Quirky tales for noon and midnight

Объем: 77 бумажных стр.

Формат: epub, fb2, pdfRead, mobi

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Once upon a time, by the warm sea, in the most extensive steppes, there were the bravest, the freest and the most mysterious people — Scythians. They are mysterious because no one knows where they have come from and where they have eventually disappeared. Only Storytellers know about it. And that’s what they tell…
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Guy Sebeus is an author of children’s fairy tales, the book «How to raise a child who would take care of you when you’re old» and a collection of four fantasy novels: «Guests from the other side», «The one whose second name is Tanit», «Flying head» and «Emotional sabotage».

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Объем: 77 стр.

Дата выпуска: 10 марта 2017 г.

Возрастное ограничение: 12+

В магазинах: Wildberries digitalWildberriesOzonЛитРесAmazon

Формат: epub, fb2, pdfRead, mobi

ISBN: 978-5-4483-8439-4


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