. I’m leaned about the wall and immediately pulled out my hand. The baron, having seen my confusion, immediately brought the candle closer to the wall. The dim flame snatched tiny drawings and symbols carved right on the stone. I looked at patterned letters, long bizarre inscriptions and small figures, even more elegant than those that the jeweler carries out on the female cameo. The image of a winged woman immediately attracted my attention.

«That genius, which made these inscriptions, believed in the legends about the fairies,» I said.

«No one knows how long the letters and numbers are carved on a stone. No sage can tell what it is written here. It is even possible that these are witchcraft’s symbols, and the walls themselves existed under the ground long before the building of the fortress.»

I heard some sound. Silent, patched steps. Someone invisible passed by me, someone laughed. Music female laughter was in my brain. I started choking, as if someone’s strong hand squeezed me throat.

«I ask you, take away from here. This is a bad place,» I prayed, but the baron did not listen to me.

«Do you not really feel that there is someone here!» I exclaimed.

«Everyone who first descends here, becomes bad,» the baron explained condescendingly. «But this corridor is not the worst. Let’s go further!»

My head began to spin and, nevertheless, I went ahead, risking in any moment to lose consciousness. What is it, a terrible dream? Some severity fell on me, as if the ancient walls were about to collapse and bury us both under their wreckage.

Still, I got to the end of the corridor and in the glare from the orange light saw the doors.

«I ordered to establish them here for the sake of the security of others,» the baron explained.

I noticed that the door was with a variety of heavy chains. The chains were firmly fortified in cast-iron rings inserted into the wall. Why such a precaution? Is there really a monster behind this door, which the ancestors of the baron have been held in sharpening for centuries. I wanted to express my guess, but I was afraid to be ridiculous.

«It must be a gate to hell,» I grinned. Just think, even at such a moment I did not leave a sense of humor. Although it is unlikely to be a hereditary feature. My brothers have always been restrained and serious as young philosophers.

«Evil is hidden there,» the baron raised his hand and his unnaturally long index finger almost touched one of the numerous hanging locks.

«Do you keep the dragon in imprisonment?» I asked with the same smile.

«With such a light-mindedness, you will not be able to keep even a titmouse, my prince for a long time,» the baron was clearly offended by my untimely jokes. «Dragons are too powerful creatures, you will not hold them with chains. At this door there is a hatch, also with chains, and under it a stone staircase, which descends deeply into the womb of the earth. There, many generations of my family hid their scary treasure. If you open these doors, then a black hurricane will break out of them and knock you down. And if we go a little further, we will be threatened with inhuman voices. They will also ask to open the hatch, but sorrow to someone who believes their sweet speeches and will release evil to the will. Sometimes the hatch cover shudders so that the chains are ringing and the walls are shaken, as with an earthquake. Even it seems to me that some monster sits underground and is trying to free themselves from its century old shackles.

«And what is under this hatch?» I already asked more seriously.

«If you go down, then you will find yourself in a small room,» my enlightener clearly slowed down with the answer, as if he was weighed, what could be said, but what is not and is it worth talking with a skeptical guest.

«There is an organ in the corner. Sometimes you heard how someone plays on it, although there is not a single living soul in the dungeon and nevertheless the organ makes heartbreaking sounds. And the manuscripts with the witchcraft symbols are stored near.»

«Are you saying that there is a witchcraft? Then why don’t you invite any scientist to decipher all the records?»

«It is excluded,» shook his head the baron. «No one can even touch these ancient scrolls. If you just knew what force they hide in themselves and the curse falls on the one who keeps them in their home. A few years ago, my son tried to descend under the ground and died. Since then, these doors are always closed and sealed by a variety of locks.»

«But there must be some kind of dare-devil!» I protested. «If the witch mysteries hide behind this set of locks and seals, someone who wants to decipher the manuscripts will come.»

«I have no more heir, but maybe someday you will return here to take care of my ominous heritage. Are you bold enough to take on such a cargo? If so, I will show you a place where the keys are hidden.»

«Yes, someday I’ll be back here,» I not think that I promised. It seemed to me that in this moment the triumphant laughter came across the door, from which the chains were shouted and ran.

Although I was and uncomfortable, but on the way back I asked exactly how the son of the baron died. Are there any wounds on the body?

«No,» he shook his head calmly. «Only his shirt was broken, and three scratches and a red handprint remained on the throat.»

«Maybe it was not a palm, but a paw of some kind of creature?» I expressed my assumption.

«No, it was a track from a very elegant female hand. I can’t say anything else. My help was late,» he showed me a cache, where he hid the keys from the locks. I tried to remember the simple cipher. Although if the story of the Baron is truthful, then these keys had to be destroyed long ago, and the door to leave the locked forever. I looked at the door covered by the web of a heavy chain, and her species made a depressing impression on me. In my heart, cold and fear were sought. It seemed that from under the ground, despite the cast-iron barrier, I heard a joyful, victorious laughter and someone’s voice, at the same time, and a terrible and attractive, whispering to my ear:

«You finally come back! We waited for you so long!»


On the way home, I tried to observe the silence, so as not to tell the brother about my night adventure. The baron showed us on the map the shortest path and explained how we can drive around dried forests. In the capital, I was hoping to relax, persuade Claude to walk along with me past shops selling flowers and baubles. Alas, the city met us with sullen silence. Stone streets were empty, shutters on the windows are closed. And today there was not a soul around. Even closely pressed to each other, stone houses seemed uninhabited. The city looked abandoned, as after rat’s invasion.

We turned to the main street, but here it was also quiet and deserted. Only in one alley I saw a girl. She dressed in a wool shawl and pressed a bracket with a silk goods to the chest. I called her, but she ran past, without even paying attention to us.

It seems she is in a hurry to the square of two swords. Let’s go there,» suggested Claude.

I sighed quietly, but obeyed. The square of two swords, named so in the emblem of one duke’s family always caused me dislike, because there were executions. The heat of fire and the whistle of the ax at the frontal place every time spoiled me a mood, although numerous yawns flocked there from all over the capital. For the first time in life, I found myself in such oppressive loneliness, in the center of the empty city.

Claude leaned and raised a colorful poster from one counter.

«Oh, that’s what some robbers execute today,» he will notify me. «There must be all the townspeople gathered to see.»

He sent a horse to the sinister square. I followed him, although I didn’t want to look at the execution at all. On the wall of the gray house in front of the square hung a shield, and two crossed sword were drawn on its smooth surface.

Claude was right. It seemed that today all residents of the city were glanced at the place of execution and only the most god-fearing remained sitting in their tightly locked houses. From the saddle, I could only see the heads of citizens.

Some boy volunteered to hold our horses, while we go through the square. We rushed into the thick of the crowd to listen to people talking about. Claude joined the sides enthusiastically. I also considered people from the crowd until I saw a strange lord dressed in all black. He, as if, wore mourning on the occasion of execution. He looked completely supernatural. Mysterious and bold eyes have long been followed after me. Somewhere I saw this man, but only where and why he seems to me so elusive and ghostly against the background of a noisy crowd. He stood, leaning her back to the wall of some house, and looked at me.

I wanted to get lost in the crowd and even pushed Claude forward, but, turning around, I noticed with surprise that the stranger still does not take eyes from me. This time, in his glance flashed something unkind.

«Claude,» I grabbed my brother for the sleeve. «Why does he look at me, that man in black?»

Claude looked at the side where I pointed to him and seems to be confused.

«I think because you are extremely beautiful,» he immediately found with the answer and pulled me, as far as possible from the subject of my observations. «Let’s go better from here. How do we know what kind of people will break off at the place of execution.»

I wanted to remind Claude that he himself decided to look at the execution, but did not do this. We just took our horses and continued the path in complete silence. For the first time in a long time I felt a strange fatigue. It seemed that the black wings of some birds slammed over my head. And above the castle flashed the rays of a bloody sunset, similar to the bright all-consuming fire. For a minute I even came out that the main tower is glowing, and the red flames of the flame break out from the windows of my apartments. Only with difficulty I managed to shook the obsession.

Claude and I slipped past the guard and omnipresent royal secretaries. On the go, I managed to shout at one of them, that we will tell you everything as soon as we rest. Judging by the surprised expressions of persons, I realized that the castle had already begun to happen to whether it was not worth ordering a requiem. Only Florian did not leave hope to see us alive. After stormy greetings, he began to talk quietly about how he worried, as he watched his dear from his balcony or even surrounded by a suite went to the forest to meet us.

«Did you believed that one wild boar can cope with both of us?» laughed Claude.

«I’m not only talking about the wild boar,» said Florian excitedly and looked at the sides. Only, making sure that there is no one near us, he continued. «Did you not hear that death wanders around the city. And if they returned at night, they could quite be the following victims. Several citizens died and even travel merchants. In the royal port is also restless. Sailors are afraid of something, one of them swear, he saw how a strange woman in a dark cape wanders at the pier. They even say that she does not look like a living person, that it is white and cold, as a revived statue. According to their expression, a marble hand can strangle anyone. Others come to the head of the guard and explain that they saw in the streets a man in black, and then at the place where he stood, accidents occurred. So that the folk excitement calmed down, had to condemn several robbers on the execution.

«And what do you think about all this?» I asked.

«I prefer not to go to the city after the coming of darkness and advise you the same thing,» Florian brushed aside. «You personally, Edwin,» he turned to me, «I advise you to close the window of your bedroom before bedtime, and I will lock the shutters every night.»

This time I could not hold back a laughter.

«Who, in your opinion, will be able to get to my window, on a smooth fortress wall, while bypassing the sentries and not be wounding about sharp spikes?» I asked. «For this you need to have wings.»

«There are also winged creatures in the world, «Florian shrugged vaguely, clearly he didn’t tell everything.

«Well, I will not mind if at night to me in the window will fly a nightingale or a crimson. I love birds and specially open my window for them.

«I would not advise you to do this,» Florian objected completely seriously. He never allowed himself to smile and only read the instruction. Probably, he considered me an incorrigible joker, but I could not resist jokes when I looked at the gloomy expression of his face, tightly compressed lips. In the beautiful years of his youth, he tried to seem thoughtful and wise.

«Well, well, I will do how you want, even if you order me to lock all the windows in this castle overnight,» I agreed. «I can right now nail up windows in my apartments.»

«No, no need to do this,» this time he smiled after all. «By the way, I invited a merchant to the castle, which brought the amulets for the welfare of its owner.

I wanted to refuse the amulet proposed to me, but could not. A merchant with the chests of his goods was waiting for us in the courtyard. He caused my curiosity. I managed to talk with him just a few minutes, but, obviously, I made an impression of an educated person on him, because I received a big book in the binding of morocco as a gift.

«It’s an expensive thing, I can’t take it just like that,» I protested and reached for the wallet.

«No,» the merchant hurriedly stopped me. «Perhaps once this book was really expensive, but now it’s just a parchment with the text of spells written in a language that no one understands.»

«So why do you think that I can read them and understand?»

«It is unlikely that among my buyers will meet another such enlightened person as you,» my interlocutor replied.

I wanted to say that all my enlightenment takes the origins of conversations with random counterparts, but changed my mind. Meanwhile, the merchant said softly on some dialect, on which sailors spoke in the port, and which I learned to understand.

«You are so young, but in your eyes the ancient mind glows,» he fell silent, but for some reason it seemed to me that he wanted to add «and ancient evil.» I have already heard this phrase as a child when our old teacher read us out loud some book. Why, when a person grows, so many fragments of happy childhood eclipses from his memory. I adopted a book with gratitude, although I didn’t even know what to do with her. Put on the shelf for decoration? But why do I need a book that I can’t read?

When I stayed alone, I revealed the gold-plated latches, opened the book and started flipping the pages, as if trying to determine what was written on them. All letters were neatly bred on the handful parchment with black and aluminum paints. Scarlet letters, as if burned against the background of dark symbols.

There was a persistent knock at the door. I broke away from the book and let the valet, who courteously reminded that it was time to change to the evening reception. On the way to one of the halls, I looked into the mirror and saw some fabulous, mysterious stranger there. Is it really my reflection? It appeared to me very dazzling and someone else’s, as if the gold-haired ghost looks at me from a dark mirror.

In the spacious hall under the sounds of the flutes were spinning in dance only two — three pairs. I decided to play chess with one of the nobles, and we took a table at the window. Time was nearing night. I won several parties in a row and already looking for a reason to retire when I heard the heralds’ tubes. The king appeared in support of his suite. I looked for a long time as the stone sparkle in his crown, how the folds of his mantle fluttered when he is walking. Probably Claude has already managed to tell him about the battle with the wild boar. For the first time my crowned father looked at me with gratitude and even with respect.

«Edwin!» Claude took me under the elbow and took to the side. «The father told me to present you one lady. She just returned from the journey and can tell you a lot. Let me introduce you to Lady Silvia.»

A slim lady turned to meet us. Curls of reddish hair covered her back and shoulders, even lay down on a smooth forehead. For some reason it seemed to me that she had never come out on the sun in her life. Only this could explain the painful pallor of her face. The white openwork dress only emphasized the marble white skin. Black eyelashes beautifully bent over expressive eyes. In a deceptive light from the walls, it seemed to me that the girl’s face was just a smooth gypsum mask framed by rag curls of the hair.

I approached her, more and more convincing that she was just a doll, which was forced to speak and move with help of some kind of cunning mechanism which was inserted in her head. Maybe in front of me really was the creation of a puppet master.

Lady Silvia stood motionless. Just noticing me, she cried softly and would fall, if Claude did not support her on time.

«You must have not got used to noisy reception, Milady,» he said, helping her to get to the nearest sofa.

«No, just not to the fire,» she dismissed when Claude tried to sit down near the fireplace. She settled in the chair, which stood rather far from the fire. Maybe she was afraid that the flame even in a distance could burn her white, gentle skin or spark, accidentally escaped because of the low fireplace, it would fall on her dress. Never have a single lady fainted from the presence of a prince. Claude also did not understand anything, but, nevertheless, he tried to bring Silvia to feelings. I could only retire. Several ladies standing at the exit from the hall, seeing me, sat down in low courtesy. I answered them with a nod of head. Other courtiers, found in the galleries, also bowed to me, someone made a compliment, and only this strange Sylvia for some reason was frightened of me or of someone who was invisible attended behind my back. I turned around, thinking that I would see the ugly shadow behind my back, but I saw only how the black smoke was swept away, taking the shape of the winged being. Just a shadow curve from some kind of subject, but it seemed to me frightening and mysterious.

There was a candle on my table. I could not fall asleep for a long time, listening to silence. It seemed that sometimes a quiet, silk rustle hears outside the window. So rustled the dress of the late queen — my mother, when she went in support of her maids of honour along the narrow corridor in her bedroom. From her kingdom, she led several astrologers in the royal castle, which to this day gave some valuable advice to the king.

Again I heard some sounds. Only now I remembered that, contrary to the promise, I forgot to close the window. I wanted to rise from the bed. The candle was almost burned down and dropped only weak reflections on the morocco’s cover of the book. From the side of the window there was a quiet flap of wings. Did some kind of bird decide to take off so high? Maybe it decided to make the nest on the windowsill? I turned to the window, and what I saw seemed incredible to me. In the arched opening of window, was a graceful female silhouette. I looked at the white marble shoulders, hands, prayer-crossed on the chest, the pile of dark curls and two transparent, sparkling wings behind her. The face of the night guest was also strikingly beautiful. She did not look at me, her lips barely moved, as if in prayer. And I was afraid to twitch her and feared that, bypassing the window opening, she would fly straight into the room, put off the candle with her wing and would speak about the ancient secrets. I carefully rose from the bed and, trying to stick in the shade, approached the window. Suddenly the winged guest raised her eyes.

Under the dark eyelashes flashed a cruel fire. There was no one before the window. My guest disappeared as suddenly, as it appeared.

I remembered the instructions of Florian. In this midnight hour I was ready to give the tribute to his mind. How could he foresee it? He also warned me not to go to the city after the coming of darkness, but I could not obey this instruction. If some murderer roams around the city at night, then I have to fight against him, as I fought against many before him. I took the sword, left the bedroom and on the long-mastered route got out of the castle. Soon I had already walked around the dark streets. Sometimes I went out onto wide, well-lit roads. But the robber is unlikely to be painted in such places. Too much light. Snowflakes are circling near the lanterns like silver dust. In several windows, the light was still burning. In one of them I saw the silhouette of the seamstress with the needlework. I wrapped in a raincoat and continued my way. In addition to echo of my steps, I have not heard any sound for a long time. Then I heard the noise of carriage on the deserted street. The crew, almost came up with me. I wanted to leave the road and stand aside, because on this narrow street it was impossible for us to pass on this part of the road, but suddenly a graceful head looked out of the window.

«I am glad to see you, Monseigneur!» sang a familiar voice. This very voice called me from the sleigh, passing by the deserted glade.

«I am surprised how you are not afraid to ride at night on these sinister streets,» said I, standing near the crew.

«I’m trying to imitate your courage,» she answered in all the same playful tone. «And, moreover, you must help me. Have you not noticed that we have just broken the axis in the wheel, so I had to stop. And not because I am looking for meetings with our beautiful lord.»

I looked at the wheel. The axis was broken. We needed a master to replace it. Meanwhile, my random acquaintance was impatiently tangled with the tips of the fingers along the door.

«Unfortunately, I can not fix it just like that. Does your coachman have any tools with him?» I really wanted to help her, without even thinking about the fact that I am a prince, not a coach-builder. Florian would be horrified by one such thought.

«I don’t understand why you need tools,» the lady was displeased. «With your abilities, you continue to think like a simple person. And it surprises me. So you help me?»

«Sorry, but I really can’t,» I looked at the hopeless breakdown.

«No, you can,» the lady said a imperious tone. Her eyes burned in the light of the lantern. — Call for help your secret force and everything will work out. After all, I have no relation to your brothers, you should not hide your talents from me.»

Her words hit me something. I looked at the broken axis and strained thoughts, presenting how slow the tree would grow together how the wheel rises. And indeed, in just a few moments, breakdowns did not happen. The axis moved to the previous place. The wheel looked like a new one, although I did not even touch it. I was amazed. However, the lady took all this, as granted.

«Thank you, Monseigneur,» she nodded, quickly retired the curtain on the window, and the crew smoothly rolled on the street.

I did not even have time to ask her. What does all this mean? Did the wizard stood behind my back, who did it all. I looked at the lantern hanging on the hook and presented how the glass crawls from a strong impact. Only I managed to think about it, like a glass cap scattered on a plurality of sparkling fragments, and a tiny light ground. Only a small iron frame swayed on a hook.

«Excellent, you really know how to do something,» said a voice behind my back. I turned around. For a moment it seemed to me that I saw a tall, gloomy stranger.

He immediately disappeared. There was no sound of steps, and even echo did not respond to his words. The labyrinth of urban streets ran ahead, I wanted to wander around them all night and think that these places were enchanted and uninhabited, but, unlike travelers, who first found themselves in the capital, I knew that at night at every corner a villain with the dagger could wait for the travelers. In one of the poor quarters, I once crossed the swords with a young robber. Among the robbers, he was famous as the best fencer, the first blade of the robbery world. He was so sincerely surprised when I won him that he swore to do an honest craft and that most importantly kept his promise. I helped him get a job in one of those bakers that they supply bread to the royal table. He was so grateful to me for keeping his life and was ready to fulfill any order. I easily found that the building, where his room was located on the ground floor, and I knocked him three times into a low window. Immediately the candle broke out, the bolt clicked and the door opened. On the threshold, sleepily rubbing his eyes, stood my repentant rival. In the night cap, he rather reminded a silly schoolboy, although he could manifest himself as the most dexterous spy and a good comrade in arms.

«I honestly fulfilled your tasks all week, and I went to the tavern only on the day of the holiday,» he immediately began to justify himself. Sometimes I was mixed by his sincere confidence and I will get him at least from under the ground to fulfill my recent threats. Until now, his face kept the same frightened expression, as when I threw a robbing mask from him. In any case, he was lucky that he fell into assistants to the bakery, and not on the scaffold.

«Calm yourself, Paul,» I made him a sign to be silent. «I do not blame you. Just tell me if you know those who have committed those sensational crimes.»

«I don’t know,» Paul shrugged. «In any case, he is not from the robbery gang. Whoever he was, but he boldly walks around the city, while we prefer to hide in the shadows.»

«And to attack from behind the corner,» I finished for him.

«It happened and so,» Paul nodded.

«And a strange woman who appears at night, didn’t you see her either?»

«No. I have to get up tomorrow early in the morning to take the provisions in the castle. It is also good that this noble lady who took up the residence in a hunters’ house said that she was not needed our services, otherwise we would have to go there, and the path is not close.

«What is the lady?» It was even strange to me that the royal manager allowed someone to take a hunters’ house, not to mention that a capricious lady in her own will agreed to stay there alone. Suddenly I understand it.

«Accidentally not Lady Silvia?»

«Yes, it seems she,» said Paul. «She is so strange. She said that she did not need bread, no wine, nor meat. And she said to the royal hunter that he would not even approach the house while she lives there. It must she nourishes by dreams of distant countries, where she lived for so long.»

She is indeed strange, I thought, but I didn’t say aloud.

«Watch all what is happening on the streets. If you notice something strange, tell me. There will be no other assignments yet,» I told him for goodbye. Paul joyfully nodded and quickly locked the door, as if he was afraid that I could still change my mind and to be through with him, as the robber deserves. But I was sorry for him. Most likely, Paul with his rather elegant manners and the correct features of the face belonged to one of the ruined noble families, and only the need made him to spend the year of his life in a robbery cave.

Soon I went beyond the city and walked where the eyes look. I was afraid to admit myself that the feet themselves carry me forward along the forest path right to the hunters’ house. The word house was not quite suitable, rather it was a small palace that needed repair and constant care. The indoor was more beautiful than outside. There were several spiral stairs, spacious living rooms and even a small dance hall there. The entrance door was ajar.


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