Vlad Rekovski

Книги автора

Об авторе

Vlad Rekovski was born in 1969 in the South Ural in a provincial town near Chelyabinsk. He grew up in the forest in the family of a forester in the Ilmensk State Reserve named after Lenin V.I. In 1986 he graduated from a rural high school in the village of Novaya-Andreevka. From 1987 to 1999 he served in the ranks of the armed forces of the USSR. Vlad was demobilized with the rank of senior sergeant of the Sivash Rapid Deployment Division. He was a member of the peace mission in Nagorno-Karabakh. In 1993 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Ural State Forest and Technical University in the city of Sverdlovsk, which is now called Yekaterinburg. In the late 90s, Vlad became a successful businessman at the age of 24, combining his studies with entrepreneurship. But in 1994 his family moved to live in Germany due to his father’s illness. How is his future fate developing? — read on the pages of this book.

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