Об авторе

Lana Ignatieva is a psychotherapist, psychotronicist. Social researcher, bioenergy researcher. My passion for esotericism began in early childhood. One day, when I was three years old, I came up to my mother and said: — I will be a famous psychologist. — How do you know? — Mom asked. — I know! I will help people. That’s how it all started. And it still continues… I am writing a scientific work called «Sun Swing» about the method of healing with solar energy through the retina and am engaged in psychotherapeutic practices. I was told that one great scientist tried to describe this method, but all the information disappeared in a fire in the Vatican library. The idea of my first book, «Gogol’s Ghost,» «appeared» to me quite naturally, and in this I do not see any influence of the so-called mystical force. People destined from Above help me in my endeavors. One of them is here and now editing the manuscript with me. In my family there are four grandmothers and great-grandmothers — seers and healers. One of them, Anisya, gave me a gift when I was in first grade. I love traveling, and mostly it’s temples, monasteries and holy places. I am immensely grateful to study at RUDN University, which gave me powerful knowledge for healing my soul and body.