Dynamic temporary physics

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Fig. 1 Live long and prosper. And God grant to you happiness, health, love and the peace sky over a head!

Kazakhstan. Pavlodar. It is the third edition with rectifyings and small additions 2017.

      I here, and not here.

     I always, and when.

    I was, and I was not.

   The answer and question.

  Who also that.




“Laws of an origin and development of the Universe or the New Dynamic temporary physics and its formulas”

Asadov Valery Abdullovich — the engineer on automation and complex mechanisation of himiko-technological processes. Scientific degrees and ranks are not present.

1. The New Dynamic temporary physics (further, Н.Д.В.Ф or Д is created. Century Ф). In Н. Д. В.Ф time, space and a substance are interconnected together in a single whole. Feature Н. Д. Century Ф that at any formulas obviously or implicitly bindingly there should be time function. On this bottom the new classification of fundamental particles consisting of five particles, a proton, an electron, a quantum, нейтрино (two views нейтрино) and excited particles (a neutron, leptons, mesons and baryons) is created. There are two more particles it айперон and планкеон, from айперона there was our Universe, and планкеон existed only to 1 second And is now applied only in calculations.

2. The problem of the latent mass in an aggregation of galaxies (the solution of a dark substance) which speaks untrue definition of distances to aggregations of galaxies is solved. Distances are spotted at use of a stationary value of Hubble. The value accepted now of 67,8 km/s on Mps. And it depends on (accepted) age of the Universe 2,196*10—18 sek-1 or 14,4*109 years. Exact and real age of the Universe of 291 604 086 700 years, and value Hubble’s stationary value = 3,3236 km/s of Mps.

3. Also the Quantum geophysics of the Earth which explains the parent of expansion of the Earth, and also small quantity of a departure нейтрино from the Sun is created. Besides, the new effect of “temporary flaw of masses of 1st and 2nd sort”, similar to kernel flaw of masses is revealed, but on 2—3 orders is more powerful and softer on the action. Temporary flaw of masses of 1st sort arises at travel of particles, masses of substance and bodies on radius from centre of masses. And temporary flaw of masses of 2nd sort arises, at time course, mass of substance, a substance decreases and transmuted into energy. Which warms our planet. It also is energy of time. The deduction of the formula of constant Avogadro, and calculation of its value is created. On the basis of Н. Д. Century Ф possibility of exact calculation of all parametres of our Universe is gained. The given calculation is made from a Universe birth till today and for 500 billion years forward. The complete set of formulas Н is created. Д. Century Ф, is tables №2 and 3 which allows to solve set of problems of a modern physics. Lack of major explosion and сингулярности, and constant expansion of the Universe is proved.


The dynamic temporary physics is a part to “time Metaphysics”, as well as all other books of the author.

Time metaphysics is new, fuller and the main thing a complete pattern of our world, its device, its origin and its laws, and ours in it existence. All three books the author (the fourth book “Women and Absurdity laws” actually is a part the first books, it is simply oozed in the separate book only for convenience of some readers) show as there was our world, under what laws he lives and exists and that charges it.

1. “The dynamic temporary physics” — opens as there was a Universe (a physical part), what physical laws in it are. Is responsible for the material and physical part to time Metaphysics.

2. “Matrix” (from the first book) — opens our world as holographic and virtual simultaneously (that is дуалистический), and shows and explains as we live and we exist simultaneously in the material and virtual world (in the computer in the form of files). For the past, present and future, and also for a karma and fate. And also for understanding of theology. Answers a computer part to time Metaphysics.

3. “Information” (from the first book) — is responsible for a management of the Matrix, the information, libraries and knowledge bases. Also is responsible for filling of the whole world by the information and control over the information in Metaphysics of times.

4. “The formula and a reason constant” (from the first book) — opens and creates possibility of occurrence of reason at only. Shows a variety quantity and quality of views of reason. Is responsible for a rationality of all in Metaphysics of times.

5. “Thoughts aloud” (from the first book) — opens the universe supreme laws which dominate over all other laws and which open as these laws operate. Also show the present and real world, instead of those illusions which all of us see and we accept for the present. Is responsible for philosophy and the supreme laws in Metaphysics of times.

6. “Performances of objects” (from the first book) — the world of objects, interaction between objects opens, performances of objects. Is responsible for the world of objects and the world of fashions of objects and figurative thinking in Metaphysics of times.

7. The book “Management of the healer” — opens some aspects of magic, interaction with elements, religion. Is responsible for a magic making part to time Metaphysics.

The metaphysics of times unites a science, religion, magic, live and lifeless together in the uniform complete organic world.


1. There are some views of physics. In our case (and presently) one was (classical), another is, the third comes. There are some views of physics. In our case (and presently) in 5th race of people — one was (classical), another is, the third comes, the fourth will be (metaphysics). The representative of fourth (metaphysics) already was in the end of 19 and in the beginning of 20 centuries it is Nikolay Tesla. It have very much treated badly, and it is natural its operations not absolutely understood, and then, and now. Because it not that (not absolutely that) the physicist for which accepted it and now accept. The metaphysics is physics + magic. Metaphysics people of 3 and 4 races, лемурийцы and атланты in full owned. It is that crystal (at Atlantov) about which all heard, just and was one of metaphysics tools. Ernest Muldashev the General director of “the All-Russia centre of eye and plastic surgery” in travelings across India. In search of tracks of 3 and 4 races, has found out in one monastery the cylinder (precisely I do not remember the sizes) about metre in diameter and 1,5 in length. On both extremities of the cylinder 4 incurvated plates to centre. He has asked that this such, to it have answered that do not know, but that monk whom recently have expelled from library in a monastery, should know it. And when have asked this monk he has answered what exactly this subject handled mountains (formed). And it was the operating tool. It filled with mental energy and drived it on distance. Мулдашев in Tibet saw the mountains handled by this tool and enormous stone mirrors. Before which (time Mirrors) people very promptly grew old and died. But the metaphysics is very dangerous subject. To metaphysics the person should be ready spiritually, it should be “the person reasonable”. The knowledge of physics gives the chance its application in techniques and lives, facilitating it, but also it and a guillotine, a colt, tanks, guns, a cyclone, crematoriums and gas cabinets. But the magic, its knowledge and possibilities, its application, allocate the person with arrogance and consciousness of the unknown power. Than also have suffered, most likely, Atlanta and Lemurijtsy, it can be and there was one of the parents of their slope. Knowingly east the trajectory, suggests to create and bring up at first spirituality in the person (its spiritual pole) but only then to give it knowledge! Two occupations strongly influence mankind. These are physicists and physicians. Physicians face every day people, and mankind health depends on them. And on physicists depends the future mankind. Therefore it is necessary to plot them with the account on mercy and spirituality. In the program their training is necessary to add one more year. And to include disciplines — Drevneju history, culture, ethnography, a small part of archeology and paleontology, a bottom of philosophy of oriental combat sports (instead of physical culture) and meditations. And also small practice (excavation). Visiting of museums and centres of the historical and cultural importance for mankind. Such as the Egyptian pyramids, Osventsim and Buhenvald. That they have understood that the major importance and value has not only their life, but also life of other people.

2. That the odds, between a modern physics and dynamic physics were visible. I cite the accepted numerical data on the Cosmology and given gained by the author on the basis of dynamic physics.

Table №1.

2.1 Also see what odds between a modern physics and dynamic temporary physics. In НДВФ all value are given and exact, and in a modern physics “Can be so, or about it” or “it is possible, probably such”. Exact the modern physics can give value only to that sees directly before itself, and only. It not the irony, or a sneer, is reality and the fact! Where from it you will get to.

2.2. [] is whence this data, the author, the edition, year, page is taken. These are references to pages on the Internet and other authors.

2.3. To dilate concept about constants. There are constants stationary values, and there are constants variables in time.

Constants variables in time, it:

2.3.1. The Universe mass (is incremented), and the proton and electron mass (decreases).

2.3.2. Constant Avogadro and Boltsmana — decrease.

2.3.3. Radiuses of the Universe, a proton, an electron — are incremented.

2.3.4. The density of the Universe, a proton, an electron — decrease.

2.3.5. The mass of a virtual particle of vacuum, density of energy of vacuum, acceleration vacuum pushing away, an absolute acceleration, Hubble’s stationary value — decrease.

3. General laws. These are the supreme laws which are above other laws and render, the influence also influence on them.

3.1. The higher views of laws, it those laws which are present at any sciences (physicists, psychology, biology, chemistry and others), in a live and lifeless view though the lifeless shape of life actually too is live, in not which sort. These are Absurdity laws, the Balance law concerns it such views: “it is necessary to pay For all” and “If that that you gain very much it will be much taken away another”. An example of it: If you gain a lot of pleasure a lot of health will be taken away, either mind, or good luck, either creativity, or life term is shortened. The law of Acceptance and the Golden section law, concern the golden section law and following laws enter into it:

And. Left, not equivalently right.

.The same force guided every which way (direction) is not identical.

Century the Same force guided to spirals of a different direction (view) is not identical.

Time measured at various times are not identical (not equally).

Absurdity and Balance laws and their activity, are detailed, stated in books “Women and Absurdity laws”, and partially the law “the golden section law”.

3.2. Principal views of laws and formulas of subjects and sciences.

It those laws which physicists, mathematicians, chemistry and other sciences are. These views of laws, are the cores in the field sciences. These laws should be very simple on the structure, the shape and a view, instead of organic laws should be difficult on the structure and the shape. So private effects, the phenomena and laws look. In it and their basic difference.

3.3. There are private laws, the phenomena, and effects which exist in very restricted requirements.


Fig. 2. An office of the researcher and the true finder.

The good information is difficult for extracting. To make with it something — it is even more difficult.


In the dynamic temporary physics there are black holes of three views:

1 view. The major Universe, and also the next Universe which are in the Major Universe. The parallel Universe it as the nested dolls, one in one, but is one radical Universe, and other parallel are cloned on the radical. The parallel worlds are the restricted field of the Universe formed by a ramification of events in time (with time lag on 1 сек from the basic field), from radical field. This field restricted to star system (for example Solar).

2 view. The black holes of the star sizes gained from the former stars.

3 view. Fundamental particles: апейрон, планкеон, a proton, an electron. Neutrons and the others a particle: leptons, mesons, baryons are excited particles. Except a quantum and нейтрино (two views).

In НДВФ, instead of Lorentz transformation laws, Viktorialnoe the transformation linking time, space and a substance together in a single whole and indivisible is used.

Under this formula it is visible, as there is time partitioning. If to take a major and massive body, for example, the Earth the is more subcentral the Earth, the time, for three orders more slowly flows. On depth from a surface of 1670 km time 0,75 сек, on depth of 3188 km 0,5 сек, and on depth of 5733 km 0,1 seconds Thus when on depth of 3188 km will transit 1 сек on a surface will transit already 2 seconds And when on depth 5733 will transit 1 сек on a surface there will transit already 10 seconds Also, in Н. Д. Century Ф is said that the proton changes the mass eventually under the formula

The formula 1. A viktorialnaja stationary value.

The formula 2. A temporary relation.

Under the same formula it is possible to calculate age of the Universe, and, on the contrary, on the given time of the Universe to learn, what mass of a proton was at that time.

Label of quantities to formulas (1) and (2):

ml — mass планкеона, equal 1,539*10—5 gramme under the formula:

mp — proton mass. Планкеон is the proton in due course decreasing in mass,

Tm — age of the Universe — time during which планкеон — the proton changes the mass,

Tgr— 1 сек — time of section of metrics of space, time and a substance. It not the casual boundary of time, at it is still properties and effects,

g — the gravity constant equal of 6, 6719677*10—8 sm3 / г*сек2,

c — light speed, h — a Dirac constant,

R — body radius, distance to a point of measuring of time,

r — Gravitational radius of a body. When R — the body radius becomes less р time becomes subzero,

a — Viktorialnaja a stationary value equal of 1, 4711*109 gramm*sek/sm2,

v — Velocity, M — body Mass.

As a result of these two formulas “temporary flaw of masses of 1st and 2nd sort” comes to light. If the substance, for example magma, starts to rise with depth on a surface the proton starts to decrease in mass. Change of mass of one proton when it rises on a surface from depth of 1670 km and age of this stratum in 3,750 billion years from occurrence of the Earth, is equal 7,2*10—27 gramme either 6,47104*10—13 J. Or 4,03821 MeV or 1,5456*10—16 kcal. These phenomena are applicable to any planet or a star. The Universe germ is апейрон, terrain clearancely neutral, stable and long-living particle, from it arises the Universe (when it is necessary). Its mass is similar to mass планкеона. Планкеон is truly neutral particle which arises from айперона (contain with антипланкеон, it is the Antiuniverse) and there are only, to 1 сек, demarcations of metrics. After one second it already becomes a proton, and gradually changes the mass and density, they decrease, and here its radius is incremented. The proton mass how much decreases, the Universe mass is so incremented.

Formulas with 1 to 20 authors, and with 21 and further it is used formulas from different radiants and fields of knowledge and different sections of sciences.

Table №2. Formulas of dynamic temporary physics.

Table №3. Formulas of dynamic temporary physics.

Table №4. The formulas applied from different radiants.

Table №4. The formulas applied from different radiants. Continuation.

Tables №5 and 6.

Radiant of receipt of energy and substance the exterior. An accretion, usual effect of black holes.

Table №7—8. Parametres of a stationary value of Hubble, Avogadro. Table №8. Parametres of mass, density and quantity of protons


Fig. 3. Dialogue of scientists, usual. Very active.

Systems of the Universe. Here it is told, how has occurred and under what laws the Universe lives and develops. Also the gradual and consecutive deduction of all applied formulas in the dynamic physics is in detail shown. There is a major Universe, it too a black hole, but already at other level, to us yet the accessible. Systems of the Universe. Here it is told, how has occurred and under what laws the Universe lives and develops. Also the gradual and consecutive deduction of all applied formulas in the dynamic physics is in detail shown. In it is sets of the next Universe. And in each such Universe there are parallel Universe. From the next Universe, it is impossible to move, from one in another. And in each such Universe, is the parallel Universe. In the parallel Universe there is a possibility to transfer from one in another. How the parallel Universe are gained. At a Universe birth two Universe are formed, one in another, differ only with signs. There the proton has a sign a minus, and an electron a plus-sign, that is it is the Antiuniverse. After 1 second from a Universe birth, there is a change of physical laws, metrics space and time. It проваляется as well that the Universe has a reason. It is 6th view of reason individually — quantitative. It is the highest view of reason. In more details all it is stated in operation “the Law and the formula of occurrence of reason”. And then there are cloning, parallel Universe. And the parallel worlds arise because of a fork of events and time. They arise in very restricted space, and differ that some historical events at them have gone on other trajectory. And separates it from our world, that time lags behind ours for 1 second. It is a barrier of time us separating.

Fig. 4. So our Universe in the Major Universe looks.

And the next Universe, the perpetual quantity. But we will study, and to be unmade only from our Universe, to it of all just 291,6 billion years. And still it is necessary to tell that in the major Universe, are also germs of the Universe. Such small particles (egg of the Universes), it is Apejron. At it mass only 1,539*10—5 gramme. Them there uncountable set. And from each such particle one Universe, with the whole heap subsequently, the parallel Universe can be born. And when one of them (Апейрон) gains a command on insert (a Universe birth). Апейрон is terrain clearancely neutral particle. After start it is parted on two, truly neutral particles — планкеон and антипланкеон, one in other, occupy one, and too space, but are parted by time — plus and subzero. That is two Universes occupying one, and too space, as though enclosed one in another. Планкеон, after a birth, starts to yield similar under the reproduction law. Cloning, till 1 second. But it does not mean infringements of the law of conservation of energy and a substance. Energy and a substance arrive, is continuous from the major Universe. An accretion of black holes. Simultaneously creating particles, space and time, therefore also there was no need and necessities in сингулярности and major explosion. That is, time there was a substance appears both space and time. The reference point is. There is a Universe centre, whence there is an expansion from centre to Universe edge. Our Universe is not so perpetual, as it is accepted to think. Because it a small slice of such Major Perpetual Universe.

Under the formula (10)

The formula 10. Dependence of mass of a proton on Universe mass.

The Universe and proton mass is interconnected, the mass a proton the Universe mass is so incremented how much decreases. The constant — g, is a constant, product of masses of a proton and the Universe =3,10803*1033 грамм^2

=Tgr=1 second is one and too value,

Мо — Universe mass. =1,857*1057 gramme. — ml mass планкеона (proton) — 1,539*10—5 gramme.

Dirac constant. A c-velocity of light.

Time of a birth of the Universe. t=7,6234*10—44 second

Gravity constant. y=6,6719677*10—8 sm^3/грамм*сек^2

g — a reproduction constant. =3,10803*1033 грамм^2

T — the Age of the Universe pays off under the formula — (2),

mp — proton mass — 1,672*10—24 gramme.

At first планкеоны are manifolded, without changing the mass and the sizes, but it only till 1st second after a birth. After 1 second of the formula of physics change. Mass reduction планкеона under the formula (2) it already from now on begins there is a proton, and also its density decreases and its radius is incremented. To 1 сек, from the moment of a Universe birth there was only one type of particles is планкеоны, others were not any (планкеон it is conventional as though a proton + an electron). About 1 second планкеоны were transmuted into protons and electrons, and also there was one more type of a particle is an excited particle — a neutron and other particles (all particles existing now leptons, mesons, baryons, it is one excited particle, only differently raised). The proton began to decrease in mass with Ml=1,539*10—5 gramme to Mp=1,672*10—24 gramme, and will decrease further as electrons and excited particles decrease in mass. The Universe represents “a black hole”, therefore the formula represents its radius.

The radius formula black holes. Involved.

R — the Radius black holes, is radius of our Universe.

M — Mass of our Universe. g — gravity constant.

With — Light speed.

Our Universe has the ball shape, bidimensional sphere. It has a clear boundary, the accurate sizes, certain mass which is constantly incremented. And the substantive provision is that our Universe is “a black hole” in the major Universe, and that “black holes” are also fundamental particles. Also that “black holes” this normal, natural and daily phenomenon in the physicist of our life.

And if we take the density formula p=M/V, we will substitute there radius black holes in volume we will gain the first cosmological formula (relation).

What is that the Universe density depends only on one quantity, from masses of the Universe and does not depend on volume and radius. And if in this formula to substitute

(21) we will gain the second cosmological relation, where density where the density depends only on Universe radius.

The formula 21. Mass планкеона. Involved.

The second cosmological relation where the Universe density depends on Universe radius.

Further we substitute instead of radius the velocity increased for time,

Further we substitute instead of radius the velocity increased for time,

That we will gain the third cosmological relation through time where the Universe density depends only on age of the Universe.

Density of the Universe expressed through a stationary value of Hubble, we will gain if in

The third cosmological relation. Universe density through age of the Universe.

The formula (5). We will substitute instead of time Hubble’s stationary value — T=1/H the formula (23):

The density of the Universe expressed through a stationary value of Hubble.

Universe density expressed through Hubble’s stationary value, or otherwise critical density of the Universe.

Also that interesting this formula is terrain clearance is identical to the formula of critical density of the Universe gained absolutely some other way. The formula (another) of critical density of the Universe

I will give a deduction of this formula in a modern physics that to you it was clear and clear, odds in a procedure of the approach and thinking of a modern physics and Н. Д. V.F.Iz of the book of Novikova. И.Д. “Universe Evolution”

“It is simple to spot this critical value of density. Really, it is known that escape velocity for M ball in mass registers the following an expedient: v = √ 2*g*M/R.


Substituting in (13) expressions for mass M = ρ*4/3 * π*R3, and instead of velocity v=H*R, we find H*R = √ (8*g * π/3) * ρR2, or, expressing from here density ρ,


So, critical value medial densities in the Universe depends on Hubble’s Н=75 Hubble N.Pri’s stationary value of a stationary value кмсек*Мпс, for critical density is gained ρ =10 g/sm*10—29”

Аналгичной that formula which we have gained in dynamic physicists. The Universe it “a black hole”. Also we will start to apply this formula actively. I cite, for involuntary acknowledgement of thoughts of the author:

“The radius of Shvartsshilda of the sphere uniformly filled with substance with density which is equal to critical density, coincides with radius of the observable Universe”

If in Newton’s F=m*a formula (43) we will substitute m→Mo, and instead of F→Flim a force side-altar, instead of

Light speed, деленную on the doubled age Installed. Involved.

(24) light speed, деленную on the doubled age Installed. That we will gain the formula the Power relation (17).

The formula of the Power relation (17).

We take a limit of force from article “a force Limit” (18)

The formula of the Limit of force (18)

Also we will join these two formulas in one — (20),

The formula 20.

The first cosmological relation. The formula (3)

And also we take the formula (3),

The formula планкеона (21). Involved

And the formula планкеона (21).

Let’s join and will substitute, we will gain the formula (10).

The formula (10)

Where, as well as it was said that the Universe mass depends on proton mass, the the proton mass more decreases, the the Universe mass is more incremented. If to use thought of Dirac that quantity of protons N=Mo/Mp (18) that we will gain. That is, knowing proton mass in time of age of the Universe necessary to us, we can always calculate quantity of protons in all our Universe during this time necessary to us. If we take Newton’s formula

Newton’s formula.

And formulas (13), () we will gain the formula of an absolute acceleration (15).

The formula of an absolute acceleration (15).

And if instead of mass we will substitute a first cosmological relation (3),

First cosmological relation (3),

That we will gain (16) — an absolute acceleration expressed through density of the Universe.

The absolute acceleration formula, expressed through Universe density.

Time of a birth of the Universe it is gained, if in the formula (6)

The fourth cosmological relation. The formula (6)

Mass планкеона (21),

The formula of a birth of the Universe (8).

We never will get to the next Universe, because absolutely other physical both chemical processes and laws there proceed. There time proceed differently. When our Universe and Anti — the Universe, one in one, and terrain clearancely exact copy each other for ever was born. It планкеон and антипланкеон. But they are not the parallel Universe and even if we will get there there will be an annihilation us. There is one radical and main Universe for all time existence of this Universe. The parallel Universe, arise for examination of the same processes, in different variants. That is many variants same are gained. It as in chess, was put, let us assume, by 1 000 000 chessboards. Have started to play a main board, have made one course. The opponent has made a reciprocal course. When have made the second course on a main board and on several others, have made different variants of possible second courses. The opponent has made a reciprocal course on a main board, following boards with possible variants of reciprocal courses on other boards have started to be connected. And so all goes further. It is much more parallel worlds than the parallel Universe. Parallel the worlds are the worlds which are in one Universe, in one strictly spotted and a restricted place but which are separated from each other by the Temporary wall. We take for an example, we will admit our Solar system. There is a fork of events and time offset, and here then there is a parallel world. Where all as at us and history, languages, the people, religions, but thanking a fork of events, there are copyings of our world (more precisely cloning). Which is in the same place and space.

Fig. 5. But for 1 second, lags behind the radical.

But for 1 second, lags behind the radical. Here thus also there are parallel worlds. We can get there different trajectories, through portals. Portals exist everywhere, and on our planet also, in set of different places. In some countries, there are certain terrains where constantly there are not clear animals, and substances. Which scientists (under the description of numerous eyewitnesses) cannot spot that it for the animal. Though descriptions of eyewitnesses are exact, and coincide peakly in details. In particular it is observed in England. From the parallel worlds things very often get to our world and subjects which are terrain clearance, identical to ours. But there is one, very small difference where that, or the performance which in our subject be simple cannot. There are portals of three views. Portals in the parallel Worlds and portals in Time (in the past and future). But I will disappoint many themes that “time loop” is not present, it simply cannot exist. Neither it is impossible to change the past, nor the future, how, to whom, and under no circumstances. Expansion occurs strictly from Universe centre to edges, and from each other. And back it is impossible to tell! All galaxies run up from one centre, and all have the velocity разбегания, expressed through Hubble’s relations. But besides, they have also an absolute acceleration of scattering, which as Hubble’s stationary value, has quantity identical to all galaxies. And thus they decrease on quantity with the years the Universe. Now absoluteness of acceleration a=1,6339*10 ^*10—9 cm/sek^2, constant Habbla=3,3236 of km/s on Mps.

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