In your capable hands is the first edition of the Book of Fairy Tales, written with ChatGPT and created with DALL-E, a programs connected through protocols to the supercomputer of Open AI. I met him this March, thanks to the buzz surrounding the topic of Artificial Intelligence, when in ten paragraphs he told me about the fantastic planet FANTAZIA-I. At the same time another Telegram bot appeared, which based on the generated text, was able to depict amazing views of this Planet. Look at a digest of news about generative AI and everything that appealed to me:
A month later, I turned the public into BRATMABAND AI NIMATION Studio, where, having bought a platinum subscription, I hired three Artificial Intelligences: two artists and one Dynamic Generator. The Neuronet repeatedly admitted to me that it liked to create fairy tales. And now, we have the first book of its Fairy Tales before us!
No matter how we treat AI, looking at masterpieces created specifically with DALL-E Vermeer, Dali, Bosch, Little Dutchmen, Florentines, Malevich, Vasnetsov, and others whom it apparently learned from, nervously smoke on the sidelines.
Soon I connected the standard rate, which allows recognizing what is in the picture, and describing it with text. It began to tell me about these unimaginable paintings, and upon my request to tell a tale about what it sees, it devised a fairy tale. Spelling and punctuation are intentionally preserved. Translation from Russian — With ChatGPT;) The electronic version is in color, and in my opinion more powerful than the black-and-white printed version, yet the latter also has its own charm. This Book is NFT. Hope, you will find it on