Billy the Boy

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American Story with Iron Russian Balls

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It is late at night, Los Angeles, the full moon is shining, under the bridge by the fire a dark-skinned teenager is warming himself sitting on the sofa. He is about 13. He is staring vacantly at the water, rather at the moon’s reflection in it. There are steps heard. Behind his back, in about 50 meters, a middle-aged man, after a few drinks is walking along the footpath. Here he stops at the lamp, and begins looking for something in his pockets. The teenager turned his eyes on him. The man was angrily fumbling in his pockets, but it was clear he couldn’t find what he was looking for. Meanwhile a piece of paper is falling out his pocket. That interests the teenager. The man continues the search. Soon, bored, having waved his hand, he trudged on. The teenager, having waited till the man is far enough, quickly came up to the place where the piece of paper had been dropped, and soon he has found it. When he realized that a 100- dollar banknote was in his hand, he nearly wept for happiness. Only fear of being heard made him hiss quietly “Yes”. Having followed the man who was going in uncertain step with his eyes, he has come to a conclusion that the man wouldn’t find out the loss very soon and, jumping with joy he came back to his fire. Having unclenched the fist, he looks once again at his find, wishing to make sure of the banknote’s worth and he breaks into a happy smile. All was exactly so – a hundred. Again, cautiously, he looked where the man was going and to his pleasure he has found out that the man has already gone. He sighed with relief, closed his yes happily trying to imagine the things he can afford to-morrow. The first thing which came to his mind was a huge hamburger. “No, two hamburgers, and better three, four is good”, he was deciding mentally.

— All right. Let’s stop at five, he said aloud, -And why to-morrow? I don’t mind having a substantial snack now.

— I can’t stop agreeing with it.

A teenager turned round and saw a grey-haired man reminding him of a hippy. The man squatting was warming up his hands by the fire.

— What about some lamb fried on spit? – asked a stranger.

— I’m not against it. There is fire, one small thing is left-to find the sheep, –answered the teenager smiling.

And why should we look for it? Look around, –offered the stranger.

— To look around?-asked the teenager again.

— Well, yes. Turn your head.

— To turn my head to see what? To see the fried lamb?

— Listen, instead of asking so many questions you better turn round.

You mean that I’ll turn my head and there will be some fried lamb there?

— Well, that’s not exactly what I mean and it’s not quite fried. But, watch out, it may be gone. At that time, behind the teenager’s back the sheep bleated. The boy turned round in fright. There was really a sheep two steps away from him.

— It’s real, –said the boy either in surprise or in disappointment.

— It really is, –confirmed the stranger, –you can even touch it.

— Of course I can touch it, but if I can taste it…

— You can even taste it.

— How can I taste it? – The teenager was surprised.

The same as you taste food.

— How to taste food I know without you, but the sheep is alive.

— Well, it’s still alive, – agreed the stranger, but this thing is correctable.

— That is, you suggest killing it?

— And what’s wrong about it? You have just dreamt of a hamburger, but your hamburger has recently nibbled grass on the lawn.

— This is a different thing. I haven’t seen this cow with my eyes, but this sheep, here it is standing alive. You, as you want, but I won’t eat it, – said the teenager determinably, and having come up to the fire, he sat down beside the stranger.

They were sitting silently for some time.

— Look here, –said the teenager, –I’m really hungry. There is one place near here, not expensive and the food is not bad. I’ve just found 100 bucks, so I treat.

— Thanks for invitation, but we can refresh ourselves well enough right here. I’ve got something with me. He took out of his bag some cans, a couple of hamburgers and two bottles of coke. – I hope that’ll do to satisfy the famine. Help yourself!

— Bill, –said the teenager, stretching his hand to a stranger.

— Bob, –introduced the stranger himself, shaking a fragile teenager’s hand.

— Well, I’m really hungry, – confessed Bill.

They set to chew the hamburgers, joyfully looking at each other.

— A nice sofa, – chewing a hamburger noticed Bob.

— Yes, such splendid dreams you can see on it. Before, when I slept in the box I saw only nightmares.

— Listen, Bill, do you believe in destiny?

— Sure.

— You see, I’m here and they are over there, – he showed with his look at luxurious villas located on the other bank of the river. – This is fate. And everybody has his own fate.

— And you? Would you like to be there?

— A silly question.

— Sorry, it really is. Tell me, will you believe me if I tell you that very soon you can be there in case you put this 100 bucks back?

— You offer me to throw the money away. Look, it doesn’t happen every day when 100 bucks turn up on a freebie. You may be joking?

— No, I’m quite earnest. You see, I have asked you about destiny not in vain. Sometimes a single act can change man’s destiny radically. This is just the case. I asked you if you wish to be in one of those villas.

— You mean, I should put the money back to make it happen?

— Exactly.

Bill was in thoughts and Bob has moved to the sofa.

— One must be a complete idiot to listen to you. – Bill has sighed heavily and looked longingly at the brightly lighted villas located on the other river bank.

— Well, let it be, the game is worth the candle. I agree.

— That’s perfect! So, why are you standing?

— That means just to go and put the money back?

Bob nodded his head. Bill, with uncertain steps made his way towards the place where the passer-by had dropped his money.

— It seems to be here?

Bob nodded his head.

— Oh, dear, what am I doing, –lamented Bill dropping the banknote on the pavement, – I can’t believe my eyes; I’m throwing the money with my own hands, just taking them and throwing away. Having made several steps he turned round, looked sadly at the banknote which was lying lonely on the pavement and, having quickened his pace, made his way toward his sofa.

He was nearly by the fire when he heard the steps. Bill turned round.

A white guy, about 20 years old was reaching the place where the banknote was. On entering the most lighted space he stopped to look at the watch, and his sight was involved with a piece of paper left on the pavement.

He picked it up. Bill was watching him attentively. The guy exclaimed from surprise when he realized that it was a 100- dollar note. He looked around and noticed Bill’s silhouette on the background of the fire at once, but he pretended not to notice him. Having turned back he quickly continued his way. Bill smiled.-That’s always like this, some have bucks, and I, what do I have? – He addressed to Bob. But when Bill turned round he found out there was nobody by the fire.

— Hey, buddy, where are you?-He looked behind the sofa, looked around, but there was nobody there, and that lucky beggar with a hundred has vanished into the thin air too. On the sofa there were five hamburgers together with cans and cokes. In the distance the bleating of a sheep was heard.

— Let us be thankful for small mercies at least, –said Bill jumping on the sofa.

Some music was heard on the other riverside, there was a volley, and the sky was lit up with bright stars of salute. Bill climbed up a sofa, curled up and soon fell asleep.

                                       * * *

It’s morning. On the sofa Bill is sleeping. By the burnt down fire sits a big watch-dog, tastefully chewing a hamburger. Near the sofa the puppy is pottering about, trying to climb up the sofa, where the last hamburger is flaunting. But the puppy can’t do it. Every time when it is almost at the purpose, and it is nearly there, it rolls downwards. That drives it mad and it yells from indignation. This yell wakes Bill up after all.

— Well, neither bucks nor hamburgers. What are you yelling for?-He addressed to the puppy; you are hungry, aren’t you?

The puppy, growling angrily, tries to climb up the sofa once again. That makes Bill laugh. He pushed the puppy and the latter appeared to be at the aim at last. It greedily threw over the hamburger, ready to tear it to shreds. Bill stood up, stretched, lazily came up to the water and washed himself carelessly.

Meanwhile, the puppy, growling from pleasure, was eating up its prey.

— Well, idlers can have a rest and I’ll go to earn food for myself.

                                       * * *

Bill was walking along a narrow street where there were stalls with various goods on the both sides of the street. He was smiling affably to the salesmen and they were answering him reciprocity.

— Good morning, m-am how is Dick?

— Thank you Billy. He’s much better to-day.

— Remember me to him, and here, I know, he’ll like it, –he‘s taken out of his pocket a small artificial bone and stretched it to a woman.

— Thank you Billy, you are so caring.

She took the bone. Having sniffed it, she got delighted.-Of course he’ll like it. And I would not refuse such delicacy, she joked. Bill waved his hand to her and walked on.

— A nice boy, –addressed she to a customer, –imagine, his mother has just died, she also was a nice woman, and his father, a drunkard, God knows where he is. It’s the second year since he disappeared. He might be killed or he might have escaped, no one knows. So, a little boy is left alone under the bridge.

— It’s a disgrace, – a customer said indignantly, – where are social cervices looking?

— He was taken to an asylum, but he escaped. He says it’s better under the bridge, you see. There is more freedom.

— Yes, now the youth are all like this, let them be free, –agreed the customer.

Meanwhile, Bill, having come to his working place, put on his apron and started arranging the goods.

— You are early today, –noticed a middle-aged stall’s owner smiling.

— Yes, sir. It’s Jerry who has waken me up with his yell. He feels like gobbling up something since early morning, you see.

At that moment a young woman resembling a famous movie star Woody Goldberg was passing by. She was eating a banana in a dignified manner. Having eaten it up, she stopped in the hope to find a garbage bin to throw a peel and, not having found any, she dropped it secretly on a pavement and started going away form the “scene of crime”. At that very moment Bill, with a box of apples in his hand was coming out from behind the stall and having stepped on the peel he fell down and hit his head badly.

Apples went everywhere. The woman turned round to the noise and saw Bill who was lying on the earth.

— Oh, dear, sorry, it’s my fault, –she approached Bill lamenting and started to pick him up. Bill was lying unconscious.-Help, help, somebody, call 911.

People started coming on her shout. They crowded around the boy.

— We must do artificial respiration, somebody from the crowd advised.

— We better not touch him at all, – the other one objected, he may have damaged the spine, and then it can be worse.

— Let’s wait for the specialists.

Somebody from the crowd has called the Rescue Service. There were more and more people around Bill.

Soon the howl of a siren was heard. The car has stopped. Several people got out of the car and walked towards the boy. The crowd made the way.

— Does anybody know him?-asked the doctor.

— Yes, sir. I do, -answered the stall’s owner.

— He is to be taken to hospital. Inform his relatives.

— But, sir, he hasn’t got any, –explained the stall’s owner.

— Poor boy, lamented the culprit, –I’ll be his relative, – addressed she to a doctor. What should I do?

— We must know what hospital we should take him to, answered the doctor.

— Take him to the best one; I’ll take all the expenses.

— As you wish, m-am, answered the doctor slightly surprised at such an answer, will you go with us?-he asked.

— By all means.

The passer-bys has also looked at the woman with surprise, but none of them has said a word.

— What is the boy’s name?-the doctor asked

— It’s Billy, answered the stall’s owner. And can we visit him and where shall we find him? –he asked.

— Just call our service and they will tell you how to find him.

By that time the boy has been put on a stretcher and taken to the car. The woman followed him and in a second, a siren turned on, the car moved. The people started to go away. The stall’s owner set to pick up apples that had gone everywhere on the street, many of them had been crumpled by the passer-bys. He has also picked up the banana’s peel, which was the cause of the accident.

                                       * * *

The woman who had arrived with Billy was sitting in a hospital hall. The doctor came up to her.

— Ma-m, you’d better go home, you are tied, –advised the doctor. The boy has no serious wounds, but he is still unconscious. As soon as he regains consciousness we’ll call you.

— That’s all right. Thank you, doctor; you know how to find me. The woman stood up and went to the exit.

                                       * * *

Bill was in bed in a hospital ward. In the neighboring bed a middle-aged man was enthusiastically watching TV. The nurse entered.

— How are you feeling, Mister?-addressed she to the patient.

— Fine, – he answered. Hope I’ll be discharged soon?

— Yes, may be even to-morrow, –answered the nurse. She came up to the

boy and touched his forehead. – I have a request to you, addressed she to an old man. – Please let me know if he comes to himself.

                                       * * *

Under the bridge by the burnt out fire the dog was sitting. Jerry, the puppy, squealing helplessly, was vainly trying to climb up the sofa.

                                       * * *

— Jerry, Tom, –Billy was groaning quietly.

The neighbor hasn’t heard him at once, as he was enthusiastically watching TV. But, anyway when it has come to his head that the boy has come back to life, he has run out of the ward unusually vigorously for his age. Billy opened his eyes and sat down on the bed looking around in surprise. Soon the nurse, the doctor and the neighbor appeared.

— You should better stay in bed now.

— Why should I? – Billy was surprised, – How have I come to be here?

— All is outrageously banal, said the doctor smiling. – You have slipped, fallen down, lost your consciousness, come to yourself. And now, young man, you are at the best city clinic.

— At the best clinic?-asked Bill again.

— Do not worry, young man, the doctor calmed him, –everything has already been paid for you.

— Paid for me?-was surprised Bill.

— Young man, it’s not healthy for you to speak much, lie down, please. You’ll soon find out everything and now you’d better have a sleep.

— And how long have I been resting here?-asked Bill.

— Two days, answered the doctor.

— Two days!-Billy exclaimed, oh, oh, oh, he’ll die with famine.

— Who, I wonder?

— It’s Jerry.

— And why should he, sorry, die without you?

— That’s because he is small and terribly lazy. He is in the habit to get food which I bring him every evening.

— Why don’t Jerry’s parents feed him?-The doctor was surprised.

— Because he has no parents. I picked him at the dump when he was still blind.

— You, Mister, have picked the blind child at the dump, haven’t you?

— Not a child, but a doggy, explained Bill.

— Oh, the doggy, –the doctor has calmed down, –then, everything is clear. Well, it’s not so bad. You’ll soon be discharged and you’ll come back home and continue to feed your dog.

— Doctor, when is soon?-asked Bill having come down a little.

— Maybe even today. We’ll only sort out one question…-the doctor and the nurse left the ward.

— What’s your name?-the neighbor asked.

— Bill, –the boy answered.

— And I’m Jack. Nice to meet you.

— Have you been staying here for a long time?-asked Bill

— To-morrow is the sixth day. They promised to discharge me.

— It’s great here. I wouldn’t mind lying here for a week if not those idlers.

                                       * * *

— Well, he’s already come to himself, –the nurse was speaking on the phone, and the doctor says he may be discharged, but he is recommended to stay in bed for some days. Good, we’ll be waiting for you.

                                        * * *

Bill was staying in bed, deep in thoughts. The neighbor was watching TV.

“Well, that guy did me a bad turn yesterday, he said: “You’ll be in a villa, just throw the money away, all will be OK”, – Bill remembered the words of a stranger. But it’s not bad on the other hand, a clean bed, a TV, it’s warm. I wouldn’t mind lying here another week if not those idlers.

— Listen, Jack, do they feed us here?

— Sure, and not very badly. He looked at his watch;-it’s high time to have dinner.

At this time there was news on TV. The neighbor took the remote control and made the volume louder.

— I like watching this news. We’ll be fed in a couple of minutes. – The door was really opened and the girl brought a trolley with food. Bill wanted to get up, but the girl had stopped him.

Please don’t get up, just sit down, –she helped him to lift the pillow, put the bed tray in front of him and several plates with food on it. In admiration with such service Bill set to a meal. The girl, having served the neighbor and having wished ‘Good appetite’, left the room. The old man was eating reluctantly absorbed with the news, and Bill, on the contrary, was chewing his food without looking at the screen. Here he stopped chewing.

“-A curious accident took place yesterday evening, let him tell this by himself. – the reporter passed the mike to a young man.-Well, it happened like this;-I was walking along the quay, I decided to look at my watch, came up closer to the lamp to see the time better. Shortly speaking, I see a piece of paper, very familiar, I pick it up and that’s it, a 100 dollar note. I looked around in the hope to see the person who had dropped it, but there wasn’t anybody near here.”

— Well, hardly nobody, –Bill thought, –and you didn’t notice the fire and you didn’t see me.-Bill recognized him at once.-This was him who picked the banknote dropped by him. But all he had told afterwards plunged him into a shock.

“-Yes, so when I got convinced that there was nobody here, I went on walking and was thinking what I was going to do with these 100 dollars. Then I decided to buy lotteries for all this money.-And now the main thing about it, –said the reporter, taking the mike from him, – this man has become a winner today. He has won; you don’t believe me, twenty five, twenty five whole million dollars”. Bill has nearly choked.

— Lucky man!-said the neighbor in delight.

Bill couldn’t say a word. He only was pointing at the man on TV with a finger then aside. But when the first shock has gone Bill decided not to tell anything to the neighbor. “One must be the latest fool to give 25milloin away like this.”-thought Bill. But he hasn’t dared to tell the neighbor about it. “How can I tell him that it was me who had first found the money and then had thrown it away? A normal person will not understand that”, he thought. And he decided to keep silence. Meanwhile the news was going on.

“-That’s all the good news for today, –went on the reporter, -by incredible chance, quiet near from the same place where our hero had found his lucky 100 dollars, an accident has happened. Listen to what is the only witness of the accident is telling about it.-She passed the mike to a white man about 30 years old. -I’m a taxi driver. So, I was braked (stopped) by that victim, I saw that the man was drunk, stood infirmly on hid feet. I stopped. He asked me to give him a lift. Frankly speaking I don’t like much to pick up the drunk; they stick talking and all that kind of things. But it’s not only that. It always happens that on arrival they usually have nothing to pay. Well, this time I asked him if he had money to pay. He answered, -yes I have, and started fumbling in his pockets. It took him about 5 minutes. I was waiting patiently.

Then he, probably having being tired to seek, said, –you know, I should have lost it. I remember, there were 100 bucks, –Sorry, –he said, closed the door and went away. I started driving slowly away. I have driven 100 meters, and I thought to myself, I feel pity about the man, drunk without money, and the man seems to be normal. Somebody else in his place would ask me to drive him further and this one, when he realized that he had lost the money, he even became soberer.-Sorry, he said-and closed the door himself. To make it short, I decided to come back. I went at back speed.

Suddenly I see a car is rushing straight on him. Everything has happened very fast. The car has touched him, he has flown aside, squeal of brakes, then it has nearly run into me, but it has dashed past. The car has gone,

I even don’t remember the numbers, was shocked. I jumped out of the car, ran to the man, he was still breathing. I picked him up, put on the back sit and rushed to the hospital. He died on the way. That’s all there is to it. Now I feel sorry. I should have given him a lift at once. It tuned out that he died because of me. – It’s not your fault, – calmed him a reporter, hopefully the police will find a real criminal”.

— So, what’s going on!-Bill’s neighbor exclaimed.-One of them has lost the money and has gone to the next world, another one has found this money and has won 25 million. It’s incredible.

Bill was sitting motionlessly. He didn’t feel like eating anymore.-Well, he thought, it’s me who was really guilty. If I had run after him and had given the money back he would have been alive.

— 25 million, one can go mad! – The neighbor couldn’t come down. If I could have that!

— What do you need so much money for?-asked Bill in sincere surprise, –why do people need so much at all? Well, to buy a house, a good car, a yacht, to go to different countries after all, but why so much money?

— Oh, If I had such money. Yes, I’m not poor now. I can afford such clinic as this. But when I was penniless I lived on the street. Then I was the same age as you are now. You ask me why so much money? When a child I had a dream; to open a shelter for such homeless as me. Then I grew up and I had the money, but it was not enough to open a shelter, anyway.

— Buy a ticket, said Bill confidently.

— A ticket, asked a neighbor, –where to?

— Buy a lottery ticket, explained Bill, –I don’t know why, but you are sure to win a lot of money and your dreams will come true, said Bill.

The man was surprised at the manner the boy had told that, seriously, like an adult and very confidently.-you know, that’s a good idea, I’ve never bought a lottery before in my life.

Why not taking a risk? As soon as I come out of here, I’ll buy these lotteries for hundred, no, for thousand, no, for 10 thousand dollars and my dream may come true.

— Buy just one lottery, –said Bill confidently, I don’t know where I know it from, I haven’t ever had such a feeling before, but I’m sure, buy one lottery, and give the rest of the money to those who really need it. Do not give to beggars, to those who can help themselves, only to those who can’t survive without it.

The neighbor looked at Bill in surprise. At that moment the woman who had brought Bill here entered the room accompanied by the doctor.

— Hello, Billy, my dear. I’m so glad that you are all right. Wait, now I’ll tell you everything. My name is Kathy; you can call me Auntie Kathy. Yesterday morning I was walking along the street where you worked. And I suddenly had a wish for bananas; I’ve never wished them so much before. So I bought one. But I can hardly remember eating a banana on the street if only when I was a small girl. I remember walking along; my mom and dad, and I wished an ice cream so much. So I told my mom, –buy me an ice-cream, and she answered, that it wasn’t decent for a girl to eat in the street. Well, so I made a scene and they had to buy it. Then I was happy. Why am I telling that, oh, it’s about the banana. So I bought a banana, ate it at once, and there was nowhere to throw a peel, imagine not a single waste bin, I’m sorry, I made a sin, I threw it on the pavement secretly, I’m sorry for that. But I’m ready to atone for my offence. Now we are going to my place and I’m sure you’ll like it.

— Thank you, m-am. I’d like to with pleasure, but I can’t.

— Let me know the reason?-the lady was interested.

— My friends can die of famine, if I don’t turn up at home on the nearest time.

— May I ask if there are many of these friends.

— Not many, m-am. There are two. Tom and Jerry, answered Bill.

— Oh, I have already heard this word combination.

— Yes, m-am, they are cartoon heroes, I liked this cartoon very much in my childhood. That’s why I called them so.

— Whom did you call like these?-a lady was surprised.

— Tom and Jerry.

— All right. We’ll discuss everything on the way. Agree? Done?

— Done!-Bill agreed.

                                       * * *

There was a white Rolls-Royce in front of the entrance of the clinic.

— You are welcome, –the madam offered.

— Into this car?-asked Bill

— Sure, the lady answered cheerfully.

— Wow!-exclaimed Bill and by uncertain step directed to the car. The car appeared to be smart. – That’s cool, –stated Bill sitting in a huge leather armchair.

— Where are we going?-asked the lady

— To my friends, –answered Bill solemnly, then he added, –are you sure, m-am that you want that?

— Sure, she answered-your friends are my friends.

Bill liked the woman; she was really fun to be with. He thought that all the rich people were usually angry and serious, and this one was different at all.

— Tell me, is this your car?-asked Bill in order to check his doubts.

— Of course, she answered.

— And do you drive it every day?

— No, only on holidays. The car is not the best means of transportation nowadays when traffic jams are everywhere on the road, she answered.

— Then how do you usually travel?-he couldn’t stop.

— You’ll see later, and now tell me where to go?

— Straight ahead, ma-m.

The driver has moved. Bill, happy, looked through the window without understanding if it’s real or a dream. All what was happening was too improbable to be true.

— Hey, called the madam, –are you asleep?

— No, m-am.

— Where shall we go now?

— Over there we need to turn to the river, do you see the bridge? We’ll go there.

Soon they reached the bridge.

— Stop here, we have come.

— Aren’t you mistaken? I don’t see any houses on this side.

— No, I’m not, m-am. Here we have come.

The driver opened the door and Bill got out of the car.

— Where are your friends?-The madam was interested.

— Here they are, –Bill pointed at the dogs that were sitting by the sofa honestly.-Tom, Jerry, come here.-The dogs waving their tales ran to him.

Tom was first to run up and he started leaking his master. Soon Jerry appeared squealing.-Come here, good boy, –Bill hugged both dogs, and it was unclear who of them was happier to meet.

— M-am, they are my friends.-Dogs went on leaking him.-If you’ve changed your mind, tell me, I won’t take offense. But I won’t go anywhere without them.

— Billy, invite your friends to the car, there is enough place for everybody.

— All right, m-am. Tom, Jerry, we are invited, look, what a cool “wheel borrow”(vehicle) тачка, you couldn’t even dream of it.

Soon everybody was in a car. Tom has settled on the floor, by the master’s feet, and Jerry, as usual, tried to climb up the seat.

— You have perfect friends, Billy, they love you.

— I love them too, agreed Billy.

— Do you live here?-the madam asked seriously

— Yes, m-am, that sofa over there is my home; it’s good, almost new.

— So we seem to be neighbors, the lady said.

— Neighbors? – Asked Bill again, not understanding whether she was joking.

— Yes, Bill. Do you see that house, that’s quiet near, just over the bridge or over the river, she joked, and that’s where we are going now.

— Strange, said Bill very quietly.

— What is strange?-she asked.

— Nothing special about it, m-am.

Bill suddenly remembered the words which the stranger who came to sit by the fire that evening had once told him. He said “Soon you’ll be over there”. – So he didn’t tell lies, Bill thought.

— Recently you’ve had a party. There was music, fireworks.

— Yes, true. Friends came round, agreed the lady.

They arrived at a big gate, which opened by themselves, the rolls-Royce stopped on the spacious lawn in front of a beautiful house.

— Here we are, said madam. The driver opened the door and they all got out of the car. Soon they all together with dogs appeared in a big, well furnished living room. In a prominent place, in a black framework there was a portrait of a guy of about 25.

— This is your son, m-am, Bill rather said than asked.

— Yes, Billy, answered the lady sadly.

— And why is he in the black frame? It’s usually when a man is dead, m-am.

— You are right, Billy. We do it when a man is dead.

— His name is Max, isn’t it, m-am?

The lady has shuddered with unexpectedness.

— How do you know his name?-she was very surprised.

— M-am, I myself don’t know how, and I don’t know why either, but he’s sure to be alive. You haven’t seen him dead, have you?

— I haven’t, Billy. But how could you know about it?

— I don’t know, m-am, strange things are happening to me. I can’t explain them. But I know for sure that your son is alive. He’s having a difficult time now, but you’ll see him soon. Do you have a telephone?

— Of course.

You must phone.

— Where to?-It was as if she was hypnotized by Bill.

— Take the phone. I’ll tell you the numbers.

The lady came up to the telephone obediently. Bill dictated the numbers.

— Ask for Harry, Harry Smith. Tell your name.-The lady did everything he had told her to do.

When a handset was picked up on the other end she started speaking.

— I need Harry Smith.

— That’s me. Who is asking for him?

— My name’s Kathy Brown.

— Cathy Brown? – A surprised voice answered from the other end.-How did you find me? I’ve just come back.

— You know me, -the lady got surprised and looked at Bill astounded.

Of course I know you if you are the person I’m thinking at the moment, are you Max’s mother?

— Yes, I am, she said nearly crying, is he alive? -she asked in a shivering voice.

— Please, come down, he’s alive, but…

— Please, tell something, just don’t keep silence, is he alive? Where is he, for two years, my God, for two years I have been told, they brought me a paper, I couldn’t believe, but they assured me, she was confusing words from excitement, tears were running down her face, she cried and she couldn’t understand if they were the tears of joy or the tears of grief. Bill came up to her and cuddled up as if she was his mother, –please, m-am, calm down, all will be all right.

— Oh, dear, Billy, you can’t imagine what you have just done, –she hugged him and started kissing.

— M-am, you need to speak to Harry, –said Bill in a businesslike manner.

— Yes, of course, I’m sorry, Harry, I must see you. Good, I understand. Wait for me, don’t go anywhere. I’ll be at your place soon.-She hung up. She was standing at a loss for a few minutes. Then, when she lifted her head, Bill didn’t recognize her. It was another sort of a woman, strong and strong-willed. – Billy, you don’t imagine what you’ve done for me. Listen, I must go for some time, but I’ll be back soon.-She pushed the red button on the table and a chambermaid appeared.-Liz, do you see that young man?

— Yes, m-am.

— This is my precious, I repeat, very precious friend, –and those, –she pointed at the dogs, –his very good friends. Elsie, please, feed them all, send somebody to buy the most expensive, yes the most expensive clothes, let him have a bath, call for a hairdresser, and these nice dogs also need washing, dressing and so on. Do you understand me?

— Of course, m-am, the chambermaid answered in astonishment. The lady has simply run out from the living room. The chambermaid kept on standing.

— My name’s Bill, nice to meet you. –Liz. Bill stretched his hand to her, they greeted each other.-Well, about dressing my dogs, that’s going some, but I won’t deny the rest of it. Liz was some years older than he, –Bill’s words made her laugh, she smiled.

— What has happened to her? Well, sure, she is a thing, of course, but I’ve never seen her like this before.

— You see, the thing is, that your son is alive, said Bill calmly.

The girl turned pale, her feet mowed down, she started falling down. Bill was in time to catch her, but being not strong enough, he only has without serious consequences lowered her on the floor. Bill was at a loss, he didn’t know how to help the girl. At this moment the roar of a motorcycle was heard, and then it has abated. Bill heard the lady’s voice.

— Billy, she called him. Bill looked out of the open window. On the lawn he saw the mistress of the house sitting on a beautiful Harley. She was dressed like a confirmed rocker.-Billy, I’ll be back soon, feel yourself at home. Actually, from this day it’s been your house.

— M-am, Liz is unwell, she has fainted, I don’t know what to do with her, – asked Bill perplexed, and apart of all, he was struck by madam’s gear, he really didn’t expect such things from her.

— Did you speak about Max to her?

— Yes, M-am, answered Bill perplexed.

— Then, all is clear, smiled the mistress.-Right, off I go.

— M-am, you didn’t answer what I should do with her.

— Just don’t let her be bored, answered the mistress. The Harley has roared and she has gone. Having gone from the window, he saw a funny scene: Tom and Jerry were leaking Liz. Bill smiled; meanwhile the girl came to herself. She lifted. Tom continued leaking her while Jerry couldn’t reach the face and was tying to climb it up waving his tail, squealing cheerfully.

— How funny they are, she said stroking the dogs, –tell me, haven’t you mixed up anything about Max?

— No Liz, nothing is mixed up. Max is really alive, but he needs help, answered Bill seriously.

— Well, I see why Cathy is like…

— Well, thought Bill, now I understand why you’ve fainted.-Give me your hand I’ll help you to lift up, otherwise they’ll leak you to death.

Bill stretched his hand to the girl, the girl lifted up; the dogs went on twisting around her.

— You have perfect friends, Liz smiled. The girl has become more cheerful.

— You said Max was in need. And where is he.

— This I don’t know yet. When the mistress comes back everything will be clear.

— All right, let’s wait for Cathy. And now let’s follow the mistress’s orders. I should be on time before she comes. In spite her kindness she is rather strict, said Liz smiling. What shall we start with?-she asked.

We’ll better feed these fellows first. They haven’t eaten for two days yet.

— Poor creatures, and what do they eat? We have no dogs in the house so there is no special pets’ food, –apologized the girl.

— You don’t need that. They eat every food, Bill calmed her.

— And what will you eat?

— I’m just like my friends. I eat everything.

— That’s excellent, let’s start, said Liz, rubbing her palms in efficiently.

All was spinning and turning, people have turned up from don’t know where. Dogs are being fed, Bill is being washed, and then dogs are being washed. Then they are being dressed, the hair being cut. As a result, Bill and his dogs were hardly recognizable. There was a roar of a motorcycle and the mistress came onto the lawn. There was a man in a helmet behind her back. They got off and the servant rolled a Harley to the hangar.

— Meet Harry, Max’s friend, said the mistress, taking the helmet of. They were there together. -Harry took of his helmet, came up to Bill and Liz and greeted them.

— Harry, this is that Bill and this is Liz, she introduced them.

— Pleased to meet you, said Harry shaking Billy’s hand. Then he came up to Liz and smiled.-Are you the Liz Max had told me so many times about. He showed me your photo. You are quiet a small girl in the photo, and now…

Liz, bewildered, stretched her hand.

— Did he really talk about me?-she asked doubtfully.

— Yes.-answered Harry. The girl smiled.

Cathy was looking at them and her eyes were shining with happiness.

For the first time for many years she‘s got a chance to see her son. Of course, there were still doubts in her heart, but she didn’t want to think about it. She came up to Bill and cuddled up to him as if he was her child.

— Bill, you look splendidly, she said smiling. Bill was dressed in a smart black suit, designer shoes and a snow white shirt with a bowtie.

— Thank you, m-am.

Let’s go in, there is much to be discussed, she offered, bringing Bill with her, – I’m as hungry as a wolf. Liz, can we eat something?-she asked the girl.

— Sure. The table is laid. We’ve been waiting for you.

— How! Bill hasn’t eaten yet?-she was surprised.

— No, m-am, Bill and his friends have been fed as you ordered.

— That’s nice. But I think Bill and friends will keep us company.

— Of course, m-am, agreed the boy.

They entered the dining room, where the table was laid. Some people brought hot dishes fussily and poured the Champaign.

— I’d like to drink for all of us and for Max and I wish he were among us soon.-Everybody raised their glasses and emptied them up to the bottoms.

After having drunk Champaign Cathy went on talking, – Harry said that we can form a team and come to Max’s rescue. I know where to find armament and equipment.

— We don’t need to go anywhere, said Bill firmly.

— Why, Bill?-Cathy asked surprisingly.

— Is the name of Mohamed Said familiar to you?-asked Bill addressing to Harry.

— Sure. He is the second main man in a gang where we were kept, answered Harry, –and how do you know this name?-he asked in surprise.

— That’s not important. Can you recognize him?

— If I can recognize this villain? –Harry flared up. I’d strangle him with my own hands.

— And that’s what you shouldn’t do, Bill objected efficiently.-We need him alive.

— What do you mean?-Harry transferred a sight from Bill to Cathy not understanding what was going on.

— Harry, this guy is to be trusted, Cathy said seriously. If it were not him we wouldn’t have met. And do not ask questions, he doesn’t know by himself how and why. Just trust him.

— To-morrow this very Mohamed is arriving in the States, Bill continued seriously, –our task is to meet him. Then we’ll swap him to Max. No police or FBI, they won’t help us. Can you arrange this? He asked Cathy.

— You say that he is arriving in the States, where exactly?

— Get the ready people. All will be all right, –said Bill confidently.

                                       * * *

It’s late at night. The city is sunk in neon adverts, whose glisten is reflected in quiet ripples of the river water, the bridge is decorated by the lights of the lampposts and wonderful music is heard from the yacht floating by under the bridge completing this night idyll.

                                       * * *

Liz, wearing her nightgown, was sitting on her bed in her room. On her lap there was a small album with photos. She was looking through it, stopping her sight here and there. Her eyes were wet from tears. And here, she has found what she was looking for. There was one photo missing on one page. “He showed me your photo. You looked like a girl in that photo, but now…” she recalled Harry’s words. – Well, that’s you, Max, has taken my photo without letting me know. I even had no hope that you would need it some day, she said addressing to Max’s photo

which was near the empty cell.-Good heavens, and shall I really see you again?

                                       * * *

Bill was walking nervously up and down in his room. Something was bothering him. Jerry humming from pleasure was chewing an artificial bone, sitting on a smart sofa. Tom was settling on the floor, he had a special mat bought for him; a bigger bone was beside him. But he didn’t pay attention to it.

The dog was watching his master attentively who continued to walk around the room. Bill stopped and covered the face with his hands. He imagines an expensive car running at a high rate along the road, the driver is listening to jolly music and all of a sudden a man appears just in front of him. Not having had time to brake, he hits him and rushes away.

Behind his room window there is a view on the river and the bridge which was recently his place to live. He came up to the window and began to admire the panorama. But there was something unnatural in what he saw. Suddenly it has come to his mind, -the fire, of course, somebody has made a fire.-And bill seemed to know who that was. He left the room quickly and went to the exit. In a slightly lighted living room he saw Cathy. She stood with her back to him. She had her son’s photo in her hands and the black frame where it used to be was lying on the floor. Cathy was crying.

— M-am, -Bill called her. Cathy turned to him.

— Bill, if you only knew how glad I am. -She hugged him.

— M-a,, I have to go for a short time.

— Bill, you said not for long? That means you are going back soon?

— Yes, m-am, I have to…-Bill stumbled to explain why he has to go, but he himself couldn’t explain that. He understood clearly that he should turn up near the fire;-I need to go, not for long.-With these words he left her and went to the exit.

— I’ll be waiting for you, she said.

— Thank you, m-am, I’ll be back soon, for sure.-Tears rolled from his yes, and he added after a small pause, – I haven’t been waited by anybody for a long time.

Having said this he quickly left the house. Cathy smiled sadly wiping the tears off.

                                       * * *

Having gone out of the house, Bill ran. It seemed to him that the whole eternity had passed by until he crossed the bridge. The lampposts and the cars were rushing past him blinding him with their headlights while he was running. Rare passer-bys were looking him back in a trace. And here he is nearly at the target. Bill stopped to take breath. In about 50 meters from him there was the place where he had found the dropped banknote and on the opposite side, not far under the bridge the fire was burning. Having taken breath he went towards it. But he stopped sharply. There seemed to be somebody under the lamp. Having turned round Bill saw the same man who dropped the money. He was seeking something in the pockets as it was the last time he saw him. There was a splash of water behind his back as if somebody had thrown a stone into the water. Bill turned round involuntarily.

Water went in circles around the river; one and the same man with long hair was sitting by the fire. He beckoned him with his hand. And the man who was standing at the lamppost had disappeared meanwhile.

Bill slowly came up to the sofa and sat down on it silently. For some time they were looking into each other’s eyes without saying a word. The man was first to speak.

— Well, are you satisfied? – He asked. Bill didn’t answer. The silence was too long.

— You don’t feel like talking, as I see, –said the man, standing up. Then I’ll go. He had made some steps before Bill stopped him.

— Don’t go, I don’t know what to answer you.

— Just say what you think, advised the man, turning round to him.

— What you think, imitated him Bill, –a man died because of some 100 bucks.

— You yourself have made a choice.

— How could I know that he will then…?

— Everybody acts as he thinks he should.

— But I didn’t really know.

— We don’t know many things either about ourselves or about the others. Though, you now know something that the others do not know.

— Well, I only don’t know if it is a reward or punishment?

— And you have grown up, -Bob said half joking half seriously.

— Well, off I go, he added going away after a small pause.

— Bob, hold on, shall we see each other some day?-Bill cried in a trace

— Who knows, Bob answered without looking back, shrugging his shoulders and waving hands.

The boy was following him with his eyes, and Bob was walking along the same path where the poor fellow who dropped the money had recently made his last walk.

                                       * * *

Cathy was standing in her bedroom wearing a nightgown and looking through a big military binocular. She was watching Bill sitting on his sofa under the bridge by the fire.

— I knew he would go there. And who did he speak to?-There was nobody in the room except of a big white cat sitting on the window sill near her.

— Archie, she addressed to the cat, and that man Bill was speaking to was quiet all right, he may be in my taste, I should ask Bill about him, she said joking, stroking the cat with a free hand. Bill stood up meanwhile and went slowly to the bridge.

                                       * * *

Both dogs were peacefully snuffling in Bill’s room, Jerry on the sofa, as usual, and Tom on his new mat, and if the dogs could speak, then Tom would confess that he had dreamt about such a mat all his, both in the direct and indirect sense of a word, “dog’s life”. Tom was lying on his back, his paws up, and a wild happy dog’s smile was spreading along his muzzle.

Cathy continued watching Bill who has already reached the bridge by that time, and then he suddenly stopped. He was bewildered and gloomy.

— Oh, dear, I don’t like it very much, –Cathy lamented.-What is he up to, Archie? –addressed she the cat, convulsively pulling him by the fluffy neck, you just have a look. – She saw through the binocular Bill bend over the handrails and look at the water. It seemed to her he may fall.-Oh, dear, no! Not this, –she was panicking. Bill, my boy, Oh, God, what shall I do?-She rushed to the door, then again to the window. Having found him with the binocular, she saw him bending more, –then she threw the binocular on the bed and rushed to the door, having run out of the room she came back in a second. Having run to the wardrobe, she took out the thing she’s found first, wanted to put it on, but then having looked through the window, has changed her mind, threw the dress on the floor and weeping madly “My boy, do not do this” ran out from the house. Soon, with an improbable roar she really flew out of the garage on her Harley and crying “Don’t do this, Billy, I’m already coming”, has dashed away. The windows began to get lighted, some people including Liz, having looked through the windows, started to watch scaredly what was happening.

                                       * * *

Bill stood having bent over the handrails looking into the water senselessly. His mood wasn’t good, but the thought to throw himself into the water has not visited him. It was quiet and lonely. The only question which disturbed him and which Bob didn’t want or couldn’t answer was if it was a reward or punishment. The course of his thoughts was spoilt by the roar of the motor. At a high rate a motorbike was approaching him, Cathy was on it in a nightgown, her long black hair were scattering downwind. Very soon she appeared near Bill, she threw the motorcycle away, ran up to him, dragged him away from the handrails and with the words “My boy, what are you after?” she hugged him tightly. Being surprised at such Cathy’s behavior Bill didn’t know how to react. –Thanks Goodness, I’m on time, –she lamented, nestling the boy tight.

— M-am, what’s up with you?-asked Bill, when the hugs weakened a bit.

— All is all right, my boy, let’s go out of here, –said Cathy having calmed down a little and pulled herself together. They came up to the motorcycle together. Bill was surprised how easily she, being not already a very young woman, has picked a quiet heavy machine up. Having sat conveniently she nodded offering Bill to take a back sit. Bill agreed eagerly. In a couple of minutes they were on a spacious lawn in front of the house. When they stopped they saw that all the dwellers of the house have gathered on the patio.

— Aren’t you sleeping, waiting for somebody?-asked Cathy with assumed strictness.

The people got bewildered, not understanding if she was really joking.-Everyone, to bed, –she went on in the same tone, then added smiling, –Sorry to wake you all up, but the circumstances have required urgent intervention.-The people present didn’t know how to react and stayed on the patio. Having estimated the situation, Cathy understood she needed to take drastic measures to stir them up. Listen to my command, as you won’t manage to fall asleep so easily, I offer you to move all together to the living room and let’s have a couple of drinks of whatever you want. Is it clear to you? The people nodded and started going slowly.

Cathy gave a wink to Bill fervently.-Oh, I’ve had them! Well, you see, they are standing and looking at the woman in a nightgown.-Bill smiled.

— M-am let me ask you what has happened anyway.

— You are asking me what has happened! I’m looking through the window and see my dear Bill try to throw himself off the bridge, and you are still asking me what has happened after all that.

— M-am I didn’t mean to throw myself off, I was just standing and looking at the water, but how could you see that?-Bill asked being surprised sincerely.


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