EcoNoospherica. Russia of the future

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Love is a dream, the energy of life and inspiration. It is a wonderful feeling, pleasant emotions and expectation of the best — faith in a happy future. To follow a dream means to go into the future. To walk into the Light of your dreams means to see a landmark in the Darkness of the spiritual world. Following the dream of making your country the best in the world together with all Russian citizens means taking care of the happiness of every person in society.

The EcoNoospherica project is an eternal engine of spiritual progress that opens up limitless possibilities for exploring the astral universe and the spiritual world.

The problems of the spiritual development of mankind have been neglected for too long, and it is time to admit that this is unacceptable.

Russia was the first to challenge the immoral values of the West and Europe by banning LGBT propaganda (the LGBT movement, whose activities are recognized as extremist and banned in the territory of the Russian Federation), and this is only the first step into the environmentally friendly information space of the future.

In the interactive future of Russia, the EcoNoospherica project will serve as the main reference point for the development of environmentally friendly information technologies that will help people become kinder and happier.

In the future, EcoNoospherica technologies will play a huge role in everyone’s daily life. All devices will be connected to a single system that unites all ecologists of the Noosphere, which will allow them to exchange data and information. This will make it possible to create more effective and convenient systems, such as «my spiritual world», which will automatically adapt to the needs and preferences of a person, select friends and interest partners, maintain a favorable psycho-emotional mood, warn about the danger of nervous tension and promote spiritual development by providing access to environmentally friendly information.

The EcoNoospherica wristwatch will be equipped with a built-in GPS navigator and an alarm button. When the button is pressed, a call for help will be sent to all nearby devices and to the rescue service.


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